单词 | blush | ||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:blushes 现在分词:blushing 过去式:blushed blush 显示所有例句
例句释义: 脸红,羞愧,面部泛起的红晕,腮红,害臊,胭脂 1. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes, and modest grace; And she forgave me, that I gazed Too fondly on her face! 她听的时候眼光没抬起,脸一红的神情谦恭优雅;她原谅了我,并没有怪我过于多情地凝视她! ak.gnway.net 2. What the researchers found was that, at first blush, strenuous physical activity does seem to damage knees. 研究人员发现,乍看之下剧烈的体能活动会伤害膝盖。 www.bing.com 3. He laughs a little, softly, in a pleased sort of way, and I blush all the way to my fingernails and we go back to the table. 他大笑了一会儿,声音很轻,笑得比较开心,羞得我连指甲都红了,我们回到了座位上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Her stunning blush strapless floor-sweeping gown with floral embroidered details was worn with a superior elegance that only a few possess. 她迷人的露肩地板腮红扫与花卉刺绣的细节礼服,戴具有超强的优雅,只有少数拥有。 tieba.baidu.com 5. IT HAS been a year to make even Croesus blush for the big Wall Street securities firms. 这年头,华尔街的大证券公司赚得那可叫多啊,就算克罗伊斯再世也是自叹不如。 www.ecocn.org 6. hoped they had not left their hearts behind them in Sussex, and pretended to see them blush whether they did or not. 她希望小姐们没把自己的心上人留在苏塞克斯,还假装看见她们羞红了脸,也不管是否真有其事。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Add concealer under your eyes and a little cream blush to your cheeks for a rosy glow. 在眼睛下面涂点遮瑕霜,并在脸颊上涂点腮红,这样会让你看起来容光焕发。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I've always been a pack rat, and the amount of meaningless stuff I'd acquired would make a pawn shop owner blush. 我一直是个喜欢收藏东西的人,我拥有的没用的东西的数量足以使一个当铺的老板羞愧。 www.bing.com 9. It was an act of judicial activism that might have made even Bob Bork blush. 这一司法能动主义的行动恐怕连鲍勃.博克都会觉得不好意思。 www.bing.com 10. Now I expected her to blush and then smile; maybe she'd sidle up next to me, give me a little kiss. 嗳,我原来以为她会羞红了脸,然后笑笑,说不定她还会静静地靠过来,轻轻亲我一下。 www.jheasy.com 1. I watched her blush as she tried to count her money, and I could see right away that she was about a dollar short. 她试图数钱的时候脸红了,我马上看出她大概短缺了一元钱。 blog.zjol.com.cn 2. Her face is red rise. At this time she also had a crush on him. She did not think he will blush. 她的脸不由红了起来。此时的她对他也有了好感。她没有想到会为他脸红。 www.bing.com 3. Heavy foundation has a tendency to emphasize wrinkles and pores, and most women avoid it in favor of a bit of blush. 太厚的粉底可能会加重皱纹、增大毛孔,所以大部分法国女人尽量避免使用粉底,只是涂点腮红。 dongxi.net 4. I knew we were two The moment we met There was a blush in your smile A lift to your brow A want in your voice. 我知道我们天生一对,我们相遇的那一瞬间,红晕浮现在你微笑里,你的眉毛轻轻地扬起,你的声音洋溢着渴望。 www.zftrans.com 5. Now the people sneer at me-the very hills and sky seem to laugh at me till I blush shamefully for my folly. 现在,人们在讥笑我,山川和天空也似乎在嘲笑我,直到我为自己的愚蠢而羞愧得满面通红。 www.jukuu.com 6. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace; For well she knew I could not choose But gaze upon her face. 她听的时候眼光没抬去,脸一红的神情谦恭优雅;因为她清楚知道:我怎能让自己不去凝视她。 ak.gnway.net 7. More like a girl's face blush as rouge-colored flower buds, hidden in a lotus leaf, the wind had Office, reveal that the roots of it. 更犹如少女羞红的脸那样胭脂色的花蕾,藏在荷叶中,风过处,才露出一点红颜。 gotofob.cn 8. Instead of a traditional blush, she dabbed a bit of Chanel Hydrabase Lipstick in Coco Red on the apples of Aniston's cheeks. 而不是传统的腮红,她放入了一点香奈儿口红(可可红色),在安妮斯顿的脸颊上。 www.tianya.cn 9. Mother shuddered, looked at me a long time, then shame blush like a child, a blanket a grin, silly smile. 娘浑身一震,久久地看着我,然后像个孩子似的羞红了脸,咧了咧嘴,傻傻地笑了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 10. The general method for applying blush is to smile, find the apples of your cheeks, and then run the blush brush over them. 通常涂腮红的方法是,微笑,找到你的脸颊,然后在上面涂上腮红。 www.bing.com 1. and the words, "then by this time it is all settled, " passed internally, without more evidence of emotion than a faint blush. 她心里在想:“那么,到这时事情全都定下来了。”这当儿,她只是脸上微微一红,并没有流露出明显的情绪。 novel.tingroom.com 2. It was consoling that he should know she had some relations for whom there was no need to blush. 她可以让他知道,她也有几个不丢脸的亲戚,这真叫她快慰。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In this picture of pastoral innocence, if you listened carefully, you could hear language so salty it would make a sailor blush. 在这田园的并且单纯的画面里,如果你仔细听,可能会听到另水手都脸红的粗话。 www.bing.com 4. Not for those who easily blush, this was the actual subject of a recently published research study. 不是针对那些容易脸红的人,这是最近发表的一片研究报道的真实主题。 