单词 | Revelations |
释义 |
复数:revelations n. exposure,disclosure,leak,admission,surprise 例句释义: 天启,圣经,《启示录》,揭发,暴露的,显示的,天启的,意外发现的,泄露,刺客信条-启示录,揭露真相 1. But the revelations of Diana's problems did not decrease the public's affection for her. 曝光并没有影响公众对这位王妃的喜爱程度。 ezitong.com 2. He hasn't won a tournament since he took a break from the game after revelations about his private life emerged. 私人生活曝光之后的赛季里,他至今还没有拿到过锦标赛冠军。 www.bing.com 3. And I would simply say to him look how people feel about this, look how the country has reacted with revulsion to the revelations. 我会告诉他,看一下人们对此的感受,看一下民众对最新披露的问题的强烈反应。 www.24en.com 4. Iran says it has no intention of discussing its nuclear programme; the latest revelations ensure it will have no choice but to do so. 伊朗一直表示无意愿就其核项目参加讨论,但这次大曝光使其不得不参加。 www.bing.com 5. But so far the diary seems to be long on detail and short of revelations. 但是到目前为止,该日志好像细节太过冗长,没有揭示什么信息。 www.bing.com 6. The shocking revelations finally woke me to the facts of the matter. 令人震惊的揭露最终使我意识到事情的本质 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And he never noted any of it down - I suspect he did it on purpose: he wasn't interested in making revelations. 而他从未记录下关于此的任何什么——我猜想他这么做是故意的:他对制造启示录不感兴趣。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Here the Lord seemed to be saying to Paul, "In all the visions and revelations you will receive, I shall appear to you. " 这里主似乎对保罗说,“在你将要领受的一切异象和启示中,我都要向你显现。” news.verywind.com 9. Such revelations leave the accuser's credibility in tatters, whether or not her account of what took place in the hotel room is true. 无论这位原告所说的在酒店房间里发生的事情到底是真是假,这些事实的披露都使得她的可信度顷刻间崩溃。 www.ecocn.org 10. This was one of the biggest revelations I had when I first got into personal development. 在我开始个人发展的时候,这是对我最大的启示。 www.bing.com 1. But while these revelations were explosive, they did not change the way leaders all over the world did business with each other. 但不管此类文件在公布的当初有多轰动,也未能改变世界各国领导人们一如既往的交往方式。 www.bing.com 2. Sympathy for DSK has, however, to be set against distaste at the wider revelations about his way of life. 然而,反衬人们对卡恩的同情的是更多的对他的生活之道的披露。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Book of Life begins with a man and a woman in a garden. . . It ends with Revelations. 《生命之书》始于一座花园里的一男一女……它最后以《启示录》告终。 www.hxen.com 4. The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. 随着我们将带给你们的揭露,真相会到来,但是请准备大吃一惊,因为你们一直被严重的误导。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. And were it not for these latest revelations there is no doubt that the manager's plans would indeed be the centre of attention. 要不是这些最新的情况,新教练的计划毫无疑问将成为人们关注的焦点。 tieba.baidu.com 6. And for a man whose confident revelations seem to spin as fast as Superman can fly, he is easy to speak with. 对于一个充满自信,揭露起来快得像超人在飞似的人来说,他是很好说话的。 www.bing.com 7. This information perhaps more than any other chapter speaks to the revelations of those associated with our school over time. 这一信息,也许比其它章节更多谈及到了那些与我们学校相关者随时间所揭示出来的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The spying revelations should not be allowed to interfere with that progress. 台湾方面不应该让间谍案阻碍这一进程。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Even though it is an American unit, the revelations of its secret operations are likely to embarrass the German government. 虽然特遣部队373是美国的一个军事单位,但其秘密行动却让德国政府局促不安。 www.bing.com 10. Recent revelations have linked several of his supporters and a former senior official to right-wing paramilitary militias. 最近的披露显示他的几名支持者和一位前政府高官同右翼的准军事组织有染。 www.ecocn.org 1. Watson said the newly published documents contain some "very serious and explosive" revelations. 沃森还说新发布的证据涵盖“非常严重和爆炸性的”披露事件。 www.bing.com 2. To filter the talkers, take time to chat with someone for a few days before making revelations or sharing private details. 为了筛选聊天对象,在泄露和共享个人详情之前,请花时间和某人聊几天先。 www.bing.com 3. But what I didn't expect, were all of the small revelations sprinkled throughout. 但是这个过程中贯穿的小发现却是我所没有预料到的。 www.bing.com 4. None of these revelations will win Mr Thomas much sympathy. His critics on the left made up their minds long ago. 左翼批评人士很早就认定,托马斯对自己过去的遭遇已经全然无动于衷。 club.topsage.com 5. The revelations come in a week when the Corporation announced swinging cuts that will leave BBC2 a channel of repeats. 这在公司宣布大幅度削减开支时被披露,这将会使BBC2频道的节目重播。 bbs.m4.cn 6. God has communicated with men by His Spirit, and divine light has been imparted to the world by revelations to His chosen servants. 上帝借着他的灵与人交往,并借着启示他所拣选之仆人将神圣的光分赐与世人。 www.fuyinshop.com 7. The move was intended to prop up crumbling public confidence in the political system after a week of revelations about MPs' expenses. 经过媒体对议员费用连续一周的披露,此举意在提振公众对政治体系日益崩溃的信心。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Revelations of shoddy construction and lax building regulation infuriated grieving parents in the aftermath of that disaster. 劣质建筑物和松懈的建造规章制度的揭露,使沉浸在那次灾难创伤中的悲痛的家长们极度愤怒。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Let me share my story and revelations and perhaps they will shed light on a new perspective for your situation. 让我与你分享一下我的故事和我的感受,也许它们能对你的情况给你一个新的启发。 