单词 | Kabul |
释义 |
例句释义: 喀布尔,阿富汗首都喀布尔,阿富汗喀布尔,卡布尔 1. The European Union delegation in Kabul came into this and hired me to work inside the Ministry of Public Health, to lobby this approach. 喀布尔的欧盟代表团来到这里邀请我去工作到公共健康部门推广这种方法。 www.ted.com 2. "Yes, there are insurgents coming across the border, " he said at the U. S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. “是的,确实有某些叛乱分子跨越了国界(巴基斯坦)。”他在喀布尔的美国驻阿富汗大使馆说道。 www.bing.com 3. And one evening, I was sitting next to a very nice gentleman in Kabul, and he asked what I thought would be good in Afghanistan. 一天晚上,在喀布尔,当我坐在一位善良的绅士旁边时,他问我,你认为什么对阿富汗最有帮助。 www.ted.com 4. The Taliban bring it up to the front lines from Kabul, and we buy it from them. 塔利班从坎布尔那边把货物运到前线,然后我们就从他们那儿买下来。 www.ycwb.com 5. Up to 12 people are reported to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a minibus carrying foreigners near the Afghan capital, Kabul. 阿富汗首都喀布尔附近一辆载有外国人小型公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,多达12人死亡。 www.enread.com 6. He said the ISI also supported an attack on the American Embassy in Kabul two days later. 他说,三军情报局还支持了随后两天美国驻喀布尔大使馆遭遇的袭击。 www.bing.com 7. The move Sunday came as depositors continued to pull their money from the lender, mobbing branches in Kabul and other parts of the country. 政府这一举动是在周日做出的,因储蓄者不断从该银行提款,包围了喀布尔和阿富汗其他地区的分支机构。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The bombing was one of the most deadly in Kabul since the U. S. -led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 . 自从2001年美国领导的盟军入侵阿富汗以来,这是喀布尔发生的最致命的爆炸事件之一。 www.voanews.cn 9. The American commander in Kabul said he will need the troops for the long term to fight the growing insurgency. 美国在喀布尔的指挥官说,他需要这些部队长期驻守阿富汗,打击日益增多的反叛活动。 www.ebigear.com 10. He said he was waiting for the money to come from the government in Kabul. 他说他正在等着喀布尔政府的资金支持。 www.bing.com 1. It had been a hard day for Karzai; suicide bombers and gunmen had attacked an Indian guesthouse in Kabul, killing dozens. 那一天对卡尔扎伊也是相当的不平静,喀布尔一座有印度人居住的宾馆遭到自杀式炸弹和武装分子的袭击,导致数十人死亡。 www.bing.com 2. One of the top hotels in the Afghan capital Kabul, the Intercontinental, has come under attack. At least 10 people have been killed. 阿富汗首都喀布尔高级酒店洲际酒店(Intercontinental)遭遇袭击,造成至少10人遇难。 www.voanews.cn 3. He said the US believed the Haqqani group was behind a 20-hour gun battle in central Kabul last week. 他表示,美国相信,哈卡尼与上周喀布尔中部持续20小时的枪战有关。 www.24en.com 4. A spokesman for the movement said the carnage in Kabul was just the beginning. 这场袭击运动的发言人称喀布尔的大屠杀只是个开始。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mr. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several in a day. 他向警察支付贿赂如同例行公事,否则他们会阻碍他穿过喀布尔,有时一天里会遇上几宗这样的事情。 www.bing.com 6. S. officials. Even in public, Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Kabul, has said the ISI retains ties with the Taliban. 喀布尔的最高指控官彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将军甚至曾在公开场合表示三军情报局与塔利班保持着联系。 www.voa365.com 7. He had also been a kindergarten teacher in Kabul. He had the perfect combination of skills for this project. 他也曾经在卡布尔的一家幼儿园里教过书,简直完美地拥有了这项计划所要求的所有技能。 sites.google.com 8. The river Kabul was like a demon, swishing with so much water and overflowing the whole of Nowshera. 喀布尔河如恶魔一般,裹挟着大水呼啸而过,淹没了整个瑙士拉。 www.bing.com 9. His bluntness played badly in Kabul, where Hamid Karzai sometimes refused to talk or eat with him. 在喀布尔,他的直言不讳可一点也不吃香,哈米德·卡尔扎伊有时拒绝跟他交谈和吃饭。 www.ecocn.org 10. Kabul itself, meanwhile, suffered its second rocket attack in less than a week. 同时,喀布尔在不到一周时间里两次遭火箭弹袭击。 www.ecocn.org 1. Earlier this week a woman with dual UK-South African citizenship was shot dead on her motorbike in Kabul. 本周早些时候一名英-南非双籍的女性公民在喀布尔驾驶摩托车时被射杀。 www.bing.com 2. Key installations in Kabul and around the country remain on high alert as a result of the assault on the hotel. 对酒店的攻击事件使喀布尔和全国各地的主要设施保持高度警戒。 www.bing.com 3. President Karzai did not directly refer to reconciliation talks with the Taliban during a speech in Kabul Wednesday. 卡尔扎伊星期三在喀布尔的讲话中没有直接提及政府同塔利班进行的和解会谈。 www.bing.com 4. The spokesman said the rockets came from the eastern city of Kabul, also blamed "enemies of Afghanistan" to launch the attack. 这名发言人称,火箭弹来自喀布尔市东部,同时指责是“阿富汗的敌人”发动了此次袭击。 www.englishtang.com 5. Born in Kabul, the daughter of a high-ranking army officer, she moved to London with her family during the Russian occupation. 她出生在喀布尔,是一位高层军官的女儿,在阿富汗被俄罗斯占领期间,她和家人一起去了英国。 www.bing.com 6. He built gardens to remind him of Kabul, but flowers do not do as well in India as in the crisp Afghan air. 他建造了园林,这使他常常想起喀布尔。但在印度这个地方,花儿不如在阿富汗寒冷干燥的气候里长得好。 www.ecocn.org 7. The expansion of Afghanistan's government forces, both military and police, has been a much-touted goal of both Washington and Kabul. 阿富汗政府势力扩张,军事和警察,一直是备受吹捧的华盛顿和喀布尔的目标。 www.englishtang.com 8. NATO said the helicopter 23 in the Afghan capital, Kabul, Kapisa province, northeast of the Arabian race (Alasay) zone crash. 北约称,这架直升机23日在阿富汗首都喀布尔东北部的卡比萨省阿拉赛(Alasay)区坠毁。 www.englishtang.com 9. One local Kabul man, Bismallah Ahmadi, said after watching the debate at a restaurant that it was his favorite line of the evening. 喀布尔一名当地男子,Bismallah艾哈迈迪说,在观看了辩论的一家餐馆,这是他最喜欢的路线,晚上。 club.china.com 10. Farah also said that all private security companies must move out of the office to go from the capital, Kabul. 法拉赫还说,所有的私人保安公司都要把办公室从首都喀布尔迁出去。 www.englishtang.com 1. 27Afghan security men and media members gather around the body of a militant at a building in Kabul on Sept. 九月14日,在喀布尔一栋大楼附近,阿富汗安全员和媒体聚集在一激进分子尸体周围。 www.bing.com 2. Such comments are, on the face of it, nothing new for Mr Karzai, who previously invited the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, to talks in Kabul. 