单词 | no matter how much | ||||
释义 | no matter how much
例句释义: 不管多少,无论多少 1. But no matter how much we want that we still cannot control the time. 但是不管我们多么强烈的希望,我们都不能控制时间。 www.bing.com 2. If Fabio Capello thinks it's right then he's got to do it - no matter how much criticism he's going to get. 如果卡佩罗认为他这样做是对的——那不管多少批评他都要继续做下去。 sinaurl.cn 3. The delivery costs 6mb no matter how much you order, and they specifically put on their website that you DON'T HAVE TO TIP. 外卖费为6元,无论你点了多少东西,并且他们特别在网站上写了不用给小费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I'll get the car fixed no matter how much it costs. 不管花多少钱我都得让人把车修好。 mengxiangju2009.blog.163.com 5. Keep in mind that no matter how much care you take to avoid the whiff of spam, there's a chance that some of your recipients will complain. 请记住,无论你多么小心地在避免(你的电子邮件)带上垃圾邮件的味道,总是难免遭到少数收件人的抱怨。 www.bing.com 6. No matter how much others praise, love or admire us, unless we feel that way on the inside, we'll end up rejecting their love. 无论我们受到多少的赞扬,爱和敬仰,只有我们内心感受到爱才行,否则最终会拒绝他人的爱。 www.bing.com 7. No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess. 不管我们多么爱吃蜂蜜,或读过多少关于蜜蜂具有神秘的识别方向的灵感的书。 www.nexoncn.com 8. No matter how much she gives you "the butterflies" ! 不论她给了你多少“白眼”! www.bing.com 9. In real life it is simply not the case, because no matter how much you try to streamline your pages, there are always delays. 但在现实生活中却完全不是这么回事因为无论你如何尽量简化你的页面延迟还是存在的。 www.bing.com 10. No matter how much you love your romantic partner, you need to have new outlooks and new perspectives. 无论你如何深爱着你的另一半,你都需要有个全新的视角和观点。 www.bing.com 1. or of all those who stop work as soon as soon as the siren goes, no matter how much waste and damage is caused. 或所有那些停止工作,他们很快就会尽快警报器走,不管多少浪费和造成损坏的。 wenwen.soso.com 2. It seems that no matter how much care you take, sooner or later, your code will become a maze. 似乎看起来不管你采取什么方式,编码之路迟早会走向迷途。 www.bing.com 3. Since a timeline is not to be revealed this crop circle does not indicate a timeline no matter how much it might be scrutinized. 由于时间点是不能被泄露的,这个麦田圈也没有指明时间,无论对它看得多么仔细也(看不出时间点)。 www.56gk.com 4. No matter how much the price is, we will defend our islands. 无论代价多么大,我们都将保卫我们的岛屿。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. No matter how much we have , it seems that there is always something more to strive for. 不论我们已经拥有了多少,我们似乎总是努力想追求更多的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go. 不管他如何威胁或乞求,“苦难”阿姨都没有让树放走死神先生。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. No matter how much risk they take or how they manage it, they can borrow at rock-bottom interest rates. 无论他们承担着多大的,怎样管理它的风险,它可以一最低的利率借款。 www.ecocn.org 8. Blame the retailers not people. We ALL buy Chinese stuff no matter how much we like it we have no choice. 指责零售商,别指责百姓。不管我们喜不喜欢中国东西,我们都在买,我们没有选择。 www.tieku.org 9. Don't put other people's concern for granted, no matter how much he loved you and, ultimately, also can have a day of fatigue. 不要把别人的关心当成理所当然,无论他有多爱你,终极也会有疲劳的一天。 www.haoqq.net 10. (115)He had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost. 不管花多少钱,他也得把车子修好。 www.ebigear.com 1. No matter how much software we build, people build the relationships, and they build them out of words first. 不管我们制造了多少软件,人们都会建立起他们之间的关系,并首先通过语言来强化这种关系。 www.bing.com 2. My eyelids turned to lead, and no matter how much I tried to wipe away the blurry fog of sleepiness, my brain refused. 眼皮沉重,无论怎样努力试图驱赶走朦胧的睡意,我的大脑却不听这一套。 2008.qq.com 3. But no matter how much we maximize crop yield per acre, the limiting factor for food production is land. 但是不管我们如何最大化粮食亩产量,最大的制约因素还是土地。 www.bing.com 4. As a woman, once you fall in love with someone married, no matter how much the man loves you, you are doomed to end up with tragedy. 作为一个女人,一旦你沦为别人的情妇,做别人婚姻的第三者,不管那个男人多么爱你,你最终都注定以悲剧收场。 www.ebigear.com 5. Over time, no matter how much memory you have, your mobile system will slowly lose memory, bringing you to a critical state. 随着时间的推移,无论你有多少内存,您的移动系统会逐渐失去记忆,使你的临界状态。 www.xjttt.com 6. But it's even more important to be investing your money, no matter how much you're making. 但是投资你的金钱更重要,不论你投了多少。 www.bing.com 7. No matter how much you love him, you should not get breast implants for him. 再爱他,也不必为他去隆胸。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. No matter how much I practice, I can't make drawings of you pretty enough. 无论我怎么练习,却总画不出你足够的美。 q.sohu.com 9. No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs best. 无论他对各种动物有多喜欢,他最喜欢的是狗。 www.xfblog.com 10. It is easy to ignore manners when we get too close, but he is always the same as when we first met, no matter how much time passes. 当人们太亲近时就会容易忽视礼仪,但无论时间如何流逝,裴勇俊的举止永远如我们初次见面时一样。