单词 | laser |
释义 | lasers是laser的复数
复数:lasers 例句释义: 激光器,受激发射光,莱塞,雷射,手持激光,激光连线 1. A simple version of ray tracing known as ray transfer matrix analysis is often used in the design of optical resonators used in lasers. 一个简单的光线跟踪版本是光线传递矩阵分析,它通常用于激光光学谐振腔的设计。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A few years ago lasers typically converted less than 40% of the electrical energy used to run them into beam power. 几年前激光器一般可以把维持本身运作不到40%的电能转化为可传送能源。 www.ecocn.org 3. You don't have to be even a single cell. If you look, for instance, at how lasers work, that would be a case of atomic synchrony. 你不需要活着。举例来说,如果你们知道激光是如何工作的,那就是一个原子层面上的同步例子。 www.ted.com 4. "One may argue that now we have femtosecond lasers which generate pulses with a length of a few femtoseconds, " he noted. 也许有人会说,我们现在已经拥有了飞秒激光器,可以产生仅几毫秒长的脉冲。 www.bing.com 5. By using lasers, says Kuznetsova, they were able to break down the molecules without compromising the data encoded in them. 通过使用激光,库兹涅佐娃说,他们能够在不影响数据编码的同时把分子分解成单原子。 www.bing.com 6. At the American Academy of Ophthalmology, aspokeswoman said the group was unaware of any increase in eye injuries causedby lasers. 美国眼科医师协会的一位发言人称,该组织还未发现因激光导致眼部损伤的相关病例出现增长。 www.bing.com 7. Series triggering offers high timing accuracy and is often used in combination with liquid cooled lamps in lasers. 串联触发能提供更高的时间准确性,因此常常与液冷灯一起用于激光发射器! www.seraphim.com.tw 8. You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers. 你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。 xtdownload.com 9. How much easier such treatments would be, theorises Dr Yun, if the lasers could be generated internally, by a patient's own cells. 如果真的能让生物激光产生于病人自身体细胞中,这样产生的治疗该多简便呀! www.bing.com 10. Doctors today shine lasers into the body to gather images or to treat disease by attacking cells. 今天,医生使用激光在体内成像和辐射细胞治病。 news.dxy.cn 1. In the past, CO2 lasers have been used to treat RRP but only in the operating room, with the patient under general anesthesia. 在过去,CO2激光已经被用于治疗复发性乳突状瘤,但是患者需要实施全身麻醉。 www.maydeal.com 2. Using lasers, researchers at the MIT Media Lab were able to activate a specific set of neurons in a monkey's brain. 麻省理工学院多媒体实验室的研究员们能够利用激光激活猴脑中一组特有的神经元。 www.bing.com 3. Over time, as both the lasers and photovoltaic cells improve, the company hopes efficiencies of up to 50 per cent will be possible. 假以时日,待激光和光伏电池技术提高后,公司希望传输效率能够到达50%。 www.bing.com 4. Lasers have been used experimentally in delicate vocal cord operations. 激光已经在难度大的声带手术中试用。 dict.wenguo.com 5. Three different data-gathering methods using lasers, light and high-speed photography were modified for use in the wind tunnel. 分别使用激光、可见光和高速的三种数据搜集技术目前正在改进中以便用于风洞里。 www.bing.com 6. The researchers were trying to answer the basic question, why do lasers not exist in nature? 研究者想回答为什么激光器不自然存在这个基本问题。 www.bing.com 7. Boeing's approach incorporates a series of commercial-off-the-shelf, state-of-the-art lasers used in the automotive industry. 波音结合使用了一系列在汽车工业中使用的、商用现货的最新激光器。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. The technology, made possible by recent advances in ultrafast lasers, can accurately measure much higher frequencies than any other tool. 由于最近超快速激光领域的进展,此技术才得以实现,此技术可以精确测量的频率远高于其它工具。 www.bing.com 9. Conventional lasers use a so-called "gain medium, " such as a semiconductor material, to produce a focused beam of light waves. 传统激光器通过一种所谓的“增益介质”(如半导体材料)产生聚焦光束。 www.iliyu.com 10. These could store programs and process information by means of light - pulses from tiny lasers - rather than electrons. 这些(光学计算机)能存储程序和处理信息,使用光的方法-细微光束的脉冲-而不是电路。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We also concluded that stronger feedback and shorter length of the external cavity are beneficial to improving the stability of lasers. 强反馈和短外腔长度有利于提高外腔半导体激器的稳定性。 www.opticsjournal.net 2. Technique for passive phase locking of fiber lasers by an all-optical feedback loop is studied theoretically and experimentally. 对基于环形腔光反馈的光纤激光被动锁相技术进行了理论和实验研究。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. Because gas lasers were often used as the light source, their beam had to be coupled into the thin-film wave guides. 由于气体激光器常用作光源,故必须将其光束耦合到薄膜波导中去。 4. ITT, for instance, is including a pair of lasers in its Infrared Countermeasures system. 例如,在ITT的红外干扰系统中有一对激光器。 www.bing.com 5. One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines (before shield upgrade) with one sweep of its lasers. 一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵(在升级了护盾的前提下)。 pc.duowan.com 6. In the area of manufacturing, lasers are used for drilling, cutting, joining, hardening, surface modification and micromachining. 在生产领域,激光可以用来钻孔、切割、连接、硬化以及进行表面改性和微加工。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Using computer-controlled lasers, the company developed plastic models of products ranging from toys to engine components. 这家公司利用电脑控制的激光,开发从玩具到发动机零件等产品的塑料模型。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In developing this new treatment method, traditional carbon dioxide lasers were modified into a fractional format. 在新治疗发展过程中,传统的二氧化碳激光器被改进成一个分格的形式。 scifans.net 9. Lasers make possible a fascinating form of photography known as holography. 激光技术使得有可能制出称为全息摄影的美妙的图片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You are usually required to buy at least one special fish before you are allowed to purchase lasers or egg shells. 一般你都要购买至少一种特殊鱼类,才能够升级你的激光武器或者为你的蛋壳进行升级。 