单词 | Terminal server. |
释义 | 例句释义: 终端服务器,终端伺服器,终端机伺服器,档共用服务 1. The terminal server is basically a little computer with a bunch of modems , and all it does with its life is telnet to other hosts. 终端服务器基本上是有着一些modem的小型计算机,它的使命就是和其他主机联网。 dict.ebigear.com 2. If the terminal server expects an authenticated connection, set this up in CSM or turn off authentication altogether. 如果终端服务器需要验证过的连接,请在CSM中设置验证或把验证都关闭。 www.ibm.com 3. We recognize that there are times when a real out-of-band terminal server can be of value. 我们意识到,有时候真正的带外终端服务器是很有价值的。 www.ibm.com 4. Ensuring the correct setup of the terminal server itself can save a great deal of time later in the installation process. 确保终端服务器本身设置正确,将在后面的安装过程中节省大量时间。 www.ibm.com 5. Remote Desktop Connection makes it possible for a user to connect remotely to a machine that has Remote Desktop or Terminal Server enabled. 远程桌面连接使得用户能够远程连接到启用了远程桌面或终端服务器的计算机。 technet.microsoft.com 6. If you run Visual Studio in a Terminal Server window, and the session is running on Windows 2000, you will not be able to detach programs. 如果在终端服务器窗口中运行VisualStudio,而且该会话运行在Windows2000上,您不能分离程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Please enter the agreement number with which you will purchase your Terminal Server Client Access Licenses. 请输入您将购买的终端服务器客户端访问许可证的协议号码。 www.jukuu.com 8. To provide access to Windows applications, the applications have to be deployed on a Terminal Server. 要提供对Windows应用程序的访问,必须将应用程序部署到终端服务器上。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Your Terminal Server client license number has not been entered for this copy of the Terminal Server client. 还没有为这份终端服务器客户输入您的终端服务器客户许可证号码。 www.jukuu.com 10. Every Terminal Server Client must be licensed with a valid Terminal Server Client Access License. 每个终端服务器客户端都必须由有效的终端服务器客户端访问许可证授权。 www.jukuu.com 1. Also ensure the connection settings and flow control between the terminal server and each connecting system are the same. 还要确保终端服务器和连接的每个系统之间的连接设置和流控制相同。 www.ibm.com 2. Specifies the name and the path of the program the user wants to start on logon to the Terminal Server. 指定用户想在登录到终端服务器时启动的程序的名称和路径。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. On smaller stand-alone pSeries Linux systems, it may be desirable just to connect an ASCII terminal or terminal server to the serial port. 在较小的独立pSeriesLinux系统中,或许可以仅仅在串口上连接一个ASCII终端或者终端服务器。 www.ibm.com 4. The remote session was disconnected because the Terminal Server client access license stored on this computer is in an invalid format. 由于这台计算机上储存的终端服务器客户端访问许可证的格式无效,远程会话被中断。 www.drados.com 5. Formerly known as Terminal Server, Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server is the RDS server role. 以前称为终端服务器,远程桌面会话主机(RD会话主机)服务器是RDS服务器角色。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Install mode does not apply to a Terminal server configured for remote administration. 安装模式不适于为远程管理配置的终端服务器。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. A limited user can no longer print to a shared printer from a terminal server session after you restart the Spooler service in Windows 2000. 在Windows2000中重新启动后台处理程序服务之后,受限用户无法再从终端服务器会话打印到共享打印机。 support.microsoft.com 8. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the service can handle session change events received from a Terminal Server session. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示服务是否可以处理从终端服务器会话接收到的会话更改事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This policy requires a license to be issued to each client computer (seat) that connects to the terminal server. 这个策略要求给连接到终端服务器的每个客户端计算机(客户)颁发一个许可证。 www.fan6.net 10. If possible if the user session was opened on a terminal server computer or not. 如果可能的话,如果用户会议开幕在终端服务器计算机或没有。 www.bing.com 1. Data sent between the Terminal server and the client can be encrypted for security. 可以为安全目的加密终端服务器和客户端之间发送的数据。 www.fan6.net 2. Note This problem does not occur if you use an administrator account to establish the Terminal Server session. 