单词 | proprietors |
释义 | proprietors是proprietor的复数
复数:proprietors n. owner,manager,administrator,landowner,property owner 例句释义: 业主,所有人,地主,领主,所有主 1. "That's true, " said the man, "and I'd like you to know how much we appreciate your letting us eat here. Some proprietors object. " “那倒是真的,”那位仁兄回答说道。“另外我也要感谢你让我们进来吃晚餐,许多店老板都拒绝卖东西给我们。” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. So the court says it is important that the trademark proprietors should not be allowed to hold a perpetual monopoly on technical solutions. 法院的判决结果就是:注册者不能通过商标注册来对已过期的技术获得永久的垄断权。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And how much profit do the proprietors of the clubs extract from the emotional and aesthetic labor of their workers? 而从这些销售情感与容颜的劳工身上,俱乐部的老板又能攫取多少呢? www.bing.com 4. Article 11 Proprietors' general meeting shall be convened by the proprietors' committee at least once a year. 第十一条业主大会由业主委员会负责召集,并每年至少召开一次。 www.lawyee.net 5. Mr. Murdoch has spent time trying to court and influence politicians himself, a task that many proprietors left to their newspapers. 默多克本人花时间试图争取政界人士的支持并施加影响。很多报纸业主都把这样的工作留给自己的报纸来做。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Proprietors and editors are trying to identify distinctive strengths and investing what money they have in those areas. 报业业主和编辑们正在努力探索自己的独特优势,计算应该在这些领域的投资幅度。 www.ecocn.org 7. Don't bother investing. Certain proprietors strip their business of every penny of cash, starving them of capital. 某些企业主榨干了自己公司的每一分现金,使得企业资金极度匮乏。 www.tesoon.com 8. I heard variations of that lament from scores of Yiwu proprietors, whether the product was tea kettles , bicycle helmets or umbrellas. 无论是茶壶、自行车头盔或是雨伞,我都从义乌的商人那里听到了太多的这种感慨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I have made it sufficiently profitable to enable its proprietors to live like the gentlemen and ladies they were now become. 我曾使之充分有利可图,以促使他的经营者如现在的情形一样过着像绅士淑女一般的生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. At present, since the discovery of America, and other circumstances permitting, the Commons are become the proprietors of the land. 由于美洲的发现和其他一些情况,目前平民成了土地拥有者。 www.for68.com 1. One of the proprietors had suggested that the chorus was a little weak on looks. 有一个东家曾经提到过,群舞队员的相貌差了一些。 www.bing.com 2. The chairman and vice-chairmen of the proprietors committee shall be chosen from among the committee members. 业主委员会主任、副主任在业主委员会委员中推选产生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Compared with other forms of business, sole proprietors are the luckiest businessmen in terms of tax burden. 与其它形式的工商企业相比,从税收负担方面看,个体制工商企业业主是最为幸运的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Of course, saloon proprietors simply incorporated the expense of this "free" lunch into the price of the beverages they sold. 当然,酒吧间的经营者只是把这部分“免费的”午餐的花费算到了他们出售的饮料的价格里面。 www.ibm.com 5. For sole proprietors, check for local assumed names (also known as DBA ). In the U. 为成为唯一所有人,核对本地化名(亦称DBA)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. the contracting states. copyright protection international systems. Copyright proprietors. Cinematographic works. 缔约国,成员国,版权保护,世界版权保护制度,版权所有者,电影的作品 class.ebigear.com 7. Dining locations are generally proprietors of the hotel restaurant to the main buffet. 用餐地点一般是酒店的主餐厅,以自助餐为主。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The paper puts forward that the model can help proprietors to determine the specific grading standard more scientifically. 借助模型计算分析,业主可以更加科学地确定具体的评分标准。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Newspaper proprietors hope to reverse some of these trends. 报纸发行商希望以上这些趋势得以抑制。 www.ecocn.org 10. Article 14 The members of a proprietors' committee shall be elected from proprietors in the proprietors' general meeting. 第十四条业主委员会委员由业主大会在业主中选举产生。 www.lawyee.net 1. On expiration of this license, all rights herein granted revert to the Proprietors without further written notice. 