单词 | mulberry |
释义 |
复数:mulberries 例句释义: 桑树,桑葚,深紫红色,百莉,玛百莉,桑椹 1. The Black Mulberry Morus nigra is often known as the English Mulberry for the following reason. 黑桑树桑黑往往被称为英国桑树,原因如下。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Among the dowry items, besides silk stuff, there must be a pair of young mulberry trees, silkworm and egg sheets. 嫁妆里,除了丝织品,必须要有两颗桑树幼苗,蚕和卵纸。 sdfz.tongbuedu.com 3. A mulberry leaf touched with the genius . Ent and wonder at my greatness as the words of these scrolls are fulfilled in me . 当我完成这件事,我要再接再励。当羊皮卷上的话在我身上实现时,世人会惊叹我的伟大。 www.bing.com 4. Mulberry day to understand the what, must be evidence, the murderer is kill chicken person constantly what he was looking for. 罗桑天认识到了什么,一定是证据,是凶手杀害凤人美不断要找的东西。 tv.360mp3.com 5. Build Huidong into a State-level Base of Quality Cocoon and Silk by the Chance of "Mulberry Transfer from the East to the West" 利用“东桑西移”机遇乘势而上把会东建成国家级优质茧丝基地 www.ilib.cn 6. All around the mulberry bush All around the mulberry bush, The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought 't was all in fun. 围绕着桑树丛,猴子追赶着黄鼠狼。猴子认为这只是玩笑。砰!责任被推托。 edge77.blogbus.com 7. Mulberry days trying to call in the people exactly is who? 罗桑天在想打电话的人到底是谁? tv.360mp3.com 8. Somehow, Mulberry managed to wrangle that color and put it on a handbag, and for that, I salute them. 不知何故,桑树管理的缠斗,颜色,放在一个手提包,又为这一点,卖包包网站我向他们致敬。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The epidemic grew to a massive scale, and after having attacked the silkworms, other viruses began to infect the mulberry trees. 这些疾病的传播发展成了大规模,而且,在袭击了桑蚕之后,其它病毒开始感染桑树。 www.bing.com 10. sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus. 甜的、深紫色的、像黑莓般的、桑属树的果实。 www.hotdic.com 1. The wind, the leaves seemed to beckon to me, like Mulberry smile for me. 风吹过,桑叶好像在跟我招手,桑果好像在对我微笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Her humiliation ate away the last of her confidence like silkworms munching on mulberry leaves. 她心里的耻辱像蚕食桑叶般的,一点一点,侵蚀了仅存的那点自信。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Fruit electric short cut is mainly used for fruit trees, vines, mulberry tree planting, gardening and landscaping pruning work. 果树电动短剪主要用于果树、葡萄树、桑树种植基地、园艺及绿化剪枝工作。 nongye.cn 4. Earth horizontal spacious, the houses set out in neat order, has being of the fertile farmland beautiful pond mulberry bamboo. 这里土地平坦开阔,房屋整整齐齐,有肥沃的田地,美丽的池塘和桑树竹子之类。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In a moment, Huo mulberry already the Fu wear body and stretch hand into water and pull up a wet package surface. 一转瞬间,霍桑已俯着身子,伸手入水,将一个湿淋淋的包裹拉出了水面。 www.swty.net 6. mulberry silkworm chrysalis with its delicious, rich in protein and high nutritional quality of the masses deeply loved. 桑其鲜美,含有丰富的蛋白质和高人民群众的营养质量蚕蛹深爱。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Yangchun in March, a few patches of light rain, the mulberry busy to take care of their children, give birth to a small fruit. 阳春三月,下过几阵小雨后,桑树忙着照顾自己的孩子,生出了一个个小青果。 www.tradeask.com 8. Favored with the advantaged climate, Suzhou with its surrounding areas is suitable for raising silk and planting mulberry trees. 以得天独厚的气候,与周边地区的苏州青睐适合提高丝绸和种植桑树。 www.cdjnp.cn 9. There, Xi He would wash her children in the lake and put them in the branches of an enormous mulberry tree called fu-sang. 在那里,席,他将撒手不管她的孩子在湖边,把他们的分支机构巨大的桑树所谓的富生。 wenwen.soso.com 10. She looking at Huo mulberry to say: "Sir, will the end of my son be beheaded? " 她看着霍桑说道:“先生,我儿子最后会被杀头吗?” www.swty.net 1. Dirty and the helps deformation of physiology of allergy of mulberry devil psychology contributing factor like the dwarf? 龌龊且侏儒般的扶桑鬼子心理变态生理畸形的成因?。 www.showxiu.com 2. These results suggested that the mulberry wild silkworm from China be a very complex population with abundant genetic diversity. 这表明中国野桑蚕是一个十分混杂的、遗传多样性非常丰富的群体。 www.insect.org.cn 3. Although the voice of Huo mulberry is very easy to get along with, but his sharp-edged vision doesn't always and never slack off. 霍桑的声浪虽很和婉,但他的锐利的目光却始终不曾懈怠。 www.swty.net 4. Mulberry day took out on the night YingJu song in three pictures of the party habitat. 罗桑天拿出了当天晚上参与影剧歌三栖晚会的人的照片。 tv.360mp3.com 5. The invention relates to a mulberry leaf effective ingredient extract and its manufacturing method. 本发明涉及一种桑叶有效成分提取物及制备方法。 ip.com 6. As a dye, violet cabbage pigment was used in mulberry silk fabric dyeing experiments by direct and mordant methods. 以紫甘蓝色素为染料,用直接法、媒染法对蚕丝纤维进行了染色试验。 www.dictall.com 7. Some early step in and out of mulberry days before he stole LiMengLou's body. 有人又提早一步赶在罗桑天入手之前偷走了李梦露的尸体。 tv.360mp3.com 8. A preliminary study of economic characters of mulberry planted within contour hedgerows of nitrogen fixing plants. 固氮植物篱梯埂套种桑树效益初探。 www.ilib.cn 9. They used it to scent their bark cloth (tapa cloth) by pounding chips of its heartwood into the bark of paper mulberry. 他们用它来气味的树皮布(塔帕桑布)的文件中把树皮的冲击,其心材芯片。 hi.baidu.com 10. The paper explored the origin and differentiation of the mulberry silkworm ( Bombyx mori) from the chromosome variation point of view. 