单词 | jungle | ||||||||||||||||
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例句释义: 密林,尔虞我诈的环境,危险地带,丛林,热带丛林,莽丛 1. Back in the jungle, the lieutenant says he's received word that LRA fighters are heading his way. 回到丛林,中尉说他刚收到消息,圣灵抵抗军正朝他的方向行进。 www.ecocn.org 2. In 1931 all the long voyages ended for him in a hobo jungle. 一九三一年,他结束了长途的奔波,来到了一个流浪汉的营地上。 3. And by the rhythm of the rails, reading all his mother's mail from a city boy in a jungle town postmarked saigon . 和节奏的栏杆,他的母亲阅读所有的邮件从一个城市的男孩在一个丛林镇邮戳西贡。 www.showxiu.com 4. While you were on location for Rescue Dawn, you hung from the skids of a helicopter as it flew over the jungle. 在拍摄《拯救黎明》的时候,你用一根绳子把自己挂在直升机上飞过雨林。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The General watched the constant activity of men and trucks out of all the bivouacs in the jungle adjacent to the beach. 将军每天也亲眼看到海滩附近一带的丛林里各个营地上出人出车,忙忙碌碌。 www.kuenglish.info 6. The harsh slapping sound came out of the jungle and was followed by another discharge. 从林里突然响起了那种刺耳的响声,紧接着又是一响。 www.jukuu.com 7. They worked as if it was a jungle. 他们的行为就像是在丛林一样。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But this "jungle principle" of every light for itself does not result in harmony, the researchers said. 但是研究人员认为,每一盏信号灯都遵循“丛林原则”,只会为自己打‘小算盘’,而不会形成和谐的局面。 www.bing.com 9. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she had landed in a tree in the middle of the jungle. 当她再次睁开眼,她发现她落在了丛林中的一棵树上。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors. 一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。 www.bing.com 1. Suddenly, however, a huge lion emerged from the jungle, pounced on the violinist and made a hearty meal of him. 可是丛林里突然跑出一头大狮子,扑向小提琴家,把他当做盛餐吃掉了。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. Brown was depressed; the jungle ulcers on his feet had begun to itch and smart. 布朗闷闷不乐;脚上的“丛林疮”又痛又痒。 www.kuenglish.info 3. But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind. 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Although the current international politics is not as explicit law of the jungle, but what is often gloat. 现在的国际政治虽然还不至于是露骨的弱肉强食,但幸灾乐祸的事情还是常有。 www.englishtang.com 5. Little by little, the trading floor began to fill with people, as if summoned by some invisible jungle drum. 渐渐地,交易场中开始挤满了人,好像是受到某种无形的丛林之鼓的召唤。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In Lago Agrio, Ecuador, he told me, one of the biggest environmental lawsuits in history is being fought out in a jungle court. 在拉戈阿格里奥,厄瓜多尔,他告诉我,在历史上最大的环境诉讼一被打了一个丛林法庭进行。 www.bing.com 7. Someone uploaded her videos and skyrocketed her to internet stardom; leopard clothing, press-on nails and jungle dancers included. 某人把她的影片上传之后一鸣惊人,自此奠定她在网络世界的明星地位;当然也包括她的豹纹装、假指甲与丛林舞者。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. Dogar and a handful of colleagues have been brought out of retirement to help reclaim hundreds of kilometers of track from the jungle. 道格和他的几位同事已经退休,但他们又被叫回来帮助挽救丛林里上百公里的铁路。 www.bing.com 9. The fair boy stopped and jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment like the Home Counties. 金发少年停住脚,自自然然地紧紧袜子。他这动作一时间让人觉得这孩子好象是在老家一样。 10. Walking through the jungle can be a lot like taking a trip down to the farms if you know what you are looking for. 在丛林中行走就好象向农场的远足一样,只要你知道你在寻找什么。 www.rrting.com 1. If it had not had this disability it would have undoubtedly stayed in the jungle and hunted for food in the customary way. 如果不是受了伤,这只老虎毫无疑问还会呆在丛林里,并像往常那样去猎取食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession. 他以一个卖旧衣服的小店伙计起家,在服装界闯荡,终于达到了他看来很吸引人的事业的顶峰。 www.hotdic.com 3. Annie Dillard tells of her visit to the Napo River in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle, one of nature's most unspoiled places. 安妮·迪拉德讲述了自己游览厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河的经历。那是大自然遭受人为破坏最少的地区之一。 www.kekenet.com 4. You know, we look down a dark alley or a jungle path, trying to make out a face or a creature. 各位知道,我们望向一条漆黑的小巷或是一条林中小径,试着拼凑出一张脸或是一个生物。 www.ted.com 5. I shall get me some order out of this jungle of my life. 我要在我生活的莽荒中找出一点秩序来。 www.bing.com 6. He said my safe return from the jungle called for a celebration and would lunchme well at the best restaurant in the city. 他说我从丛林中安全返回值得庆贺,他将在城中最好的饭店招待我吃丰盛的午餐。 school.ecp.com.cn 7. But no doubt it was all part of the strain of life in the bureaucratic jungle. 但是,毫无疑问,这完全是官场中勾心斗角生活的一部分。 tr.bab.la 8. As a child growing up in the jungle-soaked Malaysian state of Sarawak, Lai Fui Fin dreamed of a life among the rich and famous. 现年37岁的赖辉峰(音)在丛林密布的马来西亚沙捞越州(Sarawak)长大,从小就梦想能身处富豪名流之中。 chinese.wsj.com 9. With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle. 新几内亚岛上覆盖着大片的丛林,难以逾越的欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。 www.bing.com 10. It was cold, and I found myself daydreaming about the jungle, where surely the sun would be warmer, the trees bigger and the people wilder. 当时天很冷,我发现自己对于丛林有些想入非非——想必那里的太阳会更暖、树木会更高大、人会更野蛮。 www.bing.com 1. His father was illiterate, unable to make sense of the "mystifying jungle" of the world. Hence his violence. 他的父亲是个文盲,无法理解这世界“令人困惑的丛林”意义,因而迷信暴力。 