单词 | senior citizens |
释义 | senior citizens是senior citizen的复数 例句释义: 〈美〉年长,老人,资深公民,老年人 1. "Senior citizens, military veterans and businesses make up the bulk of requests for government information" in the United States, he said. 他说,在美国,“老年公民、退伍军人和工商企业构成要求获得政府信息的主体。” www.america.gov 2. Mrs. Green, the reason I'm calling is to let you know about a special package tour to Europe for senior citizens. Green. 夫人,我打这个电话是想向您介绍一种专门为老年人设计的欧洲旅行套餐。 jr.e-say.com.cn 3. More than three-fourths of senior citizens are having sex, contrary to what they probably expected would be the case when they were younger. 超过四分之三的老年人存在性生活,这应该是设想中的更年轻时的数据,但事实的确如此。 www.bing.com 4. Forty-five years ago, we made a solemn compact as a nation that senior citizens would not go without the health care they need. 四十五年前,我们郑重许诺要让我们国家的每一个年老公民获得应有的医疗保健。 www.putclub.com 5. One of the passengers was a small grey man who took the bus to the centre for senior citizens every morning. 整个车厢里鸦雀无声。其中一位乘客是一位头发灰白的小个子老头,每天早上,他都乘车去老年活动中心。 www.24en.com 6. But their bricks are Chinese Mahjong! A very popular pastime among the Hutong people, especially among the senior citizens who have retired. 他们使用的是最新的砖——麻将牌。它是非常流行的消遣方式,特别在退休的老年人中倍受青睐。 www.bing.com 7. There's seventy senior citizens here saying: 'for the next generation, we don't mind settling accounts this late in life, it's worth it! ' 现场有七十多岁的老人说:为了下一代,不怕秋后算账,说值得! www.ourblogs.cn 8. The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to teach senior citizens the correct way of walking. 纽约探访护士华埠退休居民社区计划在中华公所举办讲座,教导老年人正确的走路方法。 www.showxiu.com 9. In Malaysia, a pair of senior citizens is proving that you are never too old to start a new chapter in your life. 在马来西亚,一对长者向世人证明没有人会老到无法开创人生第二春。 times.hinet.net 10. Now the hospital's administration is discussing turning it into a senior-citizens unit. 现在管理层正在讨论要不要转型为高级社康中心。 www.bing.com 1. Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head. 通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人都能周游世界。 www.huanggao.net 2. The exhibition garnered great media attention and was attended by several senior citizens including famous poet A Nam Tran Tuan Khai. 包括著名诗人ANamTranTuanKhai在内的很多重要人士参与了该展览会并引起了一些重要媒体的高度重视。 www.xici.net 3. The brochure writers and the publicists talk of the "golden years" and of "senior citizens" . 那些小册子的作者们和宣传人员在谈论什么“金色年华”和“高级公民”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. At a nursing center in Shunping County of Baoding City, Hu offered New Year greetings to senior citizens, orphans and staff of the center. 在保定市顺平县护理中心,胡主席向敬老院老年市民,孤儿和中心的员工一一拜年。 wjd54105.blog.163.com 5. But let me be clear: I am committed to making these cuts in a way that protects our senior citizens. 让我说的更清楚一些:我承诺在保护我们老年人的利益的前提下来达成这些费用削减。 www.caikuu.com 6. The ratio of elders and children to total population drops since then as the number of senior citizens sharply rises. 自此之后,中国老年人加小孩占总人口的比例开始下降,老年人口比重正大幅提高。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 7. From infants to senior citizens, immunization prevents debilitating illness, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases. 从婴儿到老年人,免疫接种能够防止疫苗可预防疾病引起使人衰弱的疾患、残疾和死亡。 www.who.int 8. German middle-aged visitors or visitors of senior citizens are the majority on the market. They come to Guilin mainly for sightseeing. 德国游客以中老年居多,他们到桂林旅游以观光为主,并且注重自然环境,热爱自然,关注中国人的日常生活。 cnki.gzlib.gov.cn 9. Conservative Christians, cancer patients, burn victims and senior citizens, among others, have shown surprising interest. 保守的天主教徒、癌症患者、烧伤患者和老年人,还有其他很多人,都对此产生极大的兴趣。 www.bing.com 10. President Obama promised senior citizens that the reforms will not cut their guaranteed benefits. 奥巴马总统向老年公民承诺,医疗改革不会削减向他们保证过的利益。 bbs.koolearn.com 1. Five years ago the state of Arizona, with lots of senior citizens, launched a campaign to educate its people about hands-only CPR. 五年前,亚利桑那州的许多老人发起一次教育人们只用手的心脏复苏术的活动。 www.bing.com 2. The best place to be old is Japan, where senior citizens make up 20 percent of the population. 