单词 | scale ... up |
释义 |
第三人称单数:scales up 现在分词:scaling up 过去式:scaled up 例句释义: 增加,扩大,提高,向上扩展,按比例增加,纵向扩展 1. As the name suggests, one of its primary objectives is to dramatically scale-up the number of users that an application can support. 顾名思义,它的主要目标之一是极大地扩大应用程序可以支持的用户数量。 www.ibm.com 2. "FAO will scale up its support on a number of low-income food deficit countries, especially those facing prolonged crisis, " he said. 达席尔瓦说:“联合国粮农组织将加强对一些缺粮低收入国家的支持,尤其是那些面临长期危机的国家。” www.bing.com 3. Accordingly, the company has decided to scale up the new FMCG businesses like branded packaged foods, lifestyle retailing and others. 因此,印度烟草公司决定按比例扩大新的快速消费品业务,如品牌包装食品、生活方式零售业和其他业务。 www.tobaccochina.com 4. "We are certainly far from it, " he said, adding that more work is needed to scale up the devices. 他说:“我们肯定距离应用很遥远”。他还说,需要进行更多的研究从而扩大这种装置的规模。 www.scidev.net 5. Real squash and stretch is usually some part of an object deforming differently that just a simple scale up or down. 真正的压缩和伸展通常是一个物体的某个部分,它不同于只是简单地缩放。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But few analysts believe it is possible to scale up hydro, nuclear, solar and wind power at such a massive rate. 但只有少部分分析人士相信可以以如此快的速度发展水电,核电,太阳能和风力发电。 www.bing.com 7. There's just a limit to the extent to which the carmakers can scale up tech employment. 汽车制造商增加技术人才雇用的程度是有限的。 www.ecocn.org 8. Wang thinks he has a molecule that will be ready to scale up to industrial levels in an affordable way. 王认为他的分子,这种分子将准备扩大到工业水平的一个经济实惠的方式。 www.fane.cn 9. He said he hopes improved U. N. and ASEAN coordination with the authorities in Burma will help scale up relief efforts quickly. 他说,他希望得到改善的联合国和东盟同缅甸当局的协调有助于扩大赈灾工作。 www.voanews.cn 10. For some, the long-term strategy may be to scale up and sell to Amazon or cash out in a stock offering. 对于有些人来说,开公司的长期计划可能是把规模做大,然后卖给亚马逊或是上市套现。 www.bing.com 1. The Bank will be looking to scale-up the technology and replicate it in diverse forest areas, from Cameroon to Malaysia. 世行将扩大这种技术的使用范围,并将在不同的森林地区(从喀麦隆到马来西亚)复制这个项目。 web.worldbank.org 2. Service Broker activation makes it easy to scale up applications as more processing power becomes available. 由于处理能力变得更强,因此ServiceBroker激活可以轻松地向上扩展应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. But in 2005 the company began to scale up its physical presence here, with Asia-based staff offering Asia-based products and services. 从2005年起,谷歌开始扩大其在亚洲的业务实体,由在亚洲工作的员工提供基于亚洲的产品和服务。 www.ebigear.com 4. And so far, with the support of World Wildlife Fund, we've been able to scale up the very small programs to national programs today. 到目前为止,在世界野生动物基金会的支持下,我们能将非常小型的项目做成国家级的大项目。 www.ted.com 5. Conclusion: This strategy is a low-cost, environmental protective and easy to scale up. 结论:该胸腺五肽合成路线成本低,环保,易产业化。 www.chemyq.com 6. As a general-purpose computing language, though, S has far more ability to abstract and scale up to handle large, server-side problems. 但是,作为一门通用的计算语言,S处理大型的、服务器端问题的抽象和扩展能力远比它们要强。 www.ibm.com 7. But to make a real dent in auto pollution, these plug-in cars will need to scale up to hundreds of thousands per year. 但是要真正发挥削弱汽车污染的作用,需要达到每年生产数十万辆这种汽车的规模。 www.bing.com 8. It featured with facile reaction conditions, convenient operation procedure and could be readily scale-up to mass production. 本法具有反应路线短,反应条件温和,操作简单等优点,适合工业化生产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If the pilots go well, Google. org plans to scale up fast; at the moment it is spending much less than Messrs Brin and Page promised. 如果初期进展顺利,Google.org就计划迅速扩大规模,就目前而言,项目的资金投入情况仍然比谷歌创始人所承诺的要少许多。 www.bing.com 10. It will then scale up to larger cells and, in around six years' time, it hopes to be producing batteries powerful enough for carmakers. 六年后再扩大规模生产更大型的电池,希望能够产出满足汽车商要求的大型电池。 www.ecocn.org 1. Researchers at the algae greenhouse plan to scale up the trial to a 100 hectare (247 acre) site over the next three years. 藻类温室的研究人员计划在未来三年内将试验范围扩大到一片100公顷(合247英亩)的场地上。 www.bing.com 2. As their individual temperatures scale up and down, they form a trinity, each becoming an aspect of the other's identity. 随着个人的体温升升降降,一直呆在病房使他们形成了铁三角,每个人都浸染上其他两个的性格特征。 www.ecocn.org 3. As more work enters the system, the dispatcher can dynamically scale up the infrastructure by starting additional worker instances. 随着更多的工作进入系统,通过启动附加的工作者实例,协调员可以动态地扩展基础结构。 www.ibm.com 4. We are issuing these guidelines to help countries and communities scale-up the services needed to reduce new infections and save lives. 我们发布这些指南,就是要帮助各国和社区扩大用以减少新发感染并且挽救生命所需的服务。 www.who.int 5. With cloud computing, companies can scale up to massive capacities in an instant. 通过云计算,企业也可以在瞬间大规模的扩充容量。 