单词 | requirements |
释义 | requirements是requirement的复数
复数:requirements v. n. meet requirement,satisfy requirement,enforce requirement,fulfill requirement,comply requirement adj. n. basic requirement,minimum requirement,technical requirement,environmental requirement,specific requirement 例句释义: 要求,需要量,必要条件,必需品,需求,任职要求,职位要求 1. It has checkpoints defined and is the result of the activity Detail the Software Requirements, also performed by the Requirements Specifier. 它有定义的检查点,是详细说明软件需求活动的结果,也是由需求详细说明人执行的。 www.ibm.com 2. 9 or lighting requirements show hosts should be able to provide some lighting, for the convenience of users operating in the dark. 照明或显示要求主机应能提供一定的照明或显示,以方便使用者在黑夜操作。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 3. The secret of his training was to build up, by a tactful recognition of the requirements of each given case, the character of the devotee. 他训练的秘决是,通过机智地对每个人不同的情形给予必要的重视来发展每个奉献者的品格。 dict.bioon.com 4. Centralized funding of enterprise services is often a concern when addressing the requirements of multiple lines of businesses. 在处理多个业务部门的需求时,经常会考虑采用集中资金投入的企业服务。 www.ibm.com 5. Local iterators would be very inefficient and may not be able to meet the complexity requirements. 局部迭代器将会非常低效,可能无法满足复杂度的要求。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 6. We offer speedy turnaround times and can work with you to meet tight deadlines and requirements. 我们会给您提供周转时间,而且可与您配合,满足紧迫时间期限与要求。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. If the display of the items do not meet the requirements of customers, can be kind to build, welcome to the Internet or to inquire. 如所展示的物品不符合顾客的要求,可以进行来样订做,欢迎网上或者来电咨询。 www.fuliao.com 8. Due to a combination of the environmental requirements and the necessity of living off a host plant, sandalwood is not easy to propagate. 由于对环保要求的结合和生活过的主机电站的必要性,檀香是不容易传播。 hi.baidu.com 9. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. 如果有机会和您讨论一下贵公司的需要,我将不胜感激。 www.jukuu.com 10. Lucid Spec allows you to see a simulation of the application running. This helps you and your users find missing or inaccurate requirements. LucidSpec可以模拟软件的运行状态,这可以帮助设计者和用户发现遗漏或者错误的需求。 www.bing.com 1. Your applications must be prepared to support multiple concurrent access by users with differing locale requirements. 应用程序必须做好准备,支持具有不同地区需求的用户的多个并发访问。 www.ibm.com 2. What if you could specify and validate that these load and performance requirements are being met at least once a day? 如果你能确定并验证每天至少满足一次负载和性能的需求,那会怎样? www.infoq.com 3. We'll see ways of annotating video and audio in order to make requirements more precise and easy to understand across cultures. 我们将观察注解视频和音频的方法,为了使需求更精确,更容易在跨文化的情况下得到理解。 www.ibm.com 4. But several people contacted by The Wall Street Journal said they were unaware of any new requirements. 但《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)联系到的几位人士均称不知有新规范出台。 c.wsj.com 5. Subdivision and stability complies with the relevant requirements. 浮式装置的分舱和稳性符合相应的要求。 www.ccs.org.cn 6. Do not choose Digest authentication unless your deployment meets all the requirements for that mode. 不要选择摘要式身份验证,除非部署满足该模式的所有要求。 technet.microsoft.com 7. At the end of an audit, the auditor should be in a position to know whether all requirements of the standard are satisfied or not. 当审核结尾的时候,审核员处于这样的地步:应当知道,标准所有的要求是否满足了,还是没有满足。 www.qilongtan.com 8. Mr Kloppers declined to comment on whether the company was close to meeting regulatory requirements for the proposal. 科劳珀斯拒绝评论该公司是否接近达到监管机构对这笔收购交易的要求。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Saudis do not believe that the negotiators, with the general requirements of manufacturers of direct negotiations. 沙特人不相信谈判代表,总要求与制造商直接谈判。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. To be flexible, responding quickly and positively to changing requirements including the performance of any tasks requested. 工作中灵活变通,反应敏捷,能果断地根据具体情况而改变工作要求。 www.cqjob.com 1. Those that do not fully meet the requirements but are trying to improve are listed in Tier two. 那些不完全符合要求,而且正在努力改进列于第二个层次。 bbs.putclub.com 2. A month ago China raised banks' reserve requirements and began to clamp down on lending. 一个月之前,中国上调了存款准备金率,并开始收紧借贷政策。 club.topsage.com 3. If it turns out that 80% of their requirements are satisfied by one of these lighter-weight ESBs, they are using them. 如果结果表明某个轻便的ESB能满足他们80%的要求,他们就用。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. As part of your bid it would be useful to understand which one you will use and how you will modify it to cater for our requirements. 作为出价的一部分将有助于了解你将使用哪一个,你将如何对其进行修改以满足我们的要求。 www.bing.com 5. The Seller reserves the right not to load the vessel if the Bank Guarantee does not meet the requirements of this contract. 如买方开具银行保函未满足上述要求,卖方保有拒绝装船的权利; blog.sina.com.cn 6. We found that the fixtures which in laboratory did not meet the requirements of drill the big hole. We had to be careful when drilling. 下午钻大孔时发现实验室的夹具不是很能满足要求,钻的时候得小心操作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The bank said it expected final approval would be given within a year if the joint venture meets regulatory requirements. 汇丰银行表示,如果符合监管规定,预计合资公司将在一年内通过最后的审批。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Obviously, there was no pressure to deliver on a certain date, and the requirements were entirely up to me. 显然,没有交付期限的压力,而且,需求也完全取决于我。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Regardless of your methodology, requirements are a very important aspect to any portal. 不管您采用什么方法,对于任何门户来说,需求都是一个非常重要的方面。 www.ibm.com 10. The main requirements of a hydraulic pump capable of delivering sufficiently great a pressure to be of practical use, are: a. 