注意:此问题不会发生如果您使用的管理员帐户,建立终端服务器会话。 www.cnblogs.com 3. Installation from a Terminal Server client session is not permitted for the current user. 不允许当前用户从终端服务器客户端进行安装。 www.dictall.com 4. The potential for remote sites and users to utilize "thin client" technologies like Citrix, Windows Terminal Server (WTS), or Web clients. 远程站点及用户使用“瘦客户端”的潜力,例如Citrix、WindowsTerminalServer(WTS),或是网络客户端。 www.ibm.com 5. Terminal Server was uninstalled on this computer. Since its not supported in Server product. 由于Server产品不支持,这台计算机上的终端服务器已被卸载。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. This wizard will help you acquire and install Terminal Server Client Access License tokens onto your Terminal Server License Server . 该向导将会帮助您获取并在您的终端服务器许可证服务器上安装终端服务器客户端访问许可证令牌。 www.jukuu.com 7. Another key feature of Ubuntu is the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) within the server edition. Ubuntu的另一个关键特性是服务器版本中的Linux终端服务器项目(LinuxTerminalServerProject,LTSP)。 www.ibm.com 8. Terminal Server Licensing general initialization failure. 终端服务器授权的一般初始化故障。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 9. Then, you allow only administrators to have Terminal server access. 然后,仅允许管理员访问终端服务器。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Specifies the working directory path for the program the user wants to start on logon to the Terminal Server. 指定用户想在登录到终端服务器时启动的程序的工作目录路径。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. Web-based and terminal-server alternatives were introduced to provide two potentially new migration paths. 还介绍了基于Web的和终端服务器的替代产品,它们提供两种新的迁移路径。 www.ibm.com 2. The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections. 终端服务器超出了最大允许连接数。 www.dictall.com 3. If the token is associated with the terminal server client session, the session identifier is nonzero. 如果凭证是与终端服务器客户端会话的会话标识符是非零。 www.phpzy.com 4. To minimize directly logging on to the server, you can use Remote Desktop, Terminal Server, or a dedicated management station. 为了尽量减少直接登录到服务器的情况,可以使用远程桌面、终端服务器或专用管理站。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Support for legacy and new printer drivers without the necessity of installing these drivers on the terminal server. 不论是老的还是新的打印机,都不需要在终端服务器上安装驱动程序。 hi.baidu.com 6. The Allow logon to Terminal Server option is selected on the Connection Access page of the Add User Wizard. 允许登录到终端服务器的选择是在添加用户向导连接访问选择页面。 www.cnblogs.com 7. Team Foundation Server servers will operate correctly with Terminal Server sessions. 将通过终端服务器会话来正确操作TeamFoundationServer服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The ClipBook service is not available from a Terminal Server remote session . 终端服务器远程会话没有剪贴簿服务。 www.bing.com 9. If the token is associated with the terminal server console session, the session identifier is zero. 如果凭证是与终端服务器的控制台会话的会话标识符是零。 www.phpzy.com 10. In addition, Terminal Server makes some adjustments to the registry for a legacy application. 另外,终端服务器对旧版应用程序的注册表进行某些调整。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Visual Studio Team System role-based clients and Team Explorer will operate correctly with Terminal Server. VisualStudioTeamSystem基于角色的客户端和团队资源管理器可在终端服务器上正常运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Improves backwards compatibility for Terminal server license keys. 对于终端服务器许可证密匙完善向后兼容性。 www.infoq.com 3. The terminal server service failed to start because this is not a terminal server computer. 由于这不是服务器计算机,终端服务器服务未能启动。 www.drados.com 4. This application cannot be used from a Terminal Server remote session. 此应用程序不能从终端服务器远程会话使用。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. When this flag is set, Terminal Server will not make certain changes to the application. 设置该标志后,终端服务器将不对应用程序进行某些更改。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Using a script, you can then set the BMC address through the terminal server and power the computer off. 可以用一个脚本来通过终端服务器设置BMC地址,然后关闭计算机。 www.ibm.com 7. Name of the Terminal Server whose properties are of interest. 