单词 | owe |
释义 | owed是owe的过去式
第三人称单数:owes 现在分词:owing 过去式:owed 例句释义: 欠,归给…,有支付[偿还]义务,欠款,亏欠的,应支付的 1. The translator told me that I owed my life to the Taliban commander we had been staying with. 那位翻译告诉我,我欠那位与我呆在一起的塔利班指挥官一条命。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books. 麦考利享有财富、名声、地位和权力,而他在自传中却告诉我们他一生最幸福的时刻是从书中获得的。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, Who Helped me? 怀着对长者的无限感激,爱问另一位长者博学:“救我的是谁?” www.jysls.com 4. 'And I'll take this for what I'm owed, 'I said, and picked up the cloth of papers. “我把这东西带走抵账。”我捡起那个布裹着的小包。 www.okread.net 5. Today when he came into my store, I decided to just give him the computer unconditionally and write off all the money he owed me. 今天他再一次来店里,我决定免除他所余欠费,无条件的把电脑给了他。 pandagon.blog.163.com 6. Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books. 我们说,许多人拥有这个世界能给予的一切,然而他们却告诉我们,他们真正的幸福在很大程度上还是得之于书籍。 www.24en.com 7. When they arrived at the dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, love asked knowledge, another elder. 等他们到了陆地之后,长者独自离开了。爱突然意识到这位长者无私的救助,于是问另一个长者——知识。 www.hjbbs.com 8. The truth was that American conservatism owed much to Mr. Helms. 事实是美国的保守派欠Helms太多的东西。 www.ecocn.org 9. In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean. 在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。 dict.ebigear.com 10. The judge stated the actor is not entitled to any deductions and must pay the child support owed, in full, immediately. 法官宣布,梅尔-吉普森不享受任何的免除权,必须立即全额的支付所拖欠的抚养费。 gb.cri.cn 1. We've also made it easy to find out what's owed to you and your family. 我们也能很容易的发现欠你们和你们家庭什么。 putclub.com 2. Armand understanding, decided to leave his mother an estate sale to pay off the debt owed Margaret. 阿尔芒了解后,决定把母亲留给他的一笔遗产转让,以还清玛格丽特所欠下的债务。 wenwen.soso.com 3. James Grant was a journeymen carpenter who did not always pay his bills and who owed Maria three dollars. 詹姆士·格兰特是个常常欠债的流浪木匠,欠着玛利亚三块钱没给。 www.qeto.com 4. Jan owed her landlord so much rent that she DID a moonlight flit and got a new job up north somewhere. 简欠了房东很多房租,她突然出走,在北京某个地方找了个新工作。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Realizing how much was owed the elder, love asked knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me? " "It was time, " Knowledge answered. 爱意识到自己太欠那位长者的情了,于是她问另一位长者学识:“是谁帮了我?” blog.sina.com.cn 6. A shareholder of a company may bring an action against the company for breach of a duty owed by the company to him or her as a shareholder. 公司股东可因公司违反其对股东应尽之义务而对公司提起诉讼。 www.jjls.cn 7. He said Sister Souljah was a fine person who had done community service work and I owed her an apology. 他说索尔嘉妹妹是一位做过社区服务工作的好人,我应该向她道歉。 www.bing.com 8. The boss couldn't pay me ten thousand dollars he owed me but let me take it out in his car. 老板没付欠我的一万元,而是以他的汽车作为抵偿。 www.unsv.com 9. "If you spoke to her, she sincerely believed that this was owed to her and she had not done a thing wrong, " Mr. Mahler said. “如果你去问她,她很认真地相信这是她应得的,她没有做错任何事,”马勒称。 cn.nytimes.com 10. 34 And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed. 太十八34主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,直到他还清了一切所欠的债。 edu.china.com 1. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me? " 爱意识到它亏欠老者很多。它向另一位老者,知识,询问:“是谁帮助了我?” www.bing.com 2. Therefore, how much land price should be pay become key factor of state-owed land market turning. 因此,应补交地价的多少就成为划拨土地市场化的关键因素。 www.fabiao.net 3. If you're a professional or consultant working by the clock, you'll be able to keep track of how much you are owed with included Rate Clock. 如果您是专业人士或顾问工作由时钟,您可以随时掌握多少,你被拖欠率与包括时钟。 xtdownload.com 4. Davies told police that he had been on the roof trying to escape drug dealers he had seen and owed money to, Liverpool Crown Court heard. 戴维斯告诉警方,他来到屋顶上,是想躲避他见到且欠对方钱的毒贩,利物浦刑事法院审讯时得知。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She was the only one who'd read anything of Twilight, and I felt like I kind of owed it to my characters. They were so great! 她是唯一一个完整读过暮光之城的人,我觉得我欠我书中的角色,他们太棒了! www.yappr.cn 6. The entries he made in his ledger revealed who owed what to whom, and especially how much life had been borrowed by mammon from man. 他账簿的条目里透露了谁欠谁什么东西,特别是财神从人身上借走了多少时间。 www.douban.com 7. Unable to borrow the money it needed to pay off a large tax bill it owed, Cains put the company into administration on the same day. 由于无法获得急需的贷款来付清拖欠的大笔税款,该公司于当日宣布由政府托管。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I told him not to go out alone, but he said he had to find a man who owed him silver. 我告诉过他不要独自外出,但是他说他要去找个欠他银鹿的人。 www.cndkc.net 9. But no further information is available about how much Iraqi debt owed to China will be forgiven. 但是伊拉克对华所欠债务被免除的具体数字没有披露。 www.eoezone.com 10. The rogue of a dealer she'd offered to sell her furniture to, had been to see her creditors to ask how much she owed them. 她曾经提过要把她的家具卖给他的那个混蛋经纪人,已经找到了她的债主,问他们玛格丽特到底欠了他们多少钱; www.putclub.com 1. Suddenly one day, I was reminded of his wife owed rings, they are excited to want to pull her to go to Guilin, cleaning office cleaning. 