单词 | Pakistan |
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例句释义: 巴基斯坦,巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国,南亚国家,巴基斯坦驻香港领事馆,巴基斯坦人,巴基斯坦地图 1. Isn't US using Afghanistan and India trying to destory Pakistan in the name of Al-Qaida? 那美国岂不是以艾尔-卡达的名义利用阿富汗和印度遏制巴基斯坦么? bbs.zhongsou.com 2. The mountainous region of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Taliban between the countries. 库纳尔与巴基斯坦边界山峦叠嶂,是塔利班在两国运输的要塞。 www.bing.com 3. It would be a mistake for the United States to walk away from Pakistan and Afghanistan again, Clinton said. 国务卿克林顿说,美国若再次离开巴基斯坦和阿富汗,将是错误的。 www.america.gov 4. But China's leaders have no desire to turn that limited stake in Pakistan into a heavy security footprint. 但中国领导人无意把对巴国的有限投资演变成一场重量级的安全考验。 cn.reuters.com 5. And he referred to his ongoing discussions with NATO allies about his new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马还提到就他关于阿富汗和巴基斯坦新战略正在跟北约盟国展开的讨论。 www.hjenglish.com 6. you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. 他说,“你是自由的,在巴基斯坦这个国家,你可以自由的去寺庙,去清真寺或任何教堂。” www.ecocn.org 7. But as a practical matter, his death says more about how much the al Qaeda problem has morphed into an even bigger Pakistan problem. 但从实际角度来讲,他的死更多地揭示了基地组织问题已经在多大程度上演变成了一个更大的巴基斯坦问题。 c.wsj.com 8. Gates indicated the United States is ready to help Pakistan address the problem, but did not specify exactly how. 盖茨宣称美国已经做好帮助巴基斯坦解决问题的准备,但是却没有详细的计划说明如何开展这个计划。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The tragedy may have dominated headlines, but Pakistan is not the only country to have experienced floods. 这场灾难占据了各大报刊的头条,但巴基斯坦并不是唯一一个遭遇洪水袭击的国家。 www.bing.com 10. If Pakistan's world view were not distorted by India, it might be able to see straight on terror. 如果巴基斯坦的世界观并没因印度而扭曲,它也许能够看清恐怖主义的真面目。 www.ecocn.org 1. Pakistan's army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani has met US defence leaders in Washington as the two countries begin a week-long strategic dialogue. 巴基斯坦陆军总长在华府会见了美国国防部部长,两国开始了一周的战略对话! bbs.ebigear.com 2. But what would Pakistan have done with a telephone call saying that there would be large and catastrophic flooding? 但是巴基斯坦如果接到一个电话说会出现大型的灾难性洪水,那么它会做什么呢? www.scidev.net 3. Mr Karzai seems to have stopped lambasting Pakistan for tolerating sanctuaries within its borders for Taliban insurgents. 巴基斯坦在巴-阿边界为塔利班分子提供避难场所,卡尔扎伊似乎对此不闻不问。 www.ecocn.org 4. He had not been seen publicly since the end of May when he briefly received his last foreign visitor, Mr Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan. 在他五月底会见最后一个外国客人——巴基斯坦总理布托之后,他就再也没有在公众场合露面过。 www.bing.com 5. After years of a secret romance, Fatima's girlfriend suddenly left her, saying there was no future for them in Pakistan. 秘密相爱数年后,Fatima的女友突然离开了她,说在巴基斯坦她们没有未来。 www.bing.com 6. He was arrested trying to leave Pakistan in 2002 on a forged passport. 他在2002年试图逃离巴基斯坦时因为假护照而被捕。 www.ecocn.org 7. Sharif wanted to show that there is no one in the country to compete with him in politics of Pakistan. 谢里夫想显现在这个国家没有一(个)在巴基斯坦的政治方面和他竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Quite a few populous countries in the world lag far behind in the list. India, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt are all among the bottom 10. 好几个世界人口大国的排名都很靠后。印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其和埃及都在后10名之列。 www.wwjtraining.com 9. In trying to turn its back on its shared past with India, Pakistan turned its back on itself. 在努力否定与印度共同拥有的过去的同时,巴基斯坦也否定了自己。 chinese.wsj.com 10. No one knows, even to this day, how much Pakistan's leaders knew of the "nuclear Wal-Mart" Mr Khan operated. 即使到今天也没有人知道有多少巴基斯坦领导人了解汗先生经营的这个“核沃尔玛”。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said the accusations made Pakistan bow its head in shame. 他表示,这些指控使巴基斯坦羞愧地底下头颅。 foreign.studyez.com 2. Pakistan's long-standing electricity shortage is suddenly so much worse because power plants have been shut down or damaged as well. 由于全国的发电厂被关闭或受到损坏,巴基斯坦长期的电力短缺更加雪上加霜。 www.tingclass.com 3. i hate to see her go like this as it just shows how WEAK and INSECURE pakistan is UNLESS someone behind it. 我不愿看到她这样走,因为这将使巴基斯坦给人带来负面和不安全的印象。 bbs.tiexue.net 4. The FT said it had been told by figures close to the White House and the CIA that Pakistan had given the Chinese access to the helicopter. 接近白宫和中情局的消息人士告诉金融时报,巴基斯坦允许中国接近那架直升机。 www.kle100.cn 5. But he said insurgent leaders have been able to take refuge in Pakistan. 同时他还声明叛乱领导人将在巴基斯坦避难。 www.bing.com 6. "It would be helpful to us in carrying forward the investigations that are under way in Pakistan, " he said. 马利克说:“这对推动我们目前在巴基斯坦进行的调查有帮助。” www.kekenet.com 7. It is, sadly and inevitably, the beginning of a new chapter in an epic saga of death, destruction, deception and degeneration in Pakistan. 而是令人悲哀、不可避免地成为巴基斯坦一场充满着死亡、毁灭、欺诈、堕落的史诗传奇新篇章的开始。 www.bing.com 8. "There is a degree of unanimity that there must be swift and effective action taken against the Taliban in Pakistan, " he said. 巴基斯坦人民一致认为,必须采取快速有效的行动,对付那里的塔利班分子。 www.kekenet.com 9. He regards "a jihadist victory" in Pakistan as "neither imminent nor inevitable. . . [but] a real possibility that needs to be assessed" . 他认为在巴基斯坦的“圣战胜利”“既不是很快就会来临也不是不可避免……[但]真正的可能性需要加以评估。” www.ecocn.org 10. Bin Laden was a greater threat to Pakistan than to America in recent years, yet Pakistanis behave as if they regret his death. 近年来本拉登相比于巴基斯坦来说对美国是一个更大的威胁,但是巴基斯坦人却表现得对他的死很是遗憾。 www.ecocn.org 1. 'And although other countries' popularity is greater, including China's, the U. S. is first and the most' in aid to Pakistan, he said. 他说,尽管包括中国在内的其他国家在巴基斯坦的受欢迎程度更高,但美国对巴基斯坦的援助却是最早、最多的。 