在这种场面,说这样的话对卡尔扎伊先生来说已不新鲜,他早先邀请塔利班领导人穆拉·奥玛尔在喀布尔会谈。 www.bing.com 3. Having visited Helmand, Kandahar and Kabul recently for the third time in just over a year, I found the signs of improvement unmistakable. 在最近一年多的时间内,我第三次访问赫尔曼德省、坎大哈和喀布尔,发现了形势好转的确切迹象。 www.ftchinese.com 4. After two years of abuse, she fled and sought help at a police station in Kabul. 经过两年虐待,有一天她逃跑了,到喀布尔一个派出所寻求帮助。 www.bing.com 5. In a ruthless onslaught in the heart of Kabul, militants attacked a large guesthouse favoured by United Nations workers. 在喀布尔中心地区,武装分子袭击了一家联合国工作人员居住的宾馆,进行残暴屠杀。 www.bing.com 6. All this has happened since August not in Kabul or Baghdad but in Monterrey in northern Mexico (see article). 这不是喀布尔,也不是巴格达,八月以来,这一切都发生在墨西哥北部的蒙特雷。 www.ecocn.org 7. They met once in London at the international support conference January 28, twice in Munich, Germany, and three times in Kabul. 他们1月28日曾经在伦敦的国际援助大会上会晤,并在德国慕尼黑举行过两次会谈,还在喀布尔举行过3次会谈。 www.america.gov 8. The next day, after spending the night in a hut, we set off on the return trip to Kabul. 次日,在临时营房将就了一晚后,我们出发返回巴格达。 www.bing.com 9. Afghan officials say five insurgents believed to have been planning attacks in central Kabul have been killed in a gun battle. 阿富汗官员称,五名被认为计划袭击的叛乱分子在喀布尔中部的一场枪斗中被杀。 www.enread.com 10. a watch vendor works within the confines of his hand - painted pushcart on a street in kabul , afghanistan. 一个手表贩推着他的手推车在阿富汗的喀布尔街头漫无边际地叫卖。 www.ichacha.net 1. Afghan officials say a suicide bomb blast has rocked a shopping and hotel complex in Kabul, killing at least two people. 阿富汗官员说,一起自杀式炸弹爆炸震撼了首都喀布尔的一个购物和酒店大厦,导致至少2人死亡。 www.voa365.com 2. Northern Alliance troops will pull out of Kabul, perhaps making way for a UN-sponsored, multi-national force. 北方联盟部队届时会从喀布尔撤出,可能是为联合国的多国部队让路。 www.wwenglish.com 3. It was very strange to see an Afghan National Police officer manning the completely destroyed and abandoned Darul Laman Palace in Kabul. 阿富汗国家警察人员把守着被彻底摧毁后遗弃在喀布尔的达鲁尔拉曼宫---这真是一幅奇特的景象。 edun.hzcnc.com 4. The central-bank official said several options were being discussed to recover the funds that are likely to be pumped into Kabul Bank. 这位央行官员说,正在讨论收回可能注入喀布尔银行的资金的几个方案。 c.wsj.com 5. At least 166 people were killed in an avalanche in the Salang Pass, north of Kabul, the Afghan capital. 位于阿富汗首都喀布尔北部的萨朗山口发生的雪崩已造成至少166人死亡。 club.topsage.com 6. Kabul, Afghanistan: A fortune teller listens to a woman as another awaits her turn. Fortune telling was banned under the Taliban regime. 阿富汗,喀布尔:一名算命者在聆听一名妇女的成熟,而另一名妇女则静待一旁。在塔利班政权统治期间,算命是被禁止的。 www.bigjj.org 7. TWO weeks back in Kabul the world's foreign ministers demonstrated that they cannot agree on a solution to Afghanistan's trouble and strife. 回顾一下两个星期前的喀布尔,全球外交部长宣布他们不能就阿富汗矛盾与冲突达成一致解决方案。 www.ecocn.org 8. Light and medium industry, like this metal shop in the Kabul suburbs, once held great promise for Afghanistan's economy. 轻型和中型工业,如这家喀布尔郊区的金属加工厂,一度曾是阿富汗经济的希望所在。 dongxi.net 9. Officials in the town would not comment on the fighting and the Interior Ministry in Kabul said it was checking the reports. 镇上的官员没有透露战斗,喀布尔内政部说这是检查报告。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. 'The map of Afghanistan, for example, shows a country dominated by Kabul and a few other urban centres, ' he said. “例如,阿富汗地图就显示了喀布尔控制的国家和其它几个城市的中心。”他说。 www.bing.com 1. But Kabul's police chief General Ayub and a senior intelligence official told the BBC this was not the government's plan. 然而喀布尔警方总参谋长阿尤布和一名高级情报官员告诉BBC这并不是政府的计划。 www.putclub.com 2. Trials are taking place in the restive province of Wardak, south of Kabul, where a total of 1, 200 AP3 volunteers are to be deployed. 审判在发生动荡的沃尔克省南部的喀布尔进行,那里已经部署了大约1200民AP3志愿者。 www.ecocn.org 3. I negotiated with Saddam's diplomats at the U. N. Later , I traveled to Kabul and served in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban . 我同萨达姆的外交官们在联合国谈判过。后来,我去了喀布尔在塔利班失势后的阿富汗服务。 www.bing.com 4. Nor did they think it necessary to tell their parents they were going to Kabul. 他们也认为没必要告诉他们的父母他们将去喀布尔。 www.bing.com 5. A refugee holds up his food voucher as he battles others at a World Food Program supply truck in Kabul, Afghanistan. 阿富汗喀布尔市,一位难民拿着食品券与其他人挤在联合国世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgram)的补给列车前。 www.bing.com 6. Explosions and gunfire have left at least seventeen people dead in the Afghan capital - Kabul. 爆发和号炮已经至少离开十七个人死亡在阿富汗首都-喀布尔。 wenwen.soso.com 7. There has to be a resolution for the free versus pay debate otherwise we cannot afford to pay for things like news bureaus in Kabul. 免费与收费的争论应该结束了,否则我们没法应付那些开支,比如设立在喀布尔的新闻中心。 www.bing.com 8. A man grooms himself in a "Hamam" or public bath, in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday, August 10th, 2010. 一名男子在一新郎“哈马姆”或公共浴池自己,在喀布尔,阿富汗星期二,2010年8月10日。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. The US ambassador in Kabul has written to the White House arguing against sending thousands more American troops to Afghanistan. 美国驻喀布尔大使向白宫写信,反对向阿富汗派遣美国部队。 www.enread.com 10. Frequented by foreigners, the guest house is in a central area of Kabul that had previously been considered relatively secure. 该招待所地处喀布尔市中心,外国人经常光顾,此前曾被认为相对安全。 www.ecocn.org 1. And I dream that someday you will return to Kabul to revisit the land of our childhood. 我梦到有朝一日,你会回到喀布尔,重访这片我们儿时的土地。 movie.douban.com 2. Last week, Taliban gunmen killed five U. N. workers in an attack on an international guest house in the capital, Kabul. 上个星期,塔利班枪手在首都喀布尔的一所国际宾馆发动袭击,枪杀五名联合国工作人员。 ept-cn.com 3. His friends could not stand the heat, and went back to Kabul. 他的朋友们受不了那个地方的炎热,又回到了喀布尔。 www.ecocn.org 4. Clinton will join foreign ministers from dozens of countries from around the world including neighboring Iran at the Kabul conference. 