单词 | shot out |
释义 | 例句释义: 喷出 1. With the financial heart shot out of the economy, tax revenues have fallen dramatically just as social spending has increased. 随着金融中心在经济中的脱颖而出,财政收入却迅猛骤降,相反,社会开销却处于上升趋势。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the midnight, police first shot out the engine on the boat which he stole , then shouted to him in the public water of this area. 午夜时分,警方先是击中了他所盗船只的引擎,之后在该片公开水域向其喊话。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. In the initial hail of gunfire, before being able to fire a shot, he had his M4 shot out of his hands taking part of a finger. 在最初的冰雹的枪声,才能火一声枪响,他让他的M4突然伸出他的手参加一个手指。 afsbbs.com 4. My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。 www.bing.com 5. Their raft drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy. 他们的筏子被吸入了急流之中,随着速度不断提升,他们从意大利南部的一个火山中射了出去。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. "We saw this fish pounce a couple of times, " says photographer Tim Laman. "His mouth shot out and back in a fraction of a second. " “我们见过这只鱼的数次突袭,”摄影师提姆.雷曼说,“它的嘴一开一合仅需一瞬间。” www.ebigear.com 7. In the end, their raft is drawn into a fast stream and with ever increasing speed they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy. 最后,他们的小筏子被卷进一条湍急的小溪,随着逐步加快的速度和逐步升高的气温,他们从意大利南部的一座火山中被抛射出来了。 res.qzhi.com.cn 8. Movies are often shot out of sequence, but this scene in 'Spider-Man' appears to be a pretty big oversight. 电影通常不是按情节顺序拍摄的,但是蜘蛛侠的这个镜头也太疏忽了。 www.bing.com 9. I had just turned the corner when something the size of a watermelon shot out at me. 我刚刚拐过弯去,就有一个像西瓜那么大的东西向我冲来。 www.24en.com 10. The liquid boiled quickly and a few drops shot out of the test tube and just missed Paul's face. 液体迅速的沸腾起来,几滴液体从试管弹出并刚刚好没打到保罗的脸。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The plane blasted into the air like a bullet shot out of a rifle, and soon we were at 2, 000 feet and climbing. 飞机像离膛的子弹射入空中,很快我们升到了2,000英尺的高空,并在继续爬升。 www.tingclass.net 2. Sperm #1: I'm not getting shot out of that thing. What if he's masturbating ? I'm liable to end up on the ceiling. 精子一号:我不要从那个东西被射出去。万一这傢伙在自慰怎麽办?我可能会跑到天花板上去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We were both driving along Harbour Road when a small white Ford suddenly shot out of a side road. 2〉当突然射击离旁道路的小的白色福特时,我们两个正在沿着港口道路驾驶。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Another checked the bus tires police shot out to prevent the hostage-taker from moving out of a police cordon. 另一组则检查了被警方击中的大巴轮胎,警方当时这么做是为了防止劫犯逃离封锁区。 c.wsj.com 5. In several cases, rogue satellites have been shot out of the sky to prevent them crashing to Earth. 在许多场合中,失控的卫星被射向太空,以避免与地球相撞。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Second, increase the distance from the final force, reduce force time to dart shot out with the greatest speed. 第二,加大最后用力距离,缩短用力时间,给标枪以最大的出手出速度。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. He shot out his arm and grabbed the ball. 他手臂一伸抓住了球。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. RaVi shot out his hand and grabbed at the sweets. He stuffed some into his jacket pocket. 拉维猛地伸出一只手,抓起一把糖果,塞进夹克衫的口袋里。 www.haotushu.com 9. After I cleaned it, filled it up, and jumped in, I pressed the jets. Immediately, thousands of dead moths shot out at full speed towards me. 在我打扫完后,充满水,我跳了进去,然后按下喷水的开关,很快地,上千的虫子尸体以最大速度向我身上喷过来。 hometown.scau.edu.cn 10. George shot out of his seat like a kangaroo fleeing a bush fire. 他一下子从座位上蹿了出去,就像一只袋鼠逃离着火的草丛。 