单词 | still | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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复数:stills 现在分词:stilling 过去式:stilled n. movies still 显示所有例句
IDM the still of the night 万籁俱寂的夜晚;夜阑人静the time during the night when it is quiet and calm a/the still small voice 上帝的教示;良心的呼唤the voice of God or your conscience , that tells you to do what is morally right still waters run deep 静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings 例句释义: 仍然,还,还是,依旧,然而,静止的,平静的,安静的,寂静的,安静,剧照,定格画面,蒸馏器,依然,仍旧 1. Rats carry many diseases and these diseases have killed and are still killing thousands and thousands of men today in many countries. 老鼠带有许多疾病,并且至今在许多的国家这些疾病已经杀了和正在杀害了成千上万的人类。 wenwen.soso.com 2. He was a very beautiful young man, a bit like a girl perhaps---but still very good-looking. 他是一个非常美丽的年轻男人,或许有点像女孩,但还是很好看。 wenwen.soso.com 3. They haven't fixed the exact date? there's still quite a lot to do before they're ready to run these tests. 他们还没有确定具体日子??要做好测试前的准备,还有许多工作要做。 www.jukuu.com 4. Of course, the Fed is still likely a year or more away from implementing an exit strategy, but even that's cold comfort. 当然,时距美联储采行退场策略可能还有一年,甚或更长的时间,但并无法令人感到安心。 cn.reuters.com 5. And if it were to go all the way, if A and B were to disappear, it still would be mixed. 如果反应仅需进行,如果A和B都消失了,产物仍然是混合的。 open.163.com 6. However, U. S. military officials said the U. S. is still closely watching the situation. 但美国军方官员说,美国仍在密切关注事态。 chinese.wsj.com 7. And yet, there seems, still, something especially authentic in Mr Obama's frequent reaching out to Islam and Judaism. 但是,在奥巴马与伊斯兰教和犹太教的频繁接触中,似乎有什么特别真实的东西。 www.ecocn.org 8. Despite this drastic life change, Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing - most notably with her polite, upper-class accent. 尽管生活发生了巨大的变化,劳拉仍旧保留了高贵的本质,尤其是她那彬彬有礼的上流社会的口音。 www.mm52.com 9. But a great distance still seems to separate us from such an assertion. 但似乎我们离这一要求仍很遥远。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 1. Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its ability to produce knock-off footwear. 尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。 c.wsj.com 2. Although his mother better than him, but she is still willing to accompany him in his father. 母亲虽然要比他好一点,但她依然愿意陪在父亲身边。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As the rope lengthened, and still Dick continued to pay it out, extreme fear began to conquer her resolution. 正当狄克把绳子不断地伸长,继续往外放出去的时候,她的决心却被极度的恐惧压倒了。 www.jukuu.com 4. This deed is still more distant from them than most distant stars---and yet they have done it themselves. 这事离他们比最远的星还要遥远——虽然那是他们自己干出来的。 www.bing.com 5. But many still require human intervention: workers have to be sent out to download sensor readings or to fix problems. 但许多情况下这种系统仍需人工干预:派出工人去下载传感器的读数或去抢修故障。 www.ecocn.org 6. I have an intellectual appreciation that mountain-climbing is risky, but I've got to tell myself after 20 years of climbing I'm still alive. 在理智上,我很清楚登山运动是危险的,但是我不得不告诉自己,爬了20年山我仍然健在。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Still, the economist is still likely to see the merits of a brain-drain tax on the outflow of human capital. 不过,这位经济学家可能还是看到对人力资本外流征收一种人才外流税的种种优点。 8. Still an entrepreneur by instinct, I continued to start or be involved in a number of other businesses while running my insurance business. 出于企业家的本能,当我经营着自己的保险公司的时候,继续开创或者跟其他一些企业有紧密的联系。 igarden.dlut.edu.cn 9. The world has been moving towards multi- polarization since the end of the Cold War. However , the world is still far from stable . 冷战结束后,世界向多极化的方向发展,但天下仍很不太平。 www.bing.com 10. Despite the high expenses, her parents still decided to send her to America for further study. 虽然费用昂贵,她父母还是决定送她去美国深造。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. All this still seems well short of what many generals think is needed for an effective counter-insurgency campaign. 一切看起来都很好,除了非常缺乏许多将军们认为必要的有效的饭叛乱运动。 www.ecocn.org 2. But nevertheless, enchanting Feng Zi and the sort of attractive figure of her stagewise , still attracting many audience. 但尽管如此,她在舞台上的那种妩媚的丰姿和迷人的身段,仍然吸引著大量的观众。 www.showxiu.com 3. Mathematics went well, but still, in reaction perhaps to the main trend of my course, I began to look to writing. 数学倒是很合我的口味,但也许是出于对主科的逆反心理吧,我开始喜欢起写作来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ready to live your life to its fullest potential? Start the four steps by becoming still. . . 