克林顿国务卿将和世界几十个国家外长共同参加喀布尔会议,邻国伊朗的外长也将出席。 www.voanews.cn 5. Officials in Kabul say it may be a chance to reset the deteriorating relationship between Washington and Afghanistan. 喀布尔官员称,这可能是重启华盛顿和阿富汗之间不断恶化的关系的机会。 www.hxen.com 6. A fruit vendor holds lemons in his hands along a busy shopping street on January 27, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan. 阿果贩手中持有柠檬一条繁华的商业街在2010年1月27日在喀布尔,阿富汗。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. Shafaq is poised to finish at the top of his class which should guarantee him the job he most wants a teaching post at Kabul University. 沙法齐是班上的佼佼者,所以他毕业后能找到他梦想中的工作——在喀布尔大学任教。 www.bing.com 8. It was once a few feet away from President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan at his palace in Kabul. 它曾在喀布尔总统府与阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊只有几步之遥; www.bing.com 9. Much of that land has been sold and developed, rendering much of Kabul's property in the hands of unknown owners. 这样被出售和开发的土地有很多,造成喀布尔市有众多产权不明的地产。 www.bing.com 10. This user is shooting up in the ruins of the old city of Kabul. 本图的吸食者在喀布尔老城的废墟中吸毒。 www.bing.com 1. Although Kabul took a pasting this time, it remains, along with all the country's big urban areas, emphatically under government control. 尽管喀布尔这个时期乱成一锅粥,但它和该国各大城市地区一样,仍牢固地保持在政府的控制下。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. The Strategic Partnership Agreement that President Karzai and I signed in Kabul ensures that as Afghans stand up they will not stand alone. 卡尔扎伊总统和我在喀布尔签署的战略合作协议确保随着阿富汗人民已经站起来,而他们并不会独自一人。 www.bing.com 3. Thousands attended Karzai's rally in Kabul Thursday in which he claimed credit for opening girls' schools. 周四,有数千人参加了卡尔扎伊在喀布尔的集会,他在会上主张为开办女子学校贷款。 www.bing.com 4. The attack shattered an eerie peace in Kabul, that had held in the run-up to the election. 袭击打破了喀布尔在选举前夕怪异的平静。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Much of Kabul was left in disrepair, damaged by years of fighting and then neglected. 图11喀布尔的建筑大多年久失修,它们在连年战火中受损并且之后无人打理。 www.ecocn.org 6. August 19, 2011: A wounded Afghan policeman is carried away from the site of an attack on offices belonging to the British Council in Kabul. 在喀布尔,属于英国文化协会的办公室遭到袭击,一名受伤的阿富汗警察被背离现场。 www.bing.com 7. The first concerns how not be blown up when in Kabul, and comes courtesy of an American TV journalist who was on the course with us. 第一个忠告,和在喀布尔时怎样能够不被炸飞有关,是由一位和我们一起参加课程的美国电视记者客气地说出来的。 www.bing.com 8. Our correspondent in Kabul said local officials had told him they saw the bodies of about 20 women and children in two trucks. 根据喀布尔发来的消息,当地的官员称他们在两辆卡车里看到了有20具妇女和孩童的尸体。 www.bing.com 9. Yet once Soviet forces had left, they could do little more than defend Kabul and a few other cities. 然而,一旦苏联军队离开之后,这些士兵和警察能做的仅仅是保卫喀布尔和很少一部分城市。 www.bing.com 10. "After the exhibition they will return to the National Museum of Kabul, " says Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum. NeilMacGregor是大英博物馆的主管,他说,“展览完,它们会回到喀布尔国家博物馆。” www.bing.com 1. Suicide bombers in the Afghan capital Kabul have attacked a police station close to the presidential palace. Nine people were killed. 自杀式爆炸者袭击了在阿富汗首都喀布尔的总统府附近一个警察局,有9人遇害。 www.hxen.com 2. To feed and reward his huge retinue, he took 30, 000 donkey-loads of grain from Kabul and Ghazni. 为了养活和奖励众多的随从,他从喀布尔和加兹尼运了30000头驴的谷物。 www.ecocn.org 3. A few feet away, a bronze Eros looks bemused at the fact that he was exhumed north of Kabul instead of in Rome. 几英尺之外,一个黄铜雕像的爱神正在沉思,它是在喀布尔出土而不是在罗马。 www.bing.com 4. During the nearly 10-year-old war in Afghanistan, Kabul, has avoided much of the violence that the rest of the country has endured. 近10岁,在喀布尔,阿富汗战争期间,已经历了该国其他地区的暴力,避免。 www.maynet.cn 5. The leaked war logs show that Task Force 373 uses at least three bases in Afghanistan, in Kabul, Kandahar and Khost. 泄密的战争日志表明,373特遣部队在阿富汗至少使用过三处基地,分别是喀布尔(Kabul)、坎大哈(Kandahar)以及霍斯特(Khost)。 www.bing.com 6. During a news conference in Kabul, Ansari showed a video of one of the attackers identified as a Pakistani named Yassar. 在喀布尔期间,新闻发布会,展示了安萨里作为巴基斯坦名为亚西尔确定袭击者一个视频。 www.beiin.net 7. On any morning, you can stand on the steps of the Secondary Courthouse in downtown Kabul and listen to the Afghans as they step outside. 随便选个上午,你站在喀布尔闹市区次级法院台阶上,就可以与从里面出来的阿富汗人对话。 www.bing.com 8. Twelve-year-old Tarana Akbari is kissed by her mother Bibi Hava, in their living room of their home in Kabul on December 10, 2011. 29.2011年12月10日,12岁的TaranaAkbari在Kabul的家中的卧室里被他的母亲BibiHava亲吻着额头。 www.bing.com 9. Afghanistan quickly blamed Pakistan, India's rival for the deadliest blast in Kabul since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. 阿富汗马上指责巴基斯坦(印度的宿敌)称此次爆炸是塔利班组织在2001年垮台后破坏性最大的一起。 bbs.putclub.com 10. In Kabul, at least, suicide bombs apparently almost always go off early in the morning. 至少,在喀布尔,自杀式炸弹毫无意外的几乎都是在清晨时分引爆。 www.bing.com 1. Twelve-year-old Tarana Akbari is kissed by her mother Bibi Hava, in their living room of their home in Kabul on December 10, 2011. 29.2011年12月10日,12岁的TaranaAkbari在Kabul的家中的卧室里被他的母亲BibiHava亲吻着额头。 www.bing.com 2. Afghanistan quickly blamed Pakistan, India's rival for the deadliest blast in Kabul since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. 阿富汗马上指责巴基斯坦(印度的宿敌)称此次爆炸是塔利班组织在2001年垮台后破坏性最大的一起。 bbs.putclub.com 3. In Kabul, at least, suicide bombs apparently almost always go off early in the morning. 至少,在喀布尔,自杀式炸弹毫无意外的几乎都是在清晨时分引爆。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Fitrat insisted that Kabul Bank was solvent and customers were able to withdraw money as usual. 菲特拉特坚称,喀布尔银行仍具有偿付能力,储户可以照常取款。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "He says someday we'll have television in Kabul, " I said. “他说有一天喀布尔也会拥有电视。”