单词 | proximally | ||
释义 | proximally
例句释义: 最近地 1. The opening increases in width as the opening extends proximally along the length of the blade. 所述开口的宽度随着该开口沿锯片长度向近侧延伸而增大。 ip.com 2. The blade is further formed to have an opening between at least two of the teeth that extends proximally rearward. 锯片被进一步形成为具有位于至少两个齿之间并向着近侧向后延伸的开口。 ip.com 3. Scape simple or few branched, longer than leaves, proximally with a few sterile bracts, terminating in a lax raceme. 花葶单一或者少数分枝,长于叶,下部具几不育苞片,顶生一疏松总状花序。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. its tendon split to be attached proximally to the lesser trochanter of the femur and distally to an unknown insertion. 其肌腱分裂,附在近端较轻的股骨大转子和一个不知名的远端插入。 www.syyxw.com 5. filaments glabrous; anther locules connate, slightly divergent proximally, ellipsoid, longitudinally dehiscent. 花丝无毛合生的药室,分叉下部,椭圆形的稍,纵向开裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Conclusions: The proximally based conjoined tendon transfer is a reliable treatment for a high-grade acromioclavicular dislocation. 结论:近基底联合腱移植是治疗高度肩锁关节脱位的可靠有效的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The spondylitis of ankylosing spondylitis starts in the lumbar or thoracolumbar spine and progresses proximally in a continuous fashion. 起初强直性脊柱炎在腰椎或者胸腰段脊椎不断侵犯相邻椎体。 www.91sqs.com 8. Stems erect, slender, simple, glabrous throughout, sometimes sparsely pubescent proximally with minute, forked or stellate trichomes. 茎直立,纤细,单,全株无毛,下部的疏生短柔毛具小,分叉的或星状毛的有时。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stems erect, simple, sparsely tomentose proximally, glabrous or glabrescent distally, rarely sparsely with stellate trichomes. 茎直立,单,下部的稀疏绒毛,上部的无毛或脱落无毛,很少疏生具星状毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Moreover, distal fixation and osseointegration allow for greater lever arm to resist torsional forces compared with proximally coated stems. 以外,与近端喷涂假体柄相比,远端固定和骨长入能够提供一个更长的力臂来对抗扭转剪力。 www.chiefinfo.com 1. Rotational stability of the stem can be increased both proximally and distally . 股骨柄的旋转稳定性在其近端和远端均可予以加强。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. bracts black or brownish yellow proximally, elliptic or ovate, villous, often glabrescent distally, apex shortly acuminate or acute. 黄下部的苞片黑色或带褐色的,椭圆形或卵形,具长柔毛,通常上部,先端短渐尖或锐尖。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Stem zigzagged, densely dark brown crisped villous, glandular proximally, glandular distally. 曲折地前进的茎,浓密暗褐色皱波状具长柔毛,下部,具腺。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. petiole erect, equitant, forming a pseudo stem, proximally enveloped by several cylindric, membranous sheaths. 叶柄直立,套折,形成假茎,下部被数个圆筒状,膜质鞘包围。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. blade reflexed, linear-lanceolate, proximally sparsely pilose, articulate with sheath. 叶片反折,线状披针形,下部的疏生柔毛,有节具鞘。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. blade readily deciduous, linear-lanceolate, revolute, adaxially densely yellow-brown setose proximally, articulate. 落叶的容易叶片,浓密正面,线状披针形,外卷黄褐色下部,有节。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Sepals conspicuously hardened at base, sometimes whole receptacle and calyx proximally becoming woody in fruit. 萼片显著使在基部,整个花托和花萼下部变得木质在果期的有时变硬。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Glumes obscurely keeled proximally, indistinctly so distally; spike rachis usually tough and not disarticulating. 不清楚如此上部,颖片不明显接近翻转;穗状花序轴通常坚韧而不脱节。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stem simple, proximally brown glandular pilose near nodes, distally dark brown glandular hairy. 