单词 | preposterous |
释义 |
例句释义: 荒唐的,极不合情理的,怪诞的,离奇古怪的,荒谬的,可笑的,反常的 1. At this point I agreed with you that it was preposterous, and was glad to find that all my deductions had been correct. 在这一点上,我同意你的看法,它的确非常荒谬,我很高兴知道,我的所有推论都是正确的。 www.voiceofgb.com 2. In the entire history of mankind, there has not been a more preposterous spectacle than this. 在整个人类的历史上,再也没有比这个更加荒唐的奇观了。 jasonbug199.wordpress.com 3. It might sound preposterous but the only way out of this logjam is to pull back the manufacturing base out of China. 现在的办法也许是荒谬可笑的,但现在解决僵局的唯一办法就是将制造业移出中国。 bbs.big5.voc.com.cn 4. It's such a preposterous setup that I was always aware of the plot chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense. 如此荒谬的铺垫,总是让我觉得这个故事已经熄火了。还有追捕过程中的供给问题,完全不合常理。 www.54th.cn 5. There's no toothpaste, no soap powder, not the basic necessities of life. It was preposterous and embarrassing to work in such a government. 没有牙膏,没有肥皂、洗衣粉,生活必需品得不到满足,在这样的一个政府里工作是荒谬和尴尬的。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 6. I find that preposterous, not to mention distasteful, given that some of these people have lost their life savings. 有些投资者在这场骗局中损失了毕生的积蓄,在这种情况下,我觉得上面这类说法不仅荒谬,而且让人反感。 www.shinewrite.com 7. Once upon a time, the thought that Korean or Japanese vehicles could compete with Detroit seemed preposterous. 曾经,韩国车和日本车会与底特律竞争的想法好像是那么的荒谬。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The project was all the more preposterous because Mugabe's "official" salary as president is only about $57, 000 per year. 这项工程最不合理的地方就在于穆加贝作为政府官员的工资每年大概只有五万七千美元。 article.yeeyan.org 9. He was usually preposterous vet somehow achieved a certain dignity by his remoteness and agelessness. 他自己虽常常很荒谬,然而他以他表现出来的冷漠和无情赢得了一定的尊重。 www.jukuu.com 10. So for me, it was preposterous to believe that everybody's individual identity can be determined by four blood types. 所以对我来说,相信所有人的个性可以由四种血型来决定是荒诞不经的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. So a sum that seemed preposterous only a few months ago has won overwhelming approval from politicians. 几个月前这似乎还是空前之巨的金额,现已从各方政客那里取得势不可挡的赞同。 www.ecocn.org 2. The excuse he gave for his lateness was so preposterous that everyone laughed. 他为自己的迟到所编造的藉口是如此荒谬,以至大家都感到好笑。 www.jukuu.com 3. The idea that by 1975 more than 60 percent of American families would own two or more sets was preposterous . 到1975年超过60%的美国家庭将会拥有两台以上的电视机——这在当时简直是异想天开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Proper rock stars who could actually play an instrument had Ferraris which they drove at preposterous speeds, usually into a swimming pool. 我觉得吧真正会玩音乐的摇滚明星应该把法拉利开到飞快,一般要飞进游泳池才罢休。 article.yeeyan.org 5. "It would be preposterous to take so grave a step on the advice of an enemy" (J. A. Froude). “听从敌人的意见采取这一重要步骤太愚蠢了”(J.A。弗鲁德)。 www.chinabaike.com 6. The movie has a keen, bitter sense of the sudden breakdown of preposterous illusions. 电影犀利尖刻地反映了那些荒谬幻象的瞬间崩溃。 article.yeeyan.org 7. The idea of reopening the treaties had seemed merely to be a preposterous German obsession. 重新修订条约这种主意看来不过就是愚蠢的德国人在发痴了。 www.ecocn.org 8. And having just sentenced Miss Suu Kyi to another 18 months' house arrest on the most preposterous of charges, just as repressive. 并且,最近刚以最荒谬的莫须有罪名判决AungSanSuuKyi另一个18个月居家软禁,正如禁锢心灵一样。 www.ecocn.org 9. Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look. 尽管他的领带和衣领是十足的可笑,可是从他的眼光中我却看到了一种尊严。 10. Actually, when it comes to the real thing, that result doesn't sound all that preposterous. 事实上,在世界杯足球赛中,这一结果也没什么不可思议的。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Yet his mistakes and follies notwithstanding, Russia's claim that it was "enforcing peace" is preposterous. 