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Sooner or later your bad deeds will catch up with you, and then no matter how much money you have, it won't do you any good. 早晚有一天你会遭报应,那个时候不管你有多少钱也救不了你。 www.for68.com 2. NO MATTER how much he provokes them, Italians seem unable to dislodge Silvio Berlusconi. 无论西尔维奥?贝卢斯科尼怎么激怒意大利人,老百姓似乎都无法赶他下台。 www.ecocn.org 3. Sometimes no matter how much you want things to happen, all you can do is wait. And usually waitting is the hardest part. 有時候,不管你多希望它發生,你能做的也只有等。而且,等待往往是最艱難的部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The problem is, no matter how much tax we pay, it won't get the budget in balance. 问题是,不管我们缴多少税,政府收支也难以得到平衡。 www.fortunechina.com 5. He had to get the car fixed, no matter how much it cost. 不管花费多高,他都必须得修车。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. But no matter how much more than $75, 000 people make, they don't report any greater degree of happiness. 而那些年薪高于$75000的人,他们的幸福指数不会因为工资的高低而变化。 www.bing.com 7. The old days are like a dead person and you cannot revive a dead person no matter how much you long for them. 对于旧时光真的无法回头,它就像故去的人一样,无论你多么渴望与他们同在,也不可能把他们复活。 www.bing.com 8. No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isn't safe. 不管你多么想游泳都不要在这里游泳,这里不安全。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Yet we seem to hold it together in the office no matter how much time we spend there. 但无论在办公室工作多久,我们都能保持相对优雅的状态和同事相处在一起 www.bing.com 10. changes that will be beneficial no matter how much of a threat global warming turns out to be. 亦即,不论全球温度上升的威胁实际上是大是小,做起来都有好处的一些改变。 www.rrting.com 1. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. 但是,如果该人患有一种可怕的疾病,那么不管多少钱,他可以赚,他仍然会导致悲惨的生活。 www.8875.org 2. City homes have no water meters, so all householders pay the same water bill no matter how much they use. 温哥华人家里都没有水表,所以的家庭不论他们用多少水都支付相同的水费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The sun will always remember the moon, no matter how much the moon likes the stars. 太阳会一直记得月亮,无论月亮有多么喜爱星星 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I will always remember you, my dear, no matter how much you love her. 而我会一直记得你,无论你有多么热爱她 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I have to get the car fixed no matter how much it costs. 无论多贵我都必须把车修好。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Every time I receive my gift, no matter how much, my friend Bill (Bill) will never forget the grateful. 每次收到我的礼物,不管多少,我的朋友比尔(Bill)决不忘记表示感激。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. From the physic point of view, no matter how much the wavelength is , the color it may have. 从物理学的观点来看,不同的波长有多少种,颜色就有多少种。 bbs.kekenet.com 8. Fourth wife is our body. No matter how much time during the lifetime cost and effort to repair, once gone, it left us physically. 第四位妻子是我们的身体。无论在世时耗费多少时间和精力去保养,一旦离开人世,身体也就离我们而去。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. In my opinion, parents do not owe their children an inheritance, no matter how much money they have. 无论父母多么有钱,他们也不欠子女一份遗产。 www.jukuu.com 10. If that's the case, no matter how much you love them, you need to accept it. 如果这样,不管你有多爱他们,你必须接受。 www.elanso.com 1. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, they just can't love you back in the same way. 无论你多么爱一个人,她却不能给你同样多的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. No small nation would be so stupid, no matter how much the US tries to make other countrys leaders look like mad men. 世上没有那么愚蠢的小国,不管美国如何尽力把别国的领导人描述成疯子。 www.tianyayidu.com 3. Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them. 不管我们如何努力去研究,构思是不可能一日之内达臻完善的。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. The important matter regarding money, no matter how much one has, is to be as big as one's money. 关于金钱很重要的一点是,不管你有多少,你自己本身要同你的钱一样有价值。 www.bing.com 5. "If they asked me to work inside the mercury workshop I wouldn't do it, no matter how much they paid, " said another young male worker. “如果他们要我去水银车间工作我不会去的,不管他们开多高的薪水,”另外一个年轻男工人说。 www.bing.com 6. But it's a dream that never come true, because no matter how much we get, we still want a little more. 但那是一个永不会实现的梦,因为无论我们得到多少,我们还会乞求更多。 club.bandao.cn 7. Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm. 剔除道德破产的人,不管多少钱为他们公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Show them the courtesy of listening to what they have to say, no matter how much you disagree. 不管你如何不同意,都要表现出倾听的礼貌。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No matter how much you will post on various forums, you will not get quality team members. 不管你在不同的论坛发多少帖,你也无法找到合适的团队成员。 www.cnblogs.com 10. No matter how much the hottie at the bar flirted with you last night, it's best to assume that he won't call. 昨天晚上酒吧里,那个帅哥不管和你多么暧昧地调情,你最好还是不要期待他会打电话过来。 