靠近节的具柔毛的茎单生,下部棕色腺体,深色的棕色腺体有毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stem proximally brown crisped pilose or glabrous, distally shortly glandular hairy. 茎下部的棕色皱波状的具柔毛或无毛,上部短腺毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Leaf blade ovate, elliptic to oblong, margin distally crenulate, proximally entire. 叶片卵形,椭圆形到长圆形,上部边缘具细圆齿,下部全缘。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Herbs annual. Stems creeping, diffuse, numerous branched, to more than 1 m, glabrous proximally, puberulent distally. 一年生草本茎匍匐,铺散,多数分枝,到多于1米,上部无毛下部,被微柔毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. bracts dull purplish brown when dried, ovate or obovate, proximally downy on both surfaces, apex retuse. 干燥时的苞片暗略带紫色的棕色,卵形的或倒卵形,下部的具短绒毛的在两面,先端微凹。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Stem proximally brown villous at leaf axils, distally dark brown glandular hairy. 在叶腋的茎下部的棕色具长柔毛,上部黑的棕色腺体有毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. This design feature has been associated with early development of osteolysis about the tip of the stem despite bone ingrowth proximally . 该设计特征与近端骨长入良好而柄末端周围早期发生的骨溶解有关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. calyx teeth broadly triangular, ca. 1 mm, margin membranous proximally, ciliate, apex subulate-spinose. 萼齿宽三角形,约1毫米,边缘膜质下部,缘毛,先端钻形的。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Perianth azure to dark violet, segments 1--7 mm wide, not connivent proximally into a pseudotube. 花被碧蓝的到深色的紫罗兰色的,裂片1-7毫米宽,下部不靠合成为假管。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Stem twining to left, with T-shaped, soft hairs, proximally prickly, distally so only at nodes. 茎向左缠绕,具T形,柔软的毛,下部具皮刺,上部如此只在节上。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stems ascending proximally, erect distally, branched, to 1 m, pubescent with multicellular hairs. 茎上升下部,直立,分枝,达1米,短柔毛具多细胞毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stems to more than 40 cm, simple, glabrescent proximally, puberulent distally with hooked hairs. 茎可达超过40厘米的,单一,下部毛后脱落,上部被微柔毛具钩毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Stem prostrate, elongate, 2--3 mm thick, covered with grayish, membranous sheaths, proximally with some aerial roots. 茎匍匐,拉长,2-3毫米厚,为浅灰色,膜质鞘所覆盖,下部的具一些气生根。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Stems clustered, yellow, lustrous, slender, 2--6 cm, glabrous proximally, white glandular hairy distally. 茎簇生,黄,有光泽,纤细,2-6厘米,下部无毛,白色腺毛上部。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. lobes 3-5, terminal lobe ovate, elliptic, or oblong, margin serrate distally, usually double serrate or lobed proximally. 裂片3-5,顶生裂片卵形,椭圆形,或长圆形,边缘有锯齿上部,浅裂下部的重锯齿的或的通常。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. palea smooth or proximally with sparse hooks between keels, keels scabrid, sometimes medially pilulose. 顺利的内稃或者接近有稀少钩在龙骨,粗糙的龙骨,有时中度pilulose之间。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Stem elongate, 3--4 mm thick, covered with grayish sheaths, proximally with some aerial roots. 茎拉长,3-4毫米厚,为浅灰色的鞘所覆盖,下部的具一些气生的根。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Stem simple, 10-30 cm tall, proximally glabrous or sparsely glandular hairy, only most distal part glandular hairy. 茎单生,10-30厘米高,下部无毛或疏生有毛,只是大多数的上部腺毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Stem ca. 27 cm tall, sparsely hispid proximally, sparsely retrorsely puberulent distally. 约茎27厘米高,下部的疏生糙硬毛,稀少反曲上部。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Stem ca. 30 cm tall, retrorsely puberulent proximally, glabrous distally, branched. 