www.bing.com 5. She gives him a dazzling smile. Darcy looks startled. He has no idea she heard him. Now it is his turn to blush. 她对他莞尔一笑,达西吃了一惊。他不知道她听到了自己的谈话,他的脸开始红起来。 www.24en.com 6. Create smoky eyes by applying black shadow along the upper lash line with a damp makeup brush. Add a little blush. 用湿的眼影棒沿上眼线涂黑色眼影制造出烟熏装的效果,最后扫一些腮红。 www.bing.com 7. Unable to answer the question, he looked down with a blush. 他回答不出问题,红着脸垂下了目光。 www.1stenglish.com 8. The wine son looking at him absolute side face ugg boots dedicate one's mind of facial expression, suddenly have some blush with shame. 酒儿看着他完美的侧脸和专注的神情,忽然有些脸红。 www.zlqh.com 9. The blush of shame which it excited overpowered the sensation of fear which had produced his former paleness. 它引起的羞愧使他满脸通红,掩盖了先前由于恐惧而形成的苍白脸色。 10. Once or twice she could discern a faint blush, but in general Charlotte wisely did not hear. 夏绿蒂有一两次被她看得微微脸红了,不过一般总是很聪明地装作没有听见。 1. He was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him. 他袋子里总记得放些钱,而且衣服总要穿得体面些,免得儿子的脸上不光彩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the first blush of new love, they threw caution to the wind and their printed maps in the garbage. 初涉爱河之时,他们将小心谨慎抛到九霄云外,把实体地图也扔在了车库里。 www.bing.com 3. BLUSH: Discoloration or change in gloss , generally appearing at gates, abrupt thickness changes, or other structures along flow path. 轻微裉色:变色或光泽度变化,一般出现在注入口上,厚度突变处,或是其他流程中的结构。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. You blush and turn pale, when a certain being clad in black appears at the end of a certain green walk? 您看见一个黑衣人出现在某条小路尽头的绿荫里,您的脸便会红一阵,白一阵? www.ebigear.com 5. But when the end of the activity, a young man to catch up with us, blush that you want to condoms. 但当活动结束时,一个小伙子追上我们,红着脸说想要安全套。 q.sohu.com 6. The freckles of the closed eyelids of a woman attentive in the first white blush of morning. 在第一缕晨光中聚精会神的女人闭合眼睑上的雀斑。 book.douban.com 7. At first blush, the road ahead for the "Brilliant Comrade, " as Kim Jong Un is called, does not look smooth. 从表面上看,对于已被称为“伟大同志”的金正恩,前面的路并不平坦。 kejichanye.kjgcs.com 8. But you get up at four AM. That first blush of blue is where the night and day are trying to find harmony with each other. 可如果你在凌晨4点起床,那第一抹蔚蓝,是日与夜正在向彼此寻求和谐。 www.ted.com 9. But at the time I did not understand and put down her blush to humility (the veil! ). 但当时我还不明白,把脸红看成是她的谦逊(其实是遮羞布!) www.bing.com 10. I blush easily when embarrassed and cast my eyes and head downward. 窘迫时我很容易脸红,视线朝下,低下头。 zhan.renren.com 1. Jennifer: Unlike you, I seldom talk much and always blush as I speak in public. Besides, I always turn to be easily affected by others. 不像你这样,我的话不多且总是一当众说话就脸红。此外,我很容易受到别人的影响。 learning.sohu.com 2. It's about a year since, now, that I put five shillings on Blush of Dawn for him - and we lost. 自从我为他把五先令投在“破晓红霞”身上--我们输了,到现在已经有一年了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He put me to the blush by his foolish behavior when we were out together. 我们一起外出时,他那愚蠢的举止令我脸红。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Blush: Also known as rose, this term describes a pink or salmon-colored wine made from red grapes. The wine may be dry or sweet. 粉红:同时也被称作玫瑰红,该术语描述了由红葡萄所酿成的粉红或鲜肉色,可能是干型或甜型的葡萄酒。 bbs.24en.com 5. When Chinese deal with diplomatic relations, they incline to proceed from feelings or relationship, and blush to talk about interests. 与中国人处理外交关系,中国人喜欢通过感情或关系的方式来处理,而羞于谈及利益。 www.bing.com 6. met with poor living Zhengyan Qiao, also talk a bit embarrassed blush, like a shy girl. 见了生人不善正眼瞧,说起话来还脸红得有点儿不好意思,象个羞姑娘。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. I saw him blush, and, more than ever, he seemed to me like a helpless child who had never tried to grow up. 我见他脸红了起来,比以前更象个无助的、从来就没想长大过的孩子。 www.bing.com 8. Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush. 然而,我家的长期旅客,却逃避了曾灼伤了我的耳朵,使我的爸爸和妈妈脸红局促不安的“道德理念”这四个字。 www.bing.com 9. I also collect information on animal courtship, and my knowledge is extensive enough to make David Attenborough blush. 我同样收集动物的求爱信息。我的知识都多到足以让大卫·艾登堡羞愧脸红。 www.bing.com 10. Oh, yes. That is a beautiful color. It has been a very popular blush this season. We have two left. 噢,有。那种颜色很漂亮。这个季节那种颜色一直很受欢迎。我们还剩两盒。 www.kekenet.com 1. Undressing in front of your desk-top PC is unlikely to make you blush, but perhaps the presence of a human-like android would. 在你的台式机面前一丝不挂不太可能让你脸红,但是也许在一个人型机器人面前你就有可能会感到不好意思。 