对一台可以传送足够大压力以供实际使用的液压泵能力的主要要求是:a控制流体泄漏的措施。 www.docin.com 1. To meet specific requirements, scenarios and configurations can be mixed like this, more on this later. 为了满足特定的需要,可以像这样将场景和配置混合在一起,后面将详细讨论这个问题。 www.ibm.com 2. A very easy to use API for calling the conversion function was also one of the requirements. 还有一个需求就是能够很容易地使用用来调用转换函数的API。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Then produce a tactical implementation of that interface sufficient to meet current, known requirements. 然后生成一个该接口的战术型实现,要求足以满足目前已知的需求。 www.ibm.com 4. Lee Yong-wen said "the Civil Aviation Authority" to the requirements of the fare must be lowered towards a positive approach to do. 李龙文表示,“民航局”再次要求业者必须在票价上朝调降做正面处理。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 5. As you gather requirements, try to anticipate what information the team might need when you start to design the system and write code. 当你搜集需求时,试着预计一下当你着手设计系统和编码时整个团队可能需要什么信息。 www.ibm.com 6. We want you to understand that there are no hidden gimmicks, no special requirements, no strings attached to this gift in any way. 我们想让你明白没有骗局,没有特别的要求,对于这份礼物没有任何的附加条件。 www.bing.com 7. Tsvangirai listed four requirements for a transitional program, but top of his list was an end to state sponsored violence. T列出了四个过渡计划中的要求,首要的是结束国家支持的暴力。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. At the beginning of a project, requirements are usually (and appropriately) in a state of flux. 项目一开始,需求通常处于一种不断变化的状态(这也很合情理)。 www.ibm.com 9. If your Gold Card application does not meet the Bank's requirements, the application will be considered as a Classic Card application. 若阁下之金卡申请未能符合银行要求,则阁下之申请将会自动被视作普通卡之申请处理。 www.5doc.com 10. in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements. 在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不违法公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。 ask.china-exam.com 1. Riyadh's Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi made it clear when he left the meeting that the kingdom would meet requirements regardless. 该国石油部长欧那密在离开会议时表示,无论如何沙特都将满足需求。 cn.reuters.com 2. In larger companies, it's easy to slip into the bad habit of building in too much code to handle future requirements. 在大公司里,很容易陷入构建太多代码来处理未来需求的坏习惯。 www.ibm.com 3. The driving forces that create the stimuli for a project are typically referred to as problems, opportunities, or business requirements. 激发项目的推动力量一般叫做问题、机会或经营要求。 www.qnr.cn 4. Summary: Data integration in an enterprise of data sources is one of the most common requirements of any database shop. 简介:数据源企业中的数据集成是任何数据库市场的最普通的需求。 www.ibm.com 5. Adequate lighting, good ventilation, the environment is clean and easy to use modern kitchen renovation of the basic requirements. 光线充足、通风良好、环境洁净和使用方便是现代化厨房装修的基本要求。关键词:室内装饰;厨房; www.jylw.com 6. Low-fidelity storyboards are typically used for UI sketching as a way to help clarify and support requirements. UI示意图主要利用低精确度故事板作为一种帮助澄清和支持需求的方法。 www.ibm.com 7. Today, people's living standards continued to improve, the quality of life of the requirements of increasingly high. 如今人们生活水平不断提高,对生活品质的要求也越来越高。 www.xici.net 8. Toyota Serving as a Marine recruiter in western North Carolina, I found a young man who met all the requirements and was ready to enlist. 丰田当我在北卡罗来纳州西部当海军征募员时,发现一名年轻人符合所有的条件并准备入伍。 www.7781.org 9. There is a Drilling Engineering Progrfeel here a goodd requirements you to make. It must be particularly completed in a week. 这儿有一份钻井工程打算必要你来做,听听快递。必需在一周内完成。 www.51gjct.com 10. She said the rules comply with World Trade Organization requirements. 她说这一规定符合世界贸易组织(WTO)的相关规则。 cn.wsj.com 1. From this point of view as primary skills are able to meet the traditional requirements of the work. 从这个角度上来看,只要具备初级技能的工人都能满足传统工作的要求。 www.bing.com 2. Among the issues being debated now is how much we should increase capital requirements for banks. 现在应该讨论的问题是我们应该给银行增加多少资金储备。 dongxi.net 3. Provide a brief description of what you know about those requirements and why you re the perfect person for the job. 提供一个简短的说明你了解这些要求,为什么你重新为工作完美的人。 www.bing.com 4. One of the common requirements of a business process is that it must be able to run over a longer period such as a day or a week. 业务流程公共需求之一是它必须能长久运行,数日或者数周。 www.blogjava.net 5. Reselling of your version is regulated in our EULA and is possible under fulfilment of the requirements stated in the EULA . 转让版本受EULA管制,在符合EULA中所述要求的情况下可以转让。 www.bing.com 6. Iceland's internal affairs ministry said Huang's investment group did not meet legal requirements for acquiring the land. 冰岛内部事务部表示,黄的投资集团不符合收购土地的法律规定。 dialogue.iflove.com 7. However, none of the approaches allows users to specify their personalized requirements in terms of authority, popularity, time, etc. 然而,这些办法都不能让用户主动的指定自己的个性化需求,例如文献权威性、流行度、发表时间等。 search.gucas.ac.cn 8. 5 years of IT offshore experience, including systems analysis, requirements gathering, systems design, and programming experience. 5年以上IT外包经验,包括系统分析,需求搜集,设计,编程 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Must be able to walk the facility frequently throughout the work week to ensure all services are meeting the company's requirements. 必须能够经常性地在工厂内巡视,确保所有服务达到公司要求。 www.nchr.cn 10. An increase in net assets over a period is only one of the requirements for income, however. 资产净值增加一段只有一个要求的收入,但是。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. From this point of view, it is a necessity to renew the requirements of the qualities and duty areas of a university Counselor. 从这种价值取向出发,必须重新认识大学辅导员的工作范畴和素质要求。 www.dictall.com 2. None of the U. S. requirements is enough to prevent fraud, as the spate of Chinese scandals demonstrates. 