突然有一天,我想起他的妻子欠那枚戒指,他们很高兴能想拉她去桂林,清洁办公室清洁。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. No one could doubt his grit or calm, even if he owed some of his steadiness to a prodigious consumption of cigarettes. 没有人可以质疑他的胆识远见和冷静沉著,虽然他有部份的稳健来自于他庞大的酗烟量。 www.bing.com 3. The glow in their hearts and the courage of their resistance they felt were owed to him more than to any other one man. 他们心中的热情和他们感到的反抗勇气最主要即是来源于他。 4. How can I see who signed up under me and how much commissions are owed to me? 我如何看到谁加入在我下面和获得多少佣金? ycc.gdi-taiwan.ws 5. I wonder why given his belief in freedom and liberty, he thought he owed her at least the symbolic idea that he left her to drown. 我疑惑,为何他把信仰寄托于自由和自主,却认为他欠了她的——至少在象征层面上——只因为他听任她沉溺? www.bing.com 6. Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me? " 爱突然意识到它亏欠老人的救助,它问知识,“谁救了我?” forum.drawchina.com 7. When they arrived on land, the elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder. 当他们抵达大陆时,老人开始了自己的旅途。爱这才意识到她欠了老人那么多。 dongman.verywind.com 8. And when he began to settle them, one who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him. 才算的时候,有人带了一个欠一万他连得银子的来。 edu.china.com 9. So if I simply sang the song into a recording device in the privacy of my own home, it wasn't clear that I owed the composer anything. 所以,如果在自己家里的私人空间用录音设备录我自己唱的歌,没有明确的规定说我是否得向作曲者付费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The central bank's inaction is owed to a particular set of Japanese circumstances as the economy moves out of a decade of deflation. 日本央行之所以按兵不动,是因为日本经济在摆脱10年通缩之际的一系列特殊环境。 www.ftchinese.com 1. One of my friends from China asked me how much of the federal debt was owed by the government to itself. 我的一个来自中国中国的朋友曾问过我政府自身究竟欠多少联邦债务。 www.bing.com 2. But first he owed an explanation to Ron and Hermione, who had stuck with him for so long, and who deserved the truth. 但他首先需要向罗恩和赫敏解释一下,这么长时间以来,他们一直忠心地陪伴他,现在应该知道真相了。 www.onlylz.com 3. Often, lenders did not make even the most basic of checks to see whether borrowers had the financial wherewithal to pay back what they owed. 经常,出借人甚至没做检查的最基本的看看是否借款人有金融必要的资力偿还他们欠的。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. To decide how much the Mapuches are owed and the best way to help them emerge from their poverty, Chile urgently needs a national debate. 智利现在急切需要一场全国性的辩论,来决定马普利人应该拥有多少土地以及帮助他们脱贫的最佳方法。 www.ecocn.org 5. He said he knew some of my friends, and mentioned the one who owed me money. 他提到他认识我的一些朋友,其中说到了那位欠我钱的朋友的名字。 haowen.net 6. Love re a liking how much he owed the elder a nd a sked Knowledge, a nother elder, "Who helped me? " 爱意识到他欠这个老人的太多,他问另一个老人——知识,“是谁帮了我?” blog.sina.com.cn 7. Mr. Vernon, about this time, put me in mind of the debt I owed him, but did not press me. 大约此时,弗农先生提醒我他的那笔欠款,但没有催我立即偿还。 www.kuenglish.info 8. But from another perspective, luck conservation, it is only God who owed a refund, those years luck always is not in the Sun. 但从另一个角度来说,运气守恒,这只是上帝对曾经亏欠的一次偿还,那些年运气始终不在太阳这边。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. At least he felt he owed it to me to tell the truth. 至少他还觉得对我有愧告诉我事实 www.tingclass.net 10. Liabilities represent the debts owed to others known as creditors, and are referred to as "payables" . 负债就是别人欠债权人的债务,通常被看作“应付款”。 www.fane.cn 1. The sallow-faced undertaker owed his invitation to the fact that his wife and the wife of the Don were the closest of friends. 这个脸色灰黄的人之所以被邀请来参加婚礼是因为他老婆和教父的老婆是非常亲密的朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. High Court in London has ruled the two Caribbean registered investment funds are entitled to claim payment of a large debt owed by Liberia. 伦敦高级法院裁决,两家加勒比海注册的投资基金有权向利比里亚追讨巨额债务。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. I may be the only person ever elected President who owed his election purely to his personal friends, without whom I could never have won. 我可能是完全靠自己的朋友赢得大选的唯一一位总统,没有他们的支持我永远不可能赢。 www.bing.com 4. He had no reasons for anything but gratitude towards her, he owed her his happiness, and yet, it was embarrassing to him to meet her. 他对她原只怀着感激的心情,他今天的幸福是从她那里得来的,可是遇见她总不免有些尴尬。 bbs.ycwb.com 5. Yet, ultimately, the cost of the debt owed to official sources will have to be cut by lowering interest rates or reducing sums outstanding. 不过,最终必须通过降低利率或削减债务余额的方式,来削减官方所持债务的成本。 www.ftchinese.com 6. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. 耶稣说,一个债主,有两个人欠他的债。一个欠他五十两银子,一个欠五两银子。 shengjing.911cha.com 7. He didn't dare to tell his parents about the money he owed Jack so he had to borrow from his sister. 他不敢告诉爸妈他欠杰克钱的事,他只能向姐姐借钱。 www.360abc.com 8. Many of them owed their good fortune in life to the Don and on this intimate occasion felt free to call him "Godfather" to his face. 他们中的许多人为一生的好运感激堂,在这个气氛融洽的场合当面叫他“教父”感到无拘无束。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. As a young man I felt White owed it to me to bring more of his mess or mice into play. 我年轻的时候,只嫌怀特讲他自己那些荒唐事还不够多,编的老鼠故事还不够多。 www.bing.com 10. 'We no longer can ignore what is owed to us, ' he said, adding that Washington owes the state billions of dollars for various programs. 