c.wsj.com 2. He said Pakistan will not be "intimidated" and declared that "the war on terrorism is as much Pakistan's war as it is America's. " 扎尔达里说,巴基斯坦将不会“被吓倒”,并宣称“反恐战争对巴基斯坦来说和对美国来说一样重要。” www.voanews.cn 3. We've got to get the support of the people of -- of Pakistan. He said that he would launch military strikes into Pakistan. 我们还需要巴基斯坦人民的支持。而他却说他要对巴基斯坦进行军事打击。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Indeed, in Pakistan, a woman could have risen to power very recently, had it not been for her assassination. 事实上,巴基斯坦的女性已经非常自强,不受性别歧视的话更是如此。 www.suiniyi.com 5. He said they undermined ties between the two countries and failed to appreciate "Pakistan's sacrifices to fight terrorists" . 他表示,这些话损害了两国关系,没有看到“巴基斯坦为打击恐怖分子所做出的牺牲”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. "Our main thrust has to be to help Pakistan defeat these extremists, " he said. 他说:“我们的主要目标是帮助巴基斯坦击败这些极端主义分子。” www.ebigear.com 7. of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Taliban between the countries. 库纳尔巴基斯坦接壤的山区,往往是一个国家之间的塔利班过境点。 www.56gk.com 8. It is clear that this part of Pakistan will not be draining, as it has permanently lost elevation! 很明显,巴基斯坦这部分地区的洪水不会排走,因为它已经永久性地丧失了海拔高度! www.120sun.com 9. But in nineteen ninety-two, she visited Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan. What she saw persuaded her to return to her homeland. 但1992年她访问了位于巴基斯坦的阿富汗难民营后,她看到的一切说服她回到自己的祖国。 www.unsv.com 10. He said intelligence officials are already pursing leads that some of the militants had links to groups inside Pakistan. 他表示,情报人员得到线索,武装分子和巴基斯坦的组织们有联系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The meeting of Afghan and Pakistan presidents was the fourth of its kind to be hosted by their Turkish counterpart. 这次阿富汗和巴基斯坦总统的会谈是由土耳其总统主持的第四次类似的会谈。 www.voanews.cn 2. He said part of his strategy would be "taking the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. " 他说他对反恐的部分策略是“对抗阿富汗和巴基斯坦的阿尔盖达组织”。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As you said, the economy in Pakistan has made great progress recently. 正如你所言,巴基斯坦经济近年来取得很好的发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Pakistan army gunship helicopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago. 自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。 www.ebigear.com 5. Overall, Barroso said, the EU has decided to boost its humanitarian emergency funding to Pakistan more than tenfold, to about $100 million. 巴罗佐说,欧盟已决定把应对巴基斯坦人道紧急需求的资金总额提高到十倍以上,达到约1亿美元。 www.voanews.cn 6. The deadly attack came as the minority Shiite community of Pakistan was getting ready to mark its annual mourning known as Ashoura. 这次致命袭击发生时,巴基斯坦少数派什叶派聚居区正准备开始他们每年一度的阿舒拉节的悼念活动。 www.voanews.cn 7. A former head of the Pakistan Cricket Board, Shahryar Khan, said he felt mortified by the players' behaviour. 巴基斯坦板球理事会前会长ShahryarKhan称,他为这几位球员的行为感到羞耻。 www.eagler.org 8. He just said the United States has long made it clear, frankly said that US-Pakistan relationship is complex. 他只是说,美国长期以来就明确、坦率地表示,美巴关系很复杂。 www.englishtang.com 9. Campaigning for the general election in Pakistan to be held on February 18th continued to be scarred by violence. 为巴基斯坦的普选竞选活动在二月18日被举行继续被暴力结疤。 www.tianyablog.com 10. In pledging the Bank's strong commitment to support Pakistan, Wolfowitz said the reasons were obvious. 在承诺世行支持巴基斯坦的坚定承诺时,沃尔福威茨说,理由是显而易见的。 web.worldbank.org 1. Most of the migrants trying to reach Australia this year are escaping fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 今年企图逃往澳大利亚的非法移民大部分是为了逃避阿富汗,伊拉克,巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的战争。 www.kekenet.com 2. He noted China-Pakistan relations have maintained a momentum of sound development since the new government came into office in Pakistan. 巴基斯坦新政府执政后,中巴关系继续保持良好发展势头。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. and Pakistan is thought ready to supply a bomb in exchange for earlier Saudi backing of its own programme. 据认为因为之前沙特对巴基斯坦核项目的支持,巴基斯坦也许准备给沙特一颗原子弹作为报答。 www.ecocn.org 4. to New York's Kennedy Airport and bought a ticket to Dubai. He was on his way to Pakistan. 他已飞到纽约肯尼迪机场,买了一张到迪拜的机票,准备逃往巴基斯坦。 shanbay.com 5. He spoke in a very eloquent classical Arabic that he said had learned in madrasas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 他使用的是十分流利的古典阿拉伯语,他说这是在阿富汗和巴基斯坦的宗教学校里学的。 www.bing.com 6. So long as it was fighting Pakistan, even liberal Indian opinion seemed ready to tolerate a heavy hand in Kashmir. 只要他与巴基斯坦争斗,即使自由主义的观念也能容忍对克什米尔下重手。 www.bing.com 7. Floods in Pakistan have displaced around 2 million people by now and there seems to be no let up in nature's display of brute force. 至今,巴基斯坦境内的洪水已经让约莫两百万人民流离失所,但是大自然似乎并不放过展现残忍力量的机会。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. as you may be knowing that due to severe floods in Pakistan, the business activities have been slowed down. 正如你可能知道,由于在巴基斯坦的严重水灾,商业活动已经放缓。 chukou.kensanzai.com 9. Secondly, Pakistan has not come up with a viable economic program, which they would be ready to support, " said Zubair. " 其次,巴基斯坦没有制定出可行的、可以马上得到援助国支持的经济计划。 www.englishtang.com 10. Bin Laden, though the most wanted man in the world, had been living in the heart of Pakistan, in security as well as comfort. 本?拉登虽然是世界头号通缉犯,却一直安全而舒适地生活在巴基斯坦的中心地区。 c.wsj.com 1. At the least, he said, this approach might allow America to coordinate its efforts with countries that Pakistan is more eager to listen to. 他说,他的方法最低限度也可以让美国与其他巴基斯坦愿意听从的国家互相协调努力。 dongxi.net 2. To string together online scripts , melted melted Pakistan Pakistan won hundreds of millions of viewers on the front, a bit irresponsible. 把网上的段子串起来,糅巴糅巴就拿到亿万观众面前,有点不负责任。 www.cutpic.cn 3. Thirdly, for China, Pakistan is at least as much part of the solution in Xinjiang as it is part of the problem. 第三,对中国而言,虽说巴基斯坦牵涉到部分新疆问题,但它至少也是问题解决办法的一部分。 