单词 | table of contents |
释义 | 例句释义: 内容目录,目次,内容列表,论文目次 1. The two little icons at the bottom of an article allow you to see the table of contents and any images associated with the article. 两人在文章底部的一个小图标,让你看到的内容与文章相关的任何图像表。 www.acpp.com.cn 2. Tip: Named anchors are often used to create "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. 命名锚一般用于在一个长篇幅文档中建立“内容小目录”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. After reading the first few lines of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action" . 在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJSinAction”。 www.infoq.com 4. As you open your portfolio, there should be a table of contents on the right side, and each section ought to have a corresponding tab. 当你打开公文包的时候,在右边应该有一个目录,每一部分也都应该有一个相应的标签。 www.chinastudents.net 5. This library has no catalogue, and none of the books has an index or table of contents. 这个图书馆没有书本目录,每本书也没有索引或内容目录。 www.bing.com 6. You can use these Web server controls to display a site map as a table of contents or to actively navigate a site. 可以使用这些Web服务器控件以目录形式显示站点地图或者主动在站点内导航。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. the q and a topics are arranged alphabetically in the table of contents , making it easy to find information on any subject . o. 问答的题目在内容目录中依字母顺序排列,方便您找到相关信息。 www.ichacha.net 8. If the file shows up on the right but the topic is not selected on the left, there may be a problem with your table of contents file. 如果文件在右边出现,但是左边的主题并未被选择,可能是你的目录文件表存在问题。 www.ibm.com 9. Each template provides a default report (as a Microsoft Word document) with empty sections and a corresponding table of contents (TOC). 每一个模板提供了一个缺省的报告(作为MicrosoftWord文档)伴随一个空的部分和相应的内容表格(TOC)。 www.ibm.com 10. When you click a link in the Viewer's table of contents, the click event is handled by displaying the contents of that section of the CDA. 当您单击这个Viewer的目录中的链接时,这个链接事件的处理方法是显示CDA的那个部分的内容。 www.ibm.com 1. Table of Contents ( TOC ): You can browse the content tree of a TOC to look for topics unrelated to a current topic . 目录(TOC)可以浏览TOC的内容树以查找与当前主题无关的主题。 www.bing.com 2. a geography obedient to a predetermined table of contents and a memorable hierarchy of alphabets and numbers. 它的地理服从于既定的目录和易于记忆的字母和数字系统。 xinduxie.news365.com.cn 3. The company size from the paper, table of contents and delivery to the customers the possibility of spending proposals. 该公司从纸张、目录尺寸和配送方法能方面为客户提出了节约开支的可行性建议。 www.bing.com 4. A Table of Contents must show at least one of Outline or Fields. 一个目录必须至少显示一个大纲或域。 www.jukuu.com 5. On the front of the book is a table of contents, giving details of what is about in the book. 书的开头是目录,介绍了书中涉及的详细内容。 www.ebigear.com 6. When I received the book I found a quiet spoton the couch and opened the book to the Table of Contents. 收到这本书我就在沙发上找了处清静的地方,开始看书的目录。 www.bing.com 7. NET-to-business card printing and membership card production system is a Web-based user interface and a table of contents. 网络到制卡和会员卡制作系统主要是由基于网络的用户界面和目录组成的。 www.bing.com 8. This page has listed the Table of contents, Related Information and Related Regulations about Canadian Patent Act, click what you want. 该页列出了加拿大专利法目录、相关资讯和有关规则,可以点击进行查看。 www.showxiu.com 9. In a Table of Contents in tree view, select the next or previous item, respectively. 在树视图中的目录中,分别选择下一个或上一个项目。 office.microsoft.com 10. It is not a table of contents but gives some insight into the nature of the results to be obtained. 这并非单壹的内容罗列,而是壹些对未来成果的洞见。 blog.163.com 1. Table-of-contents items are hyperlinked, so you can just tap on an article title to jump to that piece. 表格中的内容项都做了超链接,这样你只要点击文章的标题就能跳到那段内容。 www.bing.com 2. In a Table of Contents, select the next and previous item, respectively. 在目录中,分别选择下一个项目和上一个项目。 office.microsoft.com 3. This looks a lot like all of the older help viewers complete with a table of contents and an index on the left-hand side. 它看起来非常像之前的帮助查看器,在左边有完整的目录和索引。 www.infoq.com 4. Browse to the page to which you want to add a Table of Contents Web Part. 