我说。 www.kekenet.com 6. At least 27 people died in attacks on three government buildings in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. 阿富汗首都喀布尔三个政府大楼遭袭,至少27人丧生。 www.ecocn.org 7. Afghan police officers shot a local driver who tried to speed through their checkpoint on a country road in Ghazni Province south of Kabul. 阿富汗警察开枪射杀了当地一位司机,他正试图高速通过位于喀布尔南部加兹尼省的马路关卡。 www.bing.com 8. An Afghan girl touches her mother's artificial leg the ICRC Ali Abad Orthopaedic centre in Kabul November 12, 2009. 2009年11月12日,喀布尔阿巴德红十字国际委员会假肢矫形中心。一名阿富汗女孩在抚摸母亲的义腿。 www.bing.com 9. AN OVERNIGHT flight from Washington to Kabul is a lot of travelling for a 25-minute meeting with a man you don't particularly like. 为与一个你不大喜欢的人会晤25分钟而花了整晚时间从从华盛顿飞到喀布尔是一次冗长的旅行。 www.ecocn.org 10. Sherzad said people used to hold small fashion shows in Kabul before the war begin in the late 1970s. 舍宰德说二十世纪七十年代后期、战争爆发之前,喀布尔曾举办小型的服装发布会。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. Another detention facility was reportedly a former brickfactory, just north of Kabul, known as the Salt Pit. 另外一个关押场所据报道是位于喀布尔北部的一座废弃砖厂,也就是著名的“盐坑”。 www.bing.com 2. Taliban militants in Afghanistan have attacked government buildings south of the capital Kabul, just ten days before nationwide elections. 阿富汗塔利班好战分子袭击了首都喀布尔南部的政府建筑,时间就在全国选举之前十天。 club.topsage.com 3. A US military spokesman in Kabul condemned the video as propaganda and a breach of the rules of war. 喀布尔一位美军发言人谴责该录像带为鼓吹宣传的工具,称其违背了战争的法则。 www.bing.com 4. Turkey, Turkmenistan and Qatar have all offered to host such an office, Afghan and western officials in Kabul have told the Guardian. 阿富汗和在喀布尔的西方官员向卫报透露,土耳其,土库曼斯坦和卡塔尔都同意组建这样一个机构。 www.bing.com 5. A bombing in Kabul near the Indian embassy killed at least 12 people. 在喀布尔,印度大使馆附近的汽车炸弹爆炸案至少造成12人丧生。 www.ecocn.org 6. After capturing four pickup trucks from the Afghan National Army, the Taliban took them to Kabul to be used in suicide bombings. 报告里提到,针对盟军和阿富汗政府,塔利班从阿富汗国民军捕获四辆皮卡后,把它们带去喀布尔用于自杀式爆炸。 www.bing.com 7. In the Observer magazine this week, Shahla Farid, a Kabul-based lawyer, speaks of her experience defending women's rights. 在本周的观察者杂志上,喀布尔律师莎拉·法瑞德依她的工作经验为阿富汗妇女权利进行了辩护。 www.bing.com 8. Kabul seems like the capital of an occupied country. 喀布尔看起来像个被占国的首都。 blog.ecocn.org 9. Initially, the capital of international forces responsible for ensuring the security of Kabul and its surrounding areas. 最初,国际部队主要负责确保首都喀布尔及其周边地区的安全。 www.englishtang.com 10. Police in Afghanistan say a senior adviser to President Hamid Karzai has been killed in an attack on his home in the capital Kabul. 阿富汗警方表示,卡尔扎伊总统一名高级顾问在首都喀布尔家中遭遇袭击身亡。 www.24en.com 1. The DHL office is located at a busy intersection across from the Iranian Embassy, in an upscale section of Kabul. DHL公司办公室位于繁忙的街道路口,对面是伊朗大使馆,处于喀布尔的高收入阶层地区。 www.ebigear.com 2. The Kyrgyz complain about a lack of attention from Kabul. They say food, running water and electricity are scarce in the Pamirs. 柯尔克牧人抱怨喀布尔政府的对他们的忽视,食品,自来水,和电力在帕米尔高原奇缺。 www.bing.com 3. In Kabul aformer government official allowed himself to be interviewed, knowing that ifhe was found out, he and his family would be killed . 在喀布尔,一位前政府官员同意并接受了我们的采访,他清楚若被发现,他和他的家人都将难逃杀身之祸。 www.bing.com 4. A follow-up conference may take place in Kabul, the Afghan capital, in the spring. 下次会议可能将于春天在阿富汗首都喀布尔举行。 www.ecocn.org 5. A modern, glass-wrapped hotel rises behind the ruins of a war-ravaged building in Kabul, Afghanistan. 阿富汗首都喀布尔,一座现代气息浓厚的玻璃饭店在战后废墟中拔地而起。 www.bing.com 6. The Kabul government's concessions went so far as to relinquish control over the judicial system to the mullahs. 喀布尔政府的让步甚至大到同意让伊斯兰教神职人员接管该国的司法体系。 dongxi.net 7. Two years ago, TriVision reopened their printing business in Kabul, and all printing is now done in-country. 两年前,当三相工作室恢复在卡布尔的印刷生意的时候,歌集所有的印制都是在阿富汗国内完成的。 sites.google.com 8. The Taliban say one of their suicide bombers carried out this devastating attack in the centre of the city of Mehtar Lam, east of Kabul. 塔利班分子称,他们的一名自杀式爆炸者在喀布尔东部的米特拉姆中部实施了这场破坏性的爆炸。 www.englishtang.com 9. A powerful suicide blast in Kabul, Afghan, left at least 12 people dead and injured 83 others Thursday morning, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,阿富汗首都喀布尔市8日上午发生自杀式爆炸,目前已造成至少12人死亡,另有83人受伤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Sarobi hydro-power plant on Kabul River is one of the country's foremost power stations. 喀布尔河上的萨洛比水电站是这个国家最重要的发电站之一。 dongxi.net 1. Afghanistan's intelligence chief Saeed Ansari says the men were arrested during the past month from several different locations in Kabul. 阿富汗情报官员赛义德安萨里说,这些人在过去一个月里逮捕了在喀布尔的几个不同的地点。 www.beiin.net 2. It is no wonder that one of the first things the Taliban did upon entering Kabul was to shut down the Bollywood video rental stores. 所以不奇怪塔利班进入喀布尔的第一件事就是关闭宝莱坞影像出租店。 www.bing.com 3. 36An orthopedic technician adjusts a prosthetic leg for a war amputee at an International Committee of the Red Cross center in Kabul. 整形外科技师给喀布尔国际红十字会的战争截肢者调整假肢。 www.bing.com 4. President Karzai told reporters in Kabul Monday that Iran has given his office up to $975, 000 for government expenses. 卡尔扎伊总统星期一在喀布尔对记者们说,伊朗向他的办公室提供了九十七万五千美元,作为政府开销。 www.voa365.com 5. My first contact with the Taliban came in 1996, when I was the only correspondent travelling with them when they took Kabul. 我第一次接触塔利班(Taliban)是在1996年,当时我是他们占领喀布尔时唯一的随行记者。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She will attend the Kabul conference aimed at shoring up the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai. 她将参加旨在巩固阿富汗卡尔扎伊政府的喀布尔会议。 www.voanews.cn 7. An Afghan policeman fires into the air during clashes with protesters following Friday prayers in Kabul. 