合同到期时,无需书面通知,合同提到的所有权利自动返还版权方。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie. 中世纪的城关市民和小农等级是现代资产阶级的前身。 chinsia2007.blog.163.com 3. Singapore businessmen sole proprietors of enterprises, through the GMP authentication. 为新加坡商人独资经营的企业,以通过GMP认证。 www.tonke.cn 4. All rights in the Work other than those specifically granted to the Publishers under this Agreement are reserved by the Proprietors. 除本合同中明确授予出版者的权利外,该作品的其他所有权利由版权所有者保留。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The term of the proprietors committee shall be two years. 业主委员会每届任期两年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. They include corporate employees, freelance entrepreneurs, and small-business proprietors. 他们有公司雇员、自由职业者、小业主等。 www.bing.com 7. RIGHTS RESERVED: All rights not specifically granted to the Publishers herein, without limitation, are reserved to the Proprietors. 保留权利:本合同没有明确授予出版方的所有权利,毫无限制地归版权方所有。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We thoroughly screened fees and funds and stopped collecting administration fees from sole proprietors and fair trade markets nationwide. 全面清理收费、基金,在全国范围内统一停征工商两费。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The ultimate responsibility for this insouciance lies with the proprietors who now dominate Fleet Street's culture. 这种漫不经心的态度,最终责任在于如今主导舰队街文化的财主们。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And then the masses of impoverished workers would finally rebel and expropriate the riches of the wealthy proprietors. 那时候一无所有的工人最终会奋起抗争并剥夺有钱的剥夺者的财富。 1. From reporters on doorsteps to editors reporting to proprietors with political backing, there were pernicious incentives. 不管是大门口的记者,还是直接向拥有政治背景的财主汇报的编辑,均存在有害的激励机制。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The proprietors, Bill and Holly, had been there for a long, long time, enduring many cold winters. 餐吧的老板比尔和荷利已经在那里住了很久,经历过很多寒冷的冬季。 carlchi.blog.163.com 3. For one thing, if the restaurant is attached to the motel, its proprietors are likely not paying extra rent for the space. 首先,如果餐馆附属于汽车旅馆,经营者就可能不用为地方支付额外的租金。 www.bing.com 4. In 2010, the site's proprietors made their engaging creation available in portable form, with an iPhone app called Rome: A First Look. 2010年,网站的拥有者让他们迷人的创作在移动平台上也能够使用,iphone应用的名字叫做“罗马:第一眼”Rome:AFirstLook。 dongxi.net 5. Most Chinese-Americans are petty proprietors, who need lower tax rate, less government controls to make their businesses run well. 多数华裔美国人都是小商业主,他们需要低税收、更少的政府管制,来让他们的生意好转。 edu.qq.com 6. Partners and sole proprietors are always individually liable to repay money they borrow. “合伙公司”和“独立业主”总是对偿付借款具有个人责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Please provide information of retired Company Proprietors , Partners and Directors. 请填写离任的公司东主、合夥人或董事资料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They changed a region of latifundium into one of peasant proprietors. 他们把一片大领地变成自耕农地区。 www.hotdic.com 9. From the perspective of project management, proprietors'risk mainly happens in the tendering stage after the establishment of project. 从工程管理的角度来看,立项以后,业主方的风险主要集中在招标阶段。 www.fabiao.net 10. Audit rate statistics show that partnerships and small corporations are audited far less often than sole proprietors. 审计率的统计数字显示,合伙企业和小型公司比单个的经营者受到的审查少得多。 www.elanso.com 1. This thesis conducts a useful, systematic and overall study on proprietors'risk management in metro project bidding. 本文为地铁工程施工招投标阶段业主系统全面的风险管理做了有益探讨。 www.fabiao.net 2. I am innately suspicious of proprietors who focus from the beginning on an indecently swift exit. 对于那些从一开始就关注于不光彩的快速退出的企业所有者,我本能地持怀疑态度。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The proprietors of private enterprises in the primary stage of socialism are both socialist builders and owners of capitals. 社会主义初级阶段的私营企业主,既是社会主义的建设者,又是资本的所有者。 www.dictall.com 4. Perhaps I could tell them more about the proprietors of this sanitarium . 