www.elanso.com 2. ' But he also said: 'I felt like it was the first blush of love when I was talking with the chef at the counter -- my heart was pounding. 一名男食客写道,寿司很糟糕,不过他也说,跟柜台里的寿司师傅聊天感觉就像初恋,我的心跳得很快。 www.bing.com 3. Losing her eyelash cause her to Blush FOR shame. 她因为弄丢了假睫毛,羞得面红耳赤 dict.ebigear.com 4. I was a very shy girl. I dared not raise my hand in classes or talk to strangers. I would blush in a performance before a crowd. 我曾经是一个很害羞的女孩,上课不敢举手发言,在外不敢和陌生人交谈,在很多人面前表演是会脸红。 wenwen.soso.com 5. A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion . 热辣辣的红晕涌上了少女的脸颊,这说明她知道老人的言外之意。 www.bing.com 6. did not get, blush, Min Zhaozui, get students to look with envy. 没得到的,红着脸,抿着嘴,羡慕地看着得到的同学。 enwaimao.cn 7. 'Sh---, let's look for a safe place to make love. ' He says in a low voice. It's her turn to blush this time. ‘小声点儿,咱们找个方便的地方亲热一下。’他压低声音说道。这回轮到她满脸羞红了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. At first blush this seems perverse and cruel. But then I got to thinking. 一开始我对此感到羞愧,因为这似乎太变态和残酷了。 www.bing.com 9. I felt a blush rise up my face as I looked at my hands. 我感到我的脸红晕上升,正如我在我的手看了看。 www.hxen.com 10. The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. 修女用吻满足驾驶员的幻想,这是会让妓女脸红的事。 www.bing.com 1. Nor does its own history of matrimonial excess bring a blush to its cheek. 而摩门教自身历史中过分的婚姻却一点都没有让他们感到脸红。 www.bing.com 2. The third person is a boy, he is kind of shy, and often blush in front of people, but he is always willing to help others. 第三个人是一个男孩,他有些腼腆,经常会在许多人面前脸红,但是他很乐于助人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. And he would blush to his ears with emotion. 他会激动得连耳根子都红了。 www.yyzw.org 4. Apply blush with a light touch. When men see crazy red cheeks, they think of their great aunt Ethel. 腮红只要轻轻地涂抹一点就够了。当男人看到非常红的脸颊时,只会想到他们的阿姨。 www.kekenet.com 5. while, even before she had time to speak, the blush yielded to a deadly pallor. 但她还没来得及开口,红潮就褪成死一般的苍白了。 www.xue163.com 6. Xiaogang take home toys, stationery inadvertently hear their dialogue, she felt very ashamed of the face was blush. 小刚回家拿玩具,无意间听到了文具们的对话,感到很惭愧,脸都羞红了。 gotofob.cn 7. Like the first blush of winter that signals a great migration. 就像是预示着大迁徙的冬日中的第一抹红色。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Mark. Twain: The human is the only animal which can ashamed blush. 马克。吐温:人是能够羞愧的脸红的唯一动物。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 9. He did not blush to (do). 他厚颜无耻地(做)…。 10. While at first blush this seems reasonable, we quickly see that it is only because of the disconnections and bias inherent in our culture. 这乍听起来好象很有道理,但我们很快会发现,那只是因为我们文化中根深蒂固的偏见和断层所致。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Oh, children hardly ever blush at all. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men. 儿童几乎很少脸红。在成人当中,女性比男性脸红的现象较多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. She was able to blush on cue, Papp said. 帕伯说,她甚至该脸红的时候就脸红。 www.bing.com 3. At first blush, those odds might seem to cast doubt on a genetic link. 乍看之下,那些机率似乎引起对基因联系的怀疑。 www.bing.com 4. At quick blush, the latest batch of Chinese offerings appears to best the broader group in the United States. 而最近这批在美国上市的中国公司表现出色,也令我们羞愧。 www.bing.com 5. I was sure he would have continued down whatever mental list he was following, except for the blush. 我敢肯定,他会根据脑海里的问题清单不停地问下去,除非是我脸红了。 bbs.koolearn.com 6. And if they do blush, no one will notice - thanks to the growing availability of downloadable e-books on virtual library shelves. 而就算他们还是要脸红,也没人会注意---这得感谢虚拟图书馆中不断增加的可下载电子书。 www.bing.com 7. blush, body is hot, whether to have besides ursine bravery bolus other solve method or medicine? 脸红,体热,是否除去熊胆丸有另外处理方法或者药?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To turn red, as from fever, embarrassment, or strong emotion; blush. 脸红如因发烧、窘迫或强烈的感情而变红;脸红 www.jukuu.com 9. At first blush you think, "Hey it's crazy, what could you possibly gain? " 说到这儿你肯定会想,“哎呀,真是疯了这能得出什么玩意儿啊?” www.ted.com 10. At first blush you can see why coupons fell out of fashion for so long-and why so many consumers still ignore them. 你一眼就能发现为什么优惠券这么长的时间不再流行,以及为为什么这么多的消费者仍然忽视它们。 chinese.wsj.com 1. He looks at Jane and a little blush starts around his collar. 他看了简一眼,脸刷的红到了衣领。 www.kekenet.com 2. blush, redden 2. eject, expel When she smiled at him, his face flushed bright red. 当她对他微笑时,他的脸涨得通红。