本文从染色体变异角度对蚕的起源与分化作了探讨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The pearl river delta is China's grain, sugar, mulberry and freshwater fish is one of important origin. 珠江三角洲是中国粮食、蔗糖、桑蚕和淡水鱼重要产地之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. when she left , qiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her. 临走的时候,阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽。 www.ichacha.net 3. The nutrition value and digestibility effect of mulberry were always better than that of local grass and tree leaves . . . 桑树与印度及非洲的一些牧草、树叶比较,其营养效价及动物的消化吸收率均有优势。 epub.cnki.net 4. In this report, the composition of amino acid, oil and its physical and chemical characters in mulberry seeds were determined and analyzed. 测定了桑籽中氨基酸的组成和桑籽油脂肪酸的组分及理化特性指标。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Laughing at the least mistake and accusing the elm while pointing at the mulberry tree'if one shows the least bias . 错一点他们就笑话打趣,偏一点他们就指桑说槐的抱怨。 www.bing.com 6. All of the above results demonstrated that the mulberry polysaccharide, flavonoids and alkaloids could prevent and treat diabetes. 结论:桑叶多糖、黄酮、生物碱对糖尿病有一定的预防及治疗作用。 7. Regrettably, it was later discovered that both species of mulberry were used in the orient for silk. 遗憾的是,后来发现,这两个种桑树在东方的丝绸使用。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The mulberry red pigment was extracted from the mulberry juice, and its physicochemical properties were studied, too. 本试验从桑椹原浆中提取桑椹红色素,并对其理化性质开展研究。 www.chemyq.com 9. ARCHES of red, white and green tinsel, hanging between the light posts of Mulberry Street, shimmered in the August heat. 纽约茂比利街的路灯之间扯起了红白绿的拱形彩饰,在八月暑热中微微泛光。 www.bing.com 10. Ingredients: amino acid protein, ginseng essence, macromolecule sunproof factor, mulberry whitening extract etc. 成份:氨基酸蛋白、人参精华、高分子防晒剂、桑树净白精华等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The spurting blood turned the white mulberry tree into a dark purple. 那飞溅的鲜血把那棵白桑树也染成了深紫色。 www.jukuu.com 2. The doctor also provided a nourishing recipe for black sesame mulberry paste as a reference. 医师也提供了一帖「黑芝麻桑椹糊」食补,供民众参考。 presale.fun-day.com.tw 3. Taking mulberry as main material, mulberry wine was produced with temperature controlling technique and alcohol fermentation process. 研究以桑椹为主要原料,采用控温发酵技术酿制桑椹果酒的工艺流程。 dict.veduchina.com 4. In recent years, mulberry plantation and sericiculture develop rapidly, which provide plenteous raw material for the project. 近年来,宿迁地区的栽桑养蚕发展迅猛,为项目实施提供丰富的原料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The mulberry jam is prepared from fresh mulberries, thereby having natural taste and flavor of the natural mulberries and high nutrition. 本发明采用加入新鲜桑果制备桑果酱,从而使得产品具有天然桑果的真实感和风味,营养成分高。 ip.com 6. In their childhood, they used to herd cattle on hillside and pick mulberry leaves together. 小时候,他们一起上山放过牛,一起在林子里采过桑叶。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Huo mulberry is anti- have never seen him the status of this variation, still selfishly ask words to Xu Mo Yong. 霍桑反似没有瞧见他这变异的状态,仍自顾自地向许墨佣问话。 www.wzgem.com 8. The Huo mulberry by hand caught that youth's shoulder stone tablet again and handed him to sit down. 霍桑又用手捉住了那少年的肩碑,扶着他坐下。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 9. Artificial diet could also affect CAT activity as compared with that fed on mulberry leaves. 饲料对CAT活力有一定影响,人工饲料育蚕CAT活力略大于桑叶育的; www.insect.org.cn 10. "Does the Huo mulberry when come? " The Yi peeps out to hate of proud, vomited one mouthful smoke. “霍桑什么时候来?”伊露出怨恨的神气,吐了一口烟。 www.swty.net 1. Mulberry world to diverge, all the way to continue stared at the serious suspects, in addition to all the way to find LiMengLou's body. 罗桑天下令兵分两路,一路继续盯着那几个严重的嫌疑人,另外一路去找李梦露的尸体。 tv.360mp3.com 2. The earliest shadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper. 早期皮影戏幕布是用桑皮纸制成的。 www.xcn-chinese.com 3. Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Ivy vine, Mulberry tree extract, Licorice, Citrus paradise extract. 主要成份:红石榴素、常青藤、天然桑树萃取精华、甘草萃取液、葡萄柚精华。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The invention also discloses the application of the mulberry leaf extract during the process of preparing the anti influenza A virus. 本发明还公开了这种桑叶提取物在制备抗甲型流感病*药物中的应用。 www.gongye168.com 5. Ingredients: Lavender liquid extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Arbutin, Purified Water, etc. 成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、熊果苷、精纯水等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 6. Back to Shenzhen, I will let my mother buy and Mulberry Juice Mulberry , acid sweet taste that always reminds me that a mulberry orchard. 回到深圳,我会让妈妈买桑果和桑果汁,那酸酸甜甜的味道,总会让我想起那一片桑果园。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Bu is good to promise very happily, immediately write the address of Wei house on the paper, the hands hand over to Huo mulberry. 卜良很高兴地答应了,立刻将卫家的住址写在纸上,双手交给霍桑。 www.wzgem.com 8. The constitutions, pharmacological functions and the exploitation especially sorosis in medicine of mulberry is presented in this paper. 