bbs.hxgame.net 1. By shining the lasers into the air from below they were analysing a cone that had its point at the base of the turbine. 通过从低处发射到空中的激光,他们建立了一个顶点在风机基础的锥体模型。 www.my1510.cn 2. But weaponized pure fusion would require miniaturizing lasers or other trigger technologies that currently involve building-sized equipment. 但是核武化的纯核聚变反应堆将配备小型激光器和目前被用于建设大型设备的其他触发技术。 www.bing.com 3. Flyers go after the thrill of the kill, with lasers simulating a hit, and sending your enemy into a smoky, spiral defeat. 飞行员们追求击落对方的快感,他们用激光模拟射击,把敌机杀得屁股冒烟、盘旋直下而落败。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. As much as I like to destroy things with lasers out of my hands, flying has always been a terrifying and exhilarating experience. 就像我也喜欢那个用手上发射的激光毁灭东西的能力,飞行是一种痛并快乐着的体验。 group.m.mtime.com 5. Fiber optic cables and lasers capable of sending pulses of light down them already existed when Dr. Kao started working on fiber optics. 当高锟开始研究光纤学的时候激光能够发射光脉冲通过光纤和已经存在。 www.bing.com 6. Mr Atkins said: "In terms of the amount of fireworks and the lasers, no one has ever done anything like it. " 阿特金斯先生说:“就烟花和激光的规模而言,还没有一个国家这样做过。” www.bing.com 7. National Ignition Facility will harness the power of lasers to turn hydrogen pellets into energy. 美国国家点火装置将利用激光把氢同位素靶丸转化为能量。 www.bing.com 8. The company has developed a research prototype representing the world's first silicon-based optical data connection with integrated lasers. 公司开发出了一个展现出了世界上首个基于硅的集成激光器光数据连接的研究原型。 www.linux-ren.org 9. Moreover, miniaturisation is not straightforward, not least because lasers cannot be made as small as transistors. 此外,小型化的困难尤其体现于激光器无法做得像晶体管一样小。 www.ecocn.org 10. With a extra-cavity structure, the mutual-injection phase-locking of two inter-related fiber lasers is easily obtained. 采用外腔结构,较容易实现了两路光纤激光器的能量互注入锁相。 www.opticsjournal.net 1. The firm says the low power-density of its lasers and a series of safeguards ensures that human exposure remains within regulatory limits. 公司称他们的低能量密度激光和一系列防护措施能保证暴露在其中的人体处于安全范围之内。 www.bing.com 2. The reason for the differences in the spectral purity with regard to longitudinal mode content of the lasers is still not clear . 关于这种激光器中,造成纵模成分的纯度有差别的原因,现在仍不清楚。 www.bing.com 3. The system is also unique through its capability of identifying lasers sources with the aid of a threat library. 该系统还可以通过其独有的威胁库识别激光源。 etiri.com.cn 4. A plasma cannon will loose against a few little fighters if it doesn't stand behind some missiles or lasers! 如果离子炮没有躲在一些导弹或是轻激后面,那只要几台轻歼就可以搞定他。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Boeing's approach incorporates a series of commercial, off-the-shelf lasers used in many industries for cutting and welding metal parts. 波音公司融合了一系列商用现货激光器,这些激光器在许多行业用于切割和焊接金属零件。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. However, she said that even if we do find signs of alien life, it is likely to take decades to talk to them from Earth via radio or lasers. 但是,约瑟琳说即便我们发现了外星生物迹象,在地球上通过电波或激光与其通话也需要数十载的时间。 gb.cri.cn 7. Our products are used in a multitude of industries, including: laboratory, lasers, pharmaceutical, plastics, chemical, and medical. 我们的产品用于许多行业,包括:实验室、激光器、制药、塑料行业、化学和医疗。 www.bioon.com.cn 8. The general results have applications in the optimal design of such passive Q-switched lasers. 结果具有一定的普遍性,有助于这类被动调Q激光器的优化设计。 www.opticsjournal.net 9. As the research on optical transmission techniques improving, different types of tunable lasers have been developed. 随着人们对光传输技术研究的不断深入,各种类型的可调谐激光器也随之产生。 www.13191.com 10. The team has been developing a new approach to the problem: lasers made of ceramic powders that are pressed into spark-plug sized cylinders. 针对这个问题,该团队已经开发出一种新方法:将由陶瓷粉末制成火花塞大小的激光器压入汽缸中。 www.bing.com 1. Another method, dubbed satellite laser ranging, fires visible-wavelength lasers from a few dozen ground stations at satellites. 另一种方法,被称作为人造卫星激光测距,从人造卫星的几十个地面站,发射可见波长激光。 www.elanso.com 2. Your ship is equipped with lasers and torpedos to help defend yourself, and scanners to assess the nearby threats and nearby sectors. 你的飞船上装有激光炮以及鱼雷以协助自卫,并装有扫描器以对附近有威胁的目标以及附近星区进行扫描。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Results show that the epilayer-side mounting form can reduce the heat accumulation in the lasers more effectively. 通过获得的模拟结果的对比,判断得到外延层朝下的烧结方式可以更好改善激光器的散热效果。 www.fabiao.net 4. Engraving lasers do not use ink, leave a permanent mark and are generally good for the environment. 激光雕刻不使用油墨,留下永久的标记,一般对环境有益。 www.bokee.net 5. Today lasers are also used to carve tissue from the cornea to correct defective vision (as shown left), and bleach birthmarks and tattoos. 如今,激光也被用来切割角膜,以矫正视力(如图所示),或者使胎记和刺青褪色。 www.bing.com 6. Sampled grating DBR (SGDBR) lasers are the most promising one of the tunable lasers applied in optical communications. 取样光栅DBR(SGDBR)激光器是目前光通讯中最有应用前景的可调谐激光器之一。 www.dictall.com 7. With the replacement of lasers, the network can be used for the real-time detection of other gases. 该网络只要更换激光器就可对其他气体进行实时检测。 www.opticsjournal.net 8. Using lasers to treat scars is a new technology, but is one of the most promising options for severe scarring. 利用激光治疗疤痕,是一种新技术,而且是世界上最有前途的选择严重疤痕。 www.acne-treatments-web.com 9. Its weaponry consists of a gunnery station with dual turbo lasers, as well as other "secret" armaments. 其武器装备包括一个带有双涡轮激光炮的炮台和其他“秘密”武器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Gas lasers, semiconductor lasers and solid lasers are usually used in this kind of interference system. 