www.ecocn.org 2. It was just as well. By this stage in the walk, we were having to use machetes to hack a path through the jungle. 不过无妨,徒步到这个阶段我们用砍刀在丛林里砍出一条路来。 www.bing.com 3. Even the Jungle Bar, which used to be squeezed in along the main walkway of White Beach, had to move this year after being priced out. 原来挤在白沙滩干道旁的丛林酒吧,也在今年因为租金过高而搬走。 www.bing.com 4. The speaker might be a soldier in the jungle, in which case nine miles would be a pretty good hike, rain or no rain. 例如说话者可能是一个丛林战士,那样的话,九英里真的是好一场远足哦,而且不管又没有雨。 www.douban.com 5. As we travel down the last few miles of the river, the sun rises as pure orange light over the mangrove swamps and jungle. 当河流还剩最后几英里时,纯净的橘黄色太阳在红树林湿地和丛林上升起。 www.huaxia-ng.com 6. In the jungle of international power politics there's no joy to match that of the demise of an iconic enemy. 在国际政治势力斗争中,没有任何事情能比一个标志性敌人的灭亡更大快人心。 www.bing.com 7. As the lion is the king of the jungle, most of Leo individuals portray themselves as kings and wish to live life in a regal manner. 就像身为丛林之王的狮子一样,狮子座的人常常自封为王并热衷于奢侈而享受的生活。 www.bing.com 8. "Yes, " agreed Papa. "We were going bananas! We've been running all over the jungle looking for you! " 爸爸附和:「我们急得快疯了!我们跑遍这片丛林,就为了找你!」 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The explorer took only such men and things as he really needed into the jungle with him. 这位探险家仅仅带他真正需要的人和物进入丛林。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This lush and dense jungle by the coast of Chile could have been a scenic tourist getaway. 这里看似由智利海岸和茂密丛林组成的一个风景旅游地。 www.iaskquestion.com 1. the upper part of the jungle. I've got a little hunting of my own to do. 你在这里继续吧,传说先生。救出森林高处的微微豆。我现在要去狩猎一个我的猎物。 xbox360.a9vg.com 2. After searching for the criminal in the thick jungle for three whole days, the police had to admit that they had been beating the air. 在浓密的丛林中搜索了整整三天后,警方不得不承认,他们的力气白费了。 www.360abc.com 3. In some parts of it, the only law is the law of the jungle. 在有些从零开始学英语地方,惟一的原则就是森林法则。 www.kancaimi.cn 4. But, just as he spoke to the Mayor of the speck, three big jungle monkeys climbed up Horton's neck! 但是,就在他与灰尘粒上的镇长交谈的时候,丛林里的三只大猴子——威克兄弟爬上了霍顿的脖子! www.bing.com 5. To have the kind of tropical rainforest you want, you needed to have the right kind of jungle dirt. 为了获得你想要的那种热带雨林,你需要有合适的丛林土壤。 dongxi.net 6. As the son of a natural scientist, he has always been infatuated with the jungle and its creatures. 这个自然科学家的儿子永远热恋丛林,以及充斥其中的各种生物。 www.bing.com 7. At least in the law of the jungle, you've survival of the fittest. In Congress, you've just got survival. 至少在法律丛林中,适者生存。在国会中,你得生存。 www.hao360.com 8. And I spent -- we spent -- I was with a team -- two weeks with these guys out in the jungle watching them hunt. 我们团队用了两周的时间和这些家伙一起在树林中观察他们打猎,他们用带着毒素的镶齿飞镖猎猴。 www.ted.com 9. ex. This is a dangerous and violent city. In some parts of it, the only law is the law of the jungle. 这是一个危险的充满暴力的城市。在有些地方,惟一的原则就是弱肉强食。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Although UK garage was the immediate ancestor, in crucial ways they were both more like the reactivation of different aspects of jungle. 尽管UKgarage是他们的祖师爷,但这些关键之处让它们都更像是不同角度上的jungle复兴。 www.bing.com 1. He was the first English King to use a lion as a royal symbol, which is popularly known as the "king of the jungle" . 他是首位把“丛林之王”狮子作为皇室标志的英格兰国王。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. We're not beasts in the jungle, you know. Killing animals is a terrible crime against the universe. 你也知道,咱们又不是山林中的野兽,这种杀生的事情可是违背天理的罪过啊。 www.for68.com 3. The next adventure they took was to go across the African jungle. 他们接下来的历险是穿越非洲丛林。 www.ebigear.com 4. It was a long winter of the very year I was twelve, like an endless jungle path, walked endlessly. 我十二岁的那个冬天特别漫长,就像一眼望不到尽头的密林小路,怎么走也走不完。 dongxi.net 5. spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience; a mind-blowing horror story. 在丛林中过一个星期是个激动人心的经历;令人兴奋的恐怖故事。 www.hotdic.com 6. Anthropologists are more likely to end up in the jungle or doing worthy social work. 人类学家到头来更有可能进入丛林,或是做一些有价值的社会工作。 www.ftchinese.com 7. By such focussing on a global scale, the dark monstrous jungle which the thoughts and actions of man have created will crumble. 通过这样的全球性的聚焦,那人的想法和举动所创造的黑暗的可恶丛林会崩溃。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. In some parts of it, the only law is the Law of Jungle. 在某些地方,唯一适用的就是“生存法则”。 bbs.tqedu.net 9. In the new development of the jungle, a winding path, one woman in plain clothes traveled alone and went straight into the woods to a tree. 在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Collect fruit for Ross journey back to the jungle and do not forget to pick up the key to unlock him. 在回森林路上不要忘了给罗斯摘水果以维持它的生命和为它解锁。 java.moffy.com 1. If all else fails set him on fire- proving once and for all you're king of the jungle. 即使所有的其他方法都失败也可以让它惹祸上身——这证明你就是丛林之王。 www.kekenet.com 2. You just show me how I get out of this jungle so I can take him home. Deal? 你只要告诉我怎样离开这丛林,那我就可以把他带回家。怎么样?。 www.jukuu.com 3. Their goal was to build homes, clear jungle, plant crops, and form a community - thereby gaining title to the land. 他们的目标是修建住房。清理丛林,种植谷物,并形成一个社区----这样一来,他们便可以取得这块土地的所有权。 