他们说也许我能提供一些关于那疗养院业主的情况。 www.bing.com 5. And magic store proprietors say classical props like playing cards, coins and scarves are very popular and have sold out. 魔术商店的业主说传统的魔术道具诸如纸牌,硬币和丝巾非常的流行,并且都已经销售一空。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Proprietors of beauty industry should register in the local chambers of commerce of beauty industry. 美容美发经营者应当向当地美容美发协会进行企业信息备案登记。 www.edu114.cn 7. Mr Murdoch is much more like America's great newspaper proprietors than his critics imagine. 默多克先生比他的批评者想象地更像是美国大报的所有者。 www.ecocn.org 8. They often rely on the advice of newsletter writers, obscure websites and coin-shop proprietors or their own research. 他们常常依靠业务简讯作者、无名网站和硬币店店主的建议或他们自己的研究。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. This would help proprietors of coffee bars and other employers who prize diligent workers with modest salary expectations. 这将帮助咖啡屋老板以及其他雇主——他们都喜欢薪金期望低、工作勤奋的员工。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The proprietors of the casino reckoned on human foolishness and greed. 赌场老板靠的就是人性的愚蠢和贪婪来赚钱。 www.eol.cn 1. Some individual proprietors join forces with others to form chains of independents or cooperatives. 这些小个体业主互相联合起来,构成独立企业或合作企业的联网。 www.dictall.com 2. Chapter Two Legal Relations of Proprietors' ownership. 第二章“业主共有权法律关系”。 3. Some proprietors say their company's similarity to known brands is a coincidence. 某些业主说他们公司和已知品牌的类似纯属巧合。 www.bing.com 4. In fact, looked from legal body in law or the principle of economics, both proprietors and contractors should be equal. 而实际上,无论是从法律的平等主体的角度还是从经济学原理的角度来看,二者都应该是平等的。 www.fabiao.net 5. Article 7 All residential quarters may form a proprietors' committee each according to these regulations. 第七条各住宅区可以根据本条例规定成立业主委员会。 www.showxiu.com 6. In this study, however, there is corroborating evidence on these attitudes in the policies adopted by hotel proprietors. 在这项研究中,但是,有确凿证据的这些态度,采取的政策酒店业主。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. the proprietors'committee represents all the proprietors in the real estate management zone and it is a self-governing crowd organization. 业主委员会是在一个物业管理区域内代表全体业主,对物业实施自治管理的群众性组织。 www.13191.com 8. Chapter One Overview of Proprietors' Co-ownership. 第一章“业主共有权概述”。 9. How Proprietors Avoid Claim During Bidding Stage ? 浅谈业主在招标阶段的防索赔措施?。 www.bing.com 10. Royalties payable by the Publishers to the Proprietors shall be based on 100% retail list price. 出版方应付版权方的版税应依据100%零售价格表。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. At least the proprietors have something to smile about. 至少老板们有些值得微笑的理由。 www.ecocn.org 2. The proprietors specified in the present Regulations refer to those who own the property. 本条例所称业主,是指物业的所有权人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Third, Defining the realty service enterprises' responsibility in realty service, in order to show their protection of proprietors' right. 三是明确物业服务企业在物业服务中的责任,以体现对业主权利的保护。 www.fabiao.net 4. The most common way is as "joint proprietors" . 最普通的方式作为是“共同业主”。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Along with the development of real estate marketization, the civil resistance from proprietors continuously arise. 随着房产市场化的推进,中国城市中业主抗争事件不断出现。 www.fabiao.net 6. Other major cash fonts, such as proprietors' income and interest and dividend payments, fell even more sharply. 其它主要现金来源,如经营者收入、利息和股息等下跌的幅度更大。 c.wsj.com 7. pig Zhu Ba-jie brother said: I pig Zhu Ba-jie Qianxin proprietors and priests to come clean: I am willing to! 猪八戒哥哥说:俺猪八戒虔心向主和神父坦白交代:我愿意! zhidao.baidu.com 8. The problem is that they are too similar. They are both resolute, both are proprietors, and both have awful characters. 问题是他们太像了,他们都很坚决,都是占有者,都有很强的性格。 www.bing.com 9. The proprietors should cooperate instead cut pricing competitive and make different reasonable price according to visitors' characters. 