最适宜养老的是日本,在日本老年人占人口的20%。 www.ttxyy.com 3. Senior citizens who spent their time restricted to their living quarters had a higher chance of developing dementia, a new study finds. 一项新的研究表明,长时间在他们的居住场所打发时间的年长居民,更容易发展为痴呆。 www.bing.com 4. Senior citizens across the world love keeping their brains busy with crossword puzzles, sudoku or word jumbles. 全世界的老年人都喜欢玩填字游戏、数独或是拼字游戏,不让大脑闲下来。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. From teenagers to senior citizens, every new relationship feels like a sure thing -- until it isn't. 从青少年到成年公民,每段新的恋情看上去都很可靠,直到它变得不可靠为止。 www.bing.com 6. The poorest members of the congregation, a group of senior citizens from a housing project, responded the most enthusiastically. 回应最踊跃的是会友中最贫穷的一群,他们是来自房屋资助计画的长者。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. People hold various activities in honor of senior citizens, wishing them good health and a long life. 每当佳节来临,人们都要举办各种敬老活动,祝愿老年人步步登高,健康长寿。 bbs.cnnb.com 8. "Senior citizens are becoming increasingly fragile, both physically and spiritually, " Yang said. “高级知识分子在身体和精神上变的越来越脆弱,”杨说。 ourtra.netat.net 9. The project provided senior citizens with household necessities and other amenities and companionship with young members of the community. 该计划提供了退休老人家庭必需品和其他福利设施并与该社区年轻成员的交往。 dict.bioon.com 10. In Beijing, as China prepared for the 2008 Olympics, I used to visit an English class for senior citizens. 在中国为2008年奥运会做准备的时候,我曾经拜访过北京一家专为老年人开设的英语培训班。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The senior citizens also like to use the ferry bus for traveling between the home and park or supermarket. 其他时间乘坐摆渡车的主要是一些去公园锻炼或去超市购物的老年人。 i.myechinese.com 2. Zhao says that even senior citizens can pick it up - and about 10, 000 in Shanghai have , many inspired by their grandchildren . 赵曾茂称,即便是老年人也能弹奏钢琴——上海约有1万名老年人学习钢琴,其中许多人是受到自己孙子孙女们的鼓动。 www.bing.com 3. It's ideal for the young. It's perfect for the old. Anybody can learn it, from kindergarten kids to senior citizens. 这对年轻人很理想。对老年人也很完美。从幼儿园小朋友到老年人,人人可以学。 www.obe.com.cn 4. When riding the escalators, senior citizens or small children should be attended by other guardians. 老人、小孩乘电扶梯应有其他成年人陪同监护。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Because of slow movements, tai chi chuan, also known as shadow boxing, is frequently associated exclusively with senior citizens. 由于慢动作的招式,太极拳常被认为是仅与老年人相关的运动。 www.readywin.com 6. Senior citizens only had to pay 5 yuan for a day's care and entertainment. 老人每天的日常护理和消费只有5块钱。 www.acsf.cn 7. Agedness Travel Service Heartland ? Senior Citizens Travel Services ? 老年旅行服务中心? wenku.baidu.com 8. Senior citizens, in particular, will vote against any changes to healthcare and retirement programmes. 特别是,年长选民将反对任何修改医保和退休金计划的举措。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Senior citizens of elder generation such as my granny are a little feudal-minded. They often remember us of the etiquette on dining tables. 我们奶奶那一辈的老人思想有点封建,经常会提醒我们在餐桌上的礼节。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Senior Citizens are not properly taken care of in this country. Elders are no longer the respected heads of the household. 老年人受不到合理的照顾,在家庭也不再受人尊重。 www.elanso.com 1. Senior citizens, who take honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts, are more alert and flexible. 服用等量的蜂蜜和肉桂粉,老年的公民能更精神、身體更具柔韌性。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He had taught adults, college students and even senior citizens, but this was altogether different. 他教过成人、大学学生甚至老人,但是这次完全不同。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 3. When we came nearer to the centre for senior citizens, one of the passengers asked the driver to wait. 当我们来到老年人中心附近的时候,一个乘客让司机停下来等一下。 www.bing.com 4. Most of her customers are senior citizens who pay only $8 for a cut, and they are spacing out their visits. 她的大部分顾客是老年人,每次理发只用8美元,而且这些老年顾客光顾的次数也越来越少了。 www.bing.com 5. 