单词 | spread throughout | ||
释义 | spread throughout
例句释义: 传扬遍地 1. A Whig congressman from Pennsylvania made a wild speech against the president. Copies of it were spread throughout the country. 有一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的辉格党国会众议员发表了一篇粗野的演讲指责现任总统,这篇演讲稿在全国流传。 www.bing.com 2. One day, news spread throughout the little town of the appearance of a hungry wolf on the prowl in the area. 有一天,小镇上传开了一个消息,说当地有一匹饿狼在活动。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. However, it fell down again the next morning. This time, it was completely broken. Then, plague started to spread throughout the city. 他们就把这个神像又放回原处,不过第二天早上它又一样的倒了下来,这一次都搅成一团了,然后瘟疫开始在这个城市蔓延开来。 sm2000.org 4. IT builds applications to help the business; your governance structure defines how those application are spread throughout the organization. IT可以构建应用程序来帮助执行业务;管理结构定义如何在组织中扩展这些应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. The diffusion effects of the system of river leader soon spread throughout the country because it's easy to operate. 河长制因其简单易行,很快在全国形成扩散效应。 www.cpre.sdnu.edu.cn 6. Certain compounds can enter and spread throughout the interior of the cell only after the surface has been punctured. 只有在细胞表面被戳破以后,某些化合物才能进入并散布整个细胞内部。 7. Lower glume separated by an internode; spikelets not in pairs, evenly spread throughout the panicle. 一节间分开的更低的颖片;不成对的小穗,在整个圆锥花序平均平展。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Since then, interim government officials have said the insurgents have spread throughout Iraq. 从那以后,临时政府的官员说,反叛分子分散到伊拉克各地。 www.24en.com 9. Then slowly spread throughout the body, finally demonstrated in place to form a very composed of yuan vortex. 然后慢慢扩散到全身各处,最后在丹田处形成一个以真元组成的漩涡。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. spread throughout the Roman Empire, weaving together an ever-growing multitude of converts into a new community of ideas and will. 基督诞生后的最初二个世纪,基督教传遍整个罗马帝国,把越来越多的皈依者组合成一个具有新的思想和意志的社会群体。 www.jukuu.com 1. And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. 于是耶稣的名声传遍了周围地方。 www.ebigear.com 2. He gave a class presentation on censorship, and the PowerPoint was widely spread throughout the Chinese blogosphere. 他做过一份关于审查的经典报告,该报告的PPT在中文博客圈里广为传播。 dongxi.net 3. If that happens, a flu pandemic could quickly spread throughout the world because people have no immunity to this evolving viral strain. 届时,疾病就会迅速扩展到全世界,因为人类对这种正在演变的病毒毒株还没有免疫力。 www.america.gov 4. Scientists have now discovered how this protective shield is broken down, allowing cancer to spread throughout the body. 研究人员现在明确了这一屏障是如何崩溃并使癌症扩散。 www.soudoc.com 5. As a result , the virus may be able to spread throughout the organization in a relatively short time. 结果,在一个相当短的时间内,病毒就能在该机构之内到处肆虐。 english.31931.cn 6. "The army is quite decentralized anyway, and it is spread throughout Burma already, " he said. 他说:“缅甸各地已经遍布军队”。 www.ecocn.org 7. Two years ago, only a handful of countries were affected by financial problems; but they have now spread throughout the globe. 两年前,只有几个国家受到金融问题的困扰;但是现在金融问题已经遍布全球。 www.bing.com 8. Fortunately, the consistently warm weather makes it possible for tourism to be spread throughout the year. 幸运的是,持续温暖的天气使旅游业能全年经营。 9. Rumors like this, rumors are leaf, the crowd is the wind. In such a crowded school, rumors in the overnight, spread throughout the campus. 流言就这样的,流言是片树叶,人群就是风。在这样人群密集的学校里,流言在一夜之间,传遍整个校园。 www.bing.com 10. The annihilation of the verdant and peaceful world was a polarizing shockwave that spread throughout the galaxy. 