单词 | real GDP |
释义 |
例句释义: 实际国内生产总值,实质国内生产毛额,实质国内生产总值 1. A decline in the long-term growth rate of real GDP over two or more quarters. 长期实际GDP的增长率在两个或两个以上的季度内的下降。 www.hxdscn.com 2. By the end of the current quarter the American economy may have returned to its pre-recession peak in real GDP. 到这一季度为止,美国经济可能已经恢复到衰退前实际GDP的峰值。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A period when there is no change in the rate of growth of real GDP for at least two quarters. 至少两个季度实际GDP的增长率没有任何变化。 www.hxdscn.com 4. Countries currently in the midst of a banking crisis account for close to one half of real GDP for the advanced economies. 当前陷入银行业危机的国家,约占发达经济体实际GDP的一半——相当于每年40万亿美元左右的GDP总额。 www.ftchinese.com 5. if real GDP is less than nominal GD in a given year, the value of the GDP deflator must be lower than in the base period. 如果实际国内生产总值少于名义钆在某一年,其价值占本地生产总值平减物价指数必须低于在基期。 www.showxiu.com 6. It shows that there exists a negative correlation among the rate of unemployment, export, and the real GDP. 实证分析结果表明:英国的出口和GDP与失业率之间均呈现显著的负相关关系,即出口增长可以显著地降低失业率。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. For the next three years, real GDP growth is expected to average 7% per year, assuming the global economy does not collapse. 未来三年内,只要全球经济不崩溃,中国的平均实际国内生产总值年增长幅度预计为7%。 www.wangqian.com.cn 8. "Over the long term real GDP growth is a very good proxy for long-term earnings growth, " he argues. “从长期角度看,GDP的实际增长,很好地反映了长期收益的增长,”他指出。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Negative growth in real GDP covering at least two consecutive quarters. 至少连续两个季度实际GDP的负增长。 www.hxdscn.com 10. The difference between the arithmetic change of GDP from year to year and real GDP growth is called the deflator. 年度间GDP的算术变化与实际GDP增长之间的差异被称为缩减指数。 www.bing.com 1. Being too slow means that unless policy makers bring real GDP growth sharply below trend, China is at risk of runaway inflation. 这里的出手太慢意味着,除非决策者让中国GDP的实际增长率大幅降至近年来的一般增速以下,否则中国就可能面临通胀失控的风险。 c.wsj.com 2. Negative growth in real GDP covering at least one quarter. 至少在一个季度内实际GDP的负增长。 www.hxdscn.com 3. In a "normal" American economy, with 2% inflation and 3% real GDP growth, government-bond yields ought to be around 5%. 健康的美国经济——2%的通货膨胀率,真实国内生产总值增长3%以及政府债券收益率应该维持在5%左右的水平。 www.ecocn.org 4. In both 2006 and 2007 real GDP hadsurged by around 20%, and double-digit growth rates were widelypredicted for at least the next five years. 2006年和2007年,该国实际GDP激增了20%左右,那时很多人预言至少在未来五年内安哥拉将继续保持两位数的增长率。 www.bing.com 5. The retailers' association, Confcommercio, reckons that real GDP per head will not return to its pre-crisis level until 2019. 意大利零售业组织Confcommercio承认,在2019年前,人均GDP不会回到危机前的水平。 www.ecocn.org 6. If the target were 5%, say, inflation of 3% would not interfere with monetary stimulus so long as real GDP was growing by less than 2%. 如果目标定在5%的增长,也就是说只要真正的国内生产总值增长不超过2%,那么3%的通货膨胀率是不会干扰到货币刺激政策的(效果的)。 www.ecocn.org 7. The scandal was that Africa's real GDP per head fell for so many years. 但令人难堪的是,非洲国家的实际人均GDP这么多年来一直在下降。 ecocn.org 8. In 1998 Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand saw their real GDP per head shrink by an average of 11%. 在1998年印尼、马来西亚、南韩和泰国目睹了他们真实人均GDP平均缩水11%的过程。 www.ecocn.org 9. After post-Mao reforms, China has achieved a phenomenal growth record. Its real GDP increases with an average of 9% every year. 中国大陆自厉行改革开放后,经济表现极为耀眼,其实质国内生产毛额以每年9%左右的速度成长。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Starting with the economic analysis, real GDP in the euro area was virtually stagnant in the first half of this year. 