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. At first blush, Bin Laden's son-in-law seems like a better candidate for a military trial at Guantanamo than a civilian one in New York. 乍一看,相比纽约的平民而言,本拉登的女婿在关塔那摩的似乎是军事审判更好的候选人。 www.bing.com 4. She had given them neither men, nor names, nor places, that could raise a blush. 她自家的亲属、名声和地位,都不会使那家人脸红。 novel.tingroom.com 5. Further afield, Beijing has put into place infrastructure that would make Houston blush. 更进一步地,北京的基础设施建设计划庞大得让休斯敦自愧不如。 www.bing.com 6. The amount of red blush on a peach is a sign of its variety, not its ripeness. . . 该数额脸红红的桃子是一个迹象的品种,而不是它的成熟… word.hcbus.com 7. If the professor asks a question and I know the answer, I'll blush like crazy if he calls on me. 如果教授提问,我明明知道答案,当他一叫到我的时候,我的脸就拼命地红。 www.rrting.com 8. City library patrons don't have to blush now when checking out books with racy titles like, "In Bed with the Duke. " 如今,当城市图书馆的常客们借阅像《与公爵共枕》这类有重口味标题的书时,他们不必再脸红心跳了。 www.bing.com 9. Humans are the only species known to blush, a behavior Darwin called "the most peculiar and the most human of all expressions. " 人类是已知的唯一会脸红的物种,达尔文曾经这样描述“脸红,人类独有的一种奇特行为。” www.bing.com 10. She will make you blush, laugh and cry with her trademark candor, often calling out other bloggers for poor behavior. 她招牌是坦率直白,能让你羞涩,能让你笑,能让你哭,她经常说别人的博客没什么新奇动作。 www.bing.com 1. In exchanges with the human on is not very good, for instance said: When with stranger exchange, I always can blush. 在与人交流上也不是很好,比如说:在与陌生人交流时,我总是会脸红。 www.bing.com 2. She began to blush with excitement . 因为激动她的脸开始变红。 www.bing.com 3. At first blush, this may sound a bit harsh, over-emphasizing the negative without some offsetting silver lining. 乍一看,这可能听起来有点苛刻,在缺少对一线希望的偏移的情况下过分强调负面。 www.ibm.com 4. Margin blush is a hereditary village of Dai villages, beautiful, beautiful environment, rich ethnic customs. 赧浒村是一个世袭的傣族村落,山清水秀,环境优美,民族风情浓郁。 www.zidir.com 5. Then I started to remove my eye liner, eye shadow, blush, cover-up, and lipsticks until I hardly recognized myself. 然后,我开始擦掉眼线、眼影、胭脂、粉底和口红,我几乎认不出来我自己了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We noticed a sudden blush of shame on her cheeks. 我们看到她因害臊而突然脸红。 jinquan.51ielts.com 7. On first blush you may wonder if baby oil and sugar really is an effective method for exfoliating skin. 最初你可能会怀疑婴儿油和糖是否真的是去死皮的有效方法。 www.bing.com 8. A faint blush came into the girl's cheeks. 姑娘的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。 test.2u4u.com.cn 9. Sweep this creamy blush stick over your cheeks for a flush that's soft, dewy and natural. 扫描你的脸颊一片红晕,柔软,纯洁的和自然的奶油腮红棒。 www.wujinggou.com 10. Human beings are the only animals that blush, or need to. 人类是惟一会脸红,或者有必要脸红的动物。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 1. It remains uncertain why people blush, involuntarily revealing our innermost emotions. 我们尚不清楚人类为什么会脸红,不由自主地暴露我们的内心活动。 www.bing.com 2. She could feel the blush rising furiously to her cheeks. 她觉得自己的脸颊涨得通红。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. She starts to blush. He nervously looks at the ceiling and whistles softly to himself. 他紧张地看着天花板,自己轻吹着口哨。 www.bing.com 4. At first blush, the current crisis might appear to be just another iteration in the endless Californian story of boom and bust. 乍看起来,本次危机不过是繁荣然后泡沫破灭的无穷无尽的加州式故事又一次重复。 www.ecocn.org 5. The dirty joke raised a blush on her cheek. 这个下流笑话羞得她脸通红。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Blush in color. Intense but delicate on the nose with aromas of strawberry and raspberry. Succulent and fresh on the palate. 闪耀着红光的色泽,浓郁且精致的草莓和悬钩子香气,口感多汁且清新。 www55fangcomse.929.com 7. At first blush Mr Nasheed's notion seems a bit over the top. 乍一听,纳希德总统的想法似乎有点异想天开。 www.hicoo.net 8. By day, Suzi Hanks is a DJ at a classic radio station in Houston, Texas. It's what she does after work that makes people's ears blush. 白天,苏茜·汉克斯是美国德克萨斯州休斯顿一家经典广播电台的DJ(流行音乐主持人),但是工作之后她的所作所为却让人耳根发红。 www.bing.com 9. In other words, your average blush, lipstick, and powder are really chemical cocktails in really pretty shades. 换句话说,你所用的腮红、唇膏和扑粉是真正的化学混合物。 www.bing.com 10. Her skin looked a bit tanner and her cheeks were rose from the blush. 她的皮肤看上去有点坦纳和她的脸颊是从脸红上升。 www.fnovel.com 1. His words raised a blush on her cheeks. 他的话使她脸红。 www.kekenet.com 2. There was, indeed, so deep a blush over Fanny's face at that moment as might warrant strong suspicion in a predisposed mind. 这时,范妮真是窘得满脸通红,这对一个早有猜疑的人来说,势必会越发大起疑心。 