单词 | s'more | ||
释义 | s'more
例句释义: 斯摩尔 1. So, It's more better to go in normal times, and how much of the air tickets then? 那是这样,平时去会比较好一点,如果平时去的机票要多少钱? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. What's more, testosterone, a primal driver of dominance behavior, is not the exclusive province of men either. 除此之外,支配行为的主要驱动物质睾丸激素也不是男人们的专利。 dongxi.net 3. What's more important in your career , to make money or to be satisfied with your work? 在你的职业生涯中,是赚钱重要还是对工作感到满意重要呢? www.kekenet.com 4. And even if it was, that's more of a reason to lose jacket. 即使很冷,也不该是你不脱掉外套的理由吧。 www.makechm.com 5. A TrackBack could be implemented to perform such a check as well, but it's more a fundamental part of the pingback specification. 虽然可实现TrackBack来执行这样的检查,但它更多的则是pingback规范的一个重要部分。 www.ibm.com 6. Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for. 这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了公司最高层。这个我可没料到。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Some of Berkshire's more economically sensitive units continued to suffer during the quarter. Revenue at Shaw Industries Inc. 在这个季度中,伯克希尔那些更容易受经济形势影响的子公司表现依然不佳。 www.bing.com 8. I saw it last night, not easy to shoot at night, so continued this morning. If I could buy this, that's more or less nice. 昨夜就来这里看过,只是桌子比较矮,构图不好,今早继续拍摄。这辈子有能力的话,买一辆也是不错的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They come upon a clump or something, and they sort of circle it to see whether it's more digesting. 他们碰到一个土块或是什么东西,就会,把它围起来看看这东西是不是更容易消化。 open.163.com 10. What's more all the traditional Chinese constructions are also represented in this street making a feast for your eyes as well. 更重要的是所有的传统建筑也有代表在这条街上的一个节日,以及你的眼睛。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. What's more, the hornets seems to correlate the business of digging its underground nest with the intensity of the sun. 而且黄蜂挖掘地下洞穴的活动似乎是和太阳的强度相互关联的。 www.bing.com 2. It's more fun to do research and help others do research if you care about the field (or at least some aspect of it). 如果你关注这个领域(或者至少是其中的某些方面)的话,自己做一些研究工作、帮助他人做研究工作,是非常有趣的事情。 www.bing.com 3. But what's more remarkable (at least to me -- a lay person and an accident waiting to happen) is the relative ease with which he works. 但更神奇的是(至少对于我这样一个肯定会出错的外行来说),他可以相当轻松地完成工作。 www.ibm.com 4. Though they're statistically abnormal, startup founders seem to be working in a way that's more natural for humans. 创业者生活得虽自在,却不规律,然而他们的日子好像更贴近自然法则一些。 www.bing.com 5. What's more, the hair on her tail curls to her back which looks like a bouquet of flowers in full bloom. 而且,在她的尾巴卷到身后的时候,看起来就好像一束鲜花怒放着。 wenwen.soso.com 6. What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green. 还有呢,要是把生产与运输过程中消耗的能源考虑进去,本地食品可能就更没那么绿了。 www.ecocn.org 7. 'Even if it's more risky than it used to be, it's still the least-risky of all assets. ' 就算美国国债的风险比以前大,在所有资产中它依旧是风险最低的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. That's more than I can say for the children of Sun Forks origined in this town for generations. 在福克斯镇上几代都找不出这样有教养的孩子。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. What's more, being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but a wasted of time. 而且更重要的是,盲目地去疯狂追求证书就是浪费时间。 thykiss.blog.163.com 10. One lie has even become such a standard, that it's more of a joke than a real lie. I've said it to my son, but always with tongue-in-cheek. 有句谎话甚至被我讲成了笑话,我总是半玩笑半认真的对儿子提起它。 www.bing.com 1. The two Koreas' situation is often compared to that of West and East Germany in the 1980s, but it's more extreme in several ways. 韩国和朝鲜通常会被拿来与20世纪80年代的西德和东德作比较,但是朝鲜半岛的情况在很多方面都更为极端。 c.wsj.com 2. What's more? There is no effective measures to reduce emission, like the nuclear weapons, with which nothing to be afraid of. 何况这个世界上并没有可以有效减排的手段,就像核武器似的,有了就天不怕地不怕了。 www.chinadialogue.net 3. He would be somebody who's more of a commander, like a real general in a modern army. 雷恩应该更像个指挥官,就像现代军队里的将军。 bbs.game.163.com 4. "Some of our clients say it's more exciting to be a part of this type of presentation, " concludes Boylan. “我们的一些客户说成为这种演示的一个参与者是令人非常兴奋的”,boylan总结。 my.putclub.com 5. But you are right, it's more common to see one businessman being carried out of a KTV by his friends, completely catatonic. 但你所说另一方面是对的,生意人为了陷于生计所迫,被朋友们带进KTV的现象很普遍。 www.ltaaa.com 6. Sadly he had been brought up far from the grassy savannas of his home world Cathar and out of reach of the galaxy's more prosperous regions. 遗憾的是,他成长的地方远离母星卡瑟的大草原,与银河系较繁荣的区域也相去甚远。 starwarsfans.cn 7. They are kind and always ready to help others. They love their families. What's more, they never waste anything. 他们很善良而且总是乐于助人。他们爱他们的家庭。而且,他们从不浪费任何东西。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. "What's more, we haven't seen the end of it. In fact, we're only just starting to see the impact coming from India and China. " “而且,我们尚看不到需求尽头。事实上,我们仅刚刚看到来自印度和中国的影响。” www.ftchinese.com 9. That's more reason I need to find her, I need to explain to her all she means to me, that I have been a fool. 这是我想找到她的更重要的原因,我需要向她解释她对我多么重要,而我却像个傻瓜。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 10. A good relationship can help you to do business more easily - and it's more rewarding to deal with people you know than with strangers. 良好的关系可以帮助您做生意更容易-这更有价值处理您认识的人比陌生人。