尽管由于他的愚蠢铸成大错,但俄国“维持和平”的要求仍是荒谬的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Some think it preposterous to ban a work of literature that many in the rest of world admire as a shining symbol of Arab culture. 不少人认为禁止这样一部被世界各地誉为璀璨阿拉伯文化的文学作品真是荒谬可笑。 www.ecocn.org 3. Therefore for someone to say that through prayer I am able to know 80 or 90% of God's hidden or unrevealed will is really preposterous . 因此,如果有人说“我已经通过祷告知道了神80-90%的意志”,这样的说法是非常荒谬的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But mental health charity Mind said it was a "preposterous suggestion" . 但心理健康协会的人认为这是一个“荒谬的建议”。 www.fatisia.com 5. Of course, South Korea can spin itself around these preposterous fabrications, and become laughter for the civilized audience. 韩国当然可以继续炫耀他们的拙劣行为,并以此作为文明人的笑料。 blog.163.com 6. "Too does the year old inherit the person's thought, and gain eternal life? This was truly too preposterous. " He says. “太岁继承人的思想,并且获得永生?这真是太荒谬了。”他说。 www.zlqh.com 7. So the idea that Egyptians would trust him to rule for months more, and possibly engineer a succession to a Mubarak clone, is preposterous. 所以埃及人会觉得,如果让他再干几个月、扶植个傀儡,这不太荒谬了么。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is audacious, disruptive and preposterous on the face of it. 表面看来,其胆大妄为,且颠覆常理,又荒诞可笑。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Can electricity cause cancer? In a society that literally runs on electric power, the very idea seems preposterous. 电能致癌吗?对于一个完全依赖于电力生存的社会,这个问题似乎是荒谬的。 hi.baidu.com 10. However, Epiphyllum, although only one is now, it is preposterous to glory over the world up. 但是,昙花虽只一现,它却毕竟光彩绝伦的于世界上来过。 www.bing.com 1. To savages it would seem preposterous to seek out a place where nothing but learning was going on in order that one might learn. 对野蛮人来说,要找到一个专供学习的地方,除学习以外别无他事,这是十分荒谬的事。 blog.cersp.com 2. Don't see you for well is be not and my a type of person, let folk listen to also not fearful utterly preposterous. 也不看看你是不是跟我一类人,让人听了去也不怕笑死人。 nanhai.hinews.cn 3. But in private, Chinese officials say the suggestion that China will do much more to save Europe is preposterous. 但私底下,中国官员们表示,要中国付出大得多的努力来拯救欧洲的提议是十分荒谬的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous . 任何对抽烟不管怎样是有益的假设都是完全荒谬的。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 5. Swearing actually is demonstrably beneficial, according to scientists in a different preposterous news story entirely. 根据一贯前后颠倒的不同故事,咒骂实际上是确确实实有益的。 article.yeeyan.org 6. This legally and politically untenable and indeed preposterous position is similarly reflected in the new "Boycott Bill. " 这种在法律和政治上都站不住脚的,并且确实很荒谬的观点,也在新的“抵制法案”有相似的反映。 dongxi.net 7. Has our perception made some of them into preposterous personas automatically? 有没有由于我们的认识将其中一些自动得变成了一个荒谬的个性? www.ccarting.com 8. The Marlboro Man, meanwhile, master of wild beast and wild country, seems too far-fetched and preposterous even for advertising. 同时,万宝路男人,野兽征服者和野蛮的荒野,看似太牵强荒谬,甚至有点做广告的意味。 article.yeeyan.org 9. And while it may sound preposterous they are even treating it like a disease. 可笑的是他们就像对疾病一样对待它, www.hxen.com 10. The preposterous bailouts of this decade will come back to haunt Americans in future decades in preposterously high tax rates. 这个十年中的荒谬的救助将在未来数十年以高地不像话的税率的形式萦绕着美国人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Qiao Er knows that the monk absolutely can no approve this kind of preposterous material. 巧儿知道和尚绝对接受不了这种荒谬之事。 www.swty.net 2. Steve Kutner, Lampard's agent, described the Chelsea insider's statements as 'preposterous'. 兰帕德的经纪人斯蒂夫-库特纳认为切尔西的内部声明很荒谬。 lennyhan.blog.163.com 3. The stone, that token of preposterous times, bounced five yards to Henry's right and fell into the water . 石子一荒唐岁月的象征一弹到亨利右边五码处后,掉进水里。 www.bing.com 4. Flamboyant , sexually blatant, frequently preposterous, it is redeemed in part by Mailer's energy and curiosity. 