单词 | showed up |
释义 | showed up是show up的过去式
第三人称单数:shows up 现在分词:showing up 过去式:showed up 过去分词:shown up 例句释义: 显眼,暴露,嘲笑,〔口语〕出席,露面,出现,到场 1. The adverse effects of the painkillers showed up in the Danish women, but not in a statistically significant way among the Finnish group. 止痛剂的副作用发生在丹麦妇女身上,但在芬兰群体上统计资料还不够显著。 www.bing.com 2. On every trip, I marveled at the number of citizens from all over America who just showed up to help. 每次去洪区视察时,我都感到惊讶,竟有如此多的公民从美国各地赶来提供帮助。 www.bing.com 3. One mother, Amy, admitted that she yelled at her son and made sure he showed up for his detention on Saturday. 有一位名叫爱咪的母亲,承认她对儿子吼叫,并要求他一定要在周六的时候返校。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. You showed up right in front of me, with trace of tears on your face right before the exams that afternoon. 下午临近考试,你随你的妈妈出现在我的面前,脸上的泪痕尚未干。 blog.tianya.cn 5. Or your child's best friend, the one who showed up for a playdate with a runny nose and a short supply of tissues. 也许是你孩子的好朋友,在游乐会上大流鼻涕而找不到纸巾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It was a total surprise when he showed up -- in school uniform! 当他出现的时候真让我们惊奇———还穿着校服! www.51ea.com 7. Representatives from all political persuasions showed up to hear the president's speech. 所有不同政治理念的代表都出席聍听总统的演说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Harry showed up to get Billy just a few minutes later. Jacob took me on a brief tour of his tiny room while we waited to be unsupervised. 不一会哈利便接比利来了。雅革带我大体参观了一下他的小房间等着完全解放的到来。 bookapp.book.qq.com 9. Akie was rather cool to the idea when an acquaintance offered to introduce her to Abe and showed up late for the meeting, the story goes. 昭惠的一位熟人曾提出将她介绍给安倍晋三,但昭惠的反应很冷淡,并在约会时迟到了。 www.ebigear.com 10. I showed up to that interview having ingested nothing but dark chocolate M&Ms and Diet Pepsi for two full days. 整整两天,我只吃了两块M&Ms黑巧克力和一点百事可乐,然后就冲好凉去面试。 www.elanso.com 1. " He showed up the next day to look over his field. He noticed a new sign next to his saying, " Now there are 2. 第二天,他到瓜地去看他的西瓜,发现在他的牌子旁有一个新牌子。 www.qqgxqm8.com 2. George W. Bush always had staffers called to him in the Oval Office - and God help you if you showed up without a jacket and tie! 乔治·华盛顿·布什经常在总统办公室中告诉他的官员--如果你不穿夹克衫、不打领带,上帝将会帮助你。 www.elanso.com 3. On the last move, the landlord showed up to ask for a 60 RMB back rent. 上次搬家时,上一个房东找上门来,讨他欠下的60元房租。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. She was the only one who showed up and was quickly arrested. 她是唯一一个到场的抗议者,并很快遭到逮捕。 dongxi.net 5. He showed up for classes and did what was required of him but he was clearly bored and spent a lot of time on outside business activities. 他上了课也做了他应该做的,但他显然是个无趣的人并且花了很多时间在外面的商业活动中。 www.bing.com 6. Zhang Ziyi showed up in a black tube dress for the ceremony and was seen picking up a couple of items for herself in the store. 章子怡身着一袭黑色筒形露肩礼服参加活动,还在店内为自己挑选了一些珠宝。 www.i21st.cn 7. Tom had been holding out for the promotion. When such an opportunity showed up he grabbed it at once. 汤姆一直坚决要求提升。当这样的机会出现时,他立即抓住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She asked if she could bring her boyfriend, and when she showed up with me, he said he had wondered about us. 丽萨问他可不可以带男朋友,结果她和我一起露面了,贾斯汀说他之前有猜想过我们。 www.bing.com 9. After picking up the placards, gradually uniformed and plain-clothes police force, one of whom was a woman, showed up. 在拿起抗议标语之后,制服和便衣警察渐渐的出现,他们其中一位是女性。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. and remember the time I forgot to tell u the dance was formal and u showed up in jeans? I thought u'd drop me, but u didn't. 记得那时我忘记告诉你唔到是正式的,你却给我展现出一身的牛仔装束?我以为你会和我绝交,但你没有。 tieba.baidu.com 1. He thought maybe 50 people might respond to the bells out of curiosity -- a thousand people showed up, said the 71-year-old priest. 现年71岁的牧师说,他原本认为也许会有50人出于好奇对钟声做出回应,结果出现了1,000人。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were pilloried when they showed up in a denim dress and a denim suit to the 2001 American Music Awards. 小甜甜布兰妮和贾斯汀·汀布莱克出席2001年全美音乐盛典时,身着牛仔裙和牛仔西装,结果遭到一片嘘声。 www.ebigear.com 3. Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who's been impersonated several times on the comedy show, showed up to show off her sense of humor. 副总统候选人莎拉佩林,已经多次在喜剧中串演角色,看得出她是个卖弄自己幽默的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Count de G showed up in her box for a moment or two, but she went off with the Duke. G伯爵到她包厢里待了一会儿,但是她跟公爵一块儿走了。 www.bing.com 5. Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer. 他游迹于位于罗马东部多山地区的阿布鲁佐,在那里一个独特的小镇上驻扎下来,并伪装成了一个摄影师。 www.bing.com 6. Do not get me wrong. I am happy Tmac finally showed up. We need him for the series, we need everyone on the court. 不要误会。我很高兴麦迪最终完成了他的演出。在系列赛中,我们需要他,我们需要球场上的所有家伙。 club.sohu.com 7. A variant of it just showed up in Moammar Gadhafi's army and nobody seems to know how exactly it got there. 其中一种型号的此种导弹恰巧曾在卡扎非的军队中出现过,似乎没有人确切地知道卡扎非是如何得到它的。 www.bing.com 8. One of his Turtle peers recalled a Las Vegas Turtle reunion years back when Shanks showed up with a well-known sitcom actress on his arm. 一个海龟同事说看见他和一个著名的情景喜剧女演员手挽手出现时,那简直就是拉斯维加斯海龟的重逢。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The contrasting philosophies of Mao and Nehru showed up in their own interpretations of history as well. 