dongxi.net 4. Pakistan has described the US raid on Sunday in Abbottabad as an "unauthorised unilateral action" and said it should not be taken as a rule. 巴基斯坦称美国周日在阿伯塔巴德发动的袭击是“未经授权的单边行动”,不应该视为一般规则。 www.hxen.com 5. He said he would ask Congress to increase aid to Pakistan but in return he expected Pakistan to tackle the safe havens. 他将要求国会增加对巴基斯坦的援助。但是,作为回报,巴基斯坦必须承诺打击这些“避风港”。 www.bing.com 6. Pakistan's government said the operation had been completed in December, but fighting in the area has continued. 巴基斯坦政府称该打击行动已于十二月完成,但该地区的战斗依然在继续。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. She said the aid is required to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons. 她说,援助是保证巴基斯坦核武器安全的需要。 www.ebigear.com 8. Pakistan's UN envoy in Geneva said he believed the international community still needed to understand how serious the situation is. 巴基斯坦驻日内瓦联合国特使表示,他相信,国际社会仍需进一步了解形势的严重性。 club.topsage.com 9. For all that, China's dealings with Pakistan have always been conducted with one eye on India. 因此,中国与巴基斯坦的交往一直都以关注印度来实施的。 www.hxen.com 10. Indeed, when the interior minister, Rehman Malik, this week declared Pakistan to be "in a state of war" , he seemed to confirm as much. 事实上,本星期内政部长RehmanMalik有关“巴基斯坦出于战争状态”的言论也是印证。 club.topsage.com 1. Pakistan denies the allegation, and Mr. Bashir said the country does not know if Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders are in Pakistan. 巴基斯坦否认美国这一说法。巴希尔说,巴基斯坦并不知道奥马尔和其他塔利班领导人是否藏在巴基斯坦。 chinese.wsj.com 2. 'The act they have done is against the sovereignty of Pakistan, ' he said in an interview. 他在接受采访时说,他们的行动侵犯了巴基斯坦的主权。 c.wsj.com 3. Administration officials say they have made progress with Pakistan since, but it is hard to see much evidence of that so far. 政府官员们表示,自那以后,他们与巴基斯坦的关系得到了改善,但是迄今为止,还很难找到很多关系得到改善的证据。 www.bing.com 4. First, the mullahs' provincial administration was as corrupt as any other in Pakistan, and more incompetent than most. 其一,mullahs的省份行政管理与巴基斯坦其它地方的管理一样腐败,而且比多数省份都更加管制无能。 www.ecocn.org 5. Woflowitz made it a priority to hear directly from among Pakistan's 150 million people about their problems and priorities. 沃尔福威茨把重点放在直接从巴基斯坦的1.5亿人民中听取他们关于存在问题和优先重点的看法。 web.worldbank.org 6. The Pakistan government has decided to defer by a year a planned increase in a tax on compressed natural gas. 巴基斯坦政府决定把压缩天然气加税计划推迟一年。 www.bing.com 7. The official said the Foreign Ministry statement was 'something Pakistan has to say becasue of the domestic debate. ' 这位官员说,由于巴基斯坦国内的争论,外交部发表声明是必须的。 c.wsj.com 8. Turkey and Thailand now seem to have moved beyond that stage. Pakistan, a poorer nation, is still vulnerable. 土耳其和泰国现在似乎已经超越了这一阶段,比较贫穷的巴基斯坦仍比较脆弱。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He might have done more, too, to justify his optimism that war between Pakistan and India is now less likely "than ever" . 现在巴基斯坦和印度之间的战争不太可能会持续至永远,作者对此很乐观,但他应该多花些笔墨进行解释。 www.ecocn.org 10. Pakistan is not able to take control of its own territory (FAT), China has no problem to grab some more from Pak; a perfect marriage. 巴基斯坦不能控制所有的领土(FAT=领土分配计划),而中国要从巴基斯坦夺取更多的土地也不在话下。真是天生的一对。 ltaaa.com 1. A symbolic offer of $25m to Pakistan a year ago, via the United Nations, to assist in flood relief, was unlikely to have melted many hearts. 一年前通过联合国捐给巴基斯坦以抵抗洪灾的2500万美元的象征性援助,似乎并没有让多少人心软。 www.ecocn.org 2. In an interview with US TV network CBS, President Asif Zardari said the Taleban had established a presence across "huge parts" of Pakistan. 在与美国CBS电视网的一段采访中,阿斯夫·扎达瑞总统称塔利班势力已经存在于巴基斯坦的“大片土地上”。 www.bing.com 3. I do not think anyone is ready to give just pure cash to Pakistan to do whatever it likes with it. 我想,现在没有哪个国家愿意向巴基斯坦提供现金援助,让巴基斯坦想怎么花就怎么花。 www.ebigear.com 4. Fernandes also attacked Pakistan for trying to disrupt the election to be held on the 16th of this month. 费尔南德斯还攻击巴基斯坦试图破坏定于本月16日举行的选举。 www.jukuu.com 5. "Why is Pakistan so important an ally to America [that] America has never called it a terrorist state? , " asked one student. 她说:“巴基斯坦为什么是美国如此重要的盟友,以至于美国从来不将它称之为一个恐怖主义国家?” www.voanews.cn 6. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the president said, the United States is determined to defeat al-Qaida and extremist forces. 总统称,美国政府下定决心要击溃阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织和极端分子的武装力量。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. To say that Partition left Pakistan in an almost untenable position is not to say that it could have been avoided. 我说分裂让巴基斯坦陷于难以维系的境地并不是说曾经可以避免这种情况。 www.elanso.com 8. He also said the main thrust of U. S. and allied strategy is to dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马同时指出,美国和盟国的战略要点是摧毁和击败阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织。 www.voanews.cn 9. Bamiyan was an important monastic complex at a time when Buddhism began to spread from India and Pakistan into Central Asia and China. 在佛教开始从印度和巴基斯坦向中亚和中国传播的一段时间里,巴米杨地区还是一个重要的修道院建筑综合体。 www.bing.com 10. The Commonwealth Ministers Action Group held a meeting in London Monday and decided to resume Pakistan's Commonwealth membership. 英联邦部长行动小组12日在伦敦召开会议决定,恢复巴基斯坦的英联邦成员资格。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. "Why is Pakistan so important an ally to America [that] America has never called it a terrorist state? , " asked one student. 她说:“巴基斯坦为什么是美国如此重要的盟友,以至于美国从来不将它称之为一个恐怖主义国家?” www.voanews.cn 2. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the president said, the United States is determined to defeat al-Qaida and extremist forces. 总统称,美国政府下定决心要击溃阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织和极端分子的武装力量。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. To say that Partition left Pakistan in an almost untenable position is not to say that it could have been avoided. 我说分裂让巴基斯坦陷于难以维系的境地并不是说曾经可以避免这种情况。 