单词 | SN- |
释义 | 例句释义: 锡 1. Study on character of which the core-shell Cu- Sn bimetallic nanoparticles is not easy to be oxidized in the air. 研究了纳米核壳式铜-锡双金属粉在空气中不易氧化的特性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As you might guess, the sn attribute type is not general-purpose: it is only used to specify the surname of a person. 可以猜得到,sn属性类型不属于一般目的:它只用来指定人的姓。 www.ibm.com 3. The permanent magnetic ring traverses through the clearance of magnetic poles of each pair of SN. 且永磁环从每对SN的磁极间隙正中穿过。 ip.com 4. Sentinel node (SN) biopsies might be useful for performing minimally invasive surgery without interrupting surgical curability. 前哨淋巴结活检将有助于实施微创外科而不致使外科治疗中断。 www.dxy.cn 5. Besides Cu, Sn, W used in industry, Mo, Bi can be comprehensively utilized as well. 除可工业利用铜、锡和钨元素外,还可综合利用钼和铋元素。 www.jsks.net.cn 6. Ariba SN stores documents only up to 180 days for organizations that have not subscribed to the Data Retention service. 对于未订购“数据保留”服务的组织,AribaSN最多将文档存储180天。 www.ariba.com 7. We expect the Scandinavian sn us business to continue to deliver strong results for the remainder of the year, and in the U. 我们期望在今年的其余时间内,斯堪的纳维亚和美国的鼻烟业务将继续取得强劲的经营业绩。 www.tobaccochina.com 8. The methods can be used for qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of Sn and Fe in Ti-based alloys. 本法可用于钛合金中锡、铁元素的定性分析和半定量分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The COPY action requires inputting at least one schema (-sn) or one table (-tn or -tf). COPY操作要求至少输入一个模式(-sn)或一个表(-tn或-tf)。 www.ibm.com 10. mechanical properties and the creep-rupture life of the nanon-sized Ag particles reinforced Sn-37Pb composite solder were investigated. 研究了纳米银颗粒增强锡铅基复合钎料的物理性能、工艺性能、力学性能和蠕变性能。 www.juyy.net 1. comparing with the others improved sn - pid controller , it has the advantages of simplicity , stableness and versatility. 与现有的单神经元控制器相比,具有通用性较强、算法简单、稳定性较好的优点。 www.ichacha.net 2. The bath components and the operating conditions for a new electroplating technology of solderable bright Sn-Bi alloy were studied. 研究了一种可焊性光亮锡铋合金电镀工艺的镀液配方和电镀操作条件; www.chemyq.com 3. What you ask to be returned is the surname (sn), description, homephone, and common name (cn). 所请求返回的是姓氏(sn)、描述、住宅电话和普通名称(cn)。 www.ibm.com 4. You can sign an assembly with a strong name using the Strong Name Tool (Sn. Exe). 可以通过强名称工具(Sn.exe)使用强名称对程序集进行签名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The rotation will last for ever if the permanent magnetic ring and the magnetic force line of the permanent magnet SN exist for ever. 只要永磁环和永磁体SN的磁力线永久存在,旋转也将始终存在。 ip.com 6. Conclusion: The antiinflammatory activity of SN appears to have some relationship with the antioxidant effect of phenylpropanoid glycosides. 结论:玄参的抗炎、抗氧化作用可能主要与其苯丙素甙类成分有关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Sn-Ag-Cu ternary and Sn-Bi binary alloys are commercial lead-free solders and widely used in electronic industries. 中文摘要银-锡-铜三元合金与锡-铋二元合金为现今工业中常用之无铅焊料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The microstructure of the aluminum base alloys is the soft Sn phase particles distributing on the hard matrix(Al-Sn solid solution). 该合金的显微组织为硬的铝锡固溶体基体上分布着软的锡相质点。 www.chemyq.com 9. Next, you need to supply values for the mandatory attributes (cn and sn, shown in bold in Figure 15) and click Submit. 下面,需要提供必需属性的值(cn和sn属性,在图15中以黑体显示),并点击Submit。 www.ibm.com 10. Topics include alternative SN structures, strategic alliances, design of delivery systems and the role of third party logistics providers . 主题包括供应网路结构、策略联盟、设计交付系统的方案和第三方物流商的角色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. High Sn concentration ( all Pb- free alloys ) is capable of dissolving mild steel . 较高的锡浓度(所有无铅合金)能够溶解低碳钢。 www.bing.com 2. Interdiffusion of thin film Au in metallic Sn at room temperature is observed by light microscope on fresh electroplated multilayer surface. 在刚形成的电镀多层结构表面上用光显微镜观察室温下在金属锡上形成的金的扩散薄膜。 ce.sysu.edu.cn 3. The Sn plating process features simple formulation, stable bath and convenient operation. The colored films are pitch black and durable. 该镀锡工艺配方简单,镀液稳定,操作简便,着色后的膜层深黑,牢固。 www.chemyq.com 4. SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. 超新星1987A位于矮子星系旁的巨大的麦哲伦云系,紧挨着狼蛛星云。 www.elanso.com 5. Initially the use of Pb-Sn materials toothpaste tube packing until the last century until the 60's to start using aluminum tube packaging. 最初使用铅,直到上个世纪的锡材料,牙膏包装,直到60年代开始使用铝管包装。 www.qiyeku.com 6. The characteristics of visible spectra of Sn and Fe in Ti-based alloys were studied with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope. 