先从经济形势分析上看,欧元区的真实GDP在今年第一季度陷于停滞。 1. If you're keeping score, we have recorded four quarterly advances in real GDP, and the average is only 3%. 如果你继续算下去,我们已记录的国内生产总值有了四次的季度上升,平均上升了只有3%。 www.bing.com 2. In the United States over the past century, average income as measured by real GDP per person has grown by about 2 percent per year. 美国在过去的世纪里,以人均实际GDP衡量的平均收入每年增长约2个百分点 wenku.baidu.com 3. More dramatic still, emerging markets produced more than four-fifths of global real GDP growth over the past five years. 更引人注意的是,在过去五年,新兴市场支持了全球GDP五分之四的增长。 www.ecocn.org 4. "A significant downward revision to forecasts and projections for average real GDP growth in 2012 (are) very likely, " he added. “很可能大幅调降2012年平均实质国内生产总值(GDP)增长预估,”他说。 internal.cn.reuters.com 5. If the money supply increases by 7 percent and the price level increases by 4 percent, then what is the change in nominal GDP and real GDP? 如果货币量增加7%,并且物价水平增加4%,则什么是在有名无实的国民生产总值和真实的国民生产总值上的变化? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Interestingly, the actual year-to-year growth rate of real GDP is highly inconsistent. 有趣的是,实际每年的增长率实际国内生产总值高度不一致。 lwdx123.com 7. It, too, found that 'the correlation between real GDP and stock market returns is nebulous at best. ' 研究也发现,实际GDP与股市回报之间的相关性最多只能说是模糊不清。 c.wsj.com 8. REAL GDP in most rich economies is still below its level at the end of 2007. 大多数发达经济体的实际国内生产总值仍低于2007年年底的水平。 www.bing.com 9. Spending on such luxuries partly drove the decline of real GDP during the latest recession. 经济危机时期,这些奢侈性消费的下降在某种程度上又导致实际GDP的下滑。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Some argue that Greece's real GDP will be much lower in an exit scenario than in the hard slog of deflation. 一些人认为,在退出欧元区的情况下,希腊的实际GDP将远低于施行艰难通缩的情境。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Indeed, he claims that, if the net shift in exports and imports were excluded, real GDP in 2010 would have risen by a staggering 13%. 他宣称,事实上如果进出口顺差不计算在内的话,2010年国民生产总值实际增长了13%,这是一个令人惊愕的数字。 www.ecocn.org 2. Real GDP growth in Mexico and Brazil, each at 1. 5%, to a certain degree aided HNWI financial wealth in those countries. 墨西哥和巴西的实际GDP增长率都仅为1.5%,在一定程度上影响了两国百万富翁金融财富的上升。 3. Still, real GDP fell only a little between 1981 and 1982 and then rebounded in 1983, even though unemployment that year was still high. 因而,实际国民生产总值在1981年至1982年之间只有轻微下跌,而在失业率仍然高企的1983年则有所回升。 www.bing.com 4. Extractive industries are expected to contract sharply amid a stark slowdown of China's real GDP growth. 在中国实际GDP增长严重放缓之际,巴西的采掘业将大幅收缩。 www.ecocn.org 5. Living standards, as measured by real GDP per person, vary significantly among nations. 各国之间以人均实际GDP衡量的生活水平有很大不同 wenku.baidu.com 6. In the year to the fourth quarter of 2009, its real GDP is estimated to have grown by more than 10%. 到2009年第四季度,据估计,中国的真实GDP增长超过了10%。 www.bing.com 7. Note: Real GDP growth and inflation are defined in percentage change from the previous period. 注:GDP和通货膨胀数据是在上年基础上变化的百分比。 8. What are the initial levels of real GDP and labour productivity? 真实GDP和劳动生产力的起初水平是什么 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The net exports surplus expanded YoY again in real terms (net of the price effect), contributing 0. 3 percentage points to real GDP growth. 按实值计算(价格效应的净值),净出口顺差年环比再次扩大了,对实际国内生产总值的贡献率为0. 10. The growth in the volume of global trade has far exceeded the pace of world real GDP growth for decades. 几十年来,全球贸易量的增速远超过全球真实GDP的增速。