www.bing.com 1. No matter how much we grow up, while at least one parent is alive there's always a sense of having someone to fall back on. 我们不管多大了,只要父母当中至少还有一个活着,就总感到可以有所依赖。 www.jukuu.com 2. But as Wal-Mart can attest, no matter how much people say they want to buy American, they usually end up going with whatever's cheaper. 但是,正如沃尔玛已经证明的那样,不管有多少人(口头爱国者)声称他们希望购买美国货,他们最终还是要买最便宜的那个。 www.bing.com 3. FRANCESCA: No matter how much distance we put between us and this house, I carry it with me. And I'll feel it every minute we're together. 弗朗西斯卡:不管我们走得多远,我都不会忘记这个屋子,当我们在一起的时候,我会感受到这屋子里的一切。 www.bing.com 4. No matter how much you think, you NEED to take action. Developing a just do it mindset takes times. 不管你想多少,最总还是要采取行动。 www.bing.com 5. No matter how much parents pay, only half of all children can attend schools in the top half. 不管父母们出价多少,所有孩子中,只有一半能上排名前50%的学校。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Don't take my care as behoove, no matter how much I love you, will eventually have a tired day. 不要把我的关心当成理所当然,不管我有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。 wenku.baidu.com 7. No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken. 无论一个人观察能力有多强,从认知到行动这一步总是难以跨越。 www.eng8.net 8. No matter how much money I make in a trade, I am rarely ever satisfied and feel that I could have made more. 无论一笔交易赚了多少钱,我总是不满足,总以为自己可以赚的更多。 www.bing.com 9. No matter how much a government may tax its economy, there is a problem turning the money into foreign currency. 不论政府可以对其经济征收多高的税,都存在将这些钱转换成外币的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He will take surfing lessons, no matter how much they cost. 无论花多少钱,他都要参加冲浪课。 ts33z72b.blog.163.com 1. No matter how much you love yoga, taking a yoga mat on a trip may seem a little over the top. 无论你多热爱瑜伽,出门旅行的时候还带着瑜伽垫都有点点过头。 www.bing.com 2. No matter how much I may feel for you, how much I may feel on my own account, I can't leave Rome in the midst of a vital congress. 不管我对你有多少感情,不管我个人有多少感情,开着这么重要的会议,我不能就这样中途离开罗马的。 www.putclub.com 3. No matter how much concern and counselling I showed to these students, I was unable to establish a fruitful experience. 不管我向这些学生怎么表示关心、提出忠告,我都无法建立起一种富有成效的沟通。 dict.ebigear.com 4. I had to get the car fixed no matter how much it cost. 我必须请人修理汽车,不论要花多少钱。 5. But no matter how much money you make, you'll never be rich. 不管你赚多少钱你永远都不会富足 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There is evidence that Americans will continue to eat what they want, no matter how much information they have available to them. 有证据表明,美国人将继续吃所欲,不管他们有多少资料提供给他们。 actuafreearticles.com 7. No matter how much progress you make there will always be the people who insist that whatever you're trying to do is impossible. 无论你取得了多大的成绩,始终都会有人坚持认为你所做的一切都是不可能的。 www.mwjx.com 8. Being agile and flexible means that no matter how much I love this idea I have to be flexible. 敏捷和灵活意味着,无论我多么爱这个想法,我必须要灵活处理问题,面对可能会有的妥协和放弃。 dongxi.net 9. No matter how much care is taken in making any decision, a negative or unintended outcome is always a possibility. 不管决策时多么谨慎,总可能会出现一些负面的或料想不到的结果。 www.elanso.com 10. No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene. 如果测试显示你有异常的乳腺癌基因,不论之前有多少思想准备,你都会深受打击。 www.bing.com 1. And no matter how much the account grows or shrinks you will keep trading this position size. 不管有多少帐户的增长或缩小你将继续这一立场的交易规模。 blog.cnfol.com 2. Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it. 请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。 www.bing.com 3. It cannot be expelled by a simple action, no matter how much its victims try to hide it. 它不能够通过一个简单的行为而祛除,不管其受害者多么想隐藏它。 kk.dongxi.net 4. No matter how much clothes you wear, the wind will still get you. 不管穿多少,风总是能刮到你。 talk.tingvoa.com 5. But, like it or not, we will probably have to share our harvest with the Chinese, no matter how much that raises our prices. 但是,不管我们喜欢与否,我们可能要与中国人分享我们的收获,无论这在多大程度上导致我们的食品价格上涨。 bbs.huanqiu.com 6. No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs the best. 不管他多么喜欢各种动物,他还是最喜欢狗。 resource.ahedu.cn 7. no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded. 不管我如何恳求,不管我如何乞求。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses. 我明白了无论你有多在乎,总有一些人像傻子一样,他们就是不理解你。 www.elanso.com 9. That is a part of their DNA and the hard truth, no matter how much women may hate or despise this fact. 这一部分是由他们DNA所决定,女人再怎样厌恶或是轻视这个事实,都无法改变这个硬道理。 bbs.internet.org.cn 10. No matter how much wind and rain, go far, we have been accompanied by quest, never give up! 无论风雨多大、路途多远,我们一直相伴相随,永不放弃! blog.sina.com.cn 1. No matter how much care is taken in making any decision, a negative or unintended outcome is always a possibility. 不管决策时多么谨慎,总可能会出现一些负面的或料想不到的结果。 