单词 | System Restore | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | System Restore
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 系统还原,系统恢复,停用系统还原 1. It also wipes out the system restore with a reset, making it harder to recover the system. 它还清除掉系统还原设置,使其难以恢复系统。 www.bing.com 2. This value relates to the time that System Restore "wakes up" and checks for the condition of its disk space. 此值与“系统还原”“苏醒”并检查其磁盘空间状态的时间有关。 support.microsoft.com 3. This article describes the registry keys and values that you can use with the System Restore utility. 本文介绍可用于“系统还原”实用工具的注册表项和值。 support.microsoft.com 4. Abhinav: abhinav : I've read this entire article and understood that this partition is useful for system restore or. . . 我已阅读这整篇文章和了解,此分区是有益的系统还原或… word.hcbus.com 5. Windows XP includes the System Restore tool, but you cannot start the System Restore tool from a Recovery Console prompt. WindowsXP包含“系统恢复”工具,但是您不能从故障恢复控制台提示符处启动“系统恢复”工具。 support.microsoft.com 6. System Restore may take a moment to collect information about the selected restore point before shutting down your computer. 在关闭计算机之前系统还原可能需要一些时间收集关于所选择的还原点的信息。 www.juyy.net 7. System Restore has been turned off by group policy. To turn on System Restore, contact your domain Administrator. 系统还原被组策略关闭。要打开系统还原,请与您的域管理员联系。 www.dictall.com 8. The System Restore service has resumed monitoring due to space freed on the system drive. 由于在系统驱动器上释放了磁盘空间,系统还原服务已经恢复。 www.drados.com 9. System Restore cannot be enabled in Safe Mode. Please restart your machine in normal mode and try again. 在安全模式不能启用系统还原。请用正常模式重启动您的机器,然后再试一次。 www.drados.com 10. If that doesn't work, you might try running Windows System Restore to roll back your OS to a time before the infection happened. 如果这也不行,你也许要试着运行操作系统的系统还原来将操作系统还原至机器被感染之前的时间。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Efforts are urgently needed to strengthen the hospital system, restore public confidence, and thus improve compliance with control measures. 迫切需要努力加强医院系统,恢复公众信任,并从而改进依从控制措施。 www.who.int 2. If you start the System Restore user interface, System Restore is activated immediately. 如果您启动“系统还原”用户界面,则会立即激活“系统还原”。 support.microsoft.com 3. Having a phone swapped out, or just installing the wrong combination of apps could call for a system restore. 更换了手机,或只是安装了一些错误的应用程序时,可以要求进行系统恢复。 www.bing.com 4. Check the drive whether working, click "My computer" on desktop, then find "System Restore" , "hardware" , "Device Manager" , show as below. 查看驱动程序是否正常工作:右键单击桌面“我的电脑”图标,“属性”,“硬件”卷标,“设备管理器”,如下图。 www.wendang365.cn 5. If System Restore does not fix the problem, try running Startup Repair from your Windows installation disc. 如果系统还原无法修复问题,则尝试通过Windows安装磁盘运行启动修复。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. The System Restore service received an unsupported request. 系统还原服务接收到一个不支持的请求。 www.drados.com 7. This value specifies the maximum size for the System Restore data store. 此值指定“系统还原”数据存储的最大大小。 support.microsoft.com 8. Therefore, the evaluation of gravure pros and cons of digital proofing test proofing system restore on the spot color accuracy is the key. 因此,评价瘪印数码打样的短长,查验打样编制差专色的还原不确性是关头。 www.bing.com 9. Therefore, you may want to start the System Restore tool when you cannot start your Windows XP-based computer normally or in Safe mode. 因此,当您无法正常启动或者在安全模式下启动基于WindowsXP的计算机时,可能需要启动“系统恢复”工具。 support.microsoft.com 10. You can then remove old Restore Points and Shadow copies (from System Restore) and installed programs from your Downloads directory. 你可以移除旧的还原点和阴影复制(从系统还原),然后从下载目录安装程式。 times.hinet.net 1. System restore services to ensure the system can be restored as soon as possible after the collapse. 系统恢复服务,确保系统崩溃后能尽快恢复。 www.tonke.cn 2. The System Restore control handler could not be installed. 系统还原控件处理程序不能安装。 www.drados.com 3. System Restore cannot function properly. Please reinstall System Restore. 系统还原不能正常工作。请重新安装系统还原。 www.drados.com 4. Try using System Restore to restore your system to a point in time when it worked correctly. 尝试使用“系统还原”将系统还原到正常运行的时间内的点。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. System Restore can return your system files to a previous point in time before you noticed a problem. 系统还原能够在您注意到问题之前,将系统文件返回到之前的还原点。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. For more information about System Restore, search Windows Help and Support for "system restore. " 有关“系统还原”的详细信息,请搜索Windows“帮助和支持”中的“系统还原”。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. If you use System Restore when the computer is in safe mode, you cannot undo the restore operation. 如果在计算机处于安全模式的情况下使用“系统还原”,则无法撤销还原操作。