有关此属性的终端服务器的名称。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. This article describes how to securely copy and paste files between the Terminal Services client computer and Terminal server. 本文介绍了如何在“终端服务”客户端计算机和“终端”服务器之间安全地复制和粘贴文件。 support.microsoft.com 9. Executes when a change event is received from a Terminal Server session. 从终端服务器会话接收到更改事件时执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Configure remote connection settings. This includes adding users and groups that need to connect to the terminal server. 配置连接设置,包括新增那些需要连接连接到终端服务器的用户,用户组。 hi.baidu.com 1. Verity that third party products are supported under Terminal Server environment. 确定第三方产品是否能在终端环境下稳定运行。 hi.baidu.com 2. Can't open restored database file. Terminal Server Licensing will use existing database file. 无法打开还原的数据库文件。终端服务器授权将使用现有的数据库文件。 www.fan6.net 3. Can't start Terminal Server Licensing due to lack of system resources. 由于缺乏系统资源,无法启动终端服务器授权。 www.fan6.net 4. This terminal-server like product geared for the educational market. 这个产品类似于一个终端服务器,也是面向教育市场的。 www.infoq.com 5. NX is open source terminal server software developed by a for-profit company. NX是由某个盈利公司开发的一种开源终端服务器。 www.ibm.com 6. Disk Defragmenter cannot run in a Terminal Server session. 磁盘碎片整理程序不能在中断服务器会话中运行。 www.fan6.net 7. Can't load server's certificate. See Terminal Server Licensing help topic for more information. 无法加载服务器的证书。有关详情,请参阅终端服务器授权帮助标题。 www.fan6.net 8. Terminal Server Licensing starting up with restored database file. 终端服务器授权正在用还原的数据库文件启动。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 9. Start a Terminal Services client session with the updated Terminal server. 启动“终端服务”客户端连接更新过的“终端”服务器。 support.microsoft.com 10. Monitor installation from the terminal server, letting the node boot fully. 从终端服务器上监视安装过程,让节点全部引导。 www.ibm.com 1. This computer is running Terminal Server in Application Sharing Mode. 此计算机正在以应用程序共享模式运行终端服务器。 yeebang.com 2. When you use Windows 2000 Terminal Services, you can run your own dedicated sessions on a Terminal server. 使用Windows2000“终端服务”时,可以在“终端”服务器上运行自己的专用会话。 support.microsoft.com 3. The remote session was disconnected because the Terminal Server client access license stored on this computer has been modified. 由于这台计算机上储存的终端服务器客户端访问许可证已被修改,远程会话被中断。 www.drados.com 4. If your application will be run under Terminal Server, native images allow sharing of code pages. 如果应用程序将在终端服务器下运行,本机映像允许共享代码页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Terminal Server Licensing was not setup properly. 终端服务器授权设置得不正确。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. Terminal Server Licensing received a valid SPK but its signature is invalid . 终端服务器授权收到一个有效的SPK,但其签名无效。 www.bing.com 7. Terminal Server Licensing received a valid LKP code but its signature is invalid. 终端服务器授权收到一个有效的LKP代码,但其签名无效。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. SESSIONNAME: Lists the connection and session names when connected to terminal server session. 列出连接到终端服务会话时的连接和会话名。 5pa.com 9. Manages client access licensing for Terminal Server. 管理终端服务器的客户端授权。 www.drados.com 10. Terminal Server Licensing was continued. 已继续终端服务器授权。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. Terminal Server listener stack was down. The relevant status code %1. 终端服务器侦听程序堆栈处于关闭状态。相关的状态码为%1。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. Your request to connect to this Terminal Server has been rejected. 拒绝连接到这个终端服务器。 www.showxiu.com 3. Use Server Manager to install the Terminal Server role service. 使用服务器管理器安装终端服务。 hi.baidu.com 4. Terminal Server Licensing was started. 已启动终端服务器授权。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. Terminal Server Licensing was paused. 已暂停终端服务器授权。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. SP2 allows legacy license keys on Citrix applications to work with Windows Server 2008 Terminal server. SP2允许Citrix应用程序的旧版许可证密匙来使用WindowsServer2008终端服务器。 www.infoq.com 7. Indicates a SID is present in a server that can issue Terminal Server licenses. 