单词 | make loans | ||||
释义 | make loans
例句释义: 放款,发放贷款 1. China's banks borrow money in the interbank market to make loans and meet regulatory requirements for how much cash they have on hand. 中国各银行在银行间市场上拆借资金,以筹措所需的贷款资金以及为满足监管部门对银行手头现金量的要求而需要的资金。 www.cn.wsj.com 2. Banks would be able to draw capital from the fund and use it to make loans to small businesses at concessionary rates. 银行可以从基金中吸取资金并利用这些资金以优惠利率贷款给小型企业。 www.ecocn.org 3. The central bank, with the backing of the U. S. Treasury, said it would make loans directly to companies in this market. 在财政部的支持下,Fed称将直接向商业票据市场中的企业放贷。 www.bing.com 4. SIB was not really a bank, for it took in deposits but did not make loans. 斯坦福国际银行不是真正的银行,因为它吸收存款,但不发放贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The creditors make loans to corporations in the form of trade accounts, notes, or bonds, on which they receive interest. 债权人以贸易赊欠、期票、债券等形式向公司提供信贷,并据以收取利息。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Banks might prefer to lose 0. 25 per cent a year than make loans in a recession where losses could be far higher. 各大银行可能还是宁愿每年损失0.25%的资金,也不愿意在衰退时期放贷,因为这样做造成的损失可能会大得多。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And finally, American businesses and consumers are struggling to obtain credit, because banks do not have sufficient capital to make loans. 最后,美国商业和消费者由于银行没有足够的资本进行贷款而挣扎在争取信贷上。 blog.163.com 8. The financial crisis was supposed to ring the death knell for companies that make loans to people who have had problems with debt . 金融危机被认为是对那些向有债务问题的个人发放贷款的公司敲响了丧钟。 www.bing.com 9. And next year, banks face accounting rule changes and capital requirements that could further restrict their ability to make loans. 明年,银行将面对新的会计规则和资本需要量,这将进一步限制它们的贷款能力。 www.bing.com 10. Some may go so far as to dip into their endowments to keep spending levels steady or use them to make loans to charities on the ground. 一些基金会甚至动用他们的原始基金来保持支出水平的稳定或是用对慈善团体的放款。 www.ecocn.org 1. Unconventional policies often require a central bank to make loans that may not be repaid in full. 非常规政策常常要求央行实施款项可能无法全额收回的贷款。 blog.ecocn.org 2. The invasion of other financial companies eager to make loans has caused deep damage to the banking industry. 热衷贷款的其他金融机构大举入侵,对银行造成深切的伤害。 www.bing.com 3. The other is to make loans to the customers who wish to borrow. 二是向那些想借款的客户发放贷款。 www.examda.com 4. So the banks rush to make loans early in the year for fear that the government will reduce the limit in a midcourse correction. 因此,年初银行就会疯狂贷出存款,恐怕政府会进行年中修正。 www.bing.com 5. Foreign banks are also benefiting from a grace period allowing them to make loans beyond the stipulated 75 per cent of deposits. 外资银行还受益于存贷比宽限期,使得它们发放的贷款占存款的比例可以超过规定的75%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Banks may still be reluctant to make loans, but debt and equity markets have regained a hearty appetite for risk. 虽然各银行仍不愿意提供贷款,但在债券股票市场,冒险的想法已经再次抬头。 www.ecocn.org 7. Banks are willing to make loans if the marginal return on loans is larger than the marginal costs of deposits. 银行愿意提供贷款,如果边际收益对贷款大于边际成本的存款。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers' transaction accounts . 它们贷款出去的时候实际上做的只是拿贷款人存款账户上的信用额度去交换它们的借据。 www.bing.com 9. Normally, central banks only make loans in their domestic currencies. 在正常的情况下,各大央行仅提供以本国货币计价的贷款。 www.douban.com 10. Those banks can rely on huge balance sheets, backed by cheap retail deposits, to make loans. 那些仰仗巨额资产负债表的银行通过廉价的小额零星存款的支持来发放贷款。 club.topsage.com 1. That means small banks like Everbright have to raise funds in the interbank market if they want to make loans. 