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例句释义: 投资,投入,授予,投资项目 1. There he discovered it was more lucrative to invest the money he controlled directly than to take fees on transactions for others. 保尔森在贝尔斯登时发现,把自己所管理的资金拿来直接投资,要比收取其他人的交易费用更加赚钱。 www.ftchinese.com 2. My wish is for you to help me invest my money in your country in any good venture and for you to be my guardian and protect me and my funds. 我希望你能帮我用那部分钱在你的国家进行投资,作为我的监护人来保护我和我的资产。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The stock market can be a good place to invest some of your money, but it is also risky, especially if you do not know much about stocks. 股票市场可以是很好的投资管道,但是风险也很大,尤其是当你对股票瞭解不深,就得负担更大的风险。 www.24en.com 4. "It really bears of watching, " Dimon said. He said the U. S. needs to invest in infrastructure, including transportation and health care. “目前看起来美国正处于熊市”,Dimon称,美国应该投资到基础设施建设中,包括交通和医疗保健。 www.bing.com 5. If her dividends from the two stocks total $220 per year, how much did she invest in each stock? 如果她每年获得的总分红为220元,她在每只股票上的投资额是多少? learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. State governments frequently bicker over how (and how much) to invest. 州政府常常为如何投资(以及投资多少)而喋喋不休。 www.ecocn.org 7. Many are going to be bought with cash and used as some kind of safe-deposit boxes for the rich who do not know where to invest their money. 钱多的不知该放哪里才好的富人会以现金购买许多这些单位,权充某种保险箱。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Invest carefully inspected, you may find: it has no gimmick just started to hear a great impulse to the time. 仔细进行投资考察后,你可能发现:自己已经没有刚开始听到一个很大噱头时的冲动了。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 9. Prices are so far above production costs that producers are left in the dark about how much to invest. 现在价格比生产成本高出如此之多,以至于生产商完全不知道应该进行多少投资。 www.ftchinese.com 10. 'There's a tremendous opportunity for McDonald's if they broaden out, ' he said, adding that the company has sufficient capital to invest. 他说,如果麦当劳的门店增多,将有无限商机等着它。另外他还补充说,麦当劳有充足的投资资金。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Paradoxically, the Chinese government seems to be just about the only entity in the country eager to invest overseas. 矛盾的是,中国政府似乎是国内唯一热衷于投资海外的实体。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Water companies might have to invest in new reservoirs, and maybe build desalination plants to deal with droughts. 供水公司可能得投资建设新的水库,并建立海水淡化厂以应对干旱。 c.wsj.com 3. Employees in DC schemes can be at a loss when deciding how much to invest, where to put their money and what kind of pension to expect. 在DC计划中,雇员在决定投入多少额度以及需要哪种养老金时茫然不知。 www.ecocn.org 4. New software interface, easy to operate, that you invest in the stock market a good assistant. 软件界面新颖,操作简便,是您投资证券市场的好助手。 www.g36.com.cn 5. But 'I listened to Mr. Ma's speech for five minutes and decided on the spot that I was ready to invest in Alibaba. 但他听马云说了五分钟后,当场就决定要投资阿里巴巴。 c.wsj.com 6. "They've always got to invest in something, " notes David. "We'll get a bigger share of a smaller pie. " 大卫表示:“人们总还是要投资的,蛋糕虽然会变小,但是我们分到的份额会变大。” www.fortunechina.com 7. Mr Combs, whose fund manages about $400m, is likely to be given a relatively small amount of money to invest to ease him in, Mr Gelb adds. 盖尔布还表示,巴菲特可能会先给康姆斯相对少量的资金进行投资,以便让他慢慢适应。康姆斯现在所在的基金管理着大约4亿美元的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 8. And I'm also a firm believer that if you invest in a woman you are investing in a family and a community. 我也坚信如果你投资一个女人那么你就等于投资一个家庭和一个社区。 www.tingroom.com 9. There's never been a better week for you to invest in a slow cooker and an easy-to-clean raw juicer. 从来没有这么好的一周你投身做一次悠闲的厨子,并且得心应手地处理生果汁。 waiyu.kaoshibaike.com 10. But the money poured in faster than it could invest, and it had to stop taking new money for a month in May. 但是,资金流入的速度却大过了资金投资的速度,该公司也只有在五月份停止任何新筹集资金的流入。 www.ecocn.org 1. Markets to attract a large number of international investors to invest and companies to be listed in London Stock Exchange. 这些优势多年来吸引了大批的国际投资者及希望在伦敦证券交易所上市的企业。 www.uk.cn 2. The company, launched during the worst downturn since the Great Depression, is bleeding cash as it continues to invest in the business. 公司在大萧条时经济最低迷的背景下成立,要想继续投资业务注定要花钱如流水。 www.bing.com 3. Eventually, his parents had to invest more money to help their only son eke out a meager living by running his own electronics store. 最终,王建海的父母不得不再次掏腰包资助儿子开了家电器商店,勉强维持生计。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. These officials favour hiring international fund management firms to help invest at least some of the $60bn. 这些官员倾向于聘请国际基金管理公司,来帮助管理至少600亿美元中的部分投资。 www.ftchinese.com 5. How much they work, what they buy, how much they save, and how they invest their savings. 他们做多少工作,他们买什么,他们节省多少,并且他们怎样用存款进行投资。 lwwzx.com 6. Groupon knew, for example, exactly how much to invest in advertising in order to build a sizable subscriber list in a new market. 例如,在一座新城市培育数量足够的用户群需要投入多少广告费,Groupon了如指掌。 www.bing.com 7. Invest the money in a prototyping tool that enables you to put screens together quickly . 对能使您快速地将屏幕集中在一起的原型开发工具进行投资。 www.bing.com 8. Wherever you invest your faith this week, you will get good results, regardless of how logical or otherwise your choices seem to be. 无论这周你想信仰哪种主义,都能有好结果,根本不用管你的选择是否合乎逻辑。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In particular, I remain of the view that China, despite its own challenges, looks to be one of the better places to invest. 特别要指出的是,我仍认为,尽管中国自身存在种种问题,但它依然是比较理想的投资目的地之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Ping An and its competitors are only allowed to invest up to 5 per cent of their total assets in overseas portfolio investments at present. 