指示一个在可以发出终端服务器许可证的服务器上存在的SID。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Indicates a SID that matches a terminal server account. 指示一个与终端服务器帐户匹配的SID。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The terminal server cannot issue a client license. 终端服务器无法颁发客户端许可证。 www.drados.com 10. The terminal server client %1 has been disconnected because its license could not be renewed. 由于其许可证无法重续,终端服务器客户端%1的连接已被中断。 www.drados.com 1. Can't retrieve key for Terminal Server Licensing. 无法检索终端服务器授权密钥。 www.fan6.net 2. Use a dedicated server for Terminal Server tasks. 服务器只运行终端服务。 hi.baidu.com 3. You cannot run dbgproxy in a Terminal Server session. 无法在终端服务器会话中运行dbgproxy。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This terminal server was not found in the domain. 在域中没有找到这个终端服务器。 www.fan6.net 5. A group for Terminal Server License Servers. 终端服务器许可证服务器组。 support.microsoft.com 6. Can't open certificate store for Terminal Server Licensing - error code %1! X! 无法打开终端服务器授权的证书存储区-错误代码%1! www.fan6.net 7. Download now to resolve the negative effect on the performance of the Terminal Server caused by running 16-bit apps. 立即下载以解决由于运行16位应用程序而在终端服务器的性能上造成的负面影响。 www.microsoft.com 8. You must install Terminal Server before you install the programs you want to share. 在安装共享的程序前,您必须安装终端服务器。 www.fan6.net 9. You have completed the Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard. 您已完成许可终端服务器证服务器激活向导。 www.jukuu.com 10. Install the Rdpclip utility on the Terminal server. 在“终端”服务器上安装Rdpclip实用程序。 support.microsoft.com 1. No terminal server was found in the domain. 在域中没有找到终端服务器。 www.fan6.net 2. To activate your license server, go to the Terminal Server Activation and Licensing Web site listed below . 要激活许可证服务器,请访问下列终端服务器激活和授权网站。 www.showxiu.com 3. Do you want to install Terminal Server on this server? 您想在此服务器上安装终端服务器吗? angel.w15.5tom.cn 4. Do you want to use Terminal Server on this server? 您想在此服务器上使用终端服务器吗? www.fan6.net 5. For example, the command show port async all char returns detailed information about each port on the terminal server. 例如,showportasyncallchar命令返回终端服务器上每个端口的详细信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Can not find certificate for Terminal Server Licensing. 找不到终端服务器授权证书。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. Connection-oriented applications such as Terminal Server and Microsoft Exchange Server also benefit. 面向连接的应用,如终端服务器和微软交换服务也从中受益。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. You receive an error message when you try to print to a shared network printer in a terminal server session 尝试打印到终端服务器会话中的共享网络打印机时收到错误消息 support.microsoft.com 9. Design and Realization and of A Terminal Server System 终端服务器的设计与应用 radiostor.cn 10. The following guidelines should be consider during the design on Terminal Server solutions and Terminal Server maintenance 下面的指南将指引你怎么样设计终端服务方案和维护终端服务 hi.baidu.com 1. Terminal Servers cannot locate the license servers when you use the "Use the specified Terminal Server license servers" policy setting 当您使用终端服务器许可证服务器找策略设置使用指定终端服务器“许可证服务器” support.microsoft.com 2. Several orphaned Csrss. Exe processes cause performance issues on your Windows 2000-based terminal server 多个孤立的Csrss.exe进程导致基于Windows2000的终端服务器出现性能问题 support.microsoft.com 3. Windows 2000 Terminal Server stops responding and a black screen appears Windows2000终端服务器停止响应并出现黑屏 support.microsoft.com 4. Set a default security descriptor for all connections on this terminal server 为这个终端服务器上的所有连接设置默认安全描述 www.drados.com 5. Specifies whether Accounting packet starts or stops a bridging routing or terminal server session 指定记帐数据包是否开始或停止搭桥路由或中断服务器会话 www.fan6.net 6. You cannot use Group Policy settings to configure Terminal Services roaming user profiles on a Windows 2000-based Terminal server 无法使用组策略设置对基于Windows2000的终端服务器上的终端服务漫游用户配置文件进行配置 support.microsoft.com 7. Terminal Server Service Terminal Server Service Terminal Server setup 终端服务器配置文件路径 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. Remote