周五祈祷的示威人群发生冲突,一名阿富汗警察对着天空开枪。 thehlc.cn 8. In 1979, Soviet troops invaded Kabul, instigating a bloody nine-year conflict with the U. S. - and British-backed mujahideen. 1979年,苏联军队入侵喀布尔,与以英美为靠山的阿富汗游击队展开了长达9年的血战。 www.bing.com 9. But the Taliban began as a Pushtun movement, rural and primitive, supported from neighbouring Pakistan, which then headed to Kabul. 但塔利班开始于一场普什图运动(Pushtunmovement),来自农村地区、比较原始,并受到邻国巴基斯坦的支持,之后发展到喀布尔(Kabul)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Around 7 a. m. , mortar shells whistled over the center of Kabul before slamming into the grounds of the presidential palace. 早上7点左右,迫击炮弹从喀布尔市中心呼啸而过,落在总统府附近。 www.englishto.com 1. Kai Eide, the United Nations envoy in Kabul, says "the time for strategic debate must come to an end" ; now it's time for implementation. 联合国阿富汗特使凯艾德说,“对战略问题的讨论应该结束了”。现在是该行动的时候了。 www.ecocn.org 2. Sporadic attacks on the security forces and the police have grown more frequent over the years, and have also crept closer to Kabul. 对安全部队和警察的零星袭击近年来已变得更加频繁,而且在悄悄接近喀布尔。 www.bing.com 3. Cheney was staying at the base after his Monday meeting in Kabul with Afghan President Hamid Karzai was postponed due to bad weather. 原定星期一在喀布尔跟阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的会谈因恶劣天气被推迟后,切尼在巴格拉姆基地下榻。 www.bing.com 4. The interior ministry would not take calls from the Guardian to confirm a rocket attack in Kabul. 内政部不接《卫报》打来核实在喀布尔的火箭弹攻击。 www.ebigear.com 5. There is media speculation in Washington that Obama may divert from his Asian trip to Kabul to confront Karzai. 华盛顿媒体推测,奥巴马可能会从其亚洲行程改道去喀布尔与卡尔扎伊面谈。 www.bing.com 6. A local official said on condition of anonymity, suicide bomber entered a supermarket in downtown Kabul when a bomb blew himself up. 当地一位不愿透露姓名的官员称,自杀式袭击者在进入喀布尔市中心一家超市时引爆了身上的炸弹。 www.englishtang.com 7. The Kabul government has claimed in recent weeks to have eradicated more poppy crops so far this year than in all of 2006. 阿富汗政府最近几周曾宣称,今年迄今为止清除的罂粟数量超过了2006年的总和。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr Karzai depends on international support for his survival, so is he going completely mad? Rumour in Kabul suggests that yes, he might be. 卡尔扎伊先生之所以能够连任依赖的是国际支持,那么这种行为表明他完全发疯了吗?喀布尔的谣言表明他可能真的是疯了。 www.ecocn.org 9. An Afghan policeman looks at the bodies of militants in a building they had occupied in their attack on the US Embassy in Kabul. 在喀布尔,激进分子在袭击美国大使馆时占据了一座大楼,一名阿富汗警察在看关在这个大楼中的激进分子。 www.bing.com 10. These really are actual shipping containers, not the purpose-built housing units en vogue in Baghdad and Kabul. 这些实际上是集装箱,而不是巴格达和喀布尔作为时尚而专门建造的住房单位。 www.ecocn.org 1. Marco Torres mourns three men in his squad, who were killed in a road ambush near Kabul, Afghanistan. 马可波罗在他的托雷斯哀悼三队,谁在喀布尔附近伏击道路,阿富汗男子丧生。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. So Habibi decided to move to Kabul where attitudes toward women are not as harsh. 因此,哈比比决定搬到喀布尔去,因为那里人们对妇女的态度不那么严厉。 www.america.gov 3. An injured woman is escorted out of "Finest" supermarket in central Kabul after the suicide attack. 护送一位受伤的女人是出于“最优秀”在喀布尔市中心超市后自杀攻击。 08062788.blog.163.com 4. The planned Quran-burning by the small Florida church sparked protests this week by several-hundred Afghans in Kabul. 佛罗里达这个小教堂焚烧可兰经的计划这个星期在喀布尔引发了几百名阿富汗人的抗议活动。 www.voanews.cn 5. At about one o'clock in the afternoon here, a suicide car bomb exploded on the main road out of Kabul towards Jalalabad. 当地时间下午一点左右,一起自杀性汽车炸弹在喀布尔之外通往贾拉拉巴德的主干道爆炸。 home.putclub.com 6. A deadly bombing rip ped through Kabul's crowded streets just as people were getting to work this morning. 今早,人们正在赶着去上班时,喀布尔繁忙的街道发生致命爆炸案。 club.topsage.com 7. The shocking attack in Kabul adds to the gathering impression that Afghanistan is an irredeemable mess. 令人震惊的喀布尔袭击事件更加加深了人们对阿富汗共有的印象,即阿富汗是个不可挽回的混势。 www.bing.com 8. A marine is sworn in by the Defense Secretary during an enlistment at the American Embassy in Kabul. 在喀布尔的美国大使馆的入伍仪式上,一名海军正在国防部长前宣布就职。 www.bing.com 9. Afghan women work on sewing machines as they produce boots for Afghan National Police officials in a factory in Kabul on March 1. 阿富汗妇女工作,为他们生产的缝纫机在3月1日在喀布尔的阿富汗国家警察工厂官员的靴子。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. The plane, carrying more than 200 passengers including five Chinese, was on a maiden Kam Air flight from Kabul to Urumqi, officials said. 官方称,这架飞机载有包括五名中国人在内的超过200名乘客,首次执行Kam航空公司从喀布尔到乌鲁木齐的飞行任务。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. More spectacular attacks in Kabul must be expected, and perhaps a greater effort to threaten Kandahar, the second-largest city. 人们必须警惕喀布尔可能面临严重袭击,并且第二大城市坎大哈也可能面临极大威胁。 www.ecocn.org 2. plans to hold a second meeting in Kabul this spring may be in doubt. 今年春季在喀布尔举行第二次会议的计划很可能会落空。 ecolion.cn 3. But he added that any moves by individual allies must be coordinated with the NATO command in Kabul. 但是他补充说,任何一个盟国单独采取的任何行动都必须和在喀布尔的北约指挥总部协调。 www.bing.com 4. Many Americans feel queasy about propping up a regime in Kabul that has put warlords in charge of several provinces. 很多美国人认为扶持喀布尔这个将几个省拱手交给军阀的政权令人作呕。 www.ecocn.org 5. Hundreds of thousands of street-children fill Kabul's bazaars and traffic intersections. 在喀布尔的集市和交通站点,充斥着千百万街头儿童。 www.bing.com 6. In Kabul a 26-year-old handyman called Jamshed speaks for many compatriots when he lists the pros and cons of the new Western-imposed order. 一位来自喀布尔的26岁杂务工贾姆希在谈论现在阿富汗西方化的政权利弊时所表达的看法可以代表他其他同胞的意见。 www.bing.com 7. The dual British-South African national was gunned down as she walked to work in a Kabul suburb. 持有英国和南非双重国籍的威廉斯在步行去喀布尔郊区工作的途中被枪杀。 www.ebigear.com 8. China built pipelines across Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and began mining for copper south of Kabul. 