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜研究了钛合金中锡、铁元素的可见光谱线特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Sn. Exe provides options for key management, signature generation, and signature verification. Sn.exe提供用于密钥管理、签名生成和签名验证的选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. If you do not specify a CSP name, Sn. Exe clears the current setting. 如果不指定CSP名称,则Sn.exe将清除当前设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Many reverse faults develop in Ordovician palaeokarst in Tahe region, which include mainly NW, and NE, and EW, and SN directional. 塔河地区奥陶系发育加里东中期、加里东晚期—海西早期和海西晚期的逆断裂,断裂走向总体为NW向、NE向、EW向和SN向为主。 www.dictall.com 10. Through related analysis, Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Bi, Hg and Ni are direct correlation, and are negative correlation with Hg and Sn. 通过相关分析,金、银、铜、铅、锌、锑、铋、钴、镍呈正相关,与汞、锡呈负相关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Book payload is composed of three other simple payload definitions of type string: sn, name, and author. Book负载由其他3个简单的string类型负载定义组成:sn、名称和作者。 www.ibm.com 2. The recovery of Pb, Zn and Sn enriched in cleaning tailings employed the process of magnetic separation-flotation-gravity concentration ". " 富集于精选尾矿中的铅锌锡可采用“磁-浮-重”流程综合回收,实现了变废为利。 www.chemyq.com 3. A: Ariba SN reports allow users to draw data simultaneously from up to 10, 000 documents. 答:AribaSN报告允许用户从最多10,000个文档中同时提取数据。 www.ariba.com 4. Systematic Analysis Method for Determination of Al, Zn, Si, Fe, Pb, Cd, Sn in Hot Zincification Alloy with High aluminium. 提出了高铝热镀锌合金中铝锌硅铁铅镉锡的系统分析方法,所拟方法快速简便,效果良好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. LP strain was proved by SN test to be a high immunogenic CDV strain. 中和试验结果表明,LP株是一免疫原性强的CDV株。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The uncertainty of measurement in the successive HG-AFS determination of As Sb Bi and Sn in zinc concentrates was analyzed. 对HGAFS法连续测定锌精矿中砷、锑、铋、锡的不确定度进行了分析。 www.chemyq.com 7. In other words, if the effect really were this large, we would have seen the neutrinos from SN 1987A way back in 1984. 换言之,如果(OPERA得出的结果)效应真的如此之大,我们会早在1984年就观测到来自超新星1987A的中微子。 www.bing.com 8. It is through the influence of a good friend that a disciple is led along the Noble Eightfold Path to release from all suffering (SN 45: 2). 正是借着善友的熏陶与指点,一位弟子在灭尽诸苦的八圣道上才得以进步(SN45:2)。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The key files obtained through online purchases or recovery have switched to the new format already. 通过在线购买或“取回新的SN”得到的keyfile都已经采用新的格式了。 www.pdfwizard.com 10. You can use the Microsoft. NET Framework Strong Name Utility (sn. Exe) to discover the public key. 可以使用Microsoft.NETFramework强名称实用程序(sn.exe)发现该公钥。 office.microsoft.com 1. In general, seed oils containing common fATty acids show preferential placement of unsATurATed fATty acids AT the sn-2 position. 通常来说,含有普通脂肪酸的种子油显示出不饱和脂肪酸的优先位置在sn-2。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Objective To explore the concepts of specialty nurse (SN) and clinical nursing specialist (CNS) in the context of China. 目的探讨我国专科护士和临床护理专家的概念。 www.chemyq.com 3. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xi' sn and his early dreams were coming ture . 现在,在44年以后,他是在无锡的丝绸之路,并且他的早期的梦想是以后的真相。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Oftinned structure is made of steel substrates, SN ferroalloy, SN layer, the oxide film and film. 马口铁的布局是由钢基不活、锡铁合金层、锡层、氧冻膜和油膜构不败的。 www.bing.com 5. IC industries produces thousand tons of scrap IC lead frame every year, which contains Sn, Fe, Ni metals. IC导线边框是冲压机冲出IC导线脚架所剩的废料,含有锡铁镍等元素。 www.dictall.com 6. The Al, Pb, Cu, Cd, Fe, Sn etc trace element in the electrolytic zinc were accurately and quickly measured by using ICP-AES method. 采用ICP—AES法准确、快速地测定电锌中的铝、铅、铜、镉、铁、锡等微量元素,并对方法的准确度和精密度进行了检验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A new gravimetric method for determining Cu and Sn in the core-shell Cu-Sn bimetallic nanoparticle was proposed. 探讨了测定核壳式纳米铜-锡双金属粉的各组分含量的重量分析法。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 8. Fluid inclusion anomalies as exploration guides for granite-hosted Sn-W mineralization: prospects for the future? 作为赋存于花岗岩中钨锡矿化勘探指南的流体包裹体异常——前景展望? www.ilib.cn 9. Liu SN. Selections of Liu Shunong's medical thesis. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers. 刘树农。刘树农医论选。上海:上海科学技术出版社。 lan.med66.com 10. Process of replacement Sn plating with TI-1 additive is an alternative to hot-air solder leveled process. TI-1置换镀锡工艺是一种有效取代热风整平的新工艺。 www.chemyq.com 1. Maintenance and trouble shooting of the Sn-. . . 阐述了代铬镀液维护和故障排除方法。 www.chemyq.com 2. Results: The crude extract of SN had more potent antiinflammatory effect in vivo. 