单词 | set up in | ||||
释义 | set up in
例句释义: 建成,投入使用 1. The change, they said, had been forced on them by the Office of the Schools Adjudicator, set up in 1998 to police admissions. 他们之所以作出如此改变是迫于学校调解委员会(OfficeoftheSchoolsAdjudicator)的压力,该委员会于1998年用于警察录取而成立。 www.ecocn.org 2. James, the youngest, was told to set-up a bank in Paris; Salomon set-up a bank in Vienna; and Carle set-up in Naples. 最年轻的詹姆斯,被要求在巴黎设置一家银行;所罗门在维也纳建立了一间银行;和卡尔在那不勒斯设置。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. It was sort of set up in a way it's gonna be mother hunting son and possibly even maybe sister hunting brother. 在某种程度上将设置成类似母亲追捕儿子,甚或是妹妹追捕哥哥这样的形式。 www.mtime.com 4. So far, State Street has paid out two-thirds of the assets of a $625m legal reserve fund, set up in late 2007. 道富银行在2007年末设立了规模达6.25亿美元的法定准备基金,迄今为止,该行已支付了其中三分之二的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 5. New classes are being launched around the USA and franchises have been set up in Ireland and Italy. Sessions are now springing up in the UK. 这种新型的瑜伽课程在全美国与雨后春笋版迅速传播开来,并且还在爱尔兰和意大利开枝散叶,现在更是流行到了英国。 www.ebigear.com 6. First of all, Dell's divided into different teams, and the team adjusted to a common goal, the company set up in all the same reward system. 首先,戴尔把公司分为不同的团队,并且把团队调整到共同的目标,在全公司建立起同样的奖励系统。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Johnson, Dingee and a third soldier, Robert Hooker, were set up in a bunker at the top of the hill as the fight started. 这场战斗开始时,约翰逊,迪丹吉和另一个士兵,罗伯特胡克,守在山顶上的一个地堡里。 www.bing.com 8. OK, how is all this complex circuitry set up in the brain? 好了,脑中为什么会有如此复杂的回路呢? www.ted.com 9. However, due to the scarcity of human transplantable organs, many limits have to be set up in the application of organ transplantation. 但由于人体可供移植器官的稀缺,在这一高科技应用过程中不得不设定了一些限制条件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The Calman commission was set up in London after his Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) edged out Labour in the Scottish elections of 2007. 当他由领导的苏格兰民族党(SNP)在2007年苏格兰选举中取代工党后,卡尔曼委员会在伦敦成立。 www.ecocn.org 1. This can be pretty messy, so make sure that you set up in a suitable area and wear suitable clothes. 制作过程可能会一团乱,所以别忘了找个合适地点,也要穿不怕脏的衣服喔! www.taipeitimes.com 2. With luck, the cross-party fiscal commission the White House set up in February will provide political cover for this to be done. 幸运的话,白宫今年2月组建的跨党派财政委员会,将为完成这一改革提供政治掩护。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Similarly, many of those who had received commendation and financial aid did not have tablets set up in the shrines of their birth places. 同样地,许多曾获褒扬及抚恤的阵亡将士,却又没有在原籍忠烈祠的供奉烈士牌位之内。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It is not always possible to have the same tablespaces set up in test that you have in production. 并非总是可以在测试中设置与生产中相同的表空间。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Other solutions that use a different combination of inbound and outbound protocols can be set up in a similar fashion. 可以通过类似方式设置其他其他解决方案来使用入站协议和出站协议的不同组合。 www.ibm.com 6. Friends of the Field Machinery Co. , Ltd. , Dongguan is one of Zhoushan and the local branch set up in Guangdong. 东莞友田机械有限公司是由舟山一机在广东成立的分公司。 www.xiemaowang.com 7. Specific criteria can be set up in advance and achieved for accuracy and precision over the range of the standards, if so desired. 如果非常想得到涵盖标准范围的完美的准确度和精密度,可以预先设定具体的标准。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 8. She said police checkpoints were set up in a 17-mile radius around Ziketan, and residents were not allowed to leave. 她说,在以子科滩镇为中心的17英里的半径范围内,中国政府已设置了警察检查站,当地居民不得离开疫区。 www.bing.com 9. Nihad Fouad Majjid was one of the first to set up in Yiwu, opening his office five years ago. 尼赫德-福阿德-马基是首批在义乌定居的伊拉克人之一,五年前他在此开办了公司。 www.elanso.com 10. Therefore, it would be desirable to set up in the table shows the calibration and control the size of break with baffle. 为此,宜在在工作台上标出刻度线并设置控制断料尺寸用挡板。 hi.baidu.com 1. Second, it helps to set up in the love and affection on the blood of a harmonious family relations. 第二,它有助于建立在爱情与血缘亲情之上的家庭关系的和谐。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The Bank would be more capable of achieving this than the Committee on Climate Change being set up in Parliament. 英国央行比国会设立的气候变化委员会更有能力完成这个伟大使命。 www.bing.com 3. How much money dose it take to set up in business on one's own. 一个人自己开业需要多少资金? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Take the three "cash desks" it set up in its offices, to which employees could bring empty suitcases to be filled with cash. 以公司内设立的三个“收银台”为例,公司员工可以在“收银台”将空公文包装满现金。 www.ecocn.org 5. During the past 10 years, the shortcomings of that set-up in dealing with the problems of the modern economy became all too apparent. 过去10年间,这一框架在解决现代经济问题方面的短处已变得十分明显。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Simplified tax regimes for small companies have been set up in 13 of the 17 countries the bank studied. 在该银行进行研究的十七个国家内,其中十三个国家已经建立中小企业的简化税捐制度。 www.ecocn.org 7. The aim of the Dump Analyzer is to provide an environment that has already been largely set up in which specific analysis modules can run. DumpAnalyzer工具的目标就是提供一种已经基本构建完成的环境,供特定的分析模块在其中运行。 www.ibm.com 8. Set up in August, 2001, HJenglish has been a dedicated platform for online language study, information exchange and related service. 沪江网(www.HJenglish.com)创建于2001年8月,是致力于提供在线语言交流、相关资讯和服务的学习平台。 www.hjenglish.com 9. is likely to be set up in Macau and not Beijing as had been initially planned , the spokesperson said . 