novel.tingroom.com 3. A blush came into his cheeks. 他脸红了。 dict.netat.net 4. It was the first time I saw you blush. 那是我头一回看见你脸红。 gb.cri.cn 5. Those peaches has the blush of an innocent girl; they had the tone of an Italian landscape. 那些桃子红得酷似天真少女的面颊,其色调之瑰丽犹如一幅意大利风景画。 www.8875.org 6. playing blush, the lipstick, lip gloss, repair capacity and do brighten the face region. 打腮红,上唇膏、唇彩,修容和做脸部区域提亮。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. "Well, only the classmate, good morning" see only the smile, and dream can't help blush with shame. “嗯,只有同学,早上好”只看到笑容,和梦想不禁羞愧脸红。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The first blush of color on the leaves stands out against the darkness of the storm clouds. 乍看之下叶子的颜色反衬着风暴即将来临时黑暗的乌云。 www.bing.com 9. He himself still wore a frown, but a faint blush suffused his pale face. 他的眉毛还是皱着,他那灰白的脸上泛出浅浅一道红晕; www.jukuu.com 10. Income and wealth inequality in the U. S. have reached stages that would make the third world blush. 美国收入和财富的不平等已足以使第三世界感到汗颜。 www.bing.com 1. Western diplomats insist without a blush that a popular explosion had long been among their policy assumptions. 西方外交官毫不脸红地坚称,阿拉伯民众起义早在他们的政策假设之中。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At first blush, this might seem surprising. After all, during the boom years for CDOs, the two products were closely intertwined. 乍一看,这似乎有点令人吃惊,毕竟在CDO的繁荣时期,两者不相上下。 www.ecocn.org 3. Far West is focused on getting Blush as much U. S. exposure as possible. 远西娱乐正集中力量让Blush在美国获得尽可能多的曝光机会。 c.wsj.com 4. He felt the blush come up over his collar, surge under his glasses. 他感到脸自脖子一下红了,红晕直涌到了眼镜下。 www.kekenet.com 5. When wine is being made, some vintners mix the red and white wines, creating a pale rose-colored wine, also called a blush wine. 当发明了酒之后,一些酒是由红色或者白色的酒混合的,这样的酒叫做红玫瑰酒,也叫做红酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. And when it comes to wages and benefits, corporate America's bean counters could make Scrooge blush. 而且,讲到工资和福利,美国企业锱铢必较的会计人员,会让狄更斯小说中的守财奴都脸红。 www.bing.com 7. The primary end point was a myocardial blush grade of 0 or 1 (defined as absent or minimal myocardial reperfusion, respectively). 主要终点是心肌充血分级0或1级(分别为没有或很少心肌再灌注)。 med.essaystar.com 8. Apparent its speed appears than a moment ago much faster, she is floating die of small blush Pang is in then later hilltop. 显然它的速度显得比刚才快多了,之后她那泛着微红脸庞消逝在山头。 www.dbxxw.net 9. At first blush such a move might seem like portfolio suicide. 乍一看,这样的操作无异于将你的投资组合推向绝境。 chinese.wsj.com 10. I would rather see a young man blush than turn pale---Mark Twain, American satrist. 我宁可看到年轻人脸红,不愿看到他们脸色苍白---马克.吐温,美国讽刺作家。 www.mosesenglish.com 1. While that seems the most logical thing at first blush, making a career change now could actually be the better plan. 乍看之下这似乎是最合情合理的事情,但是如今,在职业上做出重大改变却可能是更好的计划。 www.hjenglish.com 2. His flattering remark brought a blush in to her cheeks. 他那阿谀奉承的话使她羞得双颊通红。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. In the case of low yielding Treasuries the Gresham's corollary at first blush seems illogical. 就低收益美国国债而言,“格雷欣推论”乍一看似乎不合逻辑。 www.ftchinese.com 4. AT FIRST blush the bigwigs at the Health Protection Agency, which monitors diseases, could have told a rosier story. 乍一看数据,负责监测疾病的英国健康保护局的高官们可能还有些乐观。 www.ecocn.org 5. In my high school age, I would blush when talking to girls for my very introverted and dissocial character. 中学时我的性格特别内向孤僻,跟女孩子说话也要脸红。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For the first time she looked bashful, flushing crimson, her blush deepened by her dark complexion. 我觉得她脸上第一次出现了娇羞的表情,两颊红扑扑的。她的皮肤较黑,红得就更加浓烈。 sfs.scnu.edu.cn 7. A thought comes over her which makes her blush and turn from herself . 她忽然想到一个办法,不由得脸上发红,自己对自己不好意思起来。 www.bing.com 8. Hope you don't see me blush, but I can't help but want you more, more. 希望你看见我不要害羞,因为我无法忍受,因为太想得到你。 www.rrting.com 9. I blush to think of such conduct. 想起这样的行为,我感到羞愧。 infos.edulife.com.cn 10. "A dusky blush rose to her cheek" (Edith Wharton). “红晕的羞愧涌上她的面颊”(伊迪斯·华顿)。 www.fane.cn 1. "You look younger and more beautiful than on TV, " he told the US secretary of state, who seemed to momentarily blush. “您看上去比电视上更年轻、更漂亮,”他告诉希拉里,这位美国国务卿似乎在霎那间脸红了一下。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At first blush this would seem like something an environmentalist would cheer, but suspicions abound about genetically modified crops. 