他说,我们不能再无视自己应得的东西;他说华盛顿在若干项目上欠了加州数十亿美元。 c.wsj.com 1. I confess that I liked having my name on a new school; no one owed more to his teachers than I did. 我承认,我喜欢以我的名字命名一个新的学校;我从老师们那儿获益是最多的。 www.bing.com 2. I replied that he would be a much stronger prime minister were he to take office not feeling he owed anything to the big media groups. 我回答说,如果他上台时能做到一点都不觉得自己对大型媒体集团有所亏欠,就能成为一个更强的首相。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Describing Turing's treatment as "horrifying" and "utterly unfair" , Brown said the country owed the brilliant mathematician a huge debt. 将图灵的治疗描述为“令人恐怖的”和“完全不公平的”,布朗说国家欠这位杰出的数学家一笔巨债。 www.bing.com 4. Much the same is true of euro debt owed by eurozone countries that have no way of printing more of it for their own use. 同样许多欧元区的国家也无法印刷更多的它自己的钞票来偿还欧元债务。 www.bing.com 5. Don't you think you owed me that ? 你不觉得这是你欠我的吗? www.hjenglish.com 6. The United States had some $88 billion in short-term liquid liabilities owed to foreigners asa result of the balance of payments deficits. 由于国际收支逆差,美国拖欠国外的短期流动债务高达约880亿美元。 www.pay4.cn 7. I thought the remarkable tidiness must have owed much to a great number of dust bins on the street. 一直以为日本一定是垃圾桶异常多才达到如此高超的保洁水平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. On this view America's credit boom and bust owed as much to a savings glut in Asia as to laxity at home. 从这一点上来说,美国信贷的繁荣与萧条既是拜亚洲的过量储蓄所赐,又要归咎于国内的过量消费。 www.ecocn.org 9. The householder, whom she owed for her rent, said to her, "You are young and pretty; you can pay. " 向她要房租的房主人向她说:“您又年轻又好看。您总应当有法子付钱。” www.ebigear.com 10. That it has only fallen a bit since is owed to the leap in government borrowing to fund various stimulus programs. 到目前为止仅有小幅下降,这主要是因为政府大规模借债以便为各种刺激项目提供资金。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If there is anything fair about psychosis (and there is not), this was the least schizophrenia owed her. 如果精神疾病是美好的(实际上并不是),这至少是精神分裂症欠她的。 www.bing.com 2. This revival of animal spirits counts because so much of the downturn owed to a collapse in business spending. 统计上信心的恢复是因为前期商业支出的大量下降。 www.ecocn.org 3. That he owed his presidency to that "catastrophe" clearly did not matter. 而他的总统职位多亏那场“灾难”显然不算什么。 www.ecocn.org 4. He was not the kind of person who neverpaypaid the money he owed. 他并不是那种欠钱不还的人。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance . It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. 不管是你得到的或是你欠别人的,可你的财产、名誉和权势也都会变成和你毫不相干的东西。 www.hjenglish.com 6. And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. 才算的时候,有人带了一个欠一千万银子的来。 www.qeto.com 7. Also, companies will have to send out billing statements at least twenty-one days before a payment is owed. 另外,在欠款逾期至少21天之前,信用卡公司必须寄送帐单声明。 www.unsv.com 8. You may have had problems collecting money owed to you, or saw college financial aid decrease suddenly and precipitously. 你可能很难收回欠款,或者学校的资金补助陡然减少。 www.douban.com 9. Yes, Father, I have found it difficult enough to bear all that I owed before, but my biggest debt has not yet come. 对,父亲,本人也觉得接受本人以前欠下的一切那些债是十分艰难的,但是本人最大的那笔债务好没有但还款期限。 www.pjx8.com 10. Phil owed it to Annie to explain the matter. 菲尔应该就此事向安妮作出解释。 club.163.com 1. The log-house was full of smoke, to which we owed our comparative safety. 木屋里弥漫着硝烟,多亏了这,我们还算安全些。 hlj7.com 2. One day, this man sat still until the mid-night. He suddenly remembered someone owed him 100 yuan several months ago and did not pay back. 有一天,这个人静坐到半夜,突然想起有人几个月前借了他一百元钱,到现在还没还。 www.myechinese.org 3. Within a week, I received a call from EarthLink that said, due to a 10 cents per megabyte overage charge, I owed them 30, 000 dollars. 在一周内,我接到来自Earthlink网络服务提供商一个电话说,我网站流量超过十分之一GB超额费用我欠他们3000美元。 www.ted.com 4. They were all convenient excuses to hide behind and in some way justify why the world owed me a favor. 这些为我提供了方便快捷的借口,以躲在人后并解释了为什么老天爷得对我特别优待。 www.bing.com 5. the loan account shall constitute prima facie evidence with respect to any amount owed under this Agreement by the Borrower to the Fund. 贷款帐户应构成表面证据作出的任何欠款根据这项协议,由借款人向基金捐款。 www.zjfzyw.com 6. 30 But he would not; instead, he went away and threw him into prison until he would repay what was owed. 太十八30他却不肯,竟去把他下在监里,等他还清所欠的债。 edu.china.com 7. If this situation is all owed to continue, it will just keep getting hotter and hotter. 如果我们任由这种情形一直持续下去,地球就会变得越来越热。 www.100e.com 8. I am owed and savor the halcyon times. They reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that I can thrive. 而太平时光是我应得到的,我要尽情享受,它们为我注入活力以应对下一个险情,并确保我可以兴旺发达。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Two members were turned out for failing to pay the money that they owed . 因不交欠费,有两名会员被开除了。 www.bing.com 10. A company's profits were always written down in black ink, but all losses and all money owed was recorded in red ink. 一家公司的利润通常用黑墨水书写,而所有的损失和欠债都用红墨水记录。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Ay, ay, ' returned Morgan, 'I mind him; he owed me money, he did, and took my knife ashore with him. ' “嗯嗯,”摩根回答,“我记得他还欠我钱呢,上岸时还把我的刀子带走了。” www.jiaokedu.com 2. Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. 俱乐部有两个会员由于未能交纳欠款而被开除。 3. when William wished to return the money which he owed you why did you say: "Never mind! What until next week when you receive your salary. " 当威廉要还他所欠你的借款时,你为什么说:“不要紧!等到下星期你领到薪水再还好了”。 www.rr365.com 4. In its dispute with Belarus this week Russia started to cut gas supplies to its supposed close ally, claiming it was owed some $200m. 在过去的这周与白俄罗斯的争端中,俄罗斯声称由于白俄罗斯欠债2亿美元,切断了它所谓的亲密盟友的天然气供应。 www.ecocn.org 5. Any taxes, debts and other unpaid expenses owed by a missing person shall defrayed by the custodian out of the missing person's property. 失踪人所欠税款、债务和应付的其他费用,由代管人从失踪人的财产中支付。 www.chinalawedu.com 6. Every debt he owed in the world, including the pawnshop, with its usurious interest, amounted to less than a hundred dollars. 他在世界上欠下的每一笔帐,包括高利贷的当铺债务,加在一起也不到一百元。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. B owed C 2 dollar and the land he owned which he thought worth 4 dollar is now 1 dollar. 乙欠丙2元钱乙有土地,可是他曾经认为价值4元的土地现在却只值1元钱。 www.bing.com 8. They pitched two members out for failing to pay the money they owed . 他们把两名因未交纳所欠款项的会员开除出俱乐部。 dict.veduchina.com 9. You've owed me a hundred dollars for a month now, cough it up! 你欠我一百美元已经有一个月了,现在还给我! blog.sina.com.cn 10. It's nothing, really. I unexpectedly bumped into Ralph and he asked me to fork over the ten bucks I owed him. 没什么,真的。我无意中碰到了拉尔夫,他让我把欠他的十元钱还给他。 www.youtheme.cn 1. 60 per cent of that debt is owed to foreign banks; almost half of the total is due in the second quarter. 这些债务中有60%是对外国银行欠下的;接近半数在第二季度就要到期。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Still say: "What lend capital me a single cent or penny is not owed, those who touch petty gain is accrual stopped nevertheless. " 还说:“所借本钱我分文不欠,沾便宜的不过是利息罢了。” qyweb.org 3. Todd says that Francine said to her husband: 'You owed me that book, ' and Camus had agreed. 托德在书中写道,弗朗辛告诉丈夫加缪:“那本书是你欠我的。”加缪默认了。 www.bing.com 4. Mr. Taylor is seeking to take back the money he believes he is owed by his neighbor. 泰勒先生认为邻居欠他钱,想要回来。 www.hstc.edu.cn 5. 'It's just a better life. It really is, ' says Ms. Richey. Beforeing on her mortgage, she owed about $230, 000 more than the home was worth. 里奇说,我们过上了更美好的生活,真的是这样。在放弃缴纳月供之前,她的未偿贷款比房子市值高出了约23万美元。 www.suiniyi.com 6. The family owed him for the child's illness. 这家人因为孩子的病欠下了他的钱。 www.adlodigital.com.cn 7. We felt we owed the fans a good performance and three points. This keeps us on top of the league, so we're thankful for that. 我们觉得自己有义务用好的比赛为球迷赢得比赛。这让我们留在积分榜首,所以我们很高兴。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. It said the South owed almost $730m in unpaid expenses incurred since it gained independence in July. 据说,自7月份独立以来,南苏丹已欠下约7.3亿美元拖欠的费用。 www.voanews.cn 9. The year before he had owed his housekeeper's wages; now, as we have seen, he owed three quarters of his rent. 上一年,他已付不出女管家的工资,现在,他又欠了几个季度的房租未付。 www.ebigear.com 10. He knew well that he owed a debt to his uncle, so he was determined to prove that he was capable of doing the job well. 但因为他明白自己欠三伯一个人情,所以会更全心全意证明自己完全佩得起这份工作。 edu.qq.com 1. Past life owed you a little bit of dew, your life is forever tears . 过去的日子里亏欠你一滴露水,你的一生将要有眼泪伴随… dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It was nine o'clock. I hurried round to Prudence's. She asked me to what she owed this early call. 九点钟到了,我匆匆赶到普律当丝家里,她问我一清早去找她有什么事。 www.bing.com 3. I realize that I owed my life to Henry. He had given up all his time to look after me. 我意识到我欠亨利一条命,他花费了他所有的时间去照顾我。 angushe1987.spaces.live.com 4. A month elapsed before he coughed up the money he owed me . 一个月之后他才勉台地把欠我的钱还清。 www.bing.com 5. Also, companies will have to send out billing statements at least 21 days before a payment is owed. 另外,信用卡公司必须在欠款逾期至少21天内寄出账单通知。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. Ready or not, some day it will all. Matterwhat you owned or what you were owed. 不管是你得到的或是你欠别人的,可你的财产、。 www.baidu.com 7. He may have owed someone lots of money. Even so, his parents are well off, and he had enough connections to escape. 他可能欠了某个人不少的钱,即使他的双亲很富有,且他也有足够的对外连系管道得以逃脱。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. And almost a quarter of the 2006 rich owed their fortunes to the finance sector, compared with less than a tenth back in 1982. 2006年,大约有四分之一的商人的收益来自金融部门,而1982这一数字占不到十分之一。 www.ecocn.org 9. The detention and subsequent release by the Japanese authorities of a Chinese fishing captain owed more to cock-up than conspiracy. 日本官方扣押、随后释放中国渔船船长,更多的是因为“搞砸了”,而不是阴谋。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We owed the Shah a great deal for his unflagging loyalty during the October War . 我们应当大大感谢伊朗国王在十月战争期间表现的始终不渝的忠诚。 www.bing.com 1. And it was the administers of these empires who begin hiring people to keep track of the wheat and sheep and wine that was owed. 正是这些帝国的掌权人,开始雇佣人力,来记录别人欠下的麦子、羊以及葡萄酒。 www.ted.com 2. She was meticulous about paying her bills , insisting I make out a bill for what she owed . 