目前,平安保险及其竞争对手仅获准将总资产的5%投资于海外投资组合。 www.ftchinese.com 1. "In the current economic environment there are few companies willing to invest in such a costly project, " he said. 在目前的经济环境下,很少有公司愿意投资成本这么高的项目。 www.ebigear.com 2. With so much growth over the past two years, the company has been forced to invest heavily in infrastructure. 在过去的两年中经历了这么大的增长,该公司不得不在基础设施上投入大量资金。 www.bing.com 3. These companies decided to invest in farming a few months before the property market began to weaken sharply. 这些公司是在房地产市场开始急剧走弱前几个月决定投资农业的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them. 事情的重要与否,可由我们愿意花多少时间在上面来衡量。 www.ebigear.com 5. Between them they are expected to invest at least $50bn in international capital markets during the next two years, JP Morgan estimates. JP摩根(JPMorgan)估计,未来两年,预计这些公司在国际资本市场的投资至少将达到500亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But a person with at least twenty-five thousand dollars to invest can put the money into funds that invest in hedge funds. 但一个人至少有二万五千美元的资金可以投资对冲基金。 bbs.putclub.com 7. At this point, I decided to invest a little money to see what premium searches would buy me. 此时,我决定花点钱看看从付费的搜索网站上能获得哪些信息。 www.bing.com 8. One American businessman in Beijing, Christopher Reynolds, said a group of Chinese artists told him to invest in Hainan real estate. 一位住在北京的美国商人reynolds说一群中国艺术家还告诉他要去投资海南地产。 space.englishcn.com 9. Invest a few dollars in a good dial-type tire pressure gauge and use it to check your tire pressure once a week. 花钱买个刻度盘式轮胎气压测量仪,并用它每周一次检查轮胎压力。 www.suiniyi.com 10. For Chinese parents, saving is often attached to an insurance policy. But is life insurance the best way to invest in your child? 养孩子花费高昂,对于中国父母来讲,储蓄经常和保单联系在一起,但是否人寿保险就是对孩子的最好投资呢? www.bing.com 1. We have governments ready to invest in making that work, we have ministers of finance, planning, local government and health who were here. 我们有些政府已经准备投资这项工作,也有了金融、筹划、地方政府及健康方面的官员。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Firms were keen to invest on the back of healthy profits, solid foreign demand and hopes of a pick-up in consumer spending. 各公司热衷于投资获利丰厚,稳定可靠针对国外需求的产业,并希望能够顺带刺激消费。 www.ecocn.org 3. I plan to save some, but I don't like to have money sitting in the bank. I intend to invest in stocks. 我计划存点钱,但我不喜欢把钱放在银行里,我打算投资股票。 llang.net.cn 4. And then, he said, he would go about finding the right school principals, "invest in their development and pay them accordingly" . 随后,他说,他将去找最合适的校长,“为他们的发展投资,相应地给予他们报酬。” www.bing.com 5. The company is prepared to invest significantly for the initiative and looking for assistance in charting a roadmap for modernization. 该公司准备为转换活动做出重大投资,并正在寻求现代化路线图规划方面的帮助。 www.ibm.com 6. OPEC works because Saudi Arabia is prepared to invest in, and carry the opportunity cost of, spare capacity . 欧佩克之所以发挥作用是因为沙特愿意投资闲置产能,并承担由此引发的机会成本。 www.qeto.com 7. I would take the money out of the bank and invest it somewhere else. 我会把钱从银行取出来把它投资倒别的地方。 www.jukuu.com 8. He said the U. S. faced a series of difficult decisions about how to lower the deficit and invest in the country's future. 奥巴马还说美国在如何降低赤字投资国家的未来等一系列问题上面临着艰难的抉择。 chinese.wsj.com 9. You may even be able to get your employer to invest in your startup, or allow you to hold equity in a joint venture. 你甚至可以让你的老板在你的生意上投资,或者允许你在合资公司中持有股份。 www.bing.com 10. That may one day lead Americans to ask why they invest so much in a troubled region with such poor returns. 也许有一天美国人会自问,为什么美国要在这样一个麻烦不断而回报又如此之低的地区投入如此巨本? www.ecocn.org 1. We are ready to put a lot of money into making the product. Are you going to invest in marketing to develop the market for it? 我们已经准备了一大笔钱来开发新产品,贵公司是也要投资这个产品的行销一起来开发市场吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. An interesting question in those circumstances is how much to invest in measurement "in case we need it" . 在那些环境下,一个有趣的问题就是应当向度量指标投入多少“以防我们需要它”。 www.aka.org.cn 3. Now that airports have more variety in quality tag choices and solid ROI case studies, there has never been a better time to invest in RFID. 现在,机场有更多的选择,质量标签和固体多种投资回报率的案例研究,从来没有一个更好的时间,投资于RFID技术。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 4. The study found that a woman expects a good-looking man to pay for her, perhaps as a way of making him invest in their future. 研究发现,如果一个女人希望一个帅哥给她付账,这也许就是让他为他们的未来投资的一种方式。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Through a radical experiment that became known as "socialist market economy, " he set out to save China by welcoming Westerners to invest. 他欢迎西方资本家到中国投资,通过著名的“社会主义市场经济”改革开始拯救中国。 www.bing.com 6. However, very little is known about how the banks invest these products and what we do know seems to be getting less and less. 但人们对银行将出售理财产品获得的资金如何投资却所知甚少,而我们在这方面所能了解到的情况似乎也越来越少。 www.bing.com 7. How much would you have to have on hand every year to invest and be a billionaire at a time where you could still spend it? 每年需要投资多少钱,才能够在有生之年成为亿万富翁,并且还有机会来花这些钱? www.bing.com 8. "We are one of the last western carmakers available for a Chinese company to invest in so there was a lot of interest, " he said. “我们是可供中国企业投资的少数几家尚存的西方汽车制造商之一,因此引起了很多兴趣,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 9. They may not be able to invest as much of their own capital in these vehicles, but it looks as if they can keep making money on them. 这些银行也许不能用他们的自有资金对对冲基金和私募股权作如此规模的投资,但看起来他们在这领域仍旧能赚到票子。 www.24en.com 10. There are strict limits on how much Chinese citizens can legally invest abroad. 中国公民在海外的合法投资额受到严格限制。 www.stnn.cc 1. He also said the company had earmarked Rmb15bn ($2. 2bn) to invest in its steel and iron ore operations in the next two years. 