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. What's more, an unbalanced focus on weapons alone is often counterproductive, creating a nationalist backlash against foreign "invaders. " 不仅如此,单单对武器关注的偏倚常起到反作用,创造了当地民族主义者对美国这些“外国侵略者”的抵触效应。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, allowing personal phones raises a tough question: How much control does a company have over the device? 此外,允许在工作中使用个人手机引发出了一个严峻的问题:公司能够在多大程度上掌控个人手机? chinese.wsj.com 3. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server. 而且,任何人都可以从网上下载它以供编程或入侵(黑客)使用,或将个人电脑转换成网络服务器。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. "That's more like it, " Hornberg rose from his chair. "Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes. " “这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来。“西科尔斯卡小姐,我想去看看另外的班。” www.rrting.com 5. You know, it's more than I've bargained for. 你知道,我买不完那么多。 www.eoezone.com 6. That may not sound like a lot, but multiply it by a slice a week, and that's more than a whole cup of fat you won't eat or wear this year. 这可能听起来不很多,但每星期从一片比萨饼中增加一茶匙脂肪,这比今年你不会吃的一整杯比萨含的脂肪还要多。 www.bing.com 7. What's more, there has not been a standard pattern in "problem research" , which deserves our immediate study. 另外,“问题研究”应该如何去操作,没有一个统一的操作模式,这本身就是一个值得研究的课题。 8. He does not look down on me. What's more, he takes a more elegant way to talk to me than that of to others. 他还算瞧得上我,甚至他现在跟我说话的方式都比他跟其他人说话高了一个层次。 www.bing.com 9. And two, the natural interface, the natural form of the interface, so that it's more intuitive for you to interact with the robot. 另一个是自然的界面,接口原本应有的样子,所以你跟机器人互动是更直观的。 www.ted.com 10. His death was believed to have been a murder. What's more, those who discovered King Tut's tomb have also met with untimely demises . 据信他的死因为谋杀,另外,发现图坦卡门王陵墓的人也都纷纷死于非命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "That's more the point that he was trying to get across, " she said. “这才是他当时想表达的观点,”她说。 cn.nytimes.com 2. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What's more, he only speaks a few words of English. 他一周前才来到纽约,几乎不认路。而且,他只会说几个英语单词。 www.kekenet.com 3. And he's more than willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that his wife can stay home and that their family is taken care of. 他愿意尽一切力量去确保她的妻子可以留在家中照顾他们的家。 www.bing.com 4. She said 'um nothing but I'm damn sure it's more than you' 她是,额,没事,但是我非常肯定,它比你更重要 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It's more embarrassing when I'm with a new partner because often they think I'm putting on an act and I worry that it scares them off. 和新性伙伴在一起时我感到更尴尬,因为他们经常认为我装模作样,而我却担心把他们吓着。 www.bing.com 6. "To be honest, there's more than a bit of magic required for any meme or trend to really take hold, " Monk surmised. 说句实在话,任何热词或趋势要真正流行起来都是需要一点魔法。 www.bing.com 7. What's more, these services align with the format of Lotus Quickr REST-based document services, making them easy to understand and use. 此外,这些服务还与LotusQuickr基于REST的文档服务的格式一致,很容易理解和使用。 www.ibm.com 8. If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to life. 如果我只是轻轻擦拭,一年一次,一年一小时,他们就会更耐用。 www.bing.com 9. Now it's more like a postseason, going into Sunday's game here in which the Jazz will try to make this into a competitive series. 而现在看起来有点季后赛的味道了,周日的比赛爵士肯定会全力以赴,这场比赛将会很激烈。 www.kobechina.com.cn 10. What's more, it is pitiful to see how little it takes for a woman to actually refuel and turn her life around! 作为一个女人,事实上根本没有时间思考和改变她们周围的生活则更加令人叹息。 www.bing.com 1. "It's more important that online attention turns into action offline, that's where a real change happens, " he said. “更重要的是线上关注变成线下行动,这才是真正的变化了”他说。 www.bing.com 2. However, it's more probable that she realizes her parents want her to change, and is willing to comply. 然而,更有可能的是她明白父母想要她改变,而愿意配合。 www.bing.com 3. "You're quite You're quite mistaken, " he said. " He's round and smooth and sharp. He's more like a spear than anything else. " 说道:“你错了,这头象又圆又滑又尖,与其说他象别的东西,倒不如说他象一支梭镖。” www.1stenglish.com 4. But for a Chinese migrant with a heavy accent to become a stand-up comedian in the US it's more like a fantasy. 但要是一位有着浓重地方口音的华裔移民在美国摇身一变成了单口相声演员,这听上去更像是一场白日梦。 ts.hjenglish.com 5. I have been out two or three times. But I'm sure there's more to see. 我出去过两三次,但是我相信一定还有我没试过的。 www.ebigear.com 6. He woke his wife and ran out of the house carrying his mother who's more than 90. 他叫醒妻子,背着90多岁的老母亲跑出了房子。 www.bing.com 7. Sometimes it's easy to understand how an evolutionary change took place, but it's more difficult to understand why. 有时候很容易理解进化是如何发生的,但是要明白为什么发生却困难的多了。 bbs.putclub.com 8. What's more, '2012' has no discernible attitude toward the end of civilization, apart from the belief that there's a movie in it. 而且,《2012》对于文明的终结并没有明确的态度,除了相信有部与之相关的影片之外。 c.wsj.com 9. Now look, what you've done! I am all ready to go out and you've kissed my lipstick off! What's more, you've got it all over your face! 瞧你干了些什么!我正准备出去,你却把我的口红吻掉了!更糟的是,你满脸都沾了口红。 dict.ebigear.com 10. And what's more, there is the question of cultural advancement of a nation as a whole. 而且,还有整个民族的文化水平提高的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But when I reach a point of disabling anxiety, it's more beneficial for me to try to get out of my head as much as possible. 但是当我达到了禁用焦虑点,这对我来说更有益尝试让我的头出尽可能。 wenwen.soso.com 2. So, exactly how this works is up to you and your creativity. I'll bet that there's more than one good way to do this. 