单词 | hardened |
释义 |
例句释义: 坚固的,硬化的,淬火的,铁石,老练的,变硬的,有经验的 1. It had been set in hardened henna because doctors had run out of regular bandages. 伤处已用硬化了的指甲花包裹,因为医生早已用完了绷带。 pilgrim-yang.blog.sohu.com 2. Well, the ogre's wife was not a bad sort, though she had been hardened by having an ogre for a husband. 说起来那妖魔的妻子倒不算坏,只是跟了她妖魔丈夫以后心肠才变硬了。 3. At the Admiralty there was growing opinion that the Bismarck was steering for Brest, but it was not until six o'clock that this hardened. 海军部越来越相信“俾斯麦”号正驶往布雷斯特,但是直到六点钟,这个想法才肯定下来。 4. The dark branchlike areas may be the remains of channels that carried spring water and were filled with material that hardened. 暗色状如树枝,可能是河槽残迹,原来里面有泉水,后来填充其他物质,逐渐坚硬起来。 www.bing.com 5. The waters scoured off the soft, windblown soil near the surface and eventually reached bedrock, the hardened lava of the Columbia Plateau. 洪水冲洗掉地表附近松软的风化土,最终到达了岩床,哥伦比亚高原上坚硬的火山岩。 www.hotdic.com 6. And it's worth noting just how much that opposition has hardened over time, even as the plight of the unemployed has worsened. 并且,值得注意的是,随着时间的推移共和党的反对却变得越来越强硬,尽管失业者的处境已经达到恶化的程度。 www.bing.com 7. The temptation is to think that people are more hardened and cynical to this sort of media manipulation. 诱惑是认为现在的人对媒体操纵更加有经验也更加严苛。 www.bing.com 8. These hardened, best-practice WebSphere Application Server configurations are ready to be deployed to a private cloud. 这些经过增强的最佳WebSphereApplicationServer配置实践随时可以部署到私有云。 www.ibm.com 9. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. 在其中的一个洞穴里他发现了一个帆布袋子,里面有一堆已经变硬的泥球。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It hardened the German popular will to resist and shut the door to negotiation by an anti-Hitler faction. 它坚定了德国老百姓的抵抗决心,并关上了反希特勒派进行谈判的大门。 1. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 总要趁着还有今日,天天彼此相劝,免得你们中间,有人被罪迷惑,心里就刚硬了。 www.ebigear.com 2. Next, is a tire with a section cut out of it, showing hardened run-flat inserts underneath the rubber. 当然更引人注目的是它的强大的钢圈,它能在爆胎后仍然行驶。 www.bing.com 3. and then being repulsed continually hardened her, and she laughed if I told her to say she was sorry for her faults, and beg to be forgiven. 起初,她会为这些话哭,后来被拒绝慢慢的让她更加倔强。如果我让她为犯下的错误道歉,请求原谅,她则会大笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She went, with a heavy, hardened kind if sorrow upon her, into the house and into her mother's room. 怀着沉重、冷酷的愁思,她走进这座房子,到她母亲的住屋里来。 5. He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast. 他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。 www.bing.com 6. A sample slug, part, or section of a carbonized, or hardened steel used for testing to determine structure, hardness, case depth, etc. 金相组织样件:渗过碳的或硬化处理过的钢材切片或零件,用于检测组织结构,硬度,渗碳层深度等。 www.aotongchangsheng.com 7. To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。 www.kekenet.com 8. If you performed the procedures properly up to this point, you should have successfully hardened your Exchange front-end servers. 如果您已正确地执行到这一步,则应该已强化了Exchange前端服务器。 technet.microsoft.com 9. As you can probably guess, this means that the snow will, like the hardened ground that preceded it, reflect sound well. 你很可能猜到,这意味着雪将像坚硬的地面一样很好的反射声音。 bbs.putclub.com 10. It is broad enough to receive the most hardened sinner, if he truly repents, and yet so narrow that in it sin can find no place. 那路也够宽阔,虽然是最硬心的罪人,若诚心悔改,也能进去;但这路也很狭窄,毫无容留罪恶之余地。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The collapse is similar to what happens to hardened glass when it is smashed with a hammer, he said. 