www.elanso.com 4. He also said the main thrust of U. S. and allied strategy is to dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马同时指出,美国和盟国的战略要点是摧毁和击败阿富汗和巴基斯坦的基地组织。 www.voanews.cn 5. Bamiyan was an important monastic complex at a time when Buddhism began to spread from India and Pakistan into Central Asia and China. 在佛教开始从印度和巴基斯坦向中亚和中国传播的一段时间里,巴米杨地区还是一个重要的修道院建筑综合体。 www.bing.com 6. The Commonwealth Ministers Action Group held a meeting in London Monday and decided to resume Pakistan's Commonwealth membership. 英联邦部长行动小组12日在伦敦召开会议决定,恢复巴基斯坦的英联邦成员资格。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. He said it was wrong to think, however, that Pakistan was punishing and detaining the people that led the United States to bin Laden. 然而,他说,认为巴基斯坦是因为这些人带领美方找到本.拉登而惩罚和拘押他们,是错误的想法。 www.hxen.com 8. It is often said that Pakistan's decision to build the bomb was motivated by India's explosion of its own device in 1974. 人们常说,巴基斯坦选择发展核弹是受到1974年印度引爆自行研制的核装置的激发。 dongxi.net 9. Clinton said the U. S. , Afghanistan and Pakistan face a "common enemy" with extremists. 克林顿说,美国、阿富汗和巴基斯坦面对极端分子这个共同的敌人。 www.51voa.com 10. Pakistan's ambassador to the United States said the reports were unsubstantiated and "do not reflect the current on-ground realities. " 巴基斯坦驻美大使称,这些报告缺乏证据并且“没有反映现在的现实。” www.bing.com 1. Pakistan's ambassador to the United States said the reports were unsubstantiated and "do not reflect the current on-ground realities. " 巴基斯坦驻美大使称,这些报告缺乏证据并且“没有反映现在的现实。” www.bing.com 2. If it were up to us, the border between India and Pakistan would be eliminated. 如果是由我们做决定,印度和巴基斯坦之间的边界就不会存在了。 www.joyen.net 3. An ambulance paramedic stands next to the body of a Greek national in a morgue at a Karachi hospital in Pakistan. 巴基斯坦,一所卡拉奇医院上的陈尸间内一名紧急救护人员站在一具希腊籍尸体旁。 thehlc.cn 4. He added that there was a renewed focus on stemming the flow of fighters across the border from Pakistan. 他补充说,英军将重新集中兵力狙击在巴基斯坦边境附近流窜的恐怖分子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The two camps differ over how much approval and assistance Pakistan should give to stepped-up U. S. anti-terrorist operations. 这两个阵营在巴基斯坦应当对美国加强反恐行动给予多少许可和支持这个问题上出现分歧。 www.voanews.cn 6. The Indian Prime Minister is said to be in favor of trying to build bridges with Pakistan. 印度总理表示将在试图与巴基斯坦建立桥梁的青睐。 bbs.5i5i.cn 7. The danger of Pakistan failing as a state is often overstated. 巴基斯坦作为一个国家陷落的危险被夸大了。 www.ecocn.org 8. But where the U. S. 's interests were deemed to be acting against Pakistan's own, it would be a very different matter. 但是,在美国的利益,被认为是对巴基斯坦自己的行动,这将是一个非常不同的事情。 www.englishtang.com 9. Pakistan seems to have helped the United States track down bin Laden's lair, as Obama acknowledged. 按奥巴马所言,美国追踪本?拉丹的藏身之处,似乎得到了巴基斯坦的协助。 www.bing.com 10. Speaking at the National Defense University, Obama said the country is still at war with terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马在国防大学演讲时说,美国依旧要对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的恐怖分子进行斗争。 bbs.putclub.com 1. Speaking at the National Defense University, Obama said the country is still at war with terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马在国防大学演讲时说,美国依旧要对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的恐怖分子进行斗争。 bbs.putclub.com 2. BARACK OBAMA: "Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. " 奥巴马:“今天,在我的指示下,美国对巴基斯坦阿伯塔巴德(Abbottabad)的拉登藏身的那个大院发动了有针对性的行动。” www.ebigear.com 3. Pakistan has proven to be a worthy proxy for China as it continues its own march towards consolidating its national strength. 对于中国来说,随着它朝巩固国家力量继续着自己的步伐,巴基斯坦已经被证明是一个相称的代理。 www.bing.com 4. With such a capability our nuclear capability would be a real deterrent to china and Pakistan. 有了这样的核能力,我们才能真正的震慑到中国和巴基斯塔。 bbs.voc.com.cn 5. Pakistan's president says his country, is ushering in a new era of democracy following years of his autocratic rule. 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫说,巴基斯坦在经历了他多年的专制统治后,正走向一个新的民主时代。 www.ebigear.com 6. Pakistan will not be with any terrorist organization linked, we are ready to work with India jointly investigating the terrorist attacks. 巴基斯坦不会与任何恐怖组织有关联,我们愿意与印度共同调查这起恐怖袭击事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He released a statement suggesting that both militants battling the Pakistani troops and coalition forces are now trying to weaken Pakistan. 他发表声明说,同巴基斯坦军队作战的激进分子和联军部队目前都在企图削弱巴基斯坦。 www.voanews.cn 8. He said the United States wants to help Pakistan and other countries get control of such areas. 他说,美国希望帮助巴基斯坦和其他国家把这类地区控制起来。 www.ebigear.com 9. She fled Spain for Morocco in 2001; a year later police intercepted an email in which she said she was headed for Pakistan's tribal belt. 2001年她从西班牙逃亡到摩洛哥;一年以后警方截获了其一封电子邮件,在邮件中她表示去了巴基斯坦部落地区。 www.bing.com 10. It remains unclear how much, if at all, Pakistan's rulers co-operated in the successful hunt for Mr bin Laden. 现在还不清楚巴基斯坦执政者在搜捕本·拉登地行动中到底参与了多少,或者是否参与了行动。 www.ecocn.org 1. In fact Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, has been going out of his way-and courting controversy at home-to placate India. 实际上巴基斯坦的新总统扎尔达里已经竭尽所能的与印度达成和解,但此举却在巴国内引发了论战; tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. As domestically rewarding as it may be, brinkmanship over Davis imperils the long-term fortunes of Pakistan's government. 至于国内,因为它可能是有益的,超过戴维斯边缘政策危及巴基斯坦政府的长远命运。 www.englishtang.com 3. If nothing else, bin Laden's death should offer a good reminder of how much India and Pakistan still need each other. 因此一切不幸中还有一幸,就是本拉登之死至少可以提醒印度和巴基斯坦,他们彼此之间是多么需要对方。 dongxi.net 4. President Karzai also said he hopes to reduce years of tension with Pakistan. 卡尔扎伊总统还表示,他希望降低多年来和巴基斯坦之间的紧张关系。 www.voanews.cn 5. On average, only one out of every seven U. S. drone attacks in Pakistan kills a militant leader. 平均而言,美国在巴基斯坦的无人机攻击只有七分之一击毙了激进头目。 