那么,究竟是如何工作的是由你和你的创造力。我敢打赌,有不止一个很好的办法做到这一点。 www.bing.com 3. With your DTD in a format that's more easily understood by Quick, you're almost ready to move to the next step. 现在,DTD的格式更容易被Quick理解了,您就要准备继续下一步了。 www.ibm.com 4. You could refer to this as "fake it til you make it, " but I think it's more accurate to say, "As within, so without. " 你可以称它为“假想直到拥有”,但我认为这样说更准确,“因为源于内心,所以显于外部”。 www.elanso.com 5. Anyone who has ever had a kidney stone knows that trying to get rid of it can be one of life's more uncomfortable experiences. 曾经得过肾结石的人都了解去除肾结石的过程是人这一生中最难受的经历之一。 www.bing.com 6. It seems to me that it's more than physical. 在我看来,这不仅仅是身体方面。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. What's more, since loan periods are often short (as in payday lending), clients don't actually pay all that much. 此外,由于在薪资贷款中借贷期通常较短,顾客事实上并没有付那么多钱。 www.ecocn.org 8. It's more likely to be a store error than a bank error, since the bank wouldn't initiate a deposit into the account from the store. 这个情况更有可能是商店的失误,因为银行不会在商店发起向你帐户存钱的动作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. To underline his point, he said it has taken the U. S. more than 200 years to get to its current state of democracy. 为强调自己的观点,他说,美国用了200多年的时间才达到当前的民主状态。 chinese.wsj.com 10. I recommend you leave it a little long on top. But we should take in the back and sides a bit more. That's more fashionable now. 我建议你上面留长一点。后面和两旁剪短一些,这样的发型比较流行。 talk.oralpractice.com 1. What's more, the narrative of his own life has lain at the heart of his political message. 更重要的是,他自己的这段人生经历正是他所表达的政治信息的核心。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, says David Keith who directs the University of Calgary's Energy and Environmental Systems Group, it would be pretty easy to do. 而且,卡尔加里大学能源和环境系统小组的负责人大卫·基思说,要这么做很容易。 www.bing.com 3. What's more important is that anyone can try it. You don't have to be very fit or to be good at other sports. 更重要的是,任何人都能玩滑板,而无需非得拥有非常健壮的身体或者必须擅长其他运动。 www.24en.com 4. Although its sleek design is definitely enticing, it's more than just a cool looking feature for your waterjet. 尽管它精巧设计是绝对诱人,对于您的水射流设备来说绝不仅仅是看上去冷酷的相貌。 blog.163.com 5. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender. 这位英格兰的后卫说:“这对于联赛来说是好事,今年的竞争者更多了,虽然我个人更希望球队象以往那样遥遥领先。” bbs.qieerxi.com 6. What's more, no matter how ambitious he could be, he might just be too weak to carry out any of his grand plans. 更何况,无论他怎么雄心勃勃,他可能只会是太弱而难于展开他的宏伟计划。 wenku.baidu.com 7. I used to think it was a maturation process where high-context societies would eventually become low-context because that's more modern. 我曾经认为这是一个不断成熟的过程,随着现代化程度的提高,高语境社会最终将成为低语境社会。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The president of the bank sat in, ex officio, at the committee's more important meetings, voting only if it became necessary to break a tie. 每逢委员会较为重要的会议,银行总裁照例要以当然成员的身份出席会议,然而只有在必须由他出面打破僵局的情况下才参加表决。 www.jukuu.com 9. One of Mao's more famous maxims was that women hold up half the sky. 毛泽东有句箴言:女人撑起半边天。 www.bing.com 10. Scientists have identified multiple genes and mutations that seem to be related to ASDs, but it's more complex than just genetics. 科学家们发现多基因和基因突变似乎和自闭症有关,但它比遗传学更加复杂。 www.bing.com 1. "We're delighted with the work we've done, " he said. "Whether there's more remains to be seen and depends on players going out. " 对于我们目前所做的来说,我们十分开心也很满意。接下来是否还有一些补充,这要决定于一些球员的清洗了。 www.lfcbbs.com 2. What's more, whether or not the drinks are free, whether or not you're buying food, you've got to tip. 而且,不管这酒是不是免费的,你都要给小费啊。 www.bing.com 3. What's more, he felt the old Ginkgo may have been trying to send a message by tumbling down. 他甚至认为,这棵古老的银杏树的倒下是在传达一个信息。 www.ecocn.org 4. B Yes, it's more traditional. But there seems to be lots of coffee shops opening nowadays, so maybe things will change. B是的,茶是更传统的饮品。但是现在开了很多咖啡馆,所以情况可能会改变。 www.eol.cn 5. Greatly inspired, he made up his mind to read as much as he could, and what's more, he would study harder than ever before. 他深受鼓舞,决心尽可能多读书,而且,比以往任何时候都努力学习。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. What's more, a simple test could tell you if it's time to give up the hunt, or if your partner just needs to try harder. 此外,通过一个简单的测试,你就知道是该放弃继续寻找呢,还是需要让你的性伴侣再加把劲。 www.bing.com 7. For legibility it's more important that letters be easy to tell apart. 字母能被容易地认出是更重要的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. What's more, the versions of these machines used for pharmaceuticals are also equipped with extensive safety inspection systems. 另外,一些用于医药品印刷的机器也安装了广泛的安全检查系统。 www.bing.com 9. Industry analysts said the practice leads some of China's more educated and experienced urban Internet users away from Baidu. 业内分析师表示,这种做法导致中国受教育程度更高,经验更丰富的城市互联网用户远离了百度。 www.bing.com 10. What's more, he found an ox ran after him as if it was really angry. 而且,他看见了一头牛跑在后面,好像很生气的样子。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It's easy to say that women are just being discriminated against, but could it be that there's more to it? 人么会简单地说妇女遭到歧视,但是这里是不是有更深的问题呢? www.bing.com 2. However carefully you analyzed the situation when you made the plan, if it's more than a few days old, things will already be different. 