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The country had maintained high economic growth with the real GDP growth rate averaging 7 per cent during the last 3 years. 该国经济在过去三年保持高速增长,平均GDP实际增长率为7%。 www.wipo.int 2. Without the boost from net exports, real GDP would have fallen since the third quarter of 2007. 如果没有净出口的推动,自2007年第三个季度起,净国内生产总值将有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 3. In 1998 the real GDP of Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea fell by an average of 10%. 泰国、印度尼西亚、韩国1998年的实际GDP平均下降了10%。 www.ecocn.org 4. Also, the Canadian economy experienced a high rate of growth in real GDP. 而且,加拿大的实际GDP也经历了高速增长。 www.bing.com 5. A central case has to be a sustained period of sluggish US real GDP growth. 核心论据必然是美国疲弱的实际GDP增长将持续一段时期。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The decline in real GDP in 2009 was far and away the worst annual performance since 1946, when America was dismantling its wartime economy. 2009年的实际GDP衰退是1946年以来年度表现最糟糕的,1946年,美国正在废除其战争时期的经济。 www.ecocn.org 7. The GDP deflator is the ratio of nominal to real GDP it is a measure of the overall price level of the economy. GDP平减指数是名义与真实GDP的比值,是经济体内总体价格水平的度量。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Real GDP a. evaluates current production at current prices. 在目前的价格评估目前的产量。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Most economists assume that it implies a fall in real GDP. 大多数经济学家以实际GDP下降为标准。 www.bing.com 10. If price levels increase significantly, then the nominal GDP may increase but the real GDP is unchanged. 如果价格水平显着增加,那么,名义国内生产总值可能会增加,但实际国内生产总值不变。 lwdx123.com 1. Nomura expects the largest negative impact on quarterly real GDP growth will emerge in April-June 2011. 野村预计,2011年4-6月当季实质GDP增长受到的不利影响将最大。 cn.reuters.com 2. "The level of real GDP now exceeds its level at the business-cycle peak in the fourth quarter of 2007, " Abraham said. 亚伯拉罕说:“现在实际国内生产总值水平已超过2007年第四季度商业周期高峰时的水平。” iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Real GDP expanded at a 3. 2% annual pace, up from 2. 6% in the third quarter and the fastest pace since the first three months of the year. 从第3季度的2.6%和当年前3个月以来最快的速度,实际GDP以年3.2%的速度增加。 www.ecocn.org 4. "Over that period, real GDP has almost trebled, and we're barely using more oil than we did back then, " Gault said. “在此期间,实质GDP增加了近两倍.这样一算我们目前用的石油并不比那时候多,”Gault说。 cn.reuters.com 5. ON JULY 29th government number-crunchers revised downwards America's real GDP figures for the past few years. 29日政府的数字能手们重新考量并且下调了过去几年美国真实GDP数据。 www.ecocn.org 6. A depression is any economic downturn where real GDP declines by more than 10 percent. 任何经济衰退期,真实国内生产总值下降超过10%,就可视为“经济萧条”。 www.bing.com 7. Still, real GDP only fell a little between 1981 and 1982, and then rebounded in 1983, even though unemployment was still high in that year. 在1981年和1982年之间实际GDP仅仅小幅下降并在1983年反弹,然而在那一年(1983),失业率依然很高。 www.bing.com 8. If we look at the real GDP per capita, the war years stand out as a unique achievement. 如果我们考察实际人均国内生产总值,战时的生产成就异常突出。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Now, the Fed's projected growth rates are for real GDP expansion. 现在,美联储预计增长比例符合实际GDP增长。 www.ecocn.org 10. Once accomplished, the result is real GDP, or constant dollar GDP. 一旦完成,结果是真正的国民生产总值或者定值美元国民生产总值。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. "After a short pause, real GDP growth will reaccelerate, " said Nariman Behravesh of IHS Global Insight. 环球通视(IHSGlobalInsight)的纳里曼?贝拉维许(NarimanBehravesh)表示:“短暂停顿之后,实际GDP增长会再次加速。