苍翠和平的伊索星球毁于一旦。这个消息犹如一股强烈的冲击波震撼了整个银河系。 starwarsfans.cn 1. In that way it's like throwing a stone into a still pond: your ripples of kindness spread throughout the world without end. 这就好比将一块石头扔进一个原本平静的池塘:由你的慈爱之心所激起的涟漪永无止境地传遍整个世界。 www.elanso.com 2. The different local authority departments had until then been spread throughout the town in a number of locations. 在此之前,地方政府的各个部门都分散在不同的办公地点。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Early accounts of Vespucci's voyages, now believed to have been forgeries, had quickly spread throughout Europe. 关于韦斯普奇航海的故事现被认为是伪作很快传遍了欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. Severe strains of cold viruses which spread throughout a region are referred to as influenza, or the flu. 厉害的感冒病毒菌种在某一个地区肆虐时就被称之为“流行性感冒”或“流感”。 www.jukuu.com 5. Through acts of intimidation and petty corruption, the USDP has spread throughout Burma to perpetuate military rule with a civilian face. 联邦巩固与发展党透过恐吓和轻微腐败行为,以平民表面蔓延至缅甸各地,延续其军事统治。 www.hrw.org 6. Misconception: Surgery could cause cancer to spread throughout the body. 误解的是:认为手术可能会使癌症扩及全身。 www.elanso.com 7. When this molecular glue is broken down, tumor cells start to migrate and spread throughout the body. 当分子胶水被破坏了,肿瘤细胞开始迁移并扩散到机体。 www.dxy.cn 8. News of his armed resistance group immediately spread throughout the state. 他展开武装抵抗的消息立即传遍整个掸邦。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In fact, while the vast majority of neutral mutations die out, a few spread throughout a population and thus become "fixed" . 事实上,大部分中立变异都会被自然选择除灭,只有小部分在群体传播并因此固定下来。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. No invention in history has so quickly spread throughout the world or so deeply touched so many parts of human existence as the microchip. 历史上没有哪项发明像微型芯片那样如此迅速地在世界上普及,或如此深刻地影响人类生活众多的方面。 englishonline.sut.edu.cn 1. As it turns out, the emotion appears to radiate and spread throughout the group [source: Fox News]. 就像研究结果表明的一样,情感似乎能够镭射开来并通过群体传播。 www.bing.com 2. By the time she became eligible for a cadaver liver, the cancer would have spread throughout her body. 待到她得到一个适合的活体肝脏时,肝癌细胞早已扩散到全身。 www.jukuu.com 3. News of this invention spread throughout the would , earning him the title "the Wizard of Menlo Park " . 这种新发明很快在世界上传播开来。他也被人们称为“门罗公园的魔术师”。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. Still, Mr. Tashiro warned that it was inevitable that the flu would spread throughout the country. 尽管那样,Tashiro先生告诫道流感传遍国土是不可避免的。 www.bing.com 5. Ranchu (Goldfish) The emergence of an an unprecedented new type of herpes virus infection and quickly spread throughout the country. 兰寿(金鱼)界出现了一种前所未有的新型疱疹病毒感染,并迅速在全国范围内蔓延。 task.zhubajie.com 6. Cancer's uncontrolled spread throughout the body is what makes the disease so deadly. 癌不受控制地传遍全身使这种疾病非常致命。 www.bing.com 7. Bank insolvencies can be highly contagious and spread throughout the single financial system . 银行破产可能具有高度传染性,并会在整个单一金融体系内部蔓延。 www.bing.com 8. We moved slowly through the yard, keeping hidden in the tall undergrowth, weeds, and the various trees spread throughout the yard. 我们慢慢地穿过院子院子里到处长满了高高的灌木丛、杂草还有各种树木,正好便于我们藏身。 www.bing.com 9. Meanwhile, news of Harry's first year heroism has spread throughout Hogwarts and he finds himself the center of much unwanted attention. 与此同时,哈里第一年的英勇事迹已经在霍格沃茨学校广为流传,他无奈地发现自己已经成了焦点人物。 bbs.wwenglish.org 10. The demonstrations began in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city, and quickly spread throughout the eastern regions of the country. 