他认为,这次破裂类似于用锤子击打硬化玻璃的情形。 www.suiniyi.com 2. He suspected that no hardened criminals were in the cell and that the only smell that came from there was a faint odor of old urine. 他怀疑牢房里面没有犯人,从牢房那边传来隐约的尿骚味。 www.bing.com 3. But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go. 但耶和华使法老的心刚硬,不容以色列人去。 www.hao360.com 4. There was very little about him for any woman to love. . . a hardened professional soldier limited in education and outlook. 象他这样一个教育和眼光都有限的冷酷的职业军人一定没有什么值得一个女人去爱的。 5. Again, most of these cannot be considered battle-hardened and whether they would fight to the last is unclear. 同样的,一般不认为这支武装力量的主力能打硬仗,他们是否能把战斗坚持到底也不清楚。 www.bing.com 6. The residents of Jacksonville had become so hardened that it seemed to me as if they were walking around in coats of mail. 杰克逊维尔的居民的心肠已经变得很硬,我觉得他们像是穿着甲胄在来回走。 www.bing.com 7. But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory. 但他心高气傲,灵也刚愎,甚至行事狂傲,就被革去王位,夺去荣耀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Yet the war has hardened attitudes. Criticism of it is called treason. 虽然对待战争有着无情的态度,但对此的一切非难都会被称作是叛国。 www.ecocn.org 9. Where most people saw nothing but a hardened criminal, I saw a lonely and desperate man. 许多人只看见一个冷酷无情的罪犯,但我看到的却是一个孤独而绝望的男人。 www.joyen.net 10. Takfir wal-Hijra is the kind of organization that makes even some of the Sinai Peninsula's most hardened arms smugglers shudder. Takfir沃尔玛希吉拉样的组织,使得即使有些不寒而栗西奈半岛的最硬化的武器走私者。 www.englishtang.com 1. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today, " that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 总要趁著还有今日,天天彼此相劝,免得你们中间有人被罪迷惑,心里就刚硬了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. swift predatory fly having a strong body like a bee with the proboscis hardened for sucking juices of other insects captured on the wing. 敏捷的食肉苍蝇,有象蜜蜂一样强壮的身体,长鼻子硬化以吮吸被捕获的其它昆虫。 www.jukuu.com 3. The global economic downturn, which deepened after the Huiyuan bid was announced, might have hardened government opposition. 在汇源果汁的标的公布后,继续下滑的全球经济可能加强了政府反对的决心。 www.bing.com 4. Tight scale is usually a problem encountered in forgings hardened from direct-fired gas furnaces having high-pressure burners. 用高压炉头直燃煤气炉对锻件进行淬火时,通常会出现鳞片问题。 baike.china.alibaba.com 5. Plastic parts made of hardened PVC , PE or similar materials, and non- ferrous metal composites, are transferred to a separate utilisation . 硬化的PVC,PE或者类似的材料以及非铁金属复合材料中的塑料部分可以再利用。 www.bing.com 6. Also the hardened steel of the shaft pulling onto the mild steel of the frame is going to be a weak point. 而且轴滴硬化钢拉动框架滴软化钢将是一个薄弱环节。 www.9han.com 7. The third part, the quill, is a hardened steel tube, which can be moved longitudinally in and out of the intermediate part as required. 第三部分,套筒轴是一淬硬钢管,它能根据需要在尾架体中纵向进出移动。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The hardened or overlaid surfaces resist damage from the most severe surface during operation of the valve for years of predictable service. 硬化和镀层表面可以抵抗法门操作期间的大多数严酷的表面损坏,预计使用寿命长达多年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This design minimizes galling tendency with non-hardened stainless steel seats and is less likely to stick in the body seat. 这种结构将未硬化不锈钢阀座的磨损可能性降到最小程度,也降低了卡在阀体阀座上的可能性。 www.h6688.com 10. He hardened his heart. In this unjust world, the poor have to be hard hearted to retain their modicum of freedom. 他狠了心,在没有公道的世界里,穷人仗着狠心维持个人的自由,那很小很小的一点自由。 www.jukuu.com 1. In both, the hardened steel is quenched in a salt bath held at a selected lower temperature before being allowed to cool. 