www.bing.com 4. There is now more billboard advertising in Moscow alone than in all of Britain, he says. "Unfortunately, we call this the jungle, " he said. 并且他进一步指出,如今莫斯科的路牌广告数量甚至已经超过了整个英国。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The Banana Tree Once upon a time, there was a single banana tree in the jungle. 香蕉树很久以前在这片森林里面有一棵唯一的香蕉树。 www.docin.com 6. One day he stepped into a jungle clearing and found himself walking through the imperial ruins of the ancient city. 有一天他步入了一片丛林空地,发现他正走在这座古城的王国废墟上。 dict.ebigear.com 7. This doesn't seem to make very much sense, from the point of view either of the jungle beast or the philosopher. 由莽丛中的野兽或哲学家的眼光看起来,这似乎是没有什么意义的。 www.dictall.com 8. They were like explorers hacking their way through a jungle-they had to be prepared handle anything. 他们就像在丛林中披荆斩棘,觅路前行的开拓者---他们必须随时应对各种情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Be careful not to run into one of these big cats in the jungle! . 当你走在丛林里,一定要小心啊,可不要碰到这只“大猫”哦! www.hjenglish.com 10. Willard: [voiceover] Saigon. . . shit; I'm still only in Saigon. . . Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle. 威拉德:(画外音)西贡大便,我还没有只有在西贡…每次我觉得我会醒来回到丛林。 wenwen.soso.com 1. On one of our expeditions , our guide pointed out a cacao tree growing wild in the jungle. I had never seen one before. 在一次探险过程中,我们的向导指出丛林里一棵野生的可可树,而以前我从来没有看到过可可树。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. People began to live in urban aversion reinforced, cement jungle, or even dream of a return to the era of peace and harmony in agriculture. 都市的人们开始厌恶生活在钢筋、水泥的丛林里,甚至梦想回到农业时代的安宁祥和。 www.robroad.com 3. Nobody has ever been tricked into thinking they were in a Brazilian jungle by office plants but they're a great mood booster. 虽说不会有人会上了这些植物的当,误以为自己进了巴西雨林,但它们确实会让人心情大好。 www.bing.com 4. Agam is loyal, so in the Vietnam War, he alone out of danger, but he is still looking for his comrade in the jungle. 阿甘忠诚,所以在越战中他独自脱离了危险的时候,他仍然跑回丛林中去找他的战友。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For the last threemonths, Philip has worked in the Louisiana Swamp and Jaguar Jungle areas of thepark one day a week. 最近的三个月,Philip每周一次在公园的路易斯安那沼泽和美洲虎丛林区工作。 www.bing.com 6. Sand trolls, forest trolls, and jungle trolls are also frequently cannibalistic , though not always. 沙地巨魔,森林巨魔和丛林巨魔同样经常食人,虽然不是一直如此。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At first I mistake for as a gay bar but it turns out to be shaven headed American GIs, apparently posted here for jungle training. 起初我以为这是一家同性恋酒吧,后来才知道那些男人是剃了光头的美国大兵,显然他们到这里来是接受丛林战训练的。 www.bing.com 8. Move the camera into the jungle, slightly over the ground to get a real feeling of the jungle that you have created. 移动相机到树林中,稍微高于地面,用于得到一个真实的树林感觉。 www.cryenginecn.com 9. My neighbour burn the small jungle beside my house, then have to call to BOMBA again. 我的邻居又烧草丛,结果又打电话给消防局。 word.hcbus.com 10. Isn't it silly, suddenly I've developed a big protective feeling for her - a lamb loose in our big stone jungle? 这只迷失在丛林的羔羊,突然让我产生了一种强大的想保护她的念头。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 1. He or she speaks an unwritten language and is possessed of jungle skills that are of little value in the money economy. 他或她讲着一种不能被文字记录的语言、掌握着一种在当代经济社会根本无用武之地的技能。 www.bing.com 2. In the heart of the jungle on an island in the Philippines, there is a small tribe of primitive people. 在菲律宾一座岛上的丛林深处居住着一个小小的原始部落。 www.netfm.com.cn 3. The catch: it will cost $2 trillion a year, and possibly destroy the Amazon jungle while unleashing giant swarms of locusts across Africa. 这一计划的不利之处在于:其耗资达到每年2万亿美元,并且极有可能在破坏亚马逊丛林的同时造成跨越整个非洲大陆的蝗虫肆虐。 www.bing.com 4. On its way through the dense jungle, the patrol had to be constantly wary of enemy soldiers concealed in the underbrush. 在穿过浓密丛林的路上,巡逻队必须时刻提防隐藏在矮树丛中的敌军。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. eg. I was intrigued by what he said about his unusual experience in the jungle. 我被他所讲述的他在丛林中非同寻常的经历吸引住了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Immigration Minister Eric Besson said that he intends to close the camp known as the jungle by the end of next week. 移民部长EricBesson表示,他决定在下周末之前关闭这座名叫jungle的营地。 www.englishtang.com 7. The train, the Rajdhani Express, was attacked in a remote jungle area of West Bangle on a journey from Delhi. 这辆RajdhaniExpress火车在从德里开出,经过西部丛林的偏远丛林地区时遭遇袭击。 www.englishtang.com 8. We don't hope for a world where only the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations. 我们不希望这个世界是以弱肉强食的法则来约束各国行为。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Nim's environment really should have been a jungle in Africa. 尼姆的生活环境确实应当在非洲的丛林。 www.bing.com 10. An American, a Japanese, a Chinese expedition in the jungle, the results were all arrested and man-eating tribes. 一个美国人,一个日本人,一个中国人在丛林探险,结果全被吃人部落抓去了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Volunteers learn indepth about specific areas of the zoo, like the reptile exhibit orthe Jaguar Jungle. 志愿者需要深入了解动物园的特定领域,比如爬行动物展示区或美洲虎丛林。 www.bing.com 2. 'It's the law of the jungle, ' says Gian Giacomo Ferraris, chief executive of Versace, who worked at the Prada group earlier this decade. “这是弱肉强食法则,”范思哲(Versace)首席执行长吉安?贾科莫?费拉里(GianGiacomoFerraris)说,他10年前曾在普拉达工作。 