发言人说,如原计划不变,商业中心将设在澳门,而不在北京。 www.bing.com 10. Professional user interface, very easy to use, can be set up in few minutes. 专业的用户界面,非常容易使用,可以设立在几分钟的时间。 xtdownload.com 1. behind the tube, and a screen had been set up in front of it. 试管后面有一个弧形投影仪,前面是一个屏幕。 www.jukuu.com 2. This is set up in its own thread during the init method of the servlet and taken down in the destroy method of the servlet. 这个类的实例是在servlet的init方法中在其自身的线程中创建,并在servlet的destroy方法中销毁的。 www.ibm.com 3. The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chair less than the number of players). 椅子被设置在两行备份来备份(一把椅子比球员数量较少)。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Ms Gillard has called for a regional processing centre to be set up in Timor-Leste, but has won little support. 吉拉德女士曾经呼吁在帝汶岛成立一个地区审理中心,但是仅得到很少的支持。 www.ecocn.org 5. Setting off the scuffle was an attempt by an unregistered local church to hold a Christimas gala on a stage set up in a village square. 这场混战的导火索是一个没有注册的当地教堂试图在村庄广场的搭建一个舞台举办圣诞聚会。 www.bing.com 6. But Credit Suisse's business school, set up in 2004 for training throughout the bank, has also been active in wealth management. 不过,瑞士信贷于2004年创建、旨在为整个银行提供培训的商学院,也一直积极致力于财富管理。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I've come across a few blogs that had some amazing content, but it was set up in a way where I found it difficult to leave a comment. 我看过一些博客,他们的内容很不错,但是想要留评论却比较困难。 www.bing.com 8. the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation. 这个大国民议会是一个在波恩建立起来的分配权利的安排,解决了一些代表席位不平均的问题。 dict.wenguo.com 9. It is now host to one of 16 "pacifying police units" , or UPPs, that have been set up in the city in recent years. 在最近几年中,里约16支“维和警察部队”(亦称作皇家海关反走私组),而如今的上帝之城就驻扎着一支。 www.ecocn.org 10. Matsuo's bank has also received permission to open a representative office in the U. S. , which it will set up in San Francisco. 松尾的银行也获准在美国开设代表处,首先是在旧金山。 www.bing.com 1. One of those tests involves teaching the animals to locate a platform hidden in a maze set up in a water tank. 其中一项测试包括训练动物找到藏在迷宫中的踏板,该装置设置在一个水箱中。 news.dxy.cn 2. He set up in business fifty years ago in a tiny, poky shop in London, and now the company he found has branches all over the country. 敦开了一个简陋的小铺子做生意,现在他创立的公司已在全国建立了分支机构。 ezitong.com 3. Ecological Farm is an agricultural production system set up in a specific region by virtue of ecological theory and natural conditions. 生态农场是根据生态学的理论,充分利用自然条件,在某一特定区域内建立起来的农业生产体系。 yxfynn.67.idc9904.com 4. Deidre is at her new destination and by the time you receive this newsletter she will be set up in her new home with the children in school. 戴德丽有她的新目标并且她将与在学校的孩子一起布置她的新家到那时你接收这时事通讯。 bbs.awaker.net 5. To set up this mechanism, certain objects and assignments must be set up in the system. 为了配置这种机制,特定对象和分配必须在系统中设置。 blog.csdn.net 6. Special area can be set up in the name of a country, a region or an enterprise, but a large scale is required. 超过一定规模并要求以国家或地区以及企业名义设立的专用展区。 www.nanjing.gov.cn 7. The asset management corporations--known as AMCs--were set up in the late 1990s to help clean up the major banks' balance sheets. 这些资产管理公司是上世纪九十年代末为帮助清理大型银行的资产负债表而设立的。 c.wsj.com 8. From the beginning, then, the building of the transcontinental railroad was set up in terms of a competition between the two companies. 因此,从一开始,横贯铁路的修筑就置身于两家公司的浓重的竞争氛围中。 www.bing.com 9. Form of accounting system will need to set up in accordance with the form of documents to determine the organization. 系统采用的核算形式则需要根据文件的组织设置形式来确定。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The police station in Cidade de Deus is one of eight, known as UPPs or Pacifying Police Units, set up in Rio's favelas since late 2008. 位于上帝之城的派出所,是自2008年底起在里约热内卢贫民窟设立的八个镇暴警察单位(UPPs)之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. Sewing set is made of industry along the book block out of the seam, the book block set up in a crate. 缝纫订是用工业缝纫机沿书芯的订口用线缝订,将书芯订牢的方法。 www.bing.com 2. If it turns out that you can't match your labels to a configuration already set up in Publisher, it's still okay. 不过,如果最后您无法将您的标签与Publisher中已经设置好的配置对应起来,也没关系。 office.microsoft.com 3. The president made specific mention of a new regional medical training facility that will be set up in Panama. 布什总统具体提到将在巴拿马设立一个新的地区医疗培训设施。 www.goldenenglish.net 4. As the growth in demand of industrial marking, Framun part of the product line the company will independently set up in 1983 Martha laser. 由于工业打标需求的增长,Framun公司将一部分产品线于1983年独立成立了玛萨激光。 good2.com 5. In other cases, like Philadelphia, protesters set up in a public park already occupied by a few dozen homeless. 而在其他一些地方,抗议者驻扎地原先就是流浪汉的据点,比如在费城,抗议者安营扎寨的公园原本是几十个流浪汉的领地。 cn.wsj.com 6. A Facebook page has been set up in her memory with Iranian bloggers describing her as the "Angel of Freedom" . Facebook专门创建了一个页面纪念娜达,而伊朗的博主都称她为“自由天使”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It usually requires a degree of customization, and it must be installed and set up in a way that meets your needs. 它常常需要一定程度的定制,并且必须按照满足您需要的方式安装并设置。 www.ibm.com 8. Voter registration sites have been set up in the United States, Europe and even Australia for southern Sudanese living overseas. 投票权覆盖到美国,欧洲,澳大利亚等地的海外同胞。 www.bing.com 9. A second committee was set up in 1966 at the request of the Air Force to review the most interesting material gathered by Project Blue Book. 在1966年,由于空军想要复查BlueBook计划中搜集的最有意思的材料而成立了第二支委员会。 www.bing.com 10. We grew this sunflower in our garden and preserved it for future enjoyment by shooting it in a small studio we have set up in our house. 