单词 | tag ... on |
释义 |
第三人称单数:tags on 现在分词:tagging on 过去式:tagged on 例句释义: 标签,把……附加在后面,你第一次使用新卡 1. " I held up the back of my shirt collar, revealing the tag. On it was the name of that very clothing company and the words " wrinkle-free. 我举起我的衬衣领的后面,露出标签,上面有厂商的公司名和“免熨”字样。 www.nbradio.com 2. notes, posted reminders, labels There was a tag on the door that told us it was a gentleman's bathroom. 在门上有一个标记,告诉我们这里是一位绅士的洗手间。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. All the complex table row and cell creation code is replaced with a single set of the innerHTML of a tag on the page. 所有创建复杂表行和单元格的代码被替换为页面中标记的一组简单的innerHTML。 www.ibm.com 4. By being specific about what we wanted, we were able to put a price tag on each of our goals. 在明确了什么是我们想要的以后,就能给每个目标表个价码了。 www.bing.com 5. But try as Madam might to make you feel at home and welcome, the price tag on her hospitality may make you wince. 但是尽管这家餐馆努力营造一种宾至如归的感觉,其热情好客背后的高价格让却令人敬而远之。 cn.wsj.com 6. Today you can only use existing folksonomies or create a tag on the fly, which may not be consistent with the Star Trek-specific taxonomy. 目前,您只能使用现有的大众分类法或动态地创建标记,它们可能与特定于StarTrek的分类法不一致。 www.ibm.com 7. But in part to avoid putting an astronomical price tag on this plan, the Administration doesn't necessarily fix loans for the long term. 但是,或许未来避免将天文数字的标价打在这个救助计划上,因此政府没有必要对长期贷款进行修订。 blog.163.com 8. At the same time the price tag on gathering genetic data is now much lower than it used to be. 同时对搜集的基因数据标价现在远远低于过去。 www.ecocn.org 9. Its just a case of editing the tag on a page. 它只是编辑页面的标签而已。 www.bing.com 10. He is such a hick , he forgot to cut off the price tag on his new hat! 他真是个乡巴佬,在戴新帽子时竟然忘了把上面的价签剪掉。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Some people thought Google was leaving the "beta" tag on the Gmail logo as a joke, a nod to its prankish birthday. 一些人认为谷歌将“测试版”标签留在Gmail标志旁是一个玩笑,呼应它自身的愚人节生日。 dongxi.net 2. There was a name tag on her right lapel, but I couldn't make out what it said because of the sweat stinging my eyes. 在她右边的翻领子上,虽然有个名字签,但看不见上面到底写的什么,因为汗水粘住了我的眼睛。 preferpoker.com 3. Next time you wake me, he better be so close to dead, there's a tag on his toe. 下次你再叫醒我,他最好已经快死了,最好他腿上还有个标签。 www.tingclass.net 4. It came when Ford decided to retreat from Formula One and put an acceptable price tag on its Jaguar team. 而当福特决定退出F1,并为捷豹车队提出了一个能让人接受的价码时,机会来了。 f1.sports.sohu.com 5. Then you embed it in an tag on your Web page and provide a URL for the XML data feed. 然后将其嵌入到Web页面的标记中并将URL提供给XML数据摘要。 www.ibm.com 6. Highlight the commandButton tag on the left side of the editor and click the Up button repeatedly to move it to the top of the list of tags. 强调显示编辑器左边的命令按钮标签,并重复点击Up按钮,以将其移动到标签列表的顶部。 www.ibm.com 7. Mr. Tsuyuzaki declined to put a price tag on that help, but said estimates of about $25 million were "in the ballpark. " 露崎先生拒绝给他所提供的帮助标价,但是他说大概往这个“球场”里扔了两千五百万美元。 www.bing.com 8. President Bush put a billion price tag on a down payment for the war. 布什总统在这场战争上下了750亿美元的赌注。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Young adults would use paint in special cans to spray their "tag" on walls and train cars around the city. 年轻人使用装在特制罐子的颜料,把代表自己的“标签”喷洒在城市墙体和车厢上。 www.kekenet.com 10. You use the parameter tag on content-node elements to set the meta data, as shown in Listing 3. 您可以在content-node元素上使用parameter标记来设置元数据,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 1. Then the cop asks , well , did you know that the tag on your license plate is expired ? 