结果:玄参提取液具有较好的抗肿胀作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The aluminum alloys containing 9% Sn has the best wear-friction properties at room temperature. 常温下含锡量在9%时,合金具有优良的减摩耐磨的综合性能。 www.chemyq.com 4. Therefore, development of Ti-Sn heterogeneous catalysts will be a focus in. . . 在此基础上进一步开发研究钛-锡非均相催化剂有可能取得重要进展。 www.chemyq.com 5. Sn. Exe computes the token using a hash function from the public key. Sn.exe使用公钥中的哈希函数计算该标记。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The aluminum alloys with 9% Sn content has the best wear-friction properties at room temperature. 常温下含锡量在9%时,合金具有优良的耐磨减摩的综合性能。 www.chemyq.com 7. The palaeocontinunt crust melting type granite mass is metallogenic matrix of W, Sn, rare metal deposits. 各单元古陆壳活化重熔型花岗岩具形成钨锡稀有金属矿的有利背景。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. A recommended way to disable and re-enable signing verification is to use the SN. Exe commands in scripts. 建议通过在脚本中使用SN.exe命令来禁用和重新启用签名验证。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The bath formular and the technological conditions of new weldable Sn-Ce-Bi plating are introduced. 介绍了新型可焊性锡铈铋镀层电镀工艺的镀液配方和电镀操作条件; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The processes, such as the edge-trimming wire, welding Sn on edge, etc. can be omitted after taking the step. 采取这一措施后,省去了剪边丝、焊边锡等工序。 ip.com 1. SN: I jumped to make my own new IP because I think Konami needs new IP, but it's complicated. 野尻真太:我离开去做属于自己的作品是因为我认为KONAMI需要新作,不过这很复杂。 www.mgcn.com 2. Three elements in the reference materials of Sn -alloy were analyzed by ED-XRF. 本文提出X荧光能谱法测定锡基合金中三个元素含量的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Liu Xiang is th most hardworking sportsman that I hav vr sn. 刘翔是我所见过的最勤奋的运动员。 www.jgzyw.com 4. The direct yield and recovery rate of metallic In, Pb, Sn and Sb are respectively over 90% and 95%. 金属铟、铅、锡、锑的直收率达到90%以上,回收率达95%以上。 ip.com 5. For more information, see Strong Name Tool (Sn. Exe) and Global Assembly Cache Tool (Gacutil. Exe). 有关更多信息,请参见强名称工具(Sn.exe)和全局程序集缓存工具(Gacutil.exe)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Gaofeng tin-mine is a poly-metallic ore-body which abundance with Sn and Pb, Zn, Sb, Cu, Ag in Dachang Guangxi. 广西大厂高峰锡矿是一个以锡为主,富含铅、锌、锑、铜和银等多金属的富矿床。 www.fabiao.net 7. and electroplating on copper substrate to form silvery white bright Sn-Cu alloy. 以铜片为基底电镀形成银白色光亮镀层得锡铜合金。 ip.com 8. The 31-year-old remains of supernova SN 1979c make up the youngest known black hole. 超新星SN1979c留下的余烬形成了这个已知最年轻的31岁黑洞。 www.bing.com 9. 35 steel SN integrated manufacturing system for energy-saving housing. 钢结构SN集成节能房屋制造体系。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Bai jingjing is th most beautiful girl that I hav vr sn. 白晶晶是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 www.jgzyw.com 1. Budunhua Cu deposit occurs in near SN fracture at the outer contact zone in north side of of Budunhuan intrusive complex. 布敦花铜矿床产于布敦花杂岩体北侧外接触带的近SN向断裂中。 www.chemyq.com 2. This paper lays the emphasis on the fault-tolerant designs of SD and SN. 重点研究了业务分发器和业务节点的容错设计。 epub.cnki.net 3. The file is in the format generated by Sn. Exe. 该文件采用由Sn.exe生成的格式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. FIG. 4 shows DSC peak area for the Tin (Sn) phase versus machinability results. 图4示出了锡(Sn)相的DSC峰值区与机械加工性能结果的关系。 www.pat365.com 5. The content of Cr(III)in plating bath is decreased constantly by using Pb-Sn anode containing ca. 20% Sn. 实践发现,采用含锡量为20%左右的铅锡阳极时,三价铬含量有不断下降的趋势。 www.chemyq.com 6. The visible spectra of Ti, Sn and Fe were simulated by computer. 用计算机模拟了基体元素钛和锡、铁的可见光谱图。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Determination of B , Pb , Sn of Low Meting Point Alloys. 低熔点合金铋,铅,锡的测定。 www.bing.com 8. o Phosphate and Sn plating capabilities on-site. o在现场有磷酸盐和锡的电镀能力。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. And maybe S1 through Sn results in the destruction of my soul. 而且S1到Sn可以导致我的灵魂的毁坏。 www.bing.com 10. We found that during laparoscopic SN mapping there is a high risk of false negativity with SNs located in the right paracardial region. 我们发现在对位于贲门右区的前哨淋巴结进行腹腔镜定位时,存在较高的假阴性风险。 www.dxy.cn 1. Scandinavian sn us sales were up by 16 per cent while volume sales, measured in numbers of cans, increased by 14 per cent. 斯堪的纳维亚小鼻烟的销售增长了16%,按罐计算,销量增长了14%。 www.tobaccochina.com 2. For more information, see the -p option of Sn. Exe in Strong Name Tool (Sn. Exe). 有关更多信息,请参见强名称工具(Sn.exe)中Sn.exe的-p选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. SN 1987A is sited in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy adjacent to our own Milky Way Galaxy. SN1987A位于邻近的大麦哲伦星云,一个毗连我们银河系的矮星系。