www.elanso.com 10. As for the police inquiry, as Nick Davies's revelations make abundantly clear, it was far from thorough. 至于警察方面,由于尼克.戴维斯事件已经相当清楚了,远非彻底。 www.bing.com 1. Only Gao Qiu fortune, will the profound revelations of the Northern Song Dynasty years of social chaos and the ruler's incompetence. 仅高俅发迹一事,深刻的揭露了北宋年间的社会混乱与统治者的昏庸无能。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Less titillating are revelations about the sorry state of marriage across the United States. 美国人自己婚姻的糟糕状况则不那么令人感到兴奋。 www.lgenglish.com 3. Lazio president Claudio Lotito is keen on the prolific forward, one of the great revelations of this season. 拉齐奥主席洛蒂托十分喜爱这名高产的前锋,他是本赛季意甲的一个重大的新发现。 www.laziofly.com 4. A statement from Mr Medvedev Friday said the revelations on the second site "seriously concern" the Kremlin. 梅德韦杰夫周五发表声明称,第二基地的消息引起了俄罗斯政府的“严正关切”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The revelations about the company show that it is about to go bankrupt. 揭露的事实表明这家公司即将破产。 www.kekenet.com 6. All that has been hidden from you is being revealed, which prepares you for greater revelations that will shock many people. 所有这一切被隐藏在你们背后的已经初现端倪,而那些为你们准备的巨大的披露将会震撼很多的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Yet the strident nature of the revelations will leave many without their bodies. 然而繁多揭发的锋利性会使很多人离开他们的肉体。 www.ecally.com 8. It was necessary, indeed inevitable, once revelations about his role in securing a generous settlement for his girlfriend emerged. 在有关他在女友获得优厚待遇一事中的作用被披露后,这个时刻就是必要的,实际上也是不可避免的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. So after all of the waiting the event that will "launch the boat" of revelations about us, is set to sail. 所以在所有这些等待结束后,这事件将以“入船下水”的方式揭示我们的存在,并且开始航行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We of the Galactic Federation are part of the revelations, that have opened your eyes to the existence of life beyond your Earth. 我们银河联盟是启示的一部分,已经使你们睁开眼睛看见你们地球以外的生命存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The market is trying to find a stable point in being buffeted by good and bad revelations of matters involving credit, " Goodfriend said. " 市场正在试图在涉及信贷问题的被揭露出来的好的和坏的事件的冲击中寻找一个平衡点。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Honestly, not even the best scriptwriter could come up with the revelations that followed in the police investigation and eventual trial. 坦诚地讲,即使是最好的剧作家也不可能想到根据警察的调查和最终的审判所得出的事实。 www.elanso.com 3. PISCES: Personal revelations, eureka moments and excitement regarding future possibilities are part of your experience now. 双鱼:这周你正在体验与发现未来的可能性有关的个人启发以及重大发现的兴奋时刻。 www.douban.com 4. Revelations that Russia had been involved in secret arms trading would be deeply embarrassing. 如果俄罗斯参与秘密武器交易被揭露出来,那将是非常尴尬的。 www.bing.com 5. First, the charges have prompted various other revelations about his relationships with women, none of them flattering. 首先,关于他的指控爆料了其他各种卡恩与女人的关系,无不让人震惊。 www.ecocn.org 6. Somewhere along the way disclosure will have been made, and that will give the green light to many more revelations. 这一路走来,【大揭露】已经被制定了,并且这将给予绿光给许多更多的【揭示】。 www.angozj.com 7. Revelations is a state of experiencing an insight, a knowing, a spiritual perception of truth, or it is revealing what is in need of change. 启示是经历证悟、认知和对真理的灵性觉知的状态,它揭示了某种需要转变的东西。 angozj.com 8. The first revelations were disclosed in June, when Zink and his colleagues presented some of their initial findings at a scientific meeting. 六月份宣布了第一次揭露,津克和他同事在一次科学家会议上陈述了他们初步的一些发现。 www.bing.com 9. And the revelations shook the company's confidence in its ability to win contracts without paying bribes. 丑行暴露,动摇了公司在不行贿的情况下赢得合同的信心。 www.bdza.cn 10. Revelations about this secret funding network have now brought down a cabinet minister. 揭露这个秘密的资助网络已经把一位内阁大臣拉下了马。 www.bing.com 1. These revelations should not detract from his achievements. 不应该因暴露出来的这些事而贬低他的成就。 www.kekenet.com 2. Recent revelations suggest that many lenders rode roughshod over legal niceties to push delinquent borrowers out of their homes. 最近的一份报告披露,称许多贷款人抓住法律的空子为所欲为,竟要把拖欠债务的借款人赶出按揭房。 www.ecocn.org 3. So don't shut yourself out of it and say, "Ah, these wonderful visions and revelations of the Lord are for choice spirits! " 你不要自暴自弃地说:「啊,这些奇异的经历是只有最少数的属灵人能得到的!」 www.ebigear.com 4. Tissues Out: Precious's mother makes a surprise trip to see Ms Weiss, and the revelations come tumbling out. 泪点:珍爱的妈妈出其不意地踏上了造访魏斯(Weiss)女士的旅程,突如其来的真相汹涌而至。 www.bing.com 5. Electrifying insights and revelations can strike your conscious mind upon awakening or while engaged with your daily business affairs. 如同触电般的洞见和启示击中你的意识心智,于意识觉醒之上,或者处理日常生活商务。 viviencheng132033.spaces.live.com 6. ARIES: Personal revelations, unveiled secrets and spiritual epiphanies may come popping at you out of nowhere - interesting. 白羊:这周你可能会突然受到一些个人启发,发现什么秘密以及,对什么事情大彻大悟…很有趣吧。 www.douban.com 7. At a press conference in London he also revealed that he believed the revelations amounted to "war crimes" (see 12. 55pm). 在一场于伦敦举行的记者招待会上,他声称他相信披露的材料中存在“战争罪行”的证据。 