于是警察又问,那么,你知道你的车牌照上的标签已过期了吗?。 www.bing.com 2. When you look into it, it's really amazing how it works. And it's fairly elementary as well: We put a price tag on sex. 当你深入研究它时,你会发现它的运行确实令人惊奇,而且还非常的简单:我们给性行为挂上一个价格标签。 www.bing.com 3. The existing tag on CustomerServicePool can be replaced with the code shown in Listing 14. 可以将CustomerServicePool上的现有标记替换为清单14中所示的代码。 www.ibm.com 4. Make sure you line up the zipper with your tag on the sweatshirt so that it is centered. 确保了您的标签的运动衫,以便它为中心的拉链你行。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A small blue leather case, with my name tag on the top and my personnel stuff inside. 是一个很小的兰色的皮箱.上面有我的姓名贴.里面是我的私人用品。 www.bing.com 6. We no longer look at Europe and the U. S. as our main markets, and other markets [like Asia] as tag-on markets or secondary markets. 我们不能再将欧洲和美国看作主要市场,将其他市场(如亚洲市场)看作是附属市场或二级市场。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The Navy has not put a price tag on what future production aircraft might cost. 美国海军尚未为将来的量产飞机给出定价。 c.wsj.com 8. Put your driver's license and your medical insurance card (in case you get injured) in your pocket or wear an ID tag on your shoe. 把你的驾照和医疗保险卡(万一你受伤了)放在口袋里或者在你鞋子上贴张ID标签。 www.bing.com 9. In a demonstration, she tapped the phone against a tag on a store poster offering a 20 percent discount at American Eagle. 在演示中,她把手机冲着商店海报上的一个AmericanEagle八折折扣标签晃了一下。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The company has not yet put a price tag on the field kits. 该公司还没有提出现场工具包的价签。 www.suiniyi.com 1. LOTO also includes applying a warning tag on the physical limiting device . this document the authorized lots personnel and the date. LOTO也包括在物理限制的装置上使用警告性标签,授权使用LOTO的人员的文档和日期。 www.kuaiyilin.com 2. Typically, RTLS providers report location data for each tag on a predetermined time interval. 通常,RTLS提供者按照一个事先确定的时间间隔报告每个标记的位置数据。 www.ibm.com 3. If you took apart the plastic anti-theft tag on a DVD case, you'd find a thin piece of metallic glass that looks like aluminum foil. 如果你把一个DVD盒上的塑料防盗标签拆下来,你将会发现看起来像铝箔的一层很薄的金属玻璃。 www.bing.com 4. He urged designers "to place a cute, educational caution tag on all bags to inform of potential neck and shoulder dangers. " 他建议设计师们“在所有的包里加上一个可爱的‘温馨提示’标签,以提示女性朋友注意颈部和肩部健康。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. "It's one of a kind, " Williams said, refusing to reveal the price tag on the blined-out ticker. “这是一个一类,”威廉姆斯说,拒绝透露售价就blinged出的股票。 www.yoho.cn 6. Try to convince donors to give you a couple thousand dollars to glue a satellite tag on the back of penguins. 这是为了使捐款者给你几千美金把一个卫星标记贴在企鹅背部。 www.ted.com 7. Some templates include a preset in the tag on the business card printing and membership card making tag. 一些模版包含不事后撤销在标记图上的制卡和会员卡制息标记。 www.bing.com 8. Another area where it exceeds the Thunderbolt is on price. Verizon has a $300 price tag on the phone with a two-year contract. 它在价格方面也胜过了Thunderbolt。Verizon公布的售价是300美元在网两年。 www.bing.com 9. Tag on the ASP. NET page, as shown in the following code example. 如下面的代码示例所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Dad: There isn't a tag on his face. How do you know? 他脸上又没标签。你怎么知道的? meilancici.blogcn.com 1. SELL PLANTSSelete the plant that you want to sell and click the Sell button, which will place a sale tag on the pot. 出售植物选择你想出售的植物,并点击“Sell”按钮,将会把一个出售标签挂在花盆上。 baoku.yunduan.cn 2. Customer A: Hi. I would like to buy this, but there is no price tag on its shelf. Could you please check for me before checking out? 