这两种工艺中,淬硬钢在其被允许冷却前先在一选定的较低温度盐浴淬火。 www.8875.org 2. The implication was that Bush had gone soft on him, or rather Bush had hardened against Cheney's advice. 这暗示着,布什已经软化了,或者说,布什强硬地反对切尼的建议了。 www.bing.com 3. The system can be transported in a ruggedized backpack or hardened case to withstand everyday portability. 该系统可以用一个坚固的背包或箱子携带。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. I specified youths who were hardened and determined, and ready to make sacrifices for their country. 我指明要结交能刻苦耐劳、意志坚定、随时准备为国捐躯的青年。 5. At least, until the snow hardened into ice, the whiteness turned to sludge and everyone started to moan again. 至少,在积雪硬化成冰,白雪转成污泥,人们开始抱怨之前是如此。 www.ecocn.org 6. It's made of a hardened acrylic on top of a softer polycarbonate "catcher's mitt" layer facing the wearer. 它的表面使用坚固的腈纶制成,内部面向穿戴者处衬以较为柔软的聚碳酸酯缓冲保护层。 www.bing.com 7. Even hardened speculators agree on this point . 即便铁杆投机者也同意这一点。 www.bing.com 8. Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重装军士是训练有素的精锐部队,手持巨盾和长矛,必要时可列圆阵接敌。 www.clanlong.com 9. Mary hardened her heart. It was no good being kind to Miss Jerome. 玛丽硬起了心肠,因为对杰罗姆小姐心软是没有好处的。 dict.bioon.com 10. Before a new programming technology can be considered for commercial use , it must be hardened by feedback from an active user community . 在考虑把一项新编程技术应用到商用之前,这项技术必须从活跃的用户社区的反馈中得到强化。 www.bing.com 1. Frankness and kindness like Amelia's were likely to touch even such a hardened little reprobate as Becky. 阿密莉亚的真诚和好意连蓓基这样一个铁石心肠的小无赖都感动了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He shakes his head with a hardened bewilderment. 利维困惑不已地摇了摇头。 www.bing.com 3. Tempering by grinding heat causes hardness change at the surface of the hardened steels . 磨削热导致回火引起淬硬钢磨削后表面硬度变化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But they did not hear, nor incline their ear: but hardened their neck, that they might not hear me, and might not receive instruction. 他们不但不侧耳倾听,反而硬著颈,不愿依从,不愿受教。 www.ccreadbible.org 5. To enable them to withstand the heavy loading of opening the valve, the cams are required to be hardened to a good depth during manufacture. 为保证它们能承受开启气门时的巨大载荷,凸轮在制造时必须达到相当的硬度和强度。 www.bjqxxx.org 6. Steel products. Determination of the total or conventional thickness of surface hardened thin layers. 钢铁产品.表面淬火薄层的整个厚度或常规厚度的测定 www.mapeng.net 7. actuator head with a hardened steel shaft in a bronze bearing is mated to a solid aluminum valve body. 驱动器与一个青铜轴承淬火钢轴头相配的是一个固态铝阀体。 www.gyzdhw.com 8. Its hardened, encapsulated electronics make it immune to contamination, heavy machine vibration, and accidental impact, decreasing downtime. 它的硬化,电子封装使其不受污染,重型机械振动,冲击和意外,减少停机时间。 www.gyzdhw.com 9. "You have hardened, " said the flower, bending down toward the stone at her roots. “你僵化了,”花朵弯着腰,望着自己脚边那块石头说。 home.xdf.cn 10. Does my outer shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart? 是否我的外壳看上去和以前一样,但内心已经变得坚毅了? www.chinamesc.com 1. Nearly all the students and the teachers were hardened fighters and between them they worked out tactical problems. 几乎所有的学员和教员都是久经沙场的人,他们共同研究作战的方法。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 2. The various HARDPOINT machine versions can be used for fine machining of hardened and unhardened rotationally symmetrical components. 借助HARDPOINT型机床的不同机型可以精密加工经淬火的和未经淬火的工件。 www.junker-group.com 3. The tree kingdom resins pooled and hardened into a soft stone known as amber. 