她付钱时算得可细了,坚持让我把她应付给我多少钱逐项列出清单来。 www.bing.com 3. I gave her the money you owed her the moment I saw her. 我一见到她就把你欠她的钱给她。 csust.hnedu.cn 4. We owed him an enormous debt for trying to be a hero. And so that's why we all hung around. 萨根说,“在成为一个英雄这一点上我们都欠他一个巨大的债务,所以这就是为什么我们都挂着他的肖像。” www.bing.com 5. These viewpoints had the obvious progressive significance, but owed to his age limitation, he still had some flaws. 这些观点具有明显的进步意义,但由于他不可超越的时代局限,也有诸多不足。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This makes them more like capital controls since most foreign-currency liabilities are likely to be owed to foreigners. 这样就使得这些谨慎措施更像资本控制因为大部分外币所有权都归外国人所有。 www.ecocn.org 7. I asked her for the money she owed me, but she just fobbed me off with a stupid excuse. 我向她讨还欠款,她却胡乱找个藉口把我搪塞过去。 www.jukuu.com 8. I'll show these scoundrels I'm an honest woman, ' said my mother. ' I'll take what I'm owed and no more. “我要让那些流氓知道,我是个诚实的女人,”母亲说。“我只要收回欠帐,一个子儿也不多拿。” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The popularity of the film star owed more to television commercials than to her performance in films. 那个电影明星的受欢迎是靠电视广告而不是因为自己在电影中的表演。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 10. In the days leading up to his hearing, Geithner faced criticism over late payment of taxes owed from 2001 to 2004. 在听证会举行前的这些日子里,盖特纳由于在2001年至2004年间未及时缴纳税款而遭到批评。 www.america.gov 1. They made him pony up the money he owed. 他们逼他还债。 dict.netat.net 2. When a business goes bankruptcy, most of its creditors can collect only a portion of the debt owed to them. 当一个企业破产,其大部分的债权人可以收集只有部分属于他们的债务。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He knew others in his field owed much of their success to promoting their businesses at social events. 他知道同行业的其他人都善于在社交活动中促销。 www.elanso.com 4. We owed it to you that there was not a serious accident. 我们多亏了你才没有出严重的事故。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The parties agree that this sum is a debt owed by Borrower to Lender. 两边赞成,此金额是告贷人所负债务地第一步。 www.66553.com 6. I know full well that money has the power to influence people, but I refuse to pay extra for a service that is owed to me as a client. 我也知道金钱有能力去影响人们的行为,但是,作为一个顾客,我拒绝为自己应有的服务而买单。--如果你想得到你的车子,那你要重新考虑下。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. She learned the family business by watching her father dole out jobs and her mother keep a file of favours owed. 通过观察父亲帮别人找工作,母亲同时建立“人情债”档案,她学会了家族生意经。 www.ecocn.org 8. Over time, many workers significant amount of debt owed to the company store. 日积月累,许多工人欠下公司商店大笔债务。 www.englishtang.com 9. However, MS to help him because thieves stole table that owed him favors direct religious ties, put him up on the pirate ship. 但是MS因为小偷帮他偷过表,觉得欠他人情就硬生生把他拉上贼船。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Chrysler has asked the U. S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan for clearance to pay $753 million owed to dealers for sales incentives. 克莱斯勒已要求美国曼哈顿破产法院批准支付欠经销商的7.53亿美元销售奖。 www.bing.com 1. Finance management of state-owed enterprises can be divided into shareholder finance, operator finance and treasurer finance. 财务内控制度体系是现代企业内部管理制度体系的一个重要组成部分。 www.dictall.com 2. I need code written to take my existing code which validates values of what paid is what was owed. 我需要把我写的代码,验证现有的支付值的代码是什么什么是欠。 www.bing.com 3. China refused to be mollified, insisting it was owed an apology and compensation. 中国拒绝就此善罢干休,坚持日本应向其道歉并赔偿。 edu.51ielts.com 4. He compounded with his creditors for a remission of what he owed. 他和他的债权人谈妥免除其债务。 www.bing.com 5. Last summer, California issued $3bn of IOU's to creditors including residents owed tax refunds as a way of staving off a cash crisis. 去年夏天,作为一种拖延现金危机的手段,加州已经签发了30亿美元的欠条,包括加州民众应获得的税收返还款项。 www.bing.com 6. But he said in the end, revelations that Daschle once owed more than $100, 000 in back taxes could not be overlooked. 但他说最后,显示达施勒曾欠10万滞纳税金,这点不能忽视。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The mass effect of the stampede to liquidate increased the value of each dollar owed, relative to the value of declining asset holdings. 债务清算在质量效应方面,相对于正处于下降过程的资产持有数额价值而言,提高了美元的价值。 www.bing.com 8. He washed up in Cambodia in the 1990s, chasing a Vietnamese dealer who owed him money. 90年代,他来到柬埔寨找一位越南商人追债,他被搞得精疲力竭。 www.bing.com 9. Gabriel sold all his farm tools to pay what he owed for the sheep. 盖伯瑞尔卖掉了他所有的农具,为的是付他买羊所欠的钱。 www.okread.net 10. In addition, the Bank also notice demonstrably to identify the real name, identity card number and principal amount owed. 此外,银行还在公告中明明白白地标明了楼盘名称、欠款本金和身份证号码。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Luck owed us a lot and today it made a first payment, or at least a partial one. 幸运欠了我们很多,今天是它第一次的赔偿,至少是部分的。 www.f1-zone.net 2. So DNA had the structure, even though it owed it to probably different molecules carrying different sets of instructions. 所以DNA是有这样的一个结构,尽管说不同的分子很可能肩负着不同的职责。 www.ted.com 3. Accounts Receivable Money owed to the company by its' customers. 应收账款指公司客户欠公司的钱。 