本书光怪陆离,色情泛滥,多处荒谬可笑,幸而梅勒的精力和好奇心使这部小说没有全盘失败。 dict.veduchina.com 5. Looking back over the years, it preposterous eyeful, and ab bitter tears it. 回首过去的岁月,真是满眼荒唐事、一把辛酸泪呀。 www.showxiu.com 6. This was a MOST preposterous method; but the eagerness of my fancy prevail'd, and to work I went. 这是最荒谬的办法。我真是思船心切,立即着手工作。 dict.ebigear.com 7. No matter how preposterous the rule, it stays and stays, regardless of whether it works to accomplish its end. 不管规则多么荒谬,它总是呆在那儿,不论其是否达到其目的。 article.yeeyan.org 8. The hotel staff boasts that it goes to almost preposterous lengths to maintain the room at a mega-deluxe level. 该酒店的员工夸耀说,为了让这间客房保持超豪华标准,他们几乎无所不用其极。 www.bing.com 9. Yet the idea of putting the constitution to French and Dutch voters again is preposterous. 然而,那种企图将宪法再次抛向法国与荷兰民众的想法是极其荒谬的。 www.ecocn.org 10. And whenever you hear laughter and somebody saying, 'But that's preposterous! ' 每当你听到大笑声,然后有人说可这没道理阿! article.yeeyan.org 1. the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions. 那么我们天性中的冲动和下贱的念头就会引使我们得到最荒唐的结局。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Also, it lets me pace while I talk on the phone, which also looks preposterous, but is energizing. 而且,它让我在打电话的时候能踱步子,虽然这也看上去很傻,可是却给人带来提神。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. It may sound preposterous to imagine that the mathematics of quantum theory has something to say about the nature of human thinking. 从量子理论的数学说到人类思考的本质似乎有些荒唐。 url.cn 4. his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis. 他的身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针与金属板,而且有人说他本该因肺部纤维症而死在自己的床上,这听起来实在荒谬。 www.ecocn.org 5. At this I burst out laughing. This sounds preposterous to me, I can't help it. 听到这儿我大笑起来,我觉得这话很荒谬,忍不住要笑。 www.bing.com 6. They had all inherited their father's preposterous quickness and elegance. 他们全都继承了父亲那种不同寻常的敏捷和高雅。 www.kuenglish.info 7. Any presumption thover smoking is in either way helpful is totficasly preposterous . 任何对抽烟不论怎样是有益的假定都是完全谬妄的。 mhtt010.010nt.org 8. The slow progress of Sebelius's nomination was preposterous. 西贝利厄斯提名的缓慢过程是荒谬的。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. That's preposterous ! I do not resemble C-3PO. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered , I just don't see it. 太荒谬了!我才不像C-3PO呢!别误会,虽然受宠若惊,但我不这么认为。 cet.hjenglish.com 10. AT FIRST sight, the idea that Europe has anything to teach America about tackling unemployment seems preposterous. 一眼看来,欧洲去教美国怎样处理失业问题,这个想法似乎很荒谬。 www.ecocn.org 1. And whenever you hear laughter and somebody saying, 'But that's preposterous! ' 每当你听到大笑声,然后有人说可这没道理阿! www.bing.com 2. the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions. 那么我们天性中的冲动和下贱的念头就会引使我们得到最荒唐的结局。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I knew then that the idea I 'd had and dismissed as preposterous was true . 这时我知道了,我曾经想过但认为是荒谬绝伦的事竟然是真的。 www.bing.com 4. Also, it lets me pace while I talk on the phone, which also looks preposterous, but is energizing. 而且,它让我在打电话的时候能踱步子,虽然这也看上去很傻,可是却给人带来提神。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. It may sound preposterous to imagine that the mathematics of quantum theory has something to say about the nature of human thinking. 从量子理论的数学说到人类思考的本质似乎有些荒唐。 url.cn 6. Pension money was squandered in the past on things like buildingholidayresorts preposterous but politically important places. 过去,养老金被挥霍在一些诸如在不合理却有政治意义的地点建设度假村的事情上。 www.bing.com 7. his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis. 他的身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针与金属板,而且有人说他本该因肺部纤维症而死在自己的床上,这听起来实在荒谬。 www.ecocn.org 8. At this I burst out laughing. This sounds preposterous to me, I can't help it. 听到这儿我大笑起来,我觉得这话很荒谬,忍不住要笑。 