业者间应以合作方式代替削价竞争并依游客特性订定不同合理价位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is of great social significance to study effective risk management in metro construction bidding process from proprietors'point of view. 从业主角度研究如何对地铁工程施工招投标阶段进行有效的风险管理,具有重大的社会意义。 www.fabiao.net 1. Sole proprietors are reassuring to customers who believe an individual who is accountable will do a good job. 顾客总是相信一个负有责任的人会把事情做好,因此个体业主可以使顾客放心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Second, Introducing the concept of proprietor group, and setting up a operational institution for the systematic proprietors' autonomy; 二是引进业主团体的概念,建立起系统的业主自治权的运行机构; www.fabiao.net 3. Second, ebook manufacturers would compete to set up their content platform, help to improve the proprietors bargaining power; 其次,电子书厂商竞相建立各自内容平台,有助于提高版权方的议价能力; zhidao.baidu.com 4. Occupational features: office workers in enterprises, proprietors of SME, civil servants and undergraduates; 职业特征:企业上班族,中小企业主,公务员,大学生; gatefanyi.com 5. Analysis on Proprietors cost Control at the Early Stage of Construction Project 浅析业主在建设项目前期阶段的成本控制 www.ilib.cn 6. Valid original copy of real estate property right contract (only for the proprietors of the mansion) 房屋产权有效合同?原件(仅限本大厦业主) www.dfyzclub.com 7. On the Politic Participation of Proprietors of Private-owned Enterprises in the Construction of Socialist New Countryside 论社会主义新农村建设中的私营企业主的政治参与问题 www.ilib.cn 8. Preparation for and operation of property management agreements and proprietors committee 物业管理公约、业主委员会的筹备和运作 www.e519.com 9. On Decision Measure of General Meeting of Proprietors of the Building 论建筑物区分所有权人大会决议的法定方法 www.ilib.cn 10. The Interests Target and the Right Orientation of the Rights-Defending Movement of Civic Proprietors 城市业主维权行动的利益目标与权利取向 www.ilib.cn 1. The Proprietors and Contents of the Right of Broadcasting Information by Network 信息网络传播权之主体与内容 www.ilib.cn 2. Notification to proprietors of national or international trade marks with validity in Denmark; 丹麦境内国家或国际商标的有效性认证通知; information.casip.ac.cn 3. Hearing and reviewing the working report of the proprietors' committee; 听取和审查业主委员会的工作报告; www.lawyee.net 4. Legal Thoughts on Supervision Mechanism over Proprietors'Committee 业主委员会监督机制之法律思考 www.ilib.cn 5. An Analysis of Causes and Countermeasures about Proprietors'Quality Behaviour 业主质量行为的原因及对策分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Economy Benefits Analysis for Combine Harvester Proprietors 联合收割机经营户的经济效益分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis and Consideration of Proprietors'Applying for Party Membership 关于私营企业主入党问题的思考 service.ilib.cn 8. Discussion on the Motivating Mechanism of Modern Business Proprietors 现代企业经营者的激励机制探讨 service.ilib.cn 9. Arrangement of consigners and proprietors for multitasks and teamwork 多项任务团队生产的委托权与所有权安排 www.ilib.cn 10. Foreign proprietors authorize domestic entities to process and export 境外权利人委托境内加工出口 www.sunfaith.com 1. On Security Obligations of Real-Property Management Company to Proprietors 论物业公司对业主的安全保障义务 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Discussion on the Reward of State-owned Enterprises'Proprietors-From the Study of Marx's Labor Theory and Labor Value Theory 国有企业经营者报酬刍议--学习马克思劳动理论和劳动价值理论一得 www.ilib.cn 3. Discussion on Proprietors'Prevention from Claims for Compensation in the First Stage of Projects 略论业主在项目前期的索赔防范 www.ilib.cn 4. Proprietors of Private Enterprises are not Newly-born Capitalist Class 私营企业主不是新生的资产阶级 ilib.cn 5. Counter measures of proprietors to deal with project risks 业主对工程风险的应对措施 www.ilib.cn 6. the intuitively powerful idea that we are the proprietors 一个强大的思想,即我们是 www.bing.com 7. Discuss on the Impartial Competition Rights of Proprietors 论经营者的公平竞争权 www.ilib.cn 8. On the Labor and Revenue of the Private Proprietors 论私营企业主的劳动与收入 www.ichacha.net 9. Improving the Real Estate Service to Satisfy the Proprietors 物业服务如何提高业主满意度 www.ilib.cn |
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