dict.kekenet.com 6. This is in distinct contrast to bitmap-based images, which can degrade significantly as you scale up a given image's size. 这与基于位图的图像形成鲜明的对比,因为位图图像在不断放大时会出现明显的失真。 www.ibm.com 7. Reservoir simulation is required to scale up the process from laboratory to field conditions and to understand and interpretreservoir data. 要求水库模仿按比例提高从的过程对野外环境的实验室和了解和解释水库数据。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The superlarge ore deposit generally means a deposit with a reserve scale up to a superlarge ore deposit. 超大型矿床,一般指单个矿床中规模达超大型者。 www.dictall.com 9. One of the biggest challenges facing health development is to scale up population coverage with existing interventions. 卫生发展所面临的最大挑战之一是如何使用现有干预措施逐步扩大人口覆盖率。 www.who.int 10. Scale-up and development reports, along with purity profiles would constitute such a validation report. 放大和开发报告,以及杂质概况将构成验证报告。 zhoushengsuo.blog.163.com 1. But solid-state batteries are expensive to make and have been difficult to scale up to the size needed for laptops or vehicles. 但固态电池制造成本高昂,且难以改进到笔记本电脑或车辆所需的尺寸。 www.bing.com 2. What has remained unclear is whether these same neural mechanisms scale up to enable maneuvers as graceful as, say, a pirouette. 目前我们仍不清楚的是,是否将相同的神经机制加以扩大,就可以执行像足尖旋转这样优雅曼妙的动作。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. The next logical step, she said, is for the government to boost the scale-up process. 她认为,对政府而言,下一步应该做的就是加快整个进程的扩大。 www.bing.com 4. This pattern is most appropriate for small, highly skilled teams and is difficult to scale up to large projects. 此模式最适合用于小型的技能娴熟的团队,难以扩展为大型项目。 www.ibm.com 5. At present, our company has the output scale up to one million tons per year, with the products exported to EU and South Africa. 目前本公司已经具备年产上百吨的规模,产品已经远销欧盟和南非。 www.glass.cn 6. CONCLUSION The expression of the rhSCF gene in E. coli is just as expected, which set a solid base for its scale up and clinical trail. 结论人干细胞因子基因大肠杆菌表达产物与理论推测完全一致,为其中试及临床试验奠定了基础。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 7. The distribution and optimization of flow field is one of the key points for the scale up of magnesium electrolyzer. 镁电解槽流场的分布和优化是镁电解槽大型化的关键问题。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 8. If it proves possible to scale up his techniques, that would remove the source of the controversy over stem-cell research. 如果证明他的技术可能上规模,将消除对干细胞研究的争论来源。 www.ecocn.org 9. Now, researchers need to figure out a way to scale up the device while still keeping it efficient and relatively inexpensive. 如今,研究者需要找出一种办法来放大这种设备,同时又保持它的高效和相对廉价。 www.bing.com 10. The Japanese group wants to quit Hero to scale up its own motorcycle business in India, one of the world's fastest growing markets. 本田希望退出Hero,在印度市场扩大自身的摩托车业务,印度是全球增长最快的市场之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Unfortunately this technology probably won't scale up to a usable size. 不幸的是,这一技术可能无法发展到可用的规模。 www.ibm.com 2. ''We would like to scale up to reach up to half a million farmers in West, East and Southern Africa, '' Tabo told SciDev. Net. Tabo告诉科学与发展网络(SciDev.Net)说:“我们想扩大规模以到达非洲西部、东部以及南部地区的50万的农户中去。” www.scidev.net 3. In support of the Beijing meeting's aims, planning tools are being developed to help countries scale up their MDR-TB control efforts. 为了支持北京会议的目标,帮助各国扩展耐多药结核病控制的计划工具正在开发中。 www.who.int 4. It is now being offered to adolescents and adults in many countries, with an important impact on the scale up of access to HIV services. 现在正在向许多国家的青少年和成人提供这种概念,将对加强获取艾滋病毒服务产生重要影响。 www.who.int 5. Kruse is keen to see Pakrasi scale up his experiments to check that Cyanothece 51142 works as well when cultured in larger volumes. Kruse已经迫不及待想看到Pakrasi扩大他的实验规模,来检验蓝杆菌51142在大规模培养是能否有卓越表现。 www.bing.com 6. Since those projects take time to scale up, steel supply at this point is exceeding demand, sending prices lower. 由于这些项目需要一定时间才会逐步推出,因此目前钢材供应超过了需求,导致价格随之走低。 www.bing.com 7. REEEP has selected the company Barefoot Power to implement the initiative. which aims to scale-up the strategy to 23 countries by 2011. REEEP已经选择了BarefootPower公司实施这一项目,该项目的目标是到2011年把该策略推广到23个国家。 www.scidev.net 8. The company says it plans to use money from the public listing to build a new 500-acre facility and scale up to 1, 200 bears. 该公司说,它准备把上市募集的资金用于新建一处500英亩的设施,把黑熊养殖规模扩大到1,200头。 c.wsj.com 9. The challenge is to scale up and globalize these effective prevention strategies by encouraging and supporting countries and communities. 如何通过鼓励和支持国家与社区努力加强这些有效的预防策略并使之成为全球普遍的行动,则是我们所要解决的问题。 www.who.int 10. Scale-up of a decentralized HIV treatment programme in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: does rapid expansion affect patient outcomes? 