单词 | subject for |
释义 | subject for例句释义: 全部 1. If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which Saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues. 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。 2. Since day one of our relationship with the West, human rights have been a subject for discussion. 从我们与西方建立关系的第一天起,人权就已经成为了讨论的话题。 dongxi.net 3. "I realize this is a painful subject for you to revisit, " said Moore as he sat down. 莫拓森在椅子上坐下后,说:“我知道,让你再回忆这件事,会让你很痛苦。” www.bing.com 4. This is a rather sore subject for the Silverlight team, as the severity of the problem has caused them quite a bit of ridicule. 对于Silverlight团队来说,这是个让人难堪的问题,因为问题的严重程度导致人们开始嘲笑他们了。 www.infoq.com 5. Philosophy of life is not that the film but I felt shocked with such a critical subject for comedy looks easy, like this one! 不说电影的人生哲理震撼了我而是有感带批判性题材可以拍得如此搞笑轻松,这个赞一个! www.bing.com 6. Your sensitivity about money brings up a whole other discussion, which is now an even touchier subject for you than it was a few months ago. 你对钱的敏感引发了整体商讨,现在这问题比几个月以前更加棘手。 www.douban.com 7. My mouth is always moving, whether I'm gabbing on the phone to my friends, chatting with my neighbor, or interviewing a subject for a story. 我的嘴时刻不停闲——不管是在跟朋友煲电话粥、和邻居闲聊,某个报道采访当事人。 www.ttxyy.com 8. He said he found mathematics especially hard, blaming the subject for dragging down his score. 他说他发现数学特别难,托了他的分。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. If the world were good for nothing else, it would be a fine subject for speculation. 尽管这世界并无其他用处,可也是供作思考的一则好题目。 hotdic.com 10. Schopenhauer is often cited, as a fit subject for laughter, because he praised suicide while seated at a well-set table. 叔本华(Schopenhauer)常被人引做笑柄,因为他坐在摆满酒席的桌上称赞自杀。 www.bing.com 1. To Mr. John Knightley was she indebted for her first idea on the subject, for the first start of its possibility. 她多亏了约翰·奈特利先生,才第一次想到这个问题,开始意识到这种可能性。 novel.tingroom.com 2. If you disagree with any of it, that may be a good subject for a constructive discussion. 如果你有些不同见解,那么这绝对是建设性谈话的好议题。 kb.cnblogs.com 3. and the point of the essay is not the subject, for any subject will suffice, but the charm of personality. 随笔的妙处并不在于题目(任何题目都可涉笔成趣),而在于个性的魅力。 yinghanhuyi.com 4. I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress (from my subject) for a moment. 我可以离题一会儿给大家讲个有趣的故事。 chinafanyi.com 5. Searching for love is no longer just a favorite subject for songs . 搜寻爱情已经不再只是受人喜爱的歌曲主题了。你能仿照这个句子,用。 www.bing.com 6. While nuclear apocalypse has long been a popular subject for books and movies, the Dr. Strangelove scenario is actually fairly unlikely. 虽然核灾难一直是书籍和电影的主题,而如Dr.Strangelove的状况是完全不可能的。 www.bing.com 7. Children have long been a favorite subject for artists. Their images of children reflect contemporary ideas about childhood. 孩子一直是艺术家们热衷的主题。他们对于孩子的想象反映了现代社会对孩子的观念。 www.zftrans.com 8. Schools must offer Physical Education and make it a subject for assessing students' academic performance. 第十八条学校必须开设体育课,并将体育课列为考核学生。学业成绩的科目。 www.chinalawedu.com 9. It is not the case that "qi" cannot act as subject for "qi" can act as the subject of the subject-predicate phrase (or minimal sentence). “其”字还可以作主谓词组(或称“小句”)的主语,“其”不能作主语的说法应该否定。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Since the shape of teeth does not change after eruption, they form a good subject for developmental biology research. 由于牙齿的形状不改变爆发后,他们形成了发育生物学研究的好题材。 www.syyxw.com 1. You know, English is not only a subject for school, it's also a social communication. 你知道,英语不仅仅是一门学科,它还是一种交际工具。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Just as Wood was the perfect subject for the project's inception, Trona is fitting for the finale. 正如伍德的故事是最完美的开端,TRONA足球赛季也是最适合这一项目的结尾。 www.bing.com 3. A better solution is to make Categories a new subject for the database to track, with its own table and its own primary key. 更好的方法是让“类别”成为数据库中要跟踪的新主题,使其具有自己的表和主键。 office.microsoft.com 4. Outside the Westminster village, few voters would have chosen arcane electoral reform as the subject for such a poll. 在西敏寺外,几位投票人选择神秘难懂的选举改革作为投票的主题。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner. 开庭时间到了,大家讨论的话题是那名罪犯的下场。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. English is one of my favorite subject, for it helps to improve people's communication ability. 我喜欢英语,因为英语可以提高人们之间的交际能力。