浏览到您要添加目录Web部件的页面。 office.microsoft.com 5. These resources are far better for that purpose than any printed book's table of contents or index. 这些资源要比任何形式的打印出来的目录和索引要好的多。 www.ibm.com 6. Scroll through the table of contents, displaying each topic as you scroll. 在目录中滚动,在滚动过程中显示每个主题。。。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The font, font style (normal, italic, oblique), and font size can be controlled in the generated table of contents and on the page footers. 生成的目录和页脚的字体、字形(常规,斜体,加粗)和字号都是可以控制的。 www.ibm.com 8. The generated table of contents file for a pattern library specifies a topic named for the pattern library. 生成的模式库的内容文件表规定了一个为模式库命名的主题。 www.ibm.com 9. Put the insertion point on the page in the first text section where the table of contents is to go and create the table of contents. 放置光标在主控文档最靠前的文本部分,那里是放置目录的地方,接着创建目录。 ooo.pingju.org 10. You begin by making up the Table of Contents, listing each section and subsection that you propose to include. 开始的时候你应该把你要写的内容列出表格,要列出你打算写的每一个小部分。 www.bing.com 1. As I noted in The Jesus Legend, there is an ancient table of contents in the Antiquities which omits all mention of the Testimonium. 正如我在《耶稣传奇》留意到的,在古代史上有一个古老的目录表,被所有提到Testimonium的人忽略掉。 www.chinaufo.com 2. Each of these secondary TOC entries has a corresponding table of contents XML file in the project. 这些二级TOC条目中的每一个在项目中都有对应的XML文件目录。 www.ibm.com 3. On the first page of your publication, you can include a smaller table of contents that provides links to specific articles. 在出版物的第一页上,您可以添加一个较小的目录,用来提供特定文章的链接。 office.microsoft.com 4. Aquifer Basics ; Ground Water Information ; Water Resources Information; For chapter, author , table of contents and book available. 蓄水层介绍;美国地下水信息;美国水资源信息;作者、论文摘要及相关书本介绍及网站链接。 www.bing.com 5. I would see it as a preface, or a table of contents, alerting the reader to what the book is about. 我倾向于把这看作一则前言,或一则目录表,用来警醒读者们真正理解这一文本。 proxy.clan-cdf.com 6. It's like quickly thumbing through a magazine as opposed to staring at a table of contents. 就像是快速浏览一本杂志而非紧盯着目录。 www.bing.com 7. Generates a table of contents (toc) file for a particular directory containing software. 为包含软件的某一目录生成内容目录(toc)文件。 www.ibm.com 8. You can see how the topic map is like a table of contents containing four sections. 下面您可以看到主题图是多么类似于一个包含四部分的目录表。 www.ibm.com 9. Table of contents: The main parts of the code are listed by page number. 内容一览表:道德规范的主要内容分页显示。 www.bing.com 10. Second, if one closes a book, one needs to look through the index or table of contents and then turn pages to find the desired page. 第二,假如将一本书合起来,他必须从索引中寻找或是从内容中的表格并且翻到他所想要找的页数。 pthcwww.pthc.chc.edu.tw 1. There is a table of contents in the front of a dictionary. 词典的开头有目录表。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Just like a table of contents in many print documents, a Web table of contents is built from headings. 象许多打印文档中的目录一样,Web目录是从标题中生成的。 office.microsoft.com 3. Use the Table of Contents, to the left, to move to the next page, or click the "Forward" button in the previous image. 使用左侧的「目录」移动至下一页,或按一下上图中的「前进」按钮。 kmol.cycu.org 4. Defining a table of contents you make it particularly easier for other people to read and understand your code. 定义一个目录,可以让别人很容易地读懂你的代码。 bbs.blueidea.com 5. The catalog. html file is an XHTML document that serves as a table of contents of the artifacts in the IEPD. html文件是一个XHTML文档,充当IEPD中工件的内容表格。 www.ibm.com 6. The table of contents (TOC) for the HTML help files resides in two XML files included in the plug-in project. The files are shown below. HTML帮助文件的目录(TOC)表位于插件项目包括的两个XML文件中。 www.ibm.com 7. Publishing style refers to the decoration of the document in the areas of pagination, table of contents, and footer. 发布风格指的是文档的页码、目录和页脚区域的装饰。 www.ibm.com 8. Jump to a different part of the book by visiting the table of contents and tapping a chapter. 跳转到图书的不同部分通过访问表的内容和自攻一章。 