常振明还表示,公司已拨出150亿元人民币(合22亿美元)专款,用于今后两年投资钢铁和铁矿石业务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Bigger companies can invest more in advertising and marketing, which is all-important in an industry built on image and aspiration. 大型公司能够在广告及营销上更多地投资,这对建立在对外显示自身形象及抱负的奢侈品行业而言至关重要。 www.ecocn.org 3. With real interest rates on deposits at negative levels, the temptation to take money out of the bank and invest in property is powerful. 鉴于储蓄的实际利率为负值,从银行取出资金投向房地产的诱惑是强大的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If it's a question of a cost-effective clean-energy mix, why not invest more in renewables in the hope of making them more competitive? 如果这与低成本的清洁能源组合有关,为何不更多地投资于可再生能源,使其更具竞争力? www.fortunechina.com 5. Why, with your generous gift, I was able to invest the money and pull myself out of my poverty. 呃,有了你慷慨的礼物,我得以投资并终于摆脱了贫穷。 www.jukuu.com 6. But they also have to be able to earn the money they need to invest in new aircraft, because younger fleets are more efficient. 但航空公司同样要必须能赚到它们用来投资购买新飞机所需的钱,因为飞机队越年轻就越有效率。 www.ecocn.org 7. But today we read in the WSJ that China has seen the cracks and is getting ready to invest in commercial mortgages and related securities. 但我们从《华尔街日报》上读到,中国已看到这种下跌,正准备投资商业抵押贷款及相关证券。 www.bing.com 8. but did not google the promotion of China, and no one will invest in scattered entrance, it will not invest in no fixed platform entrance. 但是google中国的推广没了,没有人投资分散的入口,也不会投资没有确定平台的入口。 www.5u6d.com 9. That difference really shows now that the making of cameras has come down to "How much can you invest in silicon chips? " 这种差异表明,现在真正的相机决策已下降到“多少钱你可以投资于硅芯片?” forum.xitek.com 10. One person said CNPC, one of China's largest oil companies, "came back and said it would like to invest up to $3bn" . 一位人士说,中石油“再次加入谈判,并表示希望进行最高达30亿美元的投资”。中石油是中国最大的石油公司之一。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The report says prevention programs can be effective if governments invest at least thirty cents a year per person. 报告指出,如果政府每年能够为每个人投入至少30美分,那么预防计划就能够奏效。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Mr Obama has often said he favours reform, but no one knows how much political capital he will invest in its pursuit. 奥巴马曾常说他喜欢改革,但没人知道,为了追逐改革,他将会投多少政治资本进去。 www.putclub.com 3. Well, we can invest some money in the project. 46. 5-trillion-dollar payoff, just to our economy, and how much do we invest a year? 恩,我们可以投资一些钱在这个项目上。仅仅对我们的经济,就是46.5万亿美元的回报,那么我们每年需要花多少钱投资呢? www.ted.com 4. But he insisted China would not link the two issues, and that Beijing had its own self-interest at stake in continuing to invest in Europe. 但他强调,中国不会把这两个问题联系在一起,继续在欧洲投资关乎中方自身的利益。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Qianjing said the same year that it would invest $26 million more in the company. 钱江在同一年说,将会向贝纳利再投入2,600万美元。 c.wsj.com 6. He said he would balance the budget and invest in the city's infrastructure, all without raising property taxes or using one-off revenues. 他表示会平衡预算,投资城市基础设施建设,但他不会提高财产税,也不会征收一次性税收。 www.kekenet.com 7. A pair of color-block heels is too trendy for me to invest a lot of money in, but I can color block my nails for a fraction of the cost. 一些系列的颜色组合对于我来说过于新潮,我不会投入太多的钱在上面,但是我能够将我的指甲油颜色组合起来当作一种少量的成本。 www.bing.com 8. Many schools and motor sport companies are beginning to sprout up around the country and invest in young drivers. 很多赛车学校和赛车公司也开始在全国范围内涌现,培养年轻车手。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Second, small businesses have been pushing the White House for immediate tax deductions to help invest in equipment and facilities. 其次,小型企业一直在推动白宫立即减税,以帮助设备和设施方面的投资。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The company decided 'to invest in our own plants and grow organically if that's gong to be rules of the game, ' he said. 他说,如果游戏规则是必须投资自己的工厂并发展有机食品,那么公司决定这样做。 c.wsj.com 1. At the time, Mr. Soros said he would farm out his money to other managers and invest in a more conservative manner. 当时索罗斯曾说,他将把自己的资金交给别的基金经理打理,并用更加保守的风格进行投资。 chinese.wsj.com 2. You're asking me to invest in that poorly rated company just because you know the son of the president? Not on your life! 只因为你认识那个总经理的儿子,就要我去投资那家明明评价不怎麽样的公司?简直岂有此理! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For larger enterprises that must manage hundreds of devices it is often cost effective to invest in a packaged solution. 对于必须管理数以百计的设备的更大企业而言,对打包的解决方案进行投资通常是划算的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Under the pilot, residents from the wealthy city of about 8m will be able to invest up to $200m a year overseas. 根据试点方案,温州市民每年最多可在境外投资2亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. You'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model. 即使你从日本也没有办法获得零件,所以你该投资一个最近的模型。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. "We see that there won't be demand for that gas. So why invest money in what is not in demand? " he said. 他表示:“我们认为,那些天然气不会有需求。那为什么还要把钱投在没有需求的项目上?” www.ftchinese.com 7. The second thing we then need to look at is a determination of how much we want to invest in calculations. 接下来我们要注意的是,决定我们想要在计算上投入多少。 www.infoq.com 8. At once he began to shorten sail, to invest only in the soundest securities, and to convert all his weaker ones into cash. 他马上开始收缩资金,只投资在最可靠的证券上,并把他所有比较不可靠的证券都变成了现金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But he accepted when the bank offered to let him set up a group that would invest some of its own money using a quantitative strategy. 不过当摩根同意让他组建一个定量策略组并使用摩根的资金进行投资时,他就难以拒绝了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. For yours dream, our grave pledge that, So long as you invest, is left over the matter manages by us. 