单词 | in the news |
释义 |
例句释义: 时事新闻,新闻报道,成为新闻 1. If so, he, she or it would not be the only new tyrannosaur in the news at the moment. 如果事实真如此,他,她或者它,将不会是现在新闻中报道的唯一新霸王龙。 www.ecocn.org 2. There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the news paper recently. 最近报纸上对这样图画的讨论有很多。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Al Gore is back in the news today because President Obama is saying he might send him to North Korea to negotiate with Kim Jong-Il. 阿尔·戈尔今天上新闻了,因为奥巴马总统说可能会让他去朝鲜和金正日协商。 www.hjenglish.com 4. An individual, a company and an industry were all in the news this week for reasons unrelated except for the idea of dishonesty . 一个人,一家公司和一个行业因无关原因的出现在我们今天的时事报道中,但是除不正当的想法之外。 dict.kekenet.com 5. So the next time you see a celebrity or political sex scandal in the news, there's a chance they might have been using . . . 如果下次新闻又爆料哪位名人或政客的性丑闻,他们也许正在使用······ www.bing.com 6. It may be annoying how he seems to always be in the news, but I knew that life would be much more boring if he were gone. 也许每天新闻里都可以看到他你会感到厌烦。但是我知道如果你的生活中没有了他的话,你会觉得多么的索然无味啊。 www.bing.com 7. Bloomberg was willing to sacrifice short-term profits for long-term gain, he said, but was in the news business to make a profit. 格劳尔表示,彭博社愿意牺牲短期利润以换取长期收益,但公司要在新闻业务中盈利。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It is no accident perhaps that the row has blown up in a year where definitions of identity are already in the news. 在居民身份的定义都能出现在新闻中的一年里,这场争议的激起可能就不是偶然了。 www.bing.com 9. (New York Daily News) Adorable "Slumdog Millionaire" star Rubina Ali is back in the news - but not for her acting skills. 《纽约日报》报道,电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》中的女童星鲁比娜-阿里再次成为新闻的焦点,不过不是因为她的演技。 www.i21st.cn 10. Good morning from the CNN Centre here in Atlanta, I'm Melissa Long with a look some of the stories that happening NOW IN THE NEWS . 来自亚特兰大CNN中心的早间问候,早上好,我是梅丽朗,让我们一起关注现在这个时段正在发生的新闻。 www.bing.com 1. I'd urge you to do the same, rather than try to target money at whichever disaster might be in the news today. 我鼓励你做同样的事情,而不是试着把捐款目标锁定在今天新闻报道的某个灾难上。 www.bing.com 2. There are many possibilities, but your sibling does seem to be "in the news" this month, which will be very good for you, too. 一切皆有可能,但是你的兄弟姊妹很可能成为本月的热门人物,而这对你来说也是个好消息。 www.douban.com 3. The stories in the news the next day were filed from Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur, not Dili. It was all secondhand news. 第二天新闻上的故事居然是从雅加达或者吉隆坡发来的,而不是从帝力来的——完完全全的二手消息。 www.24en.com 4. Well, I just read in the news that fewer and fewer businesses ask their employees to work five and a half days a week. 喔,我刚看到新闻说,有越来越少的公司要求员工一个礼拜工作五天半。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. And if it's the latter how am I to make sense of the constant alarm about USA's credit rating being raised in the news? 如果是后者,我该如何理解新闻上持续不断的美国信用等级被上调的警报? www.bing.com 6. Walter Cronkite is a famous American TV news show host. He began to be interested in the news since he was a kid. 沃尔特?克朗凯特是美国著名的电视新闻节目主持人,他从孩提时代就开始对新闻感兴趣。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. And many in the news media played along, acting as if it was somehow uncouth for Democrats even to mention the Bush era and its legacy. 许多新闻媒体摆出了合作态度,弄得民主党好像连提一提布什时代的终结和他留下的政治遗产都会被认作是粗野、没涵养似的。 www.bing.com 8. For a president who insists it's a bad idea to get "caught up in the news cycle, " Obama has just shown a knack for controlling it. 对于坚称那是个馊主意而被“卷入新闻系列报道”的总统,奥巴马仅仅显示了克制的能力。 www.bing.com 9. When I'm out with colleagues, most of us tend to check our BlackBerries once in a while, which in the news business is understandable. 我跟同事出去的时候,我们大多数人往往都会隔一会儿就看一下黑莓,作为新闻行业的从业者,这种行为是可以理解的。 c.wsj.com 10. But markets seem to be shrugging off the expected moves, which have been telegraphed in the news media. 虽然新闻媒体上一直在纷传央行会采取这一行动,但市场似乎对央行此举并不以为然。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Anderson seemed unable to believe that the violent killer described in the news was the mother she remembered as adoring her children. 安德森看起来还不能够相信新闻中所说的那个冷血杀人犯就是她记忆中非常宠爱孩子们的那个母亲。 bbs.cup.edu.cn 2. This was an opportunity to get back in the news and to tell fans that he was writing a memoir. 这正是一个回到公众目光中,告诉粉丝们他正在写回忆录的好机会。 www.bing.com 3. While Jackie was in London collecting his Global Diversity Award, he was also given a second award which wasn't written about in the news. 当大哥在伦敦接受他的欧盟多样化奖的同时,他还被授予新闻中未疯狂报道的另一种奖誉。 www.bing.com 4. A cartoon is an amusing drawing that deals with something of interest in the news. 一个漫画是一种风趣的图画来处理一些感兴趣的消息。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What's up with the cracked airplane windows that have been showing up in the news? 在新闻中展示的破碎的飞机窗户是怎么回事? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Mississippi has been such a bad state for women for so long it rarely even gets noticed in the news anymore. 密西西比州里女性的待遇之差已经很久以至于都很少在新闻里出现。 www.bing.com 7. There was clear evidence of a strong bias against the workers in the news report. 有明显的证据表明新闻报道对工人们有很强的偏见。 