www.acpp.com.cn 9. Reporting Services also provides a document map, which acts like a table of contents. ReportingServices还提供有文档结构图,其作用类似于目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Attached are both a detailed and a high level copy of the Table of Contents and a sample of the chapter materials. 附加既是一个详细的目录表和材料样品的章高水平的副本。 www.bing.com 1. Then, from the database logical design and the realization, has carried on the summary to the overall system table of contents organization. 接着,从数据库的逻辑设计及实现,到整个系统的目录机构进行了概括。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This object can be used to provide the page-numbers in the table of contents, cross-references, and indexes. 这个对象可以用于提供内容表、交叉参数以及索引的页码数。 www.w3pop.com 3. Format and settings regarding indexes, tables, bibliographies, table of contents. 与索引、表格、文献目录、目录相关的格式和设置。 ooo.pingju.org 4. The plugin. xml file for the pattern library plug-in must contain toc elements for each pattern's table of contents file. 为模式库插入的plugin.xml文件必须为每个模式内容文件表包含toc元素。 www.ibm.com 5. The slide titles become a table of contents in the presentation, and your slide notes appear beneath each slide. 幻灯片标题变成了演示文稿中的目录,而且幻灯片备注显示在每张幻灯片的下面。 office.microsoft.com 6. Within the pattern library topic, the table of contents defines its own anchor point. 在模式库主题里面,目录表定义了它自己的锚点。 www.ibm.com 7. The Start Searching option in the table of contents takes you to the search form. 表格内容窗格中的StartSearching选项向您展示搜索表单。 www.ibm.com 8. Always include a table of contents up-front so people can scroll quickly and easily to the section of their choice. 在最前面设置目录,让读者能最快翻到自己感兴趣的部分。 www.bing.com 9. The pattern table of contents file is an XML file that follows the format for toc files in Eclipse. 模式内容文件表是一个XML文件,它符合Eclipse中的toc文件格式。 www.ibm.com 10. If you have a new document that has not already been saved, Word will prompt you to save it before the table of contents can be created. 如果您有还未保存的新文档,Word会提示您在创建目录之前保存它。 office.microsoft.com 1. You can use custom styles for the different levels in the table of contents as well. Note|您一样可以在目录中的不同级别上使用自定义样式。为了简化,本文使用默认的样式。 ooo.pingju.org 2. If you're reading a printout of the PDF file, the table of contents is still useful. 如果是在阅读打印出来的PDF文件,那么目录也仍然很有用。 www.ibm.com 3. This example is used within the frame set of the preceding example to display a table of contents. 在前面示例的框架集中使用此示例来显示目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In a Table of Contents, expand and collapse the selected item, respectively. 分别在“目录”中选择下一个和上一个项目。 office.microsoft.com 5. Word automatically creates the table of contents in a frame that appears on the left side of the screen. Word自动地创建目录,并将目录显示在屏幕左边的框架中。 office.microsoft.com 6. Google Books often allows a "search inside the book" and provides a cover image, table of contents, etc. GoogleBooks通常可以使用“在书内搜索”且提供封面图像,图书目录等等。 www.bing.com 7. Place the cursor where you want the table of contents to be inserted. 将光标移到你想要插入目录的地方。 ooo.pingju.org 8. All four hundred and ten pages of the tome, including the table of contents, were filled with two sentence palindromes . 全书四百一十页,包括目录,都写满了两句回文(顺序倒序都是一样的词)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Make a table of contents tree outlining the work that must me done. Keep it simple and high level. 制作一个我必须能实现的树状内容表来概括这项工作。要求简洁。高水品。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The Table of Contents accurately and completely presents the contents of the paper, with no language errors. 内容完整,语言正确,包含了论文必要组成部分。 www.51lunwen.org 1. You may use a mouse to choose from the table of contents any sections you wish to go through. 你可以在目录中用滑鼠选择要学习的一节。 www.td.gov.hk 2. The published document can also contain a table of contents, which if present starts as the first page of the aggregate PDF. 发布的文档也可以包含一个内容目录,它如果存在则位于聚合PDF的第一页。 www.ibm.com 3. Has your young sister read the table of contents of that book? 你妹妹阅读过那本书的目录栏了吗? www.jukuu.com 4. For a complete list of articles from this issue available on ARTINFO, see Modern Painters' November 2009 Table of Contents. ARTINFO上有完整的文章目录,请参阅“现代画家2009年11月目录”。 