游行活动其实于利比亚第二大城市本哈兹,随即迅速在该国东部地区蔓延开来。 www.bing.com 1. The popularity of this new winter sport soon spread throughout Canada and the northeastern United States. 这种新冬季体育运动很快就在加拿大各地和美国东北部流行起来。 www.bing.com 2. Even the two rarest (thulium and lutetium) are more widely spread throughout the Earth's crust than gold or platinum. 即便是其中最稀有的两种(铥和镏),其在地壳中的分布也比黄金或是铂金更为广泛。 www.ecocn.org 3. The document blamed the "very grave" situation on spies who had "spread throughout the land like locusts. " 该文件指责那些“想蝗虫一样遍布这块土地的探子”导致了“严峻的”形式。 www.bing.com 4. Klintberg said the tradition began in the west in the 18th century and spread throughout Sweden. Klintberg说这个传统起源于十八世纪的瑞典西部,后传播到整个国家。 www.neworiental.org 5. The markets are spread throughout the city, covering streets, whole city blocks and sometimes several building levels. 集市分布在整个达卡,布满了街道,街区。甚至有时几层楼都是。 www.bing.com 6. Flames were spotted around 9: 30 p. m. and within 20 minutes the fire had spread throughout the building, dominating that part of the city. 9点30分时有人看到火光,而在接下来的20分钟内,大火在整栋楼肆虐,在这座城市中格外显眼。 www.bing.com 7. The cabinet-level commission will coordinate efforts currently spread throughout several government departments. 这个内阁级别的委员会将协调那些目前涉及几个政府部门的工作。 ept-cn.com 8. Consternation spread throughout the city as the invading army approached. 当侵略军逼近时恐慌蔓延了整个城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. These infections can spread throughout the body. 这些感染可以扩散到全身各处。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Beliefs, behaviours, and even emotions can be passed down through entire generations, spread throughout an entire culture and continent. 信仰、举止、甚至情感可以影响整整一代人,可以传播到整个文化、整片大陆。 www.bing.com 1. The sovereign debt crisis is not just limited to the eurozone but is spread throughout the developed world. 主权债务危机并不仅仅局限于欧元区,而是在整个发达世界蔓延。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As avian flu has spread throughout the world, we have sent experts within hours of your request for support. 由于禽流感已传播到全世界,在你们要求提供支持后数小时内我们就派出了专家。 www.who.int 3. So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land. 耶和华与约书亚同在,约书亚的声名传扬遍地。 www.ebigear.com 4. Once evaporated into the air. the moisture can spread throughout nearby land. thus making it cooler. 一旦蒸发到空气中。水分可以传遍附近的土地。从而使冷却器。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. As an anti-government uprising spread throughout Tibet in areas, the crisis was covered widely in western media. 在西藏多个地区爆发反政府起义时,西方媒体广泛报道了这个危机。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Dieticians suggest small, energy-rich meals should be spread throughout the day, with snacks. 专家建议,量少能量丰富带点心的套餐应该贯穿儿童的一日三餐。 www.en400.com:8080 7. Market turnover chaos, panic worse, pessimism spread throughout the cotton textile industry chain. 市场成交混乱,恐慌心理加重,悲观情绪蔓延整个棉纺织产业链。 www.texclo.net 8. Content, or information, can be spread throughout or beyond the enterprise. 内容或信息可以传播到整个企业,也可以传播到企业之外。 www-128.ibm.com 9. In case you haven't noticed, California has plenty of backcourt talent spread throughout the region. 也许你没有注意到,在这个地区,加州大学有许多后场天才球员。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Atmosphere of terror immediately spread throughout, and witnessed the terrible events of the whole mystery bird only pet cat. 恐怖气氛顿时散布开来,而目击整件神秘可怕事件的只有那只宠物猫。 www.bluraycd.com 1. The news quickly spread throughout the land. 消息很快传遍了全国。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. All over E. G The news spread throughout the country. 