100 shops are designed to appeal to a growing population of penny-pinching housewives and senior citizens. 这些百元店意在吸引越来越多精打细算的家庭主妇和老年人。 www2.tianyablog.com 6. Researchers recruited almost 1300 senior citizens, none of whom showed any signs of clinical dementia at the start of the study. 研究者征募了差不多1300名年长居民,研究最初没有人呈现出痴呆的临床特征。 www.bing.com 7. But there is a gap between the growing demand for care for senior citizens and what professional bodies in this field can offer. 但是,有差距的需求日益增加照顾长者和专业机构在这方面可以提供。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The communist government of Cuba has said it will stop funding heavily-subsidized cigarettes for its senior citizens. 古巴共产主义政府表示,他们将终止高龄公民享用的提供大幅补助的香烟。 club.topsage.com 9. His mother, who is a pious woman, always tries to help senior citizens who live alone. 他的母亲是一个虔诚的女人,总是尽力帮助独居的老年人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Now Razeena was thinking about Christmas and admiring the holiday lights at the nearby senior citizens' apartment complex. 此时,拉泽娜正一边想着圣诞节,一边欣赏附近老年公寓里的节日灯光。 www.hotdic.com 1. There are a few seats on buses reserved for senior citizens and the pregnant . 公共汽车上设有一些老人和孕妇的专座。 www.bing.com 2. So, I think the senior citizens would live better with family rather than alone in a nursing home . 所以,我觉得老人和家庭同住会好过单独呆在养老院。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Chinese virgins, senior citizens, Little League parents. . . doesn't anybody just pay General Admission anymore? 中国的处女们,上了年纪的老人,棒球联盟的父母…--这还有人付入场费了没? www.miltt.com 4. In view of Singapore's ageing population, he proposed in Parliament for senior citizens to undergo annual community health screening. 有鉴于新加坡人口急速老化,洪茂诚在国会上建议,为乐龄人士提供常年社区体检服务。 www.ntu.edu.sg 5. Video games and hip-hop music are unlikely tools for doctors hoping to improve the health of senior citizens. 电子游戏和街舞音乐不太是医生希望能老年人健康的工具。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Gaby: Listen, nurse. I know you spend your days emptying bedpans. And shaving the groins of senior citizens, but there's no drama here. 加比:听着,小护士,我知道你整天就是倒倒便盆,给老人们剃剃毛,但少来八卦我解闷。 show.kekenet.com 7. Reading new things and discovering new hobbies give many senior citizens a new purpose to their lives and keep them active and happy. 学习些新的知识,发现新的爱好,会使许多老年人产生新的生活目的,并使他们保持活力和幸福愉快。 dict.bioon.com 8. This restaurant offers special discounts for senior citizens. 这家餐厅为年长者提供特别的折扣。 studioclassroom.net 9. Congregate living facilities for senior citizens. 为老年人设立的公共生活设施 www.hxen.com 10. The target audience is Australian senior citizens or adults who care for senior citizens. 目标受众是澳大利亚公民或成年人谁高级高龄的照顾。 www.bing.com 1. work conscientiously to ensure that senior citizens and the disabled are properly cared for. 认真做好老龄人口的工作,关心和加强残疾人事业。 igarden.dlut.edu.cn 2. Financial scams are also a threat, with senior citizens often being targeted. 金融诈骗案也威胁社会大众,通常歹徒会找银发族下手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The private sector is being encouraged to build group homes for senior citizens with senile dementia. 鼓励民间企业为老年痴呆病人建立集体家庭。 www.metro.tokyo.jp 4. Democrats say the plan would take away some senior citizens' medical benefits. 但民主党人表示,这个计划将带走一些年长老人的医疗福利。 www.tingclass.com 5. Who should be responsible for our senior citizens has been widely discussed. 谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里被广泛讨论。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Objective Urinates the incontinence reason analysis to 63 example senior citizens and nursing. 目的:对63例老年人尿失禁的原因进行分析并探讨护理体会。 www.chemyq.com 7. Some seats on buses and MRT are reserved for senior citizens and handicapped people. 在公车及捷运上有些座位保留给老年人及残障者。 www.ep66.com.cn 8. Hongkong Tramways offered half price for senior citizens. 电车推出长者半价优惠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. While having more than one child might mean more care for senior citizens from their children, this alone cannot solve the problem. 虽然有一个以上的孩子可能意味着更多的照顾老人和自己的孩子,这并不能单独解决这个问题。 