www.bing.com 9. They had all inherited their father's preposterous quickness and elegance. 他们全都继承了父亲那种不同寻常的敏捷和高雅。 www.kuenglish.info 10. The remarks you quoted are absolutely preposterous. 你提到的这种言论荒唐之极。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Any presumption thover smoking is in either way helpful is totficasly preposterous . 任何对抽烟不论怎样是有益的假定都是完全谬妄的。 mhtt010.010nt.org 2. The slow progress of Sebelius's nomination was preposterous. 西贝利厄斯提名的缓慢过程是荒谬的。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. With their silly titles and preposterous claims to fame, the ghouls are violent, strong, and perfectly daft . 和他们愚蠢的名字和对名利荒谬的追求一样,食尸鬼凶暴、强壮,而且愚蠢透顶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. That's preposterous ! I do not resemble C-3PO. Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered , I just don't see it. 太荒谬了!我才不像C-3PO呢!别误会,虽然受宠若惊,但我不这么认为。 cet.hjenglish.com 5. She didn't know what to say to such a preposterous idea. 她不知该怎样回答这个荒谬无比的想法。 we-sea.51.net 6. AT FIRST sight, the idea that Europe has anything to teach America about tackling unemployment seems preposterous. 一眼看来,欧洲去教美国怎样处理失业问题,这个想法似乎很荒谬。 www.ecocn.org 7. To the fair-minded, such claims are preposterous. 公正的说,这样的观点是荒谬的。 www.ecocn.org 8. I find this accusation preposterous. Ms. Temmel, would you please send the student in? 我觉得这个非难太可笑了。特蒙尔女士,你能把那个学生带进来吗?。 www.bing.com 9. And then we say, "Well we have to do that to be safe" . That is what is preposterous. 然后我们说了,“我们必须要不惜一切代价来保证自己的安全。” www.bing.com 10. All students claim that the proposal to ban all soft drinks in the school is preposterous. 学生称在校内禁止喝汽水的建议是荒唐的。 paper.wenweipo.com 1. I realize that seems a preposterous claim. 我知道这个断言有点荒谬。 www.bing.com 2. I resisted for a long time, because it looks so preposterous , but it's really much more comfortable. 我耐了很长时间那么做,因为它看上去样子很傻,可是其实却很令人舒适。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. That's preposterous. I do not resemble C3PO. 这太荒谬了,我和C3PO没有任何相似之处。 www.kekenet.com 4. If this information is true, then it is the most preposterous thing in the world. 如果这条消息是真的,那简直就是滑天下之大稽了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. What makes it true is that it's more preposterous to claim about anywhere else. 可是又有哪个地方能比得上呢? www.bing.com 6. Yes, I know. This sounds preposterous. 我知道,这听起来很荒谬。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I think that this statement preposterous, if the husband can not concentrate on why Mingzhi? 吾以为此言大谬,夫若不能全神贯注,何以明志? www.bing.com 8. Mrs Bachmann has a record of making factual mistakes, repeating untruths and adopting preposterous stances. 等巴克曼女士曾有犯下实际错误,再三撒谎的以及采取荒谬的姿态等记录。 www.ecocn.org 9. The story is getting more and more preposterous. 整件事情越来越荒谬了。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The Preposterous Theory of Transportation Problem and Its Explanation in Theory and Economy 运输问题的悖论及其数学、经济解释 service.ilib.cn 1. adj. absurd insane quixotic preposterous loony irrational ridiculous unreasonable unsound 二十七、荒唐、不合理性 wenku.baidu.com 2. preposterous absurd silly ridiculous senseless nonsensical 荒谬的,愚蠢的,可笑的-- learning.sohu.com 3. Absurd Reasoning Leads to Preposterous Conclusion 荒唐逻辑、荒诞结论 www.ilib.cn 4. or any of the preposterous things you just said 或者就像你刚才所说的所谓荒谬的东西 www.ichacha.net 5. The Preposterous Phenomena on Subjective Ideology in the Female Essay 女性散文主体意识的悖谬现象 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Wrong time, met the wrong person is a preposterous; 错的时间,遇见错的人,是一场荒唐; blog.sina.com.cn 7. they are asking a preposterous price for the work 他们为该作品漫天要价。 www.ichacha.net 8. If this preposterous story was true, 如果这荒谬的故事是真的, www.1000fr.com |
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