www.elanso.com 2. No matter how much money, we must make every effort to extend the life of a girl infected with AIDS. 16不管花多少钱,我们都要尽最大努力延长这位感染艾滋病的姑娘的生命。 wenwen.soso.com 3. MR ZHU: No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isn't safe. 朱先生:不管你多么想去洗海水澡,这总是不安全的。 rrting.com 4. No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene. 如果测试显示你有异常的乳腺癌基因,不论之前有多少思想准备,你都会深受打击。 www.bing.com 5. And no matter how much the account grows or shrinks you will keep trading this position size. 不管有多少帐户的增长或缩小你将继续这一立场的交易规模。 blog.cnfol.com 6. Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it. 请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。 www.bing.com 7. It cannot be expelled by a simple action, no matter how much its victims try to hide it. 它不能够通过一个简单的行为而祛除,不管其受害者多么想隐藏它。 kk.dongxi.net 8. No matter how much clothes you wear, the wind will still get you. 不管穿多少,风总是能刮到你。 talk.tingvoa.com 9. But, like it or not, we will probably have to share our harvest with the Chinese, no matter how much that raises our prices. 但是,不管我们喜欢与否,我们可能要与中国人分享我们的收获,无论这在多大程度上导致我们的食品价格上涨。 bbs.huanqiu.com 10. No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs the best. 不管他多么喜欢各种动物,他还是最喜欢狗。 resource.ahedu.cn 1. No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene. 如果测试显示你有异常的乳腺癌基因,不论之前有多少思想准备,你都会深受打击。 www.bing.com 2. And no matter how much the account grows or shrinks you will keep trading this position size. 不管有多少帐户的增长或缩小你将继续这一立场的交易规模。 blog.cnfol.com 3. Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it. 请记住,每个参数都可能被改变,不管你对它做了多少隐藏和混淆。 www.bing.com 4. It cannot be expelled by a simple action, no matter how much its victims try to hide it. 它不能够通过一个简单的行为而祛除,不管其受害者多么想隐藏它。 kk.dongxi.net 5. No matter how much clothes you wear, the wind will still get you. 不管穿多少,风总是能刮到你。 talk.tingvoa.com 6. But, like it or not, we will probably have to share our harvest with the Chinese, no matter how much that raises our prices. 但是,不管我们喜欢与否,我们可能要与中国人分享我们的收获,无论这在多大程度上导致我们的食品价格上涨。 bbs.huanqiu.com 7. No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs the best. 不管他多么喜欢各种动物,他还是最喜欢狗。 resource.ahedu.cn 8. no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded. 不管我如何恳求,不管我如何乞求。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses. 我明白了无论你有多在乎,总有一些人像傻子一样,他们就是不理解你。 www.elanso.com 10. That is a part of their DNA and the hard truth, no matter how much women may hate or despise this fact. 这一部分是由他们DNA所决定,女人再怎样厌恶或是轻视这个事实,都无法改变这个硬道理。 bbs.internet.org.cn 1. It cannot be expelled by a simple action, no matter how much its victims try to hide it. 它不能够通过一个简单的行为而祛除,不管其受害者多么想隐藏它。 kk.dongxi.net 2. No matter how much clothes you wear, the wind will still get you. 不管穿多少,风总是能刮到你。 talk.tingvoa.com 3. But, like it or not, we will probably have to share our harvest with the Chinese, no matter how much that raises our prices. 但是,不管我们喜欢与否,我们可能要与中国人分享我们的收获,无论这在多大程度上导致我们的食品价格上涨。 bbs.huanqiu.com 4. No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals, he loved dogs the best. 不管他多么喜欢各种动物,他还是最喜欢狗。 resource.ahedu.cn 5. no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded. 不管我如何恳求,不管我如何乞求。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses. 我明白了无论你有多在乎,总有一些人像傻子一样,他们就是不理解你。 www.elanso.com 7. That is a part of their DNA and the hard truth, no matter how much women may hate or despise this fact. 这一部分是由他们DNA所决定,女人再怎样厌恶或是轻视这个事实,都无法改变这个硬道理。 bbs.internet.org.cn 8. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you do, it will never be enough. 不管你拥有多少,不管你能做多少,总是不足够的。 hourofpower.org.hk 9. No matter how much I eagerly looked up, tears or blurred eyes. No matter how much I strong turned, the next second or cry out sound. 不管我多么倔强的抬头,泪水还是模糊了双眸。不管我多么坚强的转过身,下一秒还是哭出了声响。 www.bing.com 10. He also used to eat fish on Fridays and no matter how much we sprayed the office with air freshener he would not get the hint. 他每周五还会吃鱼,不管我们往办公室喷多少空气清新剂,他都理解不到。 www.ftchinese.com 1. no matter how much I begged, no matter how much I pleaded. 不管我如何恳求,不管我如何乞求。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just jackasses. 我明白了无论你有多在乎,总有一些人像傻子一样,他们就是不理解你。 www.elanso.com 3. That is a part of their DNA and the hard truth, no matter how much women may hate or despise this fact. 这一部分是由他们DNA所决定,女人再怎样厌恶或是轻视这个事实,都无法改变这个硬道理。 bbs.internet.org.cn 4. No matter how much you have, no matter how much you do, it will never be enough. 不管你拥有多少,不管你能做多少,总是不足够的。 hourofpower.org.hk 5. No matter how much I eagerly looked up, tears or blurred eyes. No matter how much I strong turned, the next second or cry out sound. 不管我多么倔强的抬头,泪水还是模糊了双眸。不管我多么坚强的转过身,下一秒还是哭出了声响。 www.bing.com 6. He also used to eat fish on Fridays and no matter how much we sprayed the office with air freshener he would not get the hint. 