单词 | paid a visit | ||
释义 | paid a visit
例句释义: 去参观 1. Afterwards, the senator from Arizona paid a visit to the White House to receive an endorsement from his former nemesis, George Bush. 我应该觉得这么翻为好:之后,来自亚利桑那州的这位参议员拜访了白宫,得到了他以前的强劲对手乔治?布什的支持。 club.topsage.com 2. In 1903, Rodin himself paid a visit to the town to see where it would be located, then a year later he dispatched The Kiss itself. 1903年,罗丹亲自来到刘易斯考察雕像将被摆放的位置,并于一年后把雕塑《吻》运了过去。 www.bing.com 3. Dr. Smith paid a visit to a patient on his way home. 在回家路上,史密斯医生看望了一位病人。 www.enfang.com 4. One week ago, several representatives of the German factory inspectorate paid a visit to his restaurant. 一周前,德国工厂检查团的几位代表对他的小餐馆进行了走访。 dongxi.net 5. In a summer day, When I paid a visit to my grandparents in the countryside, She took me to a small pound. 一年夏季,我回乡下看望爷爷、奶奶。一天,表姐带我来到了一个小池塘玩。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He felt that he must have done something wrong. Hence, he paid a visit to Laotse for consulting. 他心里想,自己一定是什么地方做错了,因此特地到老子那儿去登门求教。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We two paid a visit to the Olympic park to see the net and Water Cube, and then the history Museum this time. 我俩这次看的是奥林匹克公园,鸟巢和水立方,之后是历史博物馆,下午四点小叔子打电话让我们回保定。 hi.baidu.com 8. We came to a place to which they had never paid a visit before. 我们来到了一个我们之前从来没有到过的地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. U. S. Vice President Dick Cheney paid a visit to Baghdad just before the five-year anniversary of the U. S. -led invasion of Iraq. 美国副总统切尼在以美国为首的联军攻打伊拉克五周年前夕访问了巴格达。 www.voanews.cn 10. During the trip, they also paid a visit to the local environmental station, and couldn't resist stopping by to help out. 这一趟,他们也参观了当地的环保站,还没办法只是站著看不帮忙; www.newdaai.tv 1. Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of. . . 通过贵国最近来访的贸易代表团,我们了解到你们是信誉良好的… www.24en.com 2. He paid a visit to his relatives and friends when he was in Beijing. 在北京时,他拜访了亲戚朋友。下星期我要去访问上海。 www.ttadd.com 3. On Thursday, I paid a visit to a small business in Buffalo, New York, a town that's been hard hit in recent decades. 上周四,我去纽约州的布法罗(Buffalo)市视察了一家小企业。在近十几年里,这座小城受到了经济危机的严重困扰。 www.hjenglish.com 4. A young lady paid a visit to the famous private detective and talked about her problem . 一位年轻的姑娘拜访了那位著名的私人侦探并谈了她的难题。 www.bing.com 5. After the commemoration, the municipal leaders paid a visit to the Zhuhai Revolutionary Historical Articles Display Building. 祭奠活动结束后,市领导还参观了珠海革命史料陈列馆。 old.zhtv.com 6. my classmate and I paid a visit to a chemistry factory. 我和我的同学们去参观了一个化学工厂。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Earlier this month, Wen Jiabao, China's prime minister, paid a visit, urging banks to go easy on small companies. 本月初,中国总理温家宝到温州访问,督促银行尽量帮助小企业。 club.topsage.com 8. Before concluding his Mexican tour, Zeng also paid a visit to Cancun and met with the governor of the state. 访墨结束前,曾庆红还赴坎昆市考察访问,并会见了州长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. That is the place to which he paid a visit. 那就是他参观过的地方。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Mr Kim paid a visit to his comrades ahead of the Cheonan fallout. 在天安舰调查结果出来之前,金正日对他的中国战友们进行了一次访问。 www.ecocn.org 1. Second question, the Japanese vice Foreign Minister paid a visit to China last weekend. Would you please brief on the visit? 第二个问题,上周末日本副外相在华访问,能否谈一谈访问情况? www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. On Tuesday afternoon, Wen was paid a visit by Wang Lijun, director of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau, who stayed for 50 minutes. 周二下午,重庆市公安局局长王立军造访文强,呆了50分钟。 