单词 | opening day |
释义 | 例句释义: 开幕日,开放日,开幕日期,开幕那天 1. The opening day of the conference brought with it a cascade of bad news. 伴随发布会开幕的是一连串坏消息。 www.bing.com 2. This is my eye-opening day! But I cannot see well yet. Just a bit of light and shadows. My body weight? More than 100 grams . 今天是我大开眼界的日子!但我看得还不太好。只是一点光和影。我的体重?已经超过100克了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Skipper Vidic has been sidelined with a calf injury since the opening day win at West Brom but is ready to face the Romanian outfit. 队长维迪奇曾经因为小腿受伤,自开业之日击败西布罗姆维奇但准备面对罗马尼亚语服装。 tieba.baidu.com 4. this was sort of a second opening day for the yankee lineup , as the entire collection of sluggers was together for the first time. 对打线来说,这有点像是重新开幕日,所有主力强打首次全部聚在一起。 www.ichacha.net 5. Even a flat opening day for Wynn Macau would be a positive sign for Sands and push it to move ahead with its plans to list. 然而,即使永利澳门首日表现平平,对金沙而言已是正面讯号,并可推动其推展上市计划。 cn.reuters.com 6. although the opening day for a local ski resort it ' s still two months away , operators say early snow is always welcomed. 虽然距当地滑雪胜地开幕日还有两个月之久,但经营者表示他们欢迎初雪的到来。 www.ichacha.net 7. Yankees' opening day without Joe Torre was rained out, but nothing but sunshine for their former skipper in his first game with the Dodgers. 扬基队没有乔伊?托尔的开赛日因下雨而推迟,但除了他们的前任教练在与道奇人队的第一场比赛中笑颜常开外没有什么特别的。 qac.yappr.cn 8. Rafa Benitez has explained the reason he started just one of his new signings on the opening day of the season. 贝尼特斯解释了他为什么只在揭幕战的首发中派上一个新队员。 hi.baidu.com 9. Interviewer: For a more convincing experiment, I wanted my own opening-day crowd, the sound check team. 记者:为了使实验更加可信,我想要我的“开幕礼”团队,第二支检验队伍。 www.ted.com 10. Mr. Pierce was among the keynote speakers on the opening day of the Company. 皮尔斯先生是公司成立仪式上的中心发言人之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One of the locals, Bert Reeves, recalls that no one knew whether anyone would attend the first Eisteddfod , until the opening day. 据一位名叫伯特?瑞威斯的当地人回忆,开幕式前,没有人知道哪些人会来参加第一届艺术节。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The first competitive event in the Olympic Stadium took place in the evening of the opening day. 开幕式当天晚上,第一项比赛在奥林匹克体育场举行。 www.jukuu.com 3. It was the first time since the opening day of the season the pair have started a game together. 这是本赛季第1轮之后这两个人第一次搭档打中卫。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. 8th August, 2008. A First Day Cover with such a postmark will be the best gifts for friends on the opening day of the Beijing Olympics. 年8月8日。带邮戳的首日封将是北京奥运会开幕当天送给朋友的最佳礼物。 www.yappr.cn 5. For the state, seeking to profit from the sale of its shares in such companies, the opening-day jump was a disaster. 对政府而言,它希望通过出售自己在这些企业里的股份而获得一些经济利益,因此,如果上市首日股价飙升,无疑意味着一场灾难。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Besides, I knew you were really looking forward to watching "Star Wars" on the opening day. 另外,我知道你很期待在首映那天看“星球大战”。 www.hxen.com 7. Beijing's Olympic co-hosts are warming up for opening day in August. Coastal city Qingdao will host a sailing competition. . . 北京奥运会的协办城市正在为八月份的开幕日热身。海洋城市青岛将举办帆船比赛… www.yappr.cn 8. The first money or barter taken in, as by a new business or on the opening day of business, especially when considered a token of good luck. 新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时 wenwen.soso.com 9. Unfortunately, the pass was counterfeited and thousands of uninvited people were admitted into Disneyland on opening day. 不幸的是,开放当天,邀请函被伪造了,几千名不请自来的人来到迪士尼乐园。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Rooney returned to training this week after recovering from the broken foot he sustained on the opening day of the season against Reading. 鲁尼在本赛季对雷丁的揭幕战中脚部骨裂,本周他已经恢复训练。 