c.wsj.com 3. Jane was prepared to go to the jungle on her own, to explore the lives of chimpanzees. 珍本来打算独自一人到丛林中去研究黑猩猩的生活习性。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Every year he dreads going to the Great jungle Dance, until one night he finds his own special music. 每一年,他怕去大丛林舞蹈,直到有一天晚上,他发现他自己特殊的音乐。 ccebook.net 5. The lush jungle paradise they created inevitably caught the attention of the neighboring kingdom of Siam now known as Thailand. 他们创建的奢华的丛林天堂不可避免地引起了邻国暹罗王国(即现在的泰国)的注意。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Unless getting to the beach meant hiking through the jungle or parachuting out of an airplane. 除非前往海滩意味着徒步穿越丛林或从飞机上跳伞。 twentyfirst.englishbaby.com 7. I want to live. I want to run through the jungle, the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet. 我想要生存下去,我想要在丛林中奔跑,风吹着我的头发,沙土在我的脚下。 www.yappr.cn 8. Older buildings are being demolished so fast that Beirutis fear their city and its mountain hinterland are turning into a high-rise jungle. 老房子被迅速拆掉,以至于贝鲁特人害怕贝鲁特连同这个国家的山区腹地也将被变成一片大厦丛林。 www.ecocn.org 9. "I pictured old war movies and how I'd be in a little- bitty two-seater plane, landing on a dirt runway in a jungle, " she laughs. 她笑著说:「我想到的只有那些老旧的战争片,以为自己会搭乘一架两人座的小飞机,降落在丛林里的黄土地跑道上。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. MOST people are all too familiar with estate-agent speak, in which "charming" means tiny and a "mature garden" is a jungle. 多数人已经非常熟悉房地产经纪人挂在嘴边的那一套了,所谓“迷人”就意味着迷你,而“丰美的花园”只不过是一丛灌木。 www.ecocn.org 1. If it gets bad, splash water on your face before heading back into the jungle. 水花溅到你的脸上要比回到满是题目的丛林好得多哦。 www.elanso.com 2. The jungle could be built up on a canvas out of a black-green background. 在画布上,黑苍苍的背景可以点染出丛林的模样。 www.jukuu.com 3. The night crawled slowly like a wounded snake, and the silence of a dead world was on the jungle. 夜象一条受了伤的大莽蛇慢慢地向前爬行着。整个丛林是一个死寂的世界。 www.bing.com 4. E. g. : They must have been lost in the jungle for days, but unfortunately nobody lived to tell the tale. 他们一定在密林中迷失方向好几天了,不幸的是他们中没有一个人生还。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Therefore the jungle warfare basic lays an ambush fights as well as the meeting engagement primarily. 于是丛林战基本以设伏战以及遭遇战为主。 www.qdcs5.com 6. Criss-crossing OTCs have grown into a jungle where companies, such as AIG, were able to use derivatives to avoid capital requirements. 错综复杂的OTC产品已发展成一片深不可测的丛林,在这里,美国国际集团(AIG)等公司能够利用衍生品来规避资本要求。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Nature has that momentum, you see. Take the thing back. Practically become like a jungle. From the asphalt jungle to the real jungle. 你看到,自然有这种能力,收回赐予人类的一切。几乎变成丛林,从柏油丛林变成了真正的丛林。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In the jolly jungle you're sure to see a friendly parrot in a tree. 在欢乐丛林里,一只鹦鹉站在树枝上,他对每个人都很友好。 www.iyaya.com 9. We don't need another concrete jungle that dies the moment you turn off the lights in the evening. 我们不需要另一个混凝土建筑物的丛林,当你们夜晚熄灯后,它便死去。 www.zftrans.com 10. just keep your wits about you and steer clear of the concrete jungle that entangles Tokyo's barely beating heart. 但是你要保持头脑清醒,在缠绕着“勉强跳动的东京心脏”的混凝土丛林中,清晰的行进,就能发现这些地方。 www.bing.com 1. In a clearing deep inside the Laotian jungle, a group of Hmong fall to the ground and beg me for help as soon as they see me. 在老挝的一片丛林深处,一群苗族人看到我后扑拥而来乞求我的帮助。 www.bing.com 2. At the end of our jungle tour, we find ourselves in an open spot in the middle of the jungle. 在我们丛林之旅的尾声,我们在荆棘中发现了一块开放的胜地。 www.bing.com 3. The jungle temple of this site inspired "Raiders of the Lost Ark, " and it has a lost world, Indiana Jones kind of feeling other ruins lack. 这个丛林神殿给了“夺宝奇兵”灵感,这是一个失落的世界,比起其他缺乏印第安纳琼斯那种感觉的遗址来说。 www.bing.com 4. Two explorers, camped in the heart of African jungle, were discussing their expedition. 宿营在非洲丛林深处的两个探险者讨论他们的探险。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Some were strong enough to survive in this jungle environment without adopting the ways of the jungle; others were not. 有些人很坚强,能在这种弱肉强食的环境里活下去,而不按弱肉强食的原则行事,另外一些人则不行。 www.bing.com 6. The men with me talked softly: three North Americans, four Ecuadorians who were showing us the jungle. 和我一起的那些男人轻声交谈着:3个北美人,4个为我们在丛林中带路的厄瓜多尔人。 www.kekenet.com 7. But I took this photograph in a toilet at the back of a tent in the eco-camp in the jungle in Assam. 这是我拍的在帐篷后面的一个厕所的照片是在阿萨姆丛林中的生态营中。 www.ted.com 8. with more exposure to life in the jungle than any other foreigner. 和其他外国人相比,他接触了更多的丛林生活。 www.rrting.com 9. When my friend told me he would take a jungle adventure, I said, " Well, if the shoe fits! " 当我朋友告诉我他要去作丛林地区的探险,我说,「只要你认为适合你,你就去试吧!」 bbs.cnitexam.com 10. Let me live alone deep in a jungle, with the condition that nobody would ever miss me. 让我在能被人完全遗忘的情况下独居在深山。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 1. She climbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunder storm. 她爬进了格子爬梯,因为原先的绵绵细雨很快地变成了倾盆雷雨。 www.bing.com 2. Listen to the sri qi so purple flame happy is to shake with her tail, on the jungle for treasure journey. 听了斯琪这么说紫焰高兴是摇摇尾巴带着斯琪踏上了丛林寻宝的征程。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. Baby, I am tied to a tree in the jungle of mystery. I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a genuine Iraqi. Of course I'm serious. 