扩大分散性艾滋病毒治疗项目在南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔农村地区的覆盖范围:迅速拓展该项目能否影响患者的治疗效果? www.who.int 1. It appears straightforward (though technically very challenging) to scale up the trapped-ion approach to much larger numbers of qubits. 要将捕获离子的量子位元数大幅增加,看起来似乎很简单,但在技术上却非常困难。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. The report says that the work of PHAs has been a valuable contribution to the government's rapid scale-up of ART. 这份报告说,PHA的工作为政府快速扩大ART治疗作出了宝贵的贡献。 web.worldbank.org 3. The researchers hope to scale up the process so it could be used in a power plant or industrial factory. 研究人员希望可以将这种方法大规模的使用在发电厂和工厂中。 www.bing.com 4. When you rotate the analogue stick the symbols light up and scale up as you pass them. 当你旋转模拟手柄,手柄指向的符号会变亮并有一定比例增大。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Capabilities can be rapidly and elastically provisioned to quickly scale up and rapidly released to quickly scale down. 资源可以迅速和弹性地部署,以便快速扩展和快速释放。 labs.chinamobile.com 6. Industrial design places much emphasis on previous practice or on careful scale-up coupled with a liberal sprinkling of safety factors. 工业设计十分着重过去的实践经验,或者细心地进行放大,同时选用大的安全系数。 www.jukuu.com 7. A character's story is designed to be fun for a solo player, but can also scale up, much like events, to allow for a group to participate. 玩家角色的故事设计是基于一个人的乐趣,不过人多一样OK,就好似事件系列,可以允许一群人参与。 www.bing.com 8. And that companies that mine these untapped areas of e-commerce can, as they scale up, grow revenue faster than operating costs. 开拓这些电子商务领域的公司随着规模扩大,营收增速快于营运成本上升。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Improvements to the CDM are needed to scale-up emission reductions. Measures are already being taken and must be sustained and stepped-up. 需要改进清洁发展机制,以扩大减排规模,已经采取了措施,必须保持下去和加大力度。 web.worldbank.org 10. Next, they hope to scale up the process so it could be used in a power plant or industrial factory. 接下来,他们打算按比例扩大此项转换过程,以便用于发电厂或者工业园。 www.bing.com 1. Some of that is being directed into the depots, trucks and management that SWR needs to scale up and diversify. 其中一部分资金直接投入SpecialistWasteRecycling需要扩大并多样化的仓库、卡车以及管理领域。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As with the scale-up of other drug products, there should be a development report that discusses the process and logic for the cycle. 放大气体的药物产品,需要一个报告,用于讨论循环的过程和逻辑。 www.pharmst.cn 3. Probably more so than any other product, scale-up of the lyophilization cycle is very difficult. 与其他的产品相比,放大一个冻干循环是十分困难的。 www.pharmst.cn 4. One characteristic of gas-liquid scale-up is the fact that the linear superficial gas velocity normally increases. 气液相按比例增加的特点之一是,表层气体的线性速度通常会增加; www.ok06.com 5. The surroundings wild beast comes together scale up, the moon has been already risen at the moment. 周围的野兽聚集得越来越多,此刻月亮早已经升起。 www.cqlxjt.net 6. Since the waves induction mechanism is very simple, it allows easy and efficient scale-up from small scale to a larger one. 由于波诱导机械装置非常简单,所以允许容易且有效地从小规模到较大规模的放大。 ip.com 7. Manufacturing, process or "scale-up" engineering has primary responsibility for designing quality into the manufacturing processes. 制造,工艺或量产工程部门负有制造流程设计质量的基本责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Then scale-up to 2L tank, to find out the best glycerol and methanol fed-batch mode. At last scale-up to 50L tank fermentation. 然后再放大到2L规模,并利用发酵罐探索甘油和甲醇补料的最佳流加模式,最后在50L的发酵罐实现放大。 www.fabiao.net 9. Clearly those results won't scale up to all code for 1. 0, but it shows that we're really getting close. 显然这些结论无法说明1.0的所有代码都是如此,但至少能证明我们正在接近这一目标。 www.infoq.com 10. This provided the essential data for tryptophan production to scale up in the future. 这就为今后酶法合成色氨酸工艺产业化提供了必要的数据。 www.chemyq.com 1. If you scale down your test environment, you will have to scale up your results to approximate the numbers for the production environment. 如果您缩小测试环境,那么您必须扩大结果以取得生产环境中的近似数字。 www.ibm.com 2. The cooling wasn't sufficient to scale up to a 60-watt equivalent. 冷却技术还达不到应用于60瓦特当量的水平。 www.bing.com 3. Proven track record in solving mechanical problems. Demonstrable experience of production scale up, robustness and validation studies. 有独立解决机械方面的问题,丰富的大规模、高强度生产和验证研究的经验。 www.showxiu.com 4. The goal of the mini iteration is to quickly scale up the team's competency. 微小迭代的目标是快速地按比例增加团队的能力。 www.ibm.com 5. With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention. 掌握了这些研究,我们将处于更好的地位来加大预防力度并使之全球化。 www.who.int 6. Once you scale up to the organization level, there are additional challenges. 当你提升了组织的级别,另外一些挑战又出现了。 www.ibm.com 7. The ITF should include the ability to scale up the number of parallel requests. ITF应当具备按比例增加并行请求数量的能力。 www.ibm.com 8. With the scale up of the medical postgraduate education, the issue of postgraduate educational quality has been increasingly concerned. 