www.thefa.cn 1. Opening day, scheduled for June 25, 2010, came and went with the ambitious new design far from complete. 原定于2010年7月25日的开放日到了又过去了,这项雄心勃勃的计划却远远没有完成。 www.bing.com 2. The governments present issued a Call for Action at the conclusion of the opening day of the meeting. 在会议开幕日结束时,与会的各国政府发表了一份行动倡议。 www.who.int 3. It also shows that Afghanistan is going toward stability and the platform for foreign investment and businesses is opening day by day. 它也显示出阿富汗正逐步走向稳定,成为外商投资交易的平台。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. Horses go over the water jump during The William Hill Trophy Handicap Steeple Chase on opening day of the Cheltenham Festival March 16. 马走在开幕式上的切尔滕纳姆节3月16日,威廉山杯残疾障碍赛下水。 08062788.blog.163.com 5. New York's new ace struck out eight batters, second most-ever by a Mets pitcher on opening day; only one shy of Hall-of-Famer Tom Sever. 纽约的新王牌振掉了八名击球手,创下大都会队在开赛日的第二个历史记录;只比名人堂的汤姆?瑟瓦的记录少一个。 qac.yappr.cn 6. A golden eagle is seen during the opening day of an international falconry fair in Guillena, Spain. 西班牙圭莱娜的国际猎鹰集市的开幕第一天,人们得以见到一只真正的金鹰。 gb.cri.cn 7. The delegates also attended the meeting's suggestion will be meeting opening day as "world environment day" . 出席会议的全体代表还建议将大会开幕日定为“世界环境日”。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. "Keeping these devices in sync is driving us crazy, " Mr. Jobs said, speaking at the opening day of Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference. “让这么多的电子设备保持同步让我们抓狂。”乔布斯先生在苹果世界开发者大会的第一天说道。 dongxi.net 9. Genachowski will give an opening-day keynote address at the San Diego conference on Wednesday, and later will take questions from press. Genachowski将在星期三的圣地亚哥会议的开幕式上发表演讲,随后将回答提问。 www.bing.com 10. Advance tickets for entry to the end of the year had sold out by the opening day. 展览开始的第一天,到今年年底的预售票已经售罄。 www.bing.com 1. but not all went according to script on this ceremonial opening day . as leaders spoke , word spread of a military coup in thailand. 但是并不是一切都是按照开幕日仪式的原计划进行的。就在领导人们谈话的时候,有消息传来说泰国发生了军事政变。 www.ichacha.net 2. The primary findings were presented on the opening day of the meeting. 原稿已在这次会议的开幕那一天发表。 news.dxy.cn 3. Geremi came on as a sub in last season's opening day win during Chelsea's first ever visit to the JJB Stadium. 在上赛季的开幕战切尔西首次造访JJB球场获得胜利,格雷米以替补登场。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. Halsey refereed Wigan's game against Blackpool on the opening day, his first game back after undergoing treatment for throat cancer. 在维根本赛季第一天与黑池交手的那场,主裁就是霍尔斯。那也是他在接受喉癌治疗后回到球场的第一场。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Hand opening day, God laughed me for being incompetent. 放开手的那天,老天都笑我无能。 f.qqgexing.com 6. On opening day, the company's stock rose 148%, putting the value of the production house at more than $1. 5 billion. 在首个交易日,这家公司的股票便上涨148%,使得华谊兄弟制片公司的市值一举超过15亿美元。 www.bing.com 7. Obama spoke in between meetings on the opening day of a NATO summit in Portugal. 奥巴马在西班牙举行的北大西洋公约组织峰会的开幕日的会议间隙发表了如上言论。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Meanwhile, Benitez insists he isn't getting carried away after recording his first ever opening day victory as Liverpool boss. 同时,贝尼特斯强调他可没有被他的第一个揭幕战胜利冲昏了头脑。 hi.baidu.com 9. AAM: But insofar as the [date] is concerned, yes, you are correct and so are many in feeling that this is the opening day. 麦:那个日期被你们如此关注,是的,你们做的很好,很多人都觉得那是一个开幕日。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Psychological context of their creation has been collected, as a special gift, a gift to show in the opening day guests. 她们的创作心理脉络已经结集,作为特殊礼品,在开幕式当天赠与到展嘉宾。 www.cutpic.cn 1. Police say Serbian and Croatian fans began fighting on the opening day of the tennis tournament. 警方表示塞尔维亚和克罗地亚的球迷在网球锦标赛开幕式当天相互殴打。