本文概括了桑椹的营养成分、药理作用及药用等开发利用。 www.chemyq.com 9. For a more feminine take, check out Mulberry's high-heeled moccasin booties with tassels (? 450). 对于更多女性,可以参考Mulberry’s的流苏高跟鞋(450英镑)。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum Xin Liang catharsis heat, helping cool the liver Wind, herbs, medicine for the minister. 桑叶、菊花辛凉疏泄清热,助君药凉肝息风,为臣药。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Fluoride accumulation and distribution in mulberry insects near fluoride pollution sources . 大气氟污染源附近食桑昆虫中氟的积累和分布。 www.bing.com 2. The fabric mixed with mulberry silk and flax possesses the advantages of both of the two natural fibres. 将桑丝与亚麻纤维交织,产品兼具两种天然纤维的优点。 www.chemyq.com 3. Leaders including nurseries, greenhouses , tea plantations, orchards, mulberry orchard planting economic trees and other land. 园地包括苗圃、花圃、茶园、果园、桑园和其他种植经济林木的土地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. To extract mulberry processing fiber from mulberry bast, chemical and bio-chemical degumming methods were adopted in the degumming test. 为从桑树韧皮中提取出桑皮工艺纤维,对桑树韧皮采用化学脱胶法和生物-化学联合脱胶法分别进行了脱胶试验。 www.dictall.com 5. Mulberry leaf is one kind of important medicinal plant resources for decreasing glucose in blood. 桑叶是一种重要的降血糖药用植物资源。 www.caesv.cn 6. Uses the TCL method, clear and differential spots of mulberry, purslane, stigma may presented in different developing solvent. 采用薄层层析法,在分别不同的展开系统中,马齿苋、桑椹子、玉米须、均能得到清晰、特异性的斑点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Method: Use alloxan-induced diabetic mice as experimental animal, and observe the hypoglycemic effect of components in mulberry leaves. 方法:采用四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病小鼠模型,观察桑叶不同组分对四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病小鼠血糖及肝糖原的影响。 epub.cnki.net 8. Mulberry red pigment hence was a good kind of natural radical scavenger. 桑椹红色素是一种很好的天然自由基清除剂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The article gave a introduction of the mulberry, reviewed the mulberry wine's production process. 为主要原料,采用控温发酵技术酿制桑椹果酒的工艺流程。 tr.bab.la 10. But HeJuanGong report the ROM mulberry day say flow rock today, she overheard rehearsal abnormal WangLiLi and flow of rock to speak. 但是何娟红汇报了罗桑天说是流岩今天排演反常,她偷听到汪莉莉和流岩的说话。 tv.360mp3.com 1. Ingredients: Lavender Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Purified Water, etc. 成份:薰衣草提取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、精纯水等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 2. The method of removing the bitter from mulberry leaves was studied. The best formula of health drink was defined by using orthogonal design. 探讨桑叶提取液的脱苦方法,通过正交实验确定了饮料的最佳配方。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Ingredients: olive leaves extract, levorotatory VC, wild yam extract, aloe essence, mulberry essence. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。 wenwen.soso.com 4. At Mulberry that means the creation of a large-sized Mabel bag, a floppy, lightweight satchel. 在Mulberry,这意味着大号Mabel包的诞生,一种松软、轻便的背包。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Ingredients: Rose Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Essence, Arbutin, Purified Water, etc. 成份:玫瑰精华萃取液,富含桑树提取液,熊果苷、蜂蜜提取液、精纯水等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 6. A fruit formed from several separate flowers crowded on a single axis , as a mulberry or pineapple . 由聚集在单个花轴上的几个分离花形成的果实,如桑葚和菠萝。 www.bing.com 7. The endemic mulberry varieties of Shandong have high leaf yield, better leaf, strong anti-adversity and wide adaptability. 山东桑树地方品种春季产叶量高,叶质较好,抗逆性强,适应性较广。 epub.cnki.net 8. Objective To search for glucosidase inhibitors of various fractions extracted from Mulberry leaves. 目的筛选桑叶中具有糖苷酶抑制活性的组分。 www.chemyq.com 9. The mixture comprises mulberry leaves, mulberries, cassia seeds, asparagus, lily roots and senna leaves. 所述的混合物包括:桑叶、桑葚、决明子、天冬、百合和蕃泻叶。 ip.com 10. THE FACE SHOP pores referral management expert series, the BlackBerry series, and the white mulberry tree series. 引荐THEFACESHOP毛孔管理专家系列、黑莓桑葚系列和白树系列。 99mrw.5d6d.com 1. Breadfruit is a large tree, in the mulberry family, found native to the Philippines and all the islands in Southeast Asia. 面包树是一种桑科大树种,是菲律宾和东南亚所有岛国的特产。 www.bing.com 2. The Huo mulberry is slowly touched a cigarette to absorb, just at the circuit that Wang Liang Ben gain careful deliberation. 霍桑缓缓地摸出纸烟来吸着,似正在把王良本所得的线路仔细推敲。 www.yycaf.com 3. In this paper, we also discussed the extraction of mulberry leaf juice, addition of mulberry juice, fermentation and quality of beer. 并对桑叶汁的提取、桑叶汁的添加、发酵及啤酒的质量进行了探讨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Ingredients: Olive Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Essence, Purified Water, etc. 成份:橄榄萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、精纯水等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 5. The beautiful man in phoenix the outside of the mulberry day Saul again caught WangLiLi. 在凤人美家的外面罗桑天再次抓住了汪莉莉。 tv.360mp3.com 6. Activated carbons were prepared from different season's mulberry wood with carbon dioxide as activating agent. 