为了您的梦想,我们庄重的承诺:只要您来投资,剩下的事情由我们来办。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Mr Buffett eschewed technology shares, explaining that he would not invest in things he did not understand. 巴菲特先生没有去碰技术股,他的解释是他不去投资他搞不懂的东西。 club.pchome.net 2. William James, the father of American psychology once said, "The best use of your life is to invest it in that which outlasts it. " 美国心理学之父威廉詹姆斯曾说过:“人尽其才的办法就是要把生命投入到能够延续其意义的事情中去。” www.bing.com 3. Several global mining giants are ready to invest in anticipation of a spike in demand this year. 若干全球矿业巨头准备投资于一个需求高峰,今年的预期。 www.maynet.cn 4. Tripoli, which had seemed to be a safe, stable place to invest, now bore the risk of anarchy. 的黎波里,刚才还似乎是一个安全,稳定的地方去投资,现在承担了无政府状态的危险。 www.englishtang.com 5. Unperturbed, you head to the shopping mall with a smile on your face - you're about to invest some of your hard-earned dollars. 而你却面带微笑、镇定自若地走进购物中心——打算花掉一部分来之不易的血汗钱。 www.elanso.com 6. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. 与此同时,中国政府目前还不能投资太多的资金。 www.hjenglish.com 7. And before founding NEA, chairman Dick Kramlich was one of the first to invest in a little startup called Apple (AAPL). 而且在恩颐投资成立前,董事长迪克?克拉姆里克就已是当时一家小型初创公司——苹果(Apple)的首批投资人之一了。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The report says prevention programs can be effective if governments invest at least 30 cents a year per person. 这项报告指出,如果政府每年平均给每人提供至少30美分,预防计划将会起到效果。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. It would be irresponsible of me to encourage you to invest in the poorly managed company. 如果我鼓励你投资于该管理不善的公司,那是不负责任。 www.readfree.net 10. It's less risky to invest your windfall in someone with a proven business record, or put the money in the bank. 把这笔意外之财交给银行或者投到一位可靠的生意人身上,风险就没有那么高。 www.bing.com 1. The big question for IPO investors this week won't be which deals to invest in, but how many actually make it out the door. 周对青睐首次公开募股(IPO)的投资者而言,最大的问题不在于应当投资于哪笔交易,而在于有多少IPO真正得以进行。 c.wsj.com 2. also, be prepared to invest in black-out curtains, as HD projection images look the best in complete darkness. 而且,准备投资购买黑屏幕,因为高清晰度投影仪在全黑条件下效果最佳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You can't just walk up and say, you know, "Hi, I'm a really good guy, and a good girl, and you should really invest in me. " 你不能就只是突然冒出来,然后说:「您好,我是个好人,你们应该要投资我。」 www.myoops.org 4. Don't think of this as a demand for tribute, $PLAYER0. Think of it as an offer for you to invest in world peace. 别认为这是一种象征臣服的进贡,你该想像这是你对世界和平所作的一点点投资。 www.civclub.net 5. The innovative competences of the company also led to the early decision to invest in stretch-wrap film for agricultural applications. 对还导致尽早作出决定,投资拉伸农业应用的包装薄膜,该公司创新的权限。 zhqj.a1pak.com 6. Thanks fellow odd dealers the support which works to us to wish the general odd dealer friend once more to invest smoothly! ! ! ! 再次感谢各位散户对我们工作的支援祝广大散户朋友投资顺利!!!! guba.eastmoney.com 7. And he originally did not seek to invest equity in part thinking that banks would refuse the money for fear of looking weak. 并且,最初他没有寻求投资股票,部分是出于对银行拒绝这笔钱的担心,因为这会让银行看起来有机可趁。 www.bing.com 8. The United Nations agency has responded to a week of natural disasters in Asia by saying the region must invest more in preventive measures. 联合国机构对亚洲地区持续一周的自然灾害做出回应。联合国表示,该地区必须在防范措施方面进行更多投入。 club.topsage.com 9. From an investment point of view, if I were to invest, I would not choose a design company, not a design company assets. 从投资的角度来说,如果我是投资人,我不会选择一个设计公司,因为设计公司不太有资产。 english.lagoo.com.cn 10. You decide which companies you want to invest in and when the time is right for you to see your shares. 你可以自己决定投资于哪家公司,何时卖出股票。 gb.cri.cn 1. "We do not use ratings to invest. We do our own research on anyone we lend money to, and that includes sovereigns, " she said. “我们不是用评等来投资--我们自己会对所有投资对象作研究,这也包括主权体,”她称。 cn.reuters.com 2. How much effort you invest on it will determine how good the result you will have in the end. As the famous saying goes "No pain, No gain! " 你投入了多少的努力决定了你将最终获得什么样的结果,就像老话说的,不劳则无获。 www.hjenglish.com 3. We need to get the lay of the land before we decide how much money to invest. 在决定投资金额之前,我们要先了解情况。 www.joyen.net 4. 'We'll have a modest partnership interest, ' Mr. Buffett said in an interview, though he didn't specify how much he would invest. 巴菲特接受采访时说,我们会有适度的合作,但他没有详细说明投资的数额。 www.bing.com 5. These show that it is ready to invest as a means of applying political pressure. 这些协议表明,外管局准备将投资作为施加政治压力的一种手段。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He said he thought that would lead CCB's customers to invest more in the U. S. , especially in the food and agricultural businesses. 他说,他认为这将使建设银行的客户更多地投资美国,特别是食品和农业企业。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Henry Ford did not invest invent the automobile, but his assembly line revolutionized manufactory manufacturing and made cars affordable. 有时他们的改革会影响世界。HenryFord没有发明汽车,但是他的生产线将生产革新化并供应车。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Know what to put, the question is do not know how to invest, how much, how to invest, where to invest. 知道应该投入,问题是不知道如何投入,投入多少,怎么投入,往那里投入。 www.xiami360.com 9. Often, getting a girl to invest requires investing of your own. Be prepared to, it's not a one way street. 通常,要使女生投资,你自己也需要准备作出一点投资,因为投资并不是单向的。 www.cnpua.info 10. There is no evidence so far that sovereign-wealth funds are trying to wield inappropriate influence in the companies they invest in. 目前还没有迹象表明国控资金正对他们投资的公司施加不当影响。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mr. Rasmussen said it would reassure America that Europe is ready to invest its own defense. 