www.bing.com 5. When reading PDF files on your computer, you may select your preferred topics from the table of contents. 在电脑阅读时,只要点选目录的专栏,或篇名,即可浏览那一篇。 godsdirectcontact.com 6. Visit the publisher page for a complete table of contents. 可以访问出版商的网站获取详细的目录。 www.infoq.com 7. With a table of contents, you'll have contented readers. 使用目录,就能够满足读者的需求。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can use more levels of headings, but the default setting is to use only the first three levels in the table of contents. 您可以使用更多层次的标题,但默认设置是目录中仅使用前三个级别的标题。如果您使用默认样式,它可能看起来如下图所示。 ooo.pingju.org 9. AQAP had advertised for days that the magazine would appear with the interviews specified in the table of contents. 基地组织已经宣传了好几天,声称会有一本目录里包含访谈的杂志出炉。 www.bing.com 10. The table of contents is an expandable list containing all of the topics in the Help collections. 目录是包含帮助集合中的所有主题的可扩展列表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The site provides their table of contents of past issues and online articles(members only! ). 网站还提供他们出版物的过期论文目录以及期刊电子版本(只对成员开放)。 biositemap.com 2. Compiled Help files provide table of contents, index, search, and keyword links in pages. 已编译的帮助文件可在页中提供目录表、索引、搜索和关键字链接。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. I recommend using a program that automatically generates a table of contents for you based on the use of heading styles. 我建议使用能基于所使用的标题样式自动生成目录的程序。 www.ibm.com 4. You can generate a table of contents, bibliography, or index for the book, using the master document. 可以用主控文档来生成书的内容目录、文献目录或索引。 ooo.pingju.org 5. So, what happens when several shared objects are loaded into the same application space and the table of contents gets too big? 因此,当几个共享对象都要加载到相同的应用程序空间并且目录表太大时又该如何呢? www.ibm.com 6. The following code demonstrates displaying a Help file from your application, opening it to the table of contents. 下面的代码演示如何显示应用程序的帮助文件,以及如何在目录中打开该文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In addition to the table of contents of the required textbook, given below is a list of additional readings for the course. 除了所需的教材的目录以外,以下还提供了这门课程额外阅读材料的列表。 www.myoops.org 8. The help generation process adds a toc element whenever it creates a table of contents file. 每当生成内容文件表时,帮助生成过程增加toc元素。 www.ibm.com 9. Use the table of contents to the left to start the next tutorial. 使用左侧的内容表格开始下一自学课程。 kmol.cycu.org 10. The web page offers free table of contents and abstracts from 1996 to now, but full text need to be paid. 该网页免费提供从1996年至今的文章目录和摘要,但全文收费。 cogsci.nstl.gov.cn 1. The drawings are included in volumes -DRAWING AND LISTS-; see table of contents. 这些图纸包含在图纸和列表卷中,见目录列表。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. Word-length is about 4000 words, not including abstract, table of contents, bibliography and appendix. 字数符合要求(4000字不包括摘要、目录、参考书目和附录)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here. 此书的介绍和内容目录在这里(link)。 www.bing.com 4. Visual Studio Help provides a Smart Device Development filter for the table of contents and index. VisualStudio帮助提供目录和索引的“智能设备开发”筛选器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Web server control is used to display hierarchical data, such as a table of contents or file directory, in a tree structure. Web服务器控件用于以树形结构显示分层数据,如目录或文件目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. information book, table of contents, topics, facts. 说明文,目录,话题,事实。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The file links to the anchor defined in the pattern library table of contents file. 该文件链接到在模式库内容文件表中定义的锚。 www.ibm.com 8. Visual Studio provides a Smart Device Development filter for the table of contents and index. VisualStudio为目录和索引提供智能设备开发筛选器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You can access Help by pressing F1 in the IDE, as well as through the table of contents, index, and full-text search. 