干涉系统多采用气体激光器、半导体激光器和固体激光器。 1. On top of that, lasers last for a long time, whereas xenon lamps burn out and need to be replaced periodically. 除此之外,激光能够持续更长时间段,而氙气灯较快燃尽,需定期更换。 www.ecocn.org 2. Towers can be integrated with multiple lasers, and modular systems can be designed to grow laser automation with the business. 料塔可以和多条激光线集成,而模块化系统可以让激光自动化的商业投资更加灵活。 www.bing.com 3. The physicists produced the jets by focusing lasers into a fluid surrounding a target cell. 科学家们通过将激光聚焦在目标细胞周围的也提上来产生射流。 www.biogo.net 4. These industrial lasers have demonstrated exceedingly high reliability, supportability and maintainability. 这些工业激光器的可靠性、可支持性和可维护性已经过了充分的证明。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. Launched by rocket, the Jules Verne uses a mixture of GPS and lasers to navigate its own way to the space station and dock with it. 儒勒?凡尔纳号由火箭发射,混合使用全球定位系统和激光自行导航至空间站并自行接驳。 www.bing.com 6. I come from Lasers where I am alone on the boat and with only one sail. 我是从激光级上来的,以前是我自己操作帆船,而且只有一面帆。 www.china-team.org 7. Researchers can change the speed and direction of the glass object by changing the lasers' brightness. 科学家们可以通过改变激光的强度来控制玻璃粒子移动的速度和方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Chaotic synchronization of semiconductor lasers with the coupling and its application in optical logic gates are studied. 研究了半导体激光器混沌耦合同步及其在光学逻辑门的应用。 dx.doi.org 9. a metallic element of the rare earth group; used in lasers; occurs in apatite and monazite and xenotime and ytterbite. 稀土属金属元素,用于激光中,见于磷灰石、独居石、磷钇矿和硅铍钇矿中。 www.dictall.com 10. First, in those days, lasers were bulky, expensive devices, whose only role in the cinema was to threaten to cut James Bond in half. 首先,当时的激光设备体积庞大,价格又高,在电影中唯一的作用就是用来威胁无往不胜的特工詹姆斯·邦德将其切成两半。 www.ecocn.org 1. His research interests include biomedical imaging and spectroscopy, biophysics, ultrafast lasers, nonlinear optics and photonics. 他的研究兴趣包括生物医学影像及光谱、生物物理、超快雷射、非线性光学以及光电子学。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Inhomogeneous thermal power density and temperature distribution of inside-pumped solid-state tube lasers have been derived in this paper. 本文导出了内泵浦方式下管状固体激光器的非均匀发热量和温度分布。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. That means the beam produced is of higher quality than other lasers, is extremely straight and can thus be focused onto a small area. 这意味着产生的光束比其他激光器发射的光束质量更高,最直接,也因此可以汇聚到更小的区域内。 www.kekenet.com 4. "Well, we've got to find something else. Unless you've got lasers. " “我们得想想别的办法,除非我们还能用激光,” www.bing.com 5. Firstly, we introduced the characteristics, basic theories, configuration, classification and application of fiber lasers. 首先本文介绍了光纤激光器的特点、基本原理、结构、分类及应用。 www.13191.com 6. So until now, clinics have used lasers or ultrasound to help deliver drugs deep into the skin. 所以,至今诊所医生使用激光或者超声波把药物送到皮肤下面。 www.bing.com 7. Two of its three lasers, used to judge the sea ice height, have already failed and the third is on its last legs. 卫星上用于判断海冰高度的三个激光器中的两个已经失灵,而最后一个激光器也即将寿终正寝。 www.bing.com 8. Dr Kasparian thinks that more powerful lasers will be able to draw lightning to the ground. Kasparian博士认为更强的激光可以引起云地闪电。 www.ecocn.org 9. Quantum algorithms have been processed before, but only in exotic systems using lasers or ions suspended with strong magnets. 在以前,量子算法也被提出过,但只适用于一些奇特的系统,这些系统使用了悬浮于强磁体的激光束或离子。 ranhouzenyang.com 10. Optics and optical instruments. Lasers and laser-related equipment. Fibre optic connectors for non-telecommunication laser applications. 光学和光学仪器。激光及激光相关设备。非电信激光设备用光纤连接器。 baike.sunsecond.com 1. These pulsed lasers are commonly used to transmit information through fiber optic cables. 脉冲激光器被普遍应用于光纤的信息传输。 www.bing.com 2. The design of wavelength tuning and stability control of tunable lasers is introduced and its feasibility verified by tests. 文章介绍了可调谐激光器的波长调节及稳定控制的设计方法,并通过试验验证了其可行性。 www.dictall.com 3. First drawn in 1951, Astroboy has rocket boots, lasers that shoot from his fingertips, and, uh, an ass cannon. 阿童木的形象诞生于1951年,他穿着火箭靴,能从指尖发射激光,以及……额……屁股上有一门加农炮。 www.bing.com 4. So LD pumped solid state lasers' performance can be improved on the basis of this research. 通过本论文,可以得出晶体热变形的规律,为改善激光二极管抽运全固态激光器的性能提供依据。 www.boshuo.net 5. Tunable lasers with agile and multi-wavelength selective features will be a key component for the optical networks before long. 可调谐半导体激光器由于具有灵活的多波长选择性激射特性,将成为未来光网络中的重要器件。 www.13191.com 6. Optical frequency combs are generated by devices called mode-locked lasers, which create ultrashort pulses of light. 光频梳是由一种称为锁模雷射的装置产生的,它可以产生超短光脉冲。 www.showxiu.com 7. Therefore, the laser allows a reduction in the number of lasers in a spectroscopic analysis system. 由此,光谱分析系统中的激光器数量将得以减少。 www.bing.com 8. Lasers can exert radiation pressure on small particles, which were used to cool and trap neutral atoms. 激光能够对粒子产生辐射压力,被用来冷却捕陷原子。 physics.zju.edu.cn 9. The lasers were real but the plan was fanciful Scientists now propose a more modest system, aimed at insects rather than nuclear warheads. 科学家现在寻求建立更合适的系统,目标是对付昆虫而不是原子核弹。 bbs.kekenet.com 10. Cascaded Raman fiber lasers (CRFL), however, can laser at any wavelength provided that the appropriate pump sources are available. 理论上级联拉曼光纤激光器只要有合适的泵浦源和适当的谐振腔,即可输出任意波长斯托克斯光。 www.dictall.com 1. Cascaded Raman fiber lasers (CRFL), however, can laser at any wavelength provided that the appropriate pump sources are available. 理论上级联拉曼光纤激光器只要有合适的泵浦源和适当的谐振腔,即可输出任意波长斯托克斯光。 