单词 | oracle |
释义 | oracles是oracle的复数
复数:oracles n. prophecy,vision,revelation,foreshadowing,forewarning 例句释义: 神谕,预言,神使,大智者,先知,神谕宣示者,神示 1. and listened to his pronouncements as though they were divine oracles ----and he always fixed my car. 恭听着他的见解,仿佛聆听神谕一般——而他总能把我的汽车修好。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Obscure allusions to chess are fine; but it troubles me that anonymous oracles know more of my business than i do. 含糊的暗示到西洋棋是好的,但它困扰我,这不明的神谕比我知道更多我的事情。 forum.gamer.com.tw 3. bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. It is believed that the decoding of these earlier forms is only a matter of time. 夏商以前的陶纹刻符与商代的甲骨文有相似之处。据信,陶符文字的释读仅仅是一个时间问题。 www.jukuu.com 4. So fearful was Cronosof the Oracles prediction that his own children would rise against him that he decided to imprison all in his belly. 他非常害怕女祭祀的预言,他的孩子成长后会抗拒他,所以他决定把他们全部囚禁在自己的肚子中。 www.799.com.tw 5. It was an apt description of an institution that styled itself on ancient oracles whose influence derived from their mystique. 这个书名恰到好处地描述了一个把自己弄得彷佛古圣先哲一样的机构,那些先贤的影响力正是源自其神秘。 www.acsf.cn 6. When the dust of death has choked a great man's voice , the common words he said turn to oracles . 死亡使一个伟人的声音沉寂之后,他生前平淡无奇的话,都成了至理名言。 www.bing.com 7. For tens of thousands of years human beings relied on oracles, prophets, medicine men, and resignation to try to manage unknown risks. 几千年来,人们依赖神谕、先知、药师和顺从去试著处理未知的危机。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The greatest of these statues are the ones of Ancient Oracles . 这些雕像中最巨大的则是描绘那些古代人贤者的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If we are to believe certain oracles of crafty political views, a little revolt is desirable from the point of view of power. 某些阴险毒辣的政治权威认为,从政权的角度看,稍微来点暴动是可喜的。 www.ebigear.com 10. Fresh oracles shall be delivered to you. . . daily. . . from every corner of the empire. 新鲜的先知每日都会从帝国的各个角落运送到你们这里 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Database design using Oracles can be used to generate table structure attached to the script. 数据库设计时采用Oracle进行的,可以用所附脚本生成表结构。 nulung.com 2. Once she has consulted all the oracles, she shall dry up the noxious springs simply by breathing on them. 她曾经请教过所有的圣人,仅仅是通过吸入它们而把有害的泉水变干。 chinaufo.com 3. And this event, and others like it, make us wonder if the ancient oracles intervened similarly in politics and policy. 而这件事,甚至其他类似事件,让我们怀疑是否那些古老的神谕殿都雷同的介入了政治和政策影响。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 4. The ephors choose only the most beautiful Spartan girls. . . to live among them as oracles. 五长老只挑选最漂亮的斯巴达女子作为先知…生活在他们之中。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "He is in great danger, " answered the god, dodging the question with the agility of all oracles. “他非常危险。”神仙以巧妙的语气回避这个问题。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 6. Much in every way. First, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God. 各方面都很多。第一,是神的谕言信托了他们。 edu.china.com 7. The Babyloniansused incense extensively while offering prayers to divining oracles. 巴比伦人在占卜供奉时广泛地使用香。 space.taobao.com 8. LIKE ancient oracles, technical analysts make mysterious pronouncements based on mysterious patterns. 就像那些古老的先知,科技分析家利用神秘的模式做出神秘的宣称。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Inhaling these vapors, according to the ancients , induced a trance-like state that endowed the oracles with divine prophetic power. 根据古人的说法,吸入这些气体,会导致一种恍惚的状态,那就是被赋予了神谕了,一种预言之力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The symbols inscribed on pottery earlier than the Shang Dynasty bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. 夏商以前的陶纹刻符与商代的甲骨文有相似之处。 www.jukuu.com 1. Kratos proceeds ahead to the oracles temple and sees her again being taken away by harpies. 克瑞托斯向着雅典娜神殿前进,看到女祭司被鸟身女巫们带着飞走。 bazaarnet.cn 2. His teachings were accepted as oracles by the older generation. 老一代人将他的教导当作圣言。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The Greeks were great logical thinkers, but they consulted the Oracles . 希腊人是逻辑严密的思想家,但他们却要参照神谕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "The IBMs and Oracles are just reacting to changes in consumer behavior, " he notes. “IBM和甲骨文只是在对消费者行为变化做出了反应,”他强调道。 www.bing.com 5. If we refused, or rather used up, such paltry information as we get, the oracles would distinctly inform us how this might be done. 如果我们拒绝了,或者说虚耗了我们得到的这一点微不足道的思想,神示自会清清楚楚地把如何做到这一点告诉我们的。 www.nn5566.com 6. If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. 若有讲道的,要按着神的圣言讲; pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. Marble Oracles have priestly powers and are sacred. 大理石贤者身份神圣并且拥有祭司的权力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In reality, though the oracles of wisdom are precious , they are rarely used . 而现实中,尽管富有智慧的贤哲弥足珍贵,但是却很少被人们所有。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Like all of us, I have watched in recent days as economists and oracles wail a chorus of lament on every screen, in every newspaper. 和所有人一样,最近我无论把电视调到哪个频道,翻开哪份报纸,都会看到经济学家和权威们齐声哀叹。 www.ftchinese.com 10. People travelled long distances to consult oracles, and we still want to be told what to do and how to think by problem-solvers and gurus. 人们不远万里前来请教神谕殿,仍然希望被告知该如何做,并通过指路人和精神导师获知该如何思考。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 1. I will offer oracles the choice of working exclusively for me or being executed. 我会提供预言神殿两个选择:只为我工作或是被处死。 893234.blogchina.com 2. 'Oracles' are by no means all in the past. “神谕殿”绝不仅仅属于过去。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 3. The theory is that we have to look at markets as oracles. 该理论认为,我们要看看市场的神谕。 source.yeeyan.org 4. In the Sibylline Oracles, the name Adam is explained as a notaricon composed of the initials of the four directions; 在预言性的神谕里,亚当这个名字被解释成一种特殊拼词法,是由最初的四个方向组成; www.chinaufo.com 5. Universal Designated Verifier Signature without Random Oracles 无随机预言机的广义指定验证者签名方案 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Natural Disasters Seen From Oracles and Their Controlling in Shang Dynasty 从甲骨文看商代的自然灾害及救治 ilib.cn 7. Provably Secure Threshold Signature Schemes Without Random Oracles 标准模型下可证安全的门限签名方案 www.ilib.cn 8. Blind Oracles: Intellectuals And War From Kennan To Kissinger 失明的神谕:从凯恩与基辛格看理智与战争 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 9. Great source of oracles to human kind, 朝向人类神谕的伟大来源, www.krishnamurti.com.cn |
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