从中国公司接二连三的丑闻来看,美国的这些要求中没有一个足以防止欺诈。 c.wsj.com 3. After a team defines goals for a current iteration, the first step is often to analyze their requirements and document them in use cases. 当一个团队为当前的迭代确定目标之后,第一个步骤常常是分析它们的需求,并将它们编制在用例文档中。 www.ibm.com 4. "While addressing any regulatory requirements, Emcore remains committed to seeking other means of co-operation, " the company said. “在应对监管要求的同时,Emcore仍致力于寻找其他合作方法,”公司表示。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "It is not unusual to have hundreds of applicants for a post, but somehow very few meet the company's requirements, " he says. 他表示:“数百人申请一个职务,却不知何故,只有很少的人满足企业的要求,这并不罕见。” www.ftchinese.com 6. But a look at its severe computational requirements quickly convinces the hopeful engineer how unlikely such a system would be in real life. 然而,它严格的计算必要条件,很快就让抱有希望的设计者明白了,现实生活中不大可能存在这样一个系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At the heart of any software modeling effort is requirements gathering. 任何软件建模工作的中心是需求收集。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Requirements are no longer completely described at the beginning of the project, frozen and then handed over to development. 需求的处理方式也在改变,不必再像过去那样,在项目一开始就必须完整描述,冻结之后再转交给开发团队。 www.infoq.com 9. Examine the MFC code that your time- critical code uses to see if it meets your performance requirements . 检查时间关键代码使用的MFC代码,查看它是否满足性能要求。 www.bing.com 10. For some while now, you have been trying to balance your own needs against the very vocal requirements of this individual. 现在你已经试着去平衡你内心的渴求和外在体现出来的需要。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The result of experiments show that this method is flexible, low cost and meets the requirements for products tests. 试验结果表明,该方案灵活,且成本低,满足了产品测试需求。 www.paimag.com 2. Cao from Analysys International said the new rules are likely to mean stricter requirements for foreign funded online payment companies. 来自国际分析中心的曹先生说,对于外资的网上支付公司,央行将会采取更为严格的规定。 xiatian.123465.blog.163.com 3. The government has so far failed to combine the twin requirements of force and development to produce a successful strategy. 目前为止,政府还未能提出结合武力镇压和经济发展两者要求的可行策略。 www.bing.com 4. Since then, the United States made on the direction of the staff of the U. S. military base in the exercise of jurisdiction requirements. 此后,日方向美方提出了对该美军基地工作人员行使审判权的要求。 www.englishtang.com 5. The company departments at all levels of responsibility, in strict accordance with the system requirements of the operation. 公司内各级部门明确责任,严格按照体系的要求进行作业。 www.cnqr.org 6. None of the requirements of this Contract shall be considered waived unless waived in writing by the Party concerned or its representative. 除非当事方或其代表书面放弃,合同中的任何要求都不能认为被放弃。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Such teams welcome change in requirements, technology, and any other aspect of a project at any point in the project's life cycle. 这样的团队鼓励在需求、技术以及项目生命周期内项目其他方面的改变。 www.ibm.com 8. Use a custom binding when one of the system- provided bindings does not meet the requirements of your service . 当系统提供的某个绑定不符合服务要求时,应使用自定义绑定。 www.bing.com 9. A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders. 人若偏离了他的命令,就足以使最严厉的刑罚临到自己的身上和灵魂。 www.fuyinchina.com 10. For each script we recorded, we were also able to set some general performance requirements for that test. 对于我们录制的每一个脚本,我们也能够为测试设置一些通常的性能需求。 www.ibm.com 1. Compliance with the tolerances and the requirements for the general condition lies within the responsibility of the manufacturer. 一般条件的容差和要求的符合性在制造商的责任中列出。 www.qiyeku.com 2. An important threshold consideration was whether reserve requirements would be applied to one currency or to all currencies. 开始需要考虑的一个重要问题就是准备金要求是用于一种货币还是所有货币。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 3. If there's any other requirements or comments in written to be put into this column, it should be less than 1000 words. 如有其他需求或意见请在填写在本栏,注意字数不能超过1000个字符。 www.roblive-in.com 4. Either the requirements need to be better understood, or as is often the case, they have changed and need to be redefined. 要么需要更好地理解需求,要么通常需要修改并重新定义它们。 www.ibm.com 5. Fails to satisfy at least the requirements 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 (there is quite a bit of error checking before code generation, though). 这个框架至少不能满足要求2,4,5,6,8(尽管在代码生成之前有一些错误的检查)。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 6. Candace: Well, requirements are spelled out in the description, and I don't have much to add, really. 该职位的要求在描述中已经一一列出了,我没有什么可补充的了。 www.remword.cn 7. We then used that requirements contract to help identify the required services and the potential relationships between them. 然后,我们使用该需求契约来帮助我们识别它们被要求的服务及它们之间的潜在联系。 www.ibm.com 8. Rather than spread your version requirements all over your code, it is best to gather them in one location to make it easy to maintain. 比起将你的版本需求写满代码页,最好的办法是将它们放在一个文件中以利于维护。 www.bing.com 9. Genre study should be made to major executive decisions in accordance with its value objectives and its inherent requirements. 重大行政决策需要根据其价值目标和内在要求的不同进行类型化研究。 lib.cqvip.com 10. China's banks borrow money in the interbank market to make loans and meet regulatory requirements for how much cash they have on hand. 中国各银行在银行间市场上拆借资金,以筹措所需的贷款资金以及为满足监管部门对银行手头现金量的要求而需要的资金。 www.cn.wsj.com 1. If there's any other requirements or comments in written to be put into this column, it should be less than 1000 words. 如有其他需求或意见请在填写在本栏,注意字数不能超过1000个字符。 www.roblive-in.com 2. Either the requirements need to be better understood, or as is often the case, they have changed and need to be redefined. 