www.front.org.cn 8. At that time no mention of two facts in the news conference, said the murders do not know the motivation. 当时两人在新闻会上闭口不谈案情,称不知凶案动机所在。 www.englishtang.com 9. But Barnes told VOA's Issues in the News program that the president is right to make an early push for his entire agenda. 巴尔内斯在接受美国之音采访时说,总统尽早推出他的一整套方案是对的。 www.voanews.cn 10. Hear that fedex field acquisition in the news, Shanghai some private Courier of managers and did not show any worries. 在听说联邦快递收购大田的消息后,上海某民营快递的老总并没有表现出应有的忧虑。 www.jjb2c.com 1. homogenization in the news today, the media competition is a real news organization and a unique and effective planning. 在新闻同质化的今天,媒体竞争的实质是对新闻的有效组织和独特策划。 www.lunwen114.com 2. Like it said in the news article, if in the unfortunate event that you're laid off, make sure you know what your entitled to first. 就如这则新闻中说到的,如果在那最糟糕(不幸)的情况你遭到裁员,你需要搞清楚你的相关权益。 www.englishtown.cn 3. That Suncorp journey, there's been a fair amount in the news recently about what Suncorp are doing here in Australia. 关于Suncorp的经历,最近有很多新闻报道Suncorp在澳大利亚开展的业务。 www.infoq.com 4. Lost in the news of the week was a headline that ought to be a source of concern for every American. 本周令我陷入沉思的是一条应该引起所有美国人关注的新闻。 www.bing.com 5. In fact, the only time I saw dark-skinned Thais or Indians on television were in the news. 事实上,我唯一在电视上看到深色肤质的人是在新闻中。 www.bing.com 6. After I left, it was reported in the news that he had already begun to mention those issues a couple of times. 我离开之后,听到报纸上报道,他已经开始提过几次了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The mid-to-late-1960s was a time when "women's liberation" come a phrase on many lips and a fixture in the news. 六十年代中期到末期,“妇女解放”,成了许多人的口头禅,在新闻报导中更是定期出现。 dict.veduchina.com 8. "The searches would spike every time she was back in the news, " Vera Chan, senior editor at Yahoo! said. 雅虎的高级编辑VeraChan说:“只要她一上新闻,搜索量就会猛增。” www.ebigear.com 9. They thought they were fair. The presentation of it in the news concept, they thought was snarky. . . 他们认为他们很公平。在新闻概念中表现,他们认为是脾气暴躁… www.yappr.cn 10. But I think it was just a fear, I think, that we've see in the news that globalization means Americanization. 但是我想我只是害怕——新闻里把全球化成为美国化。 blog.tianya.cn 1. What disturbs me the most in the news report was the absence of any mention of parenting. 使我最为焦虑的是每当在新闻报道里面看到任何关于缺乏教养的报道。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. And for all the change in the news, our top-rated shows remain American Idol and crime dramas, as they have been for years. 不过,尽管新闻千变万化,收视率最高的还是《美国偶像》和描述犯罪的剧作,它们已保持了多年。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Many of the differences have been pointed out in the news coverage of the last week. 很多不同之处都在过去一周的新闻报道中被一一指出。 chinese.wsj.com 4. At the moment, Eurasians are enjoying an unprecedented high profile in the news, in advertising, and in the entertainment industry. 此时此刻,新闻、广告和娱乐圈对欧亚混血儿都有空前广泛的介绍。 www.kekenet.com 5. I talked with Clayton freely, for I met him in the news meeting the night before. 因为在前一晚上的新闻发布会上聊过,我便与克雷顿轻松地聊了起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Enron-style tax sheltering has not been the only type of corporate tax scandal in the news. 安然式税收庇护尚未唯一的一种企业税收的丑闻的消息。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. But they may be able to take out private loans, as many American students do. The student loan industry is in the news right now. 但是他们有可能得到私人贷款,就像很多美国学生做的那样。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Now of course we all see in the news in the last few days that Microsoft is making a bid for Yahoo. This is a very dynamic business. 我们在新闻上都看到了,前两天微软要收购,雅虎,网络产业是个动态产业。 open.163.com 9. The second painting to be in the news is a massive work by a Dutch artist, Hendrick Goltzius, called "Jupiter and Antiope" (pictured above). 新闻报导的另一幅画是荷兰艺术家HendrickGoltzius的大型作品,名为《朱庇特与安提奥佩》(见上图)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Low-carbohydrate diets and the societal changes they have causedhave been a subject of interest in the news and popular media. 低碳水化合物饮食及其引发的社会变化已经成为新闻和大众媒体关注的议题。 www.bing.com 1. Let's take a look at some of the vocabulary in the news article and pick up some new words related to international trade. Shall we? 咱们就来看一下上面所键接的文章中有哪些有关国际贸易的新词汇可供学习的,如何? www.ef.com.cn 2. William is in the news for an entirely different reason, as well. 威廉王子又因于众不同的原因上新闻了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I am very honored to have been able to participate in the news photography workshop recently held at the Hsinhua Center in Tainan . 我很荣幸能够参加这次在台南新化道场举办的新闻摄影研习。 www.bing.com 4. Particularly in the News of the World, this was a newsroom out of control. 尤其是《世界新闻报》,那里的新闻编辑室已经失控。 www.bing.com 5. Television has always been open, stay in the news channel, capturing every four Chuan Wenchuan earthquake on the news. 电视一直开着,停留在新闻频道,捕捉每一条关于四川汶川地震的消息。 6mx.com.cn 6. The case was back in the news just last month when FBI agents investigated a skull discovered nearly 20 years ago along the Columbia River. 当FBI情报员调查一头头盖骨数将近20年以前沿着哥伦比亚河发现的时候,上个月仅仅,情形在新闻中回来。