单词 | rants |
释义 | rants是rant的复数
复数:rants 现在分词:ranting 过去式:ranted 例句释义: 大声叫喊,怒吼,做戏似地说,说大话,大话,叫喊,〈英〉欢嚷吵闹,咆哮,男裤,絮语 1. As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants . 当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Save: So Gibbo's been a naughty boy and had some filthy, expletive-peppered rants splashed all over the news. 拯救策略:吉普森一直是个淘气男人,在各地的新闻里都有一些他肮脏胡言乱语的咒骂之词。 www.bing.com 3. The boss was an officious looking, uniformed policeman who did not look likely to bend the rules or appreciate my rants. 这位身穿制服的警察看上去不是善茬,他不像是个可以通融或吃我这套的人。 www.bing.com 4. To everyone who hates articles filled with rants, I apologize that this post is a little harsh at times. 如果你讨厌文章充满吹毛求疵般的唠叨,我很抱歉,这个文章偶尔会有点挑剔。 www.bing.com 5. Be sure to stop by his blog as well for recent rants and raves. 并且可以顺便访问一下他的博客以及近期激情咆哮的言论。 www.elanso.com 6. Instead, you get surreal rants and bizarre streams of consciousness obviously unmolested by the hand of any editor. 你能得到的,是超现实主义的咆哮和奇特的意识流,任何一位编辑都会有这种感觉。 dongxi.net 7. Such incendiary claims could easily be dismissed as the rants of a man with a grudge. 如此煽动性的声明很有可能会被当成是心怀恶意的男人的怒吼而被忽略。 ecocn.org 8. While comments often read more like rants, they serve as an excellent barometer of the issues Web surfers are most interested in. 虽然阅读评论如山呼海啸,但是这些评论确是网上冲浪者所关注问题的晴雨表。 www.bing.com 9. Gone are the tired rants of his predecessor about a looming Islamist takeover. 他前任有关隐约出现伊斯兰教徒掌管的陈腐的夸夸奇谈已经没有了。 www.ecocn.org 10. The main contents on this websites includes: Home - Archives - Rants - About us - Contact us. 该网站的主要内容有:主页-档案库-关于我们-与我们联系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Rants. People who have strong opinions and no qualms about sharing them could try to dominate the jury's discussions. 张扬的言论。观点强烈而且毫不介意公开披露的人可能会想要控制陪审团的讨论。 www.bing.com 2. But for the most part it's comfortable leaving rants there because the community tends to take care of them, she says. 但是大部分留言都会被保留,因为社区是开放性的,也需要照顾到这部分人群。 www.elanso.com 3. Funny how those rants are taking twists and spread in the media. Great food for a journalist I guess. 这些谩骂在媒体上又被扭曲和传播了,多么可笑!记者们应该会对此感兴趣吧,我猜。 www.ltaaa.com 4. Russian television has swapped anti-American rants for stories about old ladies painting Russian dolls for Barack Obama. 俄罗斯电视台在播放数名老太太绘制以奥巴马为造型的俄罗斯娃娃,而不是去宣传反美论调。 www.ecocn.org 5. Stay on topic: Your blog's content is key. Like Edith says "Good, interesting blogs get read, boring rants on irrelevant topics don't . " 不要岔开话题:你的博客的内容的关键是。伊迪丝说:“好的,喜欢阅读,无聊的有趣的博客上的演说。” wenwen.soso.com 6. The impersonator started arguments with LinkedIn contacts, and sent racist abuse and homophobic rants. 该冒名者和LinkedIn上的联系人展开舌战,还散布种族歧视和反同性恋言论。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Of course, the bloodthirsty rants and International Criminal Court indictment came later. 当然,后来受到残忍的斥责和国际刑事法院的指控。 kk.dongxi.net 8. But his rants against feminism, Marxism, and Western sexual mores are little different from those made by Osama bin Laden. 但是,他对女权主义,马克思主义和西方性观念的大肆批判又与本拉登不同。 dongxi.net 9. His rants today aren't very different from his rants in 1993. 他今天的慷慨激昂跟他在1993年的慷慨激昂没啥两样。 www.bing.com 10. It takes a lot of nervous energy for me to listen to other people's rants. 聆听他人的抱怨会消耗我大量的精力。 www.bing.com 1. The subject has, alas, become the home of boring rants by obsessives. 唉,只可惜这个主题成了妄想家们毫无意义的夸夸之谈。 www.bing.com 2. The Fox News host who rants ultra-right viewpoints, not bothering to provide facts to back his rants? 他是福克斯新闻的主持人,爱叫嚣极右翼的观点,却不会提供事实去支持自己的咆哮呐喊。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Similar rants were posted on blogs that law enforcement authorities say they traced to him. 执法当局说他们也追踪到类似的咆哮博文也发在了他的博客上。 dongxi.net 4. " To close his post, Resnick asks for feedback, and writes: " Rants welcomed. 在帖子的结尾,雷斯尼克请大家给与反馈,并写道:“欢迎拍砖。” news.dxy.cn 5. someone who rants and raves; speaks in a violent or loud manner. 激昂咆哮说话的人;用激烈或很大声说话的人。 www.hotdic.com 6. The Marais neighbourhood of Paris has experience of anti-Semitic rants. 反犹太言论不是头一次出现在巴黎玛黑区(Marais)。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So ETW is IGN's Strategy Game of the Year. What is your opinion, does it deserve this award or not? (Please no rants or CA bashing). 好吧,IGN把帝国选为本年度最佳战略游戏。各位的意见呢?帝国到底值不值得获这个奖?(请保持理智,不要喷CA) www.clanlong.com 8. Other than those minor rants, we would stay at Stamford Plaza again. 除去这些小小的抱怨,我们还是会选择斯坦福广场的。 weike.taskcn.com 9. We give people the chance to find out whether their rants are accurate or not. 我们给予人们机会去证实自己的夸夸其谈是否正确。 game.ali213.net 10. In past years delegates braced themselves for the rambling rants of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi (record: 90 minutes in 2009). 过去几年,代表们打起精神面对MuammarQaddafi上校条理不清的狂言妄语(最高纪录:90分钟,于2009年)。 www.ecocn.org 1. eg. My mom rants and raves when my music is too loud. 当我的音乐声太大时,我妈就会大吼大叫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Or are you going to complain and go on racist rants to make yourself feel better? 或者你打算去抱怨并且做些种族主义的演说,让自己感觉好点? www.ltaaa.com |
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