要么需要更好地理解需求,要么通常需要修改并重新定义它们。 www.ibm.com 3. Fails to satisfy at least the requirements 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 (there is quite a bit of error checking before code generation, though). 这个框架至少不能满足要求2,4,5,6,8(尽管在代码生成之前有一些错误的检查)。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 4. Candace: Well, requirements are spelled out in the description, and I don't have much to add, really. 该职位的要求在描述中已经一一列出了,我没有什么可补充的了。 www.remword.cn 5. We then used that requirements contract to help identify the required services and the potential relationships between them. 然后,我们使用该需求契约来帮助我们识别它们被要求的服务及它们之间的潜在联系。 www.ibm.com 6. Rather than spread your version requirements all over your code, it is best to gather them in one location to make it easy to maintain. 比起将你的版本需求写满代码页,最好的办法是将它们放在一个文件中以利于维护。 www.bing.com 7. Genre study should be made to major executive decisions in accordance with its value objectives and its inherent requirements. 重大行政决策需要根据其价值目标和内在要求的不同进行类型化研究。 lib.cqvip.com 8. China's banks borrow money in the interbank market to make loans and meet regulatory requirements for how much cash they have on hand. 中国各银行在银行间市场上拆借资金,以筹措所需的贷款资金以及为满足监管部门对银行手头现金量的要求而需要的资金。 www.cn.wsj.com 9. The mold is able to produce a certain shape and size requirements of the parts of a production tool. 模具是能生产出具有一定形状和尺寸要求的零件的一种生产工具。 www.gogobig.com 10. And it has no special requirements for installation and maintenance; simply plug it in and relax. 此外,它对安装和维护都没有特别要求,只需简单地插上插头,您就可以轻松享受了。 www.elanso.com 1. The mold is able to produce a certain shape and size requirements of the parts of a production tool. 模具是能生产出具有一定形状和尺寸要求的零件的一种生产工具。 www.gogobig.com 2. And it has no special requirements for installation and maintenance; simply plug it in and relax. 此外,它对安装和维护都没有特别要求,只需简单地插上插头,您就可以轻松享受了。 www.elanso.com 3. The productive process is sealed and no dead corner, granulating uniform, easy to clean. It conforms to the requirements of GMP. 生产过程密闭无死角,制粒均匀、清洗方便,完全符合GMP要求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As the children get used to the requirements of restaurants you can take them to increasingly "fancy" places. 随着你的孩子逐渐适应了这些餐厅礼仪,你可以把他们带到一些更高级的餐馆。 www.bing.com 5. Thus, minimal requirements as shown in the tables assume that nutrient availability is equal to that of purified diets. 因此,表格中显示的最低需求量是以提纯后食物的吸收率来计算的。 dongxi.net 6. Instead we have to ask: How can the United Nations be reformed to meet the requirements of today and tomorrow? 相反,我们应当提出的问题是:联合国如何进行改革,以满足今天和明天的要求? www.america.gov 7. Data aggregation is always part of data warehouse requirements, which are usually in the form of business reports. 数据聚集通常是数据仓库需求的一部分,它通常是以业务报表的形式出现的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend . . . as an ideal candidate. 根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐……作为理想人选。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In this case, if the requirements are not crystal clear at the beginning of the project then the entire project is at risk. 在这种情况下,如果在项目开始之初,要求不明确,那么整个项目就处于风险之中。 www.ftchinese.com 10. TF: There are two requirements to get the mind out of the office: allowing alternative activities, and reconsidering the concept of time. TimFerriss说,放飞心情有两个必要条件:允许进行替代性活动,并重新考虑时间概念。 www.bing.com 1. In this case, if the requirements are not crystal clear at the beginning of the project then the entire project is at risk. 在这种情况下,如果在项目开始之初,要求不明确,那么整个项目就处于风险之中。 www.ftchinese.com 2. TF: There are two requirements to get the mind out of the office: allowing alternative activities, and reconsidering the concept of time. TimFerriss说,放飞心情有两个必要条件:允许进行替代性活动,并重新考虑时间概念。 www.bing.com 3. In summary, you need to understand your business requirements before figuring out how much to raise and from whom to raise it. 总而言之,你需要先了解自己企业的需求,才能搞清需募集多少资金以及向谁募资。 www.fortunechina.com 4. You saw four examples of functions, to which you can extend, modify, and add new functions to help you better match your own requirements. 您看到了四个函数示例,您可以扩展、修改并添加新的函数以便帮助您更好地满足您自己的要求。 www.ibm.com 5. The requirements to be a well-written host are fairly lengthy, and participation of the top-level application is always assumed. 要求可well-written主机是相当长,并始终假设参与的顶级应用程序。 support.microsoft.com 6. The FDA has interacted with the company throughout the regulatory process to help ensure compliance with applicable requirements. FDA已通过规定程序与赛诺菲?巴斯德公司进行了协调,以保证遵守可适用的要求。 news.dxy.cn 7. Use a year later, unable to meet the basic requirements for mold processing. 使用一年后,无法满足加工模具的基本要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As you can tell, it is not very easy to fulfill all of these requirements, especially if the session mechanism is developed ad-hoc. 正如您所说,要实现所有的请求并不十分容易,尤其是当这个会话机制发展成无线自组织网时。 www.ibm.com 9. The current version of MQ LLM is designed primarily for the messaging requirements of the front-office of financial institutions. MQLLM当前版本的设计主要为满足金融机构行政管理的消息传递需求。 www.ibm.com 10. Implementing simplified view components of the pending application can be very effective as part of the requirements process. 作为需求过程的一部分,实现待定应用程序的简化视图组件可能非常有效。 www.ibm.com 1. The current version of MQ LLM is designed primarily for the messaging requirements of the front-office of financial institutions. MQLLM当前版本的设计主要为满足金融机构行政管理的消息传递需求。 www.ibm.com 2. Implementing simplified view components of the pending application can be very effective as part of the requirements process. 作为需求过程的一部分,实现待定应用程序的简化视图组件可能非常有效。 www.ibm.com 3. The only requirements they seem to recognise, however, are glass, steel and concrete for the office buildings. 然而,似乎它们认识到的唯一必要条件是用于建设办公大楼的玻璃、钢材和水泥。