做好充分生活的准备了吗?这四个步骤从静默开始… bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Nomi is still recovering from health issues that are the result of how polarity has pressed his dream towards extinction rather than life. Nomi仍在恢复健康中,那是极性将其梦想推入绝灭而不是生存的结果。 www.lingyuan.net 6. Even though I realized that he would finally die someday about a year ago, I still can't believe my eyes when saw this news. 尽管我明白他终于消亡大约一年前,我还是不能相信我的眼睛,看见了这个消息。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In my opinion Dida can do better and he definitely will. There is no problem at the moment and I still have faith and confidence in him. 在我看来,迪达可以做得更好,显然他将会这样做,此刻并不存在任何问题,我对依然很信任并且很有信心。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 8. Still another condition is called a bowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children. 另外还有一种状况被称为弓形骨折,这种情况发生时,骨头被弯曲了,但并未断裂,大多在儿童身上发生。 zhxella.blog.163.com 9. Although I'm still upset with Jenny for what she did, I plan to call her and clear the air. 虽然我还是对Jenny说的话耿耿于怀,但我还是决定打电话给她解除误会。 www.kekenet.com 10. Especially in the face of sluggish consumer's desire to purchase, the price is still the most effective means of promotion. 尤其是面对消费者低迷的购车欲望,价格优惠仍然是最见效的促销手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I had left the ashram, but, due to the continuing pain, I couldnt work and, with a child still to support, had to go on welfare. 我离开修行地,但由于持续不断的痛苦,我无法工作,还有一个孩子需要抚养,我不得不继续谋生。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 2. He came when the night was still; he had his harp in his hands, and my dreams became resonant with its melodies. 他在静夜中来到;手里拿着琴,我的梦魂和他的音乐起了共鸣。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No matter how much you sugar-coat it, it is still bullshit. 不管你怎么甜言蜜语,这仍然是胡扯。 www.jinhuchun.com 4. He said the government is concerned, is still not say, but "an objective look at the current situation, it is clear the pendulum thing. " 他说,从政府来讲,目前还无法断言,但“客观看待现有局势,这是明摆的事”。 beijing.newchannel.org 5. The now demented Jedi Master now holds court among junk versions of each Jedi Council Member, speaking to them as if they were still alive. 这位如今已经疯狂的绝地大师收藏有用垃圾拼成的绝地长老会各位成员的人像,他与它们谈话,就好像它们仍然活着一般。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Still, when a chunk of Rosneft comes up for sale, the temptation for them to set all that aside will be strong (see article). 尽管如此,当俄罗斯石油公司出售其大部分股份时,强大的诱惑仍会令他们将这一切抛到脑后。 www.ecocn.org 7. Just another familiar way of trying to ask: Will I still be around after my death? 就象另一种相似的方式去问:我死后会依旧存在吗? www.bing.com 8. He is said to be looking forward to making more family films. Perhaps, but he still looks a little out of place in the magic kingdom. 他期望今后能够制作出更多家庭电影,但他看上去多少与魔法王国有那么点不合拍。 www.ecocn.org 9. Fudge had then patted the shoulder of the still-dumbstruck Prime Minister in a fatherly sort of way. 福吉说完之后,还像慈父一样拍了拍仍然瞠目结舌的首相的肩膀。 post.baidu.com 10. A young man put his head through the door and said, "Principal, do you still recognize me? " 一个青年在办公室门口探头进来,说道:“校长,还认得我吗?” lookingat.passingsights.com 1. Although, researchers caution, the verdict is still out when it comes to the long-term effect of these programs on cognition. 尽管研究者也提醒,这些程序的长期效果如何尚未得出结论。 www.bing.com 2. The essence of financial accounting is one of research foundation of accounting theory, but it still had not been resolved. 财务会计本质是会计理论研究的基础之一,但该问题至今依然没有解决。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. A trend in web design that has been popular for a while, and still seems to be gaining momentum, is the use of big background images. 有一项web设计趋势已经流行一段时间了,但似乎势头依然不减,这便是使用大背景图像。 www.bing.com 4. If you still do not understand, you can contact our online experts, for you to make further details. 如果您还有不明白的地方,可以联系我们的在线专家,专家会为您做出进一步的详细介绍。 www.106jsw.com 5. Still, even if I hadn't changed, I did not expect to feel that I could happily go back to hanging out with these people. 不过即使我并没有改变,我还是没有想到自己仍能愉快地回去跟这些人共处。 www.bing.com 6. Still have, stability of partial product low temperature does not accord with a standard to ask. 还有,部分产品低温稳定性不符合标准要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The next day, men going to work on time, and a day, and gave the girl home immediately dozen telephone, still no response. 第二天,男人要按时上班,一天,给那个女孩回家马上打了电话,还没有回应。