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Since China re-opened its stock market at the end of 1990, average annual growth in real GDP has been 10%. 自从中国在1990年底重开股市以来,中国实际GDP的年均增长率一直是10%。 c.wsj.com 3. The eurozone as a whole posted a 1. 1% rise in real GDP (quarterly rate), beating the U. S. (0. 6%) and Japan (0. 4%). 欧元区作为一个整体实际国内生生产总值上升1.1%(季度比率),打败了美国(0.6%)和日本(0.4%)。 www.bing.com 4. If we rank the G7 countries according to the change in real GDP since the end of 2007, Canada tops the league. 如果我们以G7国家为例,根据2007年底以来实际GDP的变化,加拿大表现的最好。 www.bing.com 5. US real GDP is forecast by the International Monetary Fund to fall by 2. 8 per cent this year and to stagnate next year. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测,美国的实际GDP今年将下降2.8%,明年则将停滞不前。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Real GDP per capita is 13 per cent up since 1992, but nominal income is at about its 1995 level. 日本的实际人均GDP自1992年以来增长13%,但名义收入大约相当于1995年时的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Those downturns, he notes, 'had real GDP recoveries the first two years averaging 4. 7% and 6. 5% respectively. ' 他指出,当年经济衰退在走出低谷时的头两年,实际国内生产总值(GDP)的增幅分别为平均4.7%和6. www.bing.com 8. However, that only just took the level of real GDP above its peak 15 months ago before it plunged into recession. 不过,这仅仅勉强高于15个月前、经济见顶后跌入衰退前的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Consider what it will feel like to live in an economy in which real GDP is experiencing little or no long-term growth. 想想看,生活在一个实际GDP不断下降或长期停滞的经济环境中,会是种什么样的感受。 www.ftchinese.com 10. These factors will likely bring U. S. real GDP growth back to positive territory in the third quarter of 2009. 到2009年3季度,这些因素很有可能将美国的实际GDP增长带回正向的潜在增长区域。 www.bing.com 1. Then, we will study the short-run fluctuations of real GDP around its long-run trend. 当然实质国民生产毛额的短期波动以及长期的成长趋势也都会一并讨论。 www.lhu.edu.tw 2. The employment figures are consistent with the solid growth of 3. 2% in real GDP during the first quarter of 2010. 就业人数与2010年第一季度实质国内生产总值3.2%的稳定增长相符。 www.bing.com 3. That represents what happened from 2008II to 2009II: a huge fall in real GDP, a huge rise in unemployment. 那代表着2008年2季到2009年2季所发生的情况:实际GDP巨大的降幅,失业巨大的增长。 www.bing.com 4. Of course, similar questions arise in relation to alternative goals such as monetary targets or real GDP. 当然,货币目标或实际GDP等其他目标也会引起类似的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Looking ahead, the global economic projection for real GDP growth of 3. 7% in 2003 offers some encouragement for HNWIs. 预计2003年全球GDP的实际增长速度将达3.7%,对于百万富翁而言,这是一个鼓舞人心的消息。 6. Real GDP fell by 4. 9% year on year in April-June, compared with a drop of 7. 1% in the previous quarter. 四至六月份的实际国内生产总值同比下降了4.9%,比上季度下降了7. www.ecocn.org 7. How are increases in the real GDP spread to the population? 如何增加的实际国内生产总值蔓延到人口? lwdx123.com 8. The average of real GDP and real GDI reached its low point in the second quarter of 2009. 实际国民生产总值和实际国内投资总额平均在第二季度降到谷底。 www.bing.com 9. Figures published on Thursday January 21st showed that real GDP grew by 10. 7% year on year in the fourth quarter. 本周四,即1月21日发布的数据显示去年第四季度真实的GDP比前一年同期增长了10. www.bing.com 10. In 2005, the commission found, France's real GDP per person was 73% of America's. 这家委员会发现,2005年法国的人均现实GDP只有美国的73%。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Whereas Ireland's real GDP is about 12% below its peak, it's only 2. 5% below peak in Portugal. 目前爱尔兰的实际GDP比峰值低约12%,而葡萄牙只比高点低2. www.fortunechina.com 2. In other words, the real GDP must increase. 换言之,实际国内生产总值必须增加。 