单词 | of-fill |
释义 | of-fill例句释义: 全部 1. The individual thinks, must value option of fill a vacancy, what can do is all do right! 个人认为,一定要重视填空选择,会做的全部做对! www.nwpu.net 2. When Arlington workers returned later to prepare the grave site for a coffin burial of a spouse, they generally removed 7 ft. (2 m) of fill. 当工人阿灵顿晚些时候返回来准备一个配偶土葬墓地,他们一般填写拆除7英尺(2米)。 www.englishtang.com 3. When the penis erects , pass a series of the program increases flow of fill of the artery inside phallic sponge. 阴茎勃起时通过一系列的程序增加阴茎海绵内动脉灌流量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This paper designs the compositive valves which components of fill oil valves and lock valves, closed oil tank and device connector. 本文对系统的吸排阀和锁阀组成的集成阀块、密闭油罐及直驱式系统的其它连接部件进行了结构设计。 www.boshuo.net 5. Due to the all molded design, the gauge cannot be removed from the seal thus preventing loss of fill. 全注模的设计使计量表不能从密封条中移出,从而防止加注流体的流失。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. But the 2010 Guatemala sinkhole "is so huge that it's going to take a lot of fill material to fill it, " Currens said. 但是,2010年危地马拉的落水洞“太大了,可能需要很多的填充材料来填充它” word.hcbus.com 7. Meeting to vote principle: the number of fill to eat much, if finished, then the double complement to vote. 会议表决原则:填写数量吃不多,如果完成,然后重补投票。 www.qiyeku.com 8. Otherwise, we have did research for selecting scene of place of fill in garbage and engineering design. 此外,对垃圾填埋场的选址及工程设计要求进行了研究。 www.chemyq.com 9. The reason of fill factor with large difference was deduced to the resistance effect of devices by analyzing the impedance spectra. 2. 阻抗谱分析推断,三个器件相差较大的填充因子是由器件的电阻效应所致。 www.boshuo.net 10. First, the disposing technology and request of different soil ground will be analyzed in according to loading character of fill sub grade . 根据填石路基的工程特性,分析提出了填石路基不同土质地基的处理技术和要求; paper.pet2008.cn 1. Mecafill VKPV-CF guarantees absolute accuracy in terms of fill level. CF灌装机在灌装时能保证绝对精确的灌装高度。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Some of whom are to reap huge profits, using illegal means, to the belly of fill sand sea cucumber in order to increase the weight. 其中一些人获取暴利,利用非法手段,对填砂海参腹部,以增加重量。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Perhaps the easiest way to achieve this type of fill light is to use a built-in or on-camera flash. 也许最容易的方法去达到这个类型的填充光是使用一个内置或摄影闪光灯。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To record the number of fill chars. 以便标记填充字符的个数。 027safe.com 5. Therefore, we adjusted the price makes 001 less in the amount of fill in the 002. 所以我们调整了单价使得001少的金额在002中补上了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. You may have a choice of fill-flash mode or full-flash mode. 您可以选择使用补光闪光模式或完全闪光模式。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Above example uses a 1: 1 fill ratio in order to improve visibility of fill shadows. 以上的例子使用一个1:1填充比为了提高知名度填补阴影。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The way of doing is easy and boil of fill with some lemon juice in water, pour into some honeys again. 做法很简单,煮沸的水中加点柠檬果汁,再倒入一些蜂蜜。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Troubleshooting: plug removal and replacement of fill, dredge water pipe trench, the correct installation of seal ring; 排除方法:清除堵塞物,更换填料、疏通引水管沟槽,正确安装水封环; www.qiyeku.com 10. Summarization of Treatment tests of Dynamic Compaction of Fill Subgrade on Chongqing-Lingshui Expressway 渝邻高速公路填方路基强夯处治试验总结 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Studying the Thermal Stability of a series of Fill Calcium Medicament with DTA Method 用差热分析法测定补钙药物的热稳定性 www.ilib.cn 2. Characteristics of High Water Content Hardening Body and Analysis on the Mechanical Mechanism of Fill Body 高水材料硬化体特性及其充填体力学作用机理分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Media fill--Validation Method for Sterility Assure Level of Fill Line of Aseptically Processed Health Care Products 介质灌装技术--无菌加工医疗产品生产灌装线无菌水平的确认技术 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of Fill Joint Technique of Sticky Tape With Five-Retardant and Steel Wire Rope in Taoyuan Coal Mine 钢丝绳芯阻燃胶带填充式接头技术在桃园煤矿的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Experimental research on dynamic compaction of fill ground in Laicheng Power Plant 莱城电厂填土地基强夯试验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The Important Role of Using Methods of Fill Consideration in Solving the Problems of Physics 浅谈填补法在解决物理问题中的重要作用 www.ilib.cn 7. First, the structure of fill is changed, the structure of soil deformation is an important factor in the decision; 首先,土夹石填土的结构发生变化,土的结构是决定变形的重要因素之一; www.fabiao.net 8. An Orthogonal Regression Experiment on the Elastic Module of Fill in Xincheng Gold Mine 新城金矿充填体弹性模量的正交回归试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. education: according to the actual situation of fill ( example: full-time, adult . . . Please specify); 教育类别:根据实际情况填写(例:全日制、成人……请具体填写); companyadc.51job.com 10. Analysis and treatment of dewatering settlement of fill subgrade 填土路基降水沉降的分析与处理 ilib.cn 1. Crack Analysis of Fill-up Wall of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete and Crack Resistance 蒸压加气混凝土砌块填充墙体裂缝分析及防裂措施 ilib.cn 2. A Study of the Use of Grey Soft Measurement in the Detection of Fill-up Level of Ball Mills 灰色软测量在球磨机料位检测中的应用 ilib.cn 3. Reinforcement of strength and stability of fill ground beside bank 岸边填土地基的强度与稳定性加固 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Nonuniforming Settlement of Fill Subgrade, and Measures for Treatment 填方路基非均匀性沉降分析与处理措施 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Approach to Construction of Fill Subgrade of Express Highway 高速公路填方路基施工的探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. A method of hierarchy analysis process of fill list for College Entrance Examination 高考志愿填报的层次分析模型 www.ilib.cn 7. Frozen layer fraction at end of fill result 填充结束时的冻结层因子 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Analysis on the Stability of Fill of Extra Large Stopes in Anqing Copper Mine 安庆铜矿特大型采场充填体稳定性分析 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on Flowing Law of Fill Slurry in Stope 采场中充填料浆流动规律的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Bulk temperature at end of fill result 填充结束时的体积温度 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Simply Examination of Fill Ups of Tieshan Reservoir 铁山水库淤积简易测算 www.ilib.cn 2. minimum fill height of subgrade; minimum height of fill 最小填筑高度 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. Homogeneous compaction of fill slope 填土斜坡的均等压实度 www.englishcafe.cn 4. Gaining the Maximum Dry Density of Fill by Compacting Test 碾压试验确定回填料最大干密度 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Please attach your business card of fill this section 请附上您的名片或填妥本表 www.linda.com.cn 6. Automatic reduction of fill-in flash output 自动降低强制闪光时的光量输出 ba4alc.cqcqcq.com.cn 7. Application of Fill Way through Caving Zone 全充填法通过垮落带的技术应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Pressure at end of fill result 填充结束时压力 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Social Marginal Quantity of Fill 与社会边际供应量 www.jjxj.com.cn 10. Dpth of Fill Circular Tablet 环型片填充深度 www.yaoji-tianhe.com 1. Specifies the type of fill a 指定用来填充直线的 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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