www.dictall.com 2. Lasers cauterize incisions, reducing bleeding and infection, sealing off nerve endings, and minimizing postoperative pain. 激光可以麻痹伤口,减少流血和感染,封闭神经末梢,将术后痛苦降低至最。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Ingenia's machines use a scanning head consisting of three small lasers and six detectors to examine part of an object. Ingenia公司的机器采用一个扫描头对物体的局部进行检测,该扫描头是由三个小激光器和六个探测器组成。 www.ecocn.org 4. NF3 is also used as a fluorine source in high energy chemical lasers, owing to its ease of use relative to fluorine gas . 由于它相对于氟气更容易使用,NF3在高能化学激光器中用作氟源。 www.jukuu.com 5. Mainly engaged in semiconductor lasers, laser alignment, various types of laser modules of the production, and sale. 主要从事半导体激光器、准直激光、各类激光模组的生产、及销售。 www.showxiu.com 6. Lateral oxidation in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) is described, and its characteristics are investigated. 研究了垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)的侧向氧化工艺及其特性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A backlog of experiments in biology, physics and chemistry has already formed, which led to the need for more X-ray lasers. 由于在生物,物理和化学等领域里已经积压了一大堆要做的实验,这就导致需要更多的X射线激光器。 www.bing.com 8. The stability properties of semiconductor lasers strongly coupled to an external cavity are theoretically analyzed. 从理论上分析了强耦合外腔半导体激光器的稳定性。 www.opticsjournal.net 9. In the more recent series Astro Boy was also given an arm cannon, lasers in his fingers, and additional jets in his arms. 在最近的一系列铁臂阿童木也给予臂炮,激光器在他的手指,和更多的飞机在他的怀里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. America and France are among a few countries developing powerful lasers to shoot down missiles. 美国和法国都是少数几个研发出了能击落导弹的激光武器的国家之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. The analyses of this article are of important references to designing end-pumped solid-state lasers. 文中的分析可为端面抽运固体激光器的设计提供参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The dependence of the performance of fiber lasers on the operation temperature and cavity configuration parameters is also investigated. 此外,我们还观察分析了工作温度和其他腔结构参量对该激光器工作性能的影响。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. Continuous wave lasers is a switch or gray-scale modulational, can be carved small overlapping stripes, forming rhombic network points. 不断波激平器是开关或灰阶调制的,可以雕镂不入洪不小的轻叠条纹,变成菱形网穴。 www.bing.com 4. In the light-emitting diodes and lasers, ZnO has a great prospect and become a research focus in recent years. 在发光二极管,和激光器上有很大的应用前景,成为这几年的研究热点。 www.fabiao.net 5. But that may not matter too much. Lasers are more efficient than xenon lamps, which waste a lot of energy as heat. 不过瑕不掩瑜,激光的效率比氙气灯高,因为后者的能量很多以热能的形式散失了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Determination of laser resistance of tracheal tube shafts. 光学和光学仪器.激光和激光相关设备.气管导管柄激光阻力的测定 www.mapeng.net 7. Unlike the materials typically used in lasers, germanium is easy to incorporate into existing processes for manufacturing silicon chips. 有别于通常用于激发激光的物质,锗元素可以很容易的融入目前广泛使用的硅制芯片。 www.bing.com 8. From laser hair removal equipment to tattoo removal lasers, discover the power of Palomar's technology. 激光脱毛设备,激光去除纹身,发现的力量,在技术。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The small all solid-state lasers can be used as optical sources in wire-less optical communication and atmosphere-measure systems. 这种全固态小型激光器可以作为无线光通信系统、大气测量系统中的光源,具有广泛的应用前景。 www.fabiao.net 10. Another part of the machine places cells at carefully measured positions on the scaffolding using lasers. 机器的另一部分使用激光把细胞放置在精确测量的位置上。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Laser Diodes (contd. ) : In-plane lasers: double heterostructure, quantum well, multi-contact, surface emitting. 平面镭射:双异质结构,量子井,多重电极,面发射。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But using light to process information is tricky, requires exotic materials and lasers that demand more power than conventional transistors. 但是利用光来处理信息还很复杂,要求有合适的材料和需要有比传统晶体管能力更强的激光器。 www.bing.com 3. Development of such distributed feedback heterostructure lasers requires crystal growth on corrugated layers. 研制这种分布反馈双异质结构激光器要求在皱折层上生长出单晶层。 big5.cri.cn 4. He raised the Battloid's left arm, gripped the 'Cat around the waist, and tugged it into the lasers' field. 他举起机器人的左臂,从腰部紧握住大猫,把它拖进激光的照射场。 bbs.rtucn.com 5. It is considered likely to fully replace the traditional solid-state lasers of a high-intensity light. 它被认为是有可能全面替代传统的固体激光器的一种高强度光源。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. "The idea was to use lasers as a heat exchanger--take the energy and make a hot fluid that can expand out of the nozzle, " Bruccoleri says. Bruccoleri说,该概念利用激光作为热交换器,携带能量并使热流从喷嘴喷出。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn 7. The device, about the size of a DVD player, uses lasers to send out flashes of infrared light. 这个装置大约像DVD播放机那样大,使用激光器发出红外光闪光。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Random mode hopping in narrow line-width lasers is a significant factor that affects the stability of the optical system. 窄线宽激光器随机发生的跳模现象,是影响光学系统稳定的重要因素。 www.dictall.com 9. Fifty years later, lasers are a staple in everything from astronomy, surgery and DVD players to cutting sheet metal. 五十年后,激光的用途遍及天文学、外科手术、DVD播放器到金属切割。 www.bing.com 10. Tunable ultraviolet (UV) lasers have important applications in scientific research and high technology fields. 可调谐紫外激光在科学研究和高技术领域都有重要应用。 