随着我国医学研究生教育规模的扩大,研究生的培养质量问题备受关注。 lib.cqvip.com 9. They remain more expensive than coal-generated electricity, but China is uniquely placed to scale up, and undercut its rivals' costs. 尽管这两者价格仍高于煤电,但中国却拥有得天独厚的优势,能提高清洁能源发电的比例,并逼迫竞争对手调低价格。 cn.reuters.com 10. The kinetic parameters are calculated by the experimental data, which are useful for the scale up test and industrial design. 并根据实验数据计算出氢化反应的动力学参数,为放大实验及工业设计提供参考数据。 www.chemyq.com 1. Scalability of an application has two independent aspects -- scale up and scale out. 应用程序的可伸缩性有两个独立的方向——向上扩展和向外扩展。 www.ibm.com 2. Two of the competing proposals would scale up the Keck's segmented mirror design. 其中的两组提案要将凯克天文台的分节镜加大; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A business based on the specialty detergent could never scale up enough to capture significant sales from the major brands, Fader says. 他说,一个专营某种特色洗涤剂的公司,永远不可能把规模扩大到可以从主流品牌手中夺取可观的市场份额的程度。 www.bing.com 4. So now we're ready to scale up. 现在让我们来提升到新的水平。 www.ted.com 5. In February 2010, the Bank approved a US$10 million scale up of the project. 今年2月,世行批准提供1000万美元贷款,用于扩大该项目规模。 web.worldbank.org 6. Objective: To review the relationship between some key factors and quality of the film coated products during scale up process. 目的:介绍薄膜包衣放大生产过程中一些关键因素与包衣产品质量的关系。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 7. Scale up efforts to help towns and cities identify and deliver the scale economies they are best suited for. 加大力度帮助城镇和城市确定和发展对其最适用的规模经济模式。 web.worldbank.org 8. Conclusions High pressure homogenization has better scale-up feasibility to produce intravenous SLN. 结论现有手段中高压均质法制备静脉注射用SLN具有良好的工业化潜力。 www.bing.com 9. We are nearly there through the largest scale-up of a malaria intervention in Africa's history. 然而,通过非洲历史上最大规模的疟疾干预措施扩展行动,我们已接近目标。 www.who.int 10. Scale-up for the lyophilized product requires a knowledge of the many variables that may have an effect on the product. 放大生产冻干产品,需要知道更多的变量,这些变量会影响产品。 www.pharmst.cn 1. Indian companies must scale up operations and widen their product portfolio to increase exports of finished, value-added products. 印度公司必须扩大规模,拓展产品组合,以增加高附加值的制成品的出口。 www.bing.com 2. provide technical support to countries to build sustainable institutional capacity to scale up national AIDS responses. influenza. 向各国提供技术支持以建设持久的机构能力,加强国家的艾滋病应对工作。 www.who.int 3. In the second and current phase, the team is doing the sophisticated work needed to scale up the device for humans. 在第二与目前的阶段,该研究小组正在按人体比例需要对设备作精细的调整工作。 news.dxy.cn 4. This provides a solid background in theory for the scale-up and industrialization of downes . 这为深入考察下行床的放大以及下行床的工业化提供了理论支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Elasticity is the ability to scale up and down the infrastructure based on need. 灵活性是指根据需要自动向上和向下扩展基础架构。 www.ibm.com 6. The silver noodles youth's Mou several sons alteration countenance, this mini girl scale up makes people don't understand . . . . . . 银面少年的眸子几度变色,这个小女孩越来越让人看不懂了…… www.dqbuluo.com 7. However, I believe we should also expect that the system itself not place any real restriction on a reasonable scale-up scenario. 但是,我相信我们还应该期望系统本身不会对合理伸缩场景造成任何限制。 www.ibm.com 8. He remains optimistic, though, and feels that the approach could scale up beyond microelectronics . 不过他依然相当乐观,并认为这种方式将超越微电子学的范畴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Where scale-up of proven interventions has occurred, and surveillance systems are functioning, remarkable impact has been documented. 只要实施了大规模有效措施,并且具备运行良好的监测系统,那么就会取得卓越的成果 www.who.int 10. Innovation partnerships strive to create and scale up new business or operating models, products, services and markets. 创新伙伴关系努力营造和扩大新业务和经营方式、产品、服务和市场。 www.america.gov 1. Developed members of APEC should scale up technology transfer and help developing members build capacity for innovative growth. 发达成员应该加大技术转让力度,增强发展中成员实现创新增长能力。 www.putclub.com 2. AIX 7 will allow you to scale up to 1, 024 threads or 256 cores in a single partition. AIX7将支持垂直扩展到单分区1024个线程,即256个核。 www.ibm.com 3. This reminds us of the urgent need to scale up efforts and continue to seek new and innovative ways to stop TB. 它提醒我们迫切需要进一步努力,继续寻找新的和新颖方法遏制结核病。 www.who.int 4. Federal Reserve officials might also have been quicker to scale up their interventions. 联邦储备局官员也可能更快地加大其干预力量。 www.ecocn.org 5. With 101 partitions, you can scale up to 101 container servers for a total of 202 GB of items. 在101个分区,101个容器服务器的情况下,您以供可以保存202GB的项。 www.ibm.com 6. This makes it easier to reliably scale up the technology to very large arrays. 这使得科学家们能更容易和可靠地将这项技术按比例扩大到甚大阵。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Higher food prices provide additional urgency to the commitment to scale up support for African agriculture. 