宝贝,我现在被绑在神秘丛林的一棵树下,我刚刚遭受一个该死的脊椎外科医生和一个真正的伊拉克人的折磨。我当然是认真的。 thb0906.blog.163.com 4. That track was really jungle-y but without as much melody- I think the melody was just his (singer Luke Haines') voice backwards. 那个音轨确实具有丛林音乐的风格,不过没有什么旋律——我想旋律就是(歌手卢克·海恩斯)后面唱的那些。 www.bing.com 5. With a fluttery wave of the hand, she turned and made her way through the jungle of tables toward the back of the room. 她挥了一挥胳膊就转身,穿过许多参差不齐的桌子,朝房子后边走去。 6. Unarmed, starving and dehydrated, Ashby decides his only chance for survival is to make a daring escape through the jungle. 手无寸铁,饥饿和脱水,使Ashby决定要想生存的唯一机会就是勇敢的穿过丛林逃跑。 dongxi.net 7. We chug upstream through the jungle in a little fishing boat, past deep rock channels, dripping with vines and moss. 我们乘着一艘小渔船沿着丛林溯流而上,经过很深的岩石水渠,两边长满藤蔓植物和青苔。 www.bing.com 8. Then, inch by inch, the untempered heat crept into the heart of the Jungle, turning it yellow, brown, and at last black. 然后,暴躁的炎热一点一点地潜入了丛林深处,把丛林由绿色变成黄色,再变成褐色,最终变成了黑色。 dict.kekenet.com 9. People in business have to be careful if they are to survive the jungle out there. They must not be led into making bogus investments. 商届人士要注意,如果他们想要在丛林生存,他们必须不要被引向虚假的投资上。 yuyanxy.lingd.net 10. The only law that rules in the factory is the law of the jungle. 这个厂里奉行的唯一法则就是弱肉强食的法则 zhidao.baidu.com 1. We could clear all the jungles, but a jungle can regrow over a few thousand years. 我们能够砍光所有的雨林,但雨林会在千年后重新生长。 www.yappr.cn 2. When his army suffered defeat, he fled Cusco for the jungle city of Vilcabamba, from which he launched guerrilla attacks. 但军事斗争失利,曼科印加从库斯科逃到丛林中的比尔卡班巴城(cityofVilcabamba),并在那里开展游击战争。 www.bing.com 3. He did this so often that at last there was not a single thing left alive in the jungle besides the Lion, except two little Jackals. 他频繁地那样做,所以最终,丛林中除了狮子一个人以外没有其它活着的动物了,也除了两只小豺。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Since they live in tropical jungles along the equator, rhino beetles have to be strong to forage through the jungle floor. 因为犀牛甲虫生活在赤道附近的热带丛林,因此,它不得不足够强壮才能在炽热的地表搜寻到食物。 down02.putclub.com 5. And he backed the overturning of a law promoting hydroelectric plants on northern jungle rivers. 他还支持推翻提倡在北方丛林河流开办水力发电厂的法律。 www.ecocn.org 6. It took Holle months to explain the need for a highly qualified staff to make foreigners comfortable in the middle of the jungle. 为此,赫勒用了几个月时间来解释高质量雇员的必要性,因为这可以让游客在丛林中感到舒适。 www.bing.com 7. It's a good vibe out there, not a cold, concrete jungle like an arena. 露天巡演不错,没有想体育馆那样的冰冷水泥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. It was Lowell who was the roaring, self-lacerating, tragic king of the poetry jungle. 而洛威尔恰恰是诗歌丛林中怒吼着、把自己刺痛得血淋淋的悲剧之王。 www.bing.com 9. Numerous sightings of Yowies have turned out to be escaped mental patients or hermits in jungle attire. 许多目击野人的传说最终证实是逃跑的精神病患者或身披树叶隐居在丛林中的隐士。 www.elanso.com 10. The " civilised " world today is only one step away from a return to the jungle. 今天,从“文明世界”到土著部落,中间相差只有一步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But experts say converting the urban jungle that is Tokyo into a green refuge will take a few decades. 但也有专家认为,东京这个都市丛林要转变为绿色城市,还得要几十年的时间。 www.chinapost.com.tw 2. But she stressed dozens of other people remain in jungle camps of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. 但是,贝当古强调说,还有几十个人仍然被关押在哥伦比亚革命武装力量在丛林中的营地里。 www.voanews.cn 3. Three months before she was born, Corina possessed more brain cells than she ever would again: an overwrought jungle of connections. 在她出生之前的三个月里,科瑞娜拥有比她以前更多的大脑细胞:过度繁茂的联结体丛林。 www.bing.com 4. His trusty flying friend Fernando has promised to help Hugo and fly through the jungle wilderness. 他的好朋友飞行家法兰度决定要帮助晓高,在野外的森林中找寻水果。 java.moffy.com 5. While on a search-and-destroy patrol, near the village Di An, we were ambushed on a jungle trail by a small band of Vietcong guerillas. 结果,我们在迪安村附近进行扫荡性巡逻时,在一条丛林小路上被一支越共游击小分队伏击。 www.bing.com 6. Visitors from as far away as Finland make their way to this primary rainforest jungle in the heart of Sabah, East Malaysia. 有的游客甚至从芬兰远道而来,进入马来西亚东部的沙巴中央的这个主要雨林。 www.bing.com 7. One of the worst aspects of a jungle wilderness is the density of the vegetation, making it difficult to get your bearings. 丛林荒野最糟糕的部分之一是植被密度,使你很难确定方向。 www.bing.com 8. I was thrilled by the idea of a six-week paid adventure in the jungle, and I was curious about the case. 我是一个为期6周的想法激动支付的丛林冒险,而我对此事感到好奇。 www.bing.com 9. Needless to say our house is now surrounded by a jungle. 不用说,我家现在已被丛林包围。 www.hjenglish.com 10. If they were in the army, they would have been fighting in the jungle most of the time. 如果他们在服兵役,他们大部分时间一定是一直在丛林里作战。 1. Tim had walked into the shade of the maple. Into the jungle of weeds that formed a natural fence along the road. 蒂姆已经走进了枫树的阴影之中,那里丛生的杂草已经沿路边形成了一道天然篱笆。 www.bing.com 2. I imagine myself strolling in the jungle of mushrooms, living with cute rabbits. We have no troubles, no sorrows, but happy lives. 幻想自己漫步在童话故事里,在长满蘑菇的丛林里,住着我和可爱的兔子们。我们没有烦恼,没有忧伤,只有快乐的生活。 en.cnxianzai.com 3. I was doing a hike through the jungle as a tourist. I saw these large elephants tethered to a small stake. 