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Please note that the documents linked in the News Archives may have been further updated subsequent to release of the news. 请留意资料库内所连结的文件可能在消息发放后作出更改。 www.ird.gov.hk 8. Dinosaurs are back in the news. Earlier this month, the computer-animated film, Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, was released worldwide. 恐龙再次成为新闻焦点。这个月初,在全球范围内上映了电脑制作的动画片《冰河世纪3-恐龙的起源》。 bbs.24en.com 9. Darfur is not as much in the news as it was, but it is not any better. 有关达尔富尔的报道没有以前那么多了,但是该地区并没有多少好转。 www.bing.com 10. That being said, your checkins will appear by default on your profile, in the news feed and in the activity stream for that place. 这就是说,你的签到将默认出现在你的个人信息页面、新鲜事源以及该位置的活动信息中。 www.bing.com 1. But while the harsh words have ebbed in the news media, acid comments continued to pop up on prominent Web portals like Sohu. 虽然粗俗的字眼在纸媒上渐渐褪去,但尖酸的评论依然流行在著名的网站上例如搜狐。 www.bing.com 2. It is a fact that many anomie phenomenon in the news circle conflict with the construction of a Harmonious Society today. 新闻业内失范现象泛滥,这与和谐社会建构不无抵牾。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. We were in the papers, we're still in the news three years later, but, unfortunately, something tragic happened right after. 我们上了报纸,三年之后还有关于此报道。但不幸地是,悲剧随后便发生了。 www.ted.com 4. But, as Mr Rosen points out, even if just 1% of the audience is now involved in the news system, that's millions of new people. 但是如同Rosen先生指出的那样,即便只有1%的观众现在参与到新闻系统中,即代表了上百万的新人。 www.ecocn.org 5. To participate in the news gathering activities. Also helped their parents with household chores. I had a very fulfilling. 去参加了采访活动。还帮助父母做家务。我过的很充实! zhidao.baidu.com 6. But many traders in New York and Europe seemed more interested in the news coming out of Paris than Rome. 但比起罗马,纽约和欧洲的很多交易员似乎对来自巴黎的消息更感兴趣。 www.fortunechina.com 7. You can always count on X-Men: First Class to keep popping up in the news. 你可以永远通过了解《X战警:第一课》来了解最新的新闻。 www.bing.com 8. The signing attracted scant notice in the news media, and the White House issued a one-paragraph statement on Bush's action. 签署仪式只得到少量新闻报道,白宫只发布了一段文字声明,宣布布什采取这项的行动。 www.america.gov 9. The journalist beat it to telephone to call in the news. 记者急步走到电话机前,打电话要求撒回那条新闻。 www.dictall.com 10. Stories with the most reactions rise to the top of the list, whereas less popular stories remain lost in the news river ether. 响应最多的故事会上升到列表顶端,而不太热门的故事则会消失在新闻列表里。 www.bing.com 1. Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away. 碰到小男孩的二天之后,我看了报纸年轻少妇过世了。 hi.baidu.com 2. In the news, the President is in Europe. The weather for today is clear and cool. 今天的新闻有:总统正在欧洲。今天的天气晴朗怡人。 www.ebigear.com 3. But there was some comfort in the news that China and Japan -- the largest holders of U. S. securities -- increased their Treasury holdings. 但亦有一些乐见消息,美国证券的最大持有者--中国和日本增加了美债持有量。 cn.reuters.com 4. Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or is the begging ads of relief organizations. 他们的面容不时出现在新闻里或救济组织的求援广告里。 www.hjenglish.com 5. In such a case you will have to make a choice - e. g. choose the event or circumstance that is given most prominence in the news story. 在这种情况下,你必须做出选择,即选择在文章中最显著的那个事件或情况。 genders.zsu.edu.cn 6. Put one's best foot forward Tina dresses smart in the news conference and hopes to put her best foot forward. 蒂娜在记者会上盛装打扮,希望能给人留下好印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the news of this day, Iran has permitted a former vice president to pay money for temporary release from a jail. 在这一天的消息,伊朗已允许前副总裁,支付临时从监狱释放的钱。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The group was founded three years ago and I joined several months later, after hearing about it in the news. 这个组织成立于3年前。几个月后,我听到了相关新闻,于是加入了这个组织。 www.ftchinese.com 9. BOB DOUGHTY: And I'm Bob Doughty. Join us again next week for another SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. 鲍勃多尔蒂:我是鲍勃道蒂。加入我们下周再有另一位在美国之音特别英语新闻版。 www.englishtang.com 10. They've been popping up in the news almost weekly. 他们已经出现在新闻几乎每周的。 www.bing.com 1. It was in the news, and when he heard about it, President Bush said, 'See, it's complicated, right? 新闻报道了这事,当前总统布什听说了这件事后,他说:‘看到了吧,这很复杂的,对不对? hi.baidu.com 2. The pain of beingrejected by one's peer group can be a matter of life or death, asrecent cyber-bullying cases in the news demonstrate. 被同龄人群体抛弃的痛苦是如同生死一般的,就像最近新闻中报道的网路霸凌*一样。 www.bing.com 3. Hockey, basketball and golf were all in the news this week. 本周,曲棍球、篮球和高尔夫球都爆出了新闻。 www.tingroom.com 4. Issues of slavery, trafficking, and exploitation will continue to be highlighted in the news. 奴隶、非法交易、剥削的议题将在新闻上持续受注目。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Terrible actions took place in my country's capital on Friday, as I am sure most of you have seen in the news. 我相信你们大部分人已经从新闻中知道上周五在我的国家发生的可怕的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. it's a Thursday morning, here's a look at some of the stories happening NOW IN THE NEWS. 现在是周四上午,让我们来关注这一时段正在发生的时事热点新闻。 www.kekenet.com 7. They are involved in the news process from beginning to end. 