www.dltcedu.org 10. There will be more senior citizens to be supported by fewer young people. 更多的老人必须由更少的年轻人奉养。 yingyuzuowen.org 1. It is also essential in securing senior citizens' rights and interests and raising their living standards. “社会责任”的明确关系到老年人生存权利的有效保障、也关系到老年人生活质量的提高。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The cultural lives are of great importance to senior citizens', and there are many factors confining the development of the lives. 老年文化生活对提高老年生活质量有着十分重要的作用,而制约老年文化生活发展的因素也是多方面的。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Of the number of eligible senior citizens who have not yet applied for Senior Citizen Cards, and the reasons therefor? 目前,尚有多少合资格长者未有申请长者卡,原因为何? www.legco.gov.hk 4. Senior citizens in this state account for more than 25 percent of the population. 该州的老年人占总人口的25%以上。 wenku.baidu.com 5. I plan on either being a beluga whale trainer or working with senior citizens. 我会去当白鲸鱼的训练手,或者做义工。 tieba.baidu.com 6. "Shanghai has become an aging society with many single senior citizens, " Shao says. 上海已经开始进入老龄化社会,并且拥有大量的单身老年人。 www.bing.com 7. Senior citizens in South China may speed their whole day in teahouses. 在中国南方,老人们可以一整天呆在茶馆里。 www.hebeitour.gov.cn 8. Li is now at a social working group in Beijing. Her daily responsibilities include assisting a house for senior citizens in the district. 李现在在北京一个社会工作团体工作。她的日常职责包括协作该地区一间老人院的工作。 www.hxen.com 9. This will help to insure that our senior citizens enjoy good health and have fewer medical bills. 这将有助于确保我们的老年公民享受到健康,并减少几笔医疗开支。 www.proftrans.com 10. Retirees when senior citizens or people 65 and older would be more precise? 当你把超过65岁的老人说成是退休人员时,这是否准确? www.bing.com 1. Senior citizens can benefit from having a pet to keep them company. 有一只宠物相伴对老年人很有好处。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 2. Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly senior citizens. 六个愚蠢的姐妹把丝绸卖给了六个有病的老居民。 www.tvsou.com 3. Six silly sisters sold silk to six sickly senior citizens. 六个傻姐妹把丝绸卖给了六位有病的老年市民。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. More than half of the programs in the study also reported an increase in children and senior citizens using the services. 被调查的项目中有超过半数同时报告了接受接济的儿童和老年人数量不断增长。 www.xmwaiyu.com 5. Who will be responsible for senior citizens is cared about by us. 我们所关心的是谁对老年人负责。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Look, this isthe lost weekend for juniors, not senior citizens. 这是少年参加的迷失周末老人靠边站 www.tingclass.net 7. Most senior citizens want to remain active after they retire. 大多数的老人希望在退休后仍能保持活力。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Old people are called senior citizens or golden-agers. 老年人被称为年长公民或者金色年华的人。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. New figures now suggest the number of senior citizens in China is expected to reach 35-percent of the population by 2053. 据新数据表明,中国老年人口在2053年将达到总人口的35%。 www.kekenet.com 10. But in America today, our senior citizens don't feel the urgency. Neither does President Obama. 但在今日的美国,我们的老年公民没有感到这种紧迫感,奥巴马总统也没有。 c.wsj.com 1. But in America today, our senior citizens don't feel the urgency. Neither does President Obama. 但在今日的美国,我们的老年公民没有感到这种紧迫感,奥巴马总统也没有。 c.wsj.com 2. This expression is really more for senior citizens in America although it is popular in British English. 尽管这个表达在英国英语中很流行,但在美国只有老年人才这么说。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. Concession includes children aged between 3 and 11 years and senior citizens over 65. 只限3至11岁儿童及65岁以上长者。 www.discoverhongkong.com 4. medical care, and the development of public facilities for senior citizens. 医疗福利,老年人公共设施发展问题, www.hxen.com 5. Analysts say there is dismay in Japan that a rich, efficient society could have lost track of its senior citizens to such a degree. 分析家认为高度富足、高效的日本社会竟然存在如此惊人的失踪老人案件,令日本全国上下惊愕不已。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. There are some changes carried out to improve the welfare policy for senior citizens. [翻译]有些为了改善老人福利制度的改动已经实施了。 