开始时候,应用该技术看来会让环境主义者兴奋不已,但是却他们对基因改良作物充满了怀疑,尤其在欧洲。 www.bing.com 3. Its proliferation record would make the serial nuclear mischief-makers of North Korea blush. 巴核扩散记录甚至会让成群结队的对朝鲜核活动挑拨离间者脸红。 www.putclub.com 4. Love's first blush fading? Lost that loving feeling? Love is not all around? 没有了初次见面的怦然心动,没有了恋爱的感觉,你的爱情不复存在? www.exam8.com 5. The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。 www.kekenet.com 6. Look for a soft creme blush for a fresher, more dewy finish. 寻找一种软性的腮红,这样可以使面貌滋润,有光泽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. blush, it's hard from a user's perspective to find anything to criticize Facebook for in today's announcements. 乍一看,从用户角度找不出任何借口批评Facebook今天宣布的内容。 www.bing.com 8. The distinction between regulated and constitutive protein secretion pathways at first blush appears obvious. 调节性蛋白和结构性蛋白分泌途径的不同第一眼看过去就很明了。 news.dxy.cn 9. At first blush, there is nothing thought provoking about PowerPoint. 乍一想,关于演示文稿并没什么想法。 dongxi.net 10. grab a box of cornstarch and a large, clean blush brush. 那么一盒玉米淀粉和一把干净的大刷子就可以了。 www.tingroom.com 1. Or blush, at least. 或至少泛起红晕。 www.dioenglish.com 2. One does not blush to show modesty or embarrassment to others , but because the capillary circulation alters in response to stimuli . 一个人脸红并不表明对人怕羞或窘迫,而是因为毛细血管中血液循环因反应刺激有了变化。 www.bing.com 3. For the last year, Great Britain has embraced austerity to a degree that would make some American conservatives blush. 整个上一年度,英国都将经济紧缩控制在一个足以令美国保守派都为之汗颜的程度。 www.bing.com 4. An autumn blush colors trees along a secluded stream in New Hampshire's White Mountains. 秋天一棵颜色变为红色的树矗立在美国新罕布什尔州白山的一条隐蔽的小溪旁。 www.mipang.com 5. Of hand, blush in the ear, return to absolute being, scare not already of eyes look about on all sides. 的手,脸红到耳根上,DoudouneMonclerHomme,回过神来,惊恐不已的眼睛张望四周。 www.happyaliceedu.com 6. Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab). 用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗剂涂在痒处。 www.eduzhai.net 7. Users upload a photo of themselves and can then modify it by trying on foundation, lip gloss, blush and other cosmetics. 用户上传自己的照片,然后可以尝试给脸部上基础护理、抹唇彩、腮红以及其他化妆品。 dongxi.net 8. I'll be waiting outside. MJ said with a blush and left. 我在外面等你。MJ红着脸说着走了出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Perhaps your significant other loves to talk about sex, while the very word makes you blush. 可能你的另一半喜欢大谈特谈性,但单是一提这个字眼儿你都面颊绯红。 www.bing.com 10. Lancome star bronzer, blush subtil, colour focus compact. 兰蔻明星铜色,腮红,颜色集中紧凑。 list.us.eachnet.com 1. Shopping bag designed for Blush lingerie store in Berlin, Germany. 德国Blush女性内衣店设计的购物袋。 www.bing.com 2. It would seem, at first blush, that dollarization must be good. 首先来说,美元化看起来一定是个好事情。 www.jukuu.com 3. It seemed a good idea at the first blush, but there were several faults in it. 乍一看上去这个想法似乎不错,但是,其中有几点不足。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. That's the challenge thrown down by Blush, the Berlin lingerie store, to ad agency BBDO. 对这家柏林内衣店和BBDO(中译:美国天联广告公司)来说,这是脸红带来的挑战。 www.bing.com 5. Don't put the blush too far out towards your cheekbones, it will look unnatural. 不要把刷子拿到离颧骨太远的地方,这看上去就不自然了。 www.ebigear.com 6. That blush highlights your cheekbones nicely. 那个腮红巧妙地强调了妳的颧骨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Documents that use namespaces are typically the cause of trouble when the use of namespaces is not apparent at first blush. 如果名称空间不够明显,那么使用该名称空间的文档通常会引起问题。 www.ibm.com 8. Average annual growth rates for GDP of 7%, and for real wages in double digits, are certainly impressive at first blush. GDP的年平均增长率达到7%,而且实际收入增加了2位数,乍一看,的确是令人印象深刻。 www.ecocn.org 9. Jun Z, J Jun outdone, to the intense competition Department blush. Z君,J君争锋相对,争至激烈处,面红耳赤。 www.bing.com 10. If you look into the eyes of the person you love , you blush. 但是面对你喜欢的人,冬天只是个美丽的冬天。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. At first blush, the U. S. Treasury's own data appear to confirm the rumors. 乍一看,美国财政部公布的数据似乎与传言相符。 c.wsj.com 2. She could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks, unsure of why she'd felt the need to explain herself to him. 她能感觉到她的面颊脸红攀升,为什么她会觉得自己有必要向他解释不清楚。 www.fnovel.com 3. At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution. 乍一看来,为狼群注射防狂犬病疫苗是一种简单的办法。 www.ecocn.org 4. Users are given an Inbox and Sent items list at first blush and adding todos to your inbox is extremely easy. 