顾客A:你好。我想要买这个东西,但是在它的货架上没有价格标签。你能在结账前帮我查一下价格吗? wenwen.soso.com 3. The Bentley Mulsanne starts at $300, 000, but who can put a price tag on the amount of ass you can pull in this thing? 本特利Mulsanne始于300000美元,但谁可以把价格标签的数量驴子,你可把在这件事? 08062788.blog.163.com 4. P router (LSR) the use of top-level tag on the group and its routing table to continue forward. 路由器(LSR)使用顶层标记及其路由表对分组继续进行转发。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Can a single tag on Twitter reverse a bad policy decision by federal senators? 光是一个Twitter标签,能够扭转联邦参议员的坏政策吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. A 7-foot aluminum cylinder simulates live targets that sea lions--including Joe, left--tag on recovery missions. 在回收训练任务中,一个7英尺的铝圆柱将被模拟为海狮乔的目标实物。 dongxi.net 7. Ensure all claim checks are matched with luggage tag on the item being retrieved. 确保所有收到的行李与行李牌相符。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Local "moneylords" have jumped into the void, putting a price tag on everything from water to guns. 地方“财主们”很疯狂,给所有物品都标上了价签,从水到枪支,无一落下。 www.bing.com 9. There must be something to it, referring again to the price tag on the things. 其中肯定有特别之处,再去参考一下这些东西的价格标签吧。 www.bing.com 10. So how can we put a price tag on the effects of global warming? 那们我们如何计算全球变暖的影响呢? www.bing.com 1. Ensure all claim checks are matched with luggage tag on the item being received. 确保所有收到的行李领取牌与行李牌存根相符。 www.to61.com 2. hmmm , there`s no tag on his collar. we`ll have to have to have a family meeting. 它的脖子上没有任何的标志,我们最好开个家庭会议来决定。 www.ebigear.com 3. However, many individuals feel that they can't put a price tag on how good they look and how well they feel about themselves. 然而,很多人并不认为自己外表的好看程度以及自我感觉如何能和产品的价位扯上什么直接关系。 www.elanso.com 4. You can't put a price tag on it, nor can it be mass produced. 你不能给它贴价格标签,它也不能批量生产。 www.bing.com 5. add folded swing tag on back pocket and back waist folded tag. Keep other swing tags as salesmans samples. 增加后袋折叠挂卡和后腰折叠挂卡,其它挂卡同大办。 bbs.wtoqc.cn 6. But when the page creates a tag on the fly to load data on request, it's important to know when that tag is complete. 但是如果页面动态创建了一个标记来按需加载数据,那么就很有必要知道标记是何时完成的。 www.ibm.com 7. Click the smart tag on the dragged component, and then click Add Query. 单击被拖动的组件上的智能标记,再单击“添加查询”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The tag on this suit indicates that it was made in Thailand. 这件套装上的标签标示这是泰国制的。 dae.ypu.edu.tw 9. You will see the Security Roles tag on the top of the editor first. 您将会首先看到位于编辑器顶部的SecurityRoles选项卡。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Click the Libraries tag on the Java Settings window. 单击Java设置窗口上Libraries标签。 www.ibm.com 1. I don't see a price tag on this shirt. 我没有看到这件衬衫的价格标签。 book.360buy.com 2. So the hardest part of tagging, now, is after you put that tag on, you have to wait, months. 所以现在做标记最难的一部分,就是做完标记之后,你必须等待数个月。 www.ted.com 3. But Ram Cnaan says he can put a price tag on goodwill and, in a study called "Valuing Urban Congregations, " he did. 不过,拉姆.克纳安表示,他能给善意标上一个价格。而且在一个叫作“给城市地区教会估价”的调研里,他这么做了。 www.24en.com 4. There is no price tag on this. 这个商品上没有标价。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Select the smart tag on the MaskedTextBox you just dragged and choose Set Mask. 选择刚刚拖动的MaskedTextBox上的智能标记,再选择“设置掩码”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Validating a site requires the use of many accessibility techniques such as the use of ALT tag on images. 