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. SN 8540 is suitable for the finishing of "fur with frost" effect. SN8540主要适用于“草上霜”效应革的涂饰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Sn. The question is: How do I draw the soul? 那么问题是:我怎么去画这个灵魂? www.bing.com 6. The major reason for Al-anode's activation is that Ga and Sn can deposit on the aluminum surface and form activated points. 镓锡合金沉积于铝阳极表面,形成活化点,是含镓、锡铝合金阳极活化的根本原因。 www.dictall.com 7. The assembly can be signed later by a signing tool such as Sn. Exe. 可在以后通过签名工具(如Sn.exe)对程序集签名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. And the x-ray data from SN 1979c could help to narrow that down. 并且来自SN1979C的x射线数据帮助我们缩小了范围。 www.bing.com 9. Methods 38 breast cancer patients and 45 health people were counted their IL - 2 standard in SN - 682B type automatic R counter. 方法对38例乳腺癌患者手术前后检测血清中IL-2的含量利用SN-682B型全自动R计数仪进行计数。 www.chemyq.com 10. The 30-year-old object is a remnant of SN 1979C, a supernova in the galaxy M100 approximately 50 million light years from Earth. 这个30岁的物体*是SN1979C超新星爆炸以后的遗留物,它位于M100星系,距地球大约500万光年。 www.kekenet.com 1. confer with sn. on sth. 与某人商议某事 www.24en.com 2. Solderabilities of three kinds of replacement Sn platings under different conditions were tested. 测定了不同置换锡镀层在不同条件下的焊接性能。 www.chemyq.com 3. The new image of SN 1987A is the observatory's first picture of the explosion since its systems were repaired and upgraded last year. SN1987A的新图像是这个瞭望台在其系统于去年进行修理和更新之后的第一张照片。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. TO sn extent, I think you have a point there. 在一定程度上,我觉得你说得很有道理。 5. For example, the cn and sn attribute types of Figure 7 correspond to the Common Name and Surname fields of Figure 6, respectively. 例如,图7的cn和sn属性类型分别对应图6的CommonName和Surname字段。 www.ibm.com 6. From th statistics given in th table it can b sn that th avrag personal incom of th Chins pool incase (grw , ros) rapidly from 1985 to 1990. 从表中所给的统计数字可以看出,从1985年到1990年中国的人均收进迅速进步。 www.jgzyw.com 7. The Question of Classification About the Sn 关于Sn分类问题的讨论 www.ilib.cn 8. Lead Isotope Geochemistry and Ore-forming Age of Jinchuantang Sn-Bi Deposit in Dongpo Ore Field, Hunan Province 湖南东坡矿田金船塘锡铋矿床铅同位素地球化学及成矿年龄 service.ilib.cn 9. pubescence is found only in the sn population on the surface of veins sn居群的叶脉表面有毛,其他居群没有。 www.ichacha.net 10. Study of Tribological Properties of Short Carbon Fiber Reinforced Cu-Sn-Zn Matrix Composites 炭纤维增强铜锡锌基复合材料的摩擦磨损性能研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Microstructure Characteristics and Oxidation Resistance of Sn-Pb Solder Powder Fabricated by Ultrasonic Atomization 超声雾化Sn-Pb焊锡粉的组织特征及其抗氧化性能 www.ilib.cn 2. Catalytic Performance of Pt-Sn-B Amorphous Catalyst Supported on Carbon Nanotubes for Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation of Chloronitrobenzene 碳纳米管负载Pt-Sn-B非晶态催化剂催化氯代硝基苯液相加氢反应的性能 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of Temperature-induced Discontinuous Liquid Structure Change on the Solidification Behaviour and Solidified Structures of Pb-Sn Alloy 温度诱导液相结构转变对Pb-Sn合金凝固行为及组织的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. APT Production of High Purity APT from Complex Tungsten Minerals with High Mo and Sn by the Process of Two Steps of Removing Mo and Sn 二段除钼锡法处理高钼高锡钨矿物原料制取高纯 www.ilib.cn 5. Study of Bright Sn-Pb Alloy Electroplating Technology on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy 铝及其合金电镀光亮锡-铅合金工艺研究 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Effects of Alkali Promoters on Catalytic Properties of Alumina-Supported Pt- Sn Catalysts for Long-Chain Paraffin Dehydrogenation 添加碱金属助剂对负载型铂锡催化剂长链烷烃脱氢反应性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Structure and Properties of Electrodeposited Sn-Co Alloy Electrodes as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Secondary Batteries 锡钴合金电沉积层的结构与锂离子嵌脱行为 www.ilib.cn 8. Optimization of Grinding Conditions and Prediction of Surface Roughness Using SN-ratio Experimental Design 基于SN比试验设计法的磨削条件优化及表面粗糙度预测 www.ilib.cn 9. Metallographical Observation of Pb-Sn Fractal Aggregates by Electrodeposition 铅锡合金沉积物的显微组织 www.ilib.cn 10. Study of the Phase Composition of Pb-Sn Deposit in Quasi-Two Dimension 准二维铅锡电沉积物的相组成分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Electrochemical Properties of Copper Electrode Coated with Sn-In Alloy Electrochemical Plating in KOH Solution 电沉积锡-铟合金电极在氢氧化钾溶液中的电化学性能 ilib.cn 2. Determination of Lead Concentration in Pb-Sn Alloy Plating Bath by Standard Additional Method of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 用标准加入原子吸收分光光度法测定铅锡合金镀液中铅的浓度 www.ilib.cn 3. Structure and Properties of Three-dimensional Reticular Sn-Co Alloy Electrodes as Anode Material for Lithium