www.chinaacc.com 4. Much of Obama's overwhelming margin of success was owed to black voters, who made up about half of the overall turnout. 奥巴马的遥遥领先多半是由于黑人选民,他们几乎占全部投票人数的一半。 www.voanews.cn 5. All are 'cheap for a reason, ' meaning their low valuations are owed to investor concerns over their growth prospects. 所有这些公司股价之所以便宜都是事出有因的:投资者们对其增长前景感到担心。 cn.wsj.com 6. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. 无论你拥有的抑或你尚欠他人的也将无关紧要。 www.slideshare.net 7. It had apparently stopped paying what it owed earlier this year, when earnings for dry bulk carriers fell sharply. 当今年年初干散货船运收入大幅下降时,大新华物流显然停止了还款。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It will not matter what you owed or what you were owed. 无论你是欠别人的或是别人欠你的,都已不再重要。 www.godvoice.cn 9. He owed a good deal in the town, but his debts of honour were still more formidable. 他在本镇固然欠债很多,但赌债则更可观。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Jesus did her an extraordinary service merely by healing her. While she owed him plenty of praise, he didn't owe her any compliment at all. 耶稣没有她一个特殊的服务仅仅通过她的治疗。虽然她欠他受赞誉,他不欠任何在她所有的赞美。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Two members were ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that they owed. 俱乐部有两个会员由于未能交付欠款而被开除了。 www.jukuu.com 2. Having grown up in good times, Net Geners have laboured under the illusion that the world owed them a living. 成长在繁荣时代,令网络一代生活在一种错觉中,觉得这世界欠了他们点儿什么。 www.ecocn.org 3. My peers and I viewed work not as punishment but as a reasonable duty we owed to our classmates and elders. 我的同事和我都认为工作不是一种惩罚而是我们对于同学和长辈的一种责任。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. After he returned from Beijing, he returned all the money that he had owed. 从北京回来之后,他就把欠款还了。 www.24en.com 5. Every man has owed much to others , and ought to repay the kindness that has received . 每个人都欠别人的,理应馈赠他已得到的仁慈。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The student owed a great deal to his teacher. 那个学生应该大大感激他的老师。 www.tsedu.net 7. Under the current deal, the funds would only receive a small portion of the money owed them by Chrysler. 根据目前的协议,这笔资金将只收到一小部分钱欠它们的克莱斯勒。 usa.315che.com 8. All may be owed money by Lehman and want to preserve their interests in its reorganization, which will be overseen by a bankruptcy judge. 这些债主们都想通过向破产法官申诉,以求在雷曼兄弟的重组中分得自己的一杯羹。 www.bing.com 9. The two words owed their origin to the imitation by speakers of the sound made by a rapidly moving object. 这两个词的出现是来自于说话人模仿快速移动物体所发出的声音。 www.lhhy.cn 10. He owed a large amount of money to the bank. 他欠银行很多钱。 www.adlodigital.com.cn 1. Carrefour suppliers owed money, and require suppliers to bear the cost of unreasonable approach. 家乐福拖欠供应商货款,并要求供应商承担不合理的进场费用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. She owed it to him that she tided over the difficulties. 多亏他的帮助,她才渡过了难关。 school.ecp.com.cn 3. He owed a dealer a great deal of money. 他欠一个商人大量的钱。 www.ebigear.com 4. His trip to China began as a courtesy visit to call on customers that Goldarrow says owed $1. 2m in due payments. 他到中国是对客户进行礼节访问,Goldarrow称,这些客户欠了自己120万美元应付款。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Chocolate owed its first popularity to its use as a medicine. 巧克力首先作为一种药物受到人们的欢迎。 www.swissworld.org 6. Mr Johson owed the bank lots of money. 琼斯先生欠银行好多钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But his victory owed as much to local peculiarities as to new regional trends. 他的胜利既有赖于当地特点又有赖于整个地区的新趋势。 www.bing.com 8. Keep records of people who borrowed money from you, and make sure gently remind them that the money is owed to you. 对于曾经向你结果钱的人,你应该记得他们,并且保证适时的提醒他们他们欠你钱的事情。 www.elanso.com 9. In 244, the emperor Gordian III had been killed, and his successor Philippus Arabs owed the throne to Shapur. 在244,皇帝第三难解已被杀害,他的继任者菲利普阿拉伯人欠王位,以沙卜尔。 word.hcbus.com 10. Terms have yet to be agreed, partly because Nigeria is reluctant to take on debt owed to western majors. 双方尚未就具体条件达成一致,部分原因是尼日利亚不愿向西方大型石油公司借款。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They said he owed them about $157, 000 in wages, which the local government subsequently paid. 他们表示孙老板欠他们15.7万美金的薪水,这笔薪水随后由当地政府支付了。 blog.fltrp.com 2. When you feel hurt or your tears are gonna to drop. Pleottom look up and maintainexi amine the sky once owed to us. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流上去的时辰,那就速即昂首看看,这片已经属于我们的天际; 7.4455a.com 3. Steve finally coughed up the money he owed us. 史蒂夫最终勉强归还了他欠我们的钱。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The proposal has two tranches covering the $14. 4 billion owed to the bank lenders. 这项提议分为两批,涵盖144亿美元的银行贷款。 www.bing.com 5. His rise was spectacularly rapid, and owed not only to his contacts in the United States, but to his brutality. 他的迅速崛起不仅仅因为他在美国有关系,更因为他的残忍。 career.51youcai.com 6. Similarly, the private financial sector restructures private debt owed by nations when it makes financial sense to do so. 类似的,在对财务有益的情况下,私人财团整理国家所欠的债务。 www.elanso.com 7. The clubs all now become unsecured creditors in relation to any money they are owed, it added. 