chinese.wsj.com 3. New England boss Steve McClaren paid a visit to Liverpool Football Club's training facilities at Melwood today. 英格兰新任主帅斯蒂文。麦克拉伦今天访问了利物浦足球俱乐部训练基地梅尔伍德。 www.lfcfans.com 4. He paid a visit to Beijing University the other day, from which he learned a lot. 前几天他去了北京大学,在那他学到了很多。 www.ncneedu.cn 5. Blume paid a visit to Ginsparg at Los Alamos to, as he put it, "make peace. " 套用布卢姆的说法,他前往洛沙拉摩斯造访金斯帕表示「和解」之意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Other governments are recognizing the thaw: U. S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton paid a visit last week. 缅甸的破冰行动也得到了其他国家政府的认可:美国国务卿希拉里-克林顿(HilaryClinton)前不久访问了缅甸。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Following the meeting, Li Zhaoxing paid a visit to Zahir Shah, Former King of Afghanistan. 随后,李肇星拜会了阿富汗前国王查希尔。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. The English champion paid a visit to his ex team mates, receiving embraces and handshakes . 英格兰人和自己的米兰前队友们问好,拥抱和握手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. And Vladimir Putin paid a visit to a Russian wildlife preserve. 普京访问了一家俄罗斯野生动物保护区。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Earlier, a NATO delegation consisting of representatives from all 26 member countries paid a visit to Georgia . 早些时候,一个由26个成员国组成的北约代表团访问了格鲁吉亚。 club.topsage.com 1. The first year boys paid a visit to the National Library after school on Wednesday afternoon. 星期三下午放学后,一年级学生参观了国立图书馆。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. After Lunch, accompanied by the driver Xiaopang, Cao Rui and Doctor Xie, we paid a visit to Yuzhong County. 用过午餐由小胖司机,曹蕊及小谢医师陪同拜访了榆中县。 www.toumingyu.org 3. We paid a visit to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs with great respect. 我们怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰了革命烈士纪念碑。 www.ruiwen.com 4. One afternoon earlier this year, a government official paid a visit to Mr. Arif's house. 今年早些时候的一个下午,一位政府官员来到阿瑞夫的家中。 cn.wsj.com 5. Before his departure, Wen paid a visit to the Alcatel Alenia Space company. 在离开之前,温家宝总理还参观了阿斯特里奥姆卫星公司。 www.24en.com 6. She paid a visit to her old friends in Beijing. 她拜访了她在北京的老朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The princess had paid a visit to the Gucci store in Milan with Prince Ranier. 诗琳通公主曾访问了米兰的古琦店王子。 bbs.education.163.com 8. US diplomats in New York were paid a visit last week by Michelle Obama. 米歇尔-奥巴马(MichelleObama)上周看望了美国驻纽约的外交官。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We paid a visit to the Great Wall last summer. 去年暑假我们参观了万里长城。 www.yywords.com 10. I paid a visit to my relatives with my parents. 我和父母一起去拜访亲戚。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Hillary Clinton, America's secretary of state, paid a visit to Japan to show support. 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿对日本进行了访问,以示支持。 www.ecocn.org 2. I stayed in a city the whole National holiday. For there also had my company but without fickleness. My friend paid a visit to me. 国庆节一直呆在某个城市,因为那里也有我的公司,只是那里没有浮躁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I paid a visit to him yesterday in return for his help. 为答谢他的帮助我昨天去拜访了他。 www.ixuela.com 4. The cadres and masses of Shaoshan City, together with the students paid a visit to the cemetery park. 韶山市干部群众和学生在韶山烈士陵园参加祭扫活动。 www.3us.com 5. On a Friday towards the end of August, the Consulate General of Switzerland and his family paid a visit to Redtory. 八月末的一个周五,广州瑞士领事馆一行来到红专厂进行参观访问。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We paid a visit to the JWST in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park city. 