Batteries 新型三维网状锡-钴合金负极材料的结构与性能 www.ilib.cn 4. Fluid isotope characteristics of the W-Sn metallogenic series in Dongpo Ore field, South Hunan Province 湘南东坡矿田钨锡成矿系列流体同位素特征 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on Key Issues of Automatic Modeling for the SN-method Based Particle Transport Simulation Codes Program SN方法粒子输运计算程序自动建模关键技术问题研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The mechanical properties of a new Ti-Nb-Zr-Sn alloy with low elastic modulus for dental use 牙用低弹性模量钛铌锆锡合金的机械性能研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Changes of endogenous carbon monoxide in newborn rats with hypoxic - ischemic brain damage and the protective effect of Sn - protoporphyrin 缺氧缺血性脑损伤新生大鼠内源性一氧化碳变化及锡原卟啉的干预作用 www.ilib.cn 8. Analytical Method for Sn Mineralogical Phase Distribution in Reduction-Roasting Product 还原焙烧产品中锡的物相分析方法研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Simultaneous Determination of Ge and Sn by Artificial Neural Network Spectrophotometry 人工神经网络光度法同时测定锗、锡 www.ilib.cn 10. Dehydrogenation Activity and Anti-Coking Performance of Pt-Sn Catalyst Supported on Carbon Covered Alumina 覆炭载体Pt-Sn催化剂脱氢活性及抗结焦性能的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of amorphous Sn-based composite oxides Sn-基复合氧化物的制备及电化学性能研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Simultaneous Determination of Ge, Sn, As, Sb and Bi under Different Hydride Generation Reaction Conditions by ICP-AES 不同氢化反应条件下原子发射光谱同时测定锗锡砷锑铋 www.ilib.cn 3. Lithium insertion properties of electrodeposited Sn - Ni alloy electrode in lithium-ion battery 锂离子电池中电沉积锡镍合金电极的嵌锂性能 service.ilib.cn 4. A Parallel Algorithm for the Particle Transport SN Method with Interface Corrections 粒子输运离散纵标方程基于界面修正的并行计算方法 service.ilib.cn 5. The front view of SN class steam locomotive 停在个旧车站的SN型蒸汽机车正面 kurogane-rail.jp 6. Study of levelling properties of SN type reactive dyes on wool fabric SN型活性染料在羊毛纤维上匀染性研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Heterogeneous Nucleation and Solidification Prediction of Sn-Pb Alloy Droplets Sn-Pb合金颗粒异质成核及其冷却凝固行为预测 www.ilib.cn 8. Simultaneous Determination of Ge and Sn by Calculating Spectrophotometry 计算光度法同时测定锗和锡 www.ilib.cn 9. Numerical Modelling of Macrosegregation During Solidification of Pb-Sn Binary Alloy 二元合金凝固过程宏观偏析的数值研究 ilib.cn 10. Parallel Pipelined Sn Sweeping Algorithm for Neutron Transport on Unstructured Grid 非结构网格上求解中子输运方程的并行流水线Sn扫描算法 www.ilib.cn 1. Cyanide-Free Technology for Gold-Imitating Cu-Zn-Sn-Co Alloy Electroplating on Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃钢无氰铜锌锡钴合金仿金电镀工艺研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Microstructure and properties of particle reinforced Sn-Ag based lead-free composite solders 颗粒增强Sn-Ag基无铅复合钎料显微组织与性能 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of Integrated Seismic Exploration Technique in SN Area of Gaoyou Depression 高邮凹陷SN地区地震综合勘探技术应用研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Study on the Microstructure of Pb-Sn Alloy Obtained from Quasi-two-dimensional Electrodeposition 铅锡合金准二维电沉积的微结构研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Employing solders with a proper Sn composition 使用有一个正确Sn成分的焊料 www.euroflux.cn 6. Origin of ore-forming fluids of Gejiu super-large Sn-polymetallic ore deposit: Evidence from helium isotopes 个旧超大型锡多金属矿床成矿流体来源的氦同位素证据 www.ilib.cn 7. Microstructure evolution of Sn-Zn based lead-free solder joints aged in humid atmosphere at high temperature 高温、高湿环境中时效时Sn-Zn基无铅焊点的显微组织演化 service.ilib.cn 8. Lithium storage properties of electrodeposited Sn-Ni alloy electrode in lithium-ion battery 锂离子蓄电池用锡镍合金的储锂性能研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Determination of Sn in Iron Ore by Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定铁矿石中微量锡 www.ilib.cn 10. Characteristics Research of Electrodeposited Sn-Cu Alloy Anode for Lithium Ion Battery 电沉积制备的锂离子电池Sn-Cu合金负极及性能研究 www.ilib.cn 1. ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTY OF MEASUREMENT IN THE SUCCESSIVE HG-AFS DETERMINATION OF As Sb Bi AND Sn IN ZINC CONCENTRATES HG-AFS法连续测定锌精矿中砷锑铋锡的不确定度分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Selection of bath-material on determination of oxygen in Sn-Pb power by pulsed heating-infrared absorption 脉冲加热-红外吸收法分析锡铅粉末中氧的浴料选择 www.ilib.cn 3. A surface reacted layer study of Ti-Nb-Zr-Sn alloy after dental casting 低弹性模量钛铌锆锡合金铸件表面反应层结构的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Wastewater Treatment in Sn-Pb Alloy Electroplating and Polishing Passivation of Brass 黄铜带电镀锡铅合金及抛光钝化废水处理 ilib.cn 5. Production Technology Research of Electroplating Low-Sn-bronze for Tempered Bead