拉斯穆森表示,此举可以向美国保证,欧洲准备好为自己的防御系统进行投资。 show.24en.com 2. Senior management continued to invest in the Dreyer Leadership University [DLU], demonstrating that they cared about employee development. 高级管理层继续向醉尔思领导力大学[DLU]投资,这表明了他们关注员工的成长。 www.elanso.com 3. Some people will tell you to invest your savings on the stock market or to put up your own business. 人会告诉你把你的储蓄投资于股票市场或创业。 www.ttxyy.com 4. As a standalone company, the PC unit would be able to invest in its own future, he argued. 李艾科说,如果是一家独立的公司,PC部门是能够为自己的将来投资的。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Once you take a job, you decide how much of your income to spend, how much to save, and how to invest your savings. 一旦你参加了工作,你得决定将多少收入用于支出,多少用于储蓄,以及将多少储蓄用于投资。 www.bing.com 6. James, too, was much disturbed. He felt as though someone had threatened his right to invest his money at five per cent. 詹姆士也很不开心,他觉得就象有人威胁到他投资五厘的权利似的。 7. Due to China's foreign-exchange policies, only a few accredited institutions are allowed to invest directly in international markets. 由于中国的外汇政策,只有少数几家经过批准的机构可以直接投资国际市场。 chinese.wsj.com 8. How much time do you invest in your professional, personal, and spiritual life? 你在你的专业,个人和精神生活上投了多少时间? www.bing.com 9. Pressed by the panel, he also said the U. S. government has no plans to invest any more money in the bank. 他在国会这一委员会的敦促下还表示,美国政府不打算再向花旗投资。 www.bing.com 10. He said China is willing to introduce more capable Chinese companies with good credit to do business in the zone and invest more in Egypt. 中方愿推动更多有实力、信誉好的中国企业进入合作区,扩大对埃及的投资规模。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. So why else would they invest if not as an option to re-up in the next round? 所以如果他们不是在下一轮继续投资你的话还能是为什么呢? www.bing.com 2. Novartis recently lost a patent case in India and said it had changed its plans to invest in R&D in India. 诺华最近在印度输了一场专利官司,并且表示它将改变在印度的研发投资计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We do not force you to invest in 16 youth players. How many youth players you decide to train is entirely up to you . 我们不强迫你培养16个年青球员,培训多少个年青球员完全由你决定。 www.bing.com 4. The company has decided to earmark a portion of this year 's profits to invest in securities . 公司决定从今年的利润中提存一部分用作证券投资。 www.bing.com 5. In his three years there, he made good money and returned to Myanmar to invest it in the family farm. 在那三年期间,他赚得不少钱,然后回缅甸,投资在家族的农地上。 www.oxfam.org.hk 6. "We've failed to invest in the security of our digital infrastructure, " he said. “我们未能在数字基础设施安全方面进行投资。” www.ftchinese.com 7. Arguably these nations' significant oil-derived per capita income dampens incentive to invest in new ventures or to encourage innovation. 可以说,石油为这些国家带来可观的人均收入,但却抑制了进行新投资或鼓励创新的积极性。 www.america.gov 8. Money continued to invest along the same $1. 2 billion-to-$1. 4 billion a year range, and returns fell off a cliff. 资金继续沿着每年12到14亿范围投资,并且回落然后掉入了谷底。 www.bing.com 9. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 8. 35 million United States dollars, which he wished to have us invest on his behalf. 他告诉我们,他有一个8.35亿美元,这是他希望有我们代为投资金融产品组合。 www.58qm.com 10. There're limits on how much we can invest in China, and once we hit that, we can't take any more money in. 我们可以在中国投资的额度有限,一旦达到限度,我们就不能再接受更多资金了。 cn.reuters.com 1. Now consider the big question: does it make sense for China to save so much or, for that matter, to invest so much? 现在,想一想这个重要问题:中国储蓄这么多,或投资这么多,是否有意义呢? www.ftchinese.com 2. If u invest in one special bag this spring , make it a clutch. 如果你要投资一款包包,必须是手拿包啦… www.douban.com 3. You can play them for minutes at a time and invest as little or as much time as you want. 你可以一次只消遣几分钟,或者随便玩多长时间都行。 www.bing.com 4. Most of us have pension and insurance policies, through which we all invest in equities; everyone owns them and yet no one does. 我们大多数人都有养老金和保单,通过它们我们都投资于股票;每个人都拥有它们,但又没有人真正拥有。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, in case of extraordinary opportunities, we may invest up to US$100 million in a single company. 如遇良机,公司将提高单个公司的投资额度至1亿美元。 wiki.pinggu.org 6. Traders said the financial sector was being dragged down as investors raised cash to invest in Westfield's capital raising. 交易员说,随着投资者筹措现金用于投资Westfield的融资活动,金融股受到拖累。 chinese.wsj.com 7. whether to use it, to invest in water saving technology (to maximize its value), or to sell it to another user. 是否使用它,在节水技术投资(最大限度地发挥其价值),或将其出售给另一用户。 08translation.cn 8. Making money was the true test, since ship builders would not invest their money unless they knew that they could make a profit. 赚钱是真正的试验标准,因为除非造船商知道可以获利,否则不会把他们的钱投进去。 www.yuloo.com 9. Ideally, Chocomize wants to invest in its own operations to be able to fill these types of orders. 理想情况下,Chocomize应该自己投资增加产能,来完成这类订单。 kk.dongxi.net 10. The problem is to save. In theory, you could take the extra payments, invest them wisely, and get a slightly better return. 从理论上来说,你可以用额外的支出来进行明智的投资,慢慢得到更好的回报。 www.bing.com 1. But until Chinese investors can also invest overseas the long lines like this at brokerage houses are likely to continue. 在证券行的排队现象将会持续下去,直到中国投资者也能够投资海外市场。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Finally, at least one oil exporter decided to invest reserve funds in other currencies. 最后,至少有一个石油出口国决定将储备资金投资于其它货币。 chinese.wsj.com 3. This reason alone is potent enough to force anyone to join the rat race and invest years of their lives into corporate ladder climberism. 这个原因本身就已经足够强力地强迫任何人参加激烈的竞争,投入一年又一年的精力到不断向上爬的晋升制中。 www.bing.com 4. They usually have business experience and are often prepared to invest in a risky venture. 他们往往拥有做生意的经验并有进行风向投资方面的准备。 