毛泽东和尼赫鲁之间观念的冲突也体现在他们各自对于历史的诠释中。 cn.wsj.com 10. As soon as Liu Xiang showed up in my world, i found his sunshine smile was more precious for me. 当刘翔出现在我的世界里,我才明白原来阳光般的笑容对我来说更珍贵。 bbs.lottery.gov.cn 1. Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. 吉布斯:在他出现在托尔图加之前,我并不太了解杰克?斯帕罗这个人,他只想寻找死亡之岛的宝藏。 www.d-bar.cn 2. So when my mom showed up at my house over the weekend with a bunch of bananas, I should have known there was a good reason. 那么,当周末,我妈妈带着一串香蕉,出现在我家的时候,我得明白,她的理由充足。 www.bing.com 3. The missing Oscar showed up in the office of a celebrated lawyer. 丢失的奥斯卡出现在一位著名律师的办公室中。 gwww.hongen.com 4. Yesterday, a huge crowd showed up in the downtown square where a lot of these protests have been going on. 昨天,一群人出现在抗议者发起抗议的市中心广场。 club.topsage.com 5. A fact! If I hadn't any fresh carbons for her when I showed up, she was crestfallen. 这是事实。可是如果我去时不带上新的复写纸,她便很沮丧。 www.bing.com 6. Today, I unexpectedly showed up to my girlfriend's house. Trying to be romantic, I tossed a rock at her window. 今天我悄悄地来到女朋友家,想浪漫一点,就拿块石头扔她的窗户。 www.bucter.com 7. Justin looked to be having fun, taking pictures of fans who showed up to the premiere, held at the Hollywood and Highland Complex. 贾斯汀看起来玩得很开心,同出现在首映礼上的粉丝拍了照。首映礼是在“好莱坞和艾兰德综合建筑”里举行的。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Elizabeth showed up in Paris, having got a week's leave. 得到一个星期的假后,伊丽莎白来到巴黎。 www.dearedu.com 9. Chen said he could help me fix my bike, but he never showed up. He really let me down. 陈真说他能给我修车,但是他从未出现,让我失望 bbs.ebigear.com 10. My sister, a doctor, told me about one of her patients, a 92-year-old woman who showed up for her appointment with her husband, who is 94. 她对我讲起自己一个病人的故事。那是位92岁高龄的女士,她每次来看病的时候,94岁的丈夫都陪着她一起来。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 1. It was submitted by a reader who's son is mugging for the camera - and look what showed up behind him in a fully lit room full of people! 有人提出的读者是谁的儿子是抢劫案的相机-看看哪些出现在他身后的一个完全点燃室挤满了人! www.01gyw.cn 2. Earlier this year, a candidate for an administrative position at BankRate showed up to an interview with a preschooler in tow. 今年早些时候,一名应聘BankRate行政职位的求职者带着一个小孩子出现在了面试场。 c.wsj.com 3. Anna got cold feet and never showed up to her wedding ceremony. I feel so bad for her fiance. Anna在婚礼当天临场退缩了,完全没有出现,我觉得她的未婚夫太可怜了。 www.bing.com 4. The acquaintances showed up more frequently in the dreams of those students who'd been asked to put the person out of their minds. 结果表明,那些被要求不去想自己熟人的人,做梦的时候常梦到 www.kekenet.com 5. They called to ask what happened and how she was doing. They showed up with food: taco casseroles, barbecued beef, fried chicken. 他们打来电话询问事情经过,了解她的状况,过来看她,还带来墨西哥玉米面肉卷、烤牛肉、炸鸡等食物。 www.qeto.com 6. Tom and I were supposed to meet at the movie theatre, but he never showed up. 我和汤姆说好在电影院见面的,但他没来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Hordes of screaming, crying girls showed up to his concerts, inspiring headlines like "Bieber Fever" and "Biebermania. " 成群女孩在他的演唱会现场尖叫着、呼喊着,从而才促成了像“比伯热”这样的头条新闻的出炉。 www.bing.com 8. In the beginning, there was compassion, and, I mean, not just when human beings first showed up, but actually even before that. 在最初,出现了同情心,而且,我的意思是,不只是人类出现的时候,而事实上是更早。 www.ted.com 9. When the bank clerk showed up in an expensive new car, tongues wagged. 这位银行职员开着部名贵汽车出现时,大家便议论纷纷起来。 www.hotdic.com 10. Wei, who went with her mother, was disappointed that few singles actually showed up. 潘炜和母亲去过。她很失望,去的单身男子很少。 dongxi.net 1. I showed up to a place I'd never been, and there was a guy with a drafting board. 我到了一个从未去过的地方,有个男人和一块素描版。 www.bing.com 2. And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans? I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't. 记得那一次,我忘记告诉你了,那个舞会是穿礼服的,而你只穿牛仔裤到场,我以为你必然放弃我了,可是你没有。 blog.163.com 3. We showed up to class, wrote on various topics, and received minimal grammar instruction--just enough to get by the Regent's Test. 我们每次准时上课,照各种话题写文章,但没什么人教我们语法——大概只够过四级考试的。 www.bing.com 4. thousands, maybe millions, of dragonflies showed up out of nowhere. They were delicate and beautiful and I put one in a jar. 成千上万,或许上百万只蜻蜓,不知从哪里冒出来,他们如此精致美丽。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. James showed up and read his lines with an American accent and I told him: "Don't worry about the accent, be yourself. " 这时候James出现了,他念台词的时候还故意用了美国口音,我对他说:“别担心口音,做你自己就行。” www.bing.com 6. Neighbors at the safe house had no idea drugs were moving in and out of the apartment until the cops showed up on Friday, witnesses said. 直到周五警察现身,毒品贩子安全住所的邻居们对搬进搬出的毒品还毫无察觉,目击者说。 www.suiniyi.com 7. I found out about the problem when I showed up to work last Thursday, and there was a battery of television cameras waiting. 我发现的问题相关的,当我出现在上周四的工作,并有一个电视摄像机电池等。 www.englishtang.com 8. Russ said he could help me fix my car, but he never showed up. He really lets me down. 罗斯答应要帮我修车,可他一直没来,我真失望。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. If I care enough to do anything for my birthday this year, which I doubt, I wouldn't be surprised if none of my friends showed up. 如果我因为重视今年的生日而去做一些事的话,我怀疑,我会不会惊讶将没有一位朋友会出现。 