但是仔细地分析了形势,当您作出的计划,如果它比一旧几天,事情就已经有所不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. If you do not mind, please let me introduce me some of China's more than 30 years of beautiful young women you know? 如果你不介意的话,可否让我介绍我身边一些中国三十多岁的年轻漂亮女士你认识? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Yeah, what's the matter now? We've had so much trouble with this case already. Don't tell me there's more bad news. 可以,现在有什么问题吗?这个案子我们已经有太多麻烦了。你不会又要告诉我有什么坏消息吧?。 www.yuloo.com 5. What's more, SQL injection is one of many common avenues of assault that allows attackers to take complete control of a relational database. 更严重的是,SQL注入是攻击者能够完全控制关系型数据库的攻击手段之一。 shi-wei.net 6. Thankfully it's more likely to be a huge company, like the Royal Bank of Scotland, that suffers with your toxic debt, and not me or you. 谢天谢地这些债权人一般都是那些像是苏格兰皇家银行这样的大公司,而不是你和我。 bbs.eduu.com 7. eg. What's more, the countryside is far from the noise and not crowded, as is often the case in the city. 除此之外,乡村远离噪音而且不拥挤,而在城市却总是这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Inventory used to flow in and out, " said Mr. Wu, the faucet and sink sales manager. "Now, it just sits there, and there's more of it. " “货物本来有进有出,”水龙头和水槽销售经理吴伟清说。“现在呢,它们就待在原地,而且越积越多。” cn.nytimes.com 9. ' She's really made such huge efforts to try to get it straight. But sometimes it's more productive to say, 'Distance is going to heal this. (在怀孕方面)她真的做出了巨大的努力,但有时候更有成效的说法是这需要通过医生观察很长的时间。 www.anistonchina.com 10. e-Government -- sometimes referred to ase-Democracy -- is one of today's more controversial subjects. 电子化政府(e-Government)--有时候是被称做为电子化民主(e-Democracy)--是今天较为引发争论的主题中的一个。 www.gnu.org 1. "What I was worried about, I'm sorry to say, materialized, which is that it's more difficult than before to have people agree, " he said. 我担心大家达成一致的难度比以前更大,很遗憾这种担心成真了。 cn.reuters.com 2. It's something of a trick solution, but it does show you that there's more than one way to skin a user. 这是一个需要点诀窍的解决方案,但是它确实表明不止有一种方法来更换用户皮肤。 www.ibm.com 3. It's more like a take in filmmaking - I can always try one more time and start all over again, but I never return to a painting. 这与拍电影比较象-我总是可以再来一次,然后重头开始,但我在绘画时从来不重新再来。 www.artcomb.com 4. What's more, you could damage the relationship you have with a recruiter if he or she believes you and you later renege on your promises. 而且,如果猎头相信了你、而事后你却食言的话,你跟对方的关系也就毁于一旦了。 edu.21cn.com 5. A certain imbecile former president. My dad has gotta be the only person in the world Who's more upset about this news than me. 低能的前任总统。我爸可能是这个世界上唯一一个,听到这个消息比我还难过的人了。 www.bing.com 6. The robber would have his bones broken, and, what's more, he would have to answer for it in the police court too. 土匪会断了他的骨头,更糟的是他还要在庭上对此负责。。。 www.bing.com 7. I tell TJ autism is not an excuse for not being able to do something, it's an explanation for why it's more of a struggle for us. 我告诉TJ孤独症不是做不好事情的借口,而是为什么对我们来说,这会比挣扎还要难。 www.bing.com 8. What's more, he added, every year that he and Tsukamoto go looking, they seem to run afoul of the elements. 更重要的是,他补充道,每年他和塜本去找鳗鱼,似乎都要遭遇恶劣天气。 www.bing.com 9. "There's more than you think, " he said. “比你想的还要多,”他说。 www.bing.com 10. That's more like it! I knew it would start working again if we gave it a second. 说什么来着!我知道给它点时间就可以运行了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And what's more interesting about this feature is that it was first designed as an out of office message. 更有趣的是,第一个Google涂鸦的设计寓意是逃离办公室。 www.bing.com 2. What's more, The Princess Diaries has never been analyzed from the perspective of the literary genre, Initiation Story systematically. 更进一步地说,尚未有人从文学体裁,即成长小说这一角度系统地分析过《公主日记》。 www.fabiao.net 3. How Anne's more rigid requisitions might have been taken is of little consequence. 安妮那些更苛刻的要求会遇到何种反应,这已经无关紧要了。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Mr. Lake: I don't like this model. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money. Can we buy it on instalments? 雷克先生:我不喜欢这种型号。另外那种型号贵一些,但是花钱值得。我们能以分歧付款的方式买吗? www.netfm.com.cn 5. But as a documentary, in terms of clarity and content, it's more than enough to shock your wife's fragile nerves. 但是,从写实的纪录片来讲无论它的清晰度还是它反映出来的内容足够震撼你老婆脆弱的神经。 www.drawmyface.co.uk 6. We're now starting to see the effects of these policies in lung cancer rates amongst UK men. But there's more work still to do. 我们现在开始看到这些政策对英国男性中肺癌比率的影响效果。但是仍有很多工作需要去做。 www.bing.com 7. I hope that the world's more of a genuine friendship, more than a real intimate friends, like this world better! 我希望世界上多一份真挚的友谊,多一个真正的知心好友,愿世间更美好! wenwen.soso.com 8. Players who are fond of such a game undoubtably lacks an essential concept of equality and respect, and what's more, the ignorance of laws. 支持这样一个消遣的玩家,从他的行为已经可以看出他缺乏必要的平等概念、对他人的尊重意识、对法律规定的忽视或漠视。 blog.163.com 9. You learn in grade school that each ring in a tree represents a year. But there's more information hidden away in these concentric rings. 我们在小学就已经了解到,树木的每圈年轮代表一年,不过这些同心圆还隐藏这更多的信息。 www.bing.com 10. That's more important than adhering to a book of law that uses a foreign language understood by an elite minority in a country. 那比遵照用外国语言写成、只有少数精英能看懂的法典更重要。 wwzhz.spaces.live.com 1. I must admit that it's more difficult than I thought it would be. 我必须承认,这比我想象的要困难得多。 wenku.baidu.com 2. What's more, Federal Reserve officials have already signaled that they would be prepared to take action to prevent deflation developing. 