树木王国的树脂汇集起来并硬化,成为所知为琥珀的软石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. For her own good, Lisa hardened her heart against Aunt Janet. 为了自己的利益,莉莎对珍妮特姨妈变得冷酷无情。 www.englishdata.cn 5. The final structure obtained from tempering a fully hardened steel is called tempered martensite. 回火完全淬硬钢得到的最终组织结构被称为回火马氏体。 www.mapeng.net 6. Tempering is possible because of the instability of the martensite, the principal constituent of hardened steel. 由于马氏体这一淬硬钢主要成分的不稳定性,使得回火成为可能。 www.mapeng.net 7. Canal engineer Canvass White solved one of the construction obstacles when he discovered how to create a cement that hardened underwater. 运河工程师CanvassWhite解决了一个施工难题,他发明了水下硬化水泥。 www.bing.com 8. The majority of these positions will contain a hardened concrete pad where the associated missile will be erected for launch. 这些发射阵地中的大多数都有一个坚固的水泥平台,导弹可以在上面起竖发射。 binsys.cn 9. Even the most hardened republican would find it difficult to say a bad word about her. 即使最顽固的共和主义者都很难说她一句坏话。 dongxi.net 10. Influenzas membrane capsule gradually hardened from an oily fluid into a hardened gel, without sudden changes. 流感病毒的膜囊没有突然变化,而是逐渐硬化,由油状液态硬化为凝胶。 yy.china-b.com 1. As his mother read it, her face hardened and became more expressionless. 母亲读信时,脸沉了下来,变得更加没有表情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The collapse is similar to what happens to hardened glass when it is smashed with a hammer, he explained. 沃恩还解释说,这种崩塌就类似于锤子砸碎硬化玻璃所发生的情况。 www.ecocn.org 3. A skin forming on the product should be removed. It is forbidden to use hardened product even if it is mixed with water. 如砂浆表面结皮应剔去不用,严禁将已干结的砂浆加水混合后使用; china.eb80.com 4. At about this time in what is now Yugoslavia, hardened copper tools were being developed, and the Stone Age came to an end. 大约在这一时期,在现在的南斯拉夫,硬铜工具正在发展,石器时代即将结束。 www.bing.com 5. The hardened Misrata fighters, who launched their assault on Sirte last week, are tightening the noose around the coastal city that Col. 经受磨炼的米苏拉塔部队上周对苏尔特发起攻击,现在他们正在收紧绞索。 www.qxeng.com 6. This suggests a tiered security model where the spoke nodes are the baseline and the hub is hardened, similar to a gateway. 这让人想起分层的安全模型,其中分支节点是基准,对中心加以硬化,类似于网关。 www.ibm.com 7. I had terrible reflections upon my mind for many months , as I have already observed, on the account of my wicked and hardened life past . 正如前面所说,一连几个月,我心里进行着可怕的思想斗争,反省着过去的无动于衷的罪恶生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. after grout is hardened, the adhesive tape and hardened grout trace on the surface of concrete is cleared. 待浆液硬化后,清理混凝土表面的胶带、硬化的浆液痕迹。 ip.com 9. Later the holes was filled with lime and mud, and the lime and mud hardened into a cast of the shell. 徐徐地谁人洞里添补了石灰或泥,石灰和泥逐渐变硬形成了外壳的模子。 www.0733zhaopin.com 10. for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened. 这是因为他们不明白那分饼的事,心里还是愚顽。 www.ebigear.com 1. For ammunition to break through, artillery shells need to be hardened by adding certain minerals to the steel. 为了让炮弹能够打穿,弹壳的钢里需要加入一定的矿物质来增加硬度。 www.bing.com 2. But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go. 但耶和华使法老的心刚硬,不肯容他们去。 www.hao360.com 3. A few hundred degrees separates this pool of fiery orange magma in Italy's Mount Etna from its hardened, gray crust. 埃特纳火山的火橙色岩浆池与周围硬化的灰壳温度相差数百度。 www.bing.com 4. Hardened encapsulated electronics make it especially resistant to heavy machine vibration and accidental impacts. 电子封装硬化使抵抗,特别是重型机械振动和意外的影响。 www.gyzdhw.com 5. The hardened concrete structure and near-two-foot-thick blast doors were designed to take the full brunt of a nuclear or chemical attack. 