www.hxen.com 7. While the senior citizens are small in number they have the time to write a lot of letters to congress and make their views known. 资深公民的人数虽少,但他们有的是时间可以写信给国会议员表达民意。 www.suntzu4u.com.tw 8. Cantonese Opera is a traditional Hong Kong performing art that remains highly popular among senior citizens here. 粤剧一直是备受长者锺爱的表演艺术。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 9. Our country has entered a society of senior citizens since 2003. 2003年我国已正式进入老龄社会。 www.fabiao.net 10. Safety of Medication and Relevant Influencing Factors among the Senior Citizens in Shanghai Communities 上海社区老年人用药安全及影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 1. A Study of the Absorption of Rural Senior Citizens'Marriage to Commercial Endowment Insurance 农村老年居民婚姻状况对商业养老保险的吸附力研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Senior Citizens Gain Foothold in Blogosphere, Find Sense of Community Online 老年博客在博客圈内找到了网上社区的感觉 blog.hexun.com 3. Influence factors analysis of quality of life of Nantong senior citizens in community college 南通市老年大学学员生存质量影响因素分析 service.ilib.cn 4. A Comparative Study of Sports Activities of Senior Citizens in the City and Countryside 农村与城市老年体育现状比较研究 5. Dr Ching urged the public, especially senior citizens and people with chronic medical conditions, to adopt the following precautions 程医生提醒市民尤其是长者及长期病患者,采取以下预防措施 www.chp.gov.hk 6. Briefly on Social Stratification and Life of Senior Citizens 浅谈社会分层与老年人生活 www.ilib.cn 7. Instructing Senior Citizens'Recreational Activity with the Olympic Spirit 用奥林匹克精神指导老年文体活动 www.ilib.cn 8. Consideration of the Issue Concerning the Social Security for Senior Citizens in Rural Areas 对农村老年人社会保障问题的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. Certificate in Computer Knowledge for Senior Citizens Graduation Ceremony 长者电脑证书课程毕业典礼 www.q9tech.com 10. Researches to the Influence of Shadowboxing to the Sports Function of Senior Citizens'Legs 太极拳对老年人下肢运动机能影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. An Investigation and Study on the Physical Conditions of Senior Citizens in Tableland Area of Qinghai Province 青藏高原地区老年人体质状况的调查与研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Investigation on the Current Situation of Sports Consumption of Middle-aged and Senior Citizens in Taiyuan 太原市中老年人体育消费现状调查研究 www.ilib.cn 3. A survey in 2007 for the AARP, an American senior-citizens' lobby, found that more than a fifth of respondents wanted greener burials; 2007年,据一个美国老年人游说团体AARP的调查发现:多于五分之一的被调查者想要更加环保的葬礼; www.ecocn.org 4. Health education of senior citizens with hypertriglyceridemia in the community 对社区甘油三酯增高老年人的健康教育 ilib.cn 5. Analysis on Influence Factors of Life Among Community College Senior Citizens In Yinchuan 银川市老年大学学员生存质量影响因素分析 service.ilib.cn 6. The Characteristics and Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Disc Protrusion in Senior Citizens 老年腰椎间盘突出症的特点及外科治疗 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of the abnormity of lipemia in community senior citizens in Chongqing city 重庆市社区老年人血脂异常特征分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on the subjective well-being scale for Chinese citizens'applying to the senior citizens 中国城市居民主观幸福感量表在老年群体中的应用 service.ilib.cn 9. The Contradiction of the Senior Citizens'Needs in China and the Developmental Direction of their Welfare Services 我国老年人的需求矛盾及老年福利服务发展方向 service.ilib.cn 10. Effects of Physical Exercise on the Mood State of Senior Citizens 体育锻炼对老年人心境影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of health conditions of 560 senior citizens and discussion of the related nursing interventions 老年人560名健康状况分析及护理对策探讨 service.ilib.cn 2. Effects of Long-term Yang-ge Exercise on the Mood State of Senior Citizens 长期秧歌舞练习对城市老年人心境的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Current Situation and Development Strategy of Sports of Anhui Senior Citizens 安徽省城市老年体育现状与发展对策研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Design