在一次丛林的徒步旅行中,我看见一群大象被拴在小小的木桩上。 i.dahe.cn 4. He says the law of the jungle cannot be tolerated In France. 他说,法国绝对不允许丛林法则。 www.jp345.com 5. Trekking through the jungle on the back of a two story tall elephant will surely be something you remember forever. 骑在两层楼那么高的大象背山,穿过丛林,一定会让你终生难忘。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. I know I am the little potato in the jungle of modern society, and I hope I could get ride of it some day. I知道我是小的土豆在现代社会密林,并且我希望我可能有乘驾它某一天。 www.ecl.com.cn 7. They were looking for her plane. But the jungle was too thick. 那是来找她的飞机,但丛林太浓密了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The natives practiced head-hunting and cannibalism, and were isolated as much by conflict as by the island's dense jungle. 当地人实行猎头和吃人肉。这里丛林密布,由于冲突相互隔绝。 www.elanso.com 9. There were vines creeping across the blackened gravestones, slowly pulling them back to the jungle. 葡萄藤缠绕变黑的碑石,慢慢将它们拖入热带丛林。 www.bing.com 10. You're about to meet the spider equivalent of a stealthy jungle cat . 你将要看到的是相当于隐秘的丛林猫科动物的蜘蛛。 www.showxiu.com 1. In many jungle films, the gorilla is seen as a fierce hunter, much like the leopard or the lion. 在很多丛林的影片中,大猩猩被看作凶猛的猎手,很像美洲豹或狮子。 www.examw.com 2. Flying and filming for an hour over the jungle, they broke formation and headed back to base. 在丛林上空飞行拍摄了一个小时后,他们脱离编队返因基地。 www.bing.com 3. Right. I hope this jungle goddess I worship the most will drive you to go on. 对。希望我最崇拜的这位丛林女神成为你前进的动力。 bbs.chinese.cn 4. They walked for weeks but never penetrated the heart of the jungle. 他们步行了数周,却无从深入丛林的中心。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. I wish there could be a course on surviving the office jungle . 我真希望有个课程教我们如何在办公室中生存。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. It was a private-investigator friend from Mexico City calling about a "research" job in the jungle. 这是一个从墨西哥城私人侦探朋友关于“研究”在丛林中的工作要求。 www.bing.com 7. The film's final section plays out deep in a South American jungle, with everyone hell-bent for the secret of the crystal skull. 影片的最后的场景是在南美丛林深处,每个人都还在固执地寻找水晶骷髅的秘密。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A little later, a huge rhinoceros charged out of the jungle towards them. 过了一会儿,一头巨大的犀牛从丛林冲了出来,对着他们冲过去。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. To the left were the packing sheds and piers where the shrimp boats clustered in a jungle of masts and suspended nets. 左边是紧密的小棚屋和码头,这地方捕虾船的桅干密密麻麻组成丛林,悬挂着的鱼网成串。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 10. So, she slowly and showed a two big fangs, first show how the power of the king of the jungle. 于是,她慢慢龇出两颗大毒牙,先展示一下丛林之王的威力。 blog.tianya.cn 1. The pilot of a small plane made an emergency landing on the playground just feet from a jungle gym and nearby classrooms. 一架小型飞机的飞行员被迫紧急迫降于一所米草丛生的体育场约及英尺外的小学操场。 www.showxiu.com 2. Once again Crytek has shunned the usual grimy sewers and sterile office buildings typical of shooter games for a jungle island setting. 这一次Crytek仍没有采用射击游戏中典型的污秽的下水道或是乏味的办公大楼,而是设在了丛林岛屿中。 www.elanso.com 3. He didn't think that he would ever get out of the jungle alive, but he kept his chin up. 他想他不会活着走出丛林了,可是他并没有畏缩不前。 www.jukuu.com 4. Temples are OK, but they're truly amazing when they tower out of a jungle cloaked in mist. 庙宇,毫无疑问,他们真正迷人的时刻是当这些塔楼耸立在薄雾萦绕丛林掩映之中。 www.bing.com 5. A Frenchman, an Englishman and a New Yorker are exploring the jungle and are captured by a fierce tribe. 一个法国人、一个英国人和一个美国人去热带雨林探险,不幸被一个野蛮的土著部落抓住。 www.bing.com 6. I only pray that you can before the jungle consumes the last vestiges of my beloved homeland. 我只能祈祷你能在这个丛林吞噬掉最后一块摰爱的家乡之前完成你的工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The small town deep in the jungle here is much like any other community in Bolivia's tropical northwest. 与玻利维亚西北部的热带雨林社区相比,这座位于丛林深处的小镇并无特异之处。 www.bing.com 8. Q. Some say that you will return to the jungle again if the constituent assembly elections are not as per your expectations? 有人说,如果制宪会议选举不象你们期待的那样,你们会再次回到丛林。 www.wyzxsx.com 9. 'If it is not regulated it is a free-for-all, it is the jungle law, ' Mr. Sarkozy said last month. 萨科齐上个月说,如果不加监管,那就是自由放任,是无法无天。 c.wsj.com 10. AS MONKEYS howl in the jungle canopy above, a weary Congolese army lieutenant makes no secret of his frustration. 猴子在丛林遮天蔽日的头顶上嗥叫,疲惫不堪的陆军中尉一点也不隐瞒自己的挫败感。 www.ecocn.org 1. Where the Champs Elysee, the Eiffel Tower and sprawling vineyards now stand, there might once have been an Amazon-like jungle. 现在拥有香榭丽舍大道,埃菲尔铁塔和遍地葡萄园的地方曾经可能是和亚马逊一样的丛林。 www.elanso.com 2. boundless patience of the law of the jungle forest of the laws of time, only green and luxuriant. 苍莽的森林忍耐了弱肉强食一时的规律,才有郁郁葱葱。 www.bing.com 3. Dear you fly with me, pass through the jungle to look at the small mountain stream. 亲爱的你跟我飞,穿过丛林去看小溪水。 www.dota123.com 4. Ha ha . . . it's like, a rat is asking a wild dog (wolf) to take charge of the jungle replacing the lion ! ! ! ! 哈哈哈……这就像是,一只老鼠在要求一只狗(狼)去取代狮子成为丛林大王!!! news.itxinwen.com 5. US zoo worker Sean Manning recently performed a highly dangerous stunt with an alligator at Florida's Jungle Island Zoo (see photo). 近日,在美国佛罗里达州丛林岛动物公园,一名工作人员为观众上演了“人鳄共舞”的惊险场面(见图)。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. 两个小伙子正在穿越丛林。