再者,美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,FED)官员曾暗示,将准备采取行动以阻止通缩形成。 cn.reuters.com 3. Smile and say, "Sorry, that's more than I thought it would be. " 你可以笑着说:“不好意思,这件跟我想的不一样。” blog.sina.com.cn 4. For me it's more important that I'm healthy and everything works and I can be a functioning person for my kid. 于我而言,健康成长,没太多烦恼,在孩子面前自己是个有用的人,才颇为重要。 tieba.baidu.com 5. What's more, the complications have been linked to health problems in the children as late as early adulthood, researchers say. 除此之外,研究人员说这些并发症还牵涉到孩子的健康问题,这些问题可能要到孩子成年早期才会显现。 chinese.wsj.com 6. yes, it's more central. But I know it may not be easy for you to get there, too. 是,那就更中心了。但我知道让你也到那里可能不太容易。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. ( Shaking her head . ) I 've not seen much of her of late years . I 've not been in this house ----it's more than a year . (摇了摇头)近年来我们见面不多。我一直没进过这所房子——已经一年多了。 www.bing.com 8. What's more, 92% said they feel no guilt over luxury spending today, since they said the money was hard-earned. 而且,92%的受访者表示,他们目前对奢侈品消费没有负疚感,他们说,这些钱都是他们辛苦挣来的。 www.ebigear.com 9. What's more, Japan tends to be an early indicator for global consumer trends. 而且,日本一向是全球消费趋势的风向标。 www.bing.com 10. What's more, it is possible that no one would get any pay if the manager of APEC Port Services Network was dissatisfied with what I do. 而且,如果我做的这项工作APEC港口服务网络管理人员不满意的话,可能没有一个人会拿到一分钱的报酬。 blog.163.com 1. 'It's more work than you could ever imagine, ' said Ms. Zhao. 'But the taste of a real head of lettuce makes it worth it. ' 她说,要干的活比想象中要多,但能吃到一棵真正的生菜,这种付出是值得的。 chinese.wsj.com 2. What's more, three of her uncles, all baseball aficionados, were buried at the site of a North Carolina field where they once played. 此外,他的三个叔叔都是棒球爱好者,都被埋葬在北加利福尼亚球场--他们曾比赛的地方。 www.bing.com 3. It would be far harder to relocate the bank's more sedentary British-based staff now. 而现在重新安置长期在英国工作的人员,要艰难很多。 www.ecocn.org 4. MR. FRITH: I don't like the model. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money. Can we buy it on instalments? 弗里斯师少西席:我没有喜好那范例号。那种型浩孥格是贵一些,但它值得那么多钱。我们可以或许用分期付款的格式采办吗? blog.sina.com.cn 5. I don't like this model. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money. Can we buy it on installments? 我不喜欢这款,另外一个贵一点,但是值那个钱。我们能分期付款吗? bbs.ebigear.com 6. What's more, the EU navy was reportedly to be the first to have issued the news. Will China have contact with the EU on this case? 另外,有报道称是欧盟海军首先发布这条消息的,中方是否会就此与欧盟方面进行沟通? www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Once you get comfortable in this offense . . . it's more of an instinctual type of offense. You start getting better at it. 一旦你真的领会三角进攻,进攻就成为了你的本能。你也会开始变好。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I think it's better for me to leave a message. But it's more important and urgent. Please make sure he gets this message. 我觉得还是留下一个口信比较好。不过这件事很紧急,请一定将留言传达给他。 www.putclub.com 9. What's more, buyers of such an expensive piece of furniture is never few. A big deal of such may be closed every a few months in the shop. 而且买这样贵重家具的顾客并不是惊鸿一现,店里大概每几个月就会做成一笔这样的大生意。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He's wants to know how the computer works, how it's arranged, unlike his wife who's more into Wikipedia. 他想知道电脑是如何工作的,如何安排的,这与他那更喜欢登录维基百科的妻子不同。 www.bing.com 1. What's more, its orbit was right on the cusp of its star's habitable zone, meaning the planet might have liquid water. 此外,它的轨道正处在其星系宜居带的边缘,意味着液态水可能存在。 www.bing.com 2. Only a mother would give him a Christmas present like that. It could be an aunt or older sister, but mother's more likely. 只有母亲会送他那样的圣诞礼物当然也可能是姑姑或长姐但母亲最有可能 www.kekenet.com 3. "It's more political. Some of it is not to be repaid. It's highly political, probably dealt with at the highest level. " “这更像是政治贷款。有些资金无需偿还。这是高度政治性的贷款,可能要由政府最高层处理。” www.ftchinese.com 4. There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away. 在那个瞬间,它变得不只是一场游戏,而你只能前进,或是在原地打转然后走开。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What's more, there isn't much of a track record for the funds, many of which have less than three years of returns. 除此之外,这些基金过去也没有什么记录可供参考,其中许多带来回报的时间还不足三年。 chinese.wsj.com 6. It's more common than you think, but most couples don't realize that they're mismatched until much further along in their relationship. 这种情况比你想象的常见,只不过大多数情侣在意识到两个人这点上不般配的时候,关系已经比较深入了。 www.bing.com 7. Once you become a mom, life is messier and crazier than ever before, so it's more important than ever to let go of that perfectionism. 一旦你成为一个妈妈,生活的混乱和疯狂将远比从前,所以放弃追求完美比以往任何时候都更重要。 www.ebigear.com 8. The content type was recognized as being a Movie with a title. However, there's more information about this movie. 内容类型被识别为一个带有标题的Movie,但还有关于这部电影的更多信息。 www.ibm.com 9. What's more, these attributes were almost totally absent among the bottom-performing quartile. 另外,在绩效“一般”的一组领导人身上,你几乎找不到这样的特质。 www.bing.com 10. What's more, he said I was the hardest working person in the office! 是的,他还说我是这个月办公室里工作的最勤恳的一个人! talk.kekenet.com 1. The guy was one of the league's more underrated quote machines for years. 他是一直以来联盟中最被低估价值的球员之一。 bbs.hoopchina.com 2. There's more of a chance of a sandstorm than rain, but we will have to see. 比起下雨,更有可能会有沙尘暴,但必须到时再看。 seb-vettel.spaces.live.com 3. What's more, many employers verify degrees and will ask you to provide graduation dates, so you might as well provide them. 