并且所有与它有关系的俱乐部现在都成为了非稳定性的债权人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. He gave me a lot of help. I owed much to him. 他给我许多帮助,我非常感激他。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. So a pension promise is a debt owed by the state; retirees may have even greater rights than a conventional creditor. 所以对员工许诺的每一笔养老金都是政府欠下的一笔债务,而这种情况下,退休人员要求偿还的权利可能比普通的债权人要大。 www.ecocn.org 10. What is the point of Jesus' story about the men who owed money? 耶稣提到那个欠债人的故事是为了说明什么? gbicp.org 1. The condition of taxable goods being stored in a warehouse until the taxes or duties owed on them are paid. 关栈保留将应纳税物品放在堆栈中,待交完关税或其它税后再取出 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But investors are certainly owed a compelling argument for why Citi can achieve far more than it has done. 但有人无疑欠投资者一个令人信服的说法:为什么花旗能够实现的成就,远远超出它迄今实际取得的业绩? www.ftchinese.com 3. Bankers are being asked to agree to a standstill on $22 billion of debt owed by struggling government-owned conglomerate Dubai World. 银行家们被要求同意在陷入困境的国有企业集团迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)的220亿美元债务上延期还款。 chinese.wsj.com 4. According to one notice , it said that she owed the bank $200, 00. 按一张通知单所说,她欠这家银行20万美元。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Introducing the fulfillment method to get a state-owed land into the market. 3. 介绍了我国划拨土地进入市场的实践方式。 www.fabiao.net 6. Many others simply supported my work for peace. Regardless of what happened, I thought I owed it to them to explain my proposal. 不论发生了什么,我认为都应该把自己的提议向他们解释一下。 www.bing.com 7. But at the time I was so excited by my good luck that I forgot what I owed to Joe. 但是,我的好运使我如此兴奋,我忘记要感谢乔。 www.okread.net 8. In December workers occupied a window factory in Chicago for five days to secure severance pay that they were owed. 在12月,工人们占领了一家芝加哥的窗户生产厂,时间长达5天之久,他们要求得到工厂欠下的解雇金。 www.ecocn.org 9. One major sticking point, however, is the money owed to bondholders . 一个主要的症结所在,但是,是拖欠债券持有人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. My friend was not adebtbeatdeadbeat. He was not the kind of person who neverpaypaid the money he owed. 但是不要误会,我的朋友不会赖账,他不是那种欠债不还的人。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Those deficits were run up to defeat something outside the budget process (and we owed most of the debt to ourselves). 累积这些赤字是为了打败预算程序之外的一些东西(而且大部分债务都是由我们自己造成的)。 www.bing.com 2. Are Indian lives considered so cheap that even the people of Bhopal, who are owed so much, can be treated like vermin? 难道说,印度政府对于人之生命,看得是如此廉价?以至于博帕尔的居民们,原本最该得到补偿的,实则像害虫一样被对待? www.bing.com 3. Secured lenders have strong legal grounds in bankruptcy cases for demanding repayment of all or most of the money owed to them. 在要求债务人偿还全部或大部分债务方面,有担保的放贷机构在破产案中有着强大的法律支持。 www.bing.com 4. By his calculation, more than 30 of the 80 or so countries that became freer in 1972-2000 owed some of the improvement to religion. 通过他的计算,大约80个在1972-2000期间变得更自由的国家中的30个,在宗教事务上已经有一定的改善。 www.ecocn.org 5. In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. 主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,等他还清了所欠的债。 www.ebigear.com 6. In the letter, the five employees asked for the overtime pay they said is owed them and for compensation for health damages. 在信中,这五名员工要求古奇支付所欠的加班工资和他们的健康损失。 www.bing.com 7. Radio is an avocation , never interfering with duties owed to family , job, school, or community . 无线电是业余爱好,不容许因此妨害他的家庭、工作、学业和对社会应尽的义务。 www.bing.com 8. The final chapter is the core content of this paper, constructs an operation mode of Non-profit State-owed Assets. 最后一章为本文的核心内容,即构建了四川省非经营性国有资产的运营模式。 www.fabiao.net 9. Henry was ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that he owed. 亨利由于未能交付欠款而被逐出该俱乐部。 www.jukuu.com 10. Most loans are owed by one state-owned entity to another (a state-run bank). 大多数贷款其实是一个国企欠另一个国企(国家运营的银行)的款项。 chinese.wsj.com 1. I smiled. "We owed you a favor, " I said. 我笑了,“我们本来就欠你个人情。”我说。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Readers who enjoy arithmetic can now answer a further question: what proportion of the federal debt is owed to foreigners? 喜欢算术的读者现在能回答一个进一步的问题:外国持有的联邦债务比例是多少? www.bing.com 3. Only the oldest of those studied, between 28 and 34, began showing signs of stress about the money they owed. 只有那些年纪较大,在28至34岁间的人才会因为欠债而倍感压力。 www.24en.com 4. He had to take steps to repay the 470 rubles which he owed to this total stranger. 他已采取步骤470卢布偿还欠他这个素不相识。 www.cqwx.net 5. Buffett said that if those contracts had expired at the end of 2010, Berkshire would have owed $3. 8 billion and made a profit. 巴菲特称假如这些合约在2010年末到期,伯克希尔公司将为这些合约支付38亿美元的赔款,目前账面上还是盈利的。 www.bing.com 6. What really interested Shylock was the interest people owed him. 真正使夏洛克感兴趣的是人们欠他的利息。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Part of his salary was attached by shopkeepers to whom he owed money. 他的一部分薪金被店主们扣下来偿还他所欠的债。 www.jukuu.com 8. Sam's mother had to sell the farm to pay the money her husband owed. 山姆的母亲为了替丈夫还债,不得不卖掉了家庭农场。 