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We understand that in some cases applicants will not find it easy to satisfy the requirements for more than one form of evidence. 我们知道有时申请人们觉得超过一种形式的证据不容易满足。 www.tigtag.com 5. Our team of Pulp and Paper experts is ready to assist you with your fluid process requirements. 我们的纸浆和造纸专家小组准备协助您流体工艺要求你。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It might be difficult for me to meet your requirements, but let me find someone who will take care of it for you. 我想我大概没法满足您的要求,让我为您找一个可以帮助您的人来吧。 www.hjenglish.com 7. This allows business rule specifications, service requirements or other requirement types to be expressed in terms of glossary terms. 这样便可以用术语表中的术语表达业务规则、服务需求或其他需求。 www.ibm.com 8. Abbas said the Hamas-led government must be given a chance to adapt to the basic requirements of the international community. 阿巴斯说,必须给予哈马斯领导的政府适应国际社会基本要求的机会。 ept-cn.com 9. We say that a type conforms to a concept, or that it is a model of a concept, if it satisfies all of those requirements. 一个类型遵循一个概念,或者是一个概念的模型,如果它都满足这些条件。 www.cnblogs.com 10. and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements. 负责门诊的医生也非常乐意为前来看病的人提供他们想要得到的药物。 www.hngov.cn 1. and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements. 负责门诊的医生也非常乐意为前来看病的人提供他们想要得到的药物。 www.hngov.cn 2. Agree not to set a deadline until you've completed the detailed design, the product design, or at least the requirements specification. 只有在完成了详细设计或产品设计,最低条件也应该是完成了需求分析之后才能给出最终的交货日期。 www.bing.com 3. Although Java does not satisfy these requirements on its own, it does provide tools to enable modularity to be built on top of it. 尽管Java本身没有满足这些要求,但是它提供了一些工具可以实现模块化。 www.ibm.com 4. Through iterative reviews of the document, we were able to coach ASDI toward writing an even and adequately detailed set of requirements. 通过对文档的审查,我们可以指导ASDI写出适当并足够详细的需求集合。 www.ibm.com 5. A statement issued after a meeting in Qatar said the aid would be used to help with short-term financial requirements and structural needs. 卡塔尔会晤后发表的一份声明称,援助将用于短期资金需求和结构的需要。 blog.163.com 6. Right when you think you're done, Doug gets more customers . . . and they all have different requirements on how the dog door should work! 正好在您认为完成的时候,Doug有了更多的客户,他们对狗门应该如何工作都有不同的需求! www.ibm.com 7. Our technical support specialists, stands ready to meet customer requirements, to provide various forms of pre-sales, after-sales support. 我们的技术支持专家,随时准备为满足客户的各种要求,提供多种形式的售前、售后支持。 www.tonke.cn 8. The modular design of these two units allows the customer to tailor the system to his own requirements. 这两个单元的模数设计,便于用户依自己的要求来灵活使用。 9. We have been trying to promote the image of company, more satisfy customers' different requirements. 我们一直努力提升公司的品牌形象,更多的满足客户的不同需求。 www.jiaomai.com 10. It has now been demonstrated that fluid injection schemes can produce a sufficient side force to meet the requirements of many applications. 现在已经证明,流体喷射的方案能产生足以满足很多用途所要求的侧向力。 www.jukuu.com 1. It has now been demonstrated that fluid injection schemes can produce a sufficient side force to meet the requirements of many applications. 现在已经证明,流体喷射的方案能产生足以满足很多用途所要求的侧向力。 www.jukuu.com 2. When posting your job offer, be very specific about your requirements, and also be ready to review a lot of portfolios. 在这些网站上发布任务时,最好把你的需求说清楚,然后做好查看一大堆作品的准备。 www.bing.com 3. Depending on your requirements, some of those activities might be implemented in other applications. 取决于您的需求,其中一些活动可以在其他应用程序中实现。 www.ibm.com 4. One of the earliest activities of the Query working group was to draw up a formal statement of requirements for an XML query language. Query工作组的早期活动之一就是起草XML查询语言需求的正式声明。 www-128.ibm.com 5. A software system typically starts out with a finite set of well-understood requirements. 软件系统通常从一组有限的得到良好理解的需求开始。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Are the causes analysed and is corrective action initiated in the event of any deviations from product and process requirements? 有分析原因,并采取纠正行动,在发生任何偏差,从产品和工艺的要求?。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. To achieve these, the birds must be at least partially confined, so need to be provided with all or most of their nutritional requirements. 为此,必须对家禽进行圈养,至少是一定程度上的圈养,所以需要满足其所有或大部分营养需求。 www.fao.org 8. What are the requirements or principles that have to be satisfied before Peter can be granted patent protection? 必须符合什么要求或原则,彼得才可以被授予专利的保护? zhidao.cn2che.com 9. I recommend that you read the file before trying to install the sample because some of the samples have unusual installation requirements. 我建议安装前先读这个文件,因为有些示例的安装需要特定条件。 blog.xdnice.com 10. The status box in the lower left indicates the total number of requirements selected, as well as the last operation completed. 左下角的状态栏指示了被选中需求的总数,以及最近完成的操作。 www.ibm.com 1. The status box in the lower left indicates the total number of requirements selected, as well as the last operation completed. 左下角的状态栏指示了被选中需求的总数,以及最近完成的操作。 www.ibm.com 2. Let your users work with the DOM, and nothing else, at least in terms of your requirements for your class functioning. 让您的用户仅仅处理DOM,至少在类函数需求方面不需要任何其他内容。 www.ibm.com 3. Each subsequent architecture designed from the reference architecture would be specialized for a specific set of requirements. 每个后续的架构设计的,参考架构将是一组特定的专业要求。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The university said it had "not violated any requirements that would impact on biosafety and public health" . 该大学说它“没有违反任何影响生物安全和公共卫生的要求”。 www.scidev.net 5. Requirements stability. As measured by how much the project's goals changed over the course of the phase. 