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Some of this relates to the complexity of the subject for those unfamiliar with finance, accounting or regulation. 一部分原因就是,对于不熟悉金融、会计或法规的人而言,这些主题十分复杂。 www.bing.com 8. Commercially certifying a yacht has traditionally been a taboo subject for all but the largest of yachts seeking to charter. 商业上证明游艇历来所有一个禁忌的话题,但寻求最大的游艇规范。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. besides, l think l found a good subject for an interview. 而且我还找到一个很好的采访主题 www.tingroom.com 10. His gravity made her feel equally grave, and she showed it by again requesting him to drop the subject for the present. 他的严肃感染了她,使她也变得同样严肃,她的表现就是再次要求他,暂时不要提这件事。 1. Yet all that will cost money, and money is a sensitive subject for the railways. 所以这些都要用到钱,而钱对于铁路系统来说又是个敏感话题。 www.ecocn.org 2. Enterprises shall be promoted to be the subject for creation and utilization of intellectual property. 推动企业成为知识产权创造和运用的主体。 www.bing.com 3. English is a new subject for the pupils, so our English teachers are trying to find out a good way of how to learn English so well. 英语对小学生来说是一门新学科,因此我们的英语老师正在努力寻找一个如何把英语学好的方法,他们始终坚持着。 www.njyyjy.com 4. Suppose that an application has authenticated the user and set up a Subject for her. 假设应用程序认证了用户并为她设置了一个Subject。 www.ibm.com 5. With their multifarious types and variegated colors, butterflies have long been a favorite subject for photographers. 种类复杂、色彩变化多端的蝴蝶遂成为摄影者最爱捕捉的对象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In retrospect, the choice of such a frenzied subject for such a minimalist style seems an unfortunate fit. 回顾以往,为这样一个极简主义风格而挑选了疯狂的主题,这似乎极为不搭,难免有些遗憾。 www.bing.com 7. But welfare has often turned out to be an explosive subject for elected officials. 但是,社会福利已成为被选举政府的首要课题。 www.bing.com 8. if I change the subject for a moment? - No. 我换个话题,好吗?-好啊 www.tingroom.com 9. Had the network, I on do not need to fear again father and mother worked busily cannot extract the time to come to explain a subject for me. 有了网络,我就再也不用怕爸爸妈妈工作忙而抽不出时间来为我讲题了。 www.docin.com 10. The subject for these certificates must be set as the fully qualified name of the virtual server name. 这些证书的主题必须设置为完全限定的虚拟服务器名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The concept of this subject for research is: Realize the beauty of China' s traditional traditional Chinese Painting in the cartoon. 这个研究课题的概念是:在动画中体会中国传统国画之美。 www.gznf.net 2. Firstly start from the subject analysis, on the subject involved in the object and subject for a more in-depth study. 论文首先从题目的解析入手,对题目中涉及到的主体与客体进行了较为深入的研究。 www.fabiao.net 3. The subject for the implementation of administrative licensing shall be determined in accordance with the law. 实施行政许可的主体,应当依法确定。 www.lawinfochina.com 4. Fatigue reliability analysis is an important subject for safety assessment of a free span submarine pipeline. 疲劳可靠性是海底悬跨管道安全性分析的一个重要组成部分。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. WHETHER or not lie detectors work sounds like a good subject for open and honest discussion. 测谎仪是否奏效听起来像是个不错的也显得真诚的开篇话题。 www.ecocn.org 6. The author clearly admires his subject for his political longevity, his commitment to peace and his parliamentary and electoral management. 显然,作者十分钦佩于主人公长久的政治生涯,对和平的执着以及对国会和选举的掌控力。 www.ecocn.org 7. Libel reform may seem an obscure subject for an unpopular government to pursue with a general election looming. 诽谤法改革对面临大选不受欢迎的政府来说只是个模糊的目标。 www.ecocn.org 8. Fishing on the banks of the Seine is a favorite pastime for Parisians and a popular subject for scores of French artists. 在塞纳河畔钓鱼是巴黎人最喜爱的一项消遣活动,它也是法国艺术家之间进行较量的流行项目。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. While talking about this story, but our good subject for discussion. What is good? The end of another kind, where? 故事虽然讲到这里,但是却引起我们对善良这个话题的讨论。善良究竟是什么?善良的终点又在哪里? www.bing.com 10. He may think differently now, but Fukuyama wrote explicitly in Crossroads that "this is a personal subject for me. " 也许他此时改变了想法,但在《十字路口的美国》中福山明确写道“这对我而言是一个个人的话题。” www.bing.com 1. Karl Marx's concern for man's livelihood is a permanent subject for the ruling proletarian party as well as a modernist topic. 马克思关切民生的思想既是一个当代性的话题,同时也是无产阶级执政党的一个永恒课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Speeding up the reduction of ZnO with control of the reduction of FeO is the key subject for increasing the ZnO recycling rate. 如何加快氧化锌的还原分离而抑制氧化铁的还原及聚集长大将成为提高氧化锌回收率的关键。 www.chinamet.cn 3. Firstly the author points out the difference between the compensation liability subject for traffic accident damage and the infringer. 