突然,远处出现了一只老虎,正朝他们奔来。 bbs.24en.com 7. Whatever else may be said, most people would agree "the law of the jungle" . (例子)无论如何,大多数人都认同“丛林法则”。 bbs.gter.net 8. Rather familar with the road I will take, but that road is kind of blurry just like the a suicide jungle. 很清楚要走的路,但那条路太迷茫了…就像自杀森林 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It's not the hustle and bustle of living in the "concrete jungle" surrounded by people that's makes city dwellers mentally unstable either. 并不是拥挤喧闹的混凝土丛林生活使生活在里面的人们精神不稳定的。 www.bing.com 10. Such a principle helps us to fight our way through the jungle of environmental argument. 这一原则能帮助指点迷津,引导我们杀出环境保护的混争。 wiki.jukuu.com 1. But he didn't realize that digging in a jungle would be so dangerous. 但他没有意识到穿越丛林的挖掘将是非常危险的。 jdz301.blog.163.com 2. While the Law of the Jungle connoted with ecological ideas is his ideal solution to all the social problems. 而其作品中所蕴涵的生态意识和丛林法则是他企图调和一切矛盾的一种理想。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Apart from the conversation I had with you about an hour ago in the jungle. 除了一个小时前我和你的那段对话之外? www.tingclass.net 4. For years, Shaun Ellis has lived a "Jungle Book" kind of life in England's Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park. 多年来,肖恩·埃利斯在英格兰峡谷马丁野生动物和恐龙公园过着类似于“森林王子”的生活。 www.bing.com 5. In 1977 he began writing Matterhorn, a novel about his experience of combat in the jungle. 1977年,他开始写《马特洪》(Matterhorn),一本关于他在丛林中作战经历的小说。 www.bing.com 6. Moonlight made the hedge look like jagged mountains, and turned the shed into a jungle cave. 月光下的篱笆看起来像参差起伏的山脉,那间小屋成了丛林中的一个洞穴。 www.bing.com 7. Even the King of the Jungle needs a hand staying alive on his own turf. 甚至林中之王也需要有人在它自己的地盘上帮忙。 www.5721.net 8. Thus you will forget about the kind of anxiety and tiredness of the concrete jungle. 从而你会忘却自己在城市这座钢筋水泥的丛林中的紧张和劳累。 dict.ebigear.com 9. But it shall be the top secret mission, but with the jungle later, a variable change again. 但在该当绝密的义务,却随着深化丛林之后,一变再变。 www.cntingshu.net 10. Fight through the dense jungle with its limited visibility. 争取通过能见度有限的茂密丛林。 www.iaskquestion.com 1. Even so, it is still nice to return to the sanctuary of our resort, and the soft beauty of sand and jungle. 即便如此,回归我们的度假胜地和轻柔美丽的沙滩丛林,依然令人愉悦。 www.bing.com 2. Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears in the distance, running towards them. 两个男人正在穿过丛林,突然,一只老虎出现在远处,向他们冲来。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The Lin reaches to turn round to pull hiking of Zhao Tie Zhu and run to the knoll of one side in the jungle park Lin Li. 琳达转身拉着赵铁柱的走,跑向了森林公园一旁的小山林里。 cnxp.tk 4. A big cave was discovered in the heart of the jungle underground of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam. 在越南丰芽-格邦国家公园丛林深处的地下,发现了一个大洞穴。 www.bing.com 5. The jungle overhead grew so close to the water that it brushed against their faces . 横在头顶上的杈桠已经低到了水面擦着了他们的脸。 www.bing.com 6. He suddenly felt the jungle was protective, a butter against all the demands that would be made. 他忽发奇想,觉得这丛林倒可以保护他,免得他再受种种煎逼。 www.jukuu.com 7. Rudy becomes a well-known person under the name 'Jungle Rudy' and starts a family in the middle of the jungle. 但鲁迪以“丛林鲁迪”为名,成为一位家喻户晓的人物,并且他还在丛林中安家落户。 enjoy.eastday.com 8. Designers reckon it's perfectly suited for the small but fiercely formed Singapore soldiers' jungle-fresh fighting. 设计者认为它最能迎合新加坡的小型精锐部队在丛林激战。 xnwap.cn 9. Eleven people died when a twin-engine aircraft crashed Saturday into thick jungle near Congo's border with Cameroon in West Africa. 星期六一架双引擎飞机在西非刚果和喀麦隆交接附近的茂密丛林中坠毁,导致机上11人丧生。 www.voanews.cn 10. There once was a happy monkey wandering the jungle, eating delicious fruit when hungry, and resting when tired. 在这里曾经是一只快乐的猴子徘徊的丛林,吃的可口水果当饥饿的时候,而且让当疲累的时候休息。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Judie had no sense of direction and she got lost in the jungle. 茱蒂没有什麽方向感,所以在丛林里迷路了。 www.bing.com 2. More than half the population of the northern jungle is poor, compared with a national average of 36%. 北部丛林中穷人占一半以上,而全国的平均贫困水平是36%。 www.bing.com 3. The laws of the jungle apply here: Only the strongest competitors will win access to the majority of the resource. 生存竞争的法则在这里是适用的:只有最强的竞争才能获取最主要的资源。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. What makes you think we're any safer here than we are in the jungle? 你凭什么觉得我们在这比在丛林安全? www.tingclass.net 5. After all, the jungle can be a very dangerous place. 毕竟,丛林是一个很危险的地方 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Its steamy jungle canopy and abandoned native temples formed the perfect hiding place for an early Alliance base. 布满雾气的森林苍穹和废弃的原住民神殿对于早期的反抗军是个理想的藏身地点。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. One day Mr. and Mrs. Zebra were going to a party with all there other Jungle friends. 有一天,斑马先生和夫人将要与所有当事人有其他丛林的朋友。 www.youeredu.com 8. They work around the clock; rush into the jungle whenever they heard a gun shot. 他们昼夜不停的工作,听到枪声就冲入丛林。 english.31931.cn 9. "Ubiquitous computing" in this context does not just mean computers that can be carried to the beach, jungle or airport. 本文中“无处不在的计算”并不仅仅意味着可以被带到海滩、丛林或者机场的计算机。 www.bing.com 10. rabbits, deer, sheep and other animals found in the absence of ability, will be eaten, the natural law of the jungle will be eliminated. 