Wire 电镀低锡青铜回火胎圈钢丝生产工艺研究 www.ilib.cn 6. using Orthogonal Array and SN ratios to analyse influence of multi-variable which have mutual affects; 用正交设计及SN比分析多参量有交互效应误差因素对测量结果的影响; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Study on Distribution for Elements Al, As, Ca, Cu, S, Sb, Se, Sn in Lead-Base Alloy by Direct-Reading Spectral Analysis 直读光谱测试法研究铅基合金中铝、砷、钙、铜、硫、锑、硒、锡等元素的分布 ilib.cn 8. Structure change of Pb-Sn melts explored with the improved internal friction technique 以内耗技术探索Pb-Sn合金熔体的结构变化 service.ilib.cn 9. Fabrication of Fe-Sn intermetallic compound powders by solid-liquid reaction milling 固液球磨制备Fe-Sn金属间化合物粉末 www.ilib.cn 10. Effects of rare-earth element Ce on physical properties and mechanical properties of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder 微量稀土元素铈对Sn-Ag-Cu无铅钎料物理性能和焊点抗拉强度的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Determination of Sn in the Complex Geological Sample by Microcomputer Oscillographic Polarography 利用全微机化示波极谱法测定复杂地质样品中锡 www.ilib.cn 2. The formation mechanism of anomalous eutectic in highly undercooled Ni-Sn eutectic alloy 深过冷Ni-Sn合金非规则共晶的形成机制 www.ilib.cn 3. A Grey Model and Prediction of the Vacuum Distilled Furnace for Separating Sn-Pb Alloy Sn-Pb合金真空蒸馏分离炉的灰色模型与预测 service.ilib.cn 4. Properties of Aeronautical Lubricating and Reducing Friction of Pb-Sn Alloy Coating 铅锡合金镀层的润滑减摩性能研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on corrosion resistance of electroplated Pb-Sn alloy in the lead-acid batteries environment 电镀铅锡合金及其在铅蓄电池环境中的耐蚀性研究 www.electrochem.cn 6. Interaction Relation between Lanthanum and Constituent Elements of Sn-Pb Alloy 镧与Sn-Pb合金体系中组元的相互作用关系 service.ilib.cn 7. You were snoring last night. snore [sn? r] (把被子收起来吧。)昨天晚上你打呼噜了。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Preparation and improvement of Cu-Sn alloy negative electrode for lithium ion batteries 锂离子蓄电池用Cu-Sn合金负极的制备及改性 service.ilib.cn 9. Influencing factors on structural properties of Sn dielectric thin films 影响Sn电介质绝缘薄膜结构特性的因素 www.ilib.cn 10. Diphenyl Oxalate Synthesis from Transesterification of Dimethyl Oxalate with Phenol over Sn-Modified TS-1 Catalyst Sn改性TS-1分子筛催化草酸二甲酯和苯酚酯交换合成草酸二苯酯 service.ilib.cn 1. Study on sufficient conditions for deformations of surfaces in Sn preserving the Gauss map Sn中保持高斯映射的曲面形变充分条件研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Induced Apoptosis of Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line SK-H-SN by Hyperthermia Combined with Calcium 加温联合钙剂诱导人神经母细胞瘤SK-H-SN细胞凋亡的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Formation of Channel Segregation in Pb-Sn Alloy Ingot Pb-Sn合金凝固通道偏析的实验与数值模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 4. High Speed Acidic Electroplating Technology of Compact and Bright Sn and Sn-Cu Alloy for Copper Wire 铜线材酸性高速电镀致密光亮锡、锡铜合金 ilib.cn 5. Researching of Cu-Sn alloy anode material synthesized by co-reduction for lithium-ion battery 共还原法制备锂离子电池Cu-Sn合金负极材料的研究 6. Continuous determination of copper and tin content in Cu-Sn alloy electroplating bath 铜锡合金电镀液中铜、锡含量的测定 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Application and Research of SN Elastic Grinding Wheel in Numerical Control Lathe Work SN弹性砂轮在数控车削加工中的应用与研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Variation of frequency-dependent opacity with temperature for Sn plasma Sn等离子体辐射不透明度随温度的变化 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Application of Barrel Plating Sn-Co-Zn Coating Substituting for Chromium Coating 滚镀锡-钴-锌代铬工艺在小五金件的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Thermal Conductivity Determination of Sn and Pb-Sn Alloy Near Phase Transition Point 锡和铅-锡合金相变点附近导热系数的测定 www.ilib.cn 1. Effect of Alloying Elements on the High-temperature Oxidation Resistance of Sn-Zn Based Lead-free Solder 合金元素对Sn-Zn基无铅钎料高温抗氧化性的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Effects of the Mold Temperature on the Castability of Ti-Nb-Zr-Sn Alloy for Dental Use 铸模温度对牙科用钛铌锆锡合金铸流率影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Progress in Plating Cu-Sn Alloy as a Substitute for Nickel Coating 铜锡合金代镍电镀工艺的研究进展 scholar.ilib.cn 4. SN class steam locomotive that I saw from the oblique top 从斜上面看SN型蒸汽机车 www.ichacha.net 5. Determinaiton of As, Sb, Bi, Hg, Se and Sn by on-Line Double Capillary-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Hydride Generation 在线双毛细管-氢化物火焰原子吸收光谱法测定砷、锑、铋、汞、硒和锡 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on Some Problems in Determination of As, Sn, Bi and Hg by AFS-2202 Double-channel Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer AFS-2202双道原子荧光计测定砷锡铋汞中应注意的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 