该部分首先明确指出了交通事故损害赔偿责任主体与交通事故责任者的区别。 www.fabiao.net 4. This is all very early thinking on this subject for me. 这是我关于这个话题很早的想法。 www.elanso.com 5. The assumption of economic self-interest as the sole motivation for action trivializes human choice as a subject for study. 经济学将自利作为行为的唯一动机的假设淡化了作为研究对象的人为选择。 www.bing.com 6. Drop the subject for a while, then try again later. 先把这个事情放一放,等过些时间再试。 www.bing.com 7. He studied the subject for years and later compiled his observations into his classic book about speaking and interacting with people. 这个问题他研究了多年,后来把自己的观察结果写成了他那本关于演讲和与人交往的经典著作。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The source of earth's oceans has been a subject for debate among astronomers for decades. 几十年来,地球上海洋的来源一直是天文学家争论不休的问题。 www.bing.com 9. In despair she had dropped the subject for the time, only to renew it at the first opportunity. 在绝望中,她已下降为主题的时间,才在第一次更新的机遇。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Because both kinds of war produced massive civilian casualties, war has been a subject for humanists as well as generals. 由于两种战争都造成了大量平民伤亡,使得人道主义者和将军都很注重研究战法战术。 kk.dongxi.net 1. That is way too big a subject for this wee article, so please see Resources (it's not hard, when you know how). 对于这篇篇幅有限的文章来说,那是一个过大的主题,因此请参阅参考资料(当您知道如何做时,您会发现它并不难)。 www.ibm.com 2. As the new century approaches, the major subject for countries across the world is how to go about establishing new international relations. 随着新世纪的临近,世界各国面临的一个主题是如何建立新的国际关系。 www.putclub.com 3. Examples are setup for stress and performance testing and preparation of a subject for usability testing. 例如压力和性能测试的启动以及可用性测试的准备工作。 se.csai.cn 4. There may be much more written about freelancing but it is a subject for a separate post. 关于自由职业者还有更多可写的,但是那些都是题外话了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A narration of the events in the life of a person or the existence of a thing, or such events as a subject for narration. 在叙述一个人的生活事件或一个事物的存在,或以此类事件作为一个叙述的主题。 ielts.hjenglish.com 6. Published in 1948, and updated in over a dozen editions, the book became the set text on the subject for millions of students. 这本出版于1948年、历经十几版修订的教材,已成为数百万学子的经济学指定教科书。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The sceneries in the area are a very good subject for it displays nature and how beautiful our world can be. 该地区的景观是一个很好的课题的性质和它显示如何美丽,我们的世界可以。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The water wars have become a ripe subject for jokes in Iran. 'What kind of a country do we have? 打水仗在伊朗已经成了大家开玩笑的主题。 global.cjzg.cn 9. This makes the heterogeneous database "s integration an important subject for research on application technology of the database. " 这就使得结构不同的数据库即异构数据库的集成成为数据库应用技术的一个重要研究课题。 www.lw23.com 10. a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. 各成员团体若对某技术委员会确定的项目感兴趣均有权参加该委员会的工作。 www.jukuu.com 1. In data transmission, how to estimate and decode the signal for reducing the bit error rate (BER) would be the subject for studying. 对于资料的传输而言,受到杂讯严重和多路径衰减干扰的通道中传输,如何将信号估测并解调使错误率降低是研究的主题。 2. I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically. 我说得相当内行吧,因为我在理论和实际上都熟悉这一些事。 www.for68.com 3. Based on this, I choose A philosophical thinking of the reconstruction of contemporary values as a subject for thesis. 基于此,笔者选取当代价值观重构的哲学思考为题目作为毕业论文。 www.fabiao.net 4. The next thing to do is to indicate a subject for discussion. 下一步是指定一个讨论主题。 www.infoq.com 5. Moreover, the translators and their subjectivities have thus become an important study subject for translation researchers. 译者及其主体性也成为翻译研究的重要课题。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 6. You also need to talk about feelings, to open that subject for future discussion. 也需要谈谈相互的感受,或者提出这个话题留待将来再作讨论。 www.bing.com 7. At present, the research on theory of mind has become a hot subject for development psychology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science. 当前心理理论研究已经成为发展心理学、心灵哲学、认知科学所关注的热门课题。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Dynamics of knee is an important subject for research of intelligent bionic artificial limb prosthesis. 膝关节动力学问题是智能仿生人工腿应用研究中的重要内容。 en.zglckf.com 9. The relationship between diversification and economic performance is also an important subject for the research in strategic management. 企业多元化战略与经济绩效的关系也一直是战略管理研究的重要课题之一。 