坚实而暴露的混凝土结构,近两英尺厚的防爆门,努尔斯顿足以抵挡来自外界的任何化学武器攻击甚至核爆炸。 dongxi.net 6. The heat treatment of ferronickel submerged arc furnace slag has little effect on reducing drying shrinkage of hardened cement paste. 返炉处理不影响镍铁合金矿热炉渣辅助胶凝材料减少水泥石体系干燥收缩的效应。 www.13191.com 7. In the face of hardened opposition the president may concentrate on minimising his electoral losses in November. 面对强硬的反对党,总统或许可以集中精力将11月份中期选举中的损失减小到最低程度。 www.ecocn.org 8. We both worked at the factory in town-I in the office, Willy on the dock. Even the hardened men who worked alongside Willy feared him. 我们都在城里的工厂工作——我在办公室,威利在码头上。同在一起工作的哪怕是最强硬的人都对威利心存畏惧。 www.rrting.com 9. If a person chose to go his own way, the more he listens to the word, the more his heart will be hardened. 如果决心选择他自己的道路的话,要做自己要做的事,就越听神的话,他的心也会越刚硬。 www.hcchome.org 10. She immediately thought of Julio, who once as unreachable as a hardened walnut, slowly cracked opened to reveal the eager child inside. 她立即想起了胡里奥,曾经外表看来那么不可接近,后来慢慢地敞开了一个孩子热切的内心世界。 www.ebigear.com 1. DataPower appliances wipe out any concern about the previous two points listed above, as they are hardened out of the box. DataPower设备消除了有关上面列出的前两点的任何顾虑,因为它们在出厂时就已经是加强了的。 www.ibm.com 2. The tip of the screw driver has been made of hardened steel which has been ground to provide a long life and a precise carburettor set-up. 尖端的螺丝刀已经取得了淬硬钢已地面提供一个长期的生活和一个确切的化油器的设立。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The hardened professional smuggler, is never troubled by such feelings, even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase. 而老练的职业走私犯,即使他的手提箱里藏了五百只金表,却从来没有被这种感觉所扰过。 www.tdict.com 4. Deep test pits have shown that the floors of the rings are made of hardened limestone. 幽深的探坑里显示了这些层层的石柱环是由冷冰冰的石灰石制成的。 www.bing.com 5. Insects evolved hardened eggs and with them a special appendage, an ovipositor, which some use to sink their eggs into the tissue of Earth. 昆虫不但进化出了硬化的卵,而且还在卵上附加了一个名叫产卵器(ovipositor)的特殊装置,某些昆虫利用这种装置将卵埋在隐蔽处。 www.bing.com 6. SOFT PRODUCT : Product that has not been properly hardened due to some problem in the heat treat process. 软件:由于热处理工序中发生问题而没有被淬火的产品。 www.chuangjiyuan.com 7. Hardened concrete consists of those three important components-aggregate, interfacial transition zone (ITZ) and cement paste. 硬化混凝土由集料、界面过渡区和水泥浆体三个部分组成。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Several hundred people died, even though the flow had hardened before it reached the main part of the city. 尽管演讲在抵达城市中心地带时之前已经硬化,但依然有数百人不幸丧生。 www.bing.com 9. The people were so hardened and their consciences were so corrupted that they did not even recognize how they had sinned against God. 那些百姓非常顽梗、良心丧尽,他们甚至不觉察得罪上帝到甚麽情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Exposed to the heat the rubber seals and gaskets inside the transmission become hardened causing leaks. 变速器内的橡胶油封、垫圈受热后会老化,产生泄漏。 www.cartech8.com 1. This experience, Mr. Wapshott argues, hardened Hayek "against those who advocated inflation as a cure for a broken economy. " 沃博少特先生认为,这样的经历让哈耶克坚决地“反对主张通货膨胀可以治愈毁坏的经济状况的人们”。 dongxi.net 2. Surface roughness of hardened zone of the ball head pin has been improved on by the use of inert gas . . . 在感应加热过程中采用惰性气体和改进的工装夹具改善了淬火区的表面粗糙度。 www.chemyq.com 3. The latter are usually hardened and cut or form a mating internal thread when screwed into the proper size hole. 当进入适当的大小洞之内扭紧,后者通常被变硬而且切割或者形成交配内在的线。 www.bjndr.com 4. and abrading the hardened restoration material such that the hardened restoration material and the substrate form a flat top surface. 