以桑木枝为原料,二氧化碳为为活化剂,通过物理活化法制备活性炭。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The handcraft necessary for mulberry silk quilt production is sophisticated and exhausting. 手工制作蚕丝被的工艺复杂、辛苦。 www.3us.com 8. Objective To establish a TLC-UV spectrophotometry method to determine chlorogenic acid in Mulberry Leaves. 目的建立薄层-紫外分光光度法测定桑叶中绿原酸的方法。 www.dictall.com 9. In this article, we also discussed the abstraction of juice of mulberry leaf, addition of mulberry juice and stability of Rice Wine. 并对桑叶汁的提取、桑叶汁的添加方式及米酒的稳定性进行了探讨。 www.chemyq.com 10. The crescent of a new moon hung over the mulberry in the yard. 一弯新月高悬在院子里的桑树这上。 www.kekenet.com 1. Mulberry-base-pond, a special dike-pond mode, was a kind of management integrated fish ponds with breeding of mulberry silkworm. 桑基鱼塘是植桑养蚕同池塘养鱼相结合的综合经营方式,是一种特殊的基塘农业。 www.fabiao.net 2. The present paper described the symptoms, pathogens, distribution and spreading of mulberry red rust and mulberry rust in Guangxi. 文章简要介绍了广西桑锈病和赤锈病的症状特点、病原菌、分布及传播特点; lib.cqvip.com 3. Mulberry small and large, have large meters high and only a small meters . 桑树有大有小,大的有几米高,小的只有一米左右。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The bright prospect of engineering and technique of plant pest- resistent gene in control of mulberry pest showed in this paper. 展望了植物抗虫基因工程技术在桑树害虫防治中的应用前景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Mulberry's brand penetration had increased significantly in Asia, and to a lesser extent in the US. 玛百莉在亚洲的品牌渗透率出现显著提升,在美国也有幅度相对小一些的提升。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Induction of Tetraploidy and its Application in Mulberry, Moru spp. 桑树四倍体的诱导及其应用。 service.ilib.cn 7. Furthermore the genetic distance of the mulberry wild silkworm was positively related to the distance of space in most cases. 另外,在大多数情况下野桑蚕的遗传距离表现出与空间距离正相关。 www.insect.org.cn 8. after Milan - international play day, Milan also will launch the league tournament journey, the match will be mulberry Pu Doria . 米兰-国际比赛日后,米兰又将展开联赛征程,对手是桑普多利亚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Green-maintaining technology was exploring for processing green mulberry leaf juice. 探讨绿色桑叶汁加工护绿技术。 www.dictall.com 10. The palate is loaded with typical Cabernet characters and dominant mulberry and chocolate flavours. 她拥有独特的解百纳葡萄的香味以及主导的桑树和巧克力的混合香味。 b2b.tjkx.com 1. Mulberry leaf green tea: green tea leaves, each a little, add a little sugar, boiling water. 桑叶绿茶:桑叶,绿茶各少许,加少许冰糖,开水冲服。 www.268r.com 2. Space mulberry the road is second as long as beating a sneeze, the Brunei is inshore to take place earthquake. 格桑路亚只要打个喷嚏,文莱境内就要发生地震。 www.yycaf.com 3. " Compendium of Materia Medica" on the record: mulberry leaf and to rheumatism, strong bones and muscles, liver function. 《本草纲目》上记载:桑叶还有去风湿,强筋骨,平肝火的作用。 www.268r.com 4. XieHanMing for ROM mulberry day must find the body of LiMengLou, or LiMengLou body disappeared from coming, I may not protect positions. 谢汉明求罗桑天一定要找到李梦露的尸体,要不李梦露的尸体不见了的音讯传进来,本人可能官位不保。 tv.360mp3.com 5. By this time people mountain and water, also regrets, mulberry scold huai sigh, sees. 人到了这个时候看山也感慨,看水也叹息,借古讽今,指桑骂槐。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas; time brings great changed to the world; the whirligig of time. 大海变为桑田,桑田变为大海。比喻世事变化很大。 www.8bcd.com 7. Deep ruby in colour, the wine shows lifted raspberry and mulberry characters with subtle vanilla and oak nuances. 这款酒呈深宝石红色,展示了明显的覆盆子与桑椹的特征并伴有细微的香草和橡木味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ingredients: Olive Extract, Mulberry Extract, Arbutin, Shea Butter, NMF, etc. 成份:橄榄精华萃取液,桑树提取液,熊果苷、乳木果油等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 9. The basic objective of breeding end using different mulberry varieties is put forward from the breeding angle. 从育种角度对选育和利用不同目的桑树品种的基本目标作了简要展望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Acacia spp. , Willow, around grass, mulberry, sweet gum, and many other plants are acceptable to giraffe. 金合欢属,柳,芦竹草,桑树,枫香,以及许多其他植物都可以接受的长颈鹿。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The commonly cultivated black mulberry comes from an ancient line which has now been introduced into many countries of the world. 常见的栽培黑桑椹的是来自一个古老的线,现在已经成为世界许多国家采用。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Ingredients: Olive Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Essence, etc. 成份:橄榄萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 3. The aroma displays aniseed, licorice, plums and mulberry with underlying sweet vanilla. 香气呈现出在甜蜜香草味道基础上的茴香、甘草,李子和桑葚的香气。 p138337.js178.com 4. Compare pensive Exploitation and Utilization of "Mulberry Wattle" “桑枝条”综合开发利用项目 www.ahonline.com.cn 5. A thinker is like a silkworm which gives us not mulberry leaves, but silk. 一个思想家则像一条蚕,他所吐的不是桑叶而是丝。 my.putclub.com 6. The result showed that bio-chemical degumming could reduce gum content of mulberry processing fiber and reduce damage to fiber. 结果表明:采用生物化学联合脱胶法能降低桑皮工艺纤维的残胶率,且对纤维损伤小。 epub.cnki.net 7. Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. 我们绕过桑树丛,桑树丛,桑树丛 www.hjenglish.com 8. Ingredients: Rose Extract, Mulberry Extract, Arbutin, Shea Butter, NMF, etc. 成份:玫瑰精华萃取液,桑树提取液,熊果苷、乳木果油等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 9. The girl stripped leaves off the mulberry tree to feed her silkworms. 女孩从桑树上摘下桑叶来喂蚕。 www.tingroom.com 10. Lab studies suggest that black mulberry juice, wild grape juice, pomegranate juice, and black raspberry juice also interfere with CYP3A4. 实验室研究表明黑果桑木汁、野葡萄汁、石榴汁和黑莓汁也影响CYP3A4。 nutrition.fmmu.edu.cn 1. If you find yourself in Hangzhou, walk into an ancient mulberry silk workshop called Folk Silk. All the craftsmen there are old workers. 走进位于杭州的一个叫“老丝坊”的蚕丝作坊。里面的手工艺人都是上了年纪的老妈妈们。 www.3us.com 2. Aromas of plum and mulberry are complemented by earthiness and spice which follow onto the palate with savoury tannins. 李子和桑葚混合的香气里伴有泥土和香料的气味,随后是浓厚的单宁味道。 p138337.js178.com 3. The wood-and-mud bungalow was silent but for the eerie sound of silkworms munching mulberry leaves. 这间用木板和泥土搭建的平房一片寂静,只有家蚕噬咬桑叶的微弱声音。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. and the silkworms ate the mulberry leaves with water extract on one side would not die but only be in narcotism. 家蚕不食用双面涂药的桑叶,而食用单面涂药的桑叶后也不能致死,只表现出麻醉现象; www.cnak.net 5. Ingredient: Whitening essence milk, Ultra micro gold leaf active gold liquid, Vitamin B3 and natural mulberry extract essence. 主要成分:净白精华乳液,超微金箔活性金原液,维他命B3,天然桑树萃取精华。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mulberry is not ripe pain will eat diarrhea; ripe fruit of the mulberry and people love to eat . 没有熟透的桑果又酸又苦,吃了还会拉肚子;熟透了的桑果甜津津的,叫人越吃越爱吃。 www.tradeask.com 7. Explore on the inducing of somatic embryos and preparation process of artificial seeds of mulberry, Morus alba L . 桑树体细胞胚的诱导及其人工种子制作初探。 www.bing.com 8. Ingredients: Olive Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Arbutin, Ourified Water, etc. 成份:橄榄精华萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、熊果苷、精纯水等。 www.huayimei.com.cn 9. enjoy moderate drinking from a grape, mulberry and apricot wine made from "Hunza Water. " 喜欢适量饮用一种由葡萄、桑葚和杏制成的酒“罕萨之水”。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com 10. Therefore, the use of imidacloprid nearby mulberry field and the region of bee life must be vetoed. 因此必须禁止在桑园附近及蜜蜂活动区域使用吡虫啉农药。 www.chemyq.com 1. Once carried the mother Yang's hand inside Cassiae Torae Semen chrysanthemum mulberry the leaf drink and locked eyebrows to drink several s. 端过杨妈妈手里决明子菊花桑叶饮,锁着眉头喝了几口。 www.bb365.org.cn 2. Red Mulberry, Morus rubra is a native of Nth America found from Vermont to Sth Dakota and south to Florida. 红桑,桑杨梅是美国本土发现的第N个来自佛蒙特州到泰兴达科他州和南部的佛罗里达州。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Because at enmity with for Huo mulberry to faces go to I explain into where go, don't receive to me as well. 因为霍桑临去时并不和我说明往哪里去,也不向我招呼。 cosoft.org.cn 4. An antiaging health beverage was made from mulberry beef and chrysanthemum as main raw material. 以桑叶和菊花为主要原料,研制出色、香、味俱佳的保健饮料。 www.chemyq.com 5. According to literature, China's royal courts began promoting the use of mulberry silk quilts during the glory days of the Tang Dynasty. 有文献记载,在盛唐时期宫廷里已开始使用蚕丝被。 www.3us.com 6. Mulberry, which contains 18 kinds of amino acids, mineral substance, and flavones, can be used for both food and drug. 桑叶是食药两用物品,富含有18种氨基酸、矿物质及黄酮类物质。 www.chemyq.com 7. As a result, a clear, transparent, light rose colored and both vinegar-flavored and mulberry-flavored fruit vinegar product was obtained. 采用此工艺可以得到澄清透明、呈浅玫瑰红色、具有醋和桑椹复合风味的桑椹果醋。 8. It also contains mulberry to lighten the skin and raspberry root for its antiaging properties. 它也含有桑树根萃取物,可使肌肤明亮和树莓根的抗老化特性。 hungkuangtv.ning.com 9. It showed that the mulberry rearing silkworm has stronger tolerance to fluoride than that of artificial diet rearing. 4. 表明桑叶育蚕对氟化物的耐受性比人工饲料育的强。 www.juhe8.com 10. He toward the Huo mulberry eye a short while, just way: "You but say to steal bead of isn't a treasure Xiang? " 他向霍桑注视了一会,才道:“你可是说偷珠的不是宝祥?” www.yycaf.com 1. With patience and time, the mulberry-leaf becomes a sild gown. 付诸耐心和时间,桑叶也会丝质长袍。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. Silkworms are the larva of the mulberry silk moth. 丝蚕其实是桑树蛾子的幼虫。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Mulberry, which contains 18 different amino acids, mineral substance and flavones, can be used as both food and medicine. 桑叶是食药两用物品,富含18种氨基酸、矿物质及黄酮类物质。 www.chemyq.com 4. In headquarters of company of Stockholm pirate bay, the reporter made be interviewed meaningly to mulberry heart He Naijie. 在斯德哥尔摩海盗湾公司总部,记者对桑德和奈杰进行了一次有意思的采访。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This paper reviewed the advance in mobile genetic element of mulberry silkworm. 本文概述了桑蚕可动遗传因子的研究进展。 tech.zidian8.com 6. The process and key techniques of compound juice of Matrimony-vine and mulberry were introduced in the paper. 简要介绍了利用桑果和枸杞加工成复合果汁饮料的生产工艺。 www.chemyq.com 7. Huo mulberry again not namely answer, lower the head to ponder. 霍桑又不即答,低着头沉吟。 