需求稳定性,在这个阶段的整个过程中项目的目标的变化程度有多大。 www.ibm.com 6. Another result of these server requirements is that Ruby on Rails hosting tends to be more expensive than for other platforms and languages. 这些伺服器的要求也导致RubyonRailshosting倾向比起其他平台和语言成本更昂贵些。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And it is applied to any machine without accurate output speed requirements, and able to act as a heavy machine coupling. 本发明适用于对输出转速要求不精确的任何机械,可做重型机械的联轴器使用。 ip.com 8. Do not meet requirements for, shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit. 对于不符合要求的,责令限期整改。 www.cnqr.org 9. Much of the preceding discussion has focused on the technical requirements for a piece of software to be termed a component. 前面的大量讨论内容都集中在称为组件的软件单元技术要求上。 www.ibm.com 10. This is beginning to feel less like a step up and more like the first requirements of a new skill set. 这开始让我觉得它不是一个提升,而更像是一项新技能的首要要求。 www.bing.com 1. He takes it a step further, understanding that the listed requirements are only a baseline for product use. 他会更进一步,他知道所列出的需求只是产品用途的基线。 www.ibm.com 2. If, at the expiry of such a time limit, the requirements arestill not satisfied, the licence shall be definitively withdrawn. 如期满后要求仍未得到满足,则执照将被正式吊销。 www.bing.com 3. Environmental input (requirements) can only be taken into consideration at the beginning of the process. 环境输入(需求)只能在过程的初始考虑。 www.biodic.cn 4. As you know, agile development uses iterative methods in all phases, including defining requirements in the beginning with stakeholders. 正如您所知道的那样,敏捷开发用户会在软件开发的所有阶段中使用迭代方法,这些阶段包括在开始阶段中与涉众一起定义需求。 www.ibm.com 5. In churches, membership is often reduced to simply adding your name to a roll, with no requirements or expectations. 在教会里,教会会员往往沦为把名字加在会员册上罢了,没有任何要求与期望。 www.ebigear.com 6. Thus, the user selection of the compressor to use mainly depends on the requirements of the user's scenario in terms of these two metrics. 因此,用户选择使用哪种压缩器主要取决于用户场景对这两个指标的要求。 www.ibm.com 7. According to what date on the Notes converted into recording currency exchange rates, and the other: You said the company's requirements? 是按票据上的日期的什么汇率折算成记账本位币,另:你说公司的规定? www.showxiu.com 8. Conveying the processes and requirements necessary to produce a safe product by U. S. standards is 'a clear challenge, ' he says. 他说,向这些公司宣传按照美国标准生产安全产品所需的程序和要求,这显然是个挑战。 c.wsj.com 9. People do not understand that US RDA requirements might be well below what your body actually needs to live and function properly. 人们不明白,美国RDA合作的要求,可能会远远低于你的身体实际需要的生活和正常工作。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Agile development processes are usually executed in small bites of a few user stories or requirements at a time. 敏捷开发流程通常每次处理少量的用户案例或需求。 www.ibm.com 1. "One of our requirements was that the team members have adequate English language skills, " she explains. 她解释道,“团队成员有足够的英语语言技能是我们需求之一。” www.bing.com 2. Furthermore, traceability is not the only meta-information to be captured for requirements. 此外,追溯不是对于需求所获取的唯一的元信息。 www.ibm.com 3. The specific outlines and requirements for a validation are just as complicated to identify and require a great deal of consideration. 效力方案的具体轮廓和需求是最复杂的决定,需要多加考虑。 str.ausbio.com 4. By developing parts of the application in an iterative way, we were able to have clients confirm their requirements in each iteration. 通过使用迭代进行应用程序的开发,我们可以让客户确认他们在每个迭代中的要求。 www.ibm.com 5. Requirements that come from the application domain of the system and that reflect characteristics of that domain. 这是来自系统应用领域的需求,反映了该领域的特点。 myweb.xxzsg.com 6. Virgo man is least likely to understand the emotional requirements of his sentimental partner, which will hurt her often. 处女座男人是很难理解他的脆弱伴侣的情感需求的,所以他经常伤害她。 www.bing.com 7. From engineering quality, should say overall situation is good, quality issues did not much, to better meet the design requirements. 从工程质量上看,应该说总体情况较好,质量事故不多,较好地满足了设计要求。 cn.qikan.com 8. they had not trifled with fortune, but had fulfilled all the requirements that belong to the business of treasure -hunting . 他们没有那么幸运;但是就挖宝而言,他们已经尽了最大努力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Please be aware that this is only a selection of essential requirements of the organic standards, meant as an introduction. 请注意,这只是一个有机标准必需要求的精选摘要,仅作介绍。 www.jukuu.com 10. Many tests show the system agrees with the management requirements of the company at the stability, reliability, real-time. 该系统进过多次的测试验证,在稳定性、可靠性、实时性等方面都基本符合公司管理要求。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. 'We were not taking this lightly; we were honestly trying to determine what our requirements were and what the best course was, ' he said. 他说,我们都没有草率行事;我们真诚地希望确定我们的要求是什么,以及最佳途径是什么。 www.bing.com 2. As a public-oriented service, Parabon has a large number of machines available to help you with your computing requirements. Parabon作为一种面向大众的的服务,具备大量可用的机器,可以满足您的计算需求。 www-128.ibm.com 3. But so far, he said, the government has kept prices mostly in check by raising bank reserve requirements and interest rates. 但他说,至少到目前为止,通过提高存款准备金和利率,政府还是将物价控制在合理范围内。 www.bing.com 4. The rate of loan growth should start to ebb in the second half; if not, the Bank may increase banks' reserve requirements. 下半年贷款增长应会开始减速,否则央行可能会提高银行存款准备金率。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Inside these zones the respective driving state of the vehicle (100) is monitored to see if it meets the requirements. 在这些分区内检验该机动车(100)的相应行驶状态与这些条件是否相一致。 ip.com 6. He did not even think he was wealthy enough to meet what he perceived as the very lofty entry requirements of most private bankers. 他甚至认为,自己不够富有,达不到他心目中多数私人银行家设定的高不可攀的最低标准。 