我们将这朵向日葵养在我们家的花园,在自家建立的小摄影棚里精心栽培并拍摄它,以便获得进一步的乐趣。 edun.hzcnc.com 1. You can set up in accordance with the needs of a number of accounts, the account between independence. 您可以根据的需要设立多个账户,各账户间相互独立。 www.g36.com.cn 2. The rate chosen depends on how the account is set up in the account structure. 选择的汇率取决于账户在账户结构中是如何设置的。 www.ibm.com 3. His entire proceeds are going to charities he set up in Central and Latin America, but he will not even take a salary from these. 他的全部所得款项将会捐赠给他建立的在中美洲和拉丁美洲的慈善机构但他甚至不会从机构里面拿出一分薪水。 www.bing.com 4. Booths have been set up in many places where English-speaking volunteers pass out maps and give helpful directions to bewildered newcomers. 许多地方都搭建起了志愿服务站,说着一口流利英语的志愿者们会主动递上地图,并向新来的人指路。 www.bing.com 5. To the best of my knowledge, your Company was originally a small workshop set up in 1978. 据我的记忆所及,贵公司起初是1978年创办的一家小工厂。 z.tougao98.com 6. Concluded that the "program" set up in line with the "standard" , build an effective framework of knowledge for the training of teachers . 通过比较得出结论是《方案》的设置符合《标准》提出的要求,为培养新课程所需的教师人才构建了有效的知识框架。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Militia organizations shall be set up in townships, nationality townships, towns, enterprises and institutions. 第三十七条乡、民族乡、镇和企业事业单位建立民兵组织。 www.bing.com 8. Moreover, we will set up in which to walk, run, bicycle, or even playing skateboards road, of course, there are people out for the bench. 而且,我们将在其中设立适合步行、长跑、骑车,甚至玩滑板的道路,当然也有供人们休憩的长椅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The company was first set up in 1992. Now the capital technology of company are abundant with strong influence in industry. 公司始建于1992年,公司资金技术实力雄厚,在同行业中,深具影响力。 www.08588.net 10. Up to now, Italy set up in the implementation of the no-fly zones and arms embargo on Libya to play a supporting role. 截至目前,意大利在执行对利比亚设立禁飞区和武器禁运方面扮演辅助角色。 www.englishtang.com 1. China's first boxing training centre has been set up in Guangzhou aimed at bringing on an upsurge in this yet to be systemized event. 中国(china)第一个拳击训练中心已在广州创立,其目的是要在这尚无组织的运动项目(program)上掀起一个热潮。 www.waiyulm.com 2. But if the Dash is set up in a kitchen, who in the family gets to set up their account on this gadget? 但是如果Dash被放在厨房里,那由家里哪个人在上面设置账户好呢? chinese.wsj.com 3. Total station set up in the road test will be the main measure used in measurement and construction. 全站仪在公路测设中主要应用在定测和施工测量中。 www.122228.com 4. Indeed, emerging-market banks continue to set up in Switzerland. Recent arrivals include firms from Brazil and China. 确实,新兴市场国家的银行都在瑞士设立分支机构,包括最近的巴西和中国。 www.ecocn.org 5. We reviewed in this paper the theory of diffusing-wave spectroscopy(DWS) and its usual experimental set-up in detail. 详细介绍了扩散光谱(DWS)技术的基本原理及其常见的实验方法。 www.chemyq.com 6. In the eighth century a paper-making factory was set up in the Middle East, from which paper was sent all over Europe. 公元八世纪的时候,在中东建起了一家造纸厂,于是纸就从中东传遍了整个欧洲。 hpjx.hpjy.edu.cn 7. This replication happens without intervention from the user and does not rely on the replication schedule set up in the Lotus Notes client. 该复制不需要用户的介入且不依赖于在LotusNotes客户机中设置的复制进度。 www.ibm.com 8. The panel was set up in August to thrash out a bipartisan agreement to reduce the deficit. 今年8月,为达成两党派减赤协议而设立了该专门小组。 www.ecocn.org 9. Experiments may be set-up in various institute laboratories, or student learning labs, depending upon necessary resources. 实验可以根据所需资源在各个学院实验室、学生实习实验室建立。 www.myoops.org 10. He is banking on get- ting a loan from his father to set up in business. 他正期待着从他父亲那里得到一笔贷款,以便其从商。 www.websaru.com 1. At place far away from fire equipment storage site, fire equipment sign should be set up in combination with direction-aided sign. 在远离消防设备存放地点的地方将灭火设备标志与方向辅助标志联合设置; bbs.fobshanghai.com 2. RIM says its system is set up in a way that no one, including RIM, can access user information. RIM公司表示其系统被设置成任何人,包括RIM都无法访问用户信息的模式。 bbs.bugutang.com 3. The room was spare, with only a bed and a wooden chair and a little altar with candles set up in one corner. 卧室很空,只有一张床,一个木椅子,房间的一个角落烛台上点着几根蜡烛。 www.bing.com 4. China Petrochemical Singapore office was set up in 80s of the last century, the first task is to address the transaction. 中国石化新加坡办事处设立于上世纪80年代,最初的任务是处理交易。 www.brar.cn 5. The Taf was set up in December 2007 to provide one-month loans to creditworthy banks as markets dried up for lending longer than overnight. 这一工具于2007年12月设立,旨在向信誉良好的银行提供一月期贷款。当时,市场上贷款期限超过隔夜的贷款已枯竭。 www.ftchinese.com 6. An army post is set up in a small town; rooming houses increase rents for rooms; owners of apartments and houses increase their rents. 有的小镇因为部队驻扎,寄宿店主提高房价,公寓和院宅的业主提高租金,于是这导致了公众的愤慨。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Trinity programme, set up in the 1960s, also turns the small class into a learning asset. 圣三一学院的MBA项目创建于上世纪60年代,它也把小课堂变成了一项学习财富。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This means that it will assign the default value for meta variable prompts that you've set up in the configuration info. 这意味着它会为您在配置信息中设置的元变量提示赋予默认值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In Qin dynasty, Chengdu was the political and economic center in the southwestern area, and Shiguan and Gongguan were set up in Chengdu. 在秦朝时,成都是西南的一个政治经济中心,其中设立了使馆和公馆。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Touchscreens the size of full-length mirrors will be set up in its stores to display special collections and fashion shows. 巴宝莉将为其门店安装试衣镜大小的触摸屏,上面展示一些精选商品和时装秀等等。 