Using ERP Software through Terminal Server Technology 通过终端服务器技术远程使用ERP实验教学软件 www.ilib.cn 9. If an application is Terminal Server aware, it must neither rely on INI files nor write to the 如果应用程序可由终端服务器识别,则在安装过程中它必须既不依赖于INI文件也不向 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You chose to install Terminal Server on this computer 您决定在这台计算机上安装终端服务器 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. Installation and Debugging of Terminal Server 终端服务器的安装与调试 www.ilib.cn 2. Creates a new connection to your terminal server 创建通向终端服务器的新连接 www.fan6.net 3. Documents from Terminal Server users who map LPT1 to different printers appear on the same printer 将LPT1映射到不同打印机的终端服务器用户的文档出现在同一打印机中 support.microsoft.com 4. Allow and also set Wallpaper for Terminal Server sessions 允许并同时为终端服务器会话设置壁纸 www.fan6.net 5. Creates an application that is specifically designed to run under Terminal Server 创建专为在终端服务器下运行而设计的应用程序 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Terminal Server users experience degradation in performance when they run 16-bit programs 终端服务器用户运行16位程序时,遇到性能降低问题 support.microsoft.com 7. HOW TO: Securely Copy and Paste Files Between the Terminal Services Client and the Terminal Server in Windows 2000 如何在终端服务客户端和终端服务器之间安全地复制和粘贴文件 support.microsoft.com 8. To install the Terminal Server role service 安装终端服务角色 hi.baidu.com 9. Stop error code 0x1E occurs if your server has Terminal Server enabled 当服务器启用终端服务器时,出现停止错误代码0x1E support.microsoft.com 10. You chose to uninstall Terminal Server from this computer 您决定从这台计算机卸载终端服务器 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. You receive a "Stop 0x0000001E" error message when you log off from a Windows 2000 Server terminal server 从Windows2000Server终端服务器中注销时,收到“Stop0x0000001E”错误消息 support.microsoft.com 2. Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4. 0, Terminal Server Edition MicrosoftWindowsNTServer版本4.0,终端服务器版 www.microsoft.com 3. The session redirection function does not work correctly on Windows Server 2003-based servers that have Terminal Server enabled 会话重定向函数在具有终端服务器启用基于WindowsServer2003服务器上工作不正常 support.microsoft.com 4. A Windows 2000 Terminal Server That Is Configured with Citrix Metaframe Software Can Become Slow and Unresponsive 使用CitrixMetaframe软件配置的Windows2000终端服务器可能变慢且响应迟钝 support.microsoft.com 5. Remote Online Monitor and Diagnosis System of Water Pump Set Based on Terminal Server 基于终端服务的水泵机组远程在线监测诊断系统 ilib.cn 6. Use of terminal server technology 终端服务器技术的使用 www.ibm.com 7. How to redirect the default printer of a Terminal Services client to a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server session 如何重定向到WindowsServer2003终端服务器会话的终端服务客户默认打印机 support.microsoft.com 8. A Windows Server 2003-based terminal server stops responding to new connection requests, and the logon window does not appear 基于WindowsServer2003终端服务器停止响应新连接请求,并且不显示登录窗口 support.microsoft.com 9. A Windows Server 2003-based terminal server in a forest cannot obtain a license from a license server in a different forest 从不同林中许可证服务器WindowsServer2003-基于终端服务器林中无法获取许可证 support.microsoft.com 10. A terminal server that is running Windows 2000 Server stops unexpectedly and you receive a "STOP 0x0000001E" error 运行Windows2000Server的终端服务器意外停止并收到“STOP0x0000001E”错误 support.microsoft.com 1. The Terminal Server Licensing tool may unexpectedly quit after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 on a Terminal Server 终端服务器授权工具可能意外退出终端服务器上您安装WindowsServerService2003Pack1后 support.microsoft.com 2. Many instances of Error events 59 and 32 are logged in the System log on a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server 基于WindowsServer2003终端服务器上系统日志中记录许多实例59和32错误事件 support.microsoft.com 3. A leak occurs in the Netbt. Sys file on Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server that has many NetBT connections WindowsServer2003终端服务器具有许多NetBT连接上Netbt.sys文件中出现泄漏 support.microsoft.com |
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