他们自始至终参与新闻制作。 www.america.gov 8. Not small echo is caused in place after be in the news of this book list . 这份书单被报道后在当地引起不小反响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "I guess he wanted to be in the news, " Woods said. "And I'm sure he will be. " 伍兹表示“我想他只是想出名,他也做到了。” www.bing.com 10. Thesame panda was in the news in 2006 when he bit a drunk tourist who broke into his enclosure and tried to hug him while he was asleep. 2006年也有过类似的熊猫新闻,当时熊猫正睡着觉,可就在那个时候,一个喝醉了酒的游客闯入了它的领地。 www.suiniyi.com 1. This paper thus shows how words in the news reportage environment about a certain topic interact with each other at a semantic level. 本文在语义层次上研究了在关于某一特定主题的新闻报道中不同词项之间是如何进行搭配的。 www.13191.com 2. They wound up back in the news, fan forums soon emerged post: Luneng Beat the half! 他俩伤退的消息出来后,球迷论坛里很快出现了帖子:鲁能垮掉了半壁江山! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Maria : Yes, If Jake found out, the story would be in the news immediately. 玛丽亚:是的,如果杰克知道了,这事马上就上新闻了。 www.ebigear.com 4. You know what's going on in the news and your own family's lives. 你们知道新闻里发生的事情和你们家庭生活的事情。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. News live practice development in the news plays an increasingly large proportion of the news broadcast in the common form. 新闻现场直播在新闻实践发展中占有越来越大的比重,成为新闻直播中常见的一种形式。 www.qiqi8.cn 6. During the week of the UK riots, the images in the news brought me right back to where I started. 伦敦发生骚乱的那一周,新闻上的画面一下子将我带回了过去。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Science in the news: World No Tobacco Day--A Chance for Smokers to Give Their Bodies a Cigarette. 科技新闻:世界无烟日——给身体一个无烟的时刻。 www.ilit.cn 8. The fourth is about the countermeasure to the problems existing in the news channel of commercial website , including seven countermeasures. 第四章是商业网站新闻频道存在问题之对策,包括七大对策。 www.fabiao.net 9. Kevin Carey, policy director for the think-tank Education Sector, says the college doom stories in the news today aren't anything new. KevinCarey是教育界智囊团的政策决策人之一,他认为现在媒体报道的高校学生众多的新闻对他而言并不是一件新鲜事。 www.bing.com 10. And if you're worried about threats to the survival of your company, don't look for them in the news. Look in the mirror. 如果你担忧什么会对你的公司的生存构成威胁,不用去看新闻,照照镜子就找到了。 www.bing.com 1. All in all, in the news paper-making effective use of color management is a system project, you need to work to complement one another. 总之,在彩报制作洋灵验不天利用色彩处置是一项编制工程,需给各个工序彼此打扰,成群发奋。 www.bing.com 2. We've seen this scenario played out in the news or on TV crime dramas. 这样的场景,我们在新闻或讲述犯罪的影剧中都曾见过。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 3. Defamation should be analyzed specifically according to the identities of speakers and persons in the news under different circumstances. 名誉权侵权中应区分不同的行为人主体和被报道对象而作具体分析。 lib.cqvip.com 4. But he points out that the violence in the news is generally not near areas that are popular with foreigners. 但他指出,在一般的新闻暴力附近地区,不与外国人欢迎。 www.maynet.cn 5. Added Mr. Hoare: 'Phone tapping hadn't just existed in the News of the World. It was endemic within the whole industry. ' 霍尔还说,窃听电话不仅存在于《世界新闻报》,这是整个行业的普遍做法。 cn.wsj.com 6. In the news pages of Le Soir, these measures were described as indispensable preparations for an orderly "emigration" of Jews. 在LeSoir的新版面上,这些举措被描述成是为有序地“迁移”犹太人所做的必要准备。 www.bing.com 7. In the news: More Women Become National Leaders; When Will the U. S. Follow? 新闻:越来越多女性成为国家领导人,美国的下一位是谁? www.ilit.cn 8. Here's a look at some of the stories happening Now In The News. 下面让我们来看看现在正在发生的新闻故事。 www.bing.com 9. The main content of site is about: Profile-Attorneys-Practices-In The News-Careers-Contact-Disclaimer. 该网站提供的主要内容包括:公司简介-代理人介绍-服务领域-新闻-职业-联系方式-声明。 10. The strategic importance, internal miseries and governing oddities of North Korea are obvious and frequently in the news. 战略重要性、国内饥荒以及政府的奇异特点,让北朝鲜经常高调地出现在新闻上。 kk.dongxi.net 1. One old solution back in the news is allowing night workers to nap. 回到这些新闻,一个老的解决方案是允许夜间工作人员小憩 www.bing.com 2. The spokesman for the State Department disinformed some information about the country's military strength and plans in the news media. (美国)国务院发言人在新闻媒体上提供有关该国一些军事实力、计划等的假情报。 3. Here is a look at some of the stories that are happening NOW IN THE NEWS. 下面我们来看看现在正在发生的新闻故事。 www.kekenet.com 4. In the news propagation realm that competitions are becoming stronger, it has become a kind of indispensable competitive means. 在竞争越来越激烈的新闻宣传领域,新闻的战役性报道已成为一种不可或缺的竞争手段。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Your sister or brother may be in the news this month, so keep an ear to the ground for news. 你的兄弟姐妹可能在这个月的消息,所以只能暂时新闻耳朵在地上。 www.chinatarot.com 6. A controversy over Chinese investment in the U. S. is again in the news. 国在美投资引发的争议再次成为新闻焦点。 c.wsj.com 7. Group members say, 'Did you see we were in the news again. 团队成员们说,看到我们又上新闻中了没? www.bing.com 8. The committee has retained an outside law firm, Gibson, Dunn &Crutcher LLP, to aid in the probe, PEMGroup said in the news release. 保盛丰在新闻稿中称,这个委员会已经聘请了外部律师事务所Gibson,Dunn&CrutcherLLP来协助调查。 