www.dictall.com 10. You configure the security credentials that constitute the subject for run-as role security in the deployment plan. 在部署计划中配置安全凭据,以构成Run-as角色安全性的主体。 www.ibm.com 1. When raised as a subject for discussion on parenting websites, it always elicits a stream of outrage and angry denials. 当育儿网站将偏心作为讨论的话题时,总会有许多愤慨的父母生气地表示否认。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Last week, she was in the Middle East raising a sensitive subject for many Arab women - breast cancer. 上周,她在中东提到一个对许多阿拉伯妇女而言敏感的话题——乳腺癌。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But that, best beloved, is a subject for a whole different research project. 但是,这又是一个令人热衷的完全不同研究项目的主题。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Bioinformatics is a new subject for the study of alternative splicing, especially for its regulatory mechanism, prediction and origin. 因此,研究基因选择性剪接是一项十分重要的工作。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. This makes firefighting a crucial subject for all the municipal governments, big enterprises, airports, etc. 这使得消防工作成为各地方政府、大型企业、机场等部门所面临的一项严峻任务。 www.tdict.com 6. Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags. 在subject中搜索所有与pattern给出的正则表达式匹配的内容并将结果以flags指定的顺序放到matches中。 bo.php.net 7. Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists . 政治,或者更广泛的说国家的运作是新闻记者的一个主要报道主题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Four half-day examination, the examination time for each subject for two and a half hours. 考试分四个半天进行,每个科目的考试时间为两个半小时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In despair she had dropped the subject for the time. 她没有办法,只好暂时放下这个话题。 www.jukuu.com 10. and methods for delivering therapeutic agents to a subject for an extended period of time using the liquid formulations. 以及使用液体制剂将治疗剂以在延长的时间递送至受试者的方法。 ip.com 1. The subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps. 讨论的题目是隆美尔及其非州军团的下场。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Physics is one of the most difficult subject for me. 物理对我来说是最难学的科目之一。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The education ministry in Paris dictates how many hours a week are devoted to each subject for each year group. 巴黎教育部要求,一个星期工作多长时间决定于每个年级组的每个科目。 www.ecocn.org 4. The speaker went on talking about his favorite subject for the whole morning. 这个演说家就他挚爱的话题滔滔不解的讲了一整个早晨。 club.pojaa.com 5. Business is the most popular subject for international students in the United States. 商科是美国国际学生最热门的专业领域。 www.ebigear.com 6. Human Embryology is an important basic subject for the students of the medical and pharmaceutical specialty. 人体胚胎学对医药学专业学生均是一门重要的基础专业课程。 dict.kekenet.com 7. So building project construction management becomes a new research subject for every construction management. 在这其中,“建筑工程施工管理”也成为每一个建筑施工管理都研究的新课题。 www.qikan.com.cn 8. You can start off by thinking about a single subject for five minutes a day, then increase the period daily until you reach a half hour. 开始的时候,你可以每天试着花5分钟,慢慢积累直到1个小时。 www.kekenet.com 9. The subject for this Global Handwashing Day is: Clean Hands Save Lives. . . More. “世界洗手日”今年的主题是“干净的手能拯救生命”…详细。 www.chinese.cn 10. After 60 years in the community of nations, Israel's existence must not be a subject for debate. 以色列已建国60年,作为国际社会的一员,这个国家的存在也不应受到质疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Even so, how to develop the local tomato industrialization further is still a significant and urgent subject for Bayannur. 尽管如此,如何进一步发展番茄产业仍是巴彦淖尔市面临的一项重大而又迫切的课题。 www.13191.com 2. The new rules were also a subject for press questions, starting with the feeling when driving a car with a full fuel load. 新规则也是提问的一个主题,问题从询问阿隆索对于驾驶一辆满载油的赛车的感受开始。 www.bing.com 3. The problem was English, an increasingly important subject for students who wanted to qualify for anything but the worst universities. 但是英语是个问题。这门科目越来越重要,想要读稍微像样的大学,就得学好英语。 cn.nytimes.com 4. The subject for the evening was "Black Cats and Four Leaf Clovers: Stories about Good and Bad Luck" . 今晚的主题是“黑猫和四页三叶草:关于好运和霉运的故事”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The article discussed the subject for automotive ignition System. 文章针对这一课题讨论了汽车点火系统的研究与实现。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. EVER since climate change became a subject for public discourse, economists have been making life difficult for environmentalists. 自从气候变化成为公众话题以来,经济学家一直在为难环境学家。 club.topsage.com 7. Hawthorne concedes that normal life can be a subject for art. 霍桑承认日常生活可以作为艺术的题材。 