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Yvonne Mayer joined the impromptu competition on the opening day of the World Cup, while strolling the streets of Cape Town. 这位南非妇女名叫梅尔,世界杯开幕日当天她先是在开普敦街头闲逛,然后参加了这个即兴举行的比赛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Katie won the Beijing Games' first gold medal on their opening day of competition, tying a world record in women's air rifle. 凯蒂在比赛的开幕日赢得了北京奥运会的第一枚金牌,并平了女子气步枪的世界纪录。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 4. Towards the evening, there comes the grand finale of the opening day, an extremely exciting horse race. 傍晚,迎来了开幕式一天盛大的终场,一场非常令人激动的赛马。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A butterfly is seen at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum on April 8, 2011 during the opening day for members of the Butterfly Pavilion. 蝴蝶被认为是在洛杉矶自然对2011年4月8日在历史博物馆的蝴蝶馆开幕当天的成员。 www.dutianya.com 6. It has taken Mr Beecham some four years since he first announced his plans to get to the Hoxton's opening day. 从一开始宣布计划,比查姆花了大约四年时间才迎来霍克顿开业的日子。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Opening day has not dawned with the clear skies that everyone hoped for. 开幕日没有像大家所期望的那样晴朗。 2008.qq.com 8. I assumed it had something to do with security on the Opening Day. 在开幕的那天,我假定必须要同安全部门做一些事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Of course, it is estimated the whole earth will know it, today is South Africa's World Cup opening day is ah, what a day of excitement, ah! 当然了,估计全地球的人都知道吧,今天是南非世界杯开幕的日子是啊,多么让人兴奋地一天啊! zhidao.baidu.com 10. At 21, on the opening day of the 1996-97 season, he announced himself to the nation with a goal struck from nearly 60 yards. 21岁时,在1996-1997赛季的开幕战中,他以60码开外的一记破门,向整个英国宣告了自己的到来。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Wen Jiabao has made the comments at the opening day of the central rural work conference. 温家宝总理是在中央农村工作会议开幕当天做出这些评论的。 www.bing.com 2. On opening day, he wore a hat to draw less attention to himself as an inflow of media waited on campus to interview him. 在学校开学当日,大批媒体守候在校园中,准备采访贾作胜。为了保持低调,贾作胜戴了一顶鸭舌帽。 www.rr365.com 3. The opening day of the forum saw some debate of Britain's economic predicament. 达沃斯论坛开幕日当天,与会者就英国经济困境展开了辩论。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Come the 9th of August (the opening day of competition), the magic of the games and the flawless organization will take over. 8月9日(比赛开始日)一旦到来,奥运会的魅力以及完美无瑕的组织工作将取代一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Festival opening day, the whole town are busy organizing the Museum of Art opening reception. 艺术节开幕那天,整个镇上的艺术馆都在忙着举办开幕酒会。 www.sdts.net.cn 6. Orban is the opening day meeting of the Hungarian diplomatic envoys made the remarks. 欧尔班是在当天开幕的匈牙利驻外使节会议上说这番话的。 www.englishtang.com 7. More sports facilities for the public opening day, and more operators of sports facilities open for some time. 6. 公益性体育设施多为全天开放,经营性体育设施多为部分时间开放。 www.fabiao.net 8. When was the official opening day? 官方开放日是在什么时候? teacherweb.com 9. The movie gathered $24 million from those screenings en route to a Friday tally of $61. 2 million, the fifth-best opening day, period. 这部电影从这些放映中获得2400万的首映票房,持续到周五当天入账6120万,这期间,成为最好开幕票房的第五名。 www.bing.com 10. This season Benfica have won 11 league games in a row at home since drawing on the opening day, scoring 36 goals in the process. 本赛季本菲卡在联赛揭幕战中打平之后,在联赛中主场11连胜,攻进36球。 www.lfcfans.com 1. The event drew more than 60, 000 visitors to its first day on Saturday, 10, 000 more than the last session's opening day. 周六开展当天有6万多人前来参观,比上一季开幕的时候多了1万人。 gb.cri.cn 2. The two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels on the opening day. 为期两天的北约国防部长会议当天在布鲁塞尔开幕。 www.englishtang.com 3. Still, the opening day at the new club was filled with excitement. 