www.bing.com 8. There was a dramatic sequel to last Thursday's scandalous revelations when the minister for trade suddenly announced his resignation. 当贸易部长突然宣布他的辞职时,上星期四曝光的丑闻便有了戏剧般的结局。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. These revelations came out as Woerth was pushing a reform that required the French to work two additional years. 这些内幕在沃尔特推行一项要求法国公民额外工作两年的改革时被曝光。 dongxi.net 10. The revelations of Charles' relationship with a married woman, Camilla Parker Bowles, sent the Prince of Wales' popularity plummeting. 此书曝光了查尔斯和另一位已婚女人--卡米拉的暧昧关系,使得这位威尔士王子的公众支持率急剧下降。 www.hotdic.com 1. The revelations throw into question Mr. Buffett's carefully crafted succession plan, one of America's most widely watched boardroom dramas. 这一披露令巴菲特精心制定的接班计划陷入不确定。巴菲特的接班计划是美国最受关注的戏剧性公司事件之一。 c.wsj.com 2. The results of these revelations were Earth-shaking. All in a day's work on Wall Street. 此事震动了整个欧洲,而这不过是华尔街日常生活的一部分。 www.taihainet.com 3. The revelations followed weeks of salacious reporting about Mr Berlusconi's separate friendship with an 18-year-old would-be model. 这些事曝光之前,媒体对贝卢斯科尼与一名18岁准模特有染进行了数周的暧昧报道。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The old theory, that the universe centered on the earth, just could not be sustained in the face of the telescope's revelations. 而旧式理论中,宇宙以地球为中心的说法,在望远镜的揭示下就无法站住脚了。 www.bing.com 5. At the end of the day I don't want to say Resident Evil: Revelations is bad, but it just left me feeling "meh. " 在一天的最后,我不想说启示录很糟,但只是让我感觉“唔”。 www.tgfcer.com 6. Bill: All will be revealed tonight. Talking of revelations, last night, you and the little lady? 比尔:今晚一切都会被揭示出来。谈到透露,昨天晚上你和小女士? www.tianya.cn 7. The Chimbam Elder's revelations and instructions would profoundly affect the course of Gerardo's life. He began the work assigned to him. 至高权威的长者的启示和指示深深地影响杰勒德的生命历程。他开始与他一起工作。 www.qtts.cn 8. The revelations, and the company's response, have generated conflicting responses. 这些事实和该公司的反应已经产生了矛盾的反应。 www.bing.com 9. Untangling the dense, dark links between the police and the press will be painstaking work, and the revelations are likely to continue. 要解开警察与新闻媒体之间错综复杂的灰暗链条不是一件容易的事情,很可能还会曝出更多的新闻。 www.ecocn.org 10. Not all customers were bothered by the revelations that the store was not the genuine article. 并不是所有消费者都对这是个假店感到烦恼。 www.bing.com 1. Some revelations may need to be made in the presence of a professional counselor to help control the emotional damage. 某些披露的发生,可能需要专业顾问在场,以帮助处理情绪失控。 www.bing.com 2. Just as damaging are revelations of corruption that lie behind the shambles. 正如破坏揭示了藏于废墟背后的腐败。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's just one of many revelations in a new making-of book. More rare concept art below. 下面只是诸多的,可以构成一本书的新披露,更多的稀罕艺术概念。 www.bing.com 4. There have been concerns that the revelations of alleged dumping of toxic chemicals could re-ignite anti-American sentiments in South Korea. 有人担心,倾倒有毒化学制剂的传闻可能会引发韩国的反美情绪。 www.hxen.com 5. One of the most important revelations of the near-death experience is how it transforms the lives of those who have been through it. 濒死经验最重要的启示是,它彻底转变了这些人的生命。 www.krmzz.com 6. Our belief in everything has been shattered by a series of shock revelations that have shaken our core to its core. 一系列令人震惊的真相把我们所有的信仰击得粉碎,动摇了我们内心的信念。 dongxi.net 7. But her victory was already becoming tarnished by revelations that she won a pole dancing contest at a strip club in Detroit in 2007. 但她获胜后就传出负面新闻,有人爆料说,她2007年曾在底特律的一家脱衣舞俱乐部赢得钢管舞比赛冠军。 www.bing.com 8. The prime minister's continued refusal to apologise for appointing Mr Coulson looks bizarre in light of recent revelations. 有鉴于最近被揭露出来的一系列事件,卡梅伦始终拒绝为任命库尔森道歉显得很奇怪。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Lord Browne has resigned as a board member at Goldman Sachs in the wake of revelations that he lied to a UK High Court judge. 布朗勋爵(LordBrowne)已辞去高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事职务,此前有消息披露称,他曾向英国高等法院一位法官说谎。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It followed revelations earlier this month that the North had made significant technological leaps in its nuclear capabilities. 朝鲜于本月稍早公布其核技术取得重大进步。 cn.reuters.com 1. And of the dangers of driving too fast . . . but enough of shaming revelations , we will draw a veil over that Speed Awareness Workshop . 我也知道开车太快的危险……但我受够了令人羞愧的揭发,我们就不提超速认知研讨会了。 www.bing.com 2. But do these revelations justify the sceptics' claims that this is "the final nail in the coffin" of global warming theory? 然而,这些邮件的披露是否就证明,怀疑论者所认为的这是对全球变暖理论“致命一击”是恰如其分的呢? www.bing.com 3. But he said in the end, revelations that Daschle once owed more than $100, 000 in back taxes could not be overlooked. 但他说最后,显示达施勒曾欠10万滞纳税金,这点不能忽视。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Millions more have wallowed in the break-up of Arnold Schwarzenegger's marriage after revelations that he fathered a son with a maid. 阿诺德?施瓦辛格被爆与女佣生下一子,之后婚姻破裂,这成了无数美国人茶余饭后的闲话。 www.ecocn.org 5. Would disclosure satisfy Western curiosity or open up the Soviet government to demands for more revelations? 公开这个秘密是会满足西方社会的好奇心还是会开启要求苏联政府作出更多披露的先河呢? www.bing.com 6. The revelations have exposed links between the paper, British politicians, and the police. 