www.bing.com 6. He said if Pakistan did not cooperate, he would refer the matter to the United Nations. 他说,如果巴基斯坦不配合,他将把问题交给联合国。 www.hxen.com 7. White House spokesman, Jay Carney, said Pakistan must break any links it had with the militants, the Haqqani network. 白宫发言人JayCarney称,巴基斯坦必须切断与好战组织哈卡尼网络的任何联系。 www.hxen.com 8. Pakistan Navy spokesman said the dead included a civilian naval officer and a female doctor. 巴基斯坦海军发言人称,死者中包括一名海军军官和一名女性平民医生。内容来自英语堂 www.englishtang.com 9. The Americans did not notify Pakistan about their operation for fear that it would be compromised. 美国并未公布巴方的军事行动,以免巴基斯坦受到威胁。 www.ecocn.org 10. As a result, Islamic radicalism now seems to be becoming an increasingly serious threat to India just as it is in Pakistan and Afghanistan. 结果,伊斯兰教激进主义如今似俨然日愈成为印度的严重危胁,就像巴基斯坦和阿富汗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In addition to the aid, the prime minister said he expects much more cooperation between Britain and Pakistan over a wide range of issues. 除了上述那些援助,英国首相布朗说,他期待英国和巴基斯坦之间在更广泛的议题上展开更多的合作。 www.ebigear.com 2. Drones have always been a delicate and difficult issue for the U. S. and Pakistan. 无人驾驶飞机一直是美国和巴基斯坦的一个微妙和困难的问题。 www.englishtang.com 3. The Kremlin has approved the re-export of the engine to Pakistan, as it has no arms business there. 俄方政府同意了对巴基斯坦的引擎转口贸易,因为俄方在那里没有市场份额。 www.bing.com 4. Secretary Clinton says defeating the Taliban and al-Qaida is not only in Pakistan's vital interest, but that of the United States as well. 她说,打败塔利班和基地组织不仅是巴基斯坦至关重要的利益所在,也是美国的利益所在。 www.ebigear.com 5. For a woman who claimed to be driven by a burning desire to bring democracy to Pakistan, it was a curious legacy. 作为一个声称强烈希望把民主待到巴基斯坦的女人来说,这正是一份古怪的遗嘱。 www.ecocn.org 6. It was also decided to ask the Chinese working in Pakistan to follow the Standing Operation Procedures (SOPs) in their day to day movement. 会议还提出,希望在巴工作中方人员日常活动中遵守标准作业程序(StandingOperationProcedures)。 www.bing.com 7. Pakistan as you know is a hot market in respect of security systems. 正如你所知,在巴基斯坦安全系统是一个火热的市场。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. It seems to me that you walk around the streets of Pakistan with your eyes closed. 在我看来,你是闭着眼睛走在巴基斯坦街上的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Pakistan denies any link between the attack and government agencies, but says "non-state actors" might have been involved. 巴基斯坦否认政府机构和印度孟买袭击事件有任何关联。巴基斯坦说,可能有一些“非国家行为体”卷入了这起袭击事件。 www.ebigear.com 10. The head of the Pakistan Taliban claimed responsibility and said it was in retaliation for an American drone attack. 巴基斯坦的塔利班组织头目宣称对事件负责,并称这是对一次美国无人驾驶飞机攻击的报复。 www.ecocn.org 1. Finally, Pakistan must be made to understand the cost of nuclear warfare. 最终,巴基斯坦必须要了解到核战争的代价。 dongxi.net 2. Thailand is the last leg of his Asian tour, prior to which he visited Pakistan, India and Malaysia. 泰国是唐家璇此次亚洲之行的最后一站,此前他还访问了巴基斯坦、印度和马来西亚。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. New Delhi has interpreted this as a challenge to its sovereignty over Kashmir, the subject of a dispute with neighbour Pakistan. 新德里视这种行为是对可是米尔地区主权的挑战,引发其与邻国巴基斯坦的争端。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Pakistan's air force plans to purchase at least 250 of the Thunder fighters over the next four to five years. 巴基斯坦空军计划在未来4、5年采购至少250架“雷电”战斗机。 www.ftchinese.com 5. British Prime Minister Major rushed back from Pakistan yesterday for a crucial parliamentary vote after a week-long South Asian tour. 英国首相梅杰结束了为期一周的南亚之行,昨天从巴基斯坦匆匆回国参加决定性的议会选举。 dict.ebigear.com 6. India and Pakistan have continued to push on all-round dialogue and achieved some progress since the beginning of 2007. 2007年以来,印巴继续推进全面对话,取得一些积极进展。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. There is widespread concern about how much control Pakistan's new civilian government has over the country's powerful security agencies. 外界普遍担心巴基斯坦新的文官政府能在多大程度上控制巴基斯坦强大的安全机构。 www.kekenet.com 8. And Pakistan is often the first foreign recipient of Chinese military hardware. 且巴基斯坦经常成为中国最新军事装备的第一个海外用户。 dongxi.net 9. The mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was found and killed is at least six times the size of the typical house near it. 巴基斯坦在阿伯塔巴德大厦,在那里发现乌萨马本拉丹,打死至少是它的六倍大小的房子附近的典型。 www.englishtang.com 10. However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。 www.voanews.cn 1. His administration did not warn Pakistan that it was about to launch an attack deep inside its territory, as if there was no trust there. 美国政府深入巴基斯坦领土发起进攻却连警告都没有,似乎是缺少了基本的信任。 www.ecocn.org 2. Pakistan and India came into being at the cost of a million lives and the largest migration in history. 印巴分治使数百万人失去了生命,还导致了历史上规模最大的一次人口迁移。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It should be noted that it's not uncommon to see this sort of construction in Pakistan's tribal areas. 值得注意的是在巴基斯坦的部落聚居区,这种类型的建筑物并不常见。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The incident aroused strong reactions Pakistan, the Pakistani government were to strongly protest against the United States and NATO. 这一事件引起巴方强烈反应,巴政府分别向美国和北约提出强烈抗议。 www.englishtang.com 5. Some analysts said the decisive factor in the defeat of the party that backs Musharraf, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), was the president. 某些分析家说,支持穆沙拉夫的政党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(PML)失败的决定性的因素,是总统。 www.suiniyi.com 6. The Pakistan Army will present Sunday's clash as proof of its valor in an attempt to assuage Pakistanis outraged by its incompetence. 巴基斯坦军队将用周末冲突作为事例表明他们的英勇,试图以此平息巴基斯坦人民对该军队能力不济的愤怒。 dongxi.net 7. Pakistan's President, General Pervez Musharraf, once referred to his uniform as a "second skin. " 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫曾经把他的军装称为“第二皮肤”。 