此外,很多雇主会核实应聘者的学历,要求你提供毕业时间,所以你最好还是在简历中写明。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The better your relationship with your customers, the more money they'll spend and that's more profit for you. 你与你的好顾客,他们就会花更多的钱,而且盈利给你。 actuafreearticles.com 5. while it's more likely something of mobility with the grown up stock markets and banks. 而现在的钱,随着股票还有银行的兴起,钱更象是一种流动性了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He studies very hard , and what's more, he is ready to help others . 他学习勤奋、刻苦,而且还乐于助人。 www.bing.com 7. She's more comfortable in her skin and with her sexuality. 她对她自己的身体和性向更加舒服了。 shiningrain.com 8. What's more, the temptations to follow such a course are likely to grow as both countries face difficulties at home. 更有甚者,由于两国都面临国内的问题,沿着这个方向发展的趋势似乎还在增加。 www.bing.com 9. What's more, the handy battery is friendly enough to act as an emergency charger for your mobile phone and other small gadgets. 遇到紧急情况时,这块电池还可以给手机或是其他的一些小型用电器充电。 www.eeso.net 10. It's more like we peek at each other for a few seconds at a time thru the thin but substantial veils that separate us. 正像某次薄而可观的面纱虽将我们隔开,而我们却在数秒之内互相窥视一样。 wulibing.flamesky.net 1. What's more romantic than a beautiful heart tagged on the wall of your living room as a tribute to your love (is)? 更重要的是浪漫不是对您的生活是对你的爱赞扬房间的墙上签一个美丽的心(是)? my.chinese.cn 2. What's more, she was completely at ease with revealing herself to me, a complete stranger. 而且,在向我这个陌生人揭示自己时,毫不拘束。 www.bing.com 3. You know, 700 dollars for a 20 minute reading over the telephone, that's more than lawyers make. 你们晓得,通个20分钟的电话,就赚700美元,比律师还能挣。 www.ted.com 4. Qing official Dao in good conservation. It seems there's silver inlaid on case, nice blade grains, it's more perfect if it has scabbard! 保存完好的清官刀,格上似还有错银,刃纹华丽,如果有鞘就更完美了! hfsword.com 5. Right now it's more important to me to keep growing the site, and I'm optimizing the income generation as I go along. 当下,对我来说继续发展壮大这个网站显得更为重要,同时我也在不断地优化我的创收系统。 www.bing.com 6. That you and I are standing on the same side of the world. And what's more, we talked the whole night long. 你和我站在世界的同一边,更何况,我们还有那一次彻夜的长谈。 blog.163.com 7. And that's a concerted platform. It's more than one device, you know, it's renewable. 不只是一种装置,你知道的,它可以再生。 www.ted.com 8. What's more, kids are more likely than others to become silent carriers, transmitting the virus for up to ten days after symptoms disappear. 更重要的是,孩子们最易不知不觉地携带病毒。症状消失后,病毒可在他们身上存活十天之久,并由此传染给其他人。 www.bing.com 9. What's more, the flow field pictures which came out of SHP measure are much valuable for the parachute researchers. 而本文中的七孔探针实验所测降落伞流场图则非常有利于降落伞科学的研究工作。 www.fabiao.net 10. What's more, as wages continue to rise, the opportunity cost for peasants to leave high school and enter the work force skyrockets. 而且,随着工资不断上涨,农民离开学校的机会成本高,进入劳动力队伍众多。 www.bing.com 1. What's more, the Japanese themselves had already decided to move south into the Pacific rather than north into Siberia. 更重要的是,日本人自己早已作出决定向南太平洋地区推进,而不是向北进入西伯利亚。 dongxi.net 2. The first is to tell you something about pollen , I hope, and to convince you that it's more than just something that gets up your nose . 第一,我像告诉你一些关于花粉的知识让你相信它们不仅仅是让你打喷嚏的小东西。 www.bing.com 3. This year's there's more buzz just around the game, you know? 今年关于这场比赛有着更多的花边新闻,你知道吗? www.yappr.cn 4. What's more, the temperature and density of the plumes could indicate a warmer, watery source beneath the surface. 更为重要的是,探测所得的温度和气流的密度表明,在星球表层以下有温暖潮湿的来源。 www.bing.com 5. What's more, they seldom point out students' collocational errors in class, as if believing that students themselves will recognize them. 即便学生在课堂上在搭配方面犯了错误,教师也很少纠正,似乎相信学生能自己发现错误一样。 www.fabiao.net 6. I don't think it's more dangerous than any other means of transportation. The ratio of plane crash is the lowest, actually. 我不认为它比其他交通工具更危险,实际上飞机失事的比率最低。 7. What's more, he was the greatest distributor of the ball to ever put on the gloves. 更重要的是他是在众多放下手套的球星中对足球贡献最大的一位。 www.bing.com 8. What's more, she's ready to help others in need. 更重要的是,她愿意帮助其他有需要的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. What's more important, this paper brings forward the concept of work time lag with a consideration of the specialty of the set innovation. 更为重要的是,本文结合选择集创新的特殊性提出了起效时滞的概念。 www.fabiao.net 10. Traveling for business used to be considered a perk. Nowadays it's more often seen as a burden. 商务旅行曾被视为一种福利,但如今往往被当作负担。 cn.reuters.com 1. Anne: Not. It's too cruel to drink human blood, and that make me feel like a beast. What's more, vampire can't walk around under the sun. 不会。吸人血太残忍了,而且会让我觉得像只禽兽。而且吸血鬼不能晒太阳。 www.oralpractice.com 2. He has such a dedicated passion for acting, it's more like an obsession. 他对演戏一直都很有激情,或者更像是一种迷恋。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Even if China demand is rising, the wilting economies of Europe, Japan and the U. S. more than compensate for that demand. 即便中国需求增长,欧洲、日本和美国经济的需求萎缩也足以抵消中国的需求增长。 www.bing.com 4. Imagine if the world's more some of these countries, such people, such leaders will be so arrogant that the Yanks? 试想要是世界上再多一些这样的国家、这样的人民、这样的领袖那美国佬还会这么嚣张吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. What's more, Microsoft, IBM and HP have been returning more than $10 billion a year to investors by buying back shares. 此外,微软、IBM和惠普等公司每年通过回购股票向投资者返还的资金都在100亿美元以上。 