www.bing.com 9. The eighth chapter focuses on the speech act of news commentary. "Persuasion" in the news commentary discourse will be analyzed. 论文第八章是新闻评论语篇言语行为的研究,分析新闻评论语篇中的劝说行为。 www.lw23.com 10. Batista was frequently cited as an anti-kidnapping expert at conferences and in the news media. 巴蒂斯塔是经常出现在会议和新闻报道中的反劫持专家。 www.bing.com 1. What often happens is they will hear a sensationalized story about a raw material in the news media or on the Internet and become concerned. 经常发生的是,人们通过新闻媒体或网络讯息,听到关于原材料的轰动性故事,然后变得对此关注。 www.elanso.com 2. Article 3 An Internet website that engages in the news publication services shall abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations. 第三条互联网站从事登载新闻业务,必须遵守宪法和法律、法规。 szlawyers.chinalawinfo.com 3. In the news paper business card printing, newsprint silk thread of orientation and paper tape moving direction. 在彩报制卡洋,新闻纸的丝缕标的目的与纸带活动标的目的不合歧。 www.bing.com 4. An incident at a football match may be in the news for several days because it's the main topic of conversation in town. 某次足球赛中发生的事故可能有好几天都出现在新闻上,因为这是时下街谈巷议的主要话题。 www.america.gov 5. Those controversial high-tech swimsuits are in the news again, this time with US swimmer Ricky Berens. 充满争议的高科技泳衣再一次成为媒体关注的焦点。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. As college students, they were most in the news for extracurricular drinking. 作为大学生,关于她们最常见的新闻是课外酗酒。 www.neworiental.org 7. And I read in the news that China is a front-runner to build a super-fast computer. 并且,从新闻中我获知中国在制造超速计算机领域也是个世界领跑者。 putclub.com 8. These days such people tend to lapse altogether, leaving more conservative types in the news, albeit in small numbers. 如今这样的人往往选择不去教堂,只留下更保守的信徒还坐在教堂的长椅上,虽然这种情况只是少数。 www.ecocn.org 9. Choose ONE of the codes below for each person in the news. 对新闻中的每一个人物选择下列的一个编码。 genders.zsu.edu.cn 10. North Korea is once again in the news because of its growing nuclear threat and the imprisoning of two American journalists. 朝鲜最近因为不断升级的核武威胁以及囚禁2名美国记者而再次成为新闻焦点。 www.bing.com 1. It's been in the news recently that there is going to be a Princess Diana memorial built here in Hyde Park. 最近有新闻报道说,海德公园里将会建一座戴安娜王妃的纪念标志。 learning.sohu.com 2. I love the line the Xiaoyuer love in the time afforded me the opportunity to have tea in the news occasionally . 就在我爱小鱼儿爱的如醉如痴的时候,却让我在偶然的机会有了红袖的消息。 www.bing.com 3. this power was embodied , not in the editorial and the editorial writer but in the news and the reporter. 这种力量并不是通过社论和社论的撰写人,而是通过新闻和记者表现出来的。 www.ichacha.net 4. "It shows that politicians are celebrities and their kids' names are in the news, " said Wattenberg. “这表明政客是名人,而他们的孩子的名字出现在新闻里”他这么说道。 www.bing.com 5. It was reported in the news that the movie star's celeblog was actually written by her assistant. 有则新闻报道说那个影星的博客事实上出于她的助理之手。 qkzz.net 6. They have an element of the "sentimentality" that you also find in the "News in Brief" pages of the newspapers. 他们有一种多愁善感的因素在里面,在报纸的“简短新闻”里也可以找到。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news. 报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Common Theme Ties Cases of Madoff, Siemens and 'Light' CigarettesThis is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. 麦道夫丑闻、西门子和“清淡型”香烟案件的共同之处这里是美国之音特别英语《新闻动态》节目。 lib.suridea.cn 9. Moreover, every major venue in the news center, have food, water and fruit supply. 而且,在各个大赛场地新闻中心,都有食物、水跟水果供应句号。 www.hk02.cn 10. Our conversation turned to the economic doom and gloom so prominent in the news media over the past few weeks. 我们的对话转向过去几周的新闻媒体覆盖下的显著的经济末日和不景气。 www.elanso.com 1. In the news: Significant drop in drink driving deaths. That'll be because people can't afford both alcohol and petrol. 新闻里说酒驾死亡人数大幅减少。我看是因为买了酒就加不起油了吧。 www.tianya200.com 2. Attacks against e-Commerce Web sites are so alarming, they follow right after violent crimes in the news. 对于e-CommerceWeb站点的攻击是很令人担忧的,它们在新闻中的比重仅次于暴力犯罪。 www.ibm.com 3. In the second image, they seemed to swing too far in the "news" direction, but nowadays, have settled down nicely. 第二张图片,他们看起来在新闻方向迷失得太深。但今天,总算尘埃落定。 www.elanso.com 4. From avian influenza to humanitarian crises, health issues were in the news throughout 2006. 从禽流感到人道主义危机,卫生问题是贯穿2006年的新闻。 www.who.int 5. Share with others the things you are discovering, whether it's something you read in the news or heard about in another conversation. 无论你是从新闻中读到的,还是与人对话中得到信息,都可以与他人共享你的成果。 www.bing.com 6. Leonardo da Vinci may have died in 1519, but he is always in the news. 达芬奇也许死于1519年,但是他永远不缺乏新闻。 www.bing.com 7. One threatened area in the news recently was Prey Lang, the largest lowland evergreen forest in the region. 一个威胁在最近的新闻领域,在该地区最大的低地常绿森林猛禽郎。 maynet.cn 8. There's a national network television show that originates from some local prominent in the news each week. 有一种全国性的联网电视节目,取材于每周最突出的地方新闻。 www.jukuu.com 9. This week in the news we are commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Great Tangshan Earthquake. 这周的新闻我们将进行唐山大地震20周年纪念活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. An important word was left out in the news. 新闻中的一个重要词语被遗漏了。