www.pet2008.cn 1. The broad fluorescence spectrum of the organic dyes suggests a broad tunability range for lasers using them as the active material. 有机染料具有宽荧光光谱使人们想到,若用它们作为激光介质,则激光器就会有宽的调谱范围。 www.jukuu.com 2. prints glossy, durable labels, using an electro-photographic process similar to laser printing, but using LEDs rather than lasers. 印刷精美,耐用标签,使用电摄影过程类似激光打印,但使用发光二极管,而不是激光。 www.512121.com 3. Most people don't think of these lasers as having a dark mode; it's the first time I've heard of one. 维纳说:“大多数人并不认为激光器具有深色模式,这也是我第一次听说的一个激光器。” www.bing.com 4. To begin with, the laser palette was rather limited: helium-neon and ruby lasers emitted red light, and others produced invisible infrared. 刚开始时,激光的色彩是相当有限的:氦氖激光器和红宝石发出红光,其他激光器则产生不可见的红外光。 www.bing.com 5. The collimation and shaping of the optical systems in the semiconductor lasers are emphatically presented in this paper. 本文重点介绍半导体激光器光学系统的准直及其整形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The first step in creating this exotic form of material is to trap the ultra-cooled atoms of lithium-6 with lasers. 制造这种奇异的物质形态的第一步是用激光器捕捉超冷状态的锂-6原子。 www.bing.com 7. Tunable multiple-wavelength mid-infrared (mid-IR) lasers are obtained by changing the temperature of the crystal. 通过改变晶体温度,获得了可调谐的多波长中红外激光输出。 dx.doi.org 8. Introduced the principle and characteristics of their work, review the corresponding fiber lasers Home and Abroad. 分别介绍了它们的工作原理及特性,综述了相应光纤激光器国内外的发展概况。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Secondly, theoretic model and the theoretical analysis' method of the four-level system cladding-pumped fiber lasers are analyzed. 其次,以四能级系统为例,研究了对双包层光纤激光器的理论模型和计算方法。 www.fabiao.net 10. The first to emit the rest of the rainbow were ion lasers, made by passing a high-voltage discharge through argon or krypton. 第一次实现七彩激光的是离子激光器,它通过在氩或氪中的高压放电产生激光。 www.bing.com 1. These proven industrial lasers have demonstrated high reliability and the associated support and maintenance benefits. 这些工业激光器已经经过了高可靠性、技术支持和维护等验证。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. Personal eye-protection - Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems (laser adjustment eye-protectors). 人眼防护.在激光器和激光系统上作校准工作用的眼镜防护装置(激光校准护目镜) www.mapeng.net 3. Each Solo carries a camera at either end, sonar to scan below the water, and lasers to search sewer walls for acid corrosion. 每个单用机器人在前后两端都各有一个照相机、一个进行水下扫描的声纳和一个用来寻找下水管道锈蚀的激光器。 www.bing.com 4. Metal skins will be welded together with lasers, eliminating thousands of fasteners. 金属外壳由激光铎成一体,从而免去成千上万个扣钉。 www.ebigear.com 5. Other than using electrolysis method, lasers and flash lamps are also effective but giving you only permanent hair "reduction" . 除了采用电解法,激光器和闪光灯都有效,但只给你的头发永久“裁减”。 actuafreearticles.com 6. The research on thermal blooming can effectively facilitate the application of high-energy lasers in both military and civilian fields. 对热晕效应的研究能够有效促进强激光在军事和民用上的实际应用。 www.boshuo.net 7. With the present lasers, X-ray microscopy can be made using narrow band emission or black body radiation from laser plasmas. 就目前的泵浦激光条件,采用窄带辐射和黑体辐射可进行水窗波段X光显微成像的实验研究。 www.showxiu.com 8. At the same time, "technology" "creative" and "cooperation" will show up in the highway which is composed by quick running of lasers. 同时,在光线快速飞驰所组成的高速公路上将会出现“科技”、“创新”、“协作”词语。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. The main lantern came equipped with lasers and colorful fireworks that brought waves of applause from the crowd. 主灯搭配了雷射,和五彩烟火,让到场的民众欢呼声不断。 englishnews.ftv.com.tw 10. This effect, he says, could be used to improve lasers and replace expensive lenses in DVD players and other consumer products. 他表示这个成果可以用来改进激光器,替代DVD播放器上昂贵的镜头和其它的消费产品。 www.bing.com 1. The other one uses some conventional testing method to test the facet temperature of the semiconductor lasers. 另一类是利用一些常规的测量技术,测量半导体激光器的腔面温度的分布。 www.fabiao.net 2. Livermore has been pursuing the idea ever since with a succession of bigger and bigger lasers, culminating in theNational Ignition Facility. 从那以来,利弗莫尔实验室一直追寻着这个理念,他们使用的激光器也越来越大,终于在美国国家点火实验设施*中达到巅峰。 www.bing.com 3. Fundamental principles of high-frequency chaos generation and synchronization in Er-doped fiber ring lasers are analyzed. 分析了掺铒光纤环形激光器中非线性高频混沌产生和同步的基本原理。 www.dictall.com 4. Weather forecasters are using satellites, lasers and specially equipped test aircraft to judge the ash cloud's location and density. 气象人员利用卫星、激光和配备了特殊装备的试验飞机判断灰云的位置和密度。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Lasers are also providing new insights into the motion of molecules in liquids, where most chemistry takes place. 激光还为我们提供了液体中分子运动的新情报,而大多数化学反应都是在液体中进行的。 www.jukuu.com 6. Broken blood vessels accompany these wrinkles and can be treated with lasers or cautery . 伴随着皱纹的毛细血管破损可以用激光和化学的方法来治疗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. They use several red, green and blue lasers and feed the light from these into an optical fibre to produce white light. 他们使用红、绿、蓝三原色激光,再将三色的光线导入光纤,混合成白光。 www.ecocn.org 8. That problem has gone away as compact and inexpensive semiconductor lasers have become commercially available. 但是随着小巧便宜的半导体激光在商业市场上面市,这个问题就不复存在了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Great leaps in quality are claimed possible because the lasers can engrave at angles far exceeding those of the natural path of light. 大的飞跃,质量是可能的,因为人的激光器可以雕刻角度远远超过那些自然光的道路。 www.512121.com 10. Other components of the missile shield could include sea-launched missiles and lasers mounted in planes. 