www.jdok.cn 1. The general situation is set up in response to deep inner involvements. 总体的情形是按照深层的内在牵连而设置的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Many Bulgarians used to joke that they lived in an Egyptian dynasty set up in a parallel universe. 许多保加利亚人笑侃他们过去生活的时代是平行宇宙中的埃及王朝。 www.bing.com 3. Christian life patterns of the depth of foundation set up in the body of Jesus. 基督教深度人生模式的基础建立在耶稣身上。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Hibernate have quite a few moving parts that need to be set up in order to work correctly . 这样的开源工具,为了更好的工作都有一些活动的部分需要被安装。 www.bing.com 5. It was until recently set up in a Baroque manner, since Ma exclusively played Baroque music on it. 直到最近开始演奏巴罗克风格乐曲,马才专门使用这件乐器演奏巴罗克音乐。 q.sohu.com 6. Hengli set up in Dongguan several hundred metres equally Office Products, the sessions are always welcome to visit and care. 在东莞横沥设立数百平分米产品展示厅,随时欢迎各届人士参观、关顾。 www.tonke.cn 7. Radio & Television Directing is a major which have been set up in many colleges and universities in recent years. 广播电视编导专业是近年来在我国很多高校陆续开设的专业。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Six days after the quake struck and with the death toll now standing at 294, masses were held in makeshift chapels set up in tent cities. 地震已经过去六天,死亡人数达到294人,人们在帐篷区设立的临时教堂举行弥撒。 www.voanews.cn 9. Now a much more sophisticated model of Kanzius's radio transmitter had been set up in one corner. John put his finger on the switch. 现在一个更为复杂的肯兹尤斯型无线电发射机摆放在一个角落里,约翰将手指放在了开关上。 www.bing.com 10. History is set up in the court-related agencies to manage the system of officiating. 历代更是在朝廷中设立相关的机构对礼制进行管理。 www.cutpic.cn 1. Recheck the dependency of your project on Dojo that you set up in the previous paragraph (see Figure 3). 重新检查项目对上文设置的Dojo的依赖项(参见图3)。 www.ibm.com 2. So far Burma has 7 radar units that have been set up in different areas in the country. 到目前为止,缅甸已配置7雷达基地,已在全国不同地区安置。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Dragon King Temple: It was first set up in Early Qing Dynasty and ruined during the Cultural Revolution. 龙王庙:始建于明末清初,毁于“文革破四旧”。 www.hhfw.com 4. There shall be automatic temperate recording equipment, and non-mercury thermometers shall be set up in the storehouse. 应当设有温度自动记录装置,库内应当装备非水银温度计; www.lhka.gov.cn 5. More refuse collection points have been set up in busy areas and publicity and educational activities increased. 当局已在繁忙的地点提供更多垃圾收集站,并且加强宣传及教育活动。 www.jukuu.com 6. The electric control model jet nozzle of the CNG engine has set up in different conditions by the SIMULINK software. 并利用SIMULINK软件,建立了天然气发动机在不同工况下,控制喷嘴喷射的控制系统模型。 www.fabiao.net 7. The wranglers have been performing the stunts at the zoo on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand, since it was set up in 1985. 自从泰国曼谷郊区三攀动物园1985年成立以来,斗鳄人就一直在此表演这种独门绝。 www.bing.com 8. Full-time or part-time posts shall be set up in people's governments at the township level to take charge of forestry work. 乡级人民政府设专职或者兼职人员负责林业工作。 www.bing.com 9. Passion could be taken for granted and the scouting system and coaching staff was arguably the best set-up in world football. 一直充满激情是理所当然的事情,球队的球探系统、教练席都可以说是世界足坛最佳。 www.lfcbbs.com 10. Thai soldiers have set up in accordance street by street around the protesters' huge 45 camps in central Bangkok. 泰国士兵们在反对者位于曼谷市中心的45个巨型营地周围沿街驻扎。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The use of the overhead power line corridors and towers were set up in line is a very economical way of cable lying. 利用架空电力线路走廊,在线路杆塔上进行架设,是一种非常经济的光缆敷设方式。 m.qikan.com.cn 2. The audit should be set up in commissioned by the provisions of the audit objective basis. 审核应建立在委托方所规定的审核目的的基础上。 zz.cnqr.org 3. Where necessary , hawker- handling centres are set up in police stations to facilitate charging formalities of arrested hawkers . 如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。 www.bing.com 4. A multiparameter model of calculating the filtration rate of fracturing fluid in dual porosity media is set up in the paper. 文章建立了一种多参数计算压裂液在双重介质中滤失速度的模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And wholesale markets for raw materials and machinery have been set up in Pyongyang and elsewhere, visitors say. 而且,平壤和其他地方都纷纷在设立新的原材料和机器批发市场。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. The experiments show that the formulas set up in this pa per can lower the deformation of non-symmetry extruded sections efficiently . 实验证明利用本文提出的计算式进行模具设计能有效地减小挤压非对称型材的弯扭畸变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Tocklai Station was set up in Jorhat in 1901 and is one of the world's leading tea research institutions. 托克莱试验场1901年于佐哈特设立,是全球顶尖的茶研究机构之一。 www.bing.com 8. In 2005, Beijing Cheng Seng Trading Co. , Ltd, one of the first solely foreign-owned companies, was set up in Beijing. 北京正晟贸易有限公司于2005年在北京成立,是北京第一批外商独资的进出口贸易公司之一。 blog.163.com 9. Best of all, the newly created code will respect the code formatting rules I've set up in my Eclipse preferences. 理想的情况是,新创建的代码应该遵守此前在Eclipse首选项中设置的代码格式规则。 www.ibm.com 10. during the first phase of the tcgpsa , six gps reference stations have been set up in the north - western new territories. 在该系统的第一期计划实施阶段,该处在新界西北部设立了六个全球定位系统参考网站。 www.ichacha.net 1. There has always been an element of theatre to the meetings of the IWC, which was set up in 1946 to regulate whaling around the world. 国际捕鲸委员会的会议一直都含有戏剧成分,它于1946年成立来管理全球的捕鲸活动。 www.ecocn.org 2. facilities set: should be set up in difficult water, solid formation of the ground, and firmly fixed. 