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Opdyke admittedly is still searching for the right balance in his own family, especially about spending decisions. 没错,奥迪克仍在寻求给自己孩子一种适当的权力,特别是在决定家庭开支方面。 chinese.wsj.com 9. This was one of those cases -- but remember, we're still only talking about two examples out of a set of 42 different documents. 这是那些案例里的其中之一----但是记住,我们还仅仅谈论了一系列42个不同文件中的2个例子而已。 angozj.com 10. I still have to recover a bit of my condition. When the coach puts me in I will be ready. 我仍需要恢复一点状态,当教练把我派出场时,我将百分百恢复。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 1. 28-year-old Lila is one of the victims, her husband is member of anti-government forces are still the front-line fighting. 28岁的利拉正是受害者之一,她的丈夫是反政府军成员,仍在前线打仗。 www.englishtang.com 2. I'm now in my 80s, but whenever I think of that look on Dad's face, my heart still feels as if it will swell up and burst. 现在,我已经80多岁了,但是每当我回想起我爸当时的面部表情,我就感到我的心仍然在膨胀着,像是要胀裂一样。 www.ebigear.com 3. "I'm a foreigner" I said , then he made it a little slow , but what worse was that i still could not understand it. “我是个外国人,”我说。于是他说得慢了,可我还是听不懂。 bbs.putclub.com 4. And the fact that we're still dealing with lead-acid batteries is sort of a baffling thing to wrap one's mind around. 事实上,铅酸蓄电池的处置仍然是困扰我们的难题,但或许有转机了。 www.bing.com 5. "You know, " he said enthusiastically, "you can still wear it after the party! " “要知道,”他激情四溢地说:“聚会完了之后,你也照样能带!” www.bing.com 6. What have something made to order obviously is wooden door, how to turn plywood into the door, chipboard still is completely inside. 明明定做的是木门,怎么变成胶合板门了呢,里面还满是硬纸板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. You were so motionless, so utterly still that it never even looked at you; you were part of that rock, part of the environment. 你静止不动,安静得它从来就没有看到你,你是那块岩石的一部分,环境的一部分。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 8. Still, they did not explicitly mention the U. S. dollar or an alternative supranational reserve currency. 然他们并未明确提及美元或替代的超国家储备货币。 cn.reuters.com 9. He seemed a little bit overweight, but there can be no doubt the talent is still there. 他的体型看上去有些超重了,但是毫无疑问的是,他的足球天才还在。 bbs.autono1.com 10. I know it is bad for me and I'm trying to quit, but I'm still very healthy now, and I'm optimistic about my future. 我知道这样做对身体不好并且正在尝试放弃,但是我现在一直很健康,而且我对我的未来很乐观。 www.miltt.com 1. One lady, still living there, said that she had to go on a business trip a week after the events of March 11. 有一位仍然居住在那里的女士说,3月11日的地震发生一周后,她不得不去出差。 www.ftchinese.com 2. However, he did not give up, Is still out to sea fishing. 但是,他没有放弃,仍然出海捕鱼。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Within three days, however, he had some movement again in his arms and legs. How much he might recover is still not clear. 三天不到,他的手和腿稍有活动了,然而他到底能恢复到什么程度还不清楚。 www.hjenglish.com 4. None of this is what businesses need to hear as they struggle out of a serious recession, but there is still time to act. 当他们在一场严重的大萧条中挣扎的时候,所有这一切都不是企业需要去听到的,但是仍旧有时间去采取行动。 www.bing.com 5. Still, "We have not found a malfunction" in the electronics of any of the cars at issue, he said. 但是,他说,“在召回的车子里,我们没有发现任何电子设备故障。” www.hxen.com 6. Finn claims they still miss the hills and streams of Tennessee. But Las Vegas is where the action is and his wife accepted his way of life. 芬恩声称他们仍然怀念田纳西州的山山水水,拉斯维加斯却是热闹的娱乐中心。他的妻子也这样认为。 www3.060s.com 7. Designing for such a small screen can be quite a task, especially because conventions for mobile devices are still in their infancy. 为如此小屏幕设计本来就是一个很难的任务,特别是如今移动设备的协议还在襁褓中的时候。 www.bing.com 8. In her tragedy she had become a giantess, and life does not or cannot stand still. 在自己的悲剧中,她变成了一个女巨人,而生活没有也不可能止步不前。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Tourists will still be able to see them - not from the parapet of a pit, but from an adjacent bridge over the river AAR. 游客们仍然可以看到它们,但不是像原来那样隔着栏杆俯视深坑,而是从阿勒河上邻近的一座桥上望过去。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Still, choosing JSP technology forces you to use the Java language, at least for presentation and content. 然而,选择JSP技术将强制您使用Java语言,至少对于内容和表示是这样的。 www.ibm.com 1. It is still at issue that if it had this concept in ancient China. 而中国古代是否存在“罪刑法定”,则是一个争议话题。 www.13191.com 2. Republicans picked up at least 60 House seats and, with more than a dozen races still too close to call, the number probably will rise. 