不过,新俱乐部开张的日子依然洋溢着激动人心的气氛。 c.wsj.com 4. Then All-Star forwards Amare Stoudemire and David Lee were forced to withdraw on the opening day of training camp. 在训练营的开营日上,前任全明星大前锋斯塔德迈尔(AmareStoudemire)和大卫李(DavidLe)都被迫退出了世锦赛。 www.bing.com 5. For many football fans, the optimism of the season's opening day soon fades. 对于很多球迷来说,对赛季开始的日子的乐观将渐渐消退。 game.ali213.net 6. On the school opening day, I rose up very early, earlier than usual, because I was greatly excited to see my new school. 开学那一天,我很早起身,比平常时还早,因为我很兴奋的要看看我的新学校。 www.wwenglish.com 7. Another reason for the stock's opening-day pop: simple supply and demand. 该股开盘日大涨的另一个原因是:简单的供需关系。 www.fortunechina.com 8. She is planning to have lunch with George Bush on June 6th, the opening day of the summit, in the hopes of breaking the deadlock. 她计划于六月六日峰会开幕当天与乔治布什共进午餐,以期打破目前的会谈僵局。 www.ecocn.org 9. Today is the opening day of the Blang Ecosystem Museum . 今天是布朗族生态博物馆开馆的日子。 www.bing.com 10. April 16, 1940 - A sober Rollie H. catches the only opening day no- hitter in baseball history since 1909. 清醒的罗丽参加了自1909年以来棒球史上唯一一个没有击球手的开幕式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Some visitors on opening day agreed with these criticisms. 在该中心对外开放的第一天来的游客对此批评表示同意。 www.bing.com 2. On store opening day, local government officials supportively came forth to greet. 店铺在开业之际,当地的政府相关领导们专程前来祝贺。 www.13cheng.com 3. The Cottagers have not won in 22 away league matches since the opening day of last season when they secured a 1-0 success at Portsmouth. 自从上个赛季首轮1比0击败朴茨茅斯,农场主已有22个客场不胜。 www.bing.com 4. So day after day, holidays, the days passed, opening day has arrived. 就这样日复一日,假期一天天过去了,开学的日子到来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. That is a warm welcome by the Stamford Bridge crowd on the season's opening day, followed shortly after by a win. 在斯坦福桥的开赛首场比赛,球迷们热情的欢迎了他,最后比赛也获得了胜利。 bbs.qieerxi.com 6. Of course, I think almost the whole world knows it, today is South Africa's World Cup opening day. 当然了,估计全地球的人都知道吧,今天是南非世界杯开幕的日子 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The local weather bureau has also forecast rain on the opening day. 据当地气象部门预测,电影节开幕时戛纳将是雨天。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. On the opening day attracted a large number of fans, . 开幕当天便吸引了大量动漫迷。 www.dw188.com 9. The reigning European champions showed they are in fine form after beating Genoa 3-0 in their opening day of the Serie A season. 卫冕冠军在意甲新赛季首战以3-0击败热那亚,表现出了非常好的状态。 bbs.espnstar.com.cn 10. 1908 - Opening day of competition of the New South Wales Rugby League. 1908年的今天,新南威尔士英式橄榄联赛开幕日比赛。 www.for68.com 1. In China, the film's Saturday opening day was the all-time highest debut by a foreign film, based on early estimates. 这部影片上周六在中国上映,据初步估计,其首映收入是外国影片有史以来在中国取得的最佳成绩。 c.wsj.com 2. Some of the people and cars crossed the bridge on the opening day fifty years ago. 参加活动的人与车中有一些在50年前大桥开通之日就曾在桥上通行。 www.oxford.com.cn 3. A visitor sleeps on the lawn on the opening day of Oktoberfest. 在啤酒节的开幕式那天,一位客人睡在草坪上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You are especially lucky if you can view the opening-day ceremonies on color TV. 如果你能在彩色电视上看到开幕日的仪式,你就尤其幸运。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Workers move the first beer barrel for the opening day of the 176th Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany on Saturday, Sept. 工人提出动议,要求在慕尼黑啤酒节开幕176天的第一桶啤酒,德国上周六,2009年9月19日。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. That changed the opening day of school when I attended my first class. 但这一切在开学第一天,我走进课堂后就都改变了。 www.bing.com 7. And it's an opening day for this 50 million dollar hi-tech rehabilitation center in San Antonio, Texas. 在德克萨斯州的圣?安东尼奥,这座花了5千万美元的高科技康复中心,今天开放了。 