网站验证需要运用技术,来吸引用户,比如在图像上运用ALT标签。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Those who make Aofuxier astonied is, what tag on the envelope is her address. 令奥弗希尔大吃一惊的是,信封上标注的是她的地址。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Every tenth bush or so has a red tag on it, I have no idea why. 每隔10棵灌木左右,就有一丛上挂着个红色的标签,我想不出来这是为什么。 www.bing.com 9. The $39bn price tag on Potash is $14bn more than Sinochem's total assets at the end of 2009. 必和必拓对加拿大钾肥的出价是390亿美元,比中化集团2009年末的资产总额高出140亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A new tag-on service run by 360 Safe has affected the normal functioning of QQ. 360安全卫士推出的一款新外挂软件影响了QQ的正常使用。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Does the tag on the one for dry cleaning say, "Dry Clean Only" ? 需要干洗的那件衬衫签上是否有“只能干洗”的字样? www.hotdic.com 2. The tag on this item says that it is on sale. 这个物品的标签标示物品在特价。 dae.ypu.edu.tw 3. Economics is "the dismal science, " in part because it puts a price tag on the pleasure of moralizing. 经济学是一门“沉闷的科学”,部分原因是它给说教的乐趣贴上了价格的标签。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Market Research says we can't have too high a price tag on this kind of item. 根据市场调查,这类产品的价格不能定得太高。 blog.163.com 5. Tag on the Java Settings window. 单击Java设置窗口上。 www-128.ibm.com 6. There is no price tag on the coat. 这衣服上没有价格标签。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All dogs must be licensed and have a tag on their collars while in public, according to state law. 根据纽约州法律规定,所有的狗必须要有牌照,而且它们出现在公共场所时,脖子上必须系带标牌。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Be sure you have a unique, keyword focused Title tag on every page of your site. 确保你网站上每个页面的title标签,都有一个独特的关键字。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Is it important to put the tag on a visible spot? 把行李签放在一个明显的地点重要吗? wenku.baidu.com 10. Put a tag on sth. 给某物贴上标签。 www.powerdict.com 1. For example, the $14 billion price tag on the Southern Company's plant is around half of its entire market capitalization. 比如,美国南方电力公司核电厂140亿美元的造价几乎是该公司总市值的一半。 www.fortunechina.com 2. You should see a new useBean tag on the Design window. 您将在Design窗口中看到一个新的useBean标签。 www.ibm.com 3. For example, at first he taught the son how to put the price tag on the suit. 比如一开始,他教儿子怎么把价格标签放到西服上。 www.ebigear.com 4. However, I haven't a Christmas tree, I added a metal buckle on top, so that I can tag on my bag or wherever I like. 可惜,我家没有圣诞树,我在娃娃的顶部加了一个扣,可以挂在包包,或者任何想要的地方。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 5. (S2) identifying the RFID electronic tag on the electric energy meter by a meter reading person through a hand-held meter reading device; 抄表人员通过手持抄表设备对电能表上的RFID电子标签进行识别; ip.com 6. This can be added at the top of the existing script tag on the photo gallery page 这些操作可以添加到相册页面上已有脚本的前面。 www.ibm.com 7. Not where you live or what you drive or the price tag on your clothes 不管你住在哪儿不管你开向哪里也不管衣服的价钱 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Remarkable Problems for Using POP-UP Tag on Tuna 对金枪鱼进行标志放流几个值得注意的问题 service.ilib.cn 9. Auto show Smart Tag on control creation 创建控件时自动显示智能标记 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Tag on all hydraulic hosed and cables 油管与电缆做好标签。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Kindly Cartoon Tag on Car 给汽车贴上卡通标记 www.diyifanwen.com 2. Putting a Price Tag on Life 第三讲给生命一个价格标签 blog.sina.com.cn |
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