设施设置:应设置在不易积水、坚固平整的地面上、并固定牢固。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Supeng Biotech Co. , Ltd was set up in February 2006. The company located in the beautiful city Jiangyan Jiangsu Province. 苏鹏蛋业生物科技有限公司创办于2006年2月,公司座落在美丽的城市江苏姜堰。 ybbghs.chinanb.org 4. Lawyers who set up in practice must accept supervision by the state, the public and litigants. 律师执业应当接受国家、社会和当事人的监督。 www.lawyee.org 5. He was particularly impressed by their zeal in helping SS Einsatzgruppen squads murder Jews in ghettos that were being set up in the region. 希姆莱印象最为深刻的是他们十分热心的帮助党卫队特别行动队来屠杀当地犹太聚居区的犹太人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At the end of 1993 the company set up in 2001 for the restructuring GF Securities Co. 1993年末设立公司,2001年改制为广发证券股份有限公司。 www.g36.com.cn 7. The camps were set up in response to the brutal killings of white settlers, including women and children, by the Mau Mau. 英国殖民政府设立这些拘留营是为了因应茅茅军队手段残酷的杀害白人垦殖户,包括妇女和儿童在内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Viscous flow patterns are set up in the motor, increasing heat transfer to the propellant surface through greater mass transfer. 粘性流场的模式成立,在电机,增加传热推进剂表面通过更大的传质。 www.tech-domain.com 9. Production-type foreign investment enterprises set up in coast open cities are taxed at a reduced rate of 24%. 沿边开放城市的生产性外商投资企业,减按24%税率征收企业所得税。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. TV channels can also be set up in part the group plays the producer, so you can manage a part of the group. 也可以在电视台的频道成立的栏目组中担当制片人,这样你就能管理一个栏目组了。 www.docin.com 1. The core of one of the internal monitoring unit set up in the binding to each other, mutual monitoring mechanism. 内部监测的核心之一是在单位内部建立起相互制约、相互监督的机制。 wenwen.soso.com 2. If you live in an area where frequent afternoon storms are common, set up in your location right before that optimal time of day. 假如你住的地方经常在发生午后的雷电天气,请在一天的最佳时间先找到你的根据地。 www.bing.com 3. Backup ground stations are being set up in case the main GPS control centre outside Colorado Springs is disabled. 美军已在建设备用地面站,以防出现位于科罗拉多斯普林斯城外的主要GPS控制中心瘫痪的情况。 www.ecocn.org 4. Training programs and recruitment centers have been set up in villages around Jiangmen. 江门市的村庄普遍成立了农民工培训与招募中心。 chinese.wsj.com 5. All of these cause the OTR set-up in low energy region different from high energy region. 这使低能OTR的实验装置与高能时有些不同。 word.hcbus.com 6. Reasonable legal liability items should be set up in local laws to safeguard their proper application. 地方立法中依法合理设置法律责任条款,有利于保障法的实施。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This section uses the friendly names that have been set up in the palette section. 这部分使用已在调色板部分创建的友好名称。 www.ibm.com 8. Voice can be set up in any language as long as it is programmed to recognize the responses. 只要保证能够被系统识别,任何语言都可以设置成操作的声音。 www.info56.cn 9. The company is set up in 1998, sales of our products are N46 urea and 24 degrees Malaysia palm oil consumption level. 本公司是在1998年成立,我们销售的产品是N46尿素及马来西24度食用级棕油。 www.tonke.cn 10. Fang Fenglei has been the main figurehead for Goldman's investment banking operation on the mainland since it was set up in December 2004. 自高盛2004年12月份在中国内地开设投行业务以来,方风雷就一直担任关键主管。 www.ftchinese.com 1. the ways for enhancing the value of customer should be set up in the orders of products and services and enhance the image of enterprises. 提升客户价值的途径要从产品及订单处理、服务、企业形象提升多方面进行。 www.fabiao.net 2. Ji now aims for an overseas listing of Hanting Hotels, which he set up in 2005. 他在2005年又创立了汉庭连锁旅馆,希望不久在海外上市。 cn.reuters.com 3. Science of Chinese patent medicines course is set up in a lot of colleges, however, it is not regarded importantly enough. 应运而生的中成药学课程在很多学校开始开设。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 4. If the connection continues to fail, this Hotspot may have their router set up in a manner that is not compatible with the Nintendo WFC. 如果连接继续失败,这热点可能让他们的路由器用不与任天堂世界WFC相容的一种方式建立。 www.bing.com 5. The UK Copyright Service (UKCS) is an organisation set up in 2000 to provide intellectual property registration in the UK. 英国版权服务(UKCS)成立于2000,只提供英国知识产权注册服务的机构。 6. The plane itself is a rare sight made more unique by the small kitchen and bunk bed set up in the cabin. 飞机本身就是一处罕见的景观,再加上一个小厨房和安在机舱里的双层床,就更独特了。 www.acsf.cn 7. If a trust is set up in a tax haven, assets often accumulate in it free of tax as long as they remain offshore. 建立在避税港上的信托公司,其资产在离岸金融中心享受免税。 www.ecocn.org 8. Manufacturing centre will be set up in mainland China to provide customers with affordable cable products and solutions. 将制造中心设立在中国大陆,从而为客户提供物美价廉的连接线产品及解决方案。 www.tonke.cn 9. When it was set up in 1996 as part of the plan to rescue Lloyd's, many believed it was doomed to failure. 1996年,当Equitas作为救助劳合社计划的一部分而成立的时候,许多人认为它注定会失败。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The rooms should be set up in test center's classrooms equipped with standard phonetics facilities. 考场设在各考点有标准语音设备的教室。 hk.eblcu.net 1. S. If this account was set up in error or you received this email in error, please click here to deactivate the account automatically. 如果此帐户的设立,错误或您收到此电子邮件中的错误,请点击这里停用的帐户自动运行。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The policy banks were set up in the mid-1990s to help the major commercial banks commercialize. 上述三家政策性银行设立于20世纪90年代中期,其初衷是为了帮助主要商业银行实现市场化改革。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Squeezing: Creatures can't set up in a squeezed position or end their turns in a squeezed position. 压︰动物不能在一个压的位置建立或者在一个压的位置结束他们的变化。 