www.remword.cn 9. On a business trip to America, where he is himself owed money, he decided to stay put. 一次他前往美国做生意,便决定留在美国继续做那个有钱的自己。 club.topsage.com 10. He probably never would have mentioned the money that was owed to him, but somebody in Nucla told me and I asked about it. 赊账的事我是在纽克拉听别人说的,要不是我去问他这事,他可能永远都不会提起它。 www.bing.com 1. In France, King Philip IV owed the Templars a lot of money, which he didn't really feel like repaying. 法国国王菲利普四世欠了圣殿骑士团不少债,事实上他也压根没想过要还债。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Bank loans and striking deals with various people to pay only a part of what they are owed by Mr. Williams. 商人阿布迪先生,通过从银行贷款和与各种人做交易,只支付威廉斯先生所欠他们钱财的一部分等方法, www.best1.cn 3. The hours owed must be paid back the next month. 但是本月不足的时间数在下个月必须补齐。 www.qwind.net 4. The shareholder, not the citizen, is the fundamental unit to whom stewardship is owed. 这些分赃者,而不是人民,才是国家管理工作的基本单位。 ltaaa.com 5. indicates that some purchases are owed, and the decrease of accounts payable indicates that the prior purchases are paid in this period. 应付账款的增加意味着某些购货是赊欠的,而应付账款的减少则意味着前期的购货在本期予以支付。 www.jukuu.com 6. His operation has made a lot of money recently, and according to his contract Mr. Hall is owed $100 million. 最近他的操作获利丰厚,按合同花旗欠他1亿美元。 www.bing.com 7. Another part would specifically help people with dwellings whose market value has sunk below the principal still owed on the mortgages. 另一部分工作将具体帮助那些其住房市场价值已经低于所欠的抵押贷款的人。 www.bing.com 8. A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated. 本金作为债务的一笔钱,以此为基础来计算利息 bbs.gter.net 9. Private duties owed by one person (including corporation) to another are established by civil law. 由民法调整的是个人包括公司对他方产生的私人责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was the least he owed them. 这是他欠他们的最不重要的东西。 www.tianya.cn 1. This, right Gansu Province is owed so develop for province, appear particularly important, especially pressing. 这一点,对甘肃这样一个欠发达省份来说,显得尤为重要、尤其紧迫。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. Even the transformation of the social custom should be owed to the merchants. 徽商是近代徽州社会变迁的主要推动力量。 www.fabiao.net 3. In doing this he would satisfy everybody - the grocer, his sister, Ruth, and even Maria, to whom he owed a month's room rent. 他一去工作各方面都会满意的——杂货店老板,他姐姐,露丝,甚至玛利亚都会满意。他已经久了玛利亚一个月房租; www.ebigear.com 4. And , of course, they add to the balance the amount each bank is owed. 当然,还要把其他银行对这个银行的欠款加到余额中去。 www.hxen.com 5. The portion of a corporation's taxable income owed to federal, state, and other income tax authorities. 所得税费用是公司欠联邦政府、州政府、和其他所得税权威机构的应税所得的部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This means that the creditors, i. e. those who are owed money by the enterprise, will demand that the enterprise be liquidated. 意思是说,那些债权人,比如说企业的投资人,就会要求对企业进行清算。 bbs.qiuyang.com 7. Uh-oh. Ms. Gunning immediately told the girls they had to double the number of compliments they previously owed each other. 这么做不对。泰美拉马上对孩子们说,她们必须把之前欠下的赞美次数加倍。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The topic will have something to do with a payout you need to make, or money that is owed you that you couldn't seem to get. 你将会有一些支出,或者被你拥有的金钱,但是你找不到方法去得到。 group.mosh.cn 9. the amount of debt owed on homes has outpaced home equity for the first time since the Federal Reserve began tracking the data in 1945. 自联邦储备局于1945年开始记录数据以来,房产欠债额首次超过了房屋的资产净值。 www.chinastargps.org 10. This owed something to the press which had all but degenerated into an ahmen chorus to the Obama operation. 这一定程度上是因为当时媒体几乎都堕落成了奥巴马竞选活动的应声虫了。 www.ecocn.org 1. The amount owed to you and other lenders is the national debt. 欠您和其他出借人的金钱数就是国债。 www.seed.slb.com 2. We have paid up all that owed. 我们已全部付清欠款。 www.tingclass.net 3. Billions loaned to A. I. G. have gone to pay debts owed to Goldman Sachs and other American and foreign banks. 借款给AIG的数十亿美元已经用于偿付欠高盛以及其它美国与外国银行的债务。 www.unsv.com 4. State debt owed to foreigners and foreign ownership of key national assets have regularly created political problems. 本国所欠的外债和外国人对本国关键资产的所有权经常引发政治问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. For those countries that were owed money, debt relief cost next to nothing, and no one noticed. 对于那些债权国来说,债务减免,真是九牛一毛,差不多是毫发无伤。 xianguo.com 6. This form allows the county Deputy Sheriff or municipal Constable to seize and sell the Defendant's property to recover the amount owed. 该表格授权县司法长官或市警察局长没收并出售被告财物来归还所欠款项。 www.24en.com 7. When I am free, I am remind of the time owed you and me, though it was a short time in zhengzhou city. 当我闲着的时候,我常会想起你和我独处的时间,尽管只是在在郑州的很短的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The young businessman owed his failure to his ignorance. 年轻商人把自己的失败归结为他的无知。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. They asked him to pay what he owed them. 他们要他偿还欠他们的债务。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In the past Cooperation, we have satisfied the company had once owed money? 以往的合作,我们公司纳一次拖欠过货款? bookapp.book.qq.com |
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