这个反导大盾的其他部件包括海基导弹和机载激光。 bbs.tiexue.net 1. A newly developed instrument for detecting spectra and P - I characteristics of semiconductor lasers is presented in this paper. 介绍了一种检测半导体激光器光谱特性和P-I特性的仪器系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The beam is different from the lasers used in pointers and industrial applications. 这种光束与仪器和工业生产用的激光不同。 www.bing.com 3. Perhaps. Babbage is no expert on the medical applications of lasers. 也许巴贝奇不是激光医疗应用的专家。 www.bing.com 4. Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser beam parameters : Beam positional stability. 激光和激光设备.激光束参数的试验方法:束定位稳定性 www.mapeng.net 5. And then, the tenability and dual-wavelength operation of the fiber lasers were analyzed with Jones Matrix. 并利用琼斯矩阵分析了该光纤激光器实现可调谐输出及双波长产生的机理。 www.73202.com 6. With ordinary photo cells, one can pick up the frequency between two different lasers. 人们就能够探测到两个不同的激光之间的拍频。 tr.bab.la 7. But the year of sputniks, lasers and Nobel laureates came to a standstill with the breakup of the USSR in 1991. 但是自从1991年苏联解体后,这里的人造卫星技术、激光技术都停滞不前,诺贝尔奖得主也寥寥无几。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Reported X Light The hand-held shooting facilities include a projector camera and infrared lasers cameras and indicators. 据报道,这个手持X光拍摄设备包括一个投影仪、数码相机、红外摄影机和激光指示器。 www.englishtang.com 9. Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Vocabulary and symbols. 光学和光学仪器.激光和激光相关设备.词汇和符号 www.mapeng.net 10. Other researchers, in America and Japan, are also looking at using lasers rather than microwaves to transmit power through the atmosphere. 美国和日本的其它研究人员也在寻求利用微波以外的激光透过大气传输能量。 www.kekenet.com 1. Passengers walk through the machine as the lasers test the surrounding air. 乘客走过机器,激光检测其周围的空气。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Lasers solve all three of those problems, but instead of emitting white light, a laser emits a narrow band of frequencies at best. 雷射可以一举解决这三个问题,不过它却无法放出白光,最多只能放出频率范围很窄的光。 3. The current modulation bandwidth of micro-cavity semiconductor lasers versus the active volume is analyzed. 主要讨论了微腔半导体激光器电流调制带宽随有源区体积的变化规律。 www.dictall.com 4. Neodymium is found in the solid-state lasers used to designate targets. 用于锁定目标的固体激光中含有钕元素。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Specifically, we've covered the use of lasers to understand and even model our buried history. 尤其是,我们已经谈过使用激光来了解甚至建模那些埋入地下的历史。 www.bing.com 6. The turbo lasers seen in the films are readily recognizable by their characteristic recoiling sleeved barrels. 电影里出现的涡轮激光炮很容易通过其特有的带后坐力套筒形炮管辨认出。 www.starwarschina.com 7. The lasers remove the scarred skin , and encourage growth of new skin in its place . 激光消除疤痕的皮肤,并鼓励生长新的皮肤上的位置。 www.bing.com 8. Many apparatuses, including lasers, optical units, vacuum system, etc. , are applied in the experiment. 本实验中使用了大量仪器,包括激光器、各种光学元件、真空系统等。 physics.zju.edu.cn 9. Zap it from all sides simultaneously with the lasers and, scientists hope, the pellet will implode and the hydrogen nuclei will fuse. 科学家希望,通过从各个方向用激光同时轰击,原子核球发生内爆,氢原子核发生聚变。 www.ecocn.org 10. This may then allow imaging of cell-lasers inside a living animal, rather than having to extract cells for investigation in the lab. 这样就可以把细胞激光器的镜像放进活体动物,而不用像实验室里一样提取细胞了。 www.ufochn.com 1. There wasn't uh, there's nothing. . . explodes, no chase scenes, nobody shooting nuclear lasers, and then no - no Martians or nothing. 其中不是,那里没有…爆炸,没有追逐,没人发射核激光,而且也没有火星人或其他东西。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. As the key technology in WDM system, erbium-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers have acquired more attentions for their inherent advantages. 作为WDM通信系统中的关键技术,掺铒光纤激光器和放大器由于本身所具有的一系列优越性,受到越来越多的关注。 www.fabiao.net 3. The improvement of lifetime plays important role in application and popularization of excimer lasers. 准分子激光器的推广应用与其寿命的改善有着很密切的关系。 www.dictall.com 4. Experts at nLIGHT specialize in high-power semiconductor lasers and fibers for military, industrial, medical, and consumer applications. nLIGHT公司的专家精通高能半导体激光器和光纤,产品能满足军事、工业、医疗和消费类应用需求。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. The other mainstream approach is blasting a pellet of fuel with lasers, creating conditions hot and dense enough for fusion. 另一种主要的聚变能创生办法是以激光爆破球丸状燃料,产生足够聚变的热和密度条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. They have been studied as materials for optical detectors and mid infrared semiconductor lasers. 这些特性使得它们在中红外激光器和探测器制造方面有重要的应用。 physics.zju.edu.cn 7. In this paper, development and application of the quantum cascade lasers are introduced. 本文介绍了量子级联激光器的发展、应用状况及一些可能的应用范围。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Satellites can be temporarily blinded with lasers fired from earth. 卫星遇到地球上发射的激光,会暂时失明。 ecocn.org 9. On top of that, there is weak dependence on voltage by these lasers, and they are not sensitive to temperature change. 除此之外,这些激光器对电压依赖程度低,对温度变化也不敏感。 www.bing.com 10. Fiber lasers have wide application in optical fiber communication and optical fiber sensing systems. 光纤激光器在光纤通信和光纤传感中有广泛的应用。 search.gucas.ac.cn 1. Thermal effect of the crystals seriously affects LD pumped solid state lasers'performance. 激光晶体这种热效应严重影响着激光二极管抽运全固态激光器的性能。 www.boshuo.net 2. And the characteristics of the application: semiconductor diode laser is the most important practical for a class of lasers. 特点及应用范围:半导体二极管激光器是实用中最重要的一类激光器。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Solid-state lasers are powered by electricity, making them highly mobile and supportable on the battlefield. 