消息传遍了全国。 eduho.com 3. but I think we have got so many toxic assets spread throughout the banking and financial community throughout the world. . . 但我认为我们在全球的银行和金融界有着如此众多的有毒资产… qac.yappr.cn 4. These changes begin first within individuals and then will spread throughout communities, cities, nations and continents. 这些改变将首先在个体发生,然后扩展到全社区,城市,国家直至大陆。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. But as yet there is no sign of let-up and the grim mood in Manhattan has spread throughout the region. 不过,迄今为止尚未出现缓和的迹象,曼哈顿的严峻气氛已经扩及到整个地区。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Still, Rodda said a few species could potentially spread throughout many of the southern states. 瑞达说,少数种类能有潜质传播扩散至南部诸州。 www.bing.com 7. The effects of the New York Stock Market Crash of 1929 soon spread throughout Europe and by 1931 Britain was entering the Great depression. 年纽约股票交易所崩溃的影响迅速波及欧洲,到1931年英国进入经济大萧条。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Then, administrations can remove these objects before they spread throughout the forest. 然后,administrations之前它们分布在整个林中删除这些对象。 support.microsoft.com 9. Cuneiform, the first writing system, eventually developed into various dialects and spread throughout western Asia and beyond. 楔形,是最早的文字系统,最终成为各种方言和整个西亚及以后的蔓延发展。 word.hcbus.com 10. While this is important it only addresses partial, because single virus is able to spread throughout an organization. 虽然这是个重要问题,这只是表明了病毒的部分问题,因为单个病毒可能传遍整个机构。 www.tingroom.com 1. There are many caves spread throughout the area with number of unique blind fish found underground in caves. 在地下溶洞里生活着一种特殊的鱼,神奇的是这种鱼看不见。 www.bing.com 2. He delivered his "last lecture" to the academic community, but it soon spread throughout the world via the web. 他在学术界发表了了《最后一课》,通过网络这本书很快就传遍世界。 www.bing.com 3. On his return to Spain, his news of the new lands discovered spread throughout Europe. 当他返回西班牙的时候,他发现新大陆的消息传遍了整个欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. After carbon-14 spread throughout the globe, tiny amounts of the gas were taken up by the slow-growing mosses. 在碳-14散布到全球之后,微量的这种气体被缓慢生长的苔藓吸收。 www.bing.com 5. Also, calls to the service may be spread throughout the application. 同时,对于服务的调用可能贯穿于整个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. Fur farmers released thousands of American mink in eastern Europe, and they spread throughout Europe. 皮毛经营者在东欧放养了数以千计的美洲鼬,这些美洲鼬迅速遍及欧洲。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. And observe that the transaction strategy is spread throughout the layers below the client, but not completely. 并且事务策略遍布于客户机下面的层中,但这不是绝对的。 www.ibm.com 8. But her emphasis on the West's role is less sure an explanation for the practice's spread throughout China and India. 但她对西方所扮演角色的强调却不足以解释这一行径在中国和印度大范围扩展。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. Confusion and disorder might well spread throughout the entire Middle East . 混乱和骚动可能遍布于整个中东。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Thierry Henry scored 30 goals a season at Arsenal, but when those goals are spread throughout the team, you are not going to miss him. 亨利在阿森纳每个赛季都能赢得30个进球,但是这些球如果分布到整支球队,你们就不会想念他了。 bbs.myowen.net 1. Although the news quickly spread throughout the internet, but e-mail content, but some family photos and letters sent to some colleagues. 虽然,这些消息迅速传遍互联网,但电邮的内容不过是一些家庭照片和发给同事的少许信件。 www.englishtang.com 2. The story of the Frog Prince was originally German, but has spread throughout the West. 青蛙王子的故事来源于德国,但是广泛流传于西方国家。