单词 | port area |
释义 | 例句释义: 港区,开口面积 1. In 1988 the ruIn of a site where people sailed out to sea to look for this elixir was found on a beach In the QInhuangdao port area. 1988年.人们在秦皇岛港口发现了秦始皇遣人出海寻求长生不老药的遗址。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Vicissitudes of the times and the unique port advantage endow Dushan Port Area with its lofty sentiments and high aspirations. 斗转星移的时代振兴和独特的港口优势,赋予了独山港区放眼四海的豪情和联动发展的胆魄。 charlesqiu0573.blog.sohu.com 3. The provisions of this Chapter shall not be applicable to the towage service rendered to ships within the port area. 本章规定不适用于在港区内对船舶提供的拖轮服务。 www.bing.com 4. The prospectus talks of redeveloping the decaying port area, and of at last cleansing Guanabara Bay of sewage and industrial pollution. 企划书谈到重新开发没落的港口区,而最后净化遭污水和工业污染的瓜拿巴拉湾。 www.ecocn.org 5. This old port area is the major urban renewal project in the center of Antwerp and is developing as a vibrant new city district. 该区域是安特卫普市中心主要的城市更新项目所在,正在发展成为充满生机的新市区。 arch.mr926.me 6. Kowloon Peninsula south into the sea, the elimination of the storm, the port area is relatively calm. 九龙半岛向南伸入海中,消减了风浪,使港区相对平静。 www.helicoptersbuyers.com 7. Since the Zone started operations at the end of 2006, Gongbei Customs have launched a 24-hour service for the Zone's special port area. 珠澳跨境工业区自2006年底封关运作以来,拱北海关对专用口岸实行了24小时服务。 old.zhtv.com 8. The hotel building, comprising four floors can be found in the old port area of Genoa. 酒店的建设,采用在老港口热那亚地区常见的四层结构。 www.orangeway.cn 9. Tianjin International Cruise Home Port lies at the south end of Dongjiang Bonded Port Area. 天津国际邮轮母港于位于天津港东疆保税港区南端。 news.enorth.com.cn 10. He complains that the shelling on the port area, along with the lack of food and water made living conditions extremely difficult. 他抱怨说,对港口地区的炮轰,以及缺少食物和水使得生活条件极其艰难。 www.voanews.cn 1. Tones are heard where water can be set to vibrating, which is true of a port area draining a river. 当有水参加震动时就会听见诸多音调,对于河流排水的码头来说这是正确的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Below East London to the river mouth for the London port area, the dock, the wharf, the warehouse stands in great numbers. 东伦敦以下至河口为伦敦港区、船坞、码头、仓库林立。 www.taody.com 3. Luo Yuan should rely on haven to develop the industry that face harbor, achieve port area linkage, drive industry to span type develops. 罗源应依托港口发展临港工业,实现港区联动,推动工业跨越式发展。 www.showxiu.com 4. The application of large caisson in Nansha Port Area Phase I Project of Guangzhou Port and the construction technology are introduced. 介绍广州港南沙港区一期工程中所应用的大型沉箱及施工工艺。 www.dictall.com 5. Port area shall be 100% of the mating pipe port area through the entire valve length. 整个阀门的流道截面应该与管道的流道截面100%相同。 www.h6688.com 6. So integrating with Shanghai and conforming to international standards has become the inevitable choice for Dushan Port Area. 融入大上海与国际接轨,就成为独山港区的必然选择。 charlesqiu0573.blog.sohu.com 7. The piston is forced upward until sufficient port area is available to pass the fluid. 活塞被推动向上,直到有足够的通道面积让流体流过。 www.dictall.com 8. The center of the city and the Port area is within easy reach in minutes. 这个城市的中心,可轻松到达港区分钟。 catalogue.horse21.cn 9. This new port area's economic viability and development potential. 这片临港新城区的经济活力和发展潜力。 news.sogou.com 10. A new eight-kilometer road is under constructionthat links the port area with the motorway system. 一条八公里长的公路正在修建中,这是一条连接港区的快车道。 www.enteacher.cn 1. Fires burn in the port area of Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture following an earthquake in northeastern Japan, March 11, 2011. 2011年3月11日,日本东北部磐城市福岛县的港口地区,地震发生后,燃起了熊熊大火。 www.bing.com 2. Please don't drain the polluted water into the port area. 请不要向港区内排放污水。 home.i21st.cn 3. The port area is so concentrated! 这儿的港区好集中啊! www.cctv.com 4. But the good news is that in the commercial port area in the future we are planning to see the commercial port area revived hope. 但值得庆幸的是,我们在商埠区未来的规划方案中看到了商埠区再次复兴的希望。 www.fabiao.net 5. The park will play a key role in the integration of warehousing and logistics management in Yantian Port Area. 届时该园区将成为盐田港区仓储、物流的重要组成部分。 company.zhaopin.com 6. What is navigation situation in the port area? 