app.fortunechina.com 1. Flames and smoke shot out of two floors of the building and debris rained down. 大火及浓烟从建筑物的两层楼中涌出,残骸碎片坠如雨下。 dict.bioon.com 2. A pulse kinship and million wisp of emotions and thoughts, all in eastern singing xiao, night blow, glow shot out of the giant elegance! 一脉血缘,万缕情思,尽在东方唱晓、喷薄吼叫、霞光飞射的伟人风采! www.cntingshu.com 3. The great white shot out of the water, thrashing Endris like a wet towel. 大白鲨冲出水面,像一条湿毛巾一样打在Endris身上。 www.bing.com 4. Instead his right hand shot out like a projectile, targeting the man's right hand as it closed around a beer glass. 他的右手就像子弹一样击出,对着那个人伸向啤酒瓶的右手。 bbs.3dmgame.com 5. The red light shot out of the watch and on the wall, carving a hole. 红色的激光从表里射了出来,在墙上弄了个洞。 www.bing.com 6. He shot out of the door after her. 他冲出门去追赶她。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. They had been parked sideways, their giant tires shot out, presumably by Gadhafi soldiers hoping to blunt the rebel onslaught. 他们一直停泊在横盘整理,巨型轮胎射了出去,大概是由卡扎菲希望生硬的反叛冲击士兵。 www.maynet.cn 8. Challenged to a duel, the officer won, only to have his horse shot out from under him by another enemy soldier. 二人比剑决斗,军官获胜,但他跨下的坐骑却被另一名敌兵射杀。 www.bing.com 9. Flames 20-30 feet high shot out of the building, just north of the landmark CCTV tower designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. 火焰有20-30英尺高冲出这座建筑,位于由荷兰建筑师RemKoolhaas设计的标志性建筑CCTV新主楼的北部。 www.bing.com 10. The engine coughed. Flames shot out of it. 引擎发出阵阵声响,火苗窜了起来。 www.thnu.edu.cn 1. Each time Fergie wore Missoni in Cannes last week, the brand shot out a release. 上个月,每次菲姬在戛纳穿上Missoni,这个品牌都会发布新闻稿。 www.voa365.com 2. When current is interrupted Crystal bounce back to its original location, at the same time a drop of ink shot out through the nozzle. 当电流洋断时,晶体不正弹回本来的场所,同时不兵一滴微量的墨水堵住喷嘴射出去。 www.bing.com 3. Hallways collapsed, flames shot out of a men's room. 过道坍塌,男盥洗室喷出火焰。 www.bing.com 4. like a heart shot out of a gun. 如同心脏脱颖而出一支枪。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed. 那辆敞篷汽车撞车时把司机抛出车外。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I was shot out of a cannon! I could have died! 我被当炮弹射出去!我可能会死! blog.sina.com.cn 7. Her father's open hand shot out immediately and caught her on the side of the face. 他父亲张开的大手迅速扇过去,打在她的脸上。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. 'I was in the birth canal for three days, ' he proclaims with a poker face, 'so when I came out, I really shot out. “我母亲在那条小河道里生了三天才把我生下来,”他面无表情地说:“所以,当我一出生,我就在大喊。” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When he remonstrated with the dealers, they smashed up his car and shot out 58 windows in his church. 他向那些毒贩提出抗议,可他们砸烂了他的车,并射穿了教堂58块玻璃窗户。 www.ecocn.org 10. when my feet shot out from under me and I flipped into the tarry mess a second time. 时,我的双脚突然一滑,我第二次趴到了那堆柏油上面。 www.eol.cn 1. shot out of a side road and nearly hit me. 有一辆汽车冷不防从岔道上冲出,险些撞着我。 www.jukuu.com 2. they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy. 他们被急流冲出了位于意大利南部的一座火山。 www.tingroom.com 3. Water is hurried from the land into rivers, then shot out into the sea. 水匆匆从土地流向河流,然后流入大海。 newssgo.com 4. The seed sprouted, shot out the slender stems and leaves, grew the buds and bloomed the pure white flowers. 种子发了芽,伸出纤细的茎和叶,结出花蕾,开出洁白的花朵。 bbs.tingroom.com 5. With the conclusion, can you explain how the bullet in the air gun is shot out? 你能用刚才的结论解释空气枪的子弹为什么会被射出去吗? www.cbern.com 6. The 19 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, including Midway, receive massive quantities of trash shot out from the gyres. 