粮食价格上涨使得加大对非洲农业支持力度的任务变得更为紧迫。 web.worldbank.org 8. Despite the promises that EJB would prove the key to scalability, EJB systems often perform poorly and don't necessarily scale up well. 抛开EJB关键性的可扩展性的承诺,EJB系统常常性能低下,而且扩展性不好。 www.open-china.net 9. Now the country's scientists want to scale up the design to make it affordable. 现在该国的科学家们想改进这种设计,可以让它能被负担得起。 www.scidev.net 10. Second, APEC should scale up input and promote even greater achievements in economic and technical cooperation. 第二,加大投入,推动经济技术合作取得更大成果。 wap.putclub.com 1. Database performance plummets once index tables don't fit in memory anymore, so scale up memory as far as possible to hold tables. 一旦索引表再也无法装入内存,数据库的性能就会直线下降,所以应该尽量升级内存,以便存放那些表。 www.ibm.com 2. All the other things can scale up. You can get a faster processor and more memory, but that's going to use a lot more battery power. 其他的东西都可以按比例放大,比如我们可以得到更快的处理器和更大的内存,但这些是以消耗更多的电池电量为代价的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The World Bank is encouraging greater efforts to scale up the use of the distance learning centers. 世界银行努力推动扩大对远程学习中心的利用。 web.worldbank.org 4. Donors should measure and report the share of their ODA that supports the actual scale-up of MDG-related investments. 援助国家应当对其在扩大为千年发展目标有关的投资所占的份额进行测定和报告。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When the primary motive is to generate profits, businesses will strive to deliver value in excess of costs and scale up. 当企业的初始动机是获利时,这些企业会努力使创造的价值超过成本,并使二者成比例增加。 www.bing.com 6. Another approach, organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology, shows promise but is expensive and difficult to scale up. 另一种方式,是有机发光二极管技术,前途光明却价格昂贵,且难以大规模[生产]。 www.ecocn.org 7. We will scale up efforts to control tobacco, including full implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 我们将加强努力控制烟草,包括全面实施《烟草控制框架公约》。 www.who.int 8. These partnerships strive to create and scale-up new business or operating models, new types of products and services and even new markets. 此类伙伴关系致力于创立和扩大新的企业或运营模式、新类型的产品与服务、甚至是新市场。 www.america.gov 9. To scale-up behavioural interventions for the prevention of HIV and STIs among men who have sex with men and transgender people. 加大行为干预,预防男男性行为者和变性人中间出现艾滋病毒和性传播感染。 www.who.int 10. Notification Services supports scale-up, scale-out, and failover clustering hardware configurations. NotificationServices支持向上扩展、向外扩展以及故障转移群集硬件配置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Design and scale up of tubular photobioreactors are discussed for outdoor culture of microalgae. 管状光生物反应器的设计和规模化均服务于微藻的户外养殖。 www.planta.cn 2. 'G-8 members are already in a position to mobilize substantial bilateral support to scale-up this effort, ' they said. 声明草案说,G8有能力调动大量双边支持以扩大这项工作。 chinese.wsj.com 3. He says the industry needs to attract individuals from chemicals and aerospace to scale up sufficiently. 他说,核能行业需要从化工和航天领域吸引人才,以便继续拓展业务。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Does the theory scale up from the simple (often two actor) model to complex (many actor) economic organization? 这种理论是不是从简单的(通常是双因素)模型发展成复杂的(多因素)经济组织? www.bing.com 5. The most challenging issue is building a dependable team without funding, and creating a realistic business plan to scale up. 最具有挑战性的事情是在没有经费的前提下建立一个可靠的团队,并制定一个可行的商业计划来扩大规模。 www.bing.com 6. Owing to the scale-up effect of large packing tower, polymerization and fouling occur generally in the tower. 由于大型填料塔存在着放大效应,物料在汽油分馏塔内聚合结垢是一普遍问题; www.magsci.org 7. One open question is how Kayak intends to scale up Private Sale: Will it need to expand its workforce to negotiate these exclusive deals? Kayak将如何扩大内部销售的规模呢?它需要为这些独家产品的谈判而增加员工人数吗? www.bing.com 8. What is new is the rapid scale-up to levels of investment that have a measureable effect on African growth. 而最近中国迅速扩大的投资水平对非洲增长有可观的影响。 www.bing.com 9. This flow property is fundamental to the scale-up design and optimization of jet loop reactors. 该研究对于下喷环流反应器的放大与优化有重要指导意义。 www.jchemindustry.com 10. Let's look at some Agile practices and see how well they scale up for larger projects. 让我们看一下敏捷实践,并看看它们是如何适用于大型项目的。 www.ibm.com 1. For similar reasons, the SIF is relying on non-profit intermediaries to scale up promising ideas. 出于同样的原因,SIF也依赖于非营利性中介机构去扩展其有希望的方案。 www.bing.com 2. Massive scale up of prevention has produced real changes in malaria transmission. 由于大大扩展了疟疾预防措施,疟疾传播已经发生实质变化。 www.who.int 3. Yi snow is displeased, the vigilance in nowadays how scale up low, so effortless won the other people's set. 伊雪懊恼,现在的警惕性怎么越来越低,这么容易就中了别人的套。 www.zidh.com 4. The infrastructure specialist can scale up or down virtual servers or blocks of storage area. 