www.ftchinese.com 7. RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. DETERMINATION OF COMFORT CONNECTED WITH AN AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM FOR RAILWAY VEHICLES. REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE. 铁路车辆.空调系统舒适度的测定.验收规定 www.mapeng.net 8. But it appears Brazil is finally ready to shift the fight into high gear in January, after raising reserve requirements early last month. 但继上月初提高存款准备金率之后,巴西似乎已最终准备好在今年1月全力投入战斗。 www.bing.com 9. The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail. 这是对纳税人将要承担之清理成本的经济补偿,不管这些金融机构是否获准倒闭。 www.fortunechina.com 10. For the surface coating of plastic on the environment requirements, Xin used the company's coating production line is closed management. 针对塑胶表面涂装对环境的要求,鑫用公司的涂装生产线是全封闭管理。 www.b2easy.com 1. By the time of his election, most white adult males could vote. They no longer had to meet requirements for owning a lot of property. 到他竞选总统时,绝大多数白种成年男性可以投票了,他们不再要求必须拥有自己的财产才能参加投票。 www.bing.com 2. Given that this was the first IT services deal Interval had ever inked, Lee was also diligent about requirements and process definition. 考虑到这是Interval曾签署过的第一单IT服务生意,Lee也很努力地做需求分析和过程定义。 www.bing.com 3. The body's requirements for water vary, as it can depend largely on how much water is lost with normal daily activities. 身体对水的需求量取决于日常活动中水的流失情况。 www.bing.com 4. In operation control requirements, representations of more clear, level, easy to understand. 在运行控制的要求上,表述更为清晰、有层次、易于理解。 cnqr.org 5. He said, "Well, he dropped out when he saw this book and the requirements. " 他说:“嗯,当他看到这本书和要求时放弃了。” www.bing.com 6. Check the bank's reference book to see if there are any special documentary requirements in the importer's country. 查看银行的参考书,弄清楚进口商国家是否有特殊的单据要求。 club.business.sohu.com 7. Although we are keen to meet your requirements , we regret being unable to comply with your request for a reduction in price. 虽然我方想满足你方要求,但抱歉不能按照你方要求降低价格。 www.hxen.com 8. Even the doctors did not dare to disclose the patient's condition A stream, saying that the superiors have documentation requirements. 就连医生不敢透露有关甲流病人情况,称上级有文件规定。 blog.163.com 9. ' 'For better or for worse, we are in a pretty solid position in terms of fulfilling regulatory requirements, ' he said. 他说,无论是好是坏,在满足监管要求方面我们做得不错。 www.bing.com 10. Brand marketing strategy is the implementation of a mature age of the urgent requirements of the modern enterprise. 实施品牌营销战略是时代对一个成熟的现代企业的紧迫要求。 www.zidir.com 1. A good rule of thumb is to cut the size of your current backlog to contain no more requirements than could be completed in two releases. 一个感觉非常妙的方法是消减您当前积压的规模,使其仅仅包含在两次发布中就可以完成的需求。 www.ibm.com 2. Combine your basic BD Compact with an air cylinder of your choice, and the face mask best for your requirements. 结合你的与你的选择的汽缸,以及最有利于你的要求的面罩紧密的基本的BD。 www.rescue.com.hk 3. The regulations identify specific capacity requirements that must be in place in each country within a fixed timeframe. 条例明确了各国在确定的时限内必须具备的特定能力要求。 www.who.int 4. This makes one of our requirements easy to manage. 这使得我们的其中一个要求易于管理。 www.ibm.com 5. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. 足球简单易懂的规则以及对于运动设施的低要求无疑加速了其在人群中传播及成长的速度。 www.bing.com 6. To meet the requirements of the project I need several changes to be made to the way the Booking Part of the system works. 为了满足该项目的一些改变的,我需要的方式作出了系统的部分工程预定的要求。 www.bing.com 7. All of these requirements would directly influence how the system would be designed. 所有这些要求都会直接影响设计系统的方式。 www.ibm.com 8. But dealing with China's extensive online-censorship requirements has been a particular struggle for the company. 但对谷歌而言,应对中国涉及广泛的在线审查要求一直特别困难。 www.voa365.com 9. Garment association chairman Aung Win says reaching U. S. compliance requirements can take up to a year and can be expensive. 服装协会的昂温说,可能最多要用一年的时间才能达到美国标准,而且成本不低。 www.24en.com 10. You show your results to your manager, who seems none too pleased that you were able to meet these requirements. 您现在可以向您的经理显示这个搜索结果了,他可能会有些嫉妒您能够按照要求完成任务。 www.ibm.com 1. These can be designed to suit the control requirements of every type of project in every area of project management application. 在每个项目管理应用的领域中,这四个阶段可以被设计成用来满足每种类型项目的控制需要。 www.ibm.com 2. The purchase of new equipment, new equipment do not know whether to meet the processing requirements. 购买新设备时,不了解新设备是否能满足其加工要求。 www.zdh1909.com 3. At the moment he knew that even if the requirements under the command unit also will not help to speed up the pace. 他知道此刻即使下命令要求部队加快速度也无济于事。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The requirements of mechanical fixture structure is simple, easy to use, manufacture of high precision. 机械夹具的要求结构简单,使用方便,制造精度高。 www.93576.com 5. Because the job nature of my last job did not meet my requirements and it was too hard for me, I decided to quit the job and find a new one. 因为上一份工作太辛苦同时工作性质不符合我的要求的关系,我毅然于未找到新工作的情况下辞去了原有的工作。 www.italki.com 6. They continued to date. She found that he met all her requirements. He was tolerant, kind, warm and careful. 他们继续约会,女孩发现男子符合自己的所有要求。他宽容、善良、温和、体贴。 bbs.24en.com 7. All materials used and supplied shall be new and of top quality in all respects and be able to satisfy all technical requirements. 所有采用和供货的材料应该是新的,各方面质量最好的且能满足所有技术要求, junecharly.blog.163.com 8. She wanted glamour but another of her requirements was to have visual access to every single pair. 她希望鞋室漂亮迷人,但另一项要求是要能看到每一双鞋。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The installation pattern used for WebForm Server depends upon the requirements of the project and the availability of necessary resources. WebFormServer的安装模式依赖项目要求和所需资源的可用性。 www.ibm.com 10. In order to do these exercises efficiently, and to help the overall project, use some sort of system to contain and manage the requirements. 