用户在首次网页刷新后会得到收件箱、发件箱和极度方便加入收件箱的代办事宜。 www.bing.com 5. A: OK, first I recommend you should buy some foundation, concealer, brow pencil, mascara, lip color and blush. 好,那我首先推荐你应该买些粉底、遮瑕膏、眉笔、睫毛膏和腮红。 k-shop.com.tw 6. That girl hears this words, the original skin as snow will Fan happen blush. 那女孩子听到此话,本来如雪的皮肤就会泛出红晕。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And in three thousand the maid of maria, a clever mysterious past, she appeared, the small sayin is blush. 而三千院里聪明的女仆玛丽亚,有着神秘的过去,她一出现,小飒就脸红心跳。 www.skyxk.com 8. She highlights her luminous skin with rosy blush and shimmery pink gloss for an effect that is completely Selena. 她耀眼的光亮肤色,玫瑰红色的腮红,以及微微发亮的粉红色唇彩所呈现的是一个完完全全的赛琳娜。 group.mtime.com 9. My friends, you shall never have occasion to blush for me again. 朋友们,你们再也不会为我脸红了。 www.bing.com 10. Large Angled Contour - F40- The angled shape makes this brush ideal to apply blush or contour shades. 大斜角轮廓-F40技术-形状的角度使这一理想的申请腮红刷或轮廓阴影。 www.taobaowang.com 1. I blush FOR the vices of my countrymen. 我为我同胞们的恶行而惭愧。 dict.ebigear.com 2. At first blush, this might not sound bad because most network cards do their own frame checking by default to ensure good data is received. 这乍看上去还不坏,因为大多数网卡默认情况下都会进行帧检查,以确保数据的接收质量。 www.bing.com 3. She stopped to blush and laugh at her own relapse. 她停下来,不禁脸红,笑她自己的旧病复发。 www.bing.com 4. At first blush, it is tempting to say it has none. 乍一看,真想说其中毫无正确性可言。 www.ecocn.org 5. I blush. An IOU makes me furious, which can understand his father's a pains? 我脸红了。一张欠条就让我气愤难平,哪能体谅父亲的一片苦心? www.bing.com 6. Pan Yangzhou, a 21-year-old who was visiting from the nearby city of Nanjing, bought some blush and lipstick. 21岁的潘阳州(音译)是来自邻近城市南京的游客,她购买了一些腮红和唇膏。 www.bing.com 7. Help balance the elongated round face shape face blush. 圆形脸腮红拉长有助于平衡脸形。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Comes with a FREE Blush Brush. 附赠免费腮红刷。 www.airmacau.com.mo 9. First you say you don't want it, and now you're putting it on again. I really blush FOR you. 你说不要了,这会子又带上,我也替你怪臊的! dict.ebigear.com 10. And shall I fear to own his cause Or blush to speak his name? 我是否害怕承担祂的使命,或提起祂的名字便感到脸红? www.seewant.org 1. Flowers may once have been born to blush unseen, but that is obviously not a 21st-century way of doing business. 花朵可能一度生来就是羞红不给人见,但是显然,这不是21世纪的商风。 www.bing.com 2. Angled to give a precise application of bronzers and blush. 转角提供一个确切的应用bronzers和脸红。 www.custo.com.cn 3. Reapplying of foundation or blush over your morning makeup will clog your pores and as a result cause irritation, pimples and acne. 在你晨妆的基础上重新上妆或是打上腮红,都会堵塞你的毛孔,从而引起丘疹,粉刺。 www.bing.com 4. Mexico discovered that the case also presents the eye to blush, symptoms and so on headache and class tears. 墨西哥发现病例还出现眼睛发红、头痛和流涕等症状。 www.591mz.com 5. Nay, blush not, Cleopatra; I approve Your wisdom in the deed. 不必脸红,克莉奥佩特拉,我佩服你这件事干得聪明。 renbinhnu.spaces.live.com 6. At first blush, DiMaria's initial comments could have been "sour grapes. " 一开始,似乎迪玛利亚的言论是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。 www.irich.com.cn 7. Though the affairs seem easy at the first blush, they are really difficult. 虽然这些事乍看似乎很简单,其实很困难。 www.jukuu.com 8. When your eyes meet with the person you love, you blush. 当你与爱的人四目交投,你会害羞; www.ebigear.com 9. Her blush witnessed her agitation. 她脸红表示了她的激动。 dict.netat.net 10. It seemed a good plan at first blush, but there were still some defects in it. 初看这似乎是个好计划,但它仍有一些缺陷。 www.jukuu.com 1. And her blush was not shyness but the anxiety of being caught; that was most disturbing of all. 原来她脸红不是因为害羞,而是做贼心虚。这是最恼人的。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. His remark brought a blush into the girl's cheeks. 他的话使这姑娘两颊红晕。 dict.netat.net 3. You're blushing, Dorothy. -Don't blush, Kathy. 你脸红了,桃乐西-脸别红,凯西。 www.veryabc.cn 4. If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush. 如果你盯着你爱的人的眼睛看,你会脸红。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But if you're one of the many people who blush at the idea, welcome to STD Talk 101. 但如果你是许多羞于启齿这个问题的人中的一员,欢迎你来到STDTalk101。 www.bing.com 6. Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I blush at the thought of sex or wear white on a daily basis. 我是个处女,不意味着一想到性就脸红,或者整日穿白色的衣服。 www.bing.com 7. Don't make me blush for you. 别叫我替你们害臊了! blog.sina.com.cn 8. The student murmur the answer with blush. 这个学生红着脸说出答案。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. You have done nothing wrong. Why should you blush? 