他每周五还会吃鱼,不管我们往办公室喷多少空气清新剂,他都理解不到。 www.ftchinese.com 7. No matter how much I study I can't seem to beatx you. 不管我怎么努力学习,我总是不能超过你。 www.kekenet.com 8. And no matter how much total capital a bank, or any firm, has, if it's stock goes to zero, it can't really operate. 不管一个银行(或任何公司)有多少总资本,如果其股票跌到零,那么它实际上不可能运作了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No matter how much wind and rain, go far, we have been accompanied by quest, never give up! 无论风雨多大、路途多远,我们一直相伴相随,永不放弃! blog.sina.com.cn 10. The earth will always remember the flowers, no matter how much the flowers favor me. 大地会一直记得鲜花,无论鲜花有多么眷顾我 zhidao.baidu.com 1. No matter how much I eagerly looked up, tears or blurred eyes. No matter how much I strong turned, the next second or cry out sound. 不管我多么倔强的抬头,泪水还是模糊了双眸。不管我多么坚强的转过身,下一秒还是哭出了声响。 www.bing.com 2. He also used to eat fish on Fridays and no matter how much we sprayed the office with air freshener he would not get the hint. 他每周五还会吃鱼,不管我们往办公室喷多少空气清新剂,他都理解不到。 www.ftchinese.com 3. No matter how much I study I can't seem to beatx you. 不管我怎么努力学习,我总是不能超过你。 www.kekenet.com 4. And no matter how much total capital a bank, or any firm, has, if it's stock goes to zero, it can't really operate. 不管一个银行(或任何公司)有多少总资本,如果其股票跌到零,那么它实际上不可能运作了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In my opinion, a classical work must be, first of all, original; otherwise it is valueless no matter how much praise it has received. 我觉得一个谈得上是经典的艺术作品首先必须是原创,不然说破天也没用,最后还得扔。 www.zhuweiartden.com 6. No matter how much wind and rain, go far, we have been accompanied by quest, never give up! 无论风雨多大、路途多远,我们一直相伴相随,永不放弃! blog.sina.com.cn 7. The earth will always remember the flowers, no matter how much the flowers favor me. 大地会一直记得鲜花,无论鲜花有多么眷顾我 zhidao.baidu.com 8. No matter how much you love one another, even if the two persons are already engaged, premarital sex is yet a sin. 无论你们之间有多么相爱,即便你们已有婚约,婚前性行为仍然是一种罪。上帝把性作为最宝贵的礼物,只是送给了已婚的夫妻们。 blog.donews.com 9. This is a world fulll of regrets. If there's no regret, no matter how much happiness you gain, you will never feel happy. 这是一个婆娑的世界,婆娑即遗憾。没有遗憾,给你再多幸福,也不会体会快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Whatever progress you've made, you can go beyond it. No matter how much you've done, there is so much more for you to do. 无论你取得了什么进步,你可以超越它们。不论你做了多少,还有很多事情可以做 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Money, no matter how much you make, will not fill the gaping hole in your heart. 钱,不管挣多少,都不会填充你内心的空洞。 www.bing.com 2. No matter how much wind and rain, go far, we have been accompanied by quest, never give up! 无论风雨多大、路途多远,我们一直相伴相随,永不放弃! blog.sina.com.cn 3. The earth will always remember the flowers, no matter how much the flowers favor me. 大地会一直记得鲜花,无论鲜花有多么眷顾我 zhidao.baidu.com 4. No matter how much you love one another, even if the two persons are already engaged, premarital sex is yet a sin. 无论你们之间有多么相爱,即便你们已有婚约,婚前性行为仍然是一种罪。上帝把性作为最宝贵的礼物,只是送给了已婚的夫妻们。 blog.donews.com 5. This is a world fulll of regrets. If there's no regret, no matter how much happiness you gain, you will never feel happy. 这是一个婆娑的世界,婆娑即遗憾。没有遗憾,给你再多幸福,也不会体会快乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Whatever progress you've made, you can go beyond it. No matter how much you've done, there is so much more for you to do. 无论你取得了什么进步,你可以超越它们。不论你做了多少,还有很多事情可以做 blog.sina.com.cn 7. No matter how much it costs, I'll buy it for you. 无论要花多少钱,我都要为你买下来。 www.xyshuo.com 8. My love for you will never die no matter how much time passes. 不管时间经过多久,我对你的爱永不消逝。 epaper.edu.tw 9. No matter how much the world changes. 不管世界如何改变 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Unfortunately, no matter how much we accomplish and how busy we remain, we do not experience happiness or joy because of this. 不幸的是,无论完成了多少任务,无论忙到何种地步,我们都无法从中得到乐趣和幸福。 www.bing.com 1. My love for you will never die no matter how much time passes. 不管时间经过多久,我对你的爱永不消逝。 epaper.edu.tw 2. No matter how much the world changes. 不管世界如何改变 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Unfortunately, no matter how much we accomplish and how busy we remain, we do not experience happiness or joy because of this. 不幸的是,无论完成了多少任务,无论忙到何种地步,我们都无法从中得到乐趣和幸福。 www.bing.com 4. Around one thirty in the morning, the planchette suddenly froze in Mary's hand. It wouldn't move, no matter how much we pushed and pulled. 大概凌晨1点30分,占写板突然在玛丽的手中停住了,无论我们怎么推拉,都不动。 www.bing.com 5. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts5 its power over us. There is simply no escape. 无论我们多么用力辩驳,或假装对它置之不理,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本无法逃避。 