www.yycaf.com 8. As love's flame burnt ever hotter the lovers agreed to meet each other under a white mulberry tree in the woods outside the city. 爱情的火焰越烧越旺,于是他们相约在城外树林里那棵白桑树下见面。 dict.veduchina.com 9. And keeping the attention of management, to achieve Featured Liang Fang fed mulberry and dilute to prevent sleep hungry. 和注意饲养管理,做到精选良桑和稀放饱食,防止饿眠。 www.b2easy.com 10. moderate-sized Asiatic moth whose larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce silk. 中等体型的亚洲蛾子,其幼虫吃桑叶并吐丝。 tr.bab.la 1. It has the advantages of both cashmere and mulberry silk. 它具有羊绒和桑蚕丝两者的优点。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. All around the mulberry bush. 在桑树灌木丛的周围。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. Results Mulberry leaf, Ginseng, Bee glue in Tangfuping Capsule could be identified by TLC. 结果在薄层色谱中均能检出桑叶、人参、蜂胶。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. Cent in noon, the Huo mulberry returns'do not come back, I can have meal alone. 中午时分,霍桑还‘没有回来,我只能独自进餐。 www.wanxiangsiwei.com 5. The typhoon has brought great losses to the nearby mulberry planters . 这次台风给附近的桑农带来了不小的损失。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Under being full of poetry , mulberry tree root like dark night, same have I pray that. 黑夜一样充满诗意,桑树根下,同样有我祝福。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The utilization ratio of dwarf lilyturf, liquorice, the leaves of loquat and mulberry is highest, the treatment effectiveness is 91. 9%. 所治鼻衄,主症为鼻子出血,方中麦冬、甘草、杷叶和桑叶的使用率最高,治疗有效率达91. www.fabiao.net 8. Mulberry: This slow-growing tree is ideal for a large pot. 桑葚:这种生长缓慢的树需要一个较大的盆栽盆。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The effect of covering and wrapping is outstanding. It is the perfect advantages combination of mulberry silk and spandex. 结果表明,其性能优越,包缠、包覆效果优良,是茧丝和氨纶丝两种纤维优势的完美结合。 www.chemyq.com 10. I heard to eat, I'll let my mother take me to mulberry orchards. 一听到吃,我马上让妈妈带我去那片桑果园。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Ah, my hometown of mulberry fruit really is a delicious, I love Mulberry home! 啊,我家乡的桑果真是一种美味果品,我爱家乡的桑果! www.tradeask.com 2. Cluster mulberry is an excellent shrub, which is important in controlling desertified sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas. 条墩桑是条叶兼用的一种优良灌木桑,可用于干旱半干旱地区的风沙治理。 www.dictall.com 3. The silkworm is a caterpillar which is 5 to 7 centimetres long. It crawls around the mulberry plant, eating the leaves. 桑蚕是一类毛虫,它们大约有5到7厘米长,它们喜欢在桑树上吃食桑叶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this novel Kerwick and his servant sam, are England's Don Quixote and the mulberry earthen mound. Mr. 这部小说中的匹克威克与他的仆人山姆,就是英国的堂吉诃德与桑丘。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. XieHanMing tip ROM mulberry day with the scenes thoughts to Jupiter to deal with LiMengLou body disappeared. 谢汉明提示罗桑天要用朱泱的思绪来处理李梦露的尸体不见了的问题。 tv.360mp3.com 6. The inhibitory effects of mulberry red pigment on bacterials, fungi and yeast found in foods were studied. 探讨了桑椹红色素对食品中常见的细菌、霉菌和酵母菌等微生物的抑制作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. New mulberry trees were planted, silkworms and looms brought in. 他们种植了新的桑树,引进了丝蚕和织布机。 www.ecocn.org 8. She fed mulberry leaves to the silkworms, and started to raise more of them. 她就用桑叶来喂养,开始养起蚕来。 www.dictall.com 9. In summer the mulberry trees would stain the green grass with crimson pulp. 夏天的时候,桑树林里的绿色草皮上就会染上桑葚的深红汁液。 www.odyguild.net 10. will leave storehouse of mulberry, tears of happiness? 会留下仓桑的、幸福的眼泪吗? www.chinawenda.cn 1. But the Huo mulberry suddenly and automatically opened mouth in this hush. 可是在这静寂之中霍桑忽自动开口了。 www.yycaf.com 2. Ethnic Yi women hoe a field to plant mulberry on a hillside on the outskirts of Kaiyuanin, Yunan. 图中为云南开远市的彝族妇女在市郊的一个小山坡上开垦荒地种植桑树。 www.bing.com 3. Catalpa, fir and mulberry trees grew exuberantly in this place. 这块地上的梓杉、桑树都长的极茂盛。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Yuan bureaucrats made paper bills from the mulberry bark paper. 元代官僚纸法案从桑树树皮纸。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The harvest efficiency of mulberry leaves is more than tens of times than manual picking. 收割效率是人工采摘桑叶的数十倍以上。 ip.com 6. Finish saying to throw eyes attention Huo mulberry, Moncler Italia, seem is waiting for replying. 说完投目注意霍桑,似乎在等待答复。 blog.zol.com.cn 7. The Japanese mulberry had very high ornamental value. 鸡桑具有很好的观赏价值。 www.cnak.net 8. European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit. 欧洲种桑树,叶和果实为黑色。 www.hotdic.com 9. She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves. 她告诉阿巧,这些雪白的虫子叫做蚕,它们吃的叶子叫桑叶。 www.hotdic.com 10. As the main food in mulberry leaves. 以桑叶为主要食料。 www.ahzklk.com 1. My question hasn't answered, the Huo mulberry suddenly has already appeared in the doorway of office. 我的疑问还没有解答,霍桑忽已出现在办公室的门口。 www.swty.net 2. A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk . 桑叶在天才的手中变成了丝绸。 ts.hjenglish.com 3. ROM. Mulberry day to six XieHanMing chief report the status of the suspect. 罗桑天向局长谢汉明汇报了六个嫌疑人的状况。 