基础架构专家可以垂直扩展或收缩虚拟服务器或存储区域块。 www.ibm.com 5. Many companies question their ability to scale up cost-effectively in both countries. 在这两个国家里,许多企业怀疑自己能不能以一种成本高效的方式扩大规模。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Customers benefit by paying only for what they use, and gain the flexibility to scale up or down as needs change. 客户因“为所用付费”而受惠,并且获得了随着需求变化而按随时增减的灵活性。 www.bing.com 7. As a seed-funder, The Development Marketplace serves as a launching pad for projects to prove their concept, scale-up, or replicate. 发展市场扮演的角色是提供种子资金,为项目的概念验证、推广或复制提供第一推动力。 web.worldbank.org 8. Often, the reason for deploying to the cloud includes the intention to scale up as load increases. 通常,负载按比例增长也是部署到云环境的理由之一。 www.ibm.com 9. Scale up for most applications. 对大多数应用进行向上扩容。 tech.ddvip.com 10. If enabled, the Element will scale up when it becomes visible and scale down again when it isn't. 如果启用,元素当它可见时变大和当它不可见时缩小。 game.ceeger.com 1. A major scale up of our global response to prevent drug resistant TB simply cannot wait. 要使预防耐药结核病的全球反应大步升级,绝不能耽搁。 www.who.int 2. Another challenge for Origen is to scale up production. 俄利根的另一个挑战就是要达到规模化生产。 cnc.wesiedu.com 3. the international red cross says it plans to scale - up its bird flu operations in 26 countries , mainly in asia and africa. 国际红十字会计划扩大他们在26个国家的禽流感预防活动,主要在亚洲和非洲。 www.ichacha.net 4. When will these parts ship to England for our production scale up test run on the machines? 何时将这些零件运送对英国为我们的生产标度测验运行在机器! ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. The smart grid, however, should not be confined to pilots. But the problem is figuring out how to scale up. 但智能电网不应只止步于有几个先行者,问题是如何使之规模化。 www.bing.com 6. Rapid scale-up is bringing care to families and individuals who were without hope. 迅速强化的努力正在使原来毫无希望的家庭和个人得到护理。 www.who.int 7. This study provides a basis for the scale up and development of photo catalytic ozonation reactors. 为光催化臭氧化反应器的工业放大设计提供依据。 cjee.ac.cn 8. Several of my clients have run into trouble because they designed their messaging network to scale up using identical components. 我的几个客户陷入了麻烦,因为他们将消息网络设计为使用相同的组件来进行横向扩展。 www.ibm.com 9. This approach allowed us to scale up this Lotus Domino instance and see how far it could go with unlimited resources. 这种方法使我们可以伸缩这个LotusDomino实例,看它在资源不受限的情况下可以承受多大的工作负载。 www.ibm.com 10. One, companies should use franchising to scale up quickly. 第一,企业应该通过特许专营的方式来迅速扩大经营规模。 www.bing.com 1. Puts forward a new type of air handle unit which can realize the scale-up production. 提出了可实现规模化生产的全空气空调系统的模式。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. But rapid scale-up of diagnostic testing is entirely feasible. 但迅速扩大诊断检测的规模却完全可行。 www.who.int 3. This year, interns will work with between 20 and 25 companies and the plan is to scale up the scheme and have 200 interns within five years. 今年,它将安排实习生到20至25家公司实习。该协会还计划扩大实习计划的规模,在5年内安排200个实习生。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Information on scale-up considerations is given where appropriate. 关于规模向上考虑的讯息合适的话被给。 www.tzhealth.com 5. The challenge is to scale up such programmes. 如何按比例增加这样的项目是个挑战。 www.ecocn.org 6. Airlift loop reactors(ALRs) have been widely used in industry, so the investigation of ALRs is very important for their design and scale-up. 环流反应器在工业上正得到越来越广泛的应用,对其进行深入研究对于此类反应器的设计与放大具有重要意义。 www.chemyq.com 7. To buy on a rising market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up. Sell on a scale down. 最不让人担心的买进方法是在一个上升的市场里买进。买高卖低。 www.zftrans.com 8. Malaria scale-up progress: is the glass half-empty or half-full? 疟疾大规模行动的进展:是半杯空或半满? mso.sysu.edu.cn 9. The current phase (2007-2009) is the scale-up to full national coverage of all 79, 000 villages and urban wards. 现阶段(2007-2009年)的任务是扩大项目规模,使之覆盖全国所有7.9万个村庄和城市社区。 web.worldbank.org 10. How does a smaller organizationquickly scale up its social media effort? 一个较小的组织怎么能迅速增加它的社会媒体工作? www.bing.com 1. A key point is that the infrastructure is elastic and can scale up and down based on demand. 要点在于这个基础设施是弹性的,可以根据需求扩展和收缩。 www.ibm.com 2. It is simply unacceptable that there is currently no plan to support countries for treatment scale-up until 2014. 不可接受的是,目前没有计划来支持需要大规模治疗的国家,到2014年之前都是这样。 www.bing.com 3. The modeling and scale-up of the QH-1 mini rings are discussed and the application of the packings are illustrated. 讨论了QH-1型扁环填料的数学模型和设计放大,并举例说明了这种填料的工业应用。 www.chemyq.com 4. Despite these problems, many people think a massive scale-up of the industry is imminent. 尽管有这些问题,很多人认为这项技术的上升马上就会开始。 www.ecocn.org 5. It [the Private Equity Foundation] is en-abling us to scale up and help more children and young people. 