www.stnn.cc 8. He said the U. S. will carry out a strategic and political assessment of the situation in northwest Pakistan once the waters recede. 他说,一伺洪水消退,美国将对巴基斯坦西北局势进行一次战略与政治评估。 chinese.wsj.com 9. According to a Chinese manager in Pakistan, if they go on a posting for more than a year, they get single rooms. 一位驻巴基斯坦的中国经理人表示,如果外派时间超过1年,则会安排他们住单间。 www.ftchinese.com 10. If you were sitting in Oxford, England, trying to get to YouTube, your packets were going to Pakistan and they weren't coming back. 如果你在英国牛津,试图上YouTube,你的信息包去向了巴基斯坦,再也回不来了。 www.ted.com 1. While Pakistan is a close US ally in the war on terror, the relationship with China has never been compromised. 虽然巴基斯坦在反恐战争中是美国的紧密盟友,但该国与中国的合作从未打过折扣。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The border may soon be reopened, when a joint inquiry by NATO and Pakistan into the helicopter attack agrees on an acceptable form of words. 当北约与巴基斯坦在一项直升机袭击事件联合调查中达成一致意见时,边境线可能不久后会重新开放。 www.ecocn.org 3. The United States wants nuclear-armed Pakistan to be a more reliable partner in its war on militancy. 美国希望拥有核武器的巴基斯坦在这场战役中做一个可靠的伙伴,发挥点战斗精神。 www.bing.com 4. It was also unclear whether Mr. Shahzad was affiliated with the Pakistan Taliban or any other Pakistan-based jihadi group. 现在也不清楚哈扎德是否与巴基斯坦塔利班或其他驻扎此地的圣战组织有关。 chinese.wsj.com 5. After growing up in England, Pakistan, the Bahamas, and the U. S. , Wheeler cofounded the bestselling Lonely Planet Travel Series in 1973. 经过在英格兰,巴基斯坦,巴哈马群岛,和美国的成长,1973年,旅行者们共同创立了畅销的。 www.bing.com 6. Pakistan said the militants have suffered heavy losses and have been pushed over the border into Afghanistan. 巴方宣称参战人员损失严重,并曾被逼入阿富汗斯坦境内。 www.bing.com 7. The United States condemned the attack and said it would continue supporting Pakistan's efforts to combat extremism and bolster democracy. 美国对这次袭击事件进行谴责,并表示将继续支持巴基斯坦打击极端主义,推进民主进程的努力。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Pakistan is using proxies, and that's a reference to these groups that have their roots back in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. 巴基斯坦使用了代理人,就像这些根源于阿富汗战争的组织用来对抗苏联时一样。 www.hxen.com 9. Colder relations with the Americans must surely be expected, while Pakistan fumbles for some sort of explanation. 虽然巴基斯坦笨拙地作出一些解释,但与美国的关系进入冰冻期可以预见。 www.ecocn.org 10. Zardari said Pakistan is ready to maintain high-level exchanges and enhance political dialogue with China. 扎尔达里表示,巴方愿同中方保持密切高层交往,加强政治对话。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. The uprising, asserts Delhi, is all due to "cross-border terrorism" from Pakistan. 新德里称起义都是因来自巴基斯坦的“越界恐怖主义”。 www.bing.com 2. Such a pact would draw China into any conflict involving their ally and likely anger the U. S. and India, Pakistan's regional rival. 这样一个协定将把中国拖入任何一场涉及他们盟友的冲突之中,并可能激怒美国和印度。印度是巴基斯坦在这一地区的竞争对手。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Before the election, Senator Biden said the United States should cut military aid to Pakistan if the polls were rigged. 在巴基斯坦议会选举开始前,拜登参议员说,如果选举被操纵,美国就应当切断对巴基斯坦的军事援助。 www.ebigear.com 4. obviously, china is compelled to do this test, for his right would not be robbed by the robber. long live sino-pakistan friendship! 很显然,中国做反导测试是被逼的,他是为了保卫其应有权力不被强盗抢去。中巴友谊万岁! zhidao.baidu.com 5. Police in northern Pakistan say they have arrested an American who said he was on a solo mission to kill al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. 巴基斯坦北部的警方说,他们逮捕了一名美国人;此人自称在单独执行刺杀基地组织首脑本拉登的任务。 www.ept-xp.com 6. Among those arrested in Pakistan was the man said by a surviving Mumbai terrorist, now in Indian custody, to be the mastermind of the plot. 在巴基斯坦被捕的人当中包括袭击事件的主谋,他是被孟买事件中幸存的恐怖分支指认出来的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Pakistan and India have fought three wars involving thousands of troops on both sides of Kashmir's border, known as the Line of Control. 巴基斯坦与印度在克什米尔边界(称为控制线)已进行过三次战争,投入数千军队。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The greatest of these was to give up his nuclear programme and help to blow the lid on the nuclear black market centred on Pakistan. 其中,最大的让步莫过于宣布放弃核武器计划和帮助揭开巴基斯坦核武器黑市的内幕。 www.ecocn.org 9. At least three suspected militants have been killed in a US drone attack in north-western Pakistan, officials say. 美国无人机袭击了巴基斯坦西北部,至少三名武装嫌疑犯被杀。 www.enread.com 10. Some analysts believe that the U. S. tend to distance Iran, Pakistan and China are close to the troops in Afghanistan to extend the time. 一些分析人士认为,美军倾向于在距离伊朗、巴基斯坦和中国都很近的阿富汗延长驻军时间。 www.englishtang.com 1. He voiced support for an increase in aid to Pakistan, but he made clear he is looking for something in return. 他还支持向巴基斯坦增加援助,但是他明确表示,他期望获得一些回报。 www.ebigear.com 2. He said Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency supported the truck bombing by Haqqani operatives on a NATO base on September tenth. 他说,巴基斯坦的三军情报局机构的支持哈卡尼操作工九月第十一个北约基地的卡车炸弹袭击。 www.maynet.cn 3. Admiral Mike Mullen said the Haqqani Network is a "veritable arm" of the ISI, Pakistan's military intelligence agency. 马伦上将星期四表示,哈卡尼网络实际上就是巴基斯坦军事情报机构ISI的一个分支。 www.hxen.com 4. Pakistan's suffering this season is harder to quantify and is developing more slowly, but is no less horrible for that. 巴基斯坦的自然灾害在这个季节上定量更加困难并且发展较为缓慢,但是即便如此,它们依然可怕。 www.ecocn.org 5. "Pakistan would never seek confrontation; it would always seek relations on the basis of mutual respect, " he said. 巴基斯坦将永远不寻求对立。巴基斯坦将永远在互相尊重的基础上发展两国关系 www.bing.com 6. Gilani noted that the U. S. signed a nuclear deal with India, even though Pakistan was in greater need of a civilian nuclear deal. 吉拉尼指出,美国跟印度签署了一项核协议,虽然巴基斯坦更需要一项民用核协议。 www.qiewo.com 7. There's also no doubt that the Pakistan flooding will join the ranks of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. 毫无疑问这次巴基斯坦洪灾将会成为有史以来最严重的自然灾害之一。 