共和党至少获得了60个众议院议席,而由于还有十余场投票依然是势均力敌,这一数字可能还会上升。 chinese.wsj.com 3. And I saw Clueless, but I still came up here with you. 而我看过《无影无踪》但是我仍然和你一起到了这里 www.tingroom.com 4. He said Friday that G. M. still must make drastic changes if it is to regain its prominence in the auto industry. 周五他表示如果通用要重获在汽车行业龙头老大地位,公司必须做出重大变革。 www.bing.com 5. Such experiences do not necessarily hold you back, as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher vibrations. 这样的体验并不是要拖住你的后腿,当你能够做到把它们置身身后,哪么你就在开始步入到更高的振动中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Now that you've had a chance to work on this for a while, do you still like the CLR as a platform for compiler development? 你已经在这个项目上工作一段时间了,你是否仍然喜欢将CLR作为编译器的开发平台? www.infoq.com 7. India culture & religions is still the same as it was at least 7000 years ago, at the same place also. 印度文化和宗教至少还是和7000年前没有任何区别,并且在同样个地区。 www.ltaaa.com 8. No matter how much you cheat the IRS, you'll still end up paying $100, 000 in property, sales and excise taxes. 不论你从IRS那里避了多少税,你还是要支付10万美金财产方面,买东西和缴税。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. However, there was still plenty of debate about the size and length of the program, particularly in the past few days. 但是在过去几天,外界关于购买国债的规模和时间期限还有很多争论。 www.bing.com 10. If it still had the escudo, Portugal may have had better options to deal with its debt problems. 如果仍然使用自己的货币,这个国家或许可以选择更好的方法来解决自己的麻烦。 www.bing.com 1. The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。 friends.julianluo.com 2. "Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 4. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 5. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 8. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 9. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 10. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 1. India culture & religions is still the same as it was at least 7000 years ago, at the same place also. 印度文化和宗教至少还是和7000年前没有任何区别,并且在同样个地区。 www.ltaaa.com 2. No matter how much you cheat the IRS, you'll still end up paying $100, 000 in property, sales and excise taxes. 不论你从IRS那里避了多少税,你还是要支付10万美金财产方面,买东西和缴税。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. However, there was still plenty of debate about the size and length of the program, particularly in the past few days. 但是在过去几天,外界关于购买国债的规模和时间期限还有很多争论。 www.bing.com 4. If it still had the escudo, Portugal may have had better options to deal with its debt problems. 如果仍然使用自己的货币,这个国家或许可以选择更好的方法来解决自己的麻烦。 www.bing.com 5. The fact that this has become such a big issue I think is indicative of the fact that race is still a troubling aspect of our society. 事实上,这一事件已经变成一个大问题,我认为这件事表明一个事实,即种族问题仍然是困扰我们社会的一个方面。 www.bing.com 6. Still, it is clear that this is the early stage of adoption when many cell owners do not know what their phone can do. 不过,很显然这依然是这一趋势的初期,因为许多手机用户不知道他们的手机能做些什么。 www.bing.com 7. The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。 friends.julianluo.com 8. "Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 10. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 1. If it still had the escudo, Portugal may have had better options to deal with its debt problems. 如果仍然使用自己的货币,这个国家或许可以选择更好的方法来解决自己的麻烦。 www.bing.com 2. The fact that this has become such a big issue I think is indicative of the fact that race is still a troubling aspect of our society. 事实上,这一事件已经变成一个大问题,我认为这件事表明一个事实,即种族问题仍然是困扰我们社会的一个方面。 www.bing.com 3. Still, it is clear that this is the early stage of adoption when many cell owners do not know what their phone can do. 不过,很显然这依然是这一趋势的初期,因为许多手机用户不知道他们的手机能做些什么。 www.bing.com 4. The yuan is still not a free-floating currency, and only seems to appreciate when tempers in Washington, DC, reach boiling point. 人民币仍非自由浮动货币,且看似只在华盛顿情绪达到沸点时才升值。 www.bing.com 5. The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。 friends.julianluo.com 6. "Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 8. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 9. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The yuan is still not a free-floating currency, and only seems to appreciate when tempers in Washington, DC, reach boiling point. 人民币仍非自由浮动货币,且看似只在华盛顿情绪达到沸点时才升值。 www.bing.com 2. We had not had dinner the night before, but I still would not tell him the secret meaning. 