这起案件曝露了英国报纸、政客和警方的关系。 www.voanews.cn 7. For the XT Sentinels, the revelations only meant that they had gained a second enemy instead of a much-needed ally. 对哨兵的外星成员来说,这个新发现只意味着他们努力争取来的是又一个敌人,而不是急切需要的盟友。 bbs.rtucn.com 8. And that does not count the impact of these revelations on the people most touched by them. 这还没有算进那些受这些文章触动最多的人们。 www.bing.com 9. Revelations from the rest of my government database searches were less sensational. 我在政府数据库中搜索的其余结果少有耸人听闻之感。 www.bing.com 10. Spouses sometimes have difficulty adjusting to revelations that have been kept secret for years. 有时夫妻很难适应已经保持了多年的秘密被揭露。 www.bing.com 1. As Germany's political establishment braces itself for more embarrassing revelations, ministers have been forced onto the defensive. 作为德国的政治体制为支撑本身更令人尴尬的启示,部长们被迫在防守上。 www.englishtang.com 2. It is too early to say whether these revelations will prompt an overhaul of the way that Indonesia examines its children. 现在就说这些揭发会促使印尼全面改革对孩子们的考核方式还为时尚早。 www.ecocn.org 3. Rudolf Steiner based much of his writings on occult revelations of Mu or Atlantis. 鲁道夫的作品都是基于姆大陆或亚特兰蒂斯的神秘启示。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Emotional expressiveness is reciprocal; we respond to others' self-revelations with outpourings of our own. 情绪的表达是对等的。我们用我们自己情绪的流露来回应他人的“自我表露”。 www.bing.com 5. The revelations could trigger fresh concerns about the wisdom of building reactors in one of the world's most active earthquake zones. 此次披露可能引发新的担忧:在全球最活跃的地震带之一建造核反应堆是否明智。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The rush of revelations in the phone-hacking affair has turned a squall into a storm. 电话窃听门事件中曝光的大量信息把一阵狂风变成了一场风暴。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The revelations have led to questions about safety and whether corrupt subcontractors cut corners to line their pockets. 这些问题进一步让人质疑安全问题,承包商是否偷工减料中饱私囊也被打上一个问号。 www.bing.com 8. Mao Zedong's exploration about agricultural cooperation movement provided many revelations for our nation's agricultural modernization. 毛泽东对农业合作化的探索为当今我国农业实现现代化提供了诸多的启示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. recent revelations about chery products , however , have taken detroit ' s hand off the panic button. 但是最近情况显示,奇瑞的产品已经让底特律不再紧张。 www.ichacha.net 10. The revelations you are about to discover represent extremely IMPORTANT information for yourself. 揭露你正要发现为自己表现极端重要的数据。 www.gongkong.com 1. It must be a revelation, or a series of revelations, as much for the poet as for the reader. 必须是一个照见,或一系列的发现,这在读者如此,在写诗的人那里也应该如此。 www.jintian.net 2. Now we have probed even deeper into his mummy and returned with extraordinary revelations about his life, his birth, and his death. 现在,我们对他的木乃伊进行了进一步研究,以期揭开关于这位少年国王出生和死亡的离奇经历。 www.bing.com 3. Perhaps the most remarkable WikiLeaks revelations have to do with Pakistan, reviewed by foreign policy analyst Fred Branfman in Truthdig. 也许维基解密的披露中最值得注意的部分与巴基斯坦相关,真相挖掘(truthdig)的外交政策分析家弗里德·布兰夫曼对此作出了评论。 www.bing.com 4. One of the most anticipated revelations for the show is the surprisingly stylish SsangYong C200 SUV. 其中最值得期待的发现为证明是令人惊讶的时尚双龙C200SUV的。 usa.315che.com 5. Its revelations about Stalin's policies and the evils of the labour camps were described as "a literary miracle" . 该书对对斯大林政策和邪恶的劳改营描写被称作“一个文学奇迹”。 www.bing.com 6. Like all Lorrdians, she had a keen eye for recognizing the subtle revelations of body language. 跟所有洛尔德人一样,妮·阿拉瓦对通过肢体语言所透露出来的微妙含义十分敏感。 starwarsfans.cn 7. His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated, but they had a tremendous impact. 他对金融界腐化的揭发是过分渲染和高度夸张的,但确曾产生巨大影响。 jukuu.com 8. The dialectic view serves as the scientific basis for the revelations on the politic teaching and practice. 辩证观为思想政治课教学反思实践提供了科学的指导。 www.dictall.com 9. Secondly, by comparing with foreign trust industry, the paper gets some revelations about how domestic trust industry developing business. 接着对国内外信托业进行比较分析,得出对我国发展信托业的若干启示。 www.juhe8.com 10. Rachman too seizes on this example, as did the media generally, hailing these encouraging revelations. 拉赫曼和很多媒体也用了这个例子,赞美这些鼓舞人心的发现。 wen.org.cn 1. By them have been vitalized and turned to practical account the principles of science and revelations of technology. 它们激发了和转化为科学原则和技术革命的现实描述。 bbs.cmiw.cn 2. Western allies of South Korea were angered by revelations this year about the existence of another nuclear enrichment plant in North Korea. 今年朝鲜被揭露出还建造了另一座核浓缩工厂,韩国的西方同盟们对此十分愤怒。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 3. The revelations about the crimes of the Stalin era have all come too late, and life today in the former Soviet Union is so hard. 今天,斯大林时代罪行的揭露来得简直是太迟了,在前苏联的生活实在是太苦了。 club.ssreader.com 4. Shocking revelations appeared in the papers about the private life of the Smiths. 报纸所披露的史密斯夫妇私生活情况令人震惊。 www.hstc.edu.cn 5. And after the revelations of the past week, I'll be sure to apply the same standard to any N. G. O. 在经历了上周一系列的内幕曝光以后,我开始确信,同样的标准也适用于任何一家NGO。 www.bing.com 6. The revelations were shared by the contractor at a meeting of computer security specialists. 该机构在一次电脑安全专家会议上分享了此成果。 