www.elanso.com 10. And so I showed up in this dark, rambling New York apartment, and she called out to me, and she was in bed. 所以我就去了那个黑暗杂乱的纽约公寓,听到她叫我,她躺在床上。 www.ted.com 1. So many people showed up that the police blocked off the parking lot, he said. "You couldn't even find the end of the line. " 太多人了以致警察都要封锁停车场,他说:“你都难以看到队伍的尾端。” www.bing.com 2. But soon after the family's move, Jessie went missing and is thought to have showed up at their old home over a year later. 搬完家没多久,杰西就失踪了,大约一年后,她重返故居——至少大家是这么认为的。 www.bing.com 3. In February 1992, he showed up in the office of Suzanne Fortier, director of marine-animal training at Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park. 1992年2月,他来到六旗魔幻山主题乐园海洋动物驯养总监苏珊娜?福捷的办公室。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Yet that theft will never showed up in criminal statistics, nor will the cost be listed in public ledgers as cost due to "cybercrime. " 但是,该黑客团体从未在犯罪统计上露面,由于”网络犯罪“它亦不会作为成本列在公共总账中。 www.bing.com 5. JERRY : You think Manya showed up during the game and put a hex on me? 杰瑞:你认为难不成曼雅出现在比赛中,给我来了那么一下子? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. That slow pace, done on single shifts instead of three shifts around the clock as in the past, also showed up in national data on Sunday. 这种缓慢的建设速度——过去是全天三班倒,而现在只有一班——也在周日发布的数据上得到了体现。 cn.nytimes.com 7. But what if superior GDP growth showed up in stockmarket returns not immediately but over a prolonged period? 那么如果假设强劲的GDP增长并不是立即在股票市场的投资回报中体现出来,而是有一定的延时效应有如何呢? www.ecocn.org 8. Meanwhile, in an unfortunate red carpet faux pas, Pink and Shakira both showed up in the same Balmain dress. 与此同时,红毯上出现了一个不幸的窘境,粉红佳人和夏奇拉穿着相同的巴尔曼礼服现身。 gb.cri.cn 9. A client of mine showed up 30 minutes early, but I met with him as scheduled -- which my boss later said was rude. 我的一个客户提前30分钟到了,而我是按约定时间同他见的面,对此我的老板后来说我失礼。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The next morning, a dozen FBI agents and local police officers showed up and dug up the entire garden without finding any guns . 第二天早上,一打FBI特工人员和地方警察都来了,把整个菜园都挖遍了仍没有发现任何枪炮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Back when Linux was first showed up, many people claimed it would be commercially irrelevant because there was no way to make money on it. 回到Linux首次出现的时候,许多人声称它与商业无关,因为不能用它赚钱。 www.ibm.com 2. Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere. 弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。 www.ttnba.com 3. Each 'client' showed up with a portfolio and a preferred investing strategy. About a third pretended to like chasing hot returns. 每个“客户”都带着一份投资组合,并表明自己喜欢的投资策略,其中约有三分之一假装自己热衷于追求那些投资业绩高的品种。 c.wsj.com 4. Every night they showed up and would just stand there, leaning over, looking at me, fussing with each other about them. 每天晚上,每天晚上,他们都准时地出现在我的脑海,就是站在那里,互相依靠着,互相开着玩笑,看着我。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It raised quite a few eyebrows when Sara showed up with her hair dyed purple and green. 萨拉把她的头发染成了紫色和绿色,让很多人大吃一惊。 homeincn.com 6. Lane is a GRS reader, and when we showed up, he said, "J. D. , this is all capital-S Stuff! " 泳道是地球观测卫星的读者,当我们发现,他说:“法学博士,这是所有资本-S的东西!” www.bing.com 7. Tom had been holding out for a promotion. When the opportunity showed up, he grabbed it at once. 汤姆一直坚决要求提升。当机会出现时,他立即抓住了。 blog.renren.com 8. So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time. The tree was happy, but it was not true. 男骇砍了树干造了一艘船。他去航海了,又很长时间没有出现。树似乎很高兴,但那不是真的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Siler went bearing literature and advice, and though only two kids showed up, she said, "I'm pleased I got two. " 塞勒带着印刷品和建议去到那所学校,虽然只有两个孩子露面,她仍然说:“我很高兴我招到了两个” www.hjenglish.com 10. Like the priests who harvest faith at the bedsides of the dying, grief counselors showed up too, but they were not much used. 就像那些一定会在临终的床前收获信仰的牧师,负责抚慰悲痛的心理辅导师也出现了,但他们没起多大作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He told me that if I showed up late one more time, he'd fire me. He's so mean! 他告诉我,如果我再迟到一次,他会炒了我。他太苛刻了。 oral.ebigear.com 2. When Mark Zuckerberg showed up in Palo Alto three years ago, he had no car, no house, and no job. 三年前当马克扎克伯格出现在美国加州帕洛阿图市的时候,他没车没房没工作。 www.bing.com 3. A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and my wife Cassandra and I headed off to dinner. 几分钟之后,替我们照看孩子的保姆来了,于是,我和妻子卡桑德拉一起出去吃晚饭。 www.joyen.net 4. However, when Bryant showed up, he was surprised to find that the vixen he'd selected was actually his wife, Vanessa Bryant. 然而,当他现身是,他非常惊讶地发现他约的那个女子竟然正是他的妻子:瓦妮莎。布莱恩特。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Cohen also spots some yellow dots, and he says they are "the egg mass of a Japanese sea slug which showed up here a few years ago. " Cohen还指出了一些黄色的小点儿,他说那些是“日本海蛞蝓的卵块,它们在几年前出现在这里。” www.bing.com 6. Several times she showed up to her club or TV performances too drunk to sing a whole set. 有好几次,她醉醺醺地出现在夜总会与电视表演现场,以至于无法唱完全场。 www.bing.com 7. Chris showed up for his junior year a relatively towering six feet tall, and by the time he graduated he was Carolina's Mr. 在三年级的时候,克里斯终于长到6尺了,他被选为北卡罗那先生和全美的麦当劳队伍。 5.oyiya.com 8. I'm well aware that quite a few fake CMs showed up on your plane, gathering an audience and confusing people. 我很清楚,不少假的CM出现在你的飞机,收集观众和迷惑人的。