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Microcredit institutions have spread throughout the world and, in many cases, are generating a profit. 小额信贷机构已经扩展至全世界,且很多已开始创造利润。 www.ftchinese.com 4. His renown as a reporter spread throughout the country. 他作为一名记者的名望在全国都传开了。 www.bing.com 5. OSRAM products have spread throughout 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. 欧司朗产品已遍布32个省、市自治区。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Therefore, the Baroque architecture from Rome after the originator, soon spread throughout Europe, and even as far as the Americas. 因此,巴洛克建筑从罗马发端后,不久即传遍欧洲,以至远达美洲。 wenda.tianya.cn 7. The news quickly spread throughout the country. 这消息迅速传遍全国。 www.tjjy.com.cn 8. Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. 短短几个星期,他的信心感染了全体队员。 www.hnxxyz.com 9. As a result, genes for the behavior spread throughout that population until it became essentially ubiquitous. 结果是,这种行为的基因会繁衍遍布该物种的整个族群直到它事实上普遍存在。 www.bing.com 10. When we talk about dispersion we are interested in how the data is spread throughout the dataset. 当我们去讨论数据时,我们其实是对数据如何在数据集之间如何分散感兴趣。 www.ibm.com 1. the news soon spread throughout the city. 这个消息很快地传遍了整个城市。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. By the late 1700s, the piano had spread throughout Europe and to the American colonies. 到十八世纪后期,钢琴传遍了欧洲,传到了美洲的各个殖民地。 www.yuloo.com 3. The news of victory spread throughout the country. 胜利的消息传遍了全国。 yingyu.eduu.com 4. According to the news, the epidemic has spread throughout the city. 据报道那个疾病已经在全市扩散开来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If the new mutation does spread throughout a population, the scenario is even worse. 如果在一个种群里,新的突变确能传播开来,其境地就更糟。 www.bing.com 6. Tea cultivation and consumption spread throughout Asia and into Europe and the Middle East. 茶的种植和消费热潮已经从亚洲蔓延到欧洲甚至中东。 www.en400.com:8080 7. Her name quickly spread throughout the country and outside the Great Wall. 她的名字很快就传遍大江南北,长城内外。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Your client is the largest discount retailer in Canada, with 500 stores spread throughout the country. CanadaCo是加拿大最大的折扣零售集团,拥有遍及全国的500家连锁店。 www.myvsp.cn 9. News of their victory spread throughout the country. 他们胜利的消息传遍了全国。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Toscanini's comment spread throughout the world of music. Finally, Marian Anderson was famous. 托斯卡尼尼的这一评论很快传遍了整个音乐世界,最后,玛丽安.安德森闻名于世了。 www.bing.com 1. The disease has spread throughout the city. 这病已扩散到全城。 forum.ikaka.com 2. I miss the July, spread throughout the season, a evening, a dawn. 我把七月的思念,铺开在整个季节,趟过一个个黄昏,一个个晨曦。 www.tradeask.com 3. The raids spread throughout Europe, from modern day Spain to Turkey. 周围遍布欧洲,从现代的西班牙,土耳其。 www.sjgcz.cn 4. The disease spread throughout the country. 疾病漫延到全国。 www.100e.com 5. The new epidemic spread throughout the country. 那种新传染病蔓延到了全国各地。 www.ruiwen.com 6. The Chinese land-based ballistic and cruise missile force consists of 38 operational missile units spread throughout the nation. 中国的陆基弹道导弹和巡航导弹部队由38个分布在全国各地的现役导弹部队组成。 zgjunshi.com 7. News of the violence spread throughout the country and the world. 有关暴力的新闻在美国及世界范围内进行报道。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. His renown has spread throughout the country. 他的名声已传遍全国。 www.24en.com 9. The financial crisis that began in Thailand in July of 1997 has quickly spread throughout East Asia. 一九九七年七月,由泰国开始的金融风暴出乎世人意料地迅速袭击了整个东亚。