hi.baidu.com 7. The Community of Christ's version of the Doctrines and Covenants omits several of Smith's revelations that appear in the Utah edition. 在基督社区版本的《教义与圣约》中,略去了几个出现在犹他版本中的史密斯的启示。 www.bing.com 8. U. S. officials may also have to mend fences after revelations that they gathered personal information on other diplomats. 美国官员可能还必须修补因被泄密收集其他外交官的个人信息而受牵连的各方关系。 c.wsj.com 9. BLOOMINGTON: Continued disturbing revelations about Iran's nuclear programs escalate the dangers the world faces from nuclear proliferation. 布鲁明顿:有关伊朗核计划的扰人消息不断传来,这提升了世界所面临的核扩散危险。 www.bing.com 10. America has denounced the leak as endangering soldiers' lives, but played down the revelations. 美国谴责此次泄露会危及士兵的生命,但是对披露的内容轻描淡写。 www.bing.com 1. The new revelations, especially the admission from the army the Bin Ladens had lived here so long, have stunned people. 最新披露的消息,特别是陆军承认本?拉登在那里居住了很长时间的消息使人们非常震惊。 www.hxen.com 2. Interesting though they are, the Khristoforov's revelations don't shed any more light on the authenticity of the skull. 有趣的是,克里斯托夫洛夫的披露内容中,并没有包含更多有关头骨真实性的信息。 dongxi.net 3. It protects you from destructive controversies. Consider how often people of prominence are laid low by revelations of impropriety. 它保护你兔子陷入破坏性的争议,想想看有多少杰出人物因为言行不慎而走上自我毁灭之路。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. However, the nearness to the finish is indicated by the ever increasing revelations and physical turmoil. 然而,接近结束会通过不断增加的揭露和物质世界的混乱而显露出来。 www.kalazan.com 5. His intervention follows embarrassing revelations about the home secretary's husband using taxpayers' cash to view pornographic videos. 该议员的介入起因于某关于内阁大臣的丈夫用纳税人的钱看成人电影的尴尬举报。 www.bing.com 6. Stay close enough to listen, therefore, but don't get involved, as there are yet more revelations to surface. 因此,你离近点聆听就好,但别把自己卷进去,因为还有更多的事实要浮出表面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The controversial diary was still available on China's tightly controlled Internet, despite the seamy revelations. 尽管这份引发广泛争议的日记披露了很多丑陋面,但在中国控制严密的互联网上仍可以找到。 c.wsj.com 8. Of these particular plot details I will say no more, because they involve twists and revelations of a surprising and shocking kind. 对于这些特定的场景情节我就不再多说了,因为这样会扭曲、泄露它的惊悚感觉。 www.bing.com 9. MM: Each test will gauge whether you are truly capable of handling the revelations the Oracle might make. 试炼将衡量诸位能否真正担当贤者所揭示之真实。 ellesime.anetcity.com 10. Enthusiasm by definition is belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit or religious fanaticism. 热情,从定义上来说是指宗教狂热,或者说是对圣灵的特别启示的信仰。 www.elanso.com 1. They've wrestled with embarrassing revelations about some early leaders that drew charges of racism and xenophobia. Ms. Martin and Ms. 一些早期的茶党领军人物被曝光是种族歧视和仇外分子,令茶党面临令人尴尬的指责。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. But as subsequent revelations have made clear, it was still firmly in Mr Raju's grip. 但当随后真相大白之后,权力还牢牢地掌握在Raju先生手上。 www.ecocn.org 3. You may be surprised at the revelations you may have during those quiet times of not eating. 你会惊讶的发现你在这段静静的时间中并没有想到吃。 www.bing.com 4. Now, over a decade later, each day brings new revelations. Autism is on everyone's radar, on every magazine cover and on every talk show. 现在,10多年过后,生活中的每一天都能产生新的启示,而孤独症却可能存在于每一个人的内心,出现在每一个杂志封面和每一场脱口秀中。 www.bing.com 5. The latest revelations will put other banks, and Switzerland itself, under pressure to provide further names. 最新的披露将使其它银行和瑞士政府承受压力,要求他们交出更多客户姓名。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Yet since he went public with his revelations and criticisms, he was placed into an even darker solitary confinement. 而自从对这些黑幕进行公开揭发和批评之后,他更是备受冷遇。 www.ecocn.org 7. Even the revelations made so far are not that shocking. 甚至被揭露的事件也没有那么令人震惊。 www.bing.com 8. In particular, Kemp suggested that the revelations about the ISI could prompt US and UK diplomats to confront the issue directly. 尤其重要的是,Kemp认为材料中披露的有关(巴基斯坦)三军情报局的材料将有助于推动美国和英国的外交人员直接面对这个问题。 www.bing.com 9. You can expect plenty more budget revisions and unpleasant revelations from the Obama economic team in the months to come. 可以料想,奥巴马经济团队未来几个月将对预算进行更多的修正,并公布更多不愉快的新发现。 www.bing.com 10. Books. Connery's William of Baskerville dredges up deadly clues and revelations from parchments and libraries. 书籍。康纳利扮演的威廉从羊皮纸和图书馆中找到了关键的线索和启示。 www.bing.com 1. Very often, these revelations are more disturbing than helpful at the start. 非常普遍,这些启示比那颗星的帮助更为烦扰。 arcanumfire.spaces.live.com 2. Late afternoon arrive in Patmos and explore the Monastery of St John and the Grotto of Revelations with the optional tour onboard. 下午抵达帕特莫斯,可以选择参加船上组织的岸上游览,去探索圣约翰修道院。 taotaobang.net 3. Richard, I wanna show our viewers a couple of the revelations that we drew from your book. 理查德,我想向我们的观众展示我们从你的书中节选的一些披露。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Two quotations will show the complete metaphysical reversal that leads the writer to other revelations. 书中有两段话表现了这个形而上学的大逆转致使作家披露了其它的发现。 www.bing.com 5. The revelations offer a rare inside glimpse into the activities of Lehman's internal operations. 上述信息披露让人们难得地瞥见了雷曼的内部运营活动。