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. I suspect if Angelina Jolie showed up to an interview at an accounting firm in flip-flops and dirty jeans, she'd have trouble getting hired. 如果AngelinaJolie穿着拖鞋和脏衣服去会计公司参加面试,我怀疑她也很难被录用。 www.bing.com 10. The strong searchlight showed up the indistinct figure of a man in the woods. 强烈的探照灯光把灌木丛中的一个模糊人影照得清清楚楚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The strong searchlight showed up the indistinct figure of a man in the woods. 强烈的探照灯光把灌木丛中的一个模糊人影照得清清楚楚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You may have forgotten how your first idea arrived, how it showed up on your doorstep in ratty bluejeans and a ketchup stained t-shirt. 你也许已经忘记最初的想法怎样出现的了,忘记它怎样身着破烂的蓝牛仔裤和染上番茄酱的T恤衫出现在你家门口的。 www.bing.com 3. Once known for his "bad boy" charm, Chen showed up in casual shirt and plain black shoes. 曾以“坏男孩”魅力形象而著称的陈冠希,露面时穿着一件休闲衬衫和一双黑色便鞋。 www.putclub.com 4. Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby. She was immediately surrounded. 我曾经在休息室看到这样一幕,当有个探访者带着婴儿来到时,她瞬间就被包围了。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. The young, in turn , save the old . Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up whit a baby , she was immediately surrounded. 年轻人反过来,会让老年人觉得年轻。有一次,我在一家养老院,看到来了一年抱小孩的来访者,她一露面,就有很多的老年人围了上来。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I always showed up in a wrong place at wrong time, talking on classes and joking to kids. 我总是在错误的时间出现在错误的地点,上课讲话,逗弄小孩子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. What could you have done differently to ensure that your prospect showed up to that appointment? 这回你该怎么做才能保证你不会再被放鸽子呢? www.justing.com.cn 8. A seductive smile showed up in her face. 她的脸上露出迷人的微笑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. She wrote beautiful poems, powerful letters, and great class notes, which she let me use when I showed up for class two months late. 她曾写出优美的诗句,信件中也充满慷慨激昂的情绪,课堂笔记也记录得很不错,我耽误了两个月的课程之后借用的就是她的笔记。 www.bing.com 10. We showed up in lots of international activities, and be invited to numbers of different countries. 我们参与了多国际活动,并受到邀请不同国家的邀请。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He drove his Simplex motorbike to Anaheim, arriving shortly before 1 a. m. to take his place in line an hour before anyone else showed up. 他骑上自己的那辆新普利斯摩托车驶往阿纳海姆,不到凌晨一点就已到了那里,开始排队。直到一个小时之后,其他人才陆续出现。 www.ywhc.net 2. When Adams showed up at the lunch, John Hume encouraged me to go over and shake hands with him, so I did. 当亚当斯出现在午宴上时,约翰.休姆怂恿我过去和他握手,我这样做了。 www.bing.com 3. Thats a complicate feeling, when someone is belong to ur past and just showed up in ur life now. wat will u feel like? 当一个属于你过去的人突然间出现在你现在的生活中的时候,这是一种怎样的复杂的感觉啊。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Our former daughter-in-law showed up and asked us not to say anything that would hurt her reputation. 我们的前儿媳出现并要求我们不要说出任何有损于她名声的话。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Yeah, well, when they were models, you actually showed up to your own parties. 嗯,当他们在娱乐时妳应该出现在妳的派对上 www.tingclass.net 6. Now Gus showed up a couple of nights a week, usually around eight. 现在盖斯每个星期来好几个晚上,通常是在八点。 www.bing.com 7. One day an old man showed up uninvited at the party. He wore rags and was painfully thin. 忽然有一天,一个老翁,穿著脏破,外表瘦弱,像是贫寒之人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Her racial attitudes were uncharitable at best, and they showed up in her work. 她所持的种族态度即便是最容忍之时,也是苛刻的,这在其作品中可见一斑。 dongxi.net 9. However, Jobs showed up March 2 at the San Francisco launch of the iPad 2, where the stunned audience gave him a standing ovation. 但是乔布斯却在3月2日的ipad2的发布会上意外现身了,在洛杉矶参加发布会的观众都站起来向他表示敬意。 www.bing.com 10. Finally a canal company official showed up and set fire to sheaves of green corn to literally smoke the boats men out of the tunnel. 最终,一位运河公司的官员出现了,他点燃一束束嫩玉米,用烟熏走那些船员。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. The reason why Peter never showed up was that he didn't catch the train. 彼得一直没来的原因是他没赶上这班火车。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner. 几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。 www.bing.com 3. Still, none of this fazed me when I showed up at the headquarters of the Beijing Motor Vehicle Administration for my test Tuesday morning. 不过,当我周二上午去北京机动车管理局考试时,这些问题都没有难倒我。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Something happens: You walk through a door, you are all by yourself, you meet someone else, you somehow never showed up, whatever it may be. 有些事发生了:你走进一道门,完全是自己的意志驱使,你碰到其他人,不管出现怎样的情况,你可能由于某种原因再不会出现。 www.bing.com 5. The Obama White House last month politely rebuffed an activist who showed up with a Carter-era panel. 上月,白宫礼貌回绝了一位拿着卡特时代太阳能板的活动家。 www.bing.com 6. RDA forces showed up in the hunter's village and destroyed it, so the hunter has a pretty serious axe to grind. 资源发展部(RDA)的部队出现在这个猎人的村庄里,并毁灭了它。这个猎人有一支大斧头。 www.bing.com 7. He spent his morning hiking the mountain behind his house and said he was working when I showed up on Friday afternoon. 他上午在屋后山间健行,我周五下午见到他的时候,他说他正在工作。 cn.reuters.com 8. When Bent Tree held what was intended to be a one-time lecture about jobs and the economy in April, nearly 90 people showed up. 4月份,当BentTree举办有关就业和经济的讲座时,有近90人参加。