私人股本基金会正使我们的规模不断扩大,以帮助更多的孩子和年轻人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Pilot experiments show that the current efficiency is very critical to the future scale-up production. 放大实验表明,有利于电流效率的提高,为将来工业化生产提供了依据。 www.fabiao.net 7. We spent our money, we didn't have enough to scale up as we now need to. 我们花钱于此,但我们没有足够资金来完成我们现在急需的扩大规模。 www.ebigear.com 8. The strategic scale-up that is eroding malaria's influence is a critical step in the effort to combat poverty-related health threats. 干预措施的战略性推广削弱了疟疾的影响,这是应对与贫困相关的卫生威胁的关键一步。 www.who.int 9. Still, you can just see how powerful she is. Okay, she's decided the easy option. You scale up ahead and pull the gazelle out behind her. 然而,你能看到她有多强大。好的,她决定选择轻松的选项。你抬高头并将瞪羚拖在身后。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Influence process development in order to guarantee feasibility and reliability of scale-up. 对工艺研发提出合理建议,以保证工艺放大的可行性和可靠性。 jobs.zhaopin.com 1. A key challenge moving forward is how to scale up programmes that benefit the world's poorest farmers and communities. 我们要推进的关键难题是,如何扩大造福于世界上最贫穷农民和社区的项目规模。 www.bing.com 2. And this person, Mr. Ubirajara, we were talking about, my friends in Brazil, as to how can we scale up this model in China and Brazil. 这个人,Ubirajara先生,我们曾经谈到的,我巴西的朋友,怎么去在中国和巴西扩展这个模型。 www.ted.com 3. The ECB should lower interest rates while the BoJ should scale up its asset purchases. 欧洲央行应当降低利率,而日本央行应当扩大资产购买规模。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Include operational strategies for scale-up, such as training and retaining skilled workers. 还应包括扩大减贫成效的战略举措,诸如对熟练工人的培训和素质的增强。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But the organic materials have a limited lifetime and the technology is expensive to scale up. 但有机材料的使用寿命有限,而且该技术要广泛使用则开销昂贵。 www.ecocn.org 6. All versions of Unholy Aura start at25% movement speed and scale up , rather than35%. 所有邪恶光环带来的移动速度加快由25%始并由此递增(先是35%。 dict.veduchina.com 7. You must have the ability to scale up as subscriptions grow. 必须能够随着订阅的增长进行扩展。 www.ibm.com 8. There are lots of options for vertical and horizontal scale-up. 有许多选择可以进行纵向和横向扩展。 www.ibm.com 9. Can The Local Food Movement Scale Up? 美国的土食运动能否掀起更大规模? www.bing.com 10. The inoculum used was obtained from a three-stage progressive scale-up (from 25L to 500L and finally to 10m3) culture. 通过三个阶段(从25L到500L,最后是10m3)逐步扩大培养中获得细菌接种。 www.13191.com 1. The principles scale up. A class can represent a counter, but it can also represent an assembly line or a factory. 将基本原理累加起来(*不太清楚的意思*)。一个类可以代表一个计数器,但它也能代表一条生产线或是工厂。 soso20100117x789516.tuxi.com.cn 2. could never find a way to scale up an instant formula he had developed at home. 他在家里研究时一直不能找到一种好的方法即规模化生产的速溶配方。 www.kekenet.com 3. 15 selected countries will be assisted to scale up indoor residual spraying by 80% to protect 75 million people. 将协助选定的15个国家将室内喷洒增加80%,以保护7500万人。 www.who.int 4. In addition to figuring out how to scale up their effort, Wang and colleagues have another big challenge to iron out. 除了增加努力之外,王和他的同事还有另外一个很大的挑战需要克服。 www.hxen.com 5. This massive scale-up of services is also being seen in other high-burden countries such as Botswana and Swaziland. 这一大型的增强服务也在诸如博茨瓦纳和斯威士兰等其它高负担的国家中进行。 www.who.int 6. The service can scale up or down, based on customer demand. 这样的服务可以根据客户的要求,具有很好的伸缩性。 www.bing.com 7. While we set restoration targets, we need to scale up the solutions that work in order to start reversing the decline. 在我们设立康复目标的同时,我们需要随之储备能够扭转衰退趋势的有效解决方案。 www.bing.com 8. I believe that, with the support of the Chinese government and other stakeholders, there is potential to scale up our work in this field. 我相信,在中国政府和其他利益攸关者的支持下,在这个领域扩展我们的工作大有潜力。 web.worldbank.org 9. WHO is also working with global partners to scale up the help that can be offered to countries to implement the strategies. 世卫组织还与全球伙伴合作,加强其对各国执行这些战略提供的帮助。 www.who.int 10. Things can scale up, and they have scaled up. 事情可以扩大,而且已经扩大了。 www.ted.com 1. They'll need to learn how to scale up their knowledge to work on very large systems, but that should be relatively easy. 他们需要学习如何扩展他们的知识以便工作在大型系统中,但是这对于他们来说相对会容易些。 www.ibm.com 2. But now look at Listing 2, which shows what happens when you scale up and run five threads at the same time. 但是现在看一下清单2,它显示了应用程序扩展至同时运行五个线程时所发生的情况。 www.ibm.com 3. Within a day of working with any MVC framework, you'll realize that you have a system that is easy to remember and scale up as needed. 无论使用哪种MVC框架,在一天之内,您就会意识到您具有一个容易记住、可按需扩展的系统。 www.ibm.com 4. WHO is also providing technical support to countries in their own evaluations and scale up of healthy-promoting stove technologies. 世卫组织还向各国提供技术支持,协助自行开展评价并且逐步扩大使用有助于健康的炉灶技术。 