在IDE中按F1便可访问“帮助”,也可以通过目录、索引和全文搜索来访问“帮助”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. It is similar to the way a table of contents represents chapter, section, and subsection information. 这类似于目录表表示章、节、小节信息的方式。 www.ibm.com 1. If your report is longer, your title section could also include a table of contents. 如果您的报告相对比较长,那您的标题部分也可以包含一份内容表。 www.bing.com 2. The MSDN library table of contents shows all the topics in the library in a hierarchical tree view structure. MSDNlibrary目录以分层树视图结构显示库中的所有主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The reference include the directly quote or the reference historical data and table of contents. 参考文献包括直接引用或参考的史料及论著目录。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Again, maintaining a table of contents page is error prone, and it's not uncommon that sections are reported missing. 维护目录页面同样易于出错,而且常常会报告找不到所需要的部分。 www.ibm.com 5. Listing 6 provides an excerpt from the template used to create an entry in the table of contents. 清单6提供了用于在目录中创建条目的模板的一个节选。 www.ibm.com 6. It can have numbered pages, table of contents, pictures and graphics, exactly like a printed book. 它有带编号的书页,目录,照片还有图片,跟一本印刷书没什么两样。 www.bing.com 7. sing a table of contents, glossary, and index to locate information. 用目录,词汇表,索引来定位信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Each item listed in the table of contents is a link to a section in the document. 目录中列出的每个条目都是一个到文档中的某部分的链接。 office.microsoft.com 9. This topic cannot be located in the Table of Contents. 此主题不能在目录中定位。 www.fan6.net 10. What happened to the Summary Slide and table of contents options? 摘要幻灯片和目录选项出了什么问题? office.microsoft.com 1. Contents: displays an expandable Table of Contents for all books. 内容:显示一个关于所有书的可放大的表格。 dev.21tx.com 2. Displays the next topic in the table of contents. 显示目录中的下一主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This example is used within the frameset of the previous example to display a table of contents. 此示例用于在前一示例的框架集内显示一个目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The important thing here is to define this table of contents as a primary toc (Listing 15). 此处的重要意义在于将这个内容目录定义为一个主要的toc(列表15)。 www.ibm.com 5. To add or delete a title in the table of contents, you can add or delete titles in the document that contains the headings. 要添加或删除目录中的标题,可以在含有标题的文档中添加或删除标题。 office.microsoft.com 6. This section of the table of contents contains miscellaneous tools available in Visual Studio 2005. 这部分目录包含VisualStudio2005中提供的杂项工具。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. One such boring and laborious task is preparing a table of contents. 解析内容表就属于比较单调、费劲的任务。 www.ibm.com 8. On the Format menu, point to Frames, and then click Table of Contents in Frame. 在“格式”菜单上,指向“框架”,然后单击“框架集中的目录”。 office.microsoft.com 9. This creates a page that already contains a Table of Contents Web Part. 这样就会创建一个已经包含目录Web部件的页面。 office.microsoft.com 10. Click here for more info from the survey; here for the table of contents and methodology. 点击这儿了解更多的调查信息;点击这儿查看调查的方法和内容。 www.bing.com 1. These include compile flags dealing with relocation, table of contents sizes, floating point options, bit alignment, and so on. 这些标记包括处理重定位、目录(tableofcontents)大小、浮点选项、位调整等等的编译标记。 www.ibm.com 2. The table of contents for this section reflects the schema hierarchy. 此部分的目录反映了架构的层次结构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Is there a table of contents of the book you're going to write? 你准备写的那本书有目录吗? school.ecp.com.cn 4. If you look at the table of contents for the guidelines, there are stating recommendations now and there never were before. 如果你看一下指南的目录表,现在有他汀类建议而以前没有。 news.dxy.cn 5. If you desire the table of contents to contain only up to bookmark heading level 2, then change 3 to 2. 如果您希望目录最高只包含2级标题,那么您可以将3修改为2。 www.ibm.com 6. Displays hierarchical data, such as a table of contents, in a tree structure. 以树形结构显示分层数据,如目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Add a reference to the table of contents file to your plugin. xml file. 