你又没做错事,脸热什么? www.nciku.cn 10. We are naturally embarrassed when we've been caught violating some social code. We blush uncontrollably. 而当我们在违背某些社会准则被抓现行时,自然地我们就会感到无地自容,我们的羞愧是不可控制的。 www.bing.com 1. I can draw a love to blush "the small apple" . 我会画个爱脸红的“小苹果”。 wenku.baidu.com 2. You ought to blush at your conduct. 你应当为自己的行为羞愧。 bbs.5184.com 3. At first blush, that might strike you as a reasonable trade-off. 你的第一感觉可能认为这是一个合理的妥协。 www.westjia.com 4. "A blush is very becoming, Duchess, " remarked Lord Henry. “脸红也很动人,公爵夫人!”亨利勋爵说。 5. I blush for you, Tom. I blush for the expedIent whIch I am drIven on. 汤姆,我替你害臊,我被你逼得作出这样的事情来凑合应付,感到害臊。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Listen to once the ocarina son say, Tang Qi Nuo handsome blush with scandal Nan, Moncler Outlet, apparently have some to hesitate. 听陶笛儿一说,唐杞诺俊脸红赧,显然有些犹疑。 www.zidh.com 7. At first blush, it might not seem a huge problem that text is less important on modern Web pages. 乍一看,文本在现代Web页面上的衰退似乎不是个大问题。 www.ibm.com 8. Then blush not for an art which they inspire. 为何羞愧,非为神圣诗艺。 club.kdnet.net 9. A faint blush overspread her face. 她满脸微红。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon. 此时她好像一个小姑娘害羞一样,脸红得象熟透的柿子。 www.zjknews.com 1. Christian Louboutin pumps, Everybodi adulation the versatil of the blush and how easi it is to go with probabl everyth in your closet. 基督教鲁布托泵,Everybodi吹捧的脸红versatil的EASI它是如何去与你的衣柜里probabl所有事项。 www.bing.com 2. My skin gets really irritated by blush. 我的皮肤很容易用腮红过敏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Near-surface blood vessels add a blush of red. 近表皮的血管给奶白色添了一抹红晕。 www.bing.com 4. At first blush, their prototypes don't look much different than the standard C library functions. 初看起来,它们的原型和标准C库函数并没有多大区别。 www.ibm.com 5. but if you say yes to see me change cloths i will blush very much! 但如果你说是来见我改变衣服我会非常脸红! wenwen.soso.com 6. You blush as red as an apple. 你的脸红得像苹果。 www.bioheart.91x.net 7. At first blush, Amazon's expected move into the tablet space seems odd. 乍看之下,亚马逊打算进军平板电脑领域的举动似乎有些奇怪。 c.wsj.com 8. His curse made her blush. 他的咒骂使她脸红了。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. If you look into the one you love , you blush. . . 望着爱人的明眸,你会脸颊绯红。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. When the four lips separate from that moment, they are two face blush. 当四片唇分开的那一刻,他们两个都是满脸红晕。 www.bing.com 1. At first blush, the deal looks like a dream. 乍看之下,这像是一笔梦幻般的交易。 www.ftchinese.com 2. i look through her mind by her blush. 她的脸红让我看穿了她的心 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Pens may blot, but they cannot blush. 笔会留下污点,但笔从不脸红。 hi.baidu.com 4. To become red in the face; blush. 脸变红了;脸红 zhidao.baidu.com 5. His little joke over, he'd be the first to blush. 说完了笑话,他自己先把脸涨得通红。 www.zftrans.com 6. I blush for you. 我为你羞愧。 www.hotdic.com 7. A blush suffused his cheeks. 他的脸红了。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. At first blush this seems counter to prevailing fashion. 初看之下,这似乎与当今的世界潮流相违。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At first blush, data on 'outputs' also look impressive. 乍一看,中国创新的“产出”数据也令人印象深刻。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Jane turns away to hide her blush. 珍妮把脸转开掩饰她的脸红。 52english55.xinwen520.net 1. On cost, the bill appears at first blush to offer a breakthrough. 根据成本,此项法案乍一看似乎提供了一个突破口。 www.ecocn.org 2. Oh, you're making me blush, stop. 噢,你说得我都脸红了就。不要再说了! 3. We include the world's earthquake scientific progress and the development of weapon speed than up how always let people blush with shame? 我们的包括世界的地震科学的进步和武器发展的速度比起来怎么就总是那么让人脸红呢? blog.sina.com.cn 4. At first blush, it seems the Senate is lagging far behind the House. 乍一看,似乎参议院在医改方案的立法进程上远远落于众议院。 www.ecocn.org 5. Love's first blush fading? 初次见面脸红的感觉消褪了么? www.hxen.com 6. Underneath it, however, there is more agreement on the basics than may be apparent at first blush. 不过,深究起来,人们对于基本事实的看法,要比乍看上去更为一致。 www.ftchinese.com 7. She turn away to hide her blush. 她扭过脸,怕人见她脸红。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Thought the painting genuine at first blush. 一看就知道画是真品。 cb.kingsoft.com 9. At first blush, it would seem that Mr Bush did. 乍一看,这应该是布什先生干的。 www.ecocn.org 10. Why did the tomato blush? 为什么西红柿红了? bbs.ebigear.com |
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