中国在哈萨克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦分别修建了石油管道,并且已开始在阿富汗首都喀布尔南面开采铜矿。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Kabul police spokesman confirmed the explosion Harsh Matt's news, but he refused to disclose the specific figures of casualties. 喀布尔警方发言人哈什马特证实了发生爆炸的消息,但他拒绝透露有关人员伤亡的具体数字。 www.englishtang.com 10. North Atlantic Treaty Organization officials in Kabul said they had no information to suggest that Mullah Omar was dead. 北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)驻喀布尔的官员说,他们没有掌握表明奥马尔已死的任何信息。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Babur was ambitious, and his dominion in Kabul was limited by the Afghans' insubordination. 巴布尔雄心勃勃,他在喀布尔的统治由于阿富汗人的抵抗而受到限制。 www.ecocn.org 2. Afghan boys play with a soccer ball against the backdrop of newly constructed residential apartments in Kabul Afghanistan June 21 2011. 阿富汗男孩玩一个足球反对在阿富汗喀布尔,2011年6月21日新建住宅的背景。 www.ysdmimi.com 3. Preliminary results are expected to be announced in Kabul on Saturday. 初选结果预计将于周六在喀布尔公布。 www.bing.com 4. The first, Mr. Ghani said, was his attempt to impose order on Kabul's chaotic system of private property rights. 第一次,甘尼先生说到,是他试图给喀布尔市混乱的财产所有权制度建立秩序。 www.bing.com 5. Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt contributed reporting from Washington, and Matthew Rosenberg from Kabul, Afghanistan. ThomShanker和EricSchmitt在华盛顿,MatthewRosenberg在阿富汗喀布尔对本文报道有贡献。 cn.nytimes.com 6. The book even making its way to the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan, with a likely audience of diplomats and journalists. 这本书甚至会销往阿富汗喀布尔,很可能是外交官或者记者制造了这个市场。 bbs.putclub.com 7. "In seven years, Karzai has given us no jobs, no factories and outside Kabul there is no security, " said Abdul Raouf, a Tajik carpenter. 一位塔吉克木匠阿卜杜勒?拉乌夫说:“七年来,卡尔扎伊没给我们工作,没给我们工厂,喀布尔以外也没给我们安全。” www.ecocn.org 8. In this picture, Afghan National Army officers march during a graduation ceremony at a military training centre in Kabul. 图中是喀布尔的一所军事训练中心的阿富汗国家军队军官在毕业典礼上进行队列表演。 www.ecocn.org 9. The two countries share a long and porous border and relations between Kabul and Islamabad have been strained in recent years. 这两个国家有着一条很长而且存在很多漏洞的边界。喀布尔和伊斯兰堡的关系最近几年一直比较紧张。 www.voa365.com 10. As almost his first campaign appearance in Kabul, ahead of presidential and provincial elections due on August 20th, this was underwhelming. 在8月20日阿富汗总统和省级选举来临之前,这是卡尔扎伊首次在喀布尔的竞选活动中露面,显得力度不够。 www.ecocn.org 1. Kabul has refused to free jailed Taliban militants, saying that would encourage more kidnappings. 阿政府拒绝释放塔利班囚犯,声称那会助长更多的绑架事件。 www.ourtra.com 2. If the elections simply ratify the status quoin Kabul, the disconnect between central and local governance will likely continue. 如果选举仅仅简单地证实了喀布尔的现状,那么中央与地方的分离管理极有可能延续下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Then, classified cables sent from Kabul by Ambassador Karl Eikenberry and opposing McChrystal's analysis appeared in the Washington Post. 接着,卡尔·艾肯伯里大使发自喀布尔的保密电报却出现在了《华盛顿邮报》上。 www.bing.com 4. He stands at the gate of Kabul University in a red sweater black jeans and tinted prescription glasses. 他站在喀布尔大学的门口,戴着有色的近视眼镜,穿着红色的毛衣、黑色的牛仔裤。 www.bing.com 5. Naderi's gold mine, in Baghlan province, is only 50 miles from Kabul as the crow flies. 那德里的金矿位于巴格兰省,离开首都喀布尔的直线距离仅仅50英里。 www.bing.com 6. U. S. military officials in Kabul say they believe the air strike hit its intended target, a group of militants. 在喀布尔的美国军方官员说,他们相信空袭击中了一夥激进分子,这是预定的目标。 www.ebigear.com 7. Pakistan's basic demand is that any future regime in Kabul must be Pakistan-friendly, by which it means not too close to India. 巴基斯坦最基本的要求就是,未来卡布尔政权应该是亲巴政权,也就意味着它与印度走得不要太近。 www.ecocn.org 8. President Karzai told religious leaders in Kabul that if Afghanistan wanted to pursue peace talks, its only dialogue partner was Pakistan. 卡尔扎伊总统告诉喀布尔的宗教领袖,如果阿富汗要寻求和平谈判,它唯一的对话对象就是巴基斯坦。 www.okread.net 9. What is more, Kabul's crack anti-terrorism unit is at last becoming a force to be reckoned with. 再有,喀布尔的精锐反恐怖联盟至少正在成为一支不可忽视的力量。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. Kabul's police chief owns a mansion, which, with its fountain and ornate Greek columns, reportedly rents for $11, 000 per month. Kabul的警察局长住的豪宅自带有喷泉和华丽的希腊石柱,据称每个月租金就要11000美元。 www.bing.com 1. Today he is a contractor for M. C. C. , building the Aynak mine's electric fence, blast wall, workers' dormitories and a road to Kabul. 现在他是MCC底下的一名承包商,负责建设艾纳克矿的周边电网和防爆墙、工人宿舍还有一条通往喀布尔的公路。 blog.hsw.cn 2. PROCESSION IN KABUL: Afghan Shi'ite Muslims flagellated themselves with chains during an Ashura procession in Kabul Thursday. 游行在喀布尔:阿富汗什叶派穆斯林鞭毛与在喀布尔期间阿舒拉节游行星期四链中。 08062788.blog.163.com 3. America's envoy in Kabul wrote to the president opposing a troop surge, until Mr Karzai can prove he has tackled corruption. 美国驻喀布尔(阿富汗首都)代表致信反对总统在Karzai证明他解决腐败问题之前增加军力。 club.topsage.com 4. Despite the Taliban's claims, it's been difficult to find independent confirmation of the number of civilian death in Kabul. 尽管塔利班声称死伤无数,但我们很难找到对于喀布尔平民死亡人数的独立确认。 www.360abc.cn 5. Clothing boutiques like these were a familiar feature in Kabul during my childhood. 在我的童年时期,像这样的时装店是喀布尔一个为人熟悉的特色。 dongxi.net 6. One consequence of the guesthouse attack in Kabul may be the withdrawal of some UN staff from dangerous areas. 联合国公寓楼喀布尔袭击事件的一个后果就是联合国从危险地区撤走一些工作人员。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Petraeus arrived in Kabul Friday to take a command( about) of the 140000 American and NATO troops in Afghanistan. 周五到达卡布尔将指挥美国和北约在阿富汗的十四万部队。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 8. Next, the provinces around Kabul should be cleared of the Taliban, so aid agencies can operate. 下一步,西方应将喀布尔周边省份的塔利班分子清剿干净,这样一来援助机构才能得以运作。