增加内容文件表的引用到你的plugin.xml文件。 www.ibm.com 8. See also the table of contents showing all the topics in the book. 参见本书目录来查看本书的所有主题。 www.infoq.com 9. You can use the table of contents to the left to start the Preparing Final Drawings tutorial. 您可以使用左侧的目录开始〈准备最后的图面〉自学课程。 kmol.cycu.org 10. Under Table of Contents, select Test Script. 在内容表中,选择TestScript。 www.ibm.com 1. Therefore, this XSLT will not work if you have split your table of contents across multiple files. 所以,如果您已经将您的目录拆分为多个文件,这个XSLT将失效。 www.ibm.com 2. I usually browse the table of contents of books to find out the relevant information. 在使用电子书时,我会优先浏览目录寻找所需要的资料。 spreadsheets.google.com 3. Table of contents. This lists the poems in order with page numbers. 目录。列出诗篇对应的页码。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Click on the Test Cases link in Table of contents section. 点击链接部分中表格中的测试用例。 www.ibm.com 5. with books, glance at the table of contents and introduction. 读书,则浏览目录和内容简介。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In your example project, the pattern library table of contents file is MyPatternsToC. xml. 在你的例子项目中,模式库内容文件表是MyPatternsToC.xml。 www.ibm.com 7. By its verynature, MARC is flat, whereas a table of contents is hierarchical. 从根本上讲,MARC的结构是平的,而目次表却是等级结构的。 www.bing.com 8. Ask if you are not sure of where to create a link from the sub-Table of Contents. 想一下你自己是不是不确定可以在内容子表格的哪里创建一个链接。 www.zzbaike.com 9. Includes items listed on the table of contents pages of journals . 包括列出在期刊目次表页面上的各项内容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Titles in the table of contents are indented by their heading levels. 目录中的标题根据其标题级别缩进。 office.microsoft.com 1. When you create a new page, you can create the page by using the Welcome page with table of contents page layout. 如果要创建一个新页面,则您可以使用“包含目录的欢迎页面”页面布局来创建页面。 office.microsoft.com 2. Look at the table of contents. What are the chapter headings? 接下来看目录,每一章的标题是什么? www.023java.com 3. A fast and easy way to create sets or rofessional indexs, with a customised table of contents. 使用艾利可打印索引可快速简单的制作一套专业的分类文档,并有打印的索引目录。 dict.bioon.com 4. Introduces the build errors section in the table of contents. 介绍内容表中的生成错误部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The table of contents is organized into task categories. 内容的表格组织到任务类别中。 www.ibm.com 6. A table of contents is generated automatically based on the report design. 一个内容表格是基于报表设计而自动产生的。 www.infoq.com 7. In your table of contents, select the article title. 在目录中,选中文章标题。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can also use a hyperlinked custom show to create a table of contents slide. 您也可以使用带超链接的自定义放映来创建目录幻灯片。 office.microsoft.com 9. The table of contents pane on the left provides three options. 左侧的表格内容窗格提供了三个选项。 www.ibm.com 10. You can now use predefined filters on the table of contents and index. 现在可以对目录和索引使用预定义筛选器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This illustrates how to use directory reading for table of contents. 这显示了如何对目录使用目录读取。 www.ibm.com 2. The Microsoft Word master document will contain static parts such as the title page, revision history and the table of contents. MicrosoftWord主文档将包括静态的部分,比如标题页面,修正历史以及内容表格。 www.ibm.com 3. As noted above, pages created by using the Welcome page with table of contents page layout already have a Table of Contents Web Part. 如上所述,使用“包含目录的欢迎页面”页面布局创建的页面已经拥有了一个目录Web部件。 office.microsoft.com 4. A number of libraries are now enriching thoserecords with additional information, such as the table of contents. 一些图书馆正在往这些数据中增加额外的信息,丰富这些数据,比如说目次表。 www.bing.com 5. Use the table of contents to the left to start the tutorials. 使用左侧的目录开始自学课程。 kmol.cycu.org 6. Displays the previous topic in the table of contents. 显示目录中的前一主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Let's look at the table of contents for Pattern1 so that you can see how the topics are arranged. 让我们看看Pattern1的目录表,你会发现主题是如何被安排的。 