包括中途岛在内的夏威夷群岛中的十九个岛屿,就会收到环流射出的大量垃圾。 newztf.blog.163.com 7. Close the gunk flashboard and shot out all the plastics in the barrel under manual condition. 关上料斗闸板,用手动状态将筒内的全部塑料对空射完。 www.elanso.com 8. A car suddenly shot out of a side road and nearly hit me. 有一辆汽车冷不防从岔道上冲出,险些撞著我。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Finally its mouth gaped and its pink - white tongue shot out stiffly . 最后它张着大口,红里透白的舌头直挺挺地吐了出来。 www.bing.com 10. Broken fragments shot out and injured the metal worker and a nearby worker. 砂轮碎片击中该名切割工人及一名邻近的工人。 www.oshc.org.hk 1. They shot out of the classroom when the bell rang. 铃声一响他们就冲出了教室。 www.allwinworld.net 2. "Ping" . . . the pea is shot out. It says happily: I will fly to the sky! “砰”的一声,豌豆射了出去。这颗豌豆欢呼着说:“我要飞上天上去啦。” bbs.ebigear.com 3. The cat shot out of the house with the dog behind her. 猫飞速跑出房子,狗在后面紧追。 it.bab.la 4. The kids shot out of the house as soon as they heard the song of the icecream chock. 当小朋友一听到冰淇淋车子的声音立刻冲到门外。 studioclassroom.net 5. When asked, Tom shot out a sudden peal of laughtr. 当问到他的时候,汤姆突然发出了一阵大笑。 www.jukuu.com 6. Water shot out of the geyser. 水自间歇泉喷出。 film.livid.cn 7. When the starter gave the signal, all the players shot out from the starting point. 发令员的信号一发出,所有的运动员从起点上冲了出去。 www.engnety.com 8. When the blank was fired, the bullet shot out and hit Lee in the abdomen , He fell down instantly. Lee's heart stopped in the ambulance. 枪响之后,子弹射出击中他的腹部,他立即倒地。他的心脏在救护车中停止跳动。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Like a bullet, the runner shot out . 一位运动员像子弹一样冲了出去。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. A laser is shot out, and then it's read by a detector, producing an almost perfect reading. 一束激光发出,被一个探测器接收,产生一个几乎完美的接收。 www.bing.com 1. Then, quick as a striking snake, his hand shot out and grabbed her arm. 接着,他的手伸了出来,快如出击的游蛇,一把拽住了她的手臂。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The lizard's tongue shot out and scooped up the fly. 蜥蜴的舌头突然伸出来把苍蝇卷入口中。 www.hotdic.com 3. The arrow shot out into the air. 箭朝空中射出。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. The tongue shot out suddenly, a thin, yellow flash. 啜食者的舌头突然闪电般射出,一道细细的黄光。 blog.tianya.cn 5. How can the bullet in the air gun be shot out? 空气枪的子弹为什么会射出去? www.cbern.com 6. When the school bus pulled up Monday afternoon, children shot out and scattered over the snowy fields. 周一下午,校车停下来的时候,孩子们纷纷涌出,分散到了白雪覆盖的田地上。 cn.nytimes.com 7. One big mottled arm shot out and caught Toad by a fore- leg, while the other - gripped him fast by a hind - leg. 一只粗大的满是斑点的胳臂闪电般地伸过来。抓住蟾蜍的一条前腿,另一只胳臂牢牢地抓住他的一条后腿,就势一抡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. God. More than half the bottle shot out. 天啊。大半瓶都喷出去了。 m.nciku.com 9. As the car hit the tree the occupants were shot out . 汽车被撞在树上的时候,车里的人被摔了出来。 www.hotdic.com 10. Shot out at the feet of God entirely naked! 光着身子被射到上帝脚下! www.putclub.com 1. Shot out her ARM to prevent the Bottle from falling. 伸出她的手臂来抵挡掉下来的那个饼子 dict.ebigear.com 2. The snake shot out its tongue. 蛇突然把舌头伸出。 www.powerdict.com 3. As the car hit the tree he was shot out. 汽车撞在树上,他被猛地摔了出来。 www.1stenglish.com 4. The snake's tongue shot out. 蛇飞快地吐出芯子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A long jet of water shot out of her nose 一股长长的水柱从她的鼻子喷射而出 zhidao.baidu.com 6. 'Cause when I'm a bullet shot out of a gun 因为那时我是一颗射出的子弹 wenwen.soso.com 7. It spun out of orbit and shot out the black hole 这拉长了它的轨道然后射进了黑洞 zhidao.baidu.com |
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