www.jukuu.com 8. John cast around for a good subject for his report. 约翰想给他的报告找个好题目。 get.3322.net 9. Physics is a major subject for students of the Radiology Department of Yuan Pei University. 对元培科学技术学院放射系的学生来说,物理是主要的基础科目。 www.teps.com.cn 10. He asked my advice about the choice of a subject for his thesis. 关于毕业论文题目一事,他征求我的意见。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Help Others Help others, in my opinion, It is an old but common subject for us. 帮助别人,在我看来,是一个古老而常见的主题。 www.njlyj.cn 2. The incidents remain a sensitive subject for local miners and politicians in Zambia's Copperbelt, the country's industrial base. 但对赞比亚工业基地铜带省的当地矿工和政界人士来说,这些事件依然是个敏感话题。 www.bing.com 3. But why, exactly, that should be the case is a subject for another day's research project. 但是确切的说,为什么这个案例会是明天研究项目的主题? www.ecocn.org 4. Nevertheless, he believes that it is really a subject for historians rather than geologists. 不过,他认为这绝对是一个历史学家而不是地质学家的课题。 www.bing.com 5. even the cold war is now a subject for the history books. 甚至连现在的历史书的主题也变成了冷战。 www.ecocn.org 6. importune you upon the subject, for fear of making you uneasy. 你在这个主题,强求害怕让你感到不安。 wenwen.soso.com 7. eloquently adv. : She spoke eloquently on the subject for about an hour. 她就这个主题雄辩了将近一小时。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 8. Marriage can be a sore subject for black women in general. 对一般女性黑人而言,婚姻是头等大事。 www.bing.com 9. Health Promotion is simply a theory of caring people's good health, it is a life-long studying subject for mankind. 养生就是保养生命,是人一辈子也钻研不完的学问。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In Chicago Humboldt was a natural subject for reflection. 在芝加哥,人们怀念洪堡是很自然的。 1. What readers do with their own equipment, as private, noncommercial actors, is not a fit subject for copyright regulation oroversight. 读者怎么处理自己的设备,例如私人非商业性的,不是版权规定监督的对象。 www.bing.com 2. Vibration noise control of propulsion device in ships has been an important subject for domestic and foreign researchers. 船舶的推进装置的振动噪声控制一直是国内外研究者关注的重要课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever. 我的心愿和情感依然如旧,只要你一句话,我就永远不会再提这件事了。 hi.baidu.com 4. Since they are so closely connected, they ve become the subject for many hospitals to explore and study. 文化与医疗服务是紧密相连的,是医院服务工作探讨、研究的主题。 www.chemyq.com 5. In part three, the thesis makes a sort summary, points out the conclusion, and prospect the subject for further study. 第三个部分,对全文进行了梳理总结,指出了本文的结论,并对该课题的进一步研究进行了展望。 www.fabiao.net 6. Subject: I looking for friends. -----Plz can U make a Chinese subject for me? 主题:寻找朋友。——唔该可唔可以帮我整个中文嘅主题啊(整咗勒…) bbs.loveq.cn 7. The Church of Scientology is a notoriously difficult subject for journalists. 山达基教会是一个记者非常困难的课题。 www.englishtang.com 8. A 30-year research subject for scientist Irene Pepperberg, PhD, Alex whittled away at the belief that parrots were simple mimics. 对于科学家IrenePepperberg博士来说,Alex,这只30岁的实验对象削弱了“鹦鹉只是简单的模仿生物”这一观念。 www.bing.com 9. Water and Wasterwater Treatment Engineering is an important subject for the students of water supply and drainage system. 本课程是给水排水工程专业的重要专业课程。 www.zhku.edu.cn 10. Ice is an interesting subject for contemplation. 冰乃是沉思的一个最有趣的题目。 www.for68.com 1. Dreams, of course, are a fertile subject for moviemakers. 而梦境,当然只是电影惯用的一个噱头。 www.bing.com 2. Don't mention horse racing. He'll just blather about the subject for hours once he gets started. 可别提赛马。他一旦讲起这个话题来就喋喋不休说个不完。 content.edu-edu.com.cn 3. Subject for the first time in the center school examination are batch nothing, out of the game. 课题在中心学校第一次审查时就被批得一无是处,淘汰出局。 www.268r.com 4. Granted, perhaps that's part of the problem, but that's a subject for another time. 但是,这就是问题的一部分,但这是另外一个话题。 www.bing.com 5. Maths is the most popular subject for the oldest, sixth-form pupils, followed by sciences. 数学是年龄最大的中学六年级学生的最爱,其次是科学课。 www.bing.com 6. The second part introduces the compensation liability subject for traffic accident damage. 第二部分为道路交通事故损害赔偿的责任主体。 www.fabiao.net 7. Which is the most difficult subject for you: physics, mathematics or chemistry? 你最难学的课程是什么?是物理、数学还是化学? www.bing.com 8. The " holding ground " is a professional subject for higher training . 专业服从科目“延缓”是更高级别的训练内容。 www.bing.com 9. And we didn't hae any problems snoozing in the noisy tube of an MRI machine as a test subject for some wily physicists either. 我们可以成为有预谋的物理学家的受试对象,也能呆在喧闹MRI机器里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As my eyesight dims , I think of the joys of reading, be it a letter, or a book, or some subject for deep thought. 