www.ibm.com 8. To update the table of contents so that it displays your changes, click in the table of contents and press F9. 要更新目录以便显示所做更改,在目录中单击并按F9。 office.microsoft.com 9. The 15 tips and tricks are listed in the table of contents to your right. 右边的内容目录列出这15个技巧和诀窍。 www.ibm.com 10. Quickly locate this topic in the table of contents. 在目录中快速寻找此主题。 www.fan6.net 1. The table of contents is displayed. 用于显示目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Puts the inside document to plays under the table of contents. 把里面的文件放到游戏目录下。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Page and sync to the table of contents. 页并与目录同步。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. You can print the current topic, all the topics in the current heading, or everything in the table of contents. What would you like to do? 您可以打印当前主题、当前标题栏中的所有主题或目录中的所有内容。请选择要执行的操作。 www.dictall.com 5. For example, if you specified a directive to include a table of contents, the document tree is walked to identify listed items. 例如,如果您指定了用来包括目录(ToC)的伪指令,那么会遍历该文档树以标识列出的项。 www.ibm.com 6. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each bulleted item on the table of contents slide. 对目录幻灯片中每一个带有项目符号的项重复步骤6至8。 office.microsoft.com 7. For example, you can easily create a table of contents or an index without setting a single tab stop. 例如,您不必设置制表位便可轻松创建目录或索引。 office.microsoft.com 8. For example, you can select how many heading levels you want to include, or change the indentation of the headings in the table of contents. 例如,您可以选择所需包括的标题级别数目,或者更改目录中的标题缩进。 office.microsoft.com 9. Other properties that are members of specific Visual Basic objects are listed elsewhere in the Help table of contents. 属于特定VisualBasic对象的成员的其他属性在帮助目录中列出。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Open the presentation for which you want to create a table of contents slide. 打开要创建目录幻灯片的演示文稿。 office.microsoft.com 1. when you outline tasks , they look like the chapters and topics outlined in a book ' s table of contents 任务大纲中的任务就像书本目录中的章节和主题。 www.ichacha.net 2. Here's the entire table of contents. For those who like to do their own research, each chapter ends with a reading list 以下是此书的目录,对那些想进一步自行研究的人,每一章的最后都为他们提供了一个阅读清单。 www.infoq.com 3. Table of contents Executive Summary Introduction Company background Concept and Market Niche Mission Milestones Financial summary 执行总汇介绍公司背景理念及市场环境任务里程碑财务汇总 wenku.baidu.com 4. The following page layouts that are included with Office SharePoint Server 2007 allow you to add a Table of Contents Web Part OfficeSharePointServer2007附带的下列页面布局都允许您添加一个目录Web部件 office.microsoft.com 5. Developing and Changing Characteristics of Table of Contents in Social Science Journals and Probing Analysis on Relevant Factors 社科学报目录发展变化特征及相关因素探析 www.ilib.cn 6. Create a simple table of contents for a Web page in Word 在Word2000中创建Web页的简单目录 office.microsoft.com 7. About HortTechnology; Subscription Options - HortTechnology; Submit an Article for Publication; Current Issue; Table of contents 期刊简介;期刊订阅;投稿;现期刊物;检索目录 www.resip.ac.cn 8. Similar to a table of contents, the assembly manifest contains the following 类似于目录,程序集清单包含以下内容 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Designing and Realization of Push System of Data of Table of Contents and Push System of New Books Information 目次数据推送系统和新书信息推送系统的设计与实现 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Create a table of contents or index for a report 创建报表的目录或索引 office.microsoft.com 1. The Table of Contents for High-level Professionals Request of Shandong Province-administered Enterprises 山东省省管企业海外高层次人才需求目录 wenku.baidu.com 2. Visit the Health Sciences Website; Instructions for Authors; Table of Contents (Available Online from Volume 38) 卫生学论坛;投稿指南;内容目次(第38卷至今) www.resip.ac.cn 3. Shallow to Discuss the Second Round Build Will District Annals Odd Basic Problems that Table of Contents Innovate 浅谈第二轮志书篇目创新的几个基本问题 www.ilib.cn 4. Table of Contents for Airworthiness Training Courses 适航培训课程目录 