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The election has become a test of government competence, after revelations of chaos at the pensions agency. 这次选举已经变成自养老金代理的混乱现状曝光后对政府执政能力的大检验。 www.ecocn.org 7. As promised the cobwebs of deceit and falsehood are gradually being cleared away, and each day the revelations grow. 就像承诺的那样,讹诈与谎言的蜘蛛网正在被逐步的清理干净,每天揭露都在增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The latest code revelations about Google Docs are testament to that. 最近关于谷歌文档的代码揭露就是一种尝试。 www.bing.com 9. Greenland's voters were disgusted by revelations of lavish parliamentary expenses. 议会奢侈开支被披露出来,引起了选民厌恶。 www.ecocn.org 10. And even without the genetic revelations, the jawbone itself gives a few hints about the individual. 就算没有这个遗传启示,这个颚骨本身对这个个体的情况也提示的甚少。 www.bing.com 1. Gaffes and revelations during the campaign could further dim their appeal. 竞选中的失态和可能暴露的内幕也许会使他的吸引力进一步削弱。 www.ecocn.org 2. "Boneheaded statements are not as concerning as are revelations of health issues or dangerous personal habits (like skydiving), " he says. “再愚蠢的声明中也不会提到执行官的健康问题,或是其危险的个人习惯(比如高空跳伞)”,他说。 www.bing.com 3. The revelations have been met with anger and disgust, while the companies involved face prosecutions for misleading shoppers. 消息的播出引发了民众的愤怒与不满,而卷入事件中的企业将因误导顾客而面临指控。 www.putclub.com 4. New revelations show just how serious the crisis was -- and why America's denuclearization drive isn't working. 新兴的革命运动恰恰显示了那场危机有多么严重——以及美国的去核化为何不能奏效。 www.bing.com 5. Revelations about the tireless nightlife of Italy's ageing prime minister will surprise no one. 揭秘内容包括意大利年迈总理那不眠不休的夜生活,这点毫不新奇。 www.ecocn.org 6. The shocking revelations caused quite a storm. 这些惊人的揭露引起了一阵相当激烈的反应。 wenwen.soso.com 7. These revelations come as a controversial peace process under which some 30, 000 paramilitaries gave up their weapons risks unravelling. 在一项有争议的和平进程下,由三万名准军事集团士兵放下武器,这些弊案也因这一危险的救出得以曝光。 www.ecocn.org 8. But her quest to reassert the party's welfare credentials has beenhelped by revelations of falling standards in health care. 但她寻求重申该党的福利文件的努力被证明是明智之举,医疗保健水平下降的事件被不断地揭露出来。 www.ecocn.org 9. Despite these claims, and other revelations, the industry is continuing to press Congress to roll back government regulation. 该产业不顾这些起诉,也不管其他揭露的真相,继续给国会施加压力,要求政府收回成命。 www.bing.com 10. Here, from a group that clears a median $8. 01 an hour in wages and tips, a few revelations that aren't on any menu. 这里是一群每小时赚8.01美元的服务生们说出的一些事,而这些,都不会出现在任何菜单上。 www.bing.com 1. Literary blogs have breathlessly covered revelations about the novel's plot, opening passage and cover design. 一些文学博客已经迫不及待地公布了小说的情节、开篇章节还有封面设计。 www.bing.com 2. We can only hope, Ma'am, that you will forgive us our eccentricities as we ponder recent revelations about your breakfast tray. 在我们近来琢磨您早餐盘的启示时候,我们谨希望陛下能够原谅我们的癖好。 www.bing.com 3. Teach God's people through these revelations the way of faithfulness and fruitfulness . 藉著这种种启示,教导上帝的子民如何向上帝忠心,为祂结果子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Characterized by or given to apparitions, prophecies, or revelations. 预言性的以幻象、预言或启示为特点的 bbs.gter.net 5. ABC executives claimed the tapes' revelations were 'explosive'. ABC高管均宣称录音带揭露的内容极其“劲爆”。 dongxi.net 6. It is not, contrary to claims, a literal interpretation of St. John's Gospel but is based on the "revelations" of a 19th-century mystic. 但是所宣称的相反,它并不是对圣约翰的福音书的字面解读而却是以19世纪的一个神秘主义者的“启示录”为基础的。 www.bing.com 7. The latest revelations can be traced back to Beijing's 2008 stimulus policies. 最新数据背后的诱因可追溯到2008年北京实施的经济刺激政策。 www.ftchinese.com 8. These revelations could prove to be highly embarrassing for the government. 这些被披露出来的事情可能会令政府极度难堪。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Revelations about the expenses charged by British members of Parliament crushed many reputations. 披露出来的英国议会成员开销的很多费用大损他们的声誉。 club.topsage.com 10. But even before yesterday's revelations by Venter , scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene. 早在温特之前,科学家们已经不再相信同性恋基因的说法。 dict.veduchina.com 1. We may call God's word transmitted by word of mouth fluid revelations, and the record made by Moses solid revelations. 对用口授方式传达上帝的话,我们可谓之流体启示,而对那由摩西写的记录,叫做固体启示。 www.sdacn.org 2. And the revelations went further. Certain types of grapheme-colour synaesthetes have more connectivity than others. 这一最新发现还指出,有一些字符-色彩联觉者的大脑有更强的连通性。 www.ecolion.cn 3. Revelations are part of celebrity news , some more stunning than others . 启示,部分名人的新闻,一些比较惊人比别人好。 www.bing.com 4. Today it is abundantly clear that those revelations were not a figment of accountants' imagination. 如今,事实已经十分清楚,这些披露绝非会计师想象出来的虚构产品。 www.ecocn.org 5. Dream interpretation can give some shocking revelations. 梦想可以提供一些令人震惊的启示解释。 voice-english.com 6. This method of questioning elicited some surprising revelations. 这种提问的方式引出了一些惊人的发现。 www.bing.com 7. Those revelations have led to new education and counselling programs in law schools and firms and at the Bar. 那些揭露的真相直接导致了在法律学校、公司和律师界出现了新的教育和咨询课程。 www.bing.com 8. A secret observatory! Today's just full of revelations ! And what should we do with Kordax? 秘密天文台!今天真是个盛大秘密揭露日!