www.who.int 5. In the 21 century, along with the scale-up of sell, companies more and more difficultly manage their matter flow and capital flow. 21世纪,随着企业销售规模的扩大,对异地物流和资会流的管理难度越来越大。 www.lw23.com 6. For example, if a machine supported 100 users before a scale up, then, after a scale up exercise, it might increase to 125 users. 例如,如果一个机器在向上扩展前支持100个用户,则在应用向上扩展后,它支持的用户可能增加到125个。 www.ibm.com 7. A Rotating Disc Contactor used for L-lactic acid production by immobilized Rhizopus oryzae and its scale-up 用于固定化米根霉发酵生产L-乳酸的转盘反应器及其放大 www.ilib.cn 8. Scale-up of Continuous Ethanol Fermentation in a Silicone Rubber Membrane Bioreactor and Study on its Fermentation System Performance 硅橡胶膜生物反应器封闭循环连续发酵制造乙醇放大实验及该发酵系统的基本性能 gxhxgcxb.nextage.cn 9. Protoss Stalker's blink ability lets it scale up to elevated positions where line of sight is availableProtoss 高视阔步者闪现的技能使它能在可视的范围内跃上高台 blog.sina.com.cn 10. According to the report, the rapid scale-up of ART can be attributed to a number of factors, including the 根据这份报告,快速强化抗逆转录病毒药物治疗可能得益于诸多因素,包括 www.who.int 1. Using Feedback Servo Mechanism to Scale-up the Measurement Range on the Shift by Hore Sensor 采用反馈随动机构扩大霍尔传感器位移测量范围 www.ilib.cn 2. Landfill Leachate Treatment by Fenton Process: Problems Encountered During Scale up from Laboratory Model to Pilot Plant Fenton法处理卫生填埋渗滤液——从模型放大到中试的问题初探 www.ilib.cn 3. Hydrodynamic Parameters and Mathematical Models for Scale - up of Gas - Liquid - Solid Trickle - bed Reactors 气-液-固滴流床反应器放大中的重要参数及其数学模型 www.ilib.cn 4. Study of Preparation of Biodiesel from Rapeseed Oil at Scale-Up Reactor 菜籽油制备生物柴油放大实验研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Study on extraction process of tea-polyphenols and scale-up law of agitating tank 茶多酚乙醇水溶液提取过程及搅拌槽放大规律 www.ilib.cn 6. Scale up Procedure for Continuous Grinding Mill Design Using Population Balance Models 用总体平衡模型进行连续磨矿磨机设计的模拟放大程序 www.kekenet.com 7. Scale-up Kinetics of Cell Growth and Taxol Biosynthesis in Suspension Cultures of Taxus chinensis Cells 红豆杉悬浮细胞放大培养的细胞生长与紫杉醇合成动力学 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Scale-up and construction design of rotating-disk extraction column 转盘式萃取塔放大与结构设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Scale-up Test Study on Preparation of Ultra-fine Active Zinc Oxide by Comprehensive Utilization of Zinc Dross 综合利用锌浮渣制备超细活性氧化锌的扩大试验研究 service.ilib.cn 10. to scale up adaptation projects that would limit the impacts of climate change on health; 扩大适应项目以限制气候变化对健康的影响; www.who.int 1. Simulation and Scale-up of Barium Sulphate Precipitation Process Using CFD Modeling 应用CFD技术对工业结晶过程进行模拟和放大 www.ilib.cn 2. Scale-up experiment of plasma reactors with different electrode structure 不同电极结构等离子体反应器的放大试验研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Construction status and measures of Jiangsu marsh gas scale-up program on domestic animals farm 江苏规模化畜禽养殖场沼气工程建设现状与对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Similarity criteria for the scale up of the fluidized bed ; 大颗粒流化床动力学相似性研究; www.pet2008.cn 5. Scale-up, process optimization, operation support PDU 工程放大、优化工艺、运行支持 wenku.baidu.com 6. Commercial scale-up test of FC-28 hydrocracking catalyst for middle distillates production in single stage FC-28型单段高中油型加氢裂化催化剂的工业放大 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on dispersion feature and scale-up of liquid-liquid nitration reactor 液液硝化反应器的分散特性和放大研究 www.ilib.cn 8. A Probe into Management Model of Classes and Grade after Higher Education Scale-up 高等教育规模扩大后的班级管理模式之探讨 ilib.cn 9. Scale-up model of reciprocating sieve plate extraction column 往复振动筛板萃取塔的放大设计模型 www.ilib.cn 10. Scale-up Study on Pulse Corona Discharge for the Removal of Toluene 脉冲放电等离子体治理甲苯废气放大试验研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Legal System Choice for Fujian Province to Support Scale-up Development of Renewable Energy 福建支持可再生能源规模化发展的法律制度选择 www.ilib.cn 2. Scale up the annual output of steel 按比例提高钢的年产量 www.bing.com 3. to improve the accuracy of laser pulse range finding by time scale - up 用时间比例放大技术提高脉冲激光测距的精度 www.ichacha.net 4. The Technology for Scale-up Cell Culture of Medicinal Plants 药用植物细胞的大规模培养技术 www.ilib.cn 5. The principles of design and scale-up of polymerization 聚合反应器的设计与放大 bbs.nankai.edu.cn 6. Progress in Technology for Scale-up Culture of Animal Cells 大规模动物细胞培养技术研究进展 www.ilib.cn 7. Wind and Hydro Power, Energy Efficiency Scale-up Eyed 瞄准扩大风电和小水电以及节能规模 web.worldbank.org 8. On investigation and thinking about the scale-up of fixed assets 关于扩大固定资产规模的调查与思考 service.ilib.cn 9. The Scale-up Test for Synthesis of Melamine-Melocol Resin 密胺-脲甲醛树脂合成工艺放大研究 service.ilib.cn 10. and what we find is that these results scale up, 和我们发现的是,这些结果扩大, source.yeeyan.org |
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