of Residential Environment of Residence for Senior Citizens 试论老年住宅的居住环境设计 wenku.baidu.com 5. Analysis of the Feasibility and Necessity of Developing Sports Dance in Minddle-aged Men and Senior Citizens 在老年人群中推广普及体育舞蹈的必要性及可行性分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Clinical analysis and medical interference of maxillofacial trauma in 312 senior citizens 312例老年人颌面创伤临床分析与医学干预 www.ilib.cn 7. Discussion on exploitation of human resources of senior citizens 老年人才开发的几点思考 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on the Influence of Taijiquan on Senior Citizens'Mental Health 太极拳对老年人心理健康的影响研究 www.ilib.cn 9. A Research on the Present Condition of Senior Citizens'Sporting Lives in Fujian Coastal Areas 福建沿海农村老年人体育生活现状研究 www.ilib.cn 10. carry out make an operation on sb. senior citizens people with disabilities 执行;实施给某人做手术老年市民;老年人残疾人 wenku.baidu.com 1. Positive Research on Demands of Senior Citizens'Service 城市老年人服务需求的实证研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Internet and Discourse of the Senior Citizens 网络与老年人话语 www.ilib.cn 3. The Present Conditions of Beijing's Female Senior Citizens and the Trend of Future Development 北京市女性老年人口的现状及未来发展趋势分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Outdoors Space Design of Senior Citizens Living Areas in Urban 城市老年住宅区的户外空间设计 www.ilib.cn 5. On Enriching Senior Citizens'Cultural Lives 关于丰富老年文化生活的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Design for Zhejiang Senior Citizens College 浙江老年大学设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Senior citizens council of Ottawa-carleton 渥太华-卡尔顿地区老年人议会 www.communityaction.org.cn 8. Happy Apartments for Senior Citizens 幸福公寓里的幸福老人 www.ilib.cn 9. Work FOR the betterment of senior citizens 为改善老年人的处境而工作 dict.ebigear.com 10. Research on Aerobic Exercise and the Senior Citizens 老年人与有氧运动能力的相关研究 www.ilib.cn 1. The Influence of Taijiquan Exercise on the Anxious Level of Senior Citizens 太极拳锻炼对老年人焦虑水平的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. On Sports and Health of the Senior Citizens 论我国的老年体育与健康 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Aging Problem of Beijing and the Consumption of Senior Citizens 北京人口老龄化与老年消费行为研究 www.ilib.cn 4. aims to supply individual care based on expectations of different senior citizens; 针对不同老年人期望值,提供个性化居家养老服务; paper.pet2008.cn 5. Legal Protection of Spiritual Rights for Senior Citizens in the Family 家庭中老年人精神性权益的法律保护 www.ilib.cn 6. Code for design of senior citizens building 老人建筑设计规范 www.cchvacc.com 7. The Opportunities and Challenges of An Aging Population to Senior Citizens in China 人口老龄化对我国成人教育的挑战 www.ilib.cn 8. The Impacts of AIDS on Female Senior Citizens 关注艾滋病对老年妇女的影响 service.ilib.cn 9. An Analysis of the Life Quality of the Retired and Senior Citizens in Yuxi and Influencing Factors 玉溪市离退休老年人生命质量及其影响因素研究 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Clinical Analysis of Pneumonia in 46 Senior Citizens 老年肺炎46例临床分析 www.ilib.cn 1. A Comparative Approach toward Senior Citizens'Happiness and Depression in China's Urbanization 城市化进程中被征地老年农民的幸福度和抑郁水平的比较研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Visiting a Senior Citizens Home 探望老人之家 sm2000.org 3. Welfare and China's Senior Citizens 幸福离中国老人有多远 www.ilib.cn 4. The Problem of Poor Senior Citizens of Urban China 中国城市贫困老年人问题 service.ilib.cn 5. The Innovative Thinking on Senior Citizens'Work in Pudong New District 浦东新区老龄工作的创新思维 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Self care of senior citizens in winter strategy 冬季里老年人的自我保健 www.ilib.cn 7. Provide a Better Life for Senior Citizens 给老人过得更好 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Improving the Life Quality of Senior Citizens in our Harmonious Society 提高老年生活质量与构建和谐社会 www.ilib.cn 9. The Development and Characteristics of the Education for Senior Citizens in China 我国老年教育的发展及特征 www.ilib.cn |
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