固态激光器的能量由电力提供,这使其在战场上具有更好的机动性和可支持性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Secondly, the probe could have an active radar or lidar defense that targets debris and uses lasers to vaporize the dust particles. 第二,探测器可能有主动雷达或者激光雷达防御系统,可以发现碎片,并用激光来汽化这些颗粒。 www.bing.com 5. In this paper, a theoretical random walk model for the metal vapor condenser of metal vapor lasers is presented. 提出了金属蒸气激光器中金属原子在激光器隔离头中运动的理论模式——无规行走模式。 www.opticsjournal.net 6. The idea of replacing spark plugs - a technology that has changed little since their invention 150 years ago - with lasers is not a new one. 取代火花塞得想法----自从火花塞在一百五年前被发明以来这种技术改变很小----激光器并不是一种新技术。 www.bing.com 7. But lasers and semi-conductor and computer research will be the engines of the 21st century, and there will be jobs in these fields. 激光和半导体和计算机的研究将成为21世纪的发动机,将在这些领域的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The Mining Lasers group has been reorganized into separate sub groups for the different types of mining lasers. 采矿激光器的市场分组已经重新编排成分开的子目录,区分开不同的采矿器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Tesla cautiously pushed his hand into the lasers' field, and winced at the resultant burn. 泰斯拉小心地把一只手塞到激光场域里,烫伤后缩了回去。 bbs.rtucn.com 1. The characteristics of the vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers(VCSELs) is analyzed numerically. 主要用数值方法分析了垂直腔面发射半导体激光器的基本特性。 en.zidian8.com 2. TOPO is a useful configuration for multiple laser output, broad tuning range, and high-efficiency mid-IR lasers. TOPO是实现多波长输出、宽范围调谐、高效率中红外激光的有效结构。 dx.doi.org 3. "If you could enrich with lasers, you could cut the cost by a factor of 10. " “如果能用激光浓缩铀,成本可以削减10倍。” www.bing.com 4. Bar-code lasers can identify moving cars on the road, and drivers will accept purchasing vouchers. 条形码激光器能识别在路上行驶的汽车,司机会接受购买凭证。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Fireworks cascaded from the tower's spire to the base and lasers blazed out from all levels leaving the crowds awestruck. 烟花级联从塔的尖顶的基础,开辟了所有观众震撼离开了激光水平。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. Lasers may be popularly considered the essence of precision optics and purity of color. 激光具有良好的光学精密性和单色性。 www.bing.com 7. Grewer's brainstorm was to create a method that uses lasers to trigger the transports' action. Grewer灵机一动,创建了一种新的方法,即采用激光来触发转运蛋白的作用。 www.dxy.cn 8. The lasers by the runways act a bit like radars. 机场跑道两侧的激光起到一些类似雷达的作用。 www.bing.com 9. Lasers reproduce the pictures combined into three-dimensional images, or holograms. 激光将这些照片复试,组合成三维图片,或全息图。 www.remword.cn 10. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved lasers for neurosurgery in May 2009. 国家食品和药物监察局在2009年五月批准了激光可以作为手术手段。 www.bing.com 1. China has used high-energy lasers to interfere with US satellites, according to a US Army space-warfare specialist. 中国已经使用高能激光干扰美国卫星,依照一位美国陆军空间-战专家所说。 www.armsky.com 2. Dual- wavelength and multi-wavelength lasers have become an international hot topic recent years. 近年来,双波长及多波长激光器成为国际上一个较为热门的研究课题。 www.fabiao.net 3. The recent advance in quantum cascade lasers offers an ideal compact source for mid and far-infrared laser emission. 量子级联激光器作为新近出现的全固化小型理想中远红外激光源,引起了人们极大的兴趣。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 4. Of course you can settle for cheap lasers or laser pointers sold by other companies at the expense of quality. 当然你可以解决廉价激光或其他公司出售牺牲质量为代价激光指针。 www.theultimatelive.com 5. In Lhis paper, the history and status of the studies on distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor lasers are introduced. 本文简要地介绍了分布反馈式(DFB)半导体激光器研究的历史和现状。 www.instrumentation.com.cn 6. Lasers can be used as measuring instruments for making accurate measurements of very small objects. 激光可以用来作精密测量非常小的物体的测量仪器。 www.hotdic.com 7. Several manufacturers received FDA permission to claim, "permanent reduction, " NOT "permanent removal" for their lasers. 一些制造业者接受了食品药物管理局许可宣称,“长备的减少,”不“长备的移动”对于他们的激光。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In this paper, the basic theory of frequency chirp in semiconductor lasers is discussed. 文章讨论了半导体激光器频率啁啾产生的物理机制。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. American satellites have been "dazzled" by lasers fired from the ground. 美国卫星曾由于地面激光的攻击而“满眼昏花”。 www.ecocn.org 10. The practice of ophthalmology requires increasing amounts of capital to fund the purchase of lasers and other expensive equipment. 眼科实践的需要越来越多的资金来支付昂贵的激光器和其他设备购置。 wenwen.soso.com 1. s of the international conference on the solid-state lasers for application to inertial confinement fusion (3rd). 第3届国际固体激光器在惯性约束聚变中应用会议文摘…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 2. Lasers can be widely used in industrial and medical fields because of their good features. 激光具有很多优良的特性,已经广泛用于工业和医学领域。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Thousands of strontium atoms are cooled by a system of blue lasers. 数千个锶原子被蓝激光冷却。 select.yeeyan.org 4. It should be helpful for selecting appropriate materials for nanotexturing of thin films by ultrafast lasers. 本文的研究将有助于利用超快激光对薄膜材料进行纳米构造。 dx.doi.org 5. Sheldon: No. That was a result of my work with lasers. 不是,是因为我做激光实验才送我去的。 www.kekenet.com 6. Nasa is considering using lasers to deflect space junk around Earth and stop it colliding with satellites. Nasa现在正考虑运用激光仪器来改变地球周边太空垃圾的航线,以防止它们和人造卫星相撞。 