www.fortunechina.com 6. And that's more intelligent in a way, because the pollen, they don't need so much of it. 在某种程度上这更聪明,因为这样并不需要太多的花粉。 www.ted.com 7. 'Beijing is edgier, a little rough around the edges, ' he adds. 'It's more fun to go out in Beijing. ' 他接着说,北京则更刺激,有点锋芒毕露;北京的夜生活更好玩。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The novel's more detailed psychological description, the narrator is an adult used to observe the little boy that view. 这部小说的心理描写比较细致,叙述人所用的是一个成年人观察小男孩的那种观点。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. "It's not a vigorous theory; it's more a suggestion that may be worth exploring, " he said. 这并不是一个强有力的理论,而是一个提议,这个提议或许值得深入探讨。 www.bing.com 10. What's more, friends and colleagues might have ideas for you on where to find part-time gigs. 而且,朋友和同事可能会给你提供到哪找兼职业务的点子。 chinese.wsj.com 1. What's more, Simpson said, the World Bank evaluation clearly outlined the benefits of the preschool program. 辛普森女士介绍说,世界银行的评估还清楚地显示出这些学前教育项目带来的其它益处。 www.24en.com 2. What's more, gradually, I found myself beginning to wear my heart on his sleeve. 渐渐地,我发现我开始对他有感情了。 www.ebigear.com 3. What's more, my parents support me. They said although I was a student, I didn't have to work all day long. 而且,我的父母还很支持我,他们说虽然我还是个学生,但是也不必成天到晚都学习。 www.englishtang.com 4. What's more, I thought if the man I bumped was an old man and he was injured seriously, what should I do? 而且,我又想,如果我撞倒的是一个老人而他伤得很严重,那我该怎么办呢? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mr Obama's more modest goal for the meeting was to produce some steps towards securing all nuclear material within three years. 奥巴马先生召开这次会议的目标没有建立联合国这么宏大,他的目标是定出在三年内保护所有核材料的一些措施。 www.ecocn.org 6. China's more well-to-do women, she said, are expected to tolerate a husband's multiple mistresses. 她说,中国有越来越多的富裕的女性,她们的丈夫却期待她们能容忍男人拈花惹草。 www.bing.com 7. There was none of the edginess that usually marks gatherings in one of the world's more violent societies. 你丝毫见不到任何急躁的行为——作为世界上暴力文化较浓厚的社会之一,急躁常常是南非各种集会的标志性特征。 www.ftchinese.com 8. AW: It's more to do with legends; the world I grew up in was full of legends. 韦拉斯哈古:它更多地与传说有关,我长大的世界中充满了传说。 www.bing.com 9. If there's more you know? Anything at all about the enemies intentions. 如果你知道的东西,不管敌人的意图。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Though it's more than a year from now, i can still feel the enthusiasm of our Chinese people. 虽然距现在还有一年,但我却能够感觉到我们中国人的激情。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. What's more, it puts all that into practice by integrating and receives preferable application effect. 并应用到实际系统中,取得了较好的效果。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. That's more like training on a traditional range; the new system is a bit more like going through a shoot house. 它更像是传统范围的系列培训;而新系统则有一点像穿越枪林弹雨的房屋。 www.bing.com 3. The Druze boss, one of the Middle East's more accurate weathervanes, is far from alone in pointing to Damascus, Syria's capital. 德鲁兹头领,中东更加精准的风向标之一,远不是自己指责叙利亚首都—大马士革。 www.ecocn.org 4. That's more workable. Your listing is down to just files, and within the file nodes you see only the size and name of the file. 现在更简洁了,清单中只剩下了文件,文件节点中只能看到文件的大小和名称。 www.ibm.com 5. It's like a girlfriend that won't have sex with you! So it's more like a wife, really, only not as round. 就象你不用上床的女朋友,或者更象一个老婆,真的,不仅仅是因为有圆圆的身材。 www.elanso.com 6. What's more, there seems to be a trend happening. 进一步说,这似乎会成为一种趋势。 www.bing.com 7. Don't let the lack of a traveling companion stop you from seeing the world. Sometimes it's more fun to explore on your own. 别让缺少旅行伴侣妨碍你看世界。有时候自己去探索更有意思。 www.hxen.com 8. In fact, I am proud to come from such a great country. Despite that, I still will always love the U. S. more. 实际上,我为自己来自这样一个伟大的国家而感到自豪,尽管我爱美国爱得更多。 club.kdnet.net 9. It seems like at some point, if the code just has no structure, it's more effective to rewrite it than refactor it. 这次经历说明,在某些时刻,如果代码完全没有结构,那么重写是比重构更有效的一种方法。 kk.dongxi.net 10. He's not a real basketball player, he's more of a showboat with all the tattoos and fancy cars. 他不是个真正的篮球选手。他不过是个爱炫耀自己的刺青和好车的人。 bbs.pancn.com 1. So far, less than 10 of the company's more than 8, 000 employees hold passports from countries other than China. 迄今为止,该公司逾8000名员工中持中国以外国家护照的不到10人。 www.ftchinese.com 2. What's more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. 尤其是,房子前门口的两边可以吊两个大红灯笼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Laval's more recent pictures are dreamier and more elusive, beautiful in a painterly way; they seem to reveal hidden worlds. Laval近期更多的照片更为梦幻,更有一种虚虚实实的绘画般的美,仿佛是在揭开隐藏的世界。 www.bing.com 4. What's more, Macao can use the money got from gambling to help the poor. 另外,澳门可以用赌博业得到的钱帮助那些穷人 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If it's more than two hours, you'll get four times the value, up to a whopping $1, 300. 如果超过两小时,赔偿可达机票值的4倍,最高可达1300美元,数额巨大。 www.bing.com 6. It's more easy to do both in a consolidated sector. 在一个整合后的行业里,更容易做到这两者。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "I'll remember, " promised Cinderella. "Oh, it's more than I ever hoped for! Thank you, fairy godmother. " “我会记住的。”辛德瑞拉保证说,“天哪,我预想的时间晚了。谢谢你,尊贵的圣母。” zhidao.baidu.com 8. That's more than the company's cash flow from operations after capital spending (known as free cash flow). 那这个数额就超过了扣除资本支出后的营运现金流。 