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The website offers the related information about the institute, including in the news, calendar of events, etc. 该网站提供该研究所的相关信息,包括新闻、大事记等。 www.biositemap.com 2. Both Mr. Higgins and Mr. Mooney deny the allegations, which were published in the News of the World on Sunday. 希金斯和他的经理均否认了刊登在周日《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)上的指控。 c.wsj.com 3. In a day and age when there are so many bad things in the news, we find that we really do have a lot to be thankful for. 在当今时代,新闻中每天都在报告着坏消息,我们实在有很多东西可以感恩的。 www.bing.com 4. Contrast that with the cack-handed antics of the Russian spies in the news today. 把这些事实与如今新闻上那些笨拙的俄罗斯间谍对比吧。 www.bing.com 5. Kerry remains an unknown quantity to most Americans, but better known Democrats are much in the news. 虽说大多数美国人对克里不大了解,但比较知名的民主党人的新闻报道却有很多。 learning.sohu.com 6. Mr. Buffett told me on Friday that 'everything in [the news release] is accurate. ' 巴菲特在4月1日告诉本文作者,新闻稿中的每一句话都是准确的。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Since both will be in the news on the same day, the public is expected to make the connection. 由于二者会出现在同一天的新闻中,预期公众会将二者联系起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. BARBARA KLEIN: This SCIENCE IN THE NEWS was written by George Grow and June Simms, who also was our producer. 芭芭拉因:这在新闻版的作者是乔治成长及六月西姆斯,谁也就是我们的生产商。 www.englishtang.com 9. And that he committed suicide in the news that moment, and Mark, the tears. 并且在得知他自杀消息的那一刻,和马克一样,流泪了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. "My aim is to confirm to Mourinho that he has committed an error with my exit, " he is quoted in the News of the World. “我的目的是要告诉穆里尼奥将我租借出去是错误的,”他对世界新闻报说。 www.chelsea.net.cn 1. My favorite is the last item: stop paying attention to all the fear mongering in the news. 我最喜欢最后一个方法:不要关注所有恐惧散播的消息。 www.elanso.com 2. I remember when the US would be in the news for these kinds of things. Now we're only on the news whenever our debt reaches another digit. 我记得以前此类新闻少不了美国的份,可是现如今只有当债务又创新高时美国才会出现在新闻里。 www.fanyitie.com 3. Just tell them of all the stuff in the news you've been reading about. It's a great ice breaker. 如果是,那就告诉他们你在报纸上看过的东西,这可是个美好的开始。 www.gd31.cn 4. We hope that you will find Iridology and other eye sciences in the news more and more as a result of these efforts. 我们希望你会发现虹膜及其他眼科学新闻更由于这些努力。 www.iridology.com.cn 5. If there isn't a natural disaster or an armed conflict, most places will never even be mentioned in the news. 除非发生自然灾难或武装冲突,大部分地方都不会在新闻中被提及。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Frank used his Webcam and his wit to highlight stories in the news he cared about. Frank使用他的网络摄像头和才智来突出一些他关注的新闻事件。 www.bing.com 7. Summary: With hacker attacks in the news frequently these days, we all know that computer security needs to be taken seriously. 简介:由于黑客攻击最近在新闻中屡有报导,我们都知道需要认真地对待计算机安全问题。 www.ibm.com 8. If there isn't a normal disaster or an armed conflict, most places will never even be mentioned in the news. 世界充满无聊:如果没有自然灾害或者武装冲突的话,绝大多数地方永远不会在新闻中被提到。 blog.zol.com.cn 9. Is anything going on in the news about Rush that would indicate need for our services? 什么事都不是在关于拉什消息,将表明我们的服务的需求呢? www.b2c-seo.com 10. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. 这里是美国之音特别英语时事新闻报道,作者布莱安娜布莱克。 www.bing.com 1. Two of the world's favorite activities -- soccer and wordplay -- are in the news this week. 世界上最受喜爱的两大活动,足球和双关语成为本周新闻。 www.hxen.com 2. We should have a great deal of reticence when we read about studies like this in the news. 我们应该保持客观沉默当我们在新闻里读到像这样的研究。 www.bing.com 3. I found two more ads in the news files, from weeks ago. Read them, sir ! " Bob urged. " “我在几个星期前的新闻报纸中还发现了另外两则启事。给你看看,先生!”鲍勃急切地说。 www.easegps.com 4. So why have so many in Washington, especially in the news media, been taken in by this flimflam? 既然如此,为什么华盛顿那么多的人,特别是新闻界的人都被这种狗皮膏药所迷惑? www.douban.com 5. All the content created by the news component is stored in the News site area under the respective teamplace library. 新闻组件创建的所有内容都保存在相应的teamplace库下的News站点区域中。 www.ibm.com 6. While quantum computing appears in the news regularly, it's still only taking baby steps. 当量子计算定期的出现在新闻上时,这已经不是婴儿起步阶段了。 www.bing.com 7. As referenced in the news report I mentioned, we've now fallen behind most wealthy countries in our high school graduation rates. 正如我提到的那则新闻报道中所说到的,在高中毕业率方面,我们现在已经落后于世界大多数富裕国家。 www.bing.com 8. You are listening to SCIENCE IN THE NEWS, in VOA Special English. With Bob Doughty, I'm Faith Lapidus in Washington. 你是听科学的消息后,VOA美国之音慢速英语。鲍勃,我在华盛顿的信仰拉皮德斯。 www.maynet.cn 9. Hope media friends could let MOH hear carriers' voice in the news release conference. 希望媒体的朋友们可以在新闻发布会上,让卫生部听见携带者的声音。 www.hbvhbv.info 10. In the news English translation of appreciate beauty emersion . 新闻英语翻译中的审美再现。 dict.kekenet.com 1. Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes is a frequent guest on VOA's Issues in the News program. 旗帜周刊编辑巴尼斯经常是美国之音新闻节目的佳宾。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. We put this thing together. A couple of weeks ago we took it down to Walter Reed, which is unfortunately more in the news these days. 