lwdx123.com 3. Even if this profligate use of capital is halved, it still means credit expansion of 10%-15% is needed to achieve real GDP growth of 2%-3%. 即使资本被滥用过半,但是它仍然可意味着信贷只需扩张10%-15%就可实现2%-3%GDP的实际增长。 blog.163.com 4. It means that the economy fluctuation rate is variable and the real GDP(increasing) rate is symmetry in China. 这意味着中国经济波动率是变化的,而且GDP实际增长率是对称的。 epub.cnki.net 5. By the government's own tally, real GDP growth slipped to 6. 0% for the October to December quarter, versus 6. 2% the previous year. 据印度政府自己的统计,去年第四季度的GDP实际增长率下滑至6.0%,而前一年是6. chinese.wsj.com 6. First, here's real GDP (in logs) from 1929 to 1941, plus the trend. 首先,这里是1929至1941的真实GDP(取对数),以及增长趋势。 www.bing.com 7. China's real GDP growth next year could clock in at 8. 1%. 中国的实际国内生产总值(GDP)增速明年可能达到8. chinese.wsj.com 8. According to the latest national account data, real GDP rose by 0. 9% in the fourth quarter of 2003. 根据最近的国民经济会计数据,2003年第四季度实际国内生产总值上升了0. 9. Real GDP growth is projected to settle to about 8 percent in 2011 and 2012. 2011年和2012年的实际GDP增长预计将稳定在8%左右。 web.worldbank.org 10. The personal consumption share of real GDP rose from 67 per cent in the late 1990s to 72 per cent in the first half of 2007. 美国个人消费在实际国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例,从上世纪90年代末的67%升至2007年上半年的72%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. that is, no effects on the price level, real GDP, and so on. 也就是说,对价格水平,实际GDP等等不会有影响。 www.ecocn.org 2. What is more, from 2011 onwards, team Obama expects a reasonably vigorous recovery, with real GDP growth above 4% between 2012 and 2014. 不仅如此,奥巴马政府预计从2011年开始经济将会有一合理有力的复苏,2012到2014年期间GDP实际增长将高于4%。 www.ecocn.org 3. The most severe economic downturn occurred from 1973 to 1975 when real GDP fell by 4. 9 percent. 最严重的经济衰退发生在1973年到1975年,当时实际国内生产总值下降了4. www.america.gov 4. Here's my back-of-the envelope: using the new numbers, real GDP fell 3. 7 percent from 2007IV to 2009II. 这就是我所谓之表面之下:用最新数据,实际GDP自2007年4季至2009年2季下降了3. www.bing.com 5. Between 2002 and 2007 the increase in net exports contributed only 15% of real GDP growth in China. 2002年至2007年间中国净出口的增长只为其实际国内生产总值的增长贡献了15%。 www.ecocn.org 6. In the three months to June, year-on-year real GDP growth recovered to 1. 5% from 0. 6% in the first quarter. 4至6月,菲律宾的实际GDP同比增长率恢复至1.5%,而第一季度是0. www.ecocn.org 7. Under the projections fixed last month, real GDP is expected to increase by 2. 3 per cent this year and 2. 7 per cent in 2012. 根据美国国会预算办公室上月的预期,美国实际国内生产总值(GDP)将在今年和2012年分别增长2.3%和增长2. www.ftchinese.com 8. In China real GDP growth reached 9. 7% (year on year) in the first quarter of 2004, driven mainly by fixed asset investment. 在中国,主要是在固定资产投资的驱动下,2004年第一季度的实际国内生产总值增长达到了9.7%(年环比)。 9. And it is true that America's average annual real GDP growth of 2. 9% was much faster than Japan's 2. 1%. 的确从事实上看,美国的年均真实GDP增长是2.9%,比日本的2.1%要快。 www.ecocn.org 10. Real GDP declined by 9. 9% between 2007 and 2009, and this year unemployment is predicted to average 13. 7%. 2007到2009年间,爱尔兰的实质国内生产总值下降9.9%,而今年的失业率可能会达到13. www.ecocn.org 1. Year-on-year real GDP growth for the third quarter was 8. 3% in Argentina, 6. 1% in Brazil and 4. 4% in Mexico. 阿根廷第三季度的年环比实际国内生产总值增长率为8.3%,而巴西和墨西哥则分别是6.1%和4. 2. In Japan, signs of robust economic growth have continued in 2004 following the strong real GDP figures for the fourth quarter of 2003. 在日本,继2003年第四季度实际国内生产总值各种强有力的数据之后,经济强劲增长的种种迹象已经持续到2004年。 3. Studies on the Trend Decomposition of China's Real GDP Series 我国GDP增长率序列中趋势成分和周期成分的分解 scholar.ilib.cn |
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