港区内航行状况如何? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Results of detection of hemoglobin in the children in Haikou Port area 海口港儿童少年血红蛋白检测结果分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of Integral Taking Out of Inner Mold for the Oil Jetty Engineering at the Mid Port Area of Rizhao Port 整体抽芯模板工艺在日照港中港区油码头工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Hong Kong Port Area of Shenzhen Bay Port . 深圳湾口岸港方口岸区。 www.bing.com 10. Stick to concept of scientifical development, construct harmonious Jing-Tang port area 坚持科学发展观构建和谐京唐港区 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Discusses the ocean mountain bonded port area the environment construction - Shanghai international shipping center core project 谈洋山保税港区的环境建设-上海国际航运中心的核心工程 www.ilib.cn 2. Static cone penetration test study of soft soils after vacuum preloading in Huanghua port area 黄骅港湾地区真空预压处理后地基静力触探研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Coordination and supervision of the operation of the concessionaires that perform economic activity in port area 对在岗区进行经济活动的承租者给与协助与监督 www.ccpitbj.com 4. Experimental Study on Navigation Safety Simulation of the First Stage Construction of the Yangshan Deep Water Port Area 洋山深水港区一期工程航行安全模拟试验研究 5. Construction Technology and Quality Control of First-stage Dredging Construction in Nansha Port Area 南沙港区一期疏浚工程施工工艺及质量控制 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on the Existing Coordinate System of Huanghua Port Area and Its Interdependence 黄骅港地区现有坐标系及其相互关系分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Accelerate the Construction of Taicang Port Area of Shanghai International Shipping Centre 加快建设上海国际航运中心北翼苏州港太仓港区 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on the Integrated Innovative Technology for the Modern Container Terminals of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Port Area 上海港外高桥港区现代集装箱码头建设集成创新技术 www.ilib.cn 9. Excavation, demolition and other activities in a port area that may threaten port safety are prohibited; 不得在港口进行可能危及港口安全的采掘、爆破等活动; www.bing.com 10. Free Trade Port Area; logistics services; developmental strategy; 保税港区;物流服务;发展对策; www.zidir.com 1. Application of Reinforced Concrete Pile with Ram-enlarged Base in Oil Tank Foundation of Tianjin Port Area 振动夯扩桩在港区油罐基础工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Application of Asphalt Pavement Construction of Semi-rigid Base in Roadways of Container Port Area 半刚性基层沥青铺面结构在集装箱港区道路中的应用 ilib.cn 3. Quality Control of Construction for the Terminal of Phase Two Project in Yantian Port Area 盐田港二期工程码头混凝土施工质量控制 ilib.cn 4. Application of Vacuum Pre-loading Method on Special Groundwork in Nansha Port Area of Guangzhou Port 真空预压法在广州南沙港区特殊地基上的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on the Construction of a Large Deepwater Port Area in Maoming 茂名港建设大型深水港区的初步研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Application of Polypropylene Fiber in Port Area Pavement Engineering 聚丙烯纤维在港区路面工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. A Preliminary Report of investigation on Rodent Background at Caofeidian Port Area 唐山港曹妃甸港区鼠类本底调查初报 www.ilib.cn 8. Economic Rationality Analysis of Container Transport in Nansha Port Area 南沙港区集装箱运输经济合理性分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Set up an international transter and distribution center for a finished heavy equipment producks and spare parts in ZJG Bonded Port Area 在张家港保税港区建立重装成品及零部件的国际中转和配送中心 wenku.baidu.com 10. Discussion on Succeeding Management of Land-use-right of Port Area after Land Transfer 港区土地使用权出让后续管理浅议 www.ilib.cn 1. Administrative Rules of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the Port Area of Exit and Entry 深圳经济特区出入境口岸区域管理规定 fzj.sz.gov.cn 2. The Discharge Port Area of Scroll Compressor and the Optimization of Basic Parameters 涡旋压缩机排气孔面积与基本参数的最佳选择 service.ilib.cn 3. Main Reasons of Leaking Damage of Water Supply Pipe at Lianyungang Port Area and Preventive Measures 连云港港区供水管漏损的主要原因及其防治 www.ilib.cn 4. Determination of Parameters of Underwater Blasting