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. System Restore must be turned either on or off only from the user interface. 只能从用户界面打开或关闭“系统还原”。 support.microsoft.com 9. Turn off system restore only if you regularly backup your Windows machine using third party software. 只有当你用第三方软件备份你的系统时才能重启。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. System Restore can track and reverse harmful changes to your computer. 系统还原可以跟踪并更正对您的计算机进行的有害更改。 www.drados.com 1. Setting a system restore point and backing up old files in case your system needs to be restored in the future. 正在设置系统还原点并备份旧文件,以防将来需要还原系统。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. This value relates to the percentage of disk space that System Restore uses for its data store. 此值与“系统还原”用于其数据存储的磁盘空间百分比相关。 support.microsoft.com 3. However, you can run System Restore again and choose a different restore point if one exists. 但是,您可以重新运行系统还原,并选择其他存在的还原点。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 4. If you turn System Restore off in the registry, the existing restore points are not removed. 如果在注册表中关闭“系统还原”,则不会删除现有的还原点。 support.microsoft.com 5. You can free more disk space by reducing the amount of storage used by System Restore. 通过减少“系统还原”所使用存储文件的数量,可释放更多的磁盘空间。 www.dictall.com 6. System Restore uses restore points to return your system files to an earlier point in time. 系统还原使用还原点将系统文件及时还原到早期的还原点。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. Also, a virus scan may detect a threat in the System Restore folder even though you have removed the threat. 此外,病毒扫描可能的威胁,在系统还原文件夹,即使您已删除了威胁。 help.360.cn 8. On Windows Vista, System Restore uses volume snapshots. 在WindowsVista中,“系统还原”使用卷快照。 www.microsoft.com 9. This article describes how to start the System Restore tool in Safe mode by using Command Prompt. 本文介绍如何使用命令提示符在安全模式下启动“系统恢复”工具。 support.microsoft.com 10. Users running Windows ME and XP must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of infected computers. 用户运行的是WindowsMe和WindowsXP,必须禁用系统还原,让全面扫描受感染的电脑。 bbs.zdnet.com.cn 1. This key is related to the System Restore service. 此注册表项与“系统还原”服务有关。 support.microsoft.com 2. System Restore monitoring was disabled on all drives. 系统还原监视在所有驱动器上禁用。 www.fan6.net 3. This key is related to the System Restore filter. 此注册表项与“系统还原”筛选器有关。 support.microsoft.com 4. Click Yes when you receive the prompt to the turn off System Restore. 如果收到关闭系统还原的提示,点击是。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Choose "System Restore" and pick a restore point that has been created before the validation update (KB929391) was installed. 选择“系统还原”,并选择一个还原点已创建前验证更新(kb929391)的安装。 home.dingdi.com 6. In the registry, you can modify many values for System Restore. 在注册表中,您可以修改“系统还原”的许多值。 support.microsoft.com 7. Having a full system restore could have saved them a lot of trouble. 全系统恢复可以为他们省去许多麻烦。 www.bing.com 8. This value turns System Restore either on or off. 此值打开或关闭“系统还原”。 support.microsoft.com 9. Setting a system restore point. 设置系统还原点。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 10. System Restore monitoring was disabled on drive %1. 系统还原监视在驱动器%1上禁用。 www.fan6.net 1. This is why both Windows Update and System Restore use transactions. 这就是WindowsUpdate和系统还原使用事务的原因。 www.microsoft.com 2. After activated in vitro the immune system restore to some extent. 且经体外活化后免疫力得到一定程度的恢复。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Tip: You can also put a copy of Windows 7 on a flash drive, which is very helpful for using System Restore to fix an unbootable PC. 技巧:你一样可以通过拷贝Windows7到U盘设备;对于不能引导的电脑,用这个来做系统修复非常管用。 www.bing.com 4. Are you sure you want to exit System Restore? 您确信要退出系统还原吗? www.fan6.net 5. The Registry Keys and Values for the System Restore Utility “系统还原”实用工具的注册表项和值 support.microsoft.com 6. System Restore detects that the following drives are missing on your computer 系统恢复检测到您的计算机上的下列驱动器丢失 www.fan6.net 7. Start the System Restore tool at a command prompt 从命令提示符启动“系统恢复”工具 support.microsoft.com 8. Turn off System Restore on this drive (disabled by Group Policy) 在此驱动器上关闭系统还原(由组策略禁用) www.fan6.net 9. improved interaction with Windows System Restore; 和窗口系统复位的改良互动; bbs.kafan.cn 10. How to start the System Restore tool at a command prompt in Windows XP 如何在WindowsXP中从命令提示符启动“系统恢复”工具 support.microsoft.com 1. In Windows XP, there are three registry keys that you can use to modify System Restore 在WindowsXP中,您可以使用三个注册表项修改“系统还原” support.microsoft.com 2. System Restore will undo the following restoration 系统还原将撤销下列还原 www.fan6.net 3. Net stop System Restore Service 系统还原服务 www.newjian.com 4. Turn off System Restore on all drives, T, 在所有驱动器上关闭系统还原, www.fan6.net |
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