4. Clinics set up in mosques to treat those who had been wounded in earlier protests were raided. 设在清真寺的医疗服务因对在早期抗议中受伤的人进行治疗而遭到袭击。 www.ecocn.org 5. SEF and ARATS were set up in 1991 to handle negotiations between the two sides, in lieu of direct government contacts. 1991年,台湾和大陆分别成立海基会和海协会处理两岸会谈事宜,以代替直接的政府联系。 www.bing.com 6. Britain still has a better record on job creation and encouraging companies to set up in business than most OECD member states. 英国在创造就业和鼓励企业开业方面的纪录仍然比大多数欧盟国家要好。 www.bing.com 7. Join to new plant design & set-up in Beijing. Help to establish The Coca-Cola EHS System, Staying plant to work with them on all process. 参与新工厂绿色厂房建设的设计与建造,并帮助工厂建立可口可乐环境与安全体系。 www.potu.com 8. Article 62 No shareholders assembly shall be set up in a one-person company with limited liability. 第六十二条一人有限责任公司不设股东会。 www.bing.com 9. On the day, food offerings were traditionally placed at altars set up in old yards. Moon cakes were special festival food. 在这一天,人们常常照传统习惯将供品陈列于老式庭院里的供桌上。月饼则是中秋节特有的食品。 kaoyan.qianbo.com 10. Creation Investment Trading (HK) Ltd. , set up in 2005, has devoted to design high-grade ornaments applied to private cars. 创亿投资贸易(香港)有限公司成立于2005年,2008年开始主力研发用于私家车内的高级装饰品。 china.alibaba.com 1. The 20-foot Fraser fir from North Carolina will be set up in the Blue Room of the White House. 这个20英寸的北方香脂冷杉来自北卡罗莱纳州,它将被安置在白宫的一间蓝屋里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Qin Shi Huang unified Lingnan, set up in the South China Sea Lingnan County , Guilin and the county as the county . 秦始皇统一岭南后,在岭南设置南海郡、桂林郡和象郡。 dictionary.osun.org 3. A new planning commission was set up in 2009 to speed up the glacial pace of infrastructure decision-making. 成立于2009年的一个新的规划委员会加快了以前步履艰难的基础设施决策步伐。 www.ecocn.org 4. These developed from money changers exchanging foreign for Athenian coins from benches set up in the Agora or market place. 这些银行家是由在集市长椅上用外币兑换雅典钱币的兑钱商发展而来的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That's pretty vague, so the actual terms and rules of engagement are set up in the resolution that authorizes any specific no-fly zone. 那样的描述是相当的模糊的,所以实际的介入条款和规矩的制定都是在特定的建立禁飞区的决议授权下进行的。 www.bing.com 6. Finally, the attitude control simulation control of the reentry warhead is set up in the computer. 最后,对移动质心控制再入弹头的姿态控制过程进行数学仿真。 www.boshuo.net 7. A strict system of rewards and penalties was set up in the company. 公司设立了严格的奖惩制度。 www.fane.cn 8. A roadblock was set up in the middle of Times Square itself, and on main cross-streets leading into it, causing virtual gridlock. 警方在时代广场的中央设置了一个路障,那些连接时代广场的主要十字路口也设置了路障,造成了交通堵塞。 www.bing.com 9. Educational computer games and activities are also available to our students through the computers set up in all our classrooms. 在我们所有设置的电脑教室,教育电脑游戏和活动也提供给我们的学生。 shop.ebdoor.com 10. Hundreds of bodies in the temporary morgue set up in a gymnasium remain unidentified. 在一个体育馆设立的临时停尸所里有成百上千具遗体还没有被确认身份。 chinese.wsj.com 1. It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen . 它成立于2001年,它是用来帮助年轻的运动员们的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A temporary or mobile eating place, especially one set up in an emergency. 临时餐室一个临时的或可移动的用膳处,尤指在紧急情况下搭建的 zhidao.baidu.com 3. From the free-trade zone set up in 2003 since the volume of bilateral trade has developed rapidly. 从2003年自由贸易区建立以来,双边贸易量发展很快。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. In the early 1900's bottling plants were set up in a few countries outside the USA. 在本世纪初,可乐公司只在美国之外的几个国家建立了生产厂家。 www.ebigear.com 5. The association is expected to be set up in the first half of next year, according to the Angolan authorities. 安哥拉官方称,协会将于明年上半年成立。 www.fane.cn 6. But US dollar policy eventually became so heedless that, in Eichengreen's telling, the euro was set up in self-defence. 但美国的货币政策最终变得肆无忌惮,以至于——用埃森格林的话说——欧洲为了保护自己而创造了欧元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. More frightening is the prospect of terrorist cells being set up in Nairobi, Kenya's capital, and elsewhere in the region. 更令他们担心害怕的是,恐怖主义群体将有望在肯尼亚首都内罗毕,以及国家的其它任何地方,大批地建立起来。 www.ecocn.org 8. This year has just set up in Jinan, Jinan and government agencies, hotels, the unit has a very good foundation for relations. 今年在济南刚落户,和济南政府机构、酒店、部队有着很好的基础关系。 www.tonke.cn 9. Ricoh Software Research Center (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Was set up in Beijing, for developing related software. 在北京成立理光软件研究所(北京)有限公司,开发相关软件。 www.ricoh.com.cn 10. With canoes campaign launched extensively, and all clubs have been set up in canoes. 随着皮划艇运动的广泛开展,各国相继成立了皮划艇俱乐部。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn 1. In the 1950s, the country music recording industry was set up in Nashville and moved away from its rough roots. 到了20世纪50年代,乡村音乐唱片工业在纳什维尔建立起来,摆脱了起源时的不成体系。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Their picture will also be placed on the 'student of the week' board which I will have set up in the hallway of the first floor. 他们的照片还将被挂在设于教学楼一楼楼道中的“学生之星”板报上。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 3. Nearly half a million people are camped out in roughly 2, 500 refugee centers that have been set up in public buildings such as schools. 在学校等公共建筑中设置了大约2,500个避难中心,安置了近50万人。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Jiang Xiaodong said, NEA Fund for the size of the renminbi will be set up in accordance with specific needs. 蒋晓冬说,NEA的人民币基金的规模将根据具体需求设立。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Instead, the group set up in a nearby park, keeping the 'Occupy Wall Street' moniker. 