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The latest victim was a 29-year-old pregnant woman who died in a Kabul hospital, the authorities said. 最近一位死者是名29岁的孕妇,官方说她死在喀布尔的一个医院里。 www.bing.com 10. Abdullah said at a press conference held In kabul: "As far as we know, Osama bIn Laden and his friend Omar are unfortunately still alive. " 阿布杜拉在喀布尔举行的记者会表示:「据我们了解,欧萨玛.宾拉登和他的朋友欧玛不幸还活着。」 dict.ebigear.com 1. Hundreds of diplomatic cables from the American embassy in Kabul say corruption exists in every level of government in Afghanistan. 来自美国驻喀布尔大使馆的数百份外交电报称,阿富汗各级政府都存在腐败问题。 www.tingclass.com 2. Kabul Bank was a bastion of the northern, Tajik establishment. 喀布尔银行是北方塔吉克居地的一个堡垒。 www.ecocn.org 3. If anything, the Taliban have become bolder, staging more ambitious attacks and extending the insurgency to the gates of Kabul. 若是取得“成果”的话,则是塔利班变得更为大胆,策划了更具野心的袭击,和扩大了叛乱活动的范围(到达喀布尔的门口)。 www.ecocn.org 4. But it is not hearts and minds in Kabul and Kandahar that most preoccupy the PM now, but hearts and minds much closer to home. 但如今在首相的心中,最值得全神贯注的地方显然不在喀什穆和坎大哈,而是在国内。 www.bing.com 5. Obama spoke of his recent visit to Kabul to ink a long term arrangement with Afghanistan. 奥巴马谈到他最近访问喀布尔签署了与阿富汗的长期协议。 www.bing.com 6. A donkey transports ballot boxes to villages unreachable by vehicles in Panjshir province, north of Kabul September , . 年月日,在阿富汗喀布尔四周的山路上拍摄的驮着票箱的驴子。 www.jdzj.com 7. He too fled three years later as waves of Islamist rebels, formerly armed by the US, hammered at the gates of Kabul. 然而三年后面对美式武器武装起来的伊斯兰圣战组织兵临喀布尔城下的局面时,他也只得无奈地弃之而去。 www.bing.com 8. An Afghan barber watches near the site where suicide bombers attacked the entrance to a guesthouse in Kabul on August 10, 2010. 一名阿富汗理发师手表在工地附近的自杀性爆炸袭击在2010年8月10日的入口在喀布尔宾馆。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. An elderly man is lit by the fading sun at the end of the day at a tea shop in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Sept. 一位上了年纪的人是在当天在喀布尔,阿富汗,星期二,2010年9月14日结束茶叶店褪色的阳光照亮。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. When the world's foreign ministers gather for a conference in Kabul in July, both main national-security posts may well be vacant. 当世界各国领导人7月齐聚在喀布尔召开的峰会时,两个主要的国家安全职位都将处于空缺状态。 www.ecocn.org 1. AT A taxi-rank on the southern edge of Kabul, drivers lounged against dusty car bonnets and held a grim conversation. 这里是喀布尔南端的一个的士站。尘土斑斑的发动机盖上,司机们休憩于此,彼此交谈着,对话有些凝重。 www.ecocn.org 2. He talked of the neighbouring states doing more to forge a "political and military partnership" with Kabul. 他谈到,邻国应采取更多行动,与喀布尔方面打造一种“政治及军事合作伙伴关系”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. While many welcome the news of bin Laden's death, some residents of Kabul and beyond are left with little to celebrate. 在很多人为本拉登之死而欢呼雀跃的时候,一些喀布尔及其他地区的人们却没有。 www.bing.com 4. Reports of the quake reached Kabul two days later, and details were still emerging Sunday. 两天后,地震的相关报导才传到喀布尔,到星期天更多相关细节仍在继续报导中。 sm2000.org 5. The Washington Post reported last week that the central bank had taken control of Kabul Bank, forcing its top two managers to resign. 据《华盛顿邮报》(WashingtonPost)上周报道,阿富汗央行已经接管喀布尔银行,迫使该行两名最高管理人员辞职。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Recently the two sides resolved another contentious issue when they signed a deal transferring Afghan detainees to Kabul's custody. 最近,美阿双方解决了另一个存在争议的问题,他们签署了一项协议,将把驻阿美军监狱的在押人员移交喀布尔当局接管。 www.bing.com 7. Demonstrations were also held near the Danish diplomatic offices in Kabul. 喀布尔丹麦外交使团驻地附近也发生了示威。 ept-cn.com 8. But at a news conference in Kabul, Hamidzada refused to directly blame Pakistan in the bombing targeting its historical rival India. 但是在喀布尔举行的一个新闻记者会上,哈米德扎达拒绝直接指责巴基斯坦针对其宿敌印度进行爆炸。 www.voanews.cn 9. As the mujahideen converged on Kabul in April 1992, Najibullah was forced to seek refuge in a U. N. compound. 1992年4月当圣战者们汇聚喀布尔城下的时候,纳吉布拉被迫去联合国驻地寻求庇护。 dongxi.net 10. Polished toenails might now peek out from burqas on Kabul streets, but the Afghan public continues to challenge any slight against Islam. 虽然如今伊斯兰长衫下也时常透出涂了指甲油的脚趾,但阿富汗公众仍难以容忍对伊斯兰教的轻慢。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It was a white Christmas for US troops in Afghanistan as more than 6 inches of snow fell near Kabul. 当超过6英寸厚的雪花在喀布尔附近飘落时,驻守在阿富汗的美军度过了一个白色的圣诞节。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Soldiers from the Nato-led force, Isaf, hold flags during a change of command ceremony at their headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan. 由北约领导的部队,国际安全援助部队,士兵在命令交接仪式上举旗,在其阿富汗喀布尔的总部。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. 23Afghan police visit a building that Taliban militants had taken over during a 20-hour raid in the heart of Kabul. 阿富汗警察查看曾经塔利班激进分子在喀布尔20小时袭击中占领过的大楼。 www.bing.com 4. But in 1979 he was in Kabul when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and this was a stroke of luck. 但1979年,苏联入侵阿富汗给他带来了好运。 www.ecocn.org 5. There have been no bombings in Kabul for months, and reconstruction teams are again active in the south. 数月以来,喀布尔不闻炸弹爆炸声,重建队重新活跃于南方。 www.ecocn.org 6. In Afghanistan the Taliban killed 12 people when they stormed the British Council compound in Kabul. 位于喀布尔的英国驻阿富汗大使馆遭塔利班袭击,致12人遇难。 www.ecocn.org 7. Afghans carry balloons to sell, as they walk toward the Sakhi Shrine for new year's ceremonies in Kabul on March 21. 阿富汗人进行气球卖,因为他们对萨基神社走在喀布尔新的一年的仪式3月21日。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. Other traders buy at Kabul shopping centers that specialize in customers from Northern Alliance territory. 其他的商人从坎布尔的购物中心购得货物,再专门卖给在北方联盟领地里的顾客。 www.ycwb.com 9. A suicide car bomb exploded outside the Indian Embassy in central Kabul on Monday, killing at least 28 people and injuring 141. 