随着视力渐衰,我想起了这样的快乐--阅读,无论是书信、书籍、或某个引人深思的主题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Let us have an overview of Maladjustment as a social phenomenon and as a subject for psychological study. 让我们概述失调是一种社会现象,并作为一个主题的心理学研究。 word.hcbus.com 2. Jack met Obama, she recalls, through a friend of a friend who thought he'd make a good subject for her black-and-white portraits. 杰克回忆道,她通过朋友的朋友见到了奥巴马,因为这位朋友认为他会成为她黑白肖像摄影很好的对象。 www.bing.com 3. This information is typically a subject for larger, distinct projects. 该信息通常是更大的特别项目的主题。 www.ibm.com 4. Morphology is a fundamental subject for medical education. 形态学是医学教育的基础学科。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. Humans have a considerably larger neocortex than other mammals, making it an ideal subject for the research of higher cognition. 人类拥有比其他哺乳类大得多的新皮质,使它成为研究高等认知的理想对象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Linguistics is a required subject for every language student. 语言学是每个学语言的学生的必修课。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the Subject box, type a subject for the e-mail message. 在“主题”框中,键入电子邮件的主题。 office.microsoft.com 8. I remember back in the 60s the Chinese 5 year plans were a subject for amusement. Who's laughing now? 我记得早在上世纪60年代,大家嘲笑中国5年计划。现在谁能笑的出来? ltaaa.com 9. Where can the visitors learn about the subject for new students? 参观者可以在什么地方了解新生的学习科目? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Suri and her latest outfit are now a favorite subject for the paparazzi. 苏里和她最新服饰狗仔队跟拍的主题。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Just to change the subject for a moment, have your heard about Camen's marriage? 暂时打岔一下,你听说过卡门结婚的事吗? blog.hjenglish.com 2. Type a subject for your e-mail message. 键入电子邮件的主题。 office.microsoft.com 3. Succession and innovation is an eternal subject for the development of Chinese traditional surgery. 秉承传统、开拓创新是中医外科学发展的永恒主题。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Just to change the subject for a moment, have we got any coffee in the house? 暂时改变一下话题,家里有没有咖啡? www.powerdict.com 5. "Math has been my favorite subject for as long as I can remember, " he says. 他说,“自从我记事以来,数学就是我最喜欢的学科。” www.hxen.com 6. a better subject for your composition ? 你为什么不选一个更好的作文题? www.jukuu.com 7. Each night, there are students going to duty teachers of certain subject for help. 每个晚上,学生们可以申请到不同科目老师值日的寝室去寻求帮助。 hi.baidu.com 8. It's an important subject for teachers to reach a better and effective human relationship among school staff. 教师能与学校成员达成良好且有效互动的人际关系,实为教师重要课题。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Saying by Agence France-Presse, "QI" program previously been involved in a person or a subject for recognition of "harm. " 按法新社说法,“QI”节目先前从未因涉及某人或某一主题承认“带来伤害”。 www.englishtang.com 10. He became the subject for ridicule. 他成了人们取笑的对象。 www.zikaoonline.com 1. Mirror is a good subject for science-fiction movies. 对于科幻电影来说,镜子的主意是个不错的题材。 chinadialogue.cn 2. While he racks his brains to find a subject for a story, he meets the extraordinary Miss Minoes. 当他感到极为苦恼之际,遇上了与众不同的米诺小姐。 www.hkiac.gov.hk 3. Mathematics is the most difficult subject for me. 数学是我最感困难的科目。 www.wwenglish.com 4. English is a very hard subject for me. 对我,英语很难。 www.smzg.org 5. This offer is firm subject for acceptance by. . . 依接受…该报价为实盘。 www.bing.com 6. Which is the most interesting subject for you? 哪个科目对你来说最有趣? www.for68.com 7. And that is a subject for the next time. 这个主题下一次再讨论。 www.ibm.com 8. As a carrier of information, network provides a new design subject for the development of vision art. 网络作为一种信息载体,为视觉艺术的发展提供了新的设计课题。 www.fabiao.net 9. Add a recipient or type a subject for the message. 为邮件添加收件人或键入主题。 office.microsoft.com 10. Physics is the most difficult subject for me. 对我来说物理是最难的学科。 www.ebigear.com 1. What's the subject for today's debate? 今天辩论的题目是什么? www.enread.com 2. Physics is a difficult subject for me. 对我来说物理是一门难学的科目。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. What must be stressed at the outset is that a signifier is that which represents a subject for another signifier. 一开始我们必须强调的是,一个意符,是一个主体对于另外一个主体的代表。 springhero.wordpress.com 4. This is an important subject for those companies looking to enter into the geo-locational space. 对于那些想要进入地理位置领域的公司来说,隐私保护是个很重要的问题。 www.bing.com 5. How to control emergencies quickly and effectively, to reduce the losses, is a common subject for all countries in the world. 