www.ecocn.org 5. As would be expected in a mature economy, American companies invest more money in other countries than comes into the U. 美国被视为一个成熟的经济实体,美国公司在外国的投资远远高于外国公司对美国的投资; www.bing.com 6. While 34% of men are likely to invest in real estate indirectly through a fund, only 14% of women would prefer this approach. 尽管有34%的男性可能通过基金间接投资房地产,但有14%的女性愿意这样做。 www.bing.com 7. Furthermore, given the bond-like nature of the liability, pension-fund sponsors were in effect borrowing money to invest in risky assets. 另外,因为负债是和债券性质一样的,养老基金的发起人实际上用借贷资金来投资高风险资产。 www.ecocn.org 8. Now that you're all caught up on behavioral finance, maybe you're ready to invest. 既然现在补上了关于行为金融学的知识,也许,你已经准备好可以投资了。 www.bing.com 9. Because Chinese could not invest offshore, much of that saving went into state banks at low interest rates. 由于中国人不能进行海外投资,大多数的储蓄以低利率流进了国内的银行。 www.bing.com 10. All the bankers said to their clients, "Get out of the dollars and go and invest somewhere else. " 所有的银行从业者都对他们的顾客说:“赶快抽出对美元的投资以向其它地方投资。” www.ted.com 1. You might have to invest in a safe deposit box, or pay higher insurance rates against theft. 你可能不得不买一个保险箱,或支付更高的保险费以防现金被窃。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We were about to invest in an aluminum distribution company with paid capital of RMB $5 million and with net profits of $15M per annum. 我们原打算投资一家经销铝箔的公司,计划投入500万人民币,净利润是每年1500万人民币。 column.chinabyte.com 3. Unlike most venture capitalists, Mr. Carter tends to invest in platforms that are complementary to entertainers. 与众多创业的资本家不同,Carter尝试投资平台对娱乐圈的人来说是一种补充。 dongxi.net 4. Insurers will also be allowed to invest in host of other Chinese financial instruments including Treasury bills and exchange-traded funds. 保险公司也将获准投资中国大陆其它多种金融工具,包括国债和交易所交易基金(ETF)。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you can get people to invest something of their own, they're going to be more committed than if they feel like observers. 如果你能让人们自己进行一些投资,他们就会更加投入地进行工作,而不是作为旁观者。 www.bing.com 6. Invest your spirit and your experience in the timeless values that you know will never fade. 把你的精力和经验投入到你知道的、将永不褪色的、具有永恒价值的事业中去。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. BoCom International, the bank's overseas arm, said yesterday it was targeting a $500m fund that would invest in mainland groups. 交通银行海外子公司交银国际(BoComInternational)昨日表示,计划发行一只规模为5亿美元的基金,投资于中国内地企业。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Countries that benefit from international monetary arrangements should be prepared to invest in preserving them. 从国际货币安排中获益的国家,应该准备好为保护这些安排而付出。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok's of SHK Properties. 如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. in spite dour warnings , he decided to invest in , that venture . i suppose it ' s case of fools rushing in where angels fear to tread. 尽管我们都警告他还是决定投资那桩冒险生意,我想这就是“蠢人爱鲁莽行事”。 www.ichacha.net 1. Based on the above advantages, corporate credit rating is the result of investors to invest in a strong reference to the decision-making. 基于以上优点,企业资信评级结果是投资者进行投资决策时的有力参考。 www.fabiao.net 2. This paper sets out to examine how the company should re-invest this year's profits. 本报告旨在探讨如何将我公司今年的盈利再度投资。 www.whjzy.net 3. "If you invest in research, you may get returns up to 20 years from now, " she said. “如果你向研究投资,你可能在至多20年后获得回报,”她说。 www.scidev.net 4. "We hope that Dahua company will invest in Vietnam to participate in infrastructure projects in Vietnam, " said the ambassador. “我们希望大华公司将在越南投资,参与基础设施建设项目,在越南,”这位大使。 my.chinese.cn 5. With a crowded, largely one-sided trade like this, any wrench in the rationale to invest in emerging markets could this trade fast. 由于许多人竞相投入这种大体上呈单边走势的交易,一旦投资新兴市场的理由受挫,都将使这种交易停顿下来。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Rabeder will then invest the proceeds in his own non-profit organisation, MyMicroCredit, which he set up a few months ago. 之后拉伯德尔将把所得款项捐给他在几个月前设立的非盈利组织“我的小额信贷”。 www.yxtvg.com 7. It has every right to invest in an industry on which it depends. 它完全有权对一个它依赖的行业进行投资。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When Warren Buffett said he was 'dead wrong' to invest in ConocoPhillips, Conoco chief James Mulva must have taken note. 当沃伦?巴菲特说自己投资康菲石油是犯下“致命错误”时,康菲石油首席执行官詹姆斯? www.kekenet.com 9. With their deep pockets, they were able to continue to open new shops and invest in the business during the crisis. 由于他们雄厚的财力,他们能够在危机期间继续开设新的专卖店并且进行奢侈品投资。 www.ecocn.org 10. Imagine that this (much longer than intended) story is a metaphor for how and where we invest our emotional dollars (emotional energy). 假设这个(远远长于预计)故事是对如何投资我们的情感财富(即情感能量)的暗喻。 www.elanso.com 1. So far the firm has put up all the money; in the future it may invest with a venture-capital firm. 到目前为止,辉瑞已储备了所有资金,将来有可能会与风险投资机构合作。 www.hxen.com 2. Li, however, did not say in which countries or types of services it would invest. 然而,李彦宏并未明确表态,未来将在哪些国家发展,资金将投入到哪些领域。 www.bing.com 3. Even if you don't have the means to invest for current income, you can take a few dollars from each paycheck and save for your retirement. 即使你不知道怎么把你现在的薪水用于投资,你也可以每个月存一些钱,退休之后享用。 www.bing.com 4. His short, sober speech struck notes familiar from his campaign, but the moment could not fail to invest them with fresh significance. 奥巴马的讲话简短而又冷静,与他在竞选期间的发言呼应,但在此时此刻,他的话语自然具有新的重大意义。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It is possible to invest securely and profitably for the long term. 进行有安全保障和有利可图的长期投资是可能的。 web.worldbank.org 6. It might be thought then that a willing investment strategy would be simply to invest with groups which have had good returns in the past. 人们也许会认为,与过去业绩好的集团合作投资,是一种简单易行的战略。 www.ftchinese.com 7. 