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It appears blue in photographs because of the fine carbon dust spread throughout the cloud. 由于散布在云气中的尘埃是细小的碳粒,因此在照片中呈现蓝色。 instapedia.com 1. This prerogative is left to the 1, 000 or more authorised business schools spread throughout India. 这种特权落到了遍布在全印度的1000余所获得授权的商学院手中。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Native to Western India, the fruit spread throughout South East Asia and first came to Hawaii in 1888. 这种水果原产地是西印度,后来遍布东南亚,1888年首次传入夏威夷。 www.elanso.com 3. lemon has spread throughout the world because of its unique tasting fruit. 柠檬树因其独特味道的果实而遍布全球。 www.nciku.com 4. The virus has rapidly spread throughout Georgia, with 52 of 65 districts being currently affected. 该病毒在格鲁吉亚迅速蔓延,在65个区中目前有52个受到影响。 www.fao.org 5. The disasterof war spread throughout Europe. 战祸弥漫了整个欧洲。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Rain over the teaching building, like teaching building to put a layer of transparent cloak, the sound of rain spread throughout the campus. 雨笼罩着教学楼,像给教学楼披上了一层透明的外衣,雨中的读书声传遍了整个校园。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The news spread throughout the school. 消息传遍了全校。 yingyu.eduu.com 8. It spread throughout Korea. Eventually taek dyon, which was practiced for exercise and sport was replaced by cuba, another martial art. 这在当时的韩国广为流传,最后作为锻炼和运动的taekkyon被另一种武术subak取代。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 9. If all goes well, Silver Lining plans to test the process with 10 ships spread throughout 3800 square miles of ocean. 如果一切顺利,‘银辉’计划用10艘舰船分布在3800平方英里的海洋中进行工艺测试。 www.bing.com 10. rumors spread throughout the school very soon. 谣言很快就在学校里传开了。 z.tougao98.com 1. One way is they were put on the State Protection List in China, which also spread throughout most of Asia. 方法之一就是他们在中国国家重点保护,这也是名单传遍大部分亚洲。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Do you think that American culture has been spread throughout the world? 接上题,你觉得美国文化已在世界传播开了吗?。 my3q.com 3. Time Your Meals - The best way to eat would probably be 5-6 smaller meals spread throughout the day. 最好的方法就是一天当中分五到六次,少量多餐。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A quake-sparked blaze at an oil-storage site spread throughout a town of 75, 000. 一个储油点因地震引发的火情在一个7.5万人的城镇漫延。 chinese.wsj.com 5. For example, you might have a core sleep period from 2-5am, and then three or four shorter naps spread throughout the day. 例如,您可以安排一个从凌晨2点到5点的核心睡眠阶段,然后其余的时间进行3到4次小睡。 www.bing.com 6. They surface in the eighth century in Japan, and since then, their insights have spread throughout the world. 公元八世纪传至日本,然后才传播到全世界。 www.ltaaa.com 7. The different communities, spread throughout the world, share the same spirituality and principles which characterise the way of Sant Egidio 不同的小团体分布于全世界,分享著相同的圣艾智德的精神与原则 www.santegidio.org 8. a language family widely spread throughout the amazon river valley , coastal brazil , and northeast south america 图皮瓜拉尼语族一种广泛散布于亚马孙河河谷、巴西沿岸地区和南美洲东北部的一个语族 www.ichacha.net 9. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive if the rain is spread throughout the year, 就可知道只要雨水全年分布,许多植物就可以在沙漠中存活,项与此相符。 www.jxedu.net 10. The news will spread throughout the city immediately 这个消息马上就遍及全城翻译! zhidao.baidu.com 1. Commercial vehicle network that spread throughout China 覆盖全国的商用车网络 www.xdtran.com 2. a style of architecture developed in N France that spread throughout Europe between the 12th and 16th centuries; 世纪至世纪发展于法国北部而蔓延到全欧洲的一种建筑形式; www.hotdic.com |
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