www.fzfanyi.com 6. But no matter how much security measures will be taken, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of accidents for students totally. 但即使该校的安全措施做得很细,也可能还是难以避免学生惨遭横祸。 www.ebigear.com 7. While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so. 你需要做的是运用两者帮助你得到一个结果,但是他们不能同时起作用,无论我们多么想要这样做。 www.bing.com 8. His rain hat would be pulled down over his brow. No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish. 他的雨帽高过他的眉毛,不管我的妈妈如何洗,他们闻起来仍是大海和鱼的味道。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it. 布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Try to remain calm when angry. No matter how much you feel like blowing your top, don't do it! ! 当生气的时候,努力保持镇定。不论你多么想要发火,别发火! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more US troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it. 布什总统和副总统迪克·切尼表示,无论议会怎样反对,他们都将对伊拉克增兵。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Try to remain calm when angry. No matter how much you feel like blowing your top, don't do it! ! 当生气的时候,努力保持镇定。不论你多么想要发火,别发火! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. No matter how much the deficiency of resources, utilization efficiency will be decreased and operation risk be increased. 无论是资源配给过剩还是不足,都将使企业资源应用有效率降低,并且使企业运营风险相对增加。 gci-corp.com 4. Obviously, most men will not want to wear a 4in-high heel no matter how much they might need one. 显然,大多数男士不会喜欢穿4英寸高的鞋子,无论他们多么需要。 www.bing.com 5. From prohibition to books, no matter how much we like to think we live in a free society, there is always something being banned. 从禁书开始,无论我们多么希望生活在一个自由的社会,总是有一些东西是要被禁止的。 www.elanso.com 6. No matter how much u give 2 a man who don't love u, it's a waste of time & energy 2 keep on doing so. 而一个不爱你的人,你付出的再多,他再好,那也不过是浪费时间和精力。 b.qzone.qq.com 7. No matter how much time and effort we lavish in making it look good, it'll leave us when we die. 无论我们浪费多少时间和精力装扮它,当我们死了,它还是会离开我们的。 bbs.24en.com 8. Others will feel dry throat, drink from morning to night, but no matter how much water to drink, dry mouth still. 还有些人会觉得咽喉干燥,从早到晚喝水,可是不管喝多少水,口干依然。 www.xiami360.com 9. No matter how much I tried to coax him to come for a pat on the head, he refused to budge. 不论我如何哄他过来在他脑袋上拍一拍,他就是不动地。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Keep a positive attitude, no matter how much you lose. 保持积极的心态,无论你遭受多大损失。 aoyo.yoao.net 1. Others will feel dry throat, drink from morning to night, but no matter how much water to drink, dry mouth still. 还有些人会觉得咽喉干燥,从早到晚喝水,可是不管喝多少水,口干依然。 www.xiami360.com 2. No matter how much I tried to coax him to come for a pat on the head, he refused to budge. 不论我如何哄他过来在他脑袋上拍一拍,他就是不动地。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Keep a positive attitude, no matter how much you lose. 保持积极的心态,无论你遭受多大损失。 aoyo.yoao.net 4. No matter how much time it takes, I will do this job well, either. 无论这项工作需要多长时间,我都会把它做好 wenwen.soso.com 5. We ask you all to be part of the movement for peace and not engage in violence no matter how much you are incited. 我们要求你们所有人成为和平运动的一部分,不管你们被怎样煽动,都不参与暴力。 www.szwz.org 6. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for. 无论金钱您有,它仍然不是使一个愉快的人的足够,如果您有没人笑与,没人哭泣为。 wenwen.soso.com 7. If you scratch my back, then I scratch yours - no matter how much later - that's not selfless either. 如果您帮助了我,然后我又帮助了你,——-不管以后怎样,这也并不是无私的。 www.bing.com 8. No matter how much doctors and counsellors explain, men continue to be extremely sensitive about the size of their organ. 不管医生和咨询专业人士多么苦口婆心,男人对自己的那个性器官还是表现得过于敏感。 www.bing.com 9. No matter how much digital application is going on, the atmosphere and feel of a picture is always the most important thing. 不论使用多少数码制作,一张图片的气氛与感觉总是最重要的。 www.bing.com 10. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. 不管你过去曾浪费了多少时间,你仍然拥有一个完整的明天! blog.sina.com.cn 1. If you scratch my back, then I scratch yours - no matter how much later - that's not selfless either. 如果您帮助了我,然后我又帮助了你,——-不管以后怎样,这也并不是无私的。 www.bing.com 2. No matter how much doctors and counsellors explain, men continue to be extremely sensitive about the size of their organ. 不管医生和咨询专业人士多么苦口婆心,男人对自己的那个性器官还是表现得过于敏感。 www.bing.com 3. No matter how much digital application is going on, the atmosphere and feel of a picture is always the most important thing. 不论使用多少数码制作,一张图片的气氛与感觉总是最重要的。 www.bing.com 4. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. 不管你过去曾浪费了多少时间,你仍然拥有一个完整的明天! blog.sina.com.cn 5. Winning means so much to you that, no matter how much another person tries to overtake you, you swim faster to thwart him. 取胜对你是如此重要,不管有人多么想要超过你,你都会游得更快,把他比下去。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This is not a man who would watch "Steel Magnolias" without a fight, no matter how much Shiner Bock beer was on hand. 