昨天晚上,我们没有吃饭,但我仍不愿告诉他那个秘密。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。 friends.julianluo.com 4. "Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 6. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 7. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 10. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 1. The title use the name same as the film, but it has nothing to do with the film, still talking about the father-son hood. 题目借用电影的名字,但是和电影本身没有太大的关系,但说的也是父子情。 friends.julianluo.com 2. "Even including all the confounding factors I could find, the risk reduction was still significant, " he said. 他表示,即使将我可以发现的所有共变项都纳入,降低的风险仍然很显著; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 4. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 5. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 8. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 9. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 10. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Having never forgotten the early influences of reggae music from her homeland, she still remains true to her Caribbean heritage. 从来没有忘记过早期的影响雷鬼音乐从她的祖国,她仍然是真正的她加勒比遗产。 www.hbnew.com 2. Even a guy who will admit that you're better looking than him should still be able to tell you you're beautiful. 一个男人觉得你长得比他好,他还是应该赞美你漂亮。 www.bing.com 3. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 6. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 7. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 8. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 10. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 1. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 4. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 5. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 6. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 8. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 9. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 1. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 2. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 3. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 4. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 6. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 7. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 9. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 1. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 2. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 4. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 5. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 9. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 10. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 1. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 2. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 3. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 7. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 8. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 www.bing.com 10. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 1. The Pentagon is still investigating to see exactly how the attack occurred. 五角大楼目前仍在调查此次攻击到底是如何发生的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation. 我心里不是很有底,不过想着也只能这么解释了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 4. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 5. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 6. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 8. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 9. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 1. The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves like a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate. 火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。 tr.bab.la 2. Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。” www.24en.com 3. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 4. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 6. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 7. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 9. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 1. Yet Shanghai is still trying to determine what that future should be. 但上海仍未决定未来该是什么样。 www.bing.com 2. Still, Chinese firms don't seem to be at the point yet. 然而,中国公司似乎还未发展到这种程度。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 4. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 5. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 9. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 10. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 1. Then he confessed that it could still do better and said he had hired two new "chief privacy officers" . 接着,他承认确实有一些地方需要改进,并说明他已经雇用了两名新的“首席隐私官”。 www.hxen.com 2. Up to now , aged malignant hematonosis is still an uncurable disease , the therapeutic efficacy is not so satisfaction. 迄今为止,老年恶性血液病仍属不可治愈的疾病,目前的临床治疗效果尚不理想。 www.fabiao.net 3. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 7. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 8. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 www.bing.com 10. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 1. Looking back, I still think Lehman should have been allowed to fail, but I was wrong not to grasp that it had to be done in an orderly way. 回想起来,我还是认为政府应该让雷曼倒闭,但我错在没有领悟到这需要以一种有序的方式来进行。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 3. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 5. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 6. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 7. I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 www.bing.com 8. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 9. I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there. 过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The fires are still burning, but a consensus seems to be emerging somewhere in the middle. 战火仍在燃烧,不过在这两种极端观点的中间似乎出现了某种调和。 www.ibm.com 1. It still has no overwhelming ideological agenda, being motivated more by the desire to secure supply of natural resources. 中国在非洲仍没有压倒性的意识形态议程,更多的驱动力仍是保障自然资源的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A pair of jet wings, the mother of a crested is crested with the large, all to the back of the head, but still pretty flowers Daoting. 一对黑玉翅,母的是个凤头,就是凤头挺大的,都到后脑勺了,不过花的倒挺好看。 zggsg.com 3. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 4. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 www.bing.com 6. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 7. I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there. 过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The fires are still burning, but a consensus seems to be emerging somewhere in the middle. 战火仍在燃烧,不过在这两种极端观点的中间似乎出现了某种调和。 www.ibm.com 9. Hello everyone. My name is XXX. Though it is sort of boyish, I still like it, for it means brightness. 大家好我的名字叫做…虽然是个男孩子气的名字,我却很喜欢,因为它的意思代表光明。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. It is still played to this day and is particularly suited to the blind, or to those recovering from illness. 直到今天人们仍在弹奏手木琴,它特别适合盲人以及那些正在恢复健康的病人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I agree, China is no longer the backwards nation it is still made out to be. 我同意,中国已经不再是落后国家。 www.1n0.net 2. Fans may still be waiting for the Reds' first new signing to be paraded - but it has already been a summer of change at Anfield. 球迷们可能仍然在等待球队的第一笔转会-但安菲尔德这个夏天已经得到了改变。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 3. I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。 www.bing.com 4. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 5. I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there. 过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The fires are still burning, but a consensus seems to be emerging somewhere in the middle. 战火仍在燃烧,不过在这两种极端观点的中间似乎出现了某种调和。 www.ibm.com 7. Hello everyone. My name is XXX. Though it is sort of boyish, I still like it, for it means brightness. 大家好我的名字叫做…虽然是个男孩子气的名字,我却很喜欢,因为它的意思代表光明。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It is still played to this day and is particularly suited to the blind, or to those recovering from illness. 直到今天人们仍在弹奏手木琴,它特别适合盲人以及那些正在恢复健康的病人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He's teaching the children that these creatures may be funny-looking creepy-crawlies, but they still have a place in the environment. 他想要传达给这些学生的是,这些生物也许看起来怪里怪气,非常滑稽,但是他们在大自然中也佔有一席之地。 mailftp.lihpao.com 10. The dress still looked exactly the same, but it now fit as if it had been made especially for me. 礼服看上去和原来的几乎一样,但是现在它就像是为我定做的一样合身。 hi.baidu.com |
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