我们又如何对付克达斯呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The documents don't appear to provide any significant new revelations about Iraqi abuse. 这些文件似乎未能提供有关伊拉克虐待行为的任何重要的新线索。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The system of promoting agricultural technology abroad Status and the revelations to China is analyzed in the third chapter. 第三章分析了国外农业技术推广体系的现状及对我国的启示; www.fabiao.net 1. Koran: the sacred text of Islam, considered by Moslems to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. 古兰经;可兰经。伊斯兰教的圣经,穆斯林认为其中包含着真主对穆罕默德的启示 www.kekenet.com 2. What honor does Adama give to Roslin as the fleet closes in on Earth in Revelations? 在“揭露”这集中,当舰队接近地球是,阿达玛给了罗丝琳什么荣誉? bbs.flyine.net 3. Shocks, tipping points, and revelations have become basic staples of the world's daily news diet. 冲击、引爆点、被揭露出来的事件已经成为世界每日新闻食谱的基本主菜。 www.bing.com 4. Jesus probably had his first revelations while doing humdrum carpentry work. 耶稣可能就是在单调的木工活中有了第一个顿悟; www.sunbb.com 5. Their case studies of individuals with extraordinary abilities pave the way for our revelations. 他们研究非凡能力的案例为我们的启示铺平了道路。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Mode of foreign animation industry to the domestic industry may be more revelations. 国外动漫业的模式或许可以给国内业界更多启示。 www.dw188.com 7. The revelations put pressure on the Tories to spell out how they would restrain pay in the corporation. 这件事让托利党对如何约束企业中的薪资水平而倍感压力。 www.bing.com 8. The revelations only further damaged China's reputation in production. 这些被披露的真相进一步影响了中国产品的声誉。 www.bing.com 9. As a result of the revelations, new exhumations were carried out at the killing sites. 真相揭露之后,在杀戮地点展开了新一轮尸体挖掘。 www.bing.com 10. The current government has been distracted by revelations about corruption. 现届政府一直受累于腐败问题的曝光。 c.wsj.com 1. Despite many biographies about the author, revelations about his life continue to make news. 尽管有关这位作者的传记有许多,但是披露他的生活故事仍然能轻易地制造出新闻。 www.bing.com 2. He says human rights activists now have the key to pursue further revelations in the Munir case. 他说,人权活动人士现在可以以此为契机进一步追踪姆尼尔案件的有关情况。 www.voanews.cn 3. Their exploits lead to the action-packed battles and astonishing new revelations that fill Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 他们英勇的行为给星球大战带来了火爆的打斗战争场面和令人震惊的发现——克隆战争。 www.elanso.com 4. The trial did deliver a few revelations. 审判确实揭露了一些事情。 www.ecocn.org 5. But things have now started to become more exciting, and there are further plot twists and revelations coming. 但是故事已经开始变得更加刺激了,剧情进一步扭转,揭露结局的时刻快要来临了。 www.ecocn.org 6. The papers were also cooperating on the WikiLeaks revelations. 这些报纸也在维基解密揭露方面进行了合作。 www.bing.com 7. But that could all change rapidly depending on further revelations. 但随着信息的进一步披露,这种观点可能会迅速发生变化。 chinese.wsj.com 8. But while the autobiography contains many such bare-knuckle outbursts, you won't find many revelations about Twain's inner moral struggles. 尽管自传中还有这种毫不含糊的情感迸发,但是你却找不到关于吐温内心深处的道德挣扎的启示录。 www.bing.com 9. The revelations in this connection have hardly begun, but the shocking truth will come out. 这方面的启示开始的虽然艰难,但是震惊的事实会被揭露。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Finally, it summarized some revelations based on the practical situation of Chinese oil refining industry at present. 最后,针对我国当前炼油业的实际情况,提出了几点启示。 www.chemyq.com 1. It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 我自夸固然无益,但我是不得已的。如今我要说到主的显现和启示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Miracles are not breaches of natural but revelations of spiritual law. 神迹不是破坏自然律,而是属灵定律的启示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Zhuang Zi's viewpoint of life and death could bring many important revelations to the contemporary people. 庄子的生死观是可以带给现代人许多重要的启示的。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. He is faced with dead-end discoveries, therapeutic disasters and revelations that lead only to more mysteries. 他面对着晚期发现、治疗彻底失败和只会导致更多奥秘的真相揭露。 www.ecocn.org 5. Yet despite its absence of startling revelations, the diary is useful. 尽管它缺乏振聋发聩的启示,但是这份日记仍然是有益的。 www.bing.com 6. He added that the recent revelations about red grouper amount to an "excuse they can use to restrict fishing, commercial or recreational. " 他还认为最近关于赤点石斑鱼的新发现相当于是一个“能被用来限制商业捕捞或作为娱乐的捕捞的借口。” www.bing.com 7. Such revelations can lead to investigations and eventual health improvements. 这些关联性可以引发调查并最终改善人们的健康状况。 www.bing.com 8. The thugs planned their wars long before Revelations was written. 黑暗暴徒在圣经启示录被写之前许久就在筹划他们的战争了。 leo2208.blog.163.com 9. I wish you a happy and full life rich in amazing discoveries and revelations and as usual . . . 愿你不论是在你的奇异之旅还是寻常生活中都能有一个快乐并且充实的人生。 www.bing.com 10. These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election. 这些揭露的事实,将不利于她赢得选举。 www.swansea86.com 1. The latest revelations have forced the police, News International and the government to act. 最近暴露的事件已经迫使警方、新闻国际和政府行动起来。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Here human logic stops short, as before the revelations of the Mysteries. 当神秘被揭示时,人类一般的逻辑突然中止。 sympwsq.blog.163.com 3. The economic theories by Lewis and others are of enlightening revelations to the Chinese economics. 