7. Preparation and electrochemical performance of Ni-Sn alloys 锡镍合金的制备及电化学性能 service.ilib.cn 8. Determination of Sn in Magnesium Alloy by Spectrophotometry 分光光度法测定镁合金中的锡 www.ilib.cn 9. Separation of Zinc and Enrichment of Tin from Zn- Sn Alloys Wastes Via Vacuum Distillation 废弃锌锡合金真空蒸镏富集锡分离锌 www.ilib.cn 10. Morphology of the Pb-Sn Alloy Thin-layer Electrodeposition 铅锡合金薄层电沉积形态研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Nodal SN Method for Neutron Transport Equation in Triangular Geometry 中子输运方程的三角形节块SN方法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The Elimination Technique Study and Application to Pb-Sn-Cu Plating of Journal Bearing 滑动轴承铅-锡-铜镀层退除工艺的研究与应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Gas Phase Catalytic Oxidation of Toluene to Benzaldehyde over V-Sn Oxide Catalysts V-Sn氧化物催化甲苯气相氧化制苯甲醛 www.ilib.cn 4. Detection of Sb in Sn- based bearing alloy by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 火焰原子吸收法测定锡基轴承合金中的锑 service.ilib.cn 5. Stability of Pyrophosphate Bath for Electroplating of Cu-Sn Alloy Coating 焦磷酸盐镀铜锡合金稳定性的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Apply the Sn-Bi-welding to recondition the chromium-plated layer of vertical posts and jacks 运用锡铋焊技术修复立柱、千斤顶镀铬层 service.ilib.cn 7. Effects of intermetallic compounds on the properties of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder joints 金属间化合物对Sn-Ag-Cu无铅钎料钎焊接头性能的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Synthesis of Diphenyl Oxalate from Transesterification of Phenol with Dimethyl Oxalate over Sn-Modified TS-1 Sn改性TS-1分子筛催化苯酚和草酸二甲酯合成草酸二苯酯 www.ilib.cn 9. Titrimetric Determination of Al in Sn-Containing Materials 滴定法测定含锡物料中铝 service.ilib.cn 10. Determination of trace As, Sb, Bi, Sn and Pb in steel and pig iron by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定碳钢及生铁中痕量砷锑铋锡铅 ilib.cn 1. On the Behavior of Impurity Sn in Tungsten Extraction from Caustic Soda Leach Liquor 从钨矿苛性钠浸出液直接萃取钨时杂质锡行为的考察 www.ilib.cn 2. Early Production of Low Permeability Extra-low Permeability Sandstone Reservoirs in Fault Block FA 2 of SN Oilfield SN油田FA2断块低渗特低渗砂岩油藏早期开发研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Electroplating Sn and Development of Its Crystal Flower 电镀锡及晶花化工艺的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Ti-BASED Sn AND Pb OXIDES ELECTRODES 钛基Sn或Pb氧化物涂层电极的制备与表征 www.ilib.cn 5. Technology for Electroplating of Sn- Pb Alloy Coating on Print Circuit Board 电路板电镀锡铅合金的工艺研究 ilib.cn 6. Study on Activity of Great Earthquakes on East Asia SN Seismic Belt 东亚南北地震带大震活动性研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Overpotential Research of Sn-Ag System Electronic Solders Sn-Ag系电子无铅软钎料的超电势研究 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Formation and Growth of Tin Whisker in Lead - free Sn- Cu Electroplated Coating 无铅Sn-Cu电镀层锡须的形成与长大 www.ilib.cn 9. Preparation and application of electrode of Ni-Co-Mn-Sn composite oxide coating 镍钴锰锡复合氧化物涂层电极的制备及应用 ilib.cn 10. REE geochemistry of the Huangguangliang skarn Fe-Sn deposit, Inner Mongolia 内蒙黄岗梁矽卡岩型铁锡矿床稀土元素地球化学 www.ilib.cn 1. Investigation on Properties of Anodic Corrosion Films Formed on Pb-Ce and Pb-Ca-Sn Alloys 铅铈和铅钙锡合金阳极腐蚀膜的性能研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Effect of Sn Doping Content on Sheet Resistance and Structural Properties of ITO Films 锡掺杂对ITO膜方阻和结构的影响 service.ilib.cn 3. Power management and monitoring system for Sn mine substation 锡矿山变电所电力管理与监控系统 www.ilib.cn 4. Effect of cooling rates on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of Sn-Ag solder 冷却速度对Sn-Ag无铅焊料微观组织和机械性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. The Action of Impurity Sn in the Production of APT by Ion- exchange of Hydrometallurgy 湿冶离子交换法生产仲钨酸铵工艺中杂质锡的行为 www.ilib.com.cn 6. Research and Development of Lead - free Sn - Zn Based Solders in Microelectronics Assembly 微电子组装中Sn-Zn系无铅钎料的研究与开发 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Effect of Deleterious Element Sn and Pb Content on Hot Workability of Stainless Steel 有害元素Sn、Pb含量对不锈钢热加工性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Find SN with your purchase record 找回购买记录和序列号 www.pdfwizard.com 9. Determination of Nb-Sn Composition on Nb3Sn-Coated Ni-Base Alloy Ribbon by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry X荧光光谱法测定沉积在镍基合金带上Nb3Sn成分比 www.ilib.cn 10. Bright Weldable Electroless Ni-Sn-P Plating Process for Piezoelectric Ceramics Tablet 压电陶瓷片全光亮可焊性化学镀工艺 www.ilib.cn 1. Induced apoptosis of human neuroblastoma cell line SK-H-SN by hyperthermia 加温诱导人神经母细胞瘤SK-H-SN细胞凋亡的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Application of SN