这意味着像光大银行这样的小银行如果还想放贷,那么其必须到银行间市场筹集资金。 chinese.wsj.com 2. You sell tickets (make loans) that have a certain probability of winning a prize (of defaulting). 你出售彩票(发放贷款),这些彩票有中奖(拖欠贷款)的可能性。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The rational loan pricing will make loans safe, benefit able and flexible, which will efficiently overlay the risk and be competitive. 合理的贷款定价可以使贷款满足安全性、收益性、流动性的要求,有效地覆盖风险并具有竞争力。 www.boshuo.net 4. Then, bankers discovered thatthey could make loans merely by giving their promises to pay, or bank notes, toborrowers. 之后,银行家发现他们其实仅通过支付承诺或者银行票据就可以放出贷款。 www.bing.com 5. He's gotta replace those speculators on Wall Street with good old fashion Midwestern bankers that make loans and know how to get repaid. 他必须用一些有着良好信誉的中西部银行家来代替那些投机者,他们真正懂得借贷与还贷。 www.bing.com 6. If they receive a temporary reprieve, that gives them more funds to make loans. 如果商业银行得以暂时不用存入准备金,那么它们能有更多的资金用于放贷。 chinese.wsj.com 7. "The banks make loans to who the Communist Party tells them to, " Mr. Walter said. “在向谁放贷这个问题上,银行很听党的话,”沃尔特说。 kk.dongxi.net 8. A commercial bank could leverage capital from deposits and make loans to amplify the impact of its shareholder equity. 商业银行可以从存款中撬取资本,发放贷款以扩大其股东权益的影响。 www.bing.com 9. Governments let them use deposits or insurance premiums to make loans and buy assets because it stimulate economic growth. 政府允许它们用存款或保费发放贷款和购买资产,是因为这能刺激经济增长。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Congress is unhappy that Treasury isn't forcing banks to make loans with funds they receive from the government. 国会对财政部没有要求银行将从政府获得的资金用于发放贷款感到不满。 www.bing.com 1. White-owned banks were eager to make loans to yuppies. 白人经营的银行则积极向雅皮士们发放贷款。 www.ecocn.org 2. For instance , the Veteran's Administration will make loans to war veterans at low interest rates . 例如,退伍军人治理局会给予曾经参战的退伍军人低息贷款。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In other words, you'd better trust that they have learned how to make loans that borrowers actually pay back. 换句话说,你最好是相信,他们已经学会怎样发放借款人实际上会偿还的贷款。 c.wsj.com 4. However, the reality is that most loan officers merely make loans based on guidelines that could be easily automated. 然而,现实是大多数放贷人员仅仅依据操作规程发放贷款,这些规程可以轻易被自动化。 www.bing.com 5. We don't make loans and we don't have prop [proprietary] trading desks. 我们不出借贷款,也没有自营交易(proprietarytrading)部门。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Observers expect new regulations to rein in some lending practices, such as "teaser rates" that make loans look more attractive. 观察人士认为,新规章将会取缔一些借贷方法,如让贷款显得具有吸引力的“钓饵利率”。 www.america.gov 7. In one sense, the trade is very simple. As the founder, billionaire Vernon Hill, puts it: "We take deposits and make loans. " 在某种意义上说,银行这个行业非常简单——正如大都市银行的创始人、亿万富翁弗农?希尔(VernonHill)所述:“我们吸纳存款,发放贷款。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Their business lines are very simple: They take deposits and make loans. 它们的业务线很简单:吸纳存款、发放贷款。 c.wsj.com 9. Unlike some big international banks, the Chinese model is fairly straightforward: take in deposits and make loans. 与一些国际大银行不同的是,中资银行的发展模式相当简单,无外乎是吸取存款、发放贷款。 c.wsj.com 10. A group of investors would set aside a reserve of specie from their own assets as starting capital, and then take deposits and make loans. 一些投资者从自己的财产中拿出一部分金银作为启动资本,然后开始吸收存款并进行贷款。 gb.cri.cn 1. shall not provide guarantee, make loans or provide security, unless otherwise provided for in this Act; 一除本条例另有规定外,不得为保证、放款或提供担保。 www.cntranslators.com |
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