刘易斯等人的理论对中国经济发展中的一些问题有启示作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He has shaken off other embarrassments , such as recent revelations of government contracts awarded to his brother. 他摆脱了多种丑闻尴尬,比如近日他的哥哥涉嫌非正当形式接受政府合同事件曝光; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Or perhaps fallout from the memoir's bombshell revelations. 或者回忆录爆炸性揭露的微尘。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. According to Cayce's revelations, our experience relates more to the entire solar system and not just three dimensional Earth. 根据凯西的揭示,我们的经验不只与三维的地球有关,而更与整个太阳系有关。 bbs.qiudao.net 7. The Doctrines and Covenants contains Smith's ongoing revelations through 1844. 《教义与圣约》包含了1844年之前史密斯所做的进行之中的启示。 www.bing.com 8. WikiLeaks stresses that it seeks to minimise the harm caused by its revelations. 维基解密强调,它寻求把曝光行动造成的伤害降到最低。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "But the patience may run out soon, especially if new revelations turn up. " “但耐心可能很快就会耗光,特别是如果再有不利情况传出的话。” www.ftchinese.com 10. The revelations come on the third anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. 这件事被曝光,正值雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产三周年。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Revelations about the Dowlers' mistreatment caused outrage and sparked the inquiry. 窃听丑闻一经揭露,就引起公愤,也导致这次调查的开展。 www.ecocn.org 2. Kuwait's interior minister resigned from the government following revelations about torture in prisons. 科威特内政部部长在虐待囚徒一案被揭发后向政府辞职。 www.bing.com 3. How does the dance Revelations (Ailey, 1960) convey concepts of religion and social order? 《启示录》(艾莉,1960)如何传达宗教与社会秩序的概念? www.myoops.org 4. The revelations led the couple to start divorce proceedings ending their 25-year marriage. 丑闻的披露引发了夫妇提出离婚诉讼,请求结束25年的婚姻。 www.bing.com 5. The revelations on Thursday came after six days of silence by the government about why the trains collided. 此次声明是政府在事发六天之后首次解释火车相撞的原因。 www.bing.com 6. Their exploits lead to action-packed battles and astonishing new revelations. 他们领导了激动人心的战争并发现了令人震惊的新启示。 www.elanso.com 7. Both cases may drag on, with ever more revelations, until the 2012 election. 随着暴露出来的问题越来越多,这两起案件也许要拖至2012年大选为止。 www.ecocn.org 8. These revelations could prove highly embarrassing for the government. 揭露出来的这些事情可能会令政府非常尴尬。 wenku.baidu.com 9. There are sudden revelations which one cannot bear, and which intoxicate like baleful wine. 有些突然泄露的事使人承受不了,它好象毒酒,使人昏迷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. John's revelations paint a picture of the good news of the kingdom of God. 约翰的启示描绘了一幅图画,是关乎神的国度的好消息。 www.chinesetodays.org 1. In China, online revelations of corrupt officials or company executives have been widely reported. 在中国,在网上揭露官员或公司高管贪污腐败的现象得到了广泛报道。 www.i21st.cn 2. The revelations come at a sensitive time for AOL. 披露事件发生在美国在线的一个敏感时期。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Fresh revelations from the natural world. 从自然界发现的新启示疑问和解答。 lib.forestpolice.net 4. This indicates that if we only see visions and revelations and do not see the Lord, then what we see is vanity. 这指明如果我们只看见异象和启示,而没有看见主,那我们所看见的就是虚空。 news.verywind.com 5. It Dies Today. The Caitiff Choir Revelations. 今天它死。合唱团的Caitiff启示。 www.scorser.com 6. revelations of Saint John the Divine in the New Testament. 新约中圣约翰牧师的启示。 www.hotdic.com 7. Revelations of wrongdoing helped bring about the eclipseof the governor's career. 恶行的揭发导致州长的政治生涯毁灭。 cb.kingsoft.com 8. You're missing the point. These are revelations. . . and they're revealing the ruse. 你误解了一点,它们是一些表象…透露着暗隐的想法。 www.bing.com 9. On the flip side, such revelations carry risks. 但另一面,卫生假说的启示也具有风险。 university.emm3.net 10. The latest WikiLeaks revelations will cause awkward moments not least because they contain blunt assessments of world leaders. 维基解密披露的内容为众多世界领导人带来尴尬的时刻,不仅仅是因为其中包括了对他们直率的评价。 www.bing.com 1. According to revelations by artists' friends, they take drugs. 通过艺人朋友的爆料,他们吸毒。 www.kekenet.com 2. But there were also revelations. 但我也得到了一些启示。 www.ted.com 3. Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, a sat this. 灵魂启示在那个受到欢迎的时期跟现在一样在英格兰风行一时。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. To boast is necessary, though indeed not expedient; yet I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 夸口固然无益,但我是不得已的。我要来说主的异象和启示。 edu.china.com 5. The book provides some revelations on how to spend our lives in this world. 这本书启示我们应该怎样度过自己的一生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Shocking revelations, I know. 我知道,标普所披露的情况令人震惊。 chinese.wsj.com 7. At the end, we will make a brief explanation of the historic revelations and the contemporary significances of the doctrine. 最后,对阿奎那的这一学说的历史启示和现时代意义作出扼要的说明。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Trust the revelations you are having. 请信任你得到的神示。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I was much vexed at her and the servant for their mutual revelations. 我听见她和仆人互相泄露了消息,十分心烦。 10. Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, as at this. Mrs. 灵魂启示在英国很受认可在那个受到欢迎的时期,因为在此。 www.en400.com:8080 |
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