兔子、鹿、羊等动物如果缺乏发现的能力,将会被吃掉,会被弱肉强食的自然界淘汰掉。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It blamed the "jungle of education funding streams" for exacerbating the problem, by deterring young people from going to college. 该报告指责“继续教育经费分配的混乱状态”使问题更加严重,该分配方式阻碍了许多年轻人进入大学。 www.bing.com 2. As Sinclair later lamented, the Jungle appealed to the stomachs rather than the hearts of the American people. 正如辛克莱后来哀叹:《屠场》与其说是诉诸美国人民的心灵,不如说是诉诸他们的胃口。 3. Some of those who have surrendered in the past have returned to the jungle with stories of torture and rape. 一些过去投降的人在遭到严刑拷问和强奸迫害后也回到了丛林里。 www.bing.com 4. As the survivors huddle in the jungle, Zuckoff breathlessly implies that the native people may try to exact revenge. 当幸存者们在丛林中乱作一团的时候,朱可夫令人窒息的暗示了当地人能可能会急迫地想要复仇。 dongxi.net 5. The maps show, in dark green, Indonesia's virgin jungle and, in a lighter shade, the secondary forest which, in many places, surrounds it. 地图上显示,在印度尼西亚深绿色的原始森林周围有一个比较浅的阴影,在那里有许多地方被再生林包围。 www.ecocn.org 6. The explorer took only such men and things as he really needed into the jungle. (as作needed的宾语。)这个探险者进入丛林时仅带一些他确实需要的人和东西。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. His plane got stuck in the boggy jungle on top of the mountain and he noticed a pretty impressive waterfall plunging thousands of feet down. 他的飞机就死在沼泽丛林山顶,他注意到一个相当令人印象深刻的瀑布使数千英尺下降。 dict.kekenet.com 8. Two dozen police and at least nine Indians were killed in violent clashes in Peru's northern jungle. 在秘鲁北部丛林发生的一场暴力冲突事件中,有24名警察和至少9名印度人死亡。 club.topsage.com 9. As the gun ships land in the jungle clearing outside Nabat, they frighten off several gutkurr creatures that are feeding on a dead can-cell. 炮艇在纳巴特外围的丛林清除出来的地域降落时,吓跑了几只正在吃堪笑尸体的顾特库兽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Conquering an Infinite Cave There's a jungle inside Vietnam's mammoth cavern. A skyscraper could fit too. And the end is out of sight. 越南的巨大山洞内有一处丛林,一栋摩天大楼也可以立于其内,而且一眼望不到尽头。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors. 如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。 www.bing.com 2. Sylvatic (or jungle) yellow fever: In tropical rainforests, yellow fever occurs in monkeys that are infected by wild mosquitoes. 森林型(或丛林型)黄热病:在赤道雨林中,黄热病发生在被野外蚊虫叮咬而受感染的猴子身上。 www.who.int 3. In fact it was Charles V of Spain who first envisaged a shortcut through the Panamanian jungle to ease the difficult crossing. 实际上,它是查尔斯五世西班牙第一人设想的一条捷径,是通过巴拿马丛林中,以纾缓难以穿越。 word.hcbus.com 4. Out of the jungle came an old woman. 丛林中有位老妇人向我走过来。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Cutting through the underbrush of the dense jungle of our world, Jesus is our trail-guide who makes a new way for us to live. 假若我们的世界如浓密的丛林,耶稣像是为我们砍掉矮树丛的向导,为我们的生命开辟一条崭新的道路。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. To these guest workers. . . it was nothing short of an "Asphalt Jungle" . 对这些客籍工人来说……这简直是一片“沥青森林”。 www.slgz.cn 7. Jungle worlds have thick atmospheres and boast vast land masses mostly made up of bayous, dense wood lands and verdant rain forests. 丛林世界有厚厚的大气层和拥有大量的土地群众大多由河口,茂密的森林土地和苍翠的雨林。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. South East Asia and parts of the Amazon jungle are similarly well-endowed, he says. 他说,东南亚和亚马逊丛林的一些部分也同样很适合它。 www.scidev.net 9. The piece is called "urban jungle, '" right? 这是拍那组“都市丛林”,对吧? blog.sina.com.cn 10. The original plans optimistically called for cooling coils at the peak of the 85-foot glass roof over the jungle section. 最初的计划比较乐观,就是在丛林分区上方85英尺高的玻璃屋顶的最高处弄一些冷却线圈来降雨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Between the Indian Ocean and jungle of Bali's southern Bukit Peninsula, Karma Kandara has a sea-view spa and gourmet dining. 位于印度洋与巴厘岛南部BukitPeninsula丛林之间,KarmaKandara有着着海景spa和美食餐厅。 www.bing.com 2. He disappeared during a later expedition in the Brazilian jungle, never to be heard from again. 在后来一次前往巴西热带丛林的探险队寻找无果后,巨蟒最终也没有再现于世。 www.bing.com 3. I was fascinated by the daredevil acts of Phantom and I loved those fun-filled jungle adventures. 我被那些精灵的冒险行为所吸引,而且我很喜欢那些充满乐趣的丛林历险记。 www.elanso.com 4. A system called FastPass allows people to skip lines for popular rides like the Jungle Cruise. 一个叫做快速通行的系统也能让人们跳过像丛林历险这样的热门线路。 www.bing.com 5. When the heat of the day wore off we went for a long tramp in the jungle and came back wet to the skin. 等到白天的热气消了以后,我们到丛林里去走了半天,回来时两人都汗流浃背。 www.jukuu.com 6. We decided to skirt round the deep jungle. 我们决定绕过那片茂密的丛林。 www.powerdict.com 7. This jungle was full of tribes whose males were only too willing to volunteer. 这篇丛林中,男人自告奋勇争先恐后的部落多了去了。 qinxlth.blog.163.com 8. the limited struggle restraining the law of jungle, favorable to the mass. 有限斗争是要抑制人类的弱肉强食,是有利于平民的一种安排。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Outside, the tiny back yard was a jungle of pot plants and climbers, with neatly folded washing hung against the ochre walls. 在屋后有一个很小的庭院,满是盆栽和爬藤植物,如同一个小小丛林,对面赭石墙上的清洁工具挂得整整齐齐。 www.ecocn.org 10. When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. 当我在这里,我想在那里,当我在那里,我能想到的是陷入丛林回来。 www.siwady.com.cn |
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