我们把它做出来了。两个星期以前,我们把这架义肢送达沃尔特·里德医院。这个医院最近总是有不幸的消息传出。 www.ted.com 3. Coreference is a common phenomenon in the news report about paroxysmal event, it appears a lot in the discourses or the dialogues. 在突发事件新闻报道中,共指是一种常见现象,并大量地出现在篇章或对话中。 www.fabiao.net 4. commentator a broadcaster or writer who reports and analyzes events in the news. 在新闻中报告和分析事件的广播员或作家 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Befell heavy attacks in the news, its shares on the Paris Stock Exchange suspended. 在遭此重磅新闻袭击后,其股票在巴黎交易所暂时停牌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. DURING the late 1980s and early 1990s the conflict between Armenians and Azeris over the Nagorno-Karabkh region was often in the news. 在二十世纪八十年代末期和九十年代初期,亚美尼亚人和阿塞拜疆人在纳尔戈诺-卡拉巴赫地区的冲突问题经常见报。 www.ecocn.org 7. In late March, reports of minor volcanic eruptions in Iceland were buried in the news. 3月下旬,冰岛火山出现小型爆发的消息充斥着各类新闻媒体。 www.bing.com 8. This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. This week, President Obama signed an expansion of federal law on hate crimes. 本周,奥巴马总统签署了扩充后的联邦仇恨犯罪保护法。 www.bing.com 9. Along with the social and the media industry unceasingly progress and development, people in the news program requirements. 随着社会以及传媒行业不断地进步和发展,人们对于新闻节目的要求也不断加强。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It happens when they introduce new friends, or casually talk about a new restaurant or a fascinating story in the news. 当他们介绍新朋友,或者偶然谈到了一个新的旅馆或者新闻里一个引人入胜的故事,这种体会都会发生。 www.bing.com 1. This content is updated with low frequency and is shared for many users, and so content in the News area is categorized as static content. 此内容更新频率较低,且由许多用户共享,所以在News区域的内容被归为静态内容。 www.ibm.com 2. It is obvious , the function is essential that the title is playing in the news report . 可见,标题在新闻报道中所起的作用至关重要。 www.fabiao.net 3. A dollhouse selling for a big sum of $82, 000 is bound to create waves in the news world. 售价达到82,000美元的微型屋一定在新闻界引起了轰动。 www.kekenet.com 4. Former Vice President Dick Cheney is in the news. 前副总统迪克·切尼上新闻了。 www.mtime.com 5. The Chinatown buses have a poor safety record and are constantly in the news due to their incidents and accidents on the interstate. 中国村的巴士的安全运行记录一向很差,而且总是由于在州际间造成意外事故而频频曝光于新闻之中。 www.elanso.com 6. Since voters passed it in 1978, it has remained in the news constantly because it touches every aspect of state policy and finance. 自1978年选民投票通过以来,由于13号法案触及到州政策和金融的各个方面,它经常上新闻。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the news: Drug Control Officials Are Warned of Growing Threat From 'Meth' 新闻报道:世界范围内冰毒的危害越来越广 www.ilit.cn 8. She says that "continual attention in the news" also gave the movement legs. 她还说“新闻的持续曝光”也对运动有帮助。 www.bing.com 9. More and more mass murderers are popping up in the news these days. 这些天来,新闻里不断报道谋杀多人的凶手。 www.59edu.com 10. The information provided in the News Archives is for reference only. 消息资料库提供的资料仅供参考。 www.ird.gov.hk 1. And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . I'm Steve Ember. 这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道,我是SteveEmber。 www.bing.com 2. Interesting and unusual facts that have surfaced in the news during 2006. 有趣的事实已经出现不寻常的消息在2006年。 www.2getnews.com 3. Pretty much wherever you look this summer, Hillary, Bill, and even Chelsea Clinton are in the news. 这个夏季很多有关希拉里,比尔,甚至切尔西克林顿的新闻无处不在。 www.bing.com 4. But I do have to say I've been in the days I have no idea what's going on in the News, so thank God I've watched the show. 但我不得不说我一直有段日子,自己不知道正在发生什么事情,所以感谢上帝,我曾经看过那些节目。 www.kekenet.com 5. Such figures are in the news because Britain is facing an energy crunch. 这些数据之所以见诸新闻,是因为英国正面临能源危机。 www.ecocn.org 6. Science in the news: So You Want to Make Your Mother Proud? Becoming a Doctor! 科技新闻:想让你的母亲以你为荣么?当医生吧! www.ilit.cn 7. But I have seen, in the news, how people do keep spending, and it has been interesting to watch. 但是我从新闻报道中看到人们确实还在消费,目睹这些很有意思。 www.america.gov 8. Were watching TV, focus on sports, now showed great interest in the news. 过去学生们看电视,只关注体育节目,现在开始对新闻感兴趣了。 www.bing.com 9. The reports of floods and droughts we've been seeing in the news could be caused by global warming. 我们在新闻中看到的洪灾和干旱可能是全球变暖造成的。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The main reason it is in the news is that the state goes to the polls early next year. 该事件引起关注的原因主要是印度将在明年年初进行大选。 www.bing.com 1. The big story in the news this week is the minister's resignation. 这个星期的重大新闻是部长的辞职。 beijingbbs.koolearn.com 2. Maybe so. But it is already affecting the way black Americans are portrayed in the news. 这也有可能,但新闻中塑造黑人的方法已经因此而发生了变化。 www.ecocn.org 3. It says in the news that some people had heart attacks in the movie theatre. 是啊,新闻里面说很多人在电影院就吓得心脏病犯了。 www.360doc.com 4. What are some of the terms related to this change in negotiation tactics found in the news article linked above? 那么在以上所键接的新闻中又有哪些有关时下谈判技巧变更的词汇可以供我们学习与参考的呢? www.ef.com.cn 5. "The headlines in the news of late were well-anticipated. " “最近媒体报道的内容早在意料之中。” www.ftchinese.com 6. WHEREVER you are reading this article, inflation is probably in the news. 