在曼哈顿南部的炮台公园里,我们付费参观了JWST。 www.bing.com 7. We've just paid a visit to my cousin, Charles Hayter. 我们刚刚去拜访了我的表兄查尔斯海特 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The city which we paid a visit to is very beautiful and industrial except that there is a lot of noises in the urban area. 这次我们参观的城市非常的漂亮、工业化,除了在工业区噪声很严重。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. You'll notice that Europe's envoy also paid a visit on the Japanese. 你会注意到欧洲的特使为此对日本进行访问。 www.bing.com 10. The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, paid a visit to the Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang early this month. 朝鲜领袖金正日本月早些时候访问中国驻平壤大使馆。 www.stnn.cc 1. I paid a visit to my former teacher of English. 我拜访了我以前的英语老师。 www.hxen.com 2. The first day of New Year, we, all the family, paid a visit to our relatives and friends and sent our best wishes to them. 新年第一天,我们,全家人庭,拜访了我们的亲朋好友,送出我们最良好的祝愿。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Wu Sike paid a visit to the four countries of Qatar, Algeria, Syria and Iran in the Middle East from July 25 to August 2. 吴思科7月25日至8月2日对卡塔尔、阿尔及利亚、叙利亚和伊朗等中东四国进行了访问。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. In 2007, a Chinese naval delegation and warship formation paid a visit. 2007年,中国一海军代表团和舰艇编队访问了印尼。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I paid a visit to Mr and Mrs Smith yesterday afternoon. 我昨天下午访问了史密斯夫妇。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 6. The old house where we paid a visit last month has been pull down. 上个月我们参观的那栋老房子已经被推倒了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. One day, Yao paid a visit to Xu You and in order to abdicate his throne to him. 有一天尧去拜访许由,想要将王位让给他。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 8. I paid a visit to the Natural History Museum. 我去自然历史博物馆参观。 www.survey-tool.net 9. They paid a visit to Shanghai Museum last week. 他上周参观了上海博物馆。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So Holum paid a visit to Chairman Colin Powell. 所以Holum拜访了科林·鲍威尔主席。 www.bing.com 1. We paid a visit to an exhibition last week. 上星期我们参观了一个展览会。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 2. In February 1972, US President Richard Nixon paid a visit to China. 1972年2月,美国时任总统理查德-尼克松访华。 www.bing.com 3. On September 2nd, the officers of Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou paid a visit to Redtory. 九月二日,广州意大利领事馆一行来到红专厂进行参观访问。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Yesterday Mr. Brown paid a visit to Hangzhou, which is famous for its West Lake. 昨天,布朗先生参观了杭州,它因为西湖而闻名。 www.yuyicn.com 5. I haven't paid a visit to the Palace Museum. 我没参观过故宫博物馆。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It is very unlucky, but as we have actually paid a visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now. 真不走运,但是既然我们已经拜访了他,我们就少不了要交这个朋友。 www.jituo.net 7. Yesterday we paid a visit to the zoo. 我昨天参观了动物园。 www.wwenglish.com 8. I paid a visit to the Summer Palace. 在北京的时候,我参观了颐和园。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 9. I paid a visit to Mr. Smith last night. 昨晚我拜访了史密斯先生。 emuch.net 10. Last year I paid a visit to her and stayed fortnight with her. 去年我去看她,呆了两周的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I paid a visit to Jane the other day. 前几天我去看望了简。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. Just one month ago, I paid a visit to that University and there are around 100 students involved in China study. 一个月前,我刚刚访问过那里,100多个学生在那学习中文和从事中国研究。 www.ebigear.com 3. I paid a visit to him yesterday. 