www.bing.com 7. The most common type of toner-based printer is the laser printer, which uses precision lasers to cause toner adherence. 最常见的碳粉打印机是激光打印机,它使用高精度激光造成碳粉遵守。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A confocal microscope with lasers allowed the researchers to image the cells at very high resolutions. 研究人员通过激光共焦显微镜在高分辨率下观察细胞。 news.dxy.cn 9. The theory model of fiber Bragg grating external cavity semiconductor lasers (FBG-ECL) is studied. 研究了光纤光栅外腔半导体激光器(FBG-ECL)的理论模型; www.ceps.com.tw 10. Without lasers, that robo-SUV, nicknamed Stanley, neverwould've left the starting line. 如果没有激光,机器人型SUV,绰号士丹利,永远无法离开起跑线。 www.bing.com 1. But only with the advent of smaller lasers has the idea of laser-based combustion become a practical one. 但是只有随着更小激光器的问世,基于激光引燃的想法才能变成现实。 www.bing.com 2. However, it remains a major task to develop various high performance diode-pumped solid state lasers. 但是,多样化、高质量的全固化激光器仍然是一个重要课题。 www.fabiao.net 3. While in random lasers, the multiple scattering origined from the randomness is the actual lasing feedback mechanism for such systems. 然而,在随机激光器中,为系统提供反馈机制的是介质无序性所造成的多重散射。 soso.361xs.com 4. Lasers offer some obvious advantages over magnetic confinement. 激光同磁约束相比,有一些明显优势。 www.ecocn.org 5. LASERS AND LASER-RELATED EQUIPMENT. LASER DEVICE. MECHANICAL INTERFACES. (EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 31253). 激光和相关设备.激光装置.机械接口(EN31253) www.mapeng.net 6. But for local and regional estimates lasers can be flown on aircraft. 但是通过将激光发射器加载到飞行器上也能实现区域性的预测。 www.ecocn.org 7. Oil droplets lit by lasers swirl in a wind tunnel around a flowering blade of grass. 风洞中激光照亮的油滴围绕着草叶周围打着转。 www.bing.com 8. The device uses lasers to identify explosive material in gases in the air. 它使用激光来辨别出空气中的爆炸物质。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. This study is helpful to optimize the design of the diode side pumped solid state lasers. 分析结果可为二极管泵浦固体激光器的优化设计提供参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The fibered Q-switches are the critical components of the Q-switched all-fiber lasers. 光纤型Q开关是调Q全光纤激光器的关键部件。 www.jgjs.net.cn 1. They are advancing in on-line process control and laser integrated production with several lasers and workstations. 他们在激光加工系统实时监控和多激光器、多工作站集成制造技术方面处于领先地位。 www.opticsjournal.net 2. This will cause lasing emission wavelength to shift from ground states to excited states in QD lasers. 这将会造成量子点雷射的雷射发光波长由基态转变至激发态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. To cool atoms to near absolute zero, physicists rely on systems of lasers and magnetic fields to trap atoms. 为了将原子冷却至接近绝对零度,物理学家倚靠的是雷射及磁场组成的系统来局限原子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSEL) is a new type semiconductor laser. 垂直腔面发射激光器是一种新型的半导体激光器。 www.showxiu.com 5. Set the Aesthetic Lasers product application and training plan in local territory. 制定美容激光产品所在区域内的临床应用计划和培训计划; www.alsox.com 6. Some 3D printers spread metal powders on the print table and sinter the pattern with lasers or electron beams, rather than using masks. 一些3D打印机将金属粉末撒到打印台上并通过激光和电子束来代替遮光板烧结所需要的形状。 www.ecocn.org 7. The implant spray-coating with hydroxyapatite produced by excimer and CO2 lasers stimulates osteogenesis. 植入喷涂羟基磷灰石产生准分子和CO2激光器刺激成骨。 www.syyxw.com 8. That request includes sophisticated radars, lasers and GPS-guided bombs. 这项请求包括精密雷达、激光制导和GPS制导的炸弹。 www.bing.com 9. Lasers at the other end received the pictures and produced holographs on the screen. 另一端的激光器接收到这些图片并在屏幕上生成全息图。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. And other groups are turning modest-sized optical telescopes to searching for nanosecond flashes from alien lasers. 而其他的团队正转向以中等规模的光学望远镜去搜索来自外太空雷射的纳秒(十亿分之一秒)闪烁。 lab.es.ncku.edu.tw 1. Together, the thermal imager, daylight camera, and lasers are in a 4-axis gimbal stabilized pod that provides 360-degree coverage. 热成像仪、日光照相机和激光组成一个提供360度视觉的4轴万向节稳定装置。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. Laser light part adopts domestic semiconductor lasers AL0808T500 to output highly stable coherent light. 激光光源部分采用国产半导体激光器AL0808T500输出高稳定的相干光。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 3. The marking system designed according to my study can adapt various lasers. The speed and quality of marking is excellent. 制作的图像标记控制系统能够适应各种激光器,速度和效果俱佳。 www.fabiao.net 4. "The gold nanoparticles have this ability to be activated by near-infrared lasers so that they can be heated quite rapidly, " he says. 黄金纳米颗粒可以被近红外线激光激活,从而非常迅速地被加热。 www.bing.com 5. In all lasers, light is repeatedly reflected within a mirrored cavity. 在所有的激光器中,光都在一个反射腔中重复反射。 www.bing.com 6. Accelerate programs to protect its satellites against ASAT weapons of all kinds, including lasers. 加速克制反卫星武器的计划来保护卫星,包括激光武器计划。 www.dictall.com 7. A coherent combining scheme for two solid state lasers was proposed by using Michelson cavity technique. 提出了采用迈克尔逊干涉复合腔技术进行两路固体激光器相干合成的实验方案。 www.opticsjournal.net 8. Abstract: The current study is focused on organic semiconductor lasers. 文摘:近年来,有机半导体激光器已经成为一个新的研究热点。 www.jukuu.com 9. The second-order approximate solution of P-doped cascaded Raman fiber lasers were obtained by nonlinear method. 利用非线性方法可以得到级联掺磷拉曼光纤激光器的二阶近似解。 www.dictall.com 10. Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) have been studied extensively in the field of optoelectronics over the past few years. 垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)是当前光电子学领域最活跃的研究课题之一。 www.fabiao.net |
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