你无论在哪读到这篇文章,新闻里可能都在播着通货膨胀的事儿。 dongxi.net 7. Rodriguez also took second prize in the People in the News Stories category with images of tourists helping migrants on a Tenerife beach. 奥德里固兹同时还凭借特内里费海滩旅游者帮助移民者的照片获新闻人物类组照二等奖。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Science in the News: Learning the Basics of First Aid--What to Do Until Medical Help Arrives? 科技新闻:急救的基本常识——在医生来以前你能做些什么? www.ilit.cn 9. IN THE NEWS in VOA special English was written by Nancy Steinbach. 美国之音特别英语新闻由南西。斯坦巴克撰写。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But his resignation was not the only exit from a job that was in the news this week. 但是他的辞职并不仅仅是本周新闻中的唯一一个离职新闻。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. Items in the news section of websites can act as great landing pages. 在网站的新闻部分项目可以作为伟大的目标网页。 www.b2c-seo.com 2. COMPLETE THE REMAINING CODES ONLY FOR PEOPLE IN THE NEWS. THESE CODES ARE NOT NEEDED FOR REPORTERS. 下面的编码只对报导中的人物适用,对报导者不必使用。 genders.zsu.edu.cn 3. In addition, the report skill makes a great difference in the news coverage. 但采访技巧在新闻采访中又起着至关重要的作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In the news papers, the new president will take office next week. 正如报纸报道的那样,新总统将在下周就职。 bbs.pep.com.cn 5. "The only people who put me under pressure on me are those I want to, " Mourinho said in the News of the World. “那些人施加给我的压力正是我想要的,(我也想获得冠军!)”穆帅在世界新闻报上说。 www.qieerxi.com 6. But every day, the unthinkable seems to be happening in the news world. 但在新闻世界中,这种不可想象的事情似乎每天都在发生。 www.bing.com 7. Next week, we will discuss why stock options are in the news and how they will affect American business earnings this year. 下周,我们将探讨,为什么股票合约为报纸所报道以及他们如何影响美国今年的商业收益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ned: Of course, don't be silly. There's something in the news about the reward? 当然咯,别傻了。是不是新闻里说了悬赏的事情? blog.hjenglish.com 9. The traffic accident was in the news yesterday. 昨天的新闻报导了这件交通事故。 www.powerdict.com 10. Obama Presses Case for Health Care Reform(Music)This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. 奥巴马推进医疗体系改革(音乐)这里是美国之音特别英语《时事新闻》节目。 lib.suridea.cn 1. Then, the controversial dispute involving national sovereignty and its neighbor, Colombia, has also been in the news recently. 随后,是有关自己国家的主权与哥伦比亚间的冲突,这也成为了最近的新闻。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Second Prize, People in the News Single, Seamus Murphy, Ireland, VII Photo Agency. 爱尔兰摄影家谢默斯9月30日伦敦拍摄,荣获新闻人物单幅类二等奖。 www.bing.com 3. And that's in the News in VOA special English, written by Brianna Blake . I am Steve Ember. 这就是今天的美国之音特别英语新闻报道,是由布莱纳布莱克撰稿的。我是史帝文安博。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Remembered that time, I could only heard the related affair in Korea mostly in the news . 记得当时大多在新闻中才能听到韩国相关的事情。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. The new design broke the existing scan line in the news stream. 新的设计打破了原有的信息流里的视觉线路。 www.bing.com 6. Should you jump on the bandwagon and trade stocks in the news? 你会不会根据新闻的线索见风使舵来炒股呢? bbs.translators.com.cn 7. Young people can see violence in movies, on tv. . . even in the news! 年轻人可以在电影电视甚至在新闻里看到暴力。 www.bing.com 8. Anything interesting in the news today? 今天有什么有意思的新闻吗? www.tingclass.com 9. Thanks for checking in, here's what's happening NOW IN THE NEWS . 谢谢你的收看,我们马上来看看正在发生着的时事新闻。 www.bing.com 10. Time came in 2009, I was front of the TV, watching China's third Antarctic research station completed in the news. 时光来到了2009年,我正在电视机前,收看着中国第三个南极科考站落成的新闻。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Former President Clinton, of course, in the news a lot lately. 前总统克林顿,当然,最近常上电视。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Is there anything important in the news this week? 这个星期有什么重要的新闻吗?。 hbez.net 3. I am always in the news when the transfer market opens but I am fine at Chelsea. 每次转会市场开启时,总是有很多关于我的新闻。但是,我在切尔西过得非常不错。 www.bing.com 4. In the News Bar Wizards, you can enter one or more search terms separated by commas, as shown below. 在NewsBarWizards中,输入一个或多个以逗号分隔的搜索术语,如下所示。 www.ibm.com 5. What else is happening in the news cycle when the scandal breaks? 丑闻被曝光时,新闻界还在发生着什么事? www.bing.com 6. The comic is a kind of amusing pictures which tell something interesting in the news. 卡通画是涉及一些新闻中有趣的事令人感到开心的画。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In the workplace and in the news, there are many examples of older women having babies and some women may feel reassured. 职场上、新闻中都有诸多年纪较大的女性生孩子的事例,一些女性或许因此而感到安心。 chinese.wsj.com 8. From VOA Learning English, this is IN THE NEWS in Special English . 来自VOA学英语,这里是美国之音慢速英语新闻报道。 www.bing.com 9. More recently, the company has been in the news because of an unjust attack by the US Justice and State Departments. 最近,这家公司更是经常上报纸,因为来自美国司法部门的不合理起诉。 www.bing.com 10. From Learning English, this is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. 来自美国之音慢速英语,这里是新闻报道。 www.hxen.com |
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