如何快速有效地控制突发事件,减少其造成的损失是世界各国政府共同关注的问题。 www.fabiao.net 6. For the long run, english is a very important subject for me to gain. Not only so, for you, the teacher who is young , generous. 从长远来看,对我来说英语是一个非常重要的议题,不仅如此,像你这样年轻又慷慨的老师,我们将成为很好的朋友。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Provide a subject for the e-mail message. 提供电子邮件的主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. People in their daily lives tend to experience some small amount of the subject (for example, only one, twenty thousand yuan arrears) cases. 老百姓在日常生活中往往会遇到一些标的额很小(例如仅一、两万元欠款)的案件。 www.xiami360.com 9. Sales tax is a touchy subject for Amazon. 交易税对于亚马逊来说是相当敏感的话题。 www.bing.com 10. Today, it is the main subject for military command to organize several kinds of military units of fight together. 在现代战争中,协调多兵种共同作战执行联合指挥控制是当前军事指挥领域主要研究的课题之一。 xtfzxb.ty.t.f2us.com 1. Climate change is still very much a subject for debate. 气候变化很大程度上仍是一个争论的话题。–学科;科目;课程 wenku.baidu.com 2. They have worked on this subject for many years. 他们研究这门学科已经有好多年了。 www.jxenglish.com 3. It's an awkward subject for most people. 这对大多数人来说都是一个难于启齿的话题。 www.ebigear.com 4. math is a boring subject for me. 对我来说,数学是一个乏味的科目。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Meanwhile, Domenico Scarlatti's sonatas are getting more and more intentions, and have become the required subject for accordion executants. 斯卡拉蒂的奏鸣曲愈来愈受到重视,己成为手风琴演奏者的必修课程。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. My teachers thought that wasn't a subject for girls, so I did Chemistry and Music instead. 但我的老师认为这门学科不适合女孩子,于是我改学化学和音乐。 www.seed.slb.com 7. They have worked at this subject for a long time. 我们研究这个课题已有很长时间了。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Physics is the worst school subject for me, but I have to learn it. 物理对我来讲就是最糟糕的课程,可我还得学。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. We have worked at this subject for many years. 我们研究这门学科已经有好多年了。 yaleygj99.vip.sina.com 10. They have worked at this subject for many years. 他们研究这个课题已经有好多年了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This is a worthwhile subject for study. 关于这个问题,值得人们去研究一下。 www.bing.com 2. How to learn vocabulary effectively has long been an important research subject for foreign and domestic scholars. 如何学好词汇历来是国内外学术界所研究的重要课题。 www.fabiao.net 3. Because it's a don't-want-to-go-there subject for me. 因为这对我来说是个不情愿的建议。 sfile.ydy.com 4. Now I want to more serious study, do one line subject, for the following ideal lay a good foundation. 现在我要更认真的学习,多做一线题目,为以后的理想打下良好的基础。 wenwen.soso.com 5. but that it is this very problem allows - or rather, demands - that the past be a subject for study, instead of a self-evident truth. 但也正因如此,过去才可能——甚至是必须——有待研究,而不是不证自明的真实。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. Therefore, it is an important subject for our country to issue a perfect law of advance pricing agreement. 完善我国预约定价制的立法,无疑是我们应重点研究的部分。 www.fabiao.net 7. It is a new subject for Daqing Oilfield construction cost management world to study the valuation for bill of quantity in Daqing Oilfield. 对大庆油田实行工程量清单计价的研究,是大庆油田工程造价管理领域面临的新课题。 paper.dic123.com 8. Its a hard but imperative research subject for postgraduate to study medical English in TCM colleges. 对中医院校的研究生进行医学英语教育是一项重要而艰难的研究课题。 www.chemyq.com 9. The camera doesn't know that you want to freeze a fast-moving subject, for example. 譬如说相机不会知道你想要捕捉一个快速移动的目标。 www.bing.com 10. What is your favorite subject , for example math ? 你最喜欢的科目是什么例如数学 wenwen.soso.com 1. An Approach of the Subject for Ensuring to Lawyers Right to Participate in Criminal Procedure 对保障律师参与刑事诉讼权利问题的探讨 ilib.cn 2. Supreme Public Security Organ of the PRC Should Also be the Legal Subject for Criminal Judicial Interpretation 最高公安机关也应是法定的刑事司法解释主体 www.ilib.cn 3. Just as an artist needs a subject for his work of art, 就好像艺术家需要寻找作品的主题。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Culture development as long-term subject for hospital 医院文化建设是医院发展永恒的课题 www.ilib.cn 5. Fresh Water provides an expansive subject for the third programme in the BBC's fascinating new natural history series. 淡水提供一个易膨胀的主题给英国广播公司的迷人新博物学系列的第三节目。