约茎30厘米高,反曲被微柔毛下部,上部,分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stems whitish proximally, violet distally, 4--7 cm, densely violet glandular pubescent. 茎带白色下部,紫色的上部,4-7厘米,短柔毛的浓密紫色腺状。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stems numerous, diffuse, creeping proximally, simple or branched, 10--50 cm, glabrous. 茎多数,铺散,匍匐下部,单一或分枝,10-50厘米,无毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Stem ca. 45 cm tall, proximally densely appressed puberulent, distally sparsely so, 2-branched. 茎约45厘米高的,上部被微柔毛的,下部浓密贴伏疏生如此,2分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Stems branched proximally. Flowers few to many per cyme. Styles 3. 茎分枝下部。每聚伞花序开花少数到多数。花柱3。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Stems sparsely branched, 4--7 cm, villous, hairs shorter and sparser proximally. 茎疏生分枝,4-7厘米,具长柔毛,毛短和稀下部。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Stem 70--100 cm tall, retrorsely puberulent proximally, glabrescent distally, simple or branched. 抑制70-100厘米高,反曲被微柔毛下部,上部,单一或分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Filaments thickened proximally, filiform apically, 5--10 mm, often wholly smooth, sometimes basally slightly verruculose. 花丝接近加厚,顶部丝状,5--10毫米,通常完全平滑,基部有时有点小瘤状。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Basal leaf blade reniform, occasionally ovate-cordate. Petal margin long fimbriate proximally, basal claw 1. 5-2 mm. 基生叶肾形,偶有卵状心形。花瓣边缘长流苏状下部,基部瓣爪-2毫米。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Calyx white proximally, pale purple distally, narrowly tubular, 3--6 cm. 花萼白色下部,浅紫色的上部,狭管状,3-6厘米。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Stem 40--60 cm tall, retrorsely appressed puberulent throughout or only proximally, branched. 茎40-60厘米高,全部具反曲贴伏被微柔毛或仅仅在下部有,分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stem 70--100 cm tall, retrorsely puberulent proximally, glabrous and branched distally. 茎70-100厘米高,反曲被微柔毛下部,和上部分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stem 16--45 cm tall, with sparse, rigid hairs proximally, branched or simple. 下部的茎16-45厘米高,具稀,硬质的毛,分枝或单一。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. bracteoles borne proximally or near middle of pedicel, linear, 5--8 mm. 小苞片生花梗下部或者花梗的近中部,线,5-8毫米。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Stem 50--90(--120) cm tall, sparsely retrorsely puberulent, often glabrescent proximally, branched. 茎50-90(-120)厘米高,疏生被微柔毛,下部的通常后脱落,分枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Filaments proximally widened and adnate to perianth tube, free part incurved, 1. 5--2 mm. 下部加宽的花丝和贴生于花被筒,弯曲的离生部分,1.5-2毫米。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Herbs perennial. Stems sparsely clustered, 5--6 cm, proximally hairy in 2 lines, distally retrorsely hairy. 多年生草本茎疏生簇生,5-6厘米,下部的有毛的形成2线,上部反曲有毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Spikelets 2 per node, or 1 per node proximally in spike, with 2 or 3 florets. 每节,或小穗2每下部的节在穗状花序,具2或3小花内。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. The early results of total hip replacement with a proximally hydroxyapatite-coated femoral component 采用羟基磷灰石涂层股骨柄假体行全髋置换术的早期疗效 www.ilib.cn 7. Proximally based conjoined tendon transfer for coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction in treatment of acromioclavicular separation 联合腱外侧半肌腱反转移位重建喙锁韧带治疗肩锁关节脱位 www.ilib.cn 8. Clinical study of sural neurovascular flap for repairing tissue defect proximally or distally 逆行及顺行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣的临床应用 