这不是一个看“铁木兰”而不打架的男人无论有多少ShinerBock牌的啤酒在他手中。 www.myxfiles.com 7. In any situation, some emotions are harder to access no matter how much you change your story or behavior. 无论在何种情况下,有些情绪是非常难接近的无论你如果改变你的故事或者行为。 www.bing.com 8. For a start, Iraq will still need military aid, no matter how much its government throws its weight around. 首先,无论伊政府多么盛气凌人,伊拉克仍将需要军事援助。 www.ecocn.org 9. You'll never beat a team no matter how much effort you made. 一场比赛一个人再努力累死也赢不了一个团体。 wenwen.soso.com 10. No matter how much you try to adjust the metrics to reflect what you think you want, it always backfires. 无论你怎么调整指标来反映你想要的东西,总是会有逆效应出现。 blog.163.com 1. No matter how much is written about the Chinese economy, it still has the capacity to surprise. 无论有多少对中国经济的描述,它依然能让人感到惊讶。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Don't be sycophantic, no matter how much you love his money. 无论你多么爱慕他的钱财,也不要阿谀奉承。 www.jvcxp.com 3. No matter how much we struggle to protect air, water, forests and wildlife. 无论我们多么辛苦地去保护地球的空气,水,森林及野生动植物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. No matter how much water you put on it, it will never get soaked. 不论你对它倒多少水,它永远不会湿透。 www.duozhiqin.com 5. No matter how much I am bad. In this world. only one me. 不管我有多差。在这个世界上。只有一个我。 wenku.baidu.com 6. No matter how much text you add to this page, it will stay inside its column borders. 无论你在这个页添加多少文字,它始终保持在这个列中。 adminbar.com 7. For no matter how much wine he consumed or how many women he took to his bed, nothing on earth could rid him of horrors that plait his mind. 因为无论他灌了多少美酒,拥抱了多少美女,大地上没有一样东西可以令他摆脱烙在他脑中的恐怖。 bbs.a9vg.com 8. No matter how much money you have, there will always be just a little bit more to be made. 无论你有多少钱,总有比那更多一点儿可以创造出。 www.bing.com 9. No matter how much you amend the law, there are always loopholes to exploit. Ask any good lawyer, and they'll tell you so. 无论法律如何修订,总有空子可钻。问问任何称职的律师,他准会告诉你就是这么回事。 shandong.chinadaily.com.cn 10. No matter how much pressure I was under, I should have been stronger and behaved better. 无论处于怎样的压力下,我本该更加坚强、行为表现应该做得更好。 www.bing.com 1. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. 我们中的一些人,也不管我们拥有多少财富,将没有自由足够的食物只有心的西瓜。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. No matter how much he wanted to escape the world he was born into. . . the world of the gods, he never could. 不管他多么想逃离他的世界…众神的世界,他永远办不到。 tieba.baidu.com 3. No matter how much you dislike them, after all, they really like you, for you are likely an angel in their eyes. 因为无论你多讨厌他,毕竟他们是真心喜欢你的,在他们眼里,你很可能就是天使! www.bing.com 4. Missed it this way, even give up no matter how much, In this way, a way with lonely miss you. 就这样错过吧,哪怕有再多的不舍,就这样,用寂寞的方式,错过吧。 tieba.baidu.com 5. But no matter how much a parent intervenes, siblings have a unique power over each other. 不过无论家长们多么努力介入,兄弟姐妹之间总存在着一种相互影响的独特力量。 www.bing.com 6. We have to resist the urge to create too much, no matter how much we want to. 我们必须抵制冲动,不要创建过多的东西,无论我们多么希望这样做。 www.ibm.com 7. We must try to save those who are surrounded by the floods no matter how much we should pay for it. 不管要付出多大代价,我们必须设法营救被洪水围困的人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit. 不管你本身的智慧如何,你总是可以改变它。 blog.roodo.com 9. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. 我知道,无论我多么在意别人,别人都不会同样在意我。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, but beauty exerts its power over us. Surely there is simply no escape. 不管我们怎样去辩驳,或者假装我们对它没有什么感觉,美仍然对我们产生影响,而且根本是无法逃避的。 hi.baidu.com 1. No matter how much customer care training we conduct, some customers will dislike our service. 不管有多少客户关心我们所进行的培训活动,总有一些人会不喜欢我们的服务的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A man has to be firm and resolute no matter how much he loves a woman. 一个男人必须坚定不移,坚强刚毅,不管他多爱一个女人。 www.elanso.com 3. No one else , no matter how much we talk or cry , can pull us through the anxious tours of soul repair and growth . 不管我们如何说,如何哭,其他任何人都不能让我们渡过心灵修复成长的焦虑旅程。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. But don't get into debt. No matter how much money you have, living within your means is vital if you want to avoid stress. 但不要欠债,不管多少钱,你住在哪里,你的手段是非常重要的,如果你想避免生活的压力。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn 5. Our memories will always be there no matter how much time goes by. 无论时间过了多久,我们的记忆还在。 blog.163.com 6. No matter how deep my karma, no matter how much I ignorance, whatever I do many stupid stupid, Bodhisattva has not put me. 不管我有多深的业障,不管我是多么愚笨无知,不管我做了多少傻事蠢事,菩萨一直都没有放舍我。 www.bing.com 7. No matter how much the car cost, I'll buy it. 不管这辆小汽车值多少钱,我都要买它。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Demand for productivity has grown so much that most of us feel as if we aren't doing enough, no matter how much we actually accomplish. 