tv.360mp3.com 4. In one series, he made lines with a pen on painted mulberry paper. 在创作其中一个系列时,他只是用画笔在彩色桑树纸上绘制线条。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The voice of Huo mulberry is deep and low and vibrates, eyes are like to brightly shiningly have fire. 霍桑的声浪低沉而颤动,眼睛也像灼灼地有火。 www.swty.net 6. Google product management vice-president mulberry Daer Pi Chayi said to "First Finance and economics Weekly" . 谷歌产品管理副总裁桑达尔·皮查伊对《第一财经周刊》说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Here we go round the mulberry bush. 让我们绕着桑树丛走。 www.tzsy.cn 8. This is the species preferred by consumers large succulent fruits are delicious and sweeter, more flavoursome than the white mulberry. 这是消费者的首选品种果实大多汁美味甜,比白桑味道。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The verdurous mulberries remember the first time she went picking mulberry leaves. 那些绿油油的桑叶记着查利云第一次去采桑。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Firmly Advance the "Moving East Mulberry to West" 安徽省扎实推进“东桑西移”工程 scholar.ilib.cn 1. I saw the mulberry tree full of purple-dark mulberry fruits. 我看见桑树上结满了紫黑色的桑椹。 www.nciku.cn 2. Cherry mulberry and calamus, more buy realgar wine a pot of. 樱桃桑椹与菖蒲,更买雄黄酒一壶。 www.ccfanyi.com 3. After getting rich of Zigong's salt merchants, they did contribution for social commonweal cause such as conducing mulberry and catalpa. 自贡盐商发家致富之后,曾对有益桑梓的社会公益事业作出了不可忽视的贡献。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Qin to ROM apply female, adopt mulberry green water. 帮忙翻译一下,,(秦地罗敷女,采桑绿水边。 haoduo.org 5. The White Mulberry, Morus alba is known as Sang Ye in China where it originated. 白桑树,桑叶是已知的中国在那里起源于叶桑。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. She fed mulberry leaves to the silkworms . 她把桑叶喂给蚕。 www.bing.com 7. Mulberry has also opened two stores in New York. 玛百莉还在纽约开了两家新店。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mulberry, purslane, stigma maydis in Fufang Jiangtangning granule were analysed by thin layer chromatographic(TLC). 对复方降糖宁颗粒中桑椹子、马齿苋、玉米须进行薄层层析分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Polyubiquitin Gene From Mulberry, Morus monglica S . 桑树多聚泛素基因的克隆及序列分析。 www.bing.com 10. The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. 桑树林,桑树林 www.hjenglish.com 1. That is the reason that there are many ancient Black Mulberry trees still existing in England and very few old White ones. 这是因为,有许多古老的黑桑树在英格兰和仍然存在极少数老白的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Cool fruit such as watermelon, melons, pear, banana, mulberry, persimmon, differences, etc. 凉性水果如西瓜、甜瓜、梨、香蕉、桑葚、柿子、荸荠等。 xiangtan.liebiao.com 3. Huo mulberry but developed a kind of habit, work concentrate on, amusement but can also completely abandon the work. 霍桑却养成了一种习惯,工作时全神贯注,娱乐时却也能把工作完全抛弃。 www.yycaf.com 4. The mulberry trees were bare and the fields were brown. 桑树光秃秃的,田野也是一片荒凉。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This paper review progress nutrition ingredients of mulberry, the development of mulberry foods and the use in medical. 就桑椹的营养成分、桑椹食品的开发及在医疗中的运用进行了总结。 www.chemyq.com 6. Sometimes have to go to Mulberry ground, pick fruit from the mulberry tree to eat! Sweet good to eat that fruit! 有时候也要跑到桑树地里,摘起桑树果子吃!那个果子很甜很好吃的····。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The contents of water, protein, carbohydrate, lipid and ash in fresh mulberry leaves were analyzed and they were 76. 鲜桑叶中的主要化学成分为水分、蛋白质、总糖、脂肪和灰分,其质量分数分别为76。 www.dictall.com 8. Methods Based on single factor inspection, orthogonal test determination of total flavones of Mulberry leaves extraction condition is used. 方法在单因素考察的基础上,利用正交试验确定桑叶中黄酮类化合物的提取条件。 www.bing.com 9. The mulberry trees bare and the fields were brown. 桑树光秃秃的,田野也是片荒凉。 www.tingroom.com 10. However Huo mulberry now that is substituting friend "concealed short" s, I needed not reveal, either by myself. 不过霍桑既然在替朋友“隐短”,我也不必自己揭发了。 nanhai.hinews.cn 1. Mulberry must now take is to eat, you have only taken down directly from the tree, eat immediately, or take home to eat with washed washed. 桑果必须现采现吃,你只有从树上直接采下来,马上吃,或者拿回家去用水洗一洗再吃。 www.tradeask.com 2. In fact, the most important thing is not to taste the delicious mulberry, want to taste is relaxing life. 其实,重要的不是品尝美味的桑椹,要品味的是休闲放松的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I am helpless, slightly, take out the mother's letter to pass to the Huo mulberry from the bosom. 我无可奈何,Moncler,略顿一顿,就从怀中拿出母亲的来信递给霍桑。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 4. The voice of Huo mulberry adjusts although is steady such as often, his permit a color modesty, Be different from is joke words. 霍桑的声调虽平稳如常,但他的容色庄重,不像是说笑话。 www.yycaf.com 5. Mulberry leaves fall on the ground. 桑叶掉了一地。 www.dwfarmlife.com 6. A mature mulberry tree in Provence. 普罗旺斯一棵成熟的桑树。 www.youfind.com.cn 7. I had gone on the Quay to match a piece of mulberry cloth, when I met friend Danglars. 我刚才到码头上去配一块细花布,碰到了我们的朋友腾格拉尔。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Now, whenever I see farmers sell mulberry or Pomegranate in the basket in China, I always thinking of figs trees at home in Sydney. 