当天上午,印度驻阿富汗大使馆附近发生自杀式汽车炸弹袭击事件,已造成至少28人死亡,141人受伤。 www.thefirst.cn 10. When I visit Kabul today, it is only the fruit bazaars that still look the same. 如今当我再访阿富汗时,只有这类鲜果市场仍保留了旧日的模样。 dongxi.net 1. General McChrystal gets two PowerPoint briefings in Kabul per day, plus three more during the week. 麦克里斯托将军在喀布尔每天都要聆听两场PowerPoint简报会议,加上每周还有额外的三场。 dongxi.net 2. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has survived an assault by Taliban militants on a military parade in Kabul. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊在咯布尔的一次军事检阅仪式上遭到塔利班武装分子的袭击,他安全脱险,躲过一劫。 www.voanews.cn 3. With the end of the cold war and the fall of the communist government in Kabul, the country fell into civil war. 随着冷战的结束,喀布尔的共产主义政府倒台了,阿富汗内战爆发。 www.ecocn.org 4. Prime Minister Gilani's trip to Kabul included meetings with Hamid Karzai and Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak. 吉拉尼总理访问喀布尔的行程包括与卡尔扎伊总统和阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克的会谈。 www.voanews.cn 5. THE Mujahideen Day parade in Kabul, at the weekend, was supposed to show Afghanistan's new, Western-trained, armed forces coming of age. 本星期日在卡布尔进行的圣战胜利纪念日游行,本来的目标是展示阿富汗应时而生接受西方训练新建起来的武装部队的。 club.topsage.com 6. They were returning to Kabul after a trip to Nuristan province to provide medical care and supplies. 他们在努里斯坦省进行医疗援助后,正准备返回喀布尔。 www.51voa.com 7. Mohammad, who lost his leg in a blast in Kabul and his $1, 000 dollar opium crop to these police, still has six children to feed. 默罕默德在喀布尔的一次爆炸中失去了一条腿,他的价值1000美元的鸦片作物全交给了警察,但他还有六个孩子要养活。 club.topsage.com 8. The residents of Kabul again came under heavy bombardment in the early hours of morning. 喀布尔的居民们清早醒来时又经历了一次猛烈的轰炸。 word.hcbus.com 9. Afghans descend a mountain after watching the rising of holy mace in Sakhi Shrine on the occasion of Nowruz, a new year ceremony, in Kabul. 阿富汗人下降后上升萨基观看靖国神社的神圣权杖对诺鲁齐,新的一年仪式,在喀布尔之际山。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. An Afghan policewoman has shot dead a US military adviser inside Kabul police headquarters, Afghan officials say. 阿富汗官员称,一名阿富汗女警察在喀布尔警察总部射杀了一名美国军事顾问。 www.enread.com 1. President Karzai spoke at a joint news conference in Kabul with U. S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates. 卡尔扎伊是在与美国国防部部长盖茨在喀布尔的联合记者会上讲这番话的。 www.ebigear.com 2. Larijani met with Western parliamentary leaders in Geneva, while Muttaqi addressed an international conference on Afghanistan in Kabul. 拉里贾尼在日内瓦与西方国家议会领导人会晤,穆塔基则在喀布尔举行的阿富汗问题国际会议上发表讲话。 www.24en.com 3. Top al-Qaeda leaders, including Osama Bin Laden, preferred it to the country's political capital, Kabul. 基地组织的高层领袖,包括本拉登都把坎大哈当作了这个国家的政治首都。 www.bing.com 4. Children in Kabul fly "Peace kites" adorned with doves and olive branches on International Day of Peace day in Afghanistan. 阿富汗儿童于世界和平日那天,在首都喀布尔放装饰着有和平鸽及橄榄枝的风筝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Worse, the insurgents appear to be operating closer to Kabul. 更糟糕的是,暴徒似乎步步逼近喀布尔。 www.ecocn.org 6. General McChrystal's tiny headquarters in Kabul took on a very different feel. 麦克克里斯托少将的喀布尔小指挥所拥有非同一般的作用。 www.ecocn.org 7. all it needs is a small contingent to protect Kabul, and some special forces and bombers to deal with any returning al-Qaeda fighters. 它所需要的是一个小分队保护喀布尔,一些特种部队和轰炸机解决任何时候有可能回来的基地组织。 www.ecocn.org 8. "I have not taken this decision easily, " Mr Abdullah said in an emotional speech to supporters gathered in a large tent in Kabul. “我并非轻易作出这个决定,”阿卜杜拉向聚焦在喀布尔一个大帐篷中的支持者发表了情绪激动的演讲。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Many of the recovered items are on display in the traveling exhibition "Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures From the National Museum, Kabul. " 很多藏品得以修复,并在“阿富汗:喀布尔国家博物馆的宝藏”巡展中展出。 www.bing.com 10. NATO said in a statement that the crash occurred about 16 miles (30 kilometers) east of the Kabul International Airport. 北约在一封声明中说坠毁在喀布尔国际机场以东约16英里(30公里)发生。 www.aitrans.net 1. Despite the political changes, many women in Kabul remain too frightened to speak on camera. 尽管政治上风云变幻,但在喀布尔的许多妇女仍然害怕的不敢在镜头前说话。 www.kekenet.com 2. In Kabul one frond is known as Little Afghanistan because so many of the country's political and business elite have set up there. 在喀布尔有一种处被称为小阿富汗因为很多国家政要和金融精英都住在那。 www.ecocn.org 3. So, too, were record stores, bringing the rhythm and energy of the Western world to Kabul teenagers. 如同时装店样,当年的唱片商店也曾把西方世界的旋律和活力带给了喀布尔的青年。 dongxi.net 4. Coming upstream from India along the Cophen, the traveler's road forked some fifty kilometers east of modern Kabul. 今后上游从印度沿Cophen,旅客的道路分叉大约50公里的现代喀布尔。 uzmart.com 5. 26A soldier, part of the coalition forces, pauses during a gun battle with Taliban militants in a building in Kabul on Sept. 九月14日塔利班激进分子在喀布尔与阿富汗和北大西洋公约组织部队发生了枪战,阿富汗医学工作者在提取死去的塔利班激进分子的指纹。 www.bing.com 6. The previous May, riots had spread across Kabul after a US military truck with faulty brakes careered into traffic, killing one man. 在此事之前的五月,一辆美军军用卡车因为刹车失灵,而全速的冲进喀布尔的街道,杀死一个阿富汗人。之后阖城都骚乱起来。 www.bing.com 7. Yaseen's girls now attend school in Kabul, no longer restricted by the Taliban's authoritarian rule. 亚辛的女儿们现在在喀布尔上学,不再受到塔利班专制统治的限制。 www.24en.com 8. Afghan President Hamid Karzai addressed the shooting at a press conference in Kabul. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊在喀布尔的一个记者会上就这起枪杀事件发表讲话。 www.bing.com 9. U. S Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul on Sunday. 美国民主党总统候选人奥巴马星期日在喀布尔会晤了阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊。 www.ebigear.com 10. A doctor at Kabul's military hospital said that three soldiers had been killed. 喀布尔军事医院的一位医生说,已有三名士兵死亡。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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