为了有效地进行这些演练并改进整个项目,可以使用某个系统包含并管理需求。 www.ibm.com 1. John: More than I expected. Miss Wang, could you send me a fax with all these requirements? 约翰:还真不少。王小姐您能不能将这些要求传真给我?。 www.hdbbs.net 2. A small but meaningful backlog mitigates such issues, and is an essential starting point to any requirements process. 规模较小且有意义的积压可以缓和这样的问题,而且还是任何需求过程的必要起点。 www.ibm.com 3. As the navigation and positioning system has been used more widely, the requirements for positioning accuracy are increasingly higher. 随着导航定位系统应用日趋广泛,对软件接收机定位精度的要求也日益提高。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Adhere to any reasonable request or change to working time within the parameters set out by the hotel Requirements. 按照所有合理要求行事,或在饭店制定的规则范围内按照工作时间和工作区域的变动要求安排部署工作; www.010so.com 5. or to meet the substantive requirements of tender documents, and the lowest tender price accredited, but except the tender price below cost. 或能够满足招标文件的实质性要求,并且经评审的投标价格最低,但是投标价格低于成本的除外。 www.qikan.com 6. The traditional management philosophy "students do not make trouble" has been unable to adapt to the requirements of society and students. 传统的“管住学生不出事”的管理理念已经无法适应现在社会以及学生的要求。 www.fabiao.net 7. Someone at IBM heard of me and asked me to go there to lecture, they also wanted to hire me and asked what kind of requirements I had. IBM有个人听说了我,就请我去讲座,并且想聘用我,问我可以接受什么样的条件。 imechanica.org 8. It describes requirements for a simple wizard with a home page, main flow ( also called a "sunny day path" ), and an alternate flow. 它为一个带有主页、主操作流(也叫做“阳关大道”)和备选操作流的简单向导描述了需求。 www.ibm.com 9. to be an outstanding player , with careful reasoning ability is one of the essential requirements. 想成为出色的玩家,拥有缜密的推理能力是必不可少的要求之一。 www.ichacha.net 10. It is only as a result of the specialized requirements of our modern society that these two fields have developed along separate paths. 只是因为现代社会特定的需要,这两个领域才沿着不同的路径发展。 www.8875.org 1. The surface finish processing are polished, flamed, honed, sandblasted and due to customers' requirements. 加工方式包括磨光,火烧,亚光,喷砂等,我们也可以根据客人的要求进行加工。 www.stonexiamen.com 2. Even without the need to click emotionally, let alone fall in love, meeting the resume requirements of a spouse can be just as difficult. 即便没有感情的需求,也不需要彼此相爱,但找到一个符合要求的配偶仍旧非常困难。 www.bing.com 3. One of the essential prerequisites of software engineering is to start with a good requirements specification. 软件工程的一项重要前提就是要有很好的需求说明书。 www.infoq.com 4. His parents were very strict requirements of him. 他的父母对他要求非常严格。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. have such a requirement. In each jurisdiction, warning label requirements are intended for plastic bags with a thickness of. 以及罗锝岛州要求在某些塑胶袋上加窒息警告标签。美国联邦政府目前没有这样的要求。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The test results indicate that this kind of programmable satellite signal source can satisfy most satellites'test requirements. 试验结果表明:本方案实现的可编程卫星信号模拟源能够满足多数卫星测试的需要。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 7. for the inspection of the image used for the resolution of compliance business card printing and membership card production requirements. 查抄所用图像的分辨力是否符分制卡和会员卡制作给求。 www.bing.com 8. The company shall maintain reasonable evidence that the requirements of this standard are being met by suppliers and subcontractors. 公司应保留合理的证据来证明供应商及分包商能够达到本标准各项要求。 www.buymemo.com 9. They say they are ready to comply with more government restrictions as long as they are given time to meet new requirements. 这些公司说,只要给出时间来满足新的要求,它们就愿意遵守政府的限制措施。 c.wsj.com 10. Another tip for eliciting requirements is to try not to ask leading questions. 另一个捕获需求的技巧是避免问诱导性的问题。 www-128.ibm.com 1. "This new delivery date meets our customer's requirements and will not impact the overall plant construction schedule, " he said. “这个新的交货日期符合我们的顾客要求,并且不会影响整个电站的建造计划”,他说。 eineksy.blog.sohu.com 2. Nested on-line transactions for the company to meet financial requirements to open free trade customers. 嵌套网上交易,面向公司资金达到要求交易客户免费开通。 www.g36.com.cn 3. Thus, quality control of concrete structures that will meet the requirements of safety and durability is of the moment. 因此,加强混凝土结构质量控制,使其满足安全性和耐久性的要求是工程建设的当务之急。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. The key to selecting the right technology is to let the application requirements drive the technology choice for the user experience. 选择正确技术的关键是,让应用程序的需求决定对用户体验技术的选择。 www.ibm.com 5. When you have won the Election, a city that will be randomly selected, whereas it must fulfill at least one of these requirements. 当你赢得了投票,将会随机选中你的一个城市,而它必须满足以下要求。 www.civclub.net 6. Procedures may be necessary to meet compliance requirements that have not been explicitly identified in the objectives and targets. 该程序对于组织达到符合应遵守目标指标未明示的、隐含的要求是必需的。 www.6sq.net 7. Regarding the company's targets and guidelines, to make sure the fulfillment of the customer's requirements along the whole supply chain. 根据公司战略目标及指导方针,确保整个供应链能满足客户要求。 www.job20.com 8. Completion of the fourth stage of thinking, where the annual targets have to be budgeted in detail, within the MTE requirements. 完成第四阶段的思考:按照MTE的要求,年度目标必须做出详细预算。 dept.shufe.edu.cn 9. However, Forestville citizens, perhaps coerced by employment or other requirements, were unable to avoid driving on the roads. 但是,可能受顾主或其它要求所迫,F市民无法避免驾车上路。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The party should also understand and be prepared to meet the ongoing compliance requirements of being a registered political party. 党还应该了解和准备,以满足注册的政党正在进行的合规性要求。 www.nzchinese.com |
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