抗议者只好在华尔街附近的一个公园安营扎寨,以使“占领华尔街”的称谓名副其实。 cn.wsj.com 6. Firstly, their optimal models are set up. In detail, optimal target functions are set up, and constrained condition is made sure. 先建立了它们的优化模型,即建立了优化目标函数,确定了约束条件; epub.cnki.net 7. The event at Ms Starr's home was organised by Gold Party Princess, set up in January by two sisters, Louise and Sue Alexander. 斯塔尔家的聚会由GoldPartyPrincess组织,该公司由路易丝(Louise)和休-亚历山大(SueAlexander)姐妹于今年1月创建。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A new method for determining the axial position of treated casing in multistage axial flow compressors is set up in this paper. 本文提出了一种确定多级轴流压气机机匣处理级的新方法。 www.jasp.com.cn 9. Simulation model is set up in AMESIM and feasibility of the method is simulated and verified. 在AMESIM中建立仿真模型并仿真验证了该方法的可行性。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. A miner bought food from a makeshift shop set up in the trunk of a car near a roadblock by striking miners. 一位矿工从搭建在车厢中的临时食品店中购买食物,附近的道路都被罢工的矿工们设置了路障。 www.bing.com 1. He set up in that way an alternative form of quantum mechanics. 他就是以这样一种方式建立了量子力学的另一种形式。 www.bing.com 2. And the corresponding test set up in their own laboratories targeted the preparation of the test norms. 并相应在自己建立的检验实验室中针对性地编制了检验规范。 www.bokee.net 3. Based on prestress loss theory, a simplified analytic algorithm of virtual frictional loss function was set up in a universal way. 基于预应力损失理论,建立了具有普遍意义的拟摩阻损失函数简化解析算法。 www.dictall.com 4. ASIA GROUP SPORTSWEAR (SHANGHAI) CO. , LTD. Was set up in 2008, specialist in most popular technology-sublimated printed sportswear. 亚邦服饰(上海)有限公司,于2008年成立,公司主要经营最新工艺-数码,热转移印花运动服饰。 www.mt-wire.com 5. Her Australian colleagues were shocked at first glance. Then they commented how nice it would be if every meeting was set up in this way. 参加展示会的澳洲同事一进门不禁惊呆了,并称如果会议室每次开会都这样就好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A trust may be created orally, but usually is set up in a written form. 信托关系可以口头建立,但一般却是经书面文件形式建立。 www.putclub.com 7. Now that a growing number of companies have been set up in Huaqiao, we look forward to establishing cooperation with them. 越来越多的公司开始进驻花桥地区,因此我们想要跟它们有更亲密的合作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Set up in the early days of the republic, the Electoral College currently has 538 members. 选举团制度确立于美国建国之初,目前有538名成员。 www.america.gov 9. Janchor, which focuses on stocks, has about US$1 billion under management and was set up in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2009. Janchor主要投资股票。该基金成立于2009年全球金融危机后,约管理着10亿美元。 www.cn.wsj.com 10. The arts and humanities committee was first set up in 1982 during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, a former Hollywood actor. 艺术及人文科学委员会最初成立于1982年,当时由前好莱坞明星罗纳德·里根的政府领导。 www.bing.com 1. A primary school, a grain station and a clinic have been set up in the village. 村里办了小学,开设了粮站和卫生所。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Such hydropower stations have been set up in all places where conditions permit. 在条件许可的地方都建立了这样的水电站。 www.hstc.edu.cn 3. This is the fourth formal investigation launched by the court since it was set up in The Hague five years ago. 自从国际刑事法庭五年前在海牙建立以来,中非事件已经是该法庭发起的第四个正式的调查行动。 club.topsage.com 4. Still later, she set up in many cities in the disabled person supplies chain, she is already tens of millions of assets of a boss. 再后来,她在许多城市开办了残障人用品连锁店,她已经是一个拥有几千万资产的老板了。 www.bing.com 5. Yale, set up in 1907, is one of the most elite universities in the US. 耶鲁大学建于1907年,是美国最著名的精英学校之一。 www.rr365.com 6. A non-statutory, not-for-profit corporation set up in 2001 to provide market-oriented Internet domain name registration services. 一间非法定的不牟利机构于2001年成立,提供市场主导的互联网域名注册服务。 www.info.gov.hk 7. An auction enterprise may be set up in a city with districts. 第十一条拍卖企业可以在设区的市设立。 www.chinalawedu.com 8. The scheme was originally developed by the Institute for Industrial Research and Standards (IIRS) set up in 1961 . 该方案原来由1961年成立的工业研究和标准协会(IIRS)制订。 www.bing.com 9. According to the theory of the casting burden calculation, the electronic forms is set up in this paper. 根据铸造熔炼配料计算的理论,建立了一种电子表格。 www.dictall.com 10. The first Swimming Association was set up in England in 1837. And breaststroke was widely used in swimming. 世界上第一个游泳协会于1837年在英国成立,那时人们普遍采用的泳姿是蛙泳。 www.ryedu.net 1. a tax break for the first ten employees of new businesses set up in Britain's poorer regions. 贫困地区的创业企业,前十个雇员将有税务减免。 www.ecocn.org 2. Organisations such as the Fair Labor Association, set up in 1999 to end sweatshop conditions in factories worldwide, have done better. 公平劳动协会(FairLaborAssociation)等组织做的更好。公平劳动协会创立于1999年,目的是结束世界各地的血汗工厂状况。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A five-star hotel will be set up in the venue to provide food, accommodation, meeting and entertainment services. 新展馆还配套一家五星级宾馆,提供餐饮、住宿、会议、娱乐等配套服务。 yc.ywnews.cn 4. Since NATO no-fly zone set up in Libya in March after it has been bombing military targets in the country. 北约自3月份在利比亚设立禁飞区后,就一直在轰炸该国的军事目标。 www.englishtang.com 5. Set up in advance for the morals reproach of "mutually beneficial mutual benefit" 对“互惠互利”的道德非难预设 www.ilib.cn 6. Globally, the rules-based system that the West set up in the second half of the 20th century brought huge benefits to emerging powers. 全球来看,20世纪下半叶西方世界所设立的规则为基础的系统为新兴力量带来了巨大的收益。 www.bing.com 7. Though not a high-ranking position, Yi Zhang, set up in most states in the Western Regions, played an important role. 