www.bing.com 8. Pakistan army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said Wednesday's operation was an unprecedented violation of those guidelines. 巴基斯坦军方发言人阿巴斯少将说,星期三的这次行动前所未有地违反了这些行为准则。 www.ebigear.com 9. At least 16 people have been killed in Pakistan by a bomb explosion in a gambling den in the port city of Karachi. Dozens were injured. 至少有16在巴基斯坦港口城市卡拉奇一座赌场发生的炸弹爆炸事件中死亡,数十人受伤。 www.hxen.com 10. Iranian state TV is reporting at least 40 people have been killed by a major earthquake near the Iran-Pakistan border. 伊朗国家电视台报道,伊朗与巴基斯坦交界地区发生强烈地震,至少造成40人遇难。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile Pakistan seems to be sending fewer militants into Kashmir these days. 与此同时,巴基斯坦看起来这段时间向克什米尔派出的武装分子也少了许多。 www.ecocn.org 2. Pakistan exists in a region whose history has overlapped that of India, Afghanistan and Persia (Iran). 巴基斯坦存在于一个历史与印度、阿富汗和波斯重合的地区。 www.ebigear.com 3. It was the third cross-border incident in a week, the Pakistan military said. 巴基斯坦军方说,这是一周中的第三次跨界事件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Transportation of gas from Pakistan can prove to be cost-effective [for India], " he said. “事实能证明,从巴基斯坦输送天然气(对印度)是划算的,”他表示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Almost none of Pakistan's articulate and educated liberal voices have dared speak out in his defence. 几乎没有一位口齿清楚,教养良好的巴基斯坦自由党人敢为塔西尔说句话。 www.bing.com 6. Another more serious risk for China is that Pakistan may break up into pieces - some of the pieces ready to support XINJIANG very radically. 另一个更严重的风险是,巴基斯坦可能分裂-其中一些组织非常明确的准备支持新疆。 tietie001.com 7. Bin Laden has never been found and is believed to still be hiding in the mountainous border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. 本?拉登一直下落不明,据估计现在他仍然藏在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境交界处的山区地带。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. "Pakistan and Afghanistan are conjoined twins. Our suffering is shared. Our joys are always shared, " he said. 他说:“巴基斯坦和阿富汗是连在一起的孪生兄弟。我们同甘共苦,荣辱与共。” www.voanews.cn 9. In Pakistan, thousands of mourners gathered in Karachi Saturday to attend a funeral for some of those killed in two bomb attacks Friday. 周六,在卡拉奇数千巴基斯坦民众举行集会悼念在周五两起炸弹袭击中丧生的遇难者。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. In 1993, Mortenson got lost and hurt on a hiking trip and was saved by the kind people of the remote village of Korphe in Pakistan. 一九九三年,摩顿森在一次登山健行之旅中迷路受伤,被巴基斯坦的偏远小村科尔飞的善心村民所救。 udn.com 1. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abad Abad, Pakistan. 今天,在我的指示下,美军对巴基斯坦阿巴德的一处目标实施了有针对性的行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She is an illiterate woman from the tribal areas of Pakistan who almost died in childbirth a year after marrying at the age of 12. 她,是个目不识丁的女人,出生在巴基斯坦的部落地区。十二岁时她便早早地结了婚,一年后妊娠,差点死于难产。 www.bing.com 3. A discussion with newspaper editors was wide-ranging, covering topics from water and growth to the Bank's role in Pakistan. 与报界编辑们的讨论涉及内容广泛,包括水和增长以及世行在巴基斯坦的作用。 web.worldbank.org 4. The official also said the DNA evidence unquestionably shows that the person shot and killed in the Pakistan compound was bin Laden. 情报官员同时指出DNA证据毫无疑问显示了在巴基斯坦结合部被射杀的人是本·拉登。 www.bing.com 5. Yet even then it was hard to persuade a nervous General Musharraf to put Pakistan's nuclear hero out of business. 然而,即使这样也很难说服神经质的穆沙拉夫切断巴基斯坦核武器英雄的交易。 www.ecocn.org 6. Pakistan will hand over the remains of the stealth helicopter blown up in the Abbottabad raid. 巴基斯坦将把在阿伯塔巴德突袭中炸毁的隐身战斗机的残骸交还给美国。 www.ecocn.org 7. Pakistan and China will remain friends forever. Our enemies are trying to break this relation, but they will be defeated, InshaAllah. 中巴友谊天长地久,我们共同的敌人总是试图破坏这种关系,他们的阴谋是不会得逞的! bbs.zhongsou.com 8. But the rescue and recovery efforts could become more complicated as monsoon rains continued to fall across much of Pakistan Monday. 伴随着季雨的继续,营救以及康复的努力已经变得越来越复杂。 www.bing.com 9. Pakistan's repeated wars with India have given it a very negative light in the world. 巴基斯坦再次与印度发生战争使得它在世界上的形象非常负面。 bbs.tiexue.net 10. And he said Pakistan is not a completely functional democracy. 此外,他称巴基斯坦并不是一个完全意义上的具有有效民主体制的国家 blog.hjenglish.com 1. From the complex web of factors that have fostered intolerance and violence in Pakistan, it is possible to disentangle four main strands. 从导致巴基斯坦党同伐异和暴力的错综复杂的因素中,至少可以找出四个主要原因。 www.ecocn.org 2. Mr Hussain was meeting in London with potential investors in Pakistan's oil and gas sector, ahead of new round of oil block auctions. 在新一轮石油区块拍卖之前,胡塞因正与投资巴基斯坦油气行业的潜在投资者在伦敦会面。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That's the customary escape in rural Pakistan for a raped woman, as the only way to cleanse the disgrace to her entire family. 这是在巴基斯坦农村地区被强奸妇女的常见命运,也是洗刷她整个家族耻辱的唯一途径。 www.bing.com 4. If it's not China, it will be India, Banglades, Pakistan, Malaysia, Mexico, Vietnam or any other country. 如果不是中国,也会是印度、孟加拉、巴基斯坦、马来西亚、墨西哥、越南或者任何其它国家。 www.ltaaa.com 5. Yes i can imagine because its Americans who are not the only one uses Pakistan, but China too. Thank you for sharing your concern with us. 是,我能想象…因为美国不是唯一利用巴基斯坦的国家,中国也是利用。谢谢你把你的关切跟我们分享。 bbs.zhongsou.com 6. Pakistan have some immensely talented players, but they play in a vacuum; they are having to make it up for themselves as they go along. 巴基斯坦有天赋极佳的队员,但是比赛训练条件却跟不上;他们需要自己为自己创造更好的板球条件。 www.bing.com 7. Obama said the continued military effort in Iraq has distracted from major security challenges in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 奥巴马说,在伊拉克的军事行动没有了结,分散了美国对阿富汗和巴基斯坦安全局势的关注。 www.ebigear.com 8. Pakistan was one of the lowest scorers for personal safety, with Karachi and Islamabad ranked 213th and 203rd respectively. 巴基斯坦是人身安全方面得分最低的地方之一,卡拉奇和伊斯兰堡分别位列第213位和第203位。