现在,每当我看见中国城市有农民挎着篮子卖桑葚、石榴等,不禁感慨家中的无花果树。 bbs.lady.163.com 9. A man stands outside an Italian bakery located at 58 Mulberry Street. Today, this is a Chinese dried-beef store. 一个男人站在桑树街58号一家意大利面包房外,现在这里是一家中国人开的牛肉干商店 www.bing.com 10. This is fresh intelligence report, at Huo mulberry idea in, clear also recognize to do 12 a cent importance. 这是一个新鲜的情报,MonclerOutlet,在霍桑意中,分明也认做十二分重要。 www.swty.net 1. My companions said to pick the mulberry in some afternoon. 一个夏日的午后,朋友们提议去摘桑葚。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Don't cluster on my mulberry tree. 无集于桑, www.24en.com 3. ROM. Mulberry days see no matter, the WangLiLi HeJuanGong called out. 罗桑天看到汪莉莉没有事,把何娟红叫了出来。 tv.360mp3.com 4. You Wen facing mulberry Pu Doria , both sides makes into 0: 0 stuffy sums finally. 尤文面对桑普多利亚,双方最终打成0比0的闷和。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Fairy jump prime mulberry day he ever notice he want to pursue LiMengLou so constantly tracking the LiMengLou. 仙人跳的主犯通知罗桑天他曾经想追求李梦露所以不断跟踪李梦露。 tv.360mp3.com 6. How to control pests and diseases for mulberry trees in winter? 桑树冬季病虫害防治技术? service.ilib.cn 7. The mulberry juice has a lot of anthocyanins. 桑椹果汁中含有大量的花色苷类物质。 www.boshuo.net 8. With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown . 只要有时间与耐心,桑树叶子会变成绸大褂。 dict.kekenet.com 9. He and then wanted a name card to the Huo mulberry, in order to contact toward Jing hall. 他又向霍桑要了一张名片,以便往警厅去接洽。 www.wzgem.com 10. Not only eat the fruits of mulberry trees, but also resulted in fruit juice and wine, more calm the nerves of the medicinal value of beauty. 桑树的果实不仅能吃,还能酿成果汁和酒,更具有安神养颜的药用价值。 www.tradeask.com 1. It is in line with "mulberry" Dance music's rhythm, but also in line with "After the first, " the rhythm of music. 它合乎《桑林》舞乐的节拍,又合乎《经首》乐曲的节奏。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Huo mulberry but full of beans, finish eating breakfast alone a person to go to Zao City. 霍桑却兴致勃勃,吃完早餐独自一个人去枣市。 www.wanxiangsiwei.com 3. Yesterday before dawn ahead of time carried on competition, mulberry Pu Doria 0: 0 teams, Florence 1: 0 Genoa team. 昨日凌晨提前进行的比赛,桑普多利亚0比0队,佛罗伦萨1比0热那亚队。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In the classical literature, picking mulberry doesnot only mean the working process, but also implies love between men and women. “采桑”在古代文学作品中,于表示采桑劳动过程的同时,亦有男女情爱之意蕴。 www.dictall.com 5. The Huo mulberry breaks a problem to also didn't whereabouts, how do you hastily promise a somebody else? 霍桑,断指问题还没有着落,你怎么贸贸然答应人家? www.wzgem.com 6. By 2010-11, Maharashtra intends to cultivate about 3, 000 acres of land with mulberry plantations. 2010年和2011年,印度马哈拉施特拉邦打算培养约3000亩的桑树种植的土地。 www.168tex.com 7. That is, mature fruit of the mulberry. 那就是成熟了的桑果。 www.tradeask.com 8. The five-bedroom townhouse on Mulberry Walk cost $16. 3 million (10 million) and has 5, 000 square feet of living space. 这是一个带五间卧室的联排别墅,位于MulberryWalk,售价1,630万美元(合1,000万英镑),居住面积5,000平方英尺(约合464.5平方米)。 c.wsj.com 9. That night because he XieHanMing chief rebuffed mulberry days continue to check LiMengLou death, ROM mulberry day depressed. 当天晚上由于局长谢汉明回绝罗桑天继续查李梦露死,罗桑天心情低落。 tv.360mp3.com 10. At the same time Huo mulberry in addition up adding of importance, more foot counter-evidence the views of the Yi can not establish. 同时霍桑又加上一句重要的补充,更足反证伊的见解不能成立。 www.swty.net 1. Objective: To study the antibacterial effect of aqueous extract and ethanol extract of mulberry leaves in vitro. 目的研究桑叶水提物及不同浓度醇提物的体外抑菌和杀菌作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Mulberry also has the spirit of selfless dedication, whenever we won it leaves the body of silkworm feeding, it did not complain; 桑树还有着无私奉献的精神,每当我们摘走它身上的绿叶喂蚕时,它没有怨言; www.tradeask.com 3. Can 1 year old of kids of half have mulberry how many? Eat much can you have undesirable reaction? 桑葚1岁半的小孩子一次可以吃多少?吃多了会不会有不良的反应?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Objective To study the antibacterial effect of fresh mulberry leaves (FML) in vitro. 目的探讨鲜桑叶的体外抑菌作用。 www.chemyq.com 5. It can not only increase the utilizing ways of the mulberry leaves, but also open up the feed sources of animal husbandry. 在畜牧业中应用桑叶作饲料可以明显提高经济效益,既丰富了桑叶的利用渠道,又开辟了畜牧业的饲料来源。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The techniques of becoming the garden with grafted mulberry with one step and building highly productive mulberry fields 嫁接体一步成园建立丰产桑园配套技术要点 www.ilib.cn 7. The mulberry orchid, 17 years old, from Ningbo's Chinese gymnastics member, competes in this friendly games on behalf of China. 桑兰,17岁,来自宁波的中国体操队员,代表中国出征本届友好运动会。 www.93ta.com 8. Some questions on extending the harvesting mode of mulberry branch in a year 桑树全年枝桑收获法推广应用的几个问题 service.ilib.cn 9. Isolation of a Yeast Strain for Mulberry Fruit Wine and Determination of Its Tolerance 一株桑椹果酒酵母的分离筛选及耐性测定 www.ilib.cn 10. Study of Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Mulberry Leaves and Their Utility 桑叶的化学成分、药理活性及应用研究进展 www.ilib.cn |
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