释义 |
- na.中空;中天;【天】子午圈
- 网络南中天;天顶;上中天
n. | 1. the point on the apparent annual path of the Sun in the celestial sphere where the meridian is crossed, or the sign of the zodiac that contains it |
1. | | 2. | 南中天 占星词典(笔画) - wluon39的日志 - 网易博客 ... 长上升星座 Long Ascension, 南中天 Midheaven, 室女座 Virgo, ... blog.163.com | 3. | |
4. | 天顶 Astrolog符号对照表 ... 下降 Descendant 天顶 Midheaven 白羊座 Aries ... www.12sign.cn | 5. | |