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This collection is all about how Pakistan works: a poignant picture of Punjabi life from top to bottom. 整本故事集描述了巴基斯坦的生活,展示了旁遮普上上下下各个层面的辛酸图景。 www.ecocn.org 10. Pakistan, he said, is a strategically important country that now understands the threat from extremists within its borders. 他说,巴基斯坦是战略上十分重要的国家,该国现在理解其境内极端分子的威胁。 www.voanews.cn 1. The White House has said it anticipates continued cooperation between the United States and Pakistan. 白宫表示期待与巴基斯坦继续合作。 www.kekenet.com 2. "We have made these concerns abundantly clear" to Pakistan's civilian and military leadership, she said. “我们已经把这些担心明白的传达给巴基斯坦的军政领导人。”她说。 www.bing.com 3. From the American point of view, that would mean turning Pakistan's years of double-dealing to positive effect. 从美国的角度来看,那意味着将巴基斯坦玩弄的两面派手法转变成积极效果。 dongxi.net 4. The White House says President Barack Obama still considers Pakistan a strong ally in the fight against extremist forces. 白宫表示,奥巴马总统仍然认为巴基斯坦是打击极端势力的坚强盟友。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. The United States and Pakistan were the only two countries where more than one in five felt capitalism worked well as it stands. 只在美国和巴基斯坦,有超过五分之一的人认为资本主义目前运行良好。 cn.reuters.com 6. S. policies in Afghanistan and Pakistan that have failed to counter the Taliban or shore-up the two countries' U. S. -allied governments. 美国有关政策在对付塔利班和支持这两个盟国政府方面都已经失败。 www.tingroom.com 7. During his seven years in London, Moussaoui's family and French investigators say he traveled to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Chechnya. 穆萨维的家人和法国调查人员称他在伦敦的七年间去过巴斯基坦,阿富汗和车臣。 www.bing.com 8. Police in northwestern Pakistan say at least 8 people have been killed by a bomb blast in a market in Dera Ismail Khan. 巴基斯坦西北部的警方宣布发生在德拉伊斯梅尔汗的炸弹爆炸事件造成至少8人丧生。 www.eoezone.com 9. With a puppet prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, from his Pakistan People's Party, Mr Zardari is poised to lord it over Pakistan. 再加上来自巴基斯坦人民党的扎尔达里充当傀儡总理,扎尔达里如鱼得水地操控着巴基斯坦。 www.ecocn.org 10. So far, Pakistan has not charged bin Laden's three widows of any crime. 到目前为止,巴基斯坦还没有对她的三位遗孀提出任何罪名的指控。 dongxi.net 1. But Mr. Zardari wants the ex-president to leave Pakistan, rather than loom over the new government. 但扎达里希望穆沙拉夫能够离开巴基斯坦,而不是经常出现在新政府的视野中。 www.bing.com 2. Now they are trying to open talks with the local commanders in Pakistan. 目前,他们正尝试与巴基斯坦当地的指挥官开展对话。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Q: The Chinese Government has decided to send four helicopters to help Pakistan with its flood relief work. 问:中国政府决定向巴基斯坦派遣4架直升机参与巴基斯坦洪灾救援工作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Foods on the Indus River continued to surge downstream into southern Pakistan more than three weeks after the initial floods started. 印度河汹涌奔腾的洪水继续向下游的南部巴基斯坦地区涌入,该地区从发生洪灾到现在已经持续3周左右。 www.bing.com 5. Sherry Rehman of the Pakistan People's Party has no qualms about censoring "those who cause wilful offence" . 巴基斯坦人民党党员谢里·拉赫曼认为审查“那些故意犯罪的人”是理所应当的。 www.ecocn.org 6. Zazi, from Denver, Colorado, is understood to have been given instructions by a senior member of al Qaeda in Pakistan over the internet. 据悉,来自科罗拉多丹佛的扎齐曾经接到巴基斯坦“基地”组织一位高级成员通过互联网发出的制作指南。 www.bing.com 7. Karim said the relief materials for Pakistan include medicine, tea, oral saline, tents, blankets and bottled water. 卡里姆说,巴基斯坦的救援物资包括药品,茶叶,口服生理盐水,帐篷,毛毯和瓶装水。 guba.eastmoney.com 8. The received opinion in Delhi, at the time, was that the problem was still best dealt with by Pakistan. 当时新德里公认的看法是,这个问题最好还是由巴基斯坦来解决。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Although the company has not officially acknowledged it, the Falco has already secured an order from Pakistan, and deliveries are underway. 尽管该公司还没有正式承认它,Falco已获得了来自巴基斯坦的订单,并且交付正在进行中。 www.etiri.com.cn 10. Pakistan is the country where all the trickiest issues in American foreign policy seem to come together. 巴基斯坦这个国家似乎集合了美国外交政策中所有最棘手的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At moments Pakistan sounds ready to co-operate with America against extremists. 巴基斯坦常常像是准备就绪与美国一道合作打击极端主义。 www.ecocn.org 2. His views might be dismissed as those of an Indian enemy were they not so closely echoed by Pakistan's American friends. 若不是得到巴基斯坦的美国盟友的赞同,他的观点可能就会遭到驳斥,被当作一个典型的印度敌人的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. China's reluctance to act is largely due to its close relationship with Pakistan, the prism through which Beijing views much of the region. 中国采取行动的勉强态度很大程度上是由于它与巴基斯坦的紧密联系,而巴基斯坦是北京了解这个地区的透镜。 dongxi.net 4. A family member there has sought a meeting with Pakistan's ambassador to Yemen to ask about her fate and whether she is to return to Yemen. 她的一位家庭成员已经遇见巴基斯坦驻也门大使官员,并且问道了有关她的命运以及她是否打算回到也门。 wjd54105.blog.163.com 5. Ambassador Holbrooke appeared to be sympathetic with Pakistan's concerns. 布鲁克特使看来对巴基斯坦的担心表示同情。 www.putclub.com 6. "ETIM has become a generic term for any Uighur activist group that may or not have links with the Pakistan group, " he said. 他说,“东突成了任何维吾尔活动人士组织的通称,而不管他们跟巴基斯坦的那个组织有没有关系。” blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the study of a major city in ancient Pakistan, one of every 10 finds is related to playing games. Cynthia Graber reports. 对巴基斯坦的一座古代都市进行挖掘的结果是:每10个发现物当中就有1个与游戏有关。 www.bing.com 8. This was a brazen attempt to create Muslim-Christian tensions, and similar to plays in Iraq and Pakistan. 这是一次厚颜无耻的尝试,目的是在穆斯林和基督教之间制造紧张局势,与伊拉克和巴基斯坦的阴谋类似。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Forever Friends - Pakistan is a proxy for China against India and its eyes and ears in the region. 永远的朋友。巴基斯坦是中国对付印度的代理人,是中国在该地区的耳目。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In her absence, Pakistan has no national leader. 没有了布托,巴基斯坦就缺少了国家领导人。 www.ecocn.org |
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