这个活动本来只打算举办一次。 www.bing.com 9. We agreed to meet back at the diner for lunch, but he never showed up. 我们当即决定午餐的时候还在那里碰面,但他再也没有出现。 www.bing.com 10. The same bias showed up in the minority of participants that showed a bias towards black people. 同样的情况也出现在对于很少一部分受测者对于黑人的偏心。 www.ebigear.com 1. At each pick-up, a driver working for E&A showed up at the wheel of a tractor with a refrigerated trailer. 在每次往回运输时,一位E&A的司机在一辆冷藏全挂车的轮子变得醒目。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A week later, more than 90 percent of our 27, 600 teachers showed up for the test. 一周后,全州2.76万名教师中超过90%的人参加了考试。 www.bing.com 3. finally , smith showed up , enraged to the point of incoherence , not without reason. 史密斯终于露面了,他气得语无伦次,但仍有理智。 www.ichacha.net 4. Isamu Sasaki, who owns a painting company, showed up at the town hall on Tuesday to ask what to do about his staff. 拥有一家涂装公司的佐佐木勇(IsamuSasaki)周二到镇公所询问他的员工该怎么办。 c.wsj.com 5. Leisha had her concert and pretty much every cast member showed up Friday night after filming except for you and Jennifer. Leisha开了她的演唱会,几乎所有剧组演员在星期五那晚拍摄完后都出现了,唯独妳和Jennifer除外。 shiningrain.com 6. The 1995 purchase of Dan Petrescu from Sheffield Wednesday was delayed because his back problem showed up in the medical. 1995年从谢菲尔德买进佩特雷斯库的时候,计划被拖后了,就是因为他在检查的时候发现有背伤。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. "Terrible! " the roommate answered. "He showed up in his 1932 Rolls Royce" . 室友回答:“坏极了!他出现在1932劳斯莱斯车上。” bbs.hxen.com 8. Shortly after, one of my closest friends showed up at my door. 之后不久,我的一位密友来到我家。 www.bing.com 9. Man, Dallas is one hell of a deep team. NO superstars showed up for them tonight. But man, seems that everyone did exactly what they needed. 兄弟,达拉斯的板凳实在是太深了。今晚他们就没有超级巨星。但是,伙计们,他们似乎每个人都在做该做的事。 www.tianya.cn 10. Those blocks showed up in his outer world by losing all he had. 这些障碍通过外在的“丢失”而展现出来。 www.bokee.net 1. When Hathaway showed up to a meeting in fancy clothing from another era. 当哈撒韦穿着另一个时代的花哨衣服参加一个会议时。 www.tingclass.com 2. Today, two weeks after reporting our car was broken into, the police showed up to our flat. 今天,警察来到我们家,因为我们两周之前报警说车子被盗了。 www.bing.com 3. Then, more police showed up so cops were able to nab both suspects before they left the parking lot. 后来,更多的警察赶来增援,在嫌疑人离开停车场之前,把他们都捉拿归案。 www.bing.com 4. A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage. 一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It missed one of the breast cancer patients, and showed up as a false-positive in three of the healthy subject. 它只漏掉1例乳癌病人,在3个健康人身上出现了假阳性。 52goto.5d6d.com 6. The evidence of the impact of her discipleship is seen in the mourning widows who showed up at her house. 她那门徒生命的影响力,我们也可从那些出现在她家里很悲伤的寡妇可以看出。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. One recent chilly afternoon, only a few dozen spectators showed up. Performers hope for bigger crowds. 最近的一个寒冷的下午,只有几十个观众来看表演。 www.bing.com 8. He showed up at the Bucks' annual golf outing at Ozaukee Country Club on Monday, and his head was nearly shaved, but the tail was gone. 上周一,他出现在雄鹿沃扎其乡村俱乐部每年一度的高尔夫球赛上。头差不多剃光,小尾巴也不见了。 www.tianya.cn 9. A less naive observer might note that, by the time Mr Latimer showed up, Mr Bush did not exactly have a free hand. 稍微精明点的观察家都会注意到,在拉蒂默先生出现的时候,布什先生正忙的不可开交。 club.topsage.com 10. "Nonsense, " she said. "Of course we're coming, and we're coining because you're in the program. " The whole family showed up. 她说:“瞎说,我们当然得去,因为你参加演出。”结果全家都到场了。 www.kekenet.com 1. So I showed up with the desire to just write a check , and instead, I wrote a check that I had no freaking idea how I was going to cash . 我出现时的心愿仅仅是开张支票,相反,我开了张我完全不知道如何兑现的支票。 www.bing.com 2. The new genetic maps suggest that a common ancestor to beetles crept up well before its descendants showed up in the fossil record. 新的基因学图暗示甲虫共同的祖先在化石记录中出现它的后代前都缓慢发展。 www.elanso.com 3. Excessive sexual appetite was only clearly pathologized when it showed up in women. 过多的性欲往往只在女性身上显现时才会归于病态。 www.bing.com 4. She showed up on his ninth birthday, carrying a Tyrolean outfit for him, complete with a small cap with a feather. 在生日那天,妈妈终于出现了,给他带来了一套提洛尔套装和带有羽毛装饰的帽子。 news.dxy.cn 5. Will, who was retired, showed up in my introductory level course, Sex and Evolution. 就这样退休的威尔在我的课堂上出现了,听我讲授性别和进化初级课程。 www.bing.com 6. One time I took some performers to a rehearsal that was in a remote building. Surprisingly, no one else showed up. 有一次我带一些表演者去一栋偏远的建筑物预演,其他人还没到。 sm2000.org 7. A fish boat was approaching to them, W showed up and said, 'There will be a magnificent banquet, and I am the chosen cook! ' 湖中央缓缓驶过来一条鱼船,W出现了,他笑嘻嘻地说“马上会有一场盛宴,我是被选中的厨师!” blog.sina.com.cn 8. A few days after my inquiry, workers showed up at the settlement to begin wiring the homes for electricity. 经过我几日的请求,终于有工人露面了,为定居点拉线通电。 www.bing.com 9. Students showed up in the hundreds for the free lunch boxes. 有数以百计的学生来领取免费便当。 www.kuenglish.info 10. That recent trend showed up in last week's consumer-price index report. 而最近的上涨趋势在上周的消费者物价指数报告中一览无遗。 www.bing.com 1. IKEA was looking at one of her furniture factories as a potential supplier, says Dahlgren, and at one meeting, Baturina herself showed up. 