ilib.cn 9. Clinical study of distally and proximally based lesser saphenous-sural nerve vascular island flap 小隐静脉-腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣的临床研究 ilib.cn 10. Perianth segments membranous, proximally slightly thickened; 花被片膜状体,接近稍加厚; www.flora.ac.cn 1. filaments often swollen, fleshy and cylindric proximally, sometimes subulate; 花丝通常使膨胀的,肉质和圆筒状下部,有时钻形; www.flora.ac.cn 2. lemma glabrous throughout, rarely along keel and marginal veins proximally sparsely minutely hairy; 外稃全株无毛,很少沿着接近稀少精确有毛的龙骨和边缘静脉; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Petiole narrowly winged basally or proximally, with a subapical abscission zone; 叶柄狭翅基部或下部的,具一近尖端的离区; www.flora.ac.cn 4. filaments proximally adnate to perianth tube, free part filiform or flattened, short to long, smooth, papillose or hairy; 花丝下部贴生于花被筒,离生部分丝状或扁平的,短到长,平滑,具小乳突的或有毛的; www.flora.ac.cn 5. bract and bracteole borne on distal part of pedicel, linear-lanceolate, proximally pubescent; 苞片和小苞片生于花梗上部,线状披针形,下部的短柔毛; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Culm sheaths light yellow-green, proximally sparsely brown setose and slightly powdery, margin ciliate; 竿箨浅黄绿色,接近稀少棕色刚毛和有点粉状,边缘具缘毛; www.flora.ac.cn 7. palea keels distally with prickles, proximally shortly hairy, middle and upper parts longer ciliate; 上部的内稃龙骨具皮刺,接近短毛,中间和上半部分具长缘毛; www.flora.ac.cn 8. filaments filiform, smooth or verrucose, proximally adnate to perianth for most of their length; 花丝丝状,平滑的或瘤状,下部贴生于花被达大多数其长度; www.flora.ac.cn 9. Calyx tube proximally ridged or winged, narrowly tubular in middle part, distally cupular; 萼筒下部的成脊状的或翅,在中部狭管状,上部杯状; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Outer 3 perianth segments suborbicular, proximally with a transverse wing abaxially; 近圆形的外部3花被片,下部具横裂翅; www.flora.ac.cn 1. filaments slightly flattened, proximally connivent to form a short tube; 接近,花丝稍扁平形成短成管状; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Stems slender, as thick as rhizomes, creeping proximally, ascending distally, simple or branched, to 35 cm; 茎纤细,与根状茎等粗,匍匐下部,上升上部,单一或分枝,达35厘米; www.flora.ac.cn 3. filaments proximally adnate to perianth tube, free part short to long; 花丝下部的贴生于花被筒,离生部分短到长; www.flora.ac.cn 4. petiole ca. 4 mm proximally on stem, absent distally on stem, margin brown crisped glandular villous; 在茎,无的在茎上部,边缘棕色皱波状的具腺的具长柔毛上下部的叶柄约4毫米; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Stems dichotomously branched, ca. 20 cm, white villous proximally, curled red hairy distally; 茎二歧的分枝,约20厘米,下部的白色长柔毛,上部弯曲红色有毛; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Inflorescence a panicle, terminal, ca. 25 cm, proximally ca. 4-branched, many flowered; 花序圆锥花序,顶生,约25厘米,下部约4分枝,多花的; www.flora.ac.cn 7. petiole 10--15 cm, fulvous villous, especially proximally; 叶柄10-15厘米,黄褐色的具长柔毛,特别下部; www.flora.ac.cn 8. tube 6-8. 5 cm, puberulent, cylindric proximally, broadly obconical distally; 筒部6-8.5厘米,被微柔毛,圆筒状下部,宽上部; www.flora.ac.cn 9. ovary cylindric-ovoid, 2-2. 2 mm, glabrous or downy proximally, subsessile; 卵球形的圆筒状的子房,2-2.2毫米,具短绒毛下部的无毛或,; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Pedicels 1. 5--3. 5 cm, proximally densely pubescent, apically sparsely so, with 2 bracteoles at middle or above; 花梗1.5-3.5厘米,接近密被短柔毛,顶部稀少如此,具2小苞片在中部或在上部; www.flora.ac.cn 1. 1 (0) Leaf blade elliptic, 7-10 cm, midvein adaxially proximally slightly raised, flattened or subimpressed toward distal half; 叶片椭圆形,7-10厘米,中脉正面下部稍突起,对上半部的扁平的或近凹陷; www.flora.ac.cn |
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