Elasticity Grinding-wheel to Grinding NC Lathe SN弹性砂轮在数控车床磨削和抛光加工中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Determination of Sn, Ca and Al in Lead Electrode Plane of Lead Storage Battery by AAS 原子吸收光谱法测定铅蓄电池板栅中锡、钙和铝 www.ilib.cn 4. Sn-based Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Secondary Battery, 锂离子电池锡基负极材料, ciaps.org.cn 5. Bright Sn-Bi Alloy Electroplating Technology 电镀光亮锡铋合金工艺研究 www.ilib.cn 6. SEPARATION AND RECOVERY OF In, Bi AND Sn FROM ZINC HYDROMETALLURGY RESID UE 湿法炼锌渣中铟铋锡的分离回收 www.ilib.cn 7. Influence of Doped Pb on the Morphology of Sn Electrodeposition 铅掺杂对锡电沉积物形貌的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Features and Operation of Incinerators with SN Type Fire Grates SN型炉排焚烧炉特点及运行 ilib.cn 9. Process and production in practice of bright sulfate Sn plating 光亮硫酸盐镀锡工艺及生产实践 www.ilib.cn 10. An Analysis of Corrosion Resistance of Sn Coating in Neutral Salt Spray 锡镀层中性盐雾耐蚀性分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Effect of Sb and Sn on performance of aluminum sacrificial anode materials 微量锑和锡对铝基牺牲阳极材料性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Viscosity of molten Sn and transition in the microstructure 液态Sn的粘度及其熔体微观结构的变化 service.ilib.cn 3. Screening of Lipase for Synthesis of 1, 3-sn-Diacylglycerols and Its Esterification Characteristics in Solvent-Free System 无溶剂体系合成1,3-甘油二酯用脂肪酶的筛选及其酯化性质 www.ilib.cn 4. Direct determination of Mg and Sn with inductively coupled plasma spectrometer 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法直接测定纯金中的镁和锡 www.ilib.cn 5. Photometric Determination of Sn in Sn- Co Plating Solution 锡钴镀液中锡的光度测定 www.ilib.cn 6. Rapid Determination of Micro Cobalt in New Bright Sn-Pb-Co Alloy Plating Bath 新型光亮镀锡铅钴合金镀液中微量钴的快速测定 service.ilib.cn 7. Transaction scheduling algorithm for parallel real-time database based on SN architecture 基于SN结构的并行实时数据库事务调度算法 ilib.cn 8. Effect of enhanced particles Cu on spreading performance of Sn-Pb base solder 增强颗粒Cu对锡铅基复合钎料铺展性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. study on plastic deformation resistance of sn - pb - re solder 钎料的塑性变形抗力研究 www.ichacha.net 10. SN: Blueprint for a Bears victory 锡:蓝图熊胜利 www.2getnews.com 1. Study on Thermal Expansion of Al-Sn-Cu Bearing Liner Alloy for Automotive 汽车用铝锡铜轴瓦合金热膨胀性能研究 ilib.cn 2. Stability of Gun-Color Ni-Sn Plating Bath and Effects of Metal Impurities 枪黑色Ni-Sn合金镀液的稳定性及金属杂质的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Process conditions of Sn-Bi alloy electroplating 锡铋合金电镀工艺条件的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. SN series, single suction, middle pressure pumps 单吸中压系列 wenku.baidu.com 5. Developing Status of Solderable Sn Alloy Plating 电镀可焊性锡合金工艺的发展现状 www.ilib.cn 6. Fine structures of electron capture barriers of the DX centers in Sn-doped AIgAas Sn中DX中心电子俘获势垒的精细结构 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Sn-coupled S-SBR to tread compound of performance tire 锡偶联溶聚丁苯橡胶在高性能子午线轮胎胎面胶中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Operation unit of the SN class steam locomotive SN型蒸汽机车的司机室 kurogane-rail.jp 9. Research process technique of AI-Sn bearing alloy bimetal 铝锡轴承合金双金属带制造技术的研究与应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Influential elements of analysis on Cu-Sn sulphide colour 影响铜锡组硫化物颜色分析的因素探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. Inquisition about Solubility in Acid of Cu- Sn Group Ion Sulfides 对铜-锡组硫化物酸溶性的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. The Practice about Automatic Electroplating Sn on Al-Si Alloy 铝硅合金自动化电镀锡实践 www.ilib.cn 3. Effect of Mechanical Vibration on Gravity Segregation of Sn-Sb Alloy 振动对改善锡-锑合金密度偏析的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Rotated SN plane as substitution for Frankfort plane 旋转SN平面替代眶耳平面的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on Technology of Bright Sn-Pd Acid Alloy Electroplating in Methanesulfonic Acid 甲磺酸盐光亮镀锡铅合金工艺研究 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Defect in the Manufacturing of Al -Sn Alloy Plain Bearing 铝锡合金轴瓦制造缺陷分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Electroplating Sn-Zn in Pyrophosphate Bath 焦磷酸盐电镀锡-锌合金 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Wear-friction Properties of Sn Content on Al-Sn Bearing Alloys 锡含量对铝锡轴瓦合金摩擦磨损性能研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Wettability of Sn-Zn System Lead-free Electronic Solders Sn-Zn系电子无铅软钎料湿润性能的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Effect of Evenness of Pb-Sn Alloy Plating Solution on Sn Content of Plating Layer 电镀铅-锡二元合金溶液均匀性对镀层中锡含量的影响 service.ilib.cn |
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