wenku.baidu.com 5. Convert a table of contents to a list of Web contents 将目录转换为Web内容列表 office.microsoft.com 6. Provide a table of contents to help users quickly find a section in the script 提供内容列表,方便用户迅速地找到脚本中相应的节 www-128.ibm.com 7. Add a table of contents to a publishing page layout 向发布网页布局添加目录 office.microsoft.com 8. Table of contents (a standard feature of ReporterPLUS that will be not further described in this article) 表格内容(ReporterPLUS的标准特性,本文中并没有进行进一步的描述) www.ibm.com 9. Table of Contents of High Performance Butterfly Valves 美国尼伯科高性能蝶阀目录 www.h6688.com 10. Table of Contents of Watts Temperature and Pressure Gauges 美国瓦茨温度表和压力表目录 www.h6688.com 1. Plain Comment about the Continual Railway Records Table of Contents 浅述铁路续志之篇目 www.ilib.cn 2. History Copyright Mirrors Table of Contents 网站历史版权声明镜像网站 www.ibiblio.org 3. Creates a table of contents file for the pattern library 为模式库生成一个内容文件表 www.ibm.com 4. Example: Create panel with table of contents for Opera help 示例:创建包含Opera帮助目录的面板 help.opera.com 5. The following table of contents lays out the links in this document 下表内容表明这文章中的链接 blog.phoenixtv.com 6. Produces the Narrative Table of Contents 负责生成安全叙述报告的目录 www.echinacareer.com 7. Instead, to create your own summary or table of contents slide by copying slide titles onto a new slide, do the following 若要通过将多个幻灯片标题复制到一个新的幻灯片上来创建自己的摘要幻灯片或目录幻灯片,请执行下列操作 office.microsoft.com 8. Create a table of contents slide that links to custom shows 创建链接到自定义放映的目录幻灯片 office.microsoft.com 9. Table of Contents ? Cold Chain Overview 冷链概述? wenku.baidu.com 10. Double Page Following Table Of Contents 目录页后跨页 www.allchina.cn 1. Remote -- table of contents, index, map 偏远的--目录,索引和图示 szlib.szptt.net.cn 2. Discussion about Problems about the Table of Contents of the Second Traffic Records Sheet 关于第二轮省志交通志篇目设置有关问题的探讨 service.ilib.cn 3. References to table of contents files in the plugin. xml 在plugin.xml中引用内容文件表 www.ibm.com 4. Summary slides and table of contents slides 摘要幻灯片和目录幻灯片 office.microsoft.com 5. an annotated table of contents; a topic guide; 一表的内容说明,一个主题的指南; www.ccebook.net 6. Table of Contents (where you manage the sections in your test plan) 表的内容(就是在您的测试计划中管理段落的地方) www.ibm.com 7. Creates a table of contents file for each pattern 为每个模式生成一个内容文件表 www.ibm.com 8. Table of Contents of Butterfly Valves 美国尼伯科蝶阀目录 www.h6688.com 9. Error! No Table of Contents Entries Found 错误!未找到目录项 www.search.hc360.com 10. Use the Table of Contents Web Part to display navigation on a Web page 使用目录Web部件显示网页上的导航 office.microsoft.com 1. RSS feeds ? Table of Contents Alerts 邮件目录推送服务? wenku.baidu.com 2. Table of Contents for this Home Page 本主页的主要内容目录 sdb.llas.ac.cn 3. Add the table of contents for Opera help to your panels 将Opera帮助目录添加到您的面板中 help.opera.com 4. Maximum level for table of contents 目录的最多层次 translate.dokuwiki.org 5. Full Page Facing Table of Contents 目录旁页 allchina.cn 6. Add a table of contents with leaders 添加具有前导符的目录 office.microsoft.com 7. Link to the table of contents in the current document 连接到当前文档的表格内容 www.w3pop.com 8. Section 1 Important Notes and Table of Contents 第一节重要提示及目录 www.bing.com 9. Send Me Table of Contents E-mail Alert 通过电子邮件发送期刊目次 lib.bao.ac.cn 10. Top level for table of contents 目录的最顶层 translate.dokuwiki.org 1. There are two main steps to using a Table of Contents Web Part 使用目录Web部件有两个主要步骤 office.microsoft.com 2. Navigating the table of contents 通过目录导航 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Build a table of contents 建立内容表 adminbar.com 4. Managing a list of links and the table of contents 管理链接列表和目录 www.ichacha.net 5. ASTM Volume 03. 03, October 2005 Nondestructive Testing Table of Contents 2005年版ASTM标准年鉴03.03卷无损检测标准目录 wenku.baidu.com 6. Adds references to the table of contents files to the plugin. xml for the library 在内容文件表中增加关于库的plugin.xml的引用 www.ibm.com 7. Table of Contents in English at the end 本期英文目录 chicagoguangzhou.com |
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