www.bing.com 9. Though everything may be as you say there are many factors involved. What's more your surveyors have not mentioned any cause for the damage. 虽然事情可能象你所说的那样,但它牵涉到很多因素。况窃冬你方检验员并没有提及造成损坏的任何原因。 www.56gk.com 10. What's more, she offers a great contribution to the company by increasing her investment with another five hundred thousand. 还有,珀尔小姐要增资五十万,这一举动是对公司发展的重大贡献。 www.dioenglish.com 1. Remember if it's more than a quarter of a turn short, they will get mark down as double toes, which would be bad news for them. 记得如果少于四分之一周的话分数就会被判成两周跳,对他们来说就不是好消息了。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Full disclosure, my grandfather was a Norwegian and I was fairly predisposed to overlook some of Egil's more pathological mental states. 在此透露一下,我的祖父是一名挪威人,我比较倾向于忽视埃吉尔的一些病态心理。 www.bing.com 3. What's more, Japan is so far from China that we needn't panic so much. 而且,日本离我国还远着呢,我们大可不必如此慌张。 www.bing.com 4. What's more, neither of those companies has immediate plans to put ads on its searches of Twitter, though they may do so later. 而且,任何这些公司还没有打算把广告插入Twitter网页,虽然它们以后可能会这样做。 www.bing.com 5. "It's more like a facilitator of transformation, " he said. “它更像是一个信息的传播者,”他说。 www.bing.com 6. What's more, a decay process that would leave a large-scale bit of data readable could destroy some smaller-scale bits. 更重要的一点是,大面积数据的退化过程可能会毁掉小部分扇区的内容。 www.bing.com 7. But regarding the transcendence referred to by humanism, it's more implicit than explicit in Chinese aesthetics. 但是在有关人文主义所指向的超越界,则是较为隐晦的部份。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. She has no idea it's more than a year later. 她不知道已经过一年了 www.tingroom.com 9. What's more, if you stick you hand between the light and the paper you see the shadow of your hand through the paper. 何况如果你坚持你的手间轻皮你看你的手的阴影透过纸张。 www.juyy.net 10. Both of these technologies are mesh networks, meaning there's more than one way for the message to get to its destination. 这两项技术都是网状网络,也就是说消息到达目的地可以采用很多种方式。 www.bing.com 1. What's more, one of the six compounds, netilmicin, showed a strong preference for TAR. 更重要的是,六种化合物分子中的奈替米星表现出了一种对TAR分子的高度选择性。 news.dxy.cn 2. It's more then just a dream come true, And everything that I do, It's out of loving you. 这不仅仅为了实现梦想,我做的所有一切,都是出于爱你。 wenwen.soso.com 3. And it's more than just a savvy fashion choice: The hat will be incorporated into his symbol on the upcoming presidential election ballots. 而这也不仅仅是一个基于时尚的选择:这顶帽子在即将到来的选战中将起到重要的作用。 www.bing.com 4. What's more, charities raising money for Haiti right now are going to have to earmark that money to be spent in Haiti and in Haiti only. 另外,目前为海地筹集的善款都须标明这些钱只能在海地花。 dongxi.net 5. What's more, it would appear that people with a certain version of a gene called AVPR1 are more altruistic than the average. 更重要的是,看来还有着某种类型的、称为AVPR1的基因,它使得有这类基因的人平均地比人更为无私。 www.bing.com 6. It's more of a question of designing how that community works. 这更是一个设计,怎样让这个机构运转的问题。 open.163.com 7. China implemented a more New Deal-like stimulus focused on infrastructure, and that's clearly been a factor in China's more rapid recovery. 中国实行了更像新政时期提出的刺激计划,注重基础设施建设。这显然是中国经济快速复苏的一个原因。 www.bing.com 8. It's more technical-sounding; it conjures images of men in white lab coats slaving away at delicate machinery. 这个词听起来更技术化;它让人联想起穿着白大褂的人们在精密的机器前辛勤地工作着的画面。 www.ibm.com 9. What's more, don't allow your transaction confirmations and account statements to be mailed to your financial adviser instead of you. 而且,不要允许将你的交易确认书和帐户报表寄到你的财务顾问那里。 www.ebigear.com 10. What's more, it has no nutritional value -- in fact, it causes your bones to lose calcium. 除此之外,咖啡因还没有什么营养价值。事实上,它还可以造成骨骼中钙的流失。 www.dol1.cn 1. When it comes to networking though, there's more to consider than simply who you know. 当你利用交际网络来找工作时,不要单单只考虑你认识的人。 en.eol.cn 2. What "s more, the augment of every radius of semi-circle Drawbead will reduce the thickness reduction and the equivalent strain. " 并且拉深筋的各圆角半径的增大都使减薄量和累积等效应变减小。 www.magsci.org 3. By the same token, it's more effective to write tests that you know you'll run often. 出于同样的原因,编写那些您知道将要经常运行的测试程序会更有效些。 www.ibm.com 4. that ' s more like it ! i ' m glad to see you guys enjoying studying english with movies by yourself. 这还差不多!我很高兴看到你们通过电影来享受学英语的乐趣。 www.ichacha.net 5. They're easier to see and you can put a picture or clip art on the folder (see how below) so that it's more easily recognizable. 这样看起来更明显,你可以把一副图片或剪贴图片放进文件夹(如何做见下文),这样就更容易辨认。 www.bing.com 6. China gives top priority to China-EU relations and hopes to see EU's more important role in European and international affairs. 我们高度重视中欧关系,希望看到欧盟在欧洲和国际事务中发挥更加重要的作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. What's more, this tool also gathers the cyclomatic complexity of every method in a code base. 此外,此工具还收集代码库中每个方法的圈复杂度。 www.ibm.com 8. We like this set of buildings because it's more like a densely packed university campus than a typical suburban office park. 我们喜欢这座建筑的布局因为它太像一个人口密集的大学校园而不是一个坐落在郊区的办公园。 www.bing.com 9. But there's more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. 但还有超过关掉灯一小时,它每年一次。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Among the no-no's: more than three color shades in an outfit, white socks with black shoes, and pajamas and slippers in public. 衣着禁忌包括:全套服装的颜色超过三种,穿白色袜子搭配黑鞋,在公共场所穿睡衣和拖鞋。 www.neworiental.org |
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