for Xiangan Tunnel of Liuwudian Port Area in Xiamen Port 厦门港刘五店港区翔安隧道水下爆破参数的确定 www.ilib.cn 5. Design for Hydraulic Works of Wharves of Changsha Xia'ning Port Area First-Period Works 长沙港霞凝港区一期工程码头水工建筑物设计 ilib.cn 6. application of permeable formwork in phase project of yantian port area 透水模板在盐田港区三期工程中的应用研究 www.ichacha.net 7. Joint Development Modes in Yangshan Port Area of Shanghai and Ports of Zhejiang 洋山港区与浙江港口联动发展模式 service.ilib.cn 8. Relations on the merge of bonded area with port area and Xiamen's economy development 保税区、港区一体化与厦门经济发展的几个关系 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Large Caisson in Nansha Port Area Phase I Project of Guangzhou Port 大型沉箱在广州港南沙港区一期工程中的应用 ilib.cn 10. Discussing to sell the non-operating land within port area to self-build the workshop 协议转让港区内的非经营性土地来自建厂房 www.xdtran.com 1. Compilation of Dominative Detailed Planning of Port Area 港区控制性详细规划编制 service.ilib.cn 2. Study on silt accumulation of planning project in Xiangshan Bay Port Area 象山湾港区规划方案泥沙淤积分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Accuracy analysis of inspection accomplishment about certain port area which is along bank type pier changes 某港区顺岸码头形变监测成果的精度分析 ilib.cn 4. The Optimization Measures for Yangshan Bonded Port Area 洋山保税港区优化措施 www.ilib.cn 5. Matters Concerning Planning of Nantong Port Area of Nantong Port 南通港南通港区规划中若干问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. On Engineering Geological Features of Sudan Port Area 浅谈苏丹港区工程地质特征 service.ilib.cn 7. Static Load Test for Wharf Foundation Pile of Shanghai Port Waigaoqiao Port Area Phase IV Project 外高桥四期工程码头基桩的静载荷试验 www.ilib.cn 8. Shengang Station, Shuohuang Railway, Nanjiang Port Area 神港站,朔黄铁路,南疆港区 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Intelligent Simulation of Traffic Flow in Port Area with MAS and SHS 基于MAS和SHS智能港口交通流模拟系统的开发与应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on Sediment Movement at Bayuquan Port Area of Yingkou Port 营口港鲅鱼圈港区泥沙运动研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of GRP Sand Pipe in Yangshan Deepwater Port Area 玻璃钢夹砂管在洋山深水港区的应用 ilib.cn 2. The Research on Inland Transportation System of Beilun Port Area Ningbo 宁波港北仑片区后方集疏运研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Development Strategy of Xiang'an New Port Area in the Frame of Bay-Type City 论海湾型城市架构下的翔安新港区开发策略 ilib.cn 4. The Application of Deep Cement Mixing Pile to Beilun Port Area 深层水泥搅拌桩在北仑港区的应用 foundation.civil-engrg.com 5. The prevention and cure of atypical pneumonia in port area 口岸地区非典型肺炎的防治 service.ilib.cn 6. Set up finished heavy equipment products export base in ZJG Bonded Port Area 在张家港保税港区建立重装成品的出口基地 wenku.baidu.com 7. Layout Plan of Nansha Port Area, Guangzhou Port 广州港南沙港区总体规划方案 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis for diseases source area of unguiculatus on Erlian port area 二连浩特口岸地区沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地现状分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Planning and Design of Waigaoqiao Modern Container Port Area 外高桥现代集装箱港区规划与设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Fig. 4 Relationship between valve port area and export pressure 图4阀口面积与出口压力关系 wenku.baidu.com 1. Managing of the free zone in port area 对港内自由区的管理 www.ccpitbj.com 2. Set up a domestic distrbution center for improted parts in ZJG Bonded Port Area 在张家港保税港区建立海外进口重要零部件的国内分销中心 wenku.baidu.com 3. A Discussion about the Strategic Meaning of the Development of Taicang Port Area of Suzhou Port 论发展苏州港太仓港区的战略意义 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Design Wave in Front of Wharf of Waigaoqiao New Port Area of Shanghai Port 上海港外高桥新港区顺岸码头前设计波浪分析 ilib.cn 5. Traffic Arrangements in the Hong Kong Port Area of Shenzhen Bay Port 深圳湾口岸港方口岸区交通安排 www.td.gov.hk 6. Shenzhen Bay Control Point, Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area 深圳湾管制站,深圳湾口岸港方口岸区 www.immd.gov.hk 7. Report of the Bills Committee on Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area Bill 深圳湾口岸港方口岸区条例草案委员会报告 www.legco.gov.hk |
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