'People don't know whether to invest or to hire because they don't know . . . whether the recovery is going to continue. 由于人们不知道经济复苏是否能够持续,所以他们不知道是否要投资或增雇人手。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In other sectors also, particularly mineral resources, Chinese companies have continued to invest apace. 中国企业还在其它领域——特别是矿产资源方面——继续大举投资。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The Office of Management and Budget described it as lacking in innovation due to a failure to invest, over budget and behind schedule. 管理预算办公室对其的描述是--由于投资不足而缺乏创新,超出预算,且进展缓慢。 www.ecocn.org 10. At present, this system is in trial operation and prepared to invest in environmental gas monitoring. 目前该系统正在试运行中并准备投入到环境气体监测中。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Barack Obama in the U. S. Chamber of Commerce speech to entrepreneurs to encourage them to "join game" out of the reserve funds to invest. 奥巴马在美国全国商会向企业家发表演说时鼓励他们“加入游戏”,把储备资金拿出来投资。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 2. "It is an intelligent asset class in which to invest, as it is one that appears to be robust, " says Mr Walsh. 沃尔什表示:“它属于智力资产投资类别,它的表现非常强劲。” www.ftchinese.com 3. In nature, one-reason heuristics seem to be used by parents to decide which of their offspring to invest in. 在自然界中,父母似乎是运用单一原因启发法来决定喂养哪些子女。 www.zftrans.com 4. The only way forward for them will be to invest in technology and move up the value chain. They will then be able to pay higher wages. 他们唯一的出路是增加技术投资,提高价值链。这样他们才能提供更高工资水平。 sh.yuloo.com 5. KP says its churn rate is well below that of its rivals, so it can invest for the long haul. KP声明它的客户流失率远低于它的对手,进而它可以进行持久投资。 www.ecocn.org 6. Imagine that you were asked to invest in a company based purely on its sales growth over the past year. 想象一下,有人要你单纯根据某家公司在过去一年的销售额增长来投资于这家公司。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Through a you can authorize your employer to deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and invest it in the plan. 通过这个机会,你可以授权雇主从你的工资中扣除一定量的钱,并将钱投入那个计划。 bbs.tingroom.com 8. Some investors are asking why they should pay Mr. Paulson to invest in gold, as he doesn't have years of commodity experience. 一些投资者会问,他们为什么要付钱给鲍尔森,请他投资黄金,既然他在大宗商品方面并没有多年的经验。 c.wsj.com 9. You want any dependents to be able to invest that money and have the proceeds match your current salary with some breathing room. 因为你的依靠者需要有缓冲的空间投资这笔钱,以获得和你现在薪水相当的收益。 www.bing.com 10. The government then uses a quota system to dictate how much money they can invest. 然后政府用一种配额制度来决定它们可以投资多少。 cn.wsj.com 1. One banker said he would rather eat nuclear waste than invest in Russia again. 一位银行家还说他宁可去吃核废料也不在俄罗斯投资了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Invest in a good English dictionary. It's one of the best things that you can do to improve your English. 买一本好词典这是提高英语水平必须做的最好的事情之一。 q.sohu.com 3. Invest in your people, your lands, your future. You work wonders for your employers in other parts of the World, now do it for yourselves. 投注心力在人民、土地和未来上,在世界其他地区,各位都为雇主创造奇迹,现在让奇迹发生在各位自己身上。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Now, that bank could invest up to three and a half billion dollars in the Middle East and North Africa. 现在,该银行可以投资到三点半亿元,中东和北非美元。 www.maynet.cn 5. maybe invest in a new business, put some money back into the savings that have been depleted by the fall of the stock market. . . 也许可以投资一些新的商业,放一些钱到因为股市下滑而导致亏损的存折里。 qac.yappr.cn 6. Foreign businesses should be encouraged to invest in the air transport industry and the general aviation industry. 鼓励外商投资航空运输业和通用航空业。 www.liaoning-de.gov.cn 7. The smarter bet is to invest in assets that are likely to hold their value, or even increase in value, as the dollar continues its slide. 随着美元继续贬值,更聪明的赌博是投资那些可能保值、甚至增值的资产。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Invest targeted resources more aggressively in areas that you think will put you in the lead. 如果认定某一领域将确立公司的领导地位,加大在这些领域的资源投资力度。 www.fortunechina.com 9. "Airlines need to be sustainably profitable to be able to invest in their people, their product and continue to serve markets, " he says. “航空公司需要可持续的利润,可以投资于人民,他们的产品,并继续服务于市场的,”他说。 www.bing.com 10. But however bullish you are on Africa, the fact remains it is not easy to invest there. 然而,不管你对非洲持多么乐观的态度,在非洲投资的不易仍然是一个现实。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Another acquaintance of mine was about to invest whole of his money into stocks of a small company. 我另一个熟识的人打算把自己所有的钱都投入到一个小公司的股票上。 www.infoq.com 2. If there weren't, you'd be less likely to stay late at work (or even come in at all) or struggle to save money and invest it profitably. 如果不是,你不太年夜略留在工作到很晚(乃至进来的话)或斗争,省钱和投资是有利可图的。 www.gxssgw.com 3. I do not wish to invest the money in Senegal due to unfavorable economic climate, and so close to my country. 我可不想把这些钱投资在塞内加尔。是因为那里不好的经济形势,和我的国家也差不多。 www.ted.com 4. they may be reluctant to cut prices to win orders or to invest in new capacity until they are sure the pound's fall will last. 出口商不会情愿降低价格以赢取订单或投资扩大生产规模,除非他们确信英镑会持续贬值。 www.ecocn.org 5. "Otherwise no one will invest in IT in Taiwan anymore, " he said. 否则,没有人会再向台湾IT业投资。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But he said GE would also invest in businesses and products to help drive future growth, such as renewable energy and improving health care. 但他说,通用电气还将在业务和产品方面进行投入,以帮助推动将来的增长,比如说可再生能源以及改善医疗卫生条件的服务。 www.bing.com 7. Today, there's plenty of interest and money available to invest in the next big thing to come along in response to the financial crisis. 今天,有更多的兴趣和资金可用来投资下一件大事,这是对于金融危机的回应。 