达利格林提到,宜家曾看中巴图琳娜的一家家具厂作为自己未来的供货商,在一次会谈中,巴图琳娜亲自莅临会场。 dongxi.net 2. Mr. Mason may have even been secretly pleased when the e-mail showed up in the press. 当邮件在媒体公布出来时,麦森先生也许会暗暗高兴。 dongxi.net 3. "They showed up and never left so I took them in, " Pitman said of her domestic shorthair clan Marbles, Miss Kitty, Teachy and Callie. “它们来了,从没离开,所以我和它们是一家人。”,皮特曼说起她的短毛家人玛波斯,基蒂小姐、泰奇和凯利。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. A global pattern of decreased neural connectivity between the frontal lobes and the rest of autistic brain showed up on the alpha wave band. 自闭症大脑的前叶和其他部分之间降低的神经元连通性的整体模式在alpha波段上显示。 news.dxy.cn 5. The Providence Journal reported that more than 150 job seekers showed up to apply for work at the strip club. 上帝学报报道每周有超过150个求职者申请在脱衣舞厅工作。 www.dltcedu.org 6. And it was this noble trait that most vividly showed up in that tall, gentleman. 而这种高尚品质在这位身材高大、温文尔雅的男士身上最为生动地凸现出来了。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 7. Today, the homeless man who used to sleep near my condo showed up at my door wearing the business suit I gave him nearly 10 years ago. 今天,一个曾经睡在我公寓旁边的流浪汉出现在我家门口。他穿着十年前我给他的西服。 www.bing.com 8. A few moments later, a police unit showed up and the woman could be heard in the background, apparently pointing out people to the officers. 几分钟后,一名警察部队,显示了,而女人也可听到的背景下,显然,指出人的警员。 www.sjgcz.cn 9. Finally, Smith showed up, enraged to the point of incoherence--and not without reason. 史密斯终于露面了,他气急败坏,语无伦次-这倒难怪他。 dict.veduchina.com 10. He promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up. 他答应星期二来,可是一直未露面。 www.hxen.com 1. If the tendency showed up only in certain societies, it would be easier to dismiss as something we learn. 如果这种倾向只是出现在某些社会中,那么就可以很容易作为某种后天学会的东西而不被认定是一种生物天赋。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. My husband said that if I showed up at the Embassy parties, his Embassy life would be easier. 后来我丈夫说,如果我去参加他们使馆的派对,他在使馆里的日子会好过些。 www.bing.com 3. The previous day, Muhannad had showed up in Brega and spent the afternoon at the clinic. 前一天,穆罕纳德还在布雷加出现,并在医院待了一下午。 www.bing.com 4. Repeatedly, the new recruits either not showed up on the first day or quitted after a few days on board. 但一次又一次地,新招揽的员工不是在到职日不出现,就是在上工数天后就辞职。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A police put some chemicals on the piece of paper and a line of words showed up. 一位警察在一张条上涂上化学药品,一行字迹清晰地显现出来。 www.showxiu.com 6. Girls of every race and station showed up, but no ladders were ever long enough for them to reach the fruit. 结果,各家各户的姑娘都来了,可是不论她们用多高的梯子,都够不到果子。 www.dreamkidland.cn 7. The thieves dispersed the moment the police showed up . 警察一来,小偷们就四散而。 www.bing.com 8. She showed up at the party wearing nothing but her birthday suit. 她出现在聚会上的时候什么也没有穿。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Last Halloween, a five-year-old girl showed up at my doorstep wearing a tube top, miniskirt, platform shoes and eye shadow. 去年万圣节前夕,一个5岁大的小女孩出现在我家门口,她身上穿着一件直筒式抹胸(tubetop),配了一条超短裙,脚上穿着松糕鞋,脸上打着眼影。 www.bing.com 10. He showed up in a red-and-white Hawaiian shirt. 布什身穿红白相间的夏威夷式衬衫出现在宴会上。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The superstar showed up in the party last night. 那个超级巨星昨天晚上出现在派对上。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. On MRI scans, white spots showed up in the prefrontal cortex. 核磁共振扫描显示,白色斑点出现在前额叶皮层。 www.bing.com 3. It first showed up to describe a snowstorm in an Iowa newspaper in the 1870s, according to the weather service. 根据气象局的解释,于19世纪70年代,爱荷华州一家报纸首先用这个词(blizzard)来描写暴风雪。 www.bing.com 4. At 4 AM the next morning, a dozen British soldiers showed up and dug up the entire garden, but didn't find any guns. 第二天凌晨4点,一队英国士兵出现在老人家中,在花园把土地翻遍,但并没有找到任何枪支。 www.ebigear.com 5. But I waited for a whole day and no one showed up. 但我在家待了一整天也不见有人来。 www.tingroom.com 6. The tiny , black , frightened field mouse showed up in my back yard. 一只小的、黑的、令人害怕的田鼠,在我的后院出现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Five bodies showed up at my triage desk, a pale petite woman and four small children in somewhat rumpled clothing. 一下有5个人出现在我的分诊工作台前,一个脸色苍白的小个子妇女和4个穿着有些皱巴巴衣服的小孩。 www.bing.com 8. He chased the kid down the street, tackled him and sat on him until the police showed up. 他追到街头抓住那孩子,然后就骑在他身上,直到警察来才罢休。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. By the time a staffer showed up only a few days before the primary, the Loudoun County group had grown from 5 members to 2, 600. 当一位竞选工作者仅在初选的前几天出现在这里,Loudoun县的奥巴马阵营已经从五个人发展到了2600个。 www.bing.com 10. Over 100 people showed up at the site where the accident was supposed to have occurred to help drain it. 超过百人竟出现在事故发生现场,欲帮忙将那些啤酒喝净。 www.bing.com 1. About fifteen minutes later she showed up with a glass of a milky-white wine. 大约一刻钟后,她回来了,给我带了一杯奶白色的米酒。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. They were still immersed in talk of parts and pieces when I decided that I needed to head back home before Charlie showed up here. 他们还沉浸在零件和部件的话题中,看看时间,以防查理找来,也该是我离开的时候了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. A day after she arrived in Beijing with an educational group, government officials showed up at her hotel. 