物欲横流正在变得越来越严重,使得我们大部分人不论自己实际取得了多少成就都觉得自己做的并不够。 www.bing.com 9. No matter how much Google engineers fine-tune their algorithms, that will never change. 不管谷歌公司工程师们对他们的算法改进多么大,这一点永远不会改变。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. I know there are some types of music I can't stand, no matter how much I try to give it a chance. 因为我知道总有那么些音乐,不论我多么努力地想试着去欣赏,我都是不能忍受的。 www.bing.com 1. The sun is always caring the moon, no matter how much the moon likes the stars. 太阳一直关注着月亮,无论月亮有多么喜爱星星 zhidao.baidu.com 2. No matter how much you've worked on your self-control you cannot deny that people in your life influence you. 无论你怎么努力控制自己,你仍然不能否认人们在你生活中的影响。 www.elanso.com 3. Some of you have serious responsibilities right now. Stuff that you just cannot blow off, no matter how much you might like to. 有些人现在的责任很重,有些东西,不管你喜不喜欢,都不是你想放就能放手的。 www.bing.com 4. I was in denial, always wondering why no matter how much exercise I did, I saw little results. 我否认了,总是在想为什么不管我运动多少,总是不见什么成效。 www.bing.com 5. The happiness of a woman's life is, no matter how much beauty, his eyes, always on you. 女人一辈子最幸福的事,莫过于,无论有多少美女,他的眼神,永远在你身上。 www.haoqq.net 6. No matter how much he had earned in those days it had not been enough. 不管他当年挣多少钱,他总是不够花。 7. i knew what he meant now. he was telling me that no matter how much i learned before, i still need to learn more. 我现在明白他什么意思了,他在告诉我,无论我之前学了多少,我需要学的还很多。 wenwen.soso.com 8. No matter how much you sleep, you may still feel tired or worn out. 不管你睡了多久,始终感觉自己很累,精疲力尽。 www.bing.com 9. Here's the good news. No matter how much confidence you think you have or don't have, you can always build more. 还有个好消息。无论你觉得自己已经有了或者还缺多少自信,你总可以更自信。 www.bing.com 10. Do the clothes remain glued to your teenager's bedroom floor, along with your antisocial teenager, no matter how much you nag or cajole? 是不是你那叛逆的孩子总把衣服全扔在卧室的地板上,无论你怎么唠叨与哄骗? www.transcn.org 1. That means man is never satisfied, no matter how much he has been given. 这表示说人永久不会满足,给他多少都不够的。 sm2000.org 2. No matter how much encryption you use, leaving that vulnerability open won't help a bit. 无论您使用多少个加密,公开弱点没有一点好处。 www.ibm.com 3. no matter how much misunderstanding and pain had passed between you by then. 不管有多少误会疼痛已经过去了,届时您之间。 www.ted.com 4. I won't sell her no matter how much the offer is. 他说。“不管多少高价,我都不会卖掉它。” www.rg-gd.net 5. No matter how much temptation. 不管诱惑多不多… wenwen.soso.com 6. No matter how much she eats, she still keep slim. 她不管怎么吃都还是那么苗条。 xcnchinese.com 7. That no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. 不论我如何付出关怀,有些人就是无动于衷。 blog.163.com 8. So no matter how much you try to build up your desire to complete those tasks you still can't master your will power to get started. 所以无论你如何试着去建立你想要完成那些任务的欲望,你还是不能征服你的毅力去开始它们。 www.bing.com 9. It's unnatural for humans to be nocturnal -- no matter how much coffee is consumed. 人成为夜间性的是反常的——不管消耗掉多少咖啡。 www.bing.com 10. If you neglect acting on the Word -- no matter how much you hear it -- when trouble comes your way, it may be devastating. 如果你忽视行出这话---无论你听了有多少---当麻烦来到你面前,它将是毁灭性的。 www.bing.com 1. Maintain a positive attitude no matter how much you lose. 不管你输了多少,保持一个积极的态度。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. No matter how much you cheat the IRS, you'll still end up paying $100, 000 in property, sales and excise taxes. 不论你从IRS那里避了多少税,你还是要支付10万美金财产方面,买东西和缴税。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. No matter how much of a raver you are, the idea of dancing and dancing until death by exhaustion no doubt sounds horrific. 无论你多么喜欢跳舞,然而跳舞跳到疲惫而死这听起来无疑是很恐怖的。 www.elanso.com 4. No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly, they will damage our earth in one way or other. 无论制造商们如何努力制造对环境友好的汽车,他们都会这样那样地对环境造成损害。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Life, no matter how much you have suffered the attack should not give up pursuit of ideals. 生活中无论你遭遇多大的打击,也不应该放弃对理想的追求。 www.bing.com 6. He makes time with his touch and skill and no matter how much quicker the game gets, he'll always be ahead of it. 即使在比赛节奏变的非常快的时候他也能够凭借他的技术控制住比赛的进程,他很善于这样。 bbs.nau.edu.cn 7. No matter how much time we have, we should make plans ahead. 不管怎样我们有很多的时间提前做计划。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Firstly, your colleagues will gossip and complain if you get a pay rise or a promotion no matter how much you've earned it. 首先,当你涨工资或者晋升的时候不论你有多么的应该你的同事都会扯闲话。 bbs.9c9t.com 9. But the economy continued to sink, no matter how much it created. 但无论印多少钞票,日本的经济还是持续下滑。 dongxi.net 10. No matter how much pressure you get from your mates, don't drink more that you can handle. 无论你的伙伴给你施加多大的压力,不要强己所难,喝得过多。 dfsc.cn |
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