bbs.putclub.com 8. I really want to watch "star wars" on the opening day. But the presale tickets were sold out. 我真的很想在首映那天看“星球大战”。但是预售门票已经卖光了。 www.hxen.com 9. The opening day of the Olympics. 奥运会的开幕日。 am774.bjradio.com.cn 10. Looking forward to opening day of Rape! 期待油菜花开的日子! www.bing.com 1. These are the galleries with the light coming in through the skylights and at night, and on opening day. 有些会馆阳光可以照射进来,在晚上和白天。 www.ted.com 2. Its central stands on the opening day. 开幕式当天的中央看台 www.bing.com 3. Mr Janssens sold 30 pieces on the opening day, and 20 more over the first weekend. 詹森在开幕当天即售出30件展品,到第一周结束又售出20件。 www.ecocn.org 4. The sequel began with $60. 6 million on its opening day Wednesday. 此部续集在周三开幕当天票房达6060万美元。 www.bing.com 5. Pangu opening day, all ruled by God, mankind lived in peace and tranquility under deity links the day. 圣传盘古开天之际,一切由天神统治,人类在众神通之下过着和平而安详的日子。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The people who arrived early were rewarded for their long wait. -We cannot watch the Opening Day ceremony and the matches onsite. . . 一早到这来的人们以长长等待换来他们想要的。-我们不能在现场观看奥运会的开幕式和期间的比赛… www.yappr.cn 7. In fact, it may delay opening day because the overly dense plants are immature. 实际上,播种过量反而会延迟开业时间,因为过于紧密的植株发育不完全。 www.igolfyou.cn 8. The giant believes he will be in playing shape by opening day. 巨人相信,他将在揭幕战那天健康的参加比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The diner welcomed about 30 dogs on opening day. 在开业当天,店里迎来了大约30只狗狗。 www.bing.com 10. In just 3 intensive lessons, he taught me 3 semesters of Berklee harmony, so on opening day I started in Harmony 4. 仅仅通过3次强化课程,他教了我伯克利3学期的和声课程,所以开学那天,我就从第四学期的和声课程开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'd love to go to the opening day of the Asian Gamess. A我想去看广州亚运会的开幕式。 www.youshang.com 2. Since then, large listings in China have risen on average by only about 38 per cent on the opening day of trading. 此后,中国大型上市项目的股价在交易首日的平均涨幅仅约38%。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Have a heart-opening day! 有个敞开心的一天! pov-all.blogspot.com 4. In Shanghai, the stock is faring worse, down 28% Friday to 31. 31 yuan (US$4. 23), from its opening day close of 43. 96 yuan. 该公司在上海股市上的表现更糟,上周五收于人民币31.31元(合4.23美元),较上市首日人民币43.96元的收盘价下跌了28%。 www.ebigear.com 5. In order to move the Austrian ecstasy, many people in the waiting, waiting for the opening day! 为了奥动会的狂喜,许多人在守候,等待开幕的那一天! blog.ce.cn 6. It's estimated the second film in the series earned a record 55. 5 Million dollars on its opening day. 它估计第二系列影片,放映首日赢得创纪录的55.5亿美元。 bbs.putclub.com 7. "New Moon" earned a record $72. 7 million its opening day, and then fell 42 and 34 percent on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. “新月”赢得了7270万的首日票房纪录,然后在周六和周日分别下降了42%和34%。 www.bing.com 8. I went to the LA County Fair for the first time last year on its opening day. 我去年首次去洛杉矶博览会参加其开幕式。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Expo and the Olympic Games with the opening day, Juan Antonio Samaranch collection of the stamps exhibitors 奥运博览会与奥运会同天开幕,萨马兰奇珍藏的邮票参展 www.duhugu.biz 10. A child receives a vaccination on the opening day of a meningitis vaccination campaign in Niger, 04 Apr. 2010 一个孩子接受一个疫苗接种脑膜炎疫苗接种运动的开幕当天,在尼日尔,2010年4月04。 www.maynet.cn 1. Continuously Growing from Opening Day 从创办之日起持续成长 fangning.blogchina.com 2. Offers one VIP rest room for the sponsor on the opening day; 提供开幕式当天贵客休息室一间; www.unique-fair.com 3. It's the opening day of the conference 这是大会的开幕日。或者 bbs.netat.net 4. Boss delight at opening day win 教练为开幕赛的胜利感到高兴 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 5. Opening Day in the Heaven 天堂里的开幕日 www.8801.com 6. The Opening Day of Close-Up 《特写》首映日% www.bing.com |
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