就在她随某教育团体到达北京的第二天,中国官员出现在她所入住的旅馆。 www.kuaiyilin.com 4. And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of 8 different designers. 接着天蓝色迅速地出现在八个不同设计师的新款中。 www.hjenglish.com 5. One warm August night he didn' t return at his normal time, and the next morning he showed up, gasping for air and bloody around the neck. 8月里一个暖和的夜晚,“小淘气”没有按时回来,第二天早上才露面。他大口喘气,脖子上都是血。 www.7880.com 6. That's more than enough to land a spot in the Guinness Book of Records and feed the hungry crowd that showed up. 这对其登陆吉尼斯世界记录以及喂饱饥饿的观众而言,已经绰绰有余了。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Shelby G-Town MD USA. A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together. 一个林务官和一个律师都在车祸中死了,他们一起来到了天国之门。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight . 在强烈的阳光下她的皱纹很显眼。 www.bing.com 9. Then Dean Smith showed up, in this powder-blue suit, and it was over. 之后,迪恩史密斯穿着粉蓝色西装出现,至此对乔丹的争夺战结束了。 dongxi.net 10. Job embraced life in unexpected, simple ways. He showed up for work, on time. 乔布用出人意表的简单拥抱生活。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Reno Mayor Bob Cashell told CNN that "700 or 800 emergency personnel showed up in a matter of minutes. " 雷诺市市长告诉CNN,700或800急救人员在短短的几分钟就出现 www.bing.com 2. He agreed and showed up to my house without any bodyguards. 他答应了,并只身一人不带任何保镖出现在我家中。 www.putclub.com 3. When 50 people showed up at my house last night thinking there was a party, I was taken by storm. 昨天晚上有50个人出现在我家的门口,(他们)以为我家开派对,这真使我大吃一惊。 www.loveunix.net 4. Still, only 20-30% of those who were invited actually showed up, he said. 然而,受邀者当中只有20%-30%的人参加了活动。 c.wsj.com 5. After a year and a half of dating, he showed up at the library and started rummaging through my desk. 在一年零六个月的约会后,他出现在了图书馆,开始在我的桌子翻寻,我问她找什么,但他没有回答我。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He never showed up and didn't respond to my texts. 但是他没有出现,也不回我的短信。 www.bucter.com 7. One recent chilly afternoon, only a few dozen spectators showed up. 在最近一个寒冷的下午,只有几十个观众到场。 dongxi.net 8. And "no one was more shocked and angry" than he when no weapons of mass destruction showed up. 而且当发现伊拉克没有大规模杀伤性武器的时候,没有人比他更“震惊和愤怒”。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. And what do you know, Bynum showed up. The missing piece. 另外你怎么看待拜纳姆的表现,可缺少的一部分? bbs.tbba.com.cn 10. At a hearing on the subject in Moscow last week, two different delegations showed up, both claiming to represent TNK-BP. 上周在莫斯科就续签问题进行的听证会上,两个不同的代表团都声称自己代表TNK-BP。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's as if there was a chili cook-off and instead of 200 people, 2, 000 showed up. 这好像一场辣椒烹饪比赛,出场的不是200人,而是2000人。 www.ibm.com 2. Yet, I knew I couldn't let this golden opportunity slip away, so I reluctantly showed up for the interview. 然而,我不能让这个黄金机会就这么溜走了,所以我勉勉强强的去参加了面试。 www.bing.com 3. The birds first showed up in Seward Park some time in the early 1990s. 早在上世纪90年代初,这些鸟儿首次出现在苏渥公园。 www.ebigear.com 4. Cursing at having to leave work early, I showed up at the school to find that all the other mothers looked uncannily like me. 带着对不得不早点下班的抱怨,我来到了学校,发现其他母亲看上去全都像我一样不安。 www.ftchinese.com 5. After saying he didn't care if Hawks fans showed up for games or not late last season, Johnson was given a hard time in the papers. 上赛季约翰逊自从说出他不在乎鹰队球迷的羞辱后,媒体恶评如潮,那是他的一段艰难时段。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. So the boring people showed up, you know the ones that make you feel like you getting your tooth pulled. 所以令人生厌的人群浮了出来,你知道吗他们让你感到自己仿佛处在一个极为困难的境地。 www.bing.com 7. the planchette-- showed up on her kitchen counter today. 那个占卜板今天早上被放在她的橱柜上了 www.kekenet.com 8. The investigation showed up the inefficiency of the management. 这次调查反映出管理效率不高。 www.liuyangriver.com 9. When my wife and I showed up at a very popular restaurant, it was crowded. 当我和我妻子到了那家非常受欢迎的餐厅时,那人很多。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. A great many members of the club showed up for the initiation. 许多俱乐部成员出席了人会仪式。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 1. In other parts of the capital, crowds jostled for access to food and water when aid workers showed up. 在太子港其他地方,每当救援人员一露面,人们就涌上来领取食品和饮用水。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. I have entertained the hope of meeting him at the wedding, but he never showed up. 我指望在婚礼上见到他,但是他始终没有出现。 tr.hjenglish.com 3. A gymnast--I am not making this up--showed up and hung by his knees from the railing. 一个体操运动员——我可没有杜撰——双膝倒挂在栏杆上。 www.elanso.com 4. The next day, Francis showed up at the Daily Scrum Meeting. 第二天,Francis出现在了每日Scrum会议上。 www.infoq.com 5. Ben Wallace's name showed up at various stages, too, and none of it came to fruition. 大本的名字也在不同的阶段出现,但是最后没有一项达成一致。 www.bing.com 6. Cambridge, England, interestingly showed up as orange; the observed and expected number of papers just about matched. 很有意思的是,英国剑桥是橘黄色的圆圈,实际论文数和预期数几乎一致。 www.bing.com 7. A large number of my former students showed up, a full room of former students. 结果我以前的那些学生把会议室给撑了个满满当当。 www.fortunechina.com 8. I had a date with Lisa at the movies last Saturday but she never showed up. 我和Lisa约好上星期六去看电影,但是她根本没来。 www.hxen.com 9. The movie star kept the reporters cooling their heels for an hour at the press conference until she showed up. 