这一职官在西域都护所属的绝大多数西域城邦中都设有,职位虽不高,但起着十分重要的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. A new epoxy resin plant alongside the planned glass epoxy laminate factory will be set up in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province. 集团计划在江苏省江阴的环氧玻璃纤维覆铜面板厂附近增设一家环氧树脂厂。 www.kuenglish.info 9. The website (surfacetemperatures. org) set up in preparation for the Exeter meeting is hardly a hotbed of activity. 为埃克斯特会议建立的网站(地表温度官网)很难成为活动的温床。 www.ecocn.org 10. Slope Maintenance Section was set up in April 1998 to carry out maintenance works for these slopes. 该署遂于一九九八年四月成立斜坡维修组,负责这些斜坡的维修工作。 www.hotdic.com 1. Classroom set up in primary and secondary subjects of adolescent health education. 在中小学课堂开设了青春期健康教育科目。 www.chinavalue.net 2. T-Yard Garden is a manufacturer and exporter of garden furniture, which set up in 1999, located in JiaXing, ZheJiang Province, China. 庭园阁是一个庭园家具的制造商和出口商,她创建于1999年,坐落在浙江省嘉兴市。 b2b.bosslink.com 3. In fact, military communication networks have been set up in different scale. 实际上,军事通信网络已经以不同规模建立起来。 www.bing.com 4. Caribbean police forces were set up in colonial times to catch mango thieves and quell native unrest. 在殖民时期,设置加勒比海警察是为了抓偷芒果的贼,以及镇压国内动荡。 www.ecocn.org 5. Do you think the traffic lights set up in Changsha is reasonable? 您认为长沙市的红绿灯设置是否合理* zhidao.baidu.com 6. The unit set up in 1993, has many years of production experience. 本单位在1993年成立,已有多年的生产经验。 www.tonke.cn 7. And comparison, set up in 1993, China Eastern Jiangsu companies want a more powerful strength. 而相比起来,成立于1993年的东航江苏公司实力要更为强大。 www.5955555.net 8. According to its website CISG, which trades under the name CN Insure, was set up in 1998 and has 17 offices nationwide and 1m customers. CISG的公司网站称,该公司创建于1998年,在全国拥有17个办事处和100万名客户。其交易名称为CNInsure。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Lawyers who set up in practice must use facts as a basis and the law as criteria. 律师执业必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。 www.lawyee.org 10. The grand butterfly world was set up in full sail here by scientific angle of view and the type of art. 更以科学的视角、艺术的形式,倾力打造美轮美奂的蝴蝶世界。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Many national parks have been set up in the world to preserve the natural habitats of wild animals. 全世界设立了许多国家公园以保护野生动物的自然栖息地。 www.ruiwen.com 2. all the tv channels are set up in advance . please read the program list for details. 各频道节目预先为您设置,详细内容请见电视节目表。 www.ichacha.net 3. Set up in 1975 after a succession of oil crises, it is intended as a buffer against economic meltdown in times of national emergency. 经历了一连串石油危机之后,1975年,美国建立了战略石油储备以应对紧急情况下的国内经济危机。 www.bing.com 4. ICANN was set up in 1998 and operated under the aegis of the U. S. Commerce Department. ICANN创立于1998年,受美国商务部管辖。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. fourthly , the reception office for donation is set up in the agency of shengquan temple tourism development corporation. 四捐赠接待站设在圣泉寺旅游开发公司办事处。 www.ichacha.net 6. Their hospital at Goma had been set up in 2000 to train young Congolese doctors. 2000年,夫妻两在戈马修建了一所医院,培训年轻的刚果医生。 www.bing.com 7. Relationships aren't hard to set up in SimpleDB. 在SimpleDB中不难建立关系。 www.ibm.com 8. The civil service system is set up in the process of fighting against the favoritism and the "pork barrel" system. 公务员制度是在反对个人赡循主义和政党分肥制的过程中建立起来的。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. and only standard TCM, can a good figure set up in people and larger contribution be made for human health. 也只有规范的中医才能在人们心中树立良好的形象,为人类的健康做出更大的贡献。 www.chemyq.com 10. The size of bribes is also affected by the institutional set-up in each country. 贿赂金额的大小同样受到不同国家体制的影响。 www.bing.com 1. So Genmab was set up in Copenhagen, though its research facilities are in the Netherlands. 所以Genmab公司在哥本哈根建立,而它的研究室则设在荷兰。 www.ecocn.org 2. A recent edition of the China Economic Quarterly (CEQ) looked at the top exporters among foreign companies that had set up in China. 最近一期的《中国经济季刊》注意了那些在中国设厂的主要外国出口公司。 www.ecocn.org 3. According to a game room set up in Beijing this year, the owner said his shop is the most popular fishing machine. 另据一位今年在北京开设游戏厅的老板透露,他的店里人气最旺的就是捕鱼机。 www.dw188.com 4. A similar centre is to be set up in China, with further centres in Brazil, Iran and South Africa also envisioned. 一个类似的中心即将在中国建立,此外还计划在巴西、伊朗和南非建立这样的中心。 www.scidev.net 5. "More H&M stores will be set up in China next year, especially in the second-tier cities, " he said. 明年更多的H&M店将会在中国开起来,尤其是在二级城市。 www.suiniyi.com 6. In 2006 to set up in Shanghai, Shanghai Business Exhibition Co. , Ltd. heaven. 于2006年在上海成立上海天界商务会展有限公司。 www.17u.net 7. Introduction: Recently, the 1st university Red Cross in Zhuhai was set up in Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Campus. 我市首个大学生红十字会近日在北师大珠海分校成立。 old.zhtv.com 8. SWIFT Transport International Logistics was set up in 2007 and has offices in Moscow, Shanghai, Qingdao and Manzhouli. 天津海铁联捷国际物流有限义务公司建立于2007年,并正在莫斯科、上海、青岛及谦洲里设有分收机构。 job.mookcon.com 9. The association, made up of more than 100 scientists and explorers, was set up in November 2009 and started operating in April this year. 野人研究会成立于2009年,目前有100多名科研工作者和探险者,今年四月开始筹划“野人”科考活动。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 10. In 1990, the ophthalmic laboratory of the Ministry of Health was set up in Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center. 1990年,卫生部批准在中山眼科中心内成立卫生部眼科学实验室; rsc.sysu.edu.cn |
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