www.bdza.cn 8. In the latest poll, 21 percent called China one of the best places to invest over the next year. 在最近的投票中,21%的人认为下面一年中国是世界上最好的投资场所。 www.bing.com 9. A third way is to invest in technologies to take the salt out of sea water and thus increase supply of the fresh stuff. 第三种办法是投资将盐从海水中剥离的技术,从而增加淡水的供给。 www.putclub.com 10. MUFG has "absolutely no plans" to invest in Lehman, an executive involved in major decisions at the bank told Reuters. MUFG一名参与银行主要决策的主管告诉路透,MUFG“绝对没有计画”投资雷曼兄弟.(完) cn.reuters.com 1. He said India welcomes and encourages Chinese enterprises to invest in the country, especially in the area of infrastructure. 印方欢迎和鼓励中国企业和公司来印投资,特别是在基础设施领域加大投资力度。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. If you're lucky enough to be debt free, you can invest all of your extra money towards your goals. 如果你幸运地没有债务,你可以把你所有多余的钱投入到梦想中。 www.bing.com 3. Investors are giving you a version of the "soft no, " which basically means that they're not prepared to invest now. 其实投资者在婉转拒绝你,意味着他们暂时不准备投资你。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Some are also trying to negotiate lower fees with the hedge funds they invest in. 一些甚至还试图跟他们投资的对冲基金谈判来降低服务费。 www.ecocn.org 5. Rather than invest into the real estate and the gambling stock market, steady return is all they need. 而不是投资到房地产和股市赌博,稳定的回报,他们的需要。 bbs.hasea.com 6. So, you must do two things: Think like the hacker, and invest in good processes that allow you to stay one step ahead. 因此您必须做两件事:像黑客一样思考问题,并在良好流程方面进行投资,以实现抢先一步的优势。 www.ibm.com 7. You're going to have to invest in them a little bit more and it's going to take some time before they're up to speed. 你不得不在他们身上多付出一些,这需要时间,然后他们才会全速前进。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Imagine. Invest the time it takes to reach out for your dreams; it will bring you happiness that no money on earth can buy. 想象一下那些被你投入去追梦的时间啊;这带给你的幸福可是证实了金钱不是万能的。 www.bing.com 9. the best policy is to only invest money that you can afford to be patient with if the market stalls or backtracks . 最好的方针是只投资当市场停滞或下跌时你能支付得起的那么多钱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. How much do you intend to invest? 您打算投资多少? www.fundsupermart.com 1. We need to save more, invest more, consume less and throw out most of our credit cards to bail ourselves out of this crisis. 为了摆脱当前这场危机,美国人需要增加储蓄与投资,减少消费,抛弃持有的大多数信用卡。 www.bing.com 2. Youcould invest in United States government securities maturing in a year. 譬如你可以投资一年期的美国政府债券。 www.bing.com 3. Early this year, it planned to invest in a copper mine in northern Chile through a deal with Canadian miner Quadra, but it fell through. 今年早些时候,该公司曾试图通过与加拿大矿商Quadra携手,投资于智利北部的一座铜矿,但那笔交易最终夭折。 www.ftchinese.com 4. When looking for your next digital camera, or any item for that matter, it pays to invest your time into research. 当你寻找你的下一步数码相机或其他任何商品的时候,花费时间来搜索是值得。 www.elanso.com 5. Take the case of some of the European and Korean plans to invest in new auto assembly plants in the United States. 就拿一些欧洲和韩国汽车厂家计划在美国投资设立新的汽车生产线来说吧。 dongxi.net 6. However, her character is generally far less powerful since she does not invest the same amount of playing time as he does. 但是,因为她玩游戏的时间远没有Ken那么多,所以她的角色一般级别不高。 www.ibm.com 7. China would be happy to invest in EFSF bonds in a measured way, as it has already done. 正如中国已经做过的那样,中国将乐于以一种有分寸的方式投资于EFSF债券。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Nothing says American power like an F-22 Raptor fighter jet, so why not invest in the U. S. defense industry? 既然F-22猛禽战斗机(F-22Raptor)最能体现出美国强大的实力,为什么不投资美国国防产业呢? chinese.wsj.com 9. The general manager had finally made his choice about which project they were going to invest their money in. 总经理最终对投资于哪个项目作出选择。 lan.for68.com 10. He suggests it was an equally vital strategy to purchase stock shares for Chinese companies, who are ambitious to invest in foreign markets. 其暗示,对于中国企业来说,收购海外企业股份这一战略也是同等重要的。 www.bing.com 1. Invest now or pay later (We're already paying for our mistakes, but consider it a $76. 6 billion wakeup call). 现在投资或以后付出代价(我们已经在为我们的错误买单了,不过就当这776亿美元是叫醒我们的电话吧) dongxi.net 2. Maybe I'm going out on a limb , but I think we still have to invest it. 或许这么作有点冒险,但我想我们还是要投资它。 en.v.wenguo.com 3. You're either trying to pay off debt, or looking for better ways to invest. 你可能正在努力偿还债务,或者寻找更好的投资方法。 www.elanso.com 4. Maybe Im going out on a limb, but I think we still have to invest it. 或许这么作有点冒险,但我想我们还是要投资它.一般人想到冒险,直觉的反应就是, zhidao.baidu.com 5. You have to understand your vulnerabilities and invest some time to think through the risks and resiliency. 你必须了解业务的脆弱性,并花时间思考如何应对风险,如何创造应对方案。 www.bing.com 6. Bank interest rates have been low for years, financial products have been limited, and citizens have had few channels to invest abroad. 多年来,银行利率很低,金融产品非常有限,而且公民没有多少投资海外的渠道。 www.stnn.cc 7. "People [in the US] are much more likely to invest in a South Korean fund run out of New York than a South Korean fund run out of Seoul. " “相比于首尔管理的韩国基金,(美国人)明显可能更愿意投资纽约管理的韩国基金。” www.ftchinese.com 8. To be sure, demand for loans has fallen as well as just supply; companies see less opportunity to invest profitably in a recession. 可以肯定的是,企业对贷款的需求也同资金供给一样开始下降;在经济萧条中,企业认为有利可图的投资机会越来越少。 www.ecocn.org 9. You can invest for a long time in a brand, but a single contrary observation of that positioning will destroy consumers' belief. 你可以在一个品牌上投资很长一段时间,但是对这个定位的一个相反的观察结果就会摧毁消费者的信念。 www.ted.com 10. American households remain saddled with debt, and businesses seem reluctant to invest at home in the face of a lacklustre consumer. 美国的千家万户正债务缠身,而且商业部门似乎不太愿意投资国内,死气沉沉的国内消费需求已使他们心凉不已。 www.ecocn.org |
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