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The cross- principle knowledge infiltration reflected in the comprehensive exam subject for admission into institutions of higher education 高考综合科目中的各科知识渗透 service.ilib.cn 7. nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; 任何人不得因同一罪行而两次遭受生命或身体的危害; zhidao.baidu.com 8. Analysis on the Feasibility of Taking Orienteering as a Compulsory Public Subject for College Students 定向运动作为高校公共体育必修课的可行性分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Regulations on Management of Proclamation of Administrative Subject for Law Enforcement of Shenzhen Municipality 深圳市行政执法主体公告管理规定 www.chinalawedu.com 10. The time of Internet the new subject for the morality of higher education 网络时代高校德育工作面临的新课题 service.ilib.cn 1. Study of Methods in Learning Junior History Subject for Education of Creation 创新教育下的初中历史学法教学研究 www.ilib.cn 2. To Strengthening Equipment Management Is A Eternal Subject for Petrochemical Enterprises 加强设备管理是石油化工企业永恒的主题 www.ilib.cn 3. That about wraps up this tutorial. I hope I've shed some light on this subject for you 我打算结束这个教程了,希望让你能更加明白 rosesky.3322.org 4. To Moralize the Masses, the Subject For Both of Music Creation and Communication in the Era of Planned Economy 教化大众:计划经济时代音乐创作与传播的同一主题 www.ilib.cn 5. The Position and Function of the System of Public Subject for the Teacher Education in Higher Normal College 高师公共课程体系在教师教育中的地位和作用 ilib.cn 6. The borrower identified by the Consignor shall have legal status of subject for the borrowing; 委托人确定的借款人应具有合法的借款主体资格; www.showxiu.com 7. He also chose baseball as a subject for his book because it is unlike any other sport. englishtang. com 他也选择了棒球作为一个为他的书的主题,因为它不同于其他任何体育项目。 www.englishtang.com 8. Significance of the Idea of Judicial Subject for the Reform of Criminal Proceedings 司法主体性理念对刑事审判制度改革的意义 www.ilib.cn 9. It has been clear about the subject for the scientific philosophy; 它为科学哲学重新明确了主题; www.fabiao.net 10. To be the subject for photographs: 成为拍照对象: zhidao.baidu.com 1. Model Identification of Controlled Subject for Hydro Turbine Governing System 水轮机调节系统被控对象模型辨识 www.ilib.cn 2. Rebellion and Construction: Alternative Subject for Women's Literary Writing 反叛与建构:女性文学创作的双向主题 ilib.cn 3. The basic subject for enterprise diversifying into strategic resources 企业多元化经营战略性资源的基本命题 ilib.cn 4. Public Demand and Government Supply: Basic Subject for the Study of Public Administration 论公共需求与供给:公共行政研究的基本主题 service.ilib.cn 5. Nurse- patient communication is a compulsory subject for nursing staffs 护患交流是护理人员的一门必修课 www.ilib.cn 6. Creativeness is the main subject for sustainable development of dairy industry 创新是奶业持续发展的主题 www.ilib.cn 7. History Teaching Activities about Subject for Research 论历史教学中研究性课题的教学活动 www.ilib.cn 8. Practice teaching of computer subject for high- vocation college 谈高职院校计算机课程的实践教学 www.ilib.cn 9. Transnational operation, a new subject for Chinese enterprises to compete oninter national market 跨国经营:中国企业角逐国际市场新命题 www.ilib.cn 10. Research on the structure and Content System of Practical Subject for PE Major in Normal Universities 高师体育教育专业术科课程结构及内容体系改革研究 service.ilib.cn 1. A Centurial Subject for the CPC to Improve Its Governing Ability 中国共产党提高执政能力建设的世纪课题 www.ilib.cn 2. making the main structure of supply perfect, and to provide multi-subject for "co-ordination model" ; 健全完善供给主体结构,为实现“统筹模式”提供多元主体; www.fabiao.net 3. Type the subject for this message 键入该邮件的主题 www.fan6.net 4. To build the harmonious society is a key subject for urban science research 构建和谐城市是城市科学研究的重要课题 service.ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Preponderant Undergraduate Subject for Comprehensive Universities in China 我国综合性大学本科优势专业分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Please click the subject for pics 浏览图片请进入主题 chinapost.co.kr 7. On the Cultivation of Sound Personality: A Immediate Subject for Ideological Work in Colleges 培育健全人格:高校思想政治工作的现实课题 service.ilib.cn 8. For each subject for which you enrol, you will automatically get the following 你报名参加每一个科目的考试,都将立刻获得以下资料 www.vtedu.net 9. On How to Review Chinese Subject for College Entrance Examination 浅谈高考语文复习的开展 scholar.ilib.cn 10. A current subject for concern 一个当前大家都关心的问题 english.cri.cn 1. Thinking on the Structure of the Tax Subject for AVT 增值税纳税主体结构的透视与思考 www.ilib.cn 2. A View on the Multiple-subject for Theoretical Education for Urban Planning Specialty in China 论我国城市规划专业理论教育的多学科视野 www.ilib.cn 3. He is working at English. They have worked at this subject for many years. work out 从事于,学习.可以用于任何时态。宾语通常为抽象的事物。他在学习英语。 wenku.baidu.com |
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