我昨天访问了他。 www.dearedu.com 4. I paid a visit to GreatWall Last saturday. 上周六,我去了一趟长城。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. We paid a visit to we teacIT continue Sunday. 上星期天咱们去拜访了老师。 www.ffenglish.com 6. I paid a visit to South Korea. 我到韩国玩了一圈。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 7. We paid a visit to our teacher last Sunday. 上星期天我们去拜访了老师。 www.english-sky.com 8. From January 11 to 12, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan paid a visit to the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. 1月11日至1月12日,中国外交部长唐家璇对埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国进行访问。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. I paid a visit to my uncle this morning. 今天早我去看望了我叔叔。 bbs.rrenglish.com 10. In 2009, The Chinese All Women' Federation Delegation paid a visit to the school and donated some goods and equipment. 2009年全国妇联访塞代表团曾访问该校,并捐赠部分教学设备。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Queen Elizabeth paid a visit, and so did President Bush. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世访问了,这样做,布什总统。 www.sjgcz.cn 2. Last summer in my holiday, I went there with my parents. We paid a visit together. 去年假期,我和我的父母一起去那儿,那儿有山有水,真是太美了。 www.totoso.com 3. I paid a visit to my aunt this morning. 今天上午,我去看望了我姑姑。 www.51share.net 4. I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there. 去年我游览了长城,而且玩得特别开心。 wenku.baidu.com 5. He paid a visit to an exhibition of advanced science and technology on Sunday . 星期天他参观了一个高科技展览。 edu.163.com 6. The president paid a visit to that country last year. 总统去年访问了那个国家。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. Really? Why didn't you tell me when we passed Yu Province? I should have paid a visit to Yin Sun. 是吗?过幽州为什么不告诉我一声?我应该去看看殷隼的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Yesterday we paid a visit to the house which Lu Xun lived in. 昨天,我们参观了鲁迅的故居。 jspd.ew.com.cn 9. Last year, First Lady paid a visit to China and saw for yourself China's rapid development in modernization building. 上次总统夫人访问中国期间见证了中国现代化建设的快速发展的一面。 www.ebigear.com 10. In Taisho Year 1 (1911), Mona Rudao paid a visit to Japan. 大正元年(1911),莫那?鲁道曾经前往日本参观。 1. In Taisho Year 1 (1911), Mona Rudao paid a visit to Japan. 大正元年(1911),莫那?鲁道曾经前往日本参观。 2. We paid a visit to some old friends. 我们去拜访一些老朋友。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I paid a visit to my friend in (the) hospital. 我去探望住院中的朋友。 www.wwenglish.com 4. Have you paid a visit to the patient yet? 你去看望过那个病人吗? edu.sina.com.cn 5. They paid a visit to london last year. 他们去年访问了伦敦。 english.knna.com 6. I paid a visit to compony last month, where my brother are working. 上个月我参观了一家公司,我哥哥在那里工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I paid a visit to New York last year. 去年冬天我参观了美国。 answer.2u4u.com.cn 8. I paid a visit to America last year. 我去年刚刚去过美国。 www.bing.com 9. That you paid a visit once in a while 你偶尔会去看看它 www.english88.com.cn 10. representatives from spain s santander bank paid a visit to ceibs 西班牙santander银行代表访问中欧 www.ichacha.net 1. I paid a visit to the Forbidden City yesterday afternoon. call at 昨天下午我参观了故宫。昨天下午我参观了故宫。 wenku.baidu.com 2. paid a visit to his brother, and then he 他又去了他哥哥的房间 www.bing.com 3. paid a visit to Korea 来韩国参观 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He paid a visit to China from May 16 to 他从5月16日到22日对中国进行了访问。 www.enfang.com 5. We paid a visit to 我们这次就去拜访了 news.cctv.com 6. Last year he paid a visit to London with his parents 去年他和他父母亲伦敦去游玩去了 blog.sina.com.cn |
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