这个影星在记者会上让记者们苦等了一个小时才出现。 studioclassroom.net 10. After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses. 在失踪之后他们10岁女儿的跳舞背诵,他用一把玫瑰的花束出现次日。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Before long, travel brochures, maps, menus, bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets, baseball cards, five lottery tickets showed up. 没过多久,旅行宣传册、地图、菜单、汽车贴纸、冰箱留言签磁贴、棒球卡、五张彩票接踵而至。 www.bing.com 2. Yes, if I showed up to scratch my maple dawn came, do you believe? 是啊,我要是现身了枫晓能扑过来挠我,你信吗? www.bing.com 3. The technology was helped by the density of houses and other buildings, made of mud brick so that they showed up somewhat clearly. 这种技术利用了显现房屋和其他由泥砖建成的建筑的密度特性,因此可以显现很清晰的事物。 www.bing.com 4. Just then more Hovertanks showed up, in Gladiator mode: stumpy , two-legged walking artillery pieces the size of a house. 这时更多角斗士模式的气垫坦克出现了:敦实、双足行走的火炮系统,大小像座房屋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In places like western Washington, the spotted owl population has been cut in half since the barred owl showed up. 在华盛顿州西部这样的地方,只要横斑猫头鹰一出现,这些地方的斑点猫头鹰的数量就会下降一半。 www.bing.com 6. Are those 70, 000 people that showed up in the first day of the protests ALL Russian puppets? 难道抗争当天涌现的七万人都是俄国的傀儡吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. I was actually on campus near the front door but because so many people showed up it caused a safety hazard. 实际上那个时候我几经到了学校的正前门,结果人太多了,引起了安全威胁。 alive.tom.com 8. God showed up in Person in the burning bush. 神在燃烧的荆棘丛里向他显现。 www.liangyou.net 9. When she showed up at church in a skirt she liked, four women separately came over to her pew with clothing to cover her legs. 当她穿着自己喜欢的裙子走进教堂时,分别有四位女士走到她坐的长凳,拿衣服来盖住她的腿。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In the fall of 2007, he showed up with his children at the doorstep of his longtime friends, the Cascios, in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. 2007年秋天,他和子女们出现在长期朋友卡斯西欧家位于新泽西富兰克林湖住处的门外。 www.mjjclub.com 1. Pelz recounted(8) a story about a man who showed up to change his tire when he had a flat in Ohio five years ago. Pelz说五年前在俄亥俄汽车爆胎,一位男子出现帮他换胎。 www.ebigear.com 2. For hours, no one in the family knew where he was or what he was doing; he just showed up for meals. 他的家人不知道他那么长时间跑到哪去,或者在干嘛,他只是在吃饭的时候出现一下。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. "I really freaked out when only 15 people showed up, " he said. 他说:“当仅仅只有15个人出现时,我真的感觉到很生气”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We all thought he had been killed in the plane crash, but three days later he showed up safe and sound. 我们都以为他在收音机失事中丧生,但三天以后,他却安然无恙地出现了。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. I showed up in two years and they -- I tell this story because they really helped me. 两年后我真地到那儿了。我讲这个故事因为他们给了我很大帮助。 www.ted.com 6. The [official] union doesn't represent us and never showed up [to the talks]. (官方)工会并不代表我们,也从未(在谈判中)露面。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The biggest party was staged just outside of Buckingham Palace , where 40, 000 showed up for a pop concert . 在英国的白金汉宫外举行了最大的庆祝活动,4万多人观赏了流行音乐的演出。 www.bing.com 8. I showed up to training camp without any chance of making my target of 13 percent body fat. 等我到训练营时,我的体脂含量离13%的目标差了老远。 www.bing.com 9. Everyone showed up, he says, but he acknowledges there was 'some decreased production. ' 他说,周五那天员工们都来上班了,不过他也承认“效率有所降低”。 chinese.wsj.com 10. A few days after her Kosebasi meal, a man who'd been in the restaurant that evening showed up and bought the chair in which she had sat. 她在Kosebasi用餐后,一个那晚同在那吃饭的男子几天后过来把她坐过的凳子买走了。 www.bing.com 1. I tried it on two different Android tablets, where the content showed up and played fine via the browser. 我在两个不同的安卓系统平板电脑上做了测试。浏览器可以正常地播放或显示相关内容。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Workers said a large number of police showed up at the factory Thursday night, apparently to try to end the strike. 工厂员工说,周四晚,大批警察在工厂中出现,显然试图结束此次罢工。 chinese.wsj.com 3. I promptly returned it again. Mable's husband, Jarvis, soon showed up at my door. 很快,梅布尔的丈夫贾维斯出现在我家门口。 aa328269454.blog.163.com 4. Has he showed up in any police reports since? 他之后做过违法的事情吗? www.bing.com 5. Few lawmakers showed up a day after a suicide bomber struck inside the parliament building. 在议会大楼内发生自杀性炸弹袭击后一天,只有很少几位立法委员露面。 www.jukuu.com 6. As I blew the second puff of smoke, Euclide showed up, parting company with some other boys and riding his little bike over to me. 我正呷着第二口烟,欧几里德出现了。他跟几个男孩子道别后,蹬着自己的小自行车径直向我骑来。 www.bing.com 7. Results: Reflexes corresponding to main affected organs always showed up with outstanding positive reaction. 结果:头部器官在足部对应的反射区阳性反应最为明显; www.chemyq.com 8. The term computer hacker first showed up in the mid-1960s. 计算机黑客这个名词最初是出现在20世纪60年代中期。 www.bing.com 9. 'I didn't find fashion, it found me, ' he says, 'I just showed up, worked hard and did the best job that I could. ' 他说,不是我找到了时尚,是时尚找到了我。我只是来到这儿,努力工作,然后尽我所能的做到最好。 chinese.wsj.com 10. I forewarned him of the trouble that would arise if he showed up at his ex-wife's house. 我预先警告过他出现在他前妻那里会引起的麻烦。 www.hotdic.com |
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