以及研磨该硬化后的修复材料,以使得该硬化后的修复材料和基板形成平坦的顶表面。 ip.com 5. The system includes a vest containing an integrated radio and GPS system, a hardened laptop computer and advanced optronics. 该系统包括一个背心,配备一套无线电和GPS系统、一个坚固型笔记本电脑和先进的光电系统。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. The main drive is achieved by connecting a NO. 45 hardened and tempered steel shaft , a universal joint clutch and a right angle gear box. 主传动采用45#调质轴和万向节联轴器、直向齿轮箱相连接的传动方式。 product.ch.gongchang.com 7. The purpose of this topic is to explain how to run Exchange 2003 clusters in an environment that has already been hardened. 本主题旨在说明如何在已经过强化的环境中运行Exchange2003群集。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The pale eyes seemed to glare past her, the eyebrows frowned, the long jaw hardened. 那双灰白的眼睛仿佛看穿了她的身子,眉头皱着,长下巴发僵。 www.jukuu.com 9. Anne herself was become hardened to such affronts; but she felt the imprudence of the arrangement quite as keenly as Lady Russell. 安妮本人对这种蔑视已经无动于衷了,但她还是像拉塞尔夫人一样敏锐地感到,这样的安排有些轻率。 novel.tingroom.com 10. The hardened encapsulated electronics of the SL85 make it especially resistant to heavy machine vibration and accidental impacts. 该SL85硬化电子封装使其抵抗,特别是重型机械振动和意外的影响。 www.gyzdhw.com 1. Why pick an asset-management man over such a battle-hardened lieutenant? 为什么要放弃身经百战的左膀右臂而选择一位从事资产管理的人? www.bing.com 2. Space Micro provides radiation-hardened microelectronics and electronic systems principally for the satellite market. 空间微公司提供主要用于卫星市场的抗辐照微电子和电子系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Thus, these rolls require a higher surface hardness and must be hardened to a greater depth. 因此,辊子需要较高的表面硬度和较深的硬化层深度。 www.jxcad.com.cn 4. That religiosity later hardened into a fanatical hatred. 这种虔诚后来凝固成了一种强烈的仇恨。 www.bing.com 5. Rotary matched hardened metal punching tools for precisely sized holes can be retrofitted into most web processing machines. 扶轮社与坚硬的金属冲压模具的精确大小的洞可以改装到大多数网络处理设备等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Any of several hardened steel tools with cutting ridges for forming, smoothing, or reducing especially metallic surfaces. 锉刀一种带有为形成、磨平或缩少金属平面的切割边缘的坚硬铁具 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The doctor nodded, thoughtful, his fingers probing gently against the glands under my jaw. Charlie's face hardened. 医生点点头,思索着,他的手指温柔地让挫入我颚下的腺体。查理的脸绷紧了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 8. PEP-II pump shaft gear and a total of one species hardened using technology, will be a longer working life. II泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. But sometimes the inside is still fiery hot, and the lava continues to flow beneath the hardened crust, thus forming a tunnel. 但是,有时,熔岩内部仍然火热,熔岩继续在变硬了的地壳下面流动,于是,形成隧道。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire. 阻止敌人火力进攻、保护军事要塞和武器装备的硬化钢板。 www.hotdic.com 1. specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire. 阻止敌人火力进攻、保护军事要塞和武器装备的硬化钢板。 www.hotdic.com 2. They also failed to remove an excess of hardened glue from where the murals were previously detached. 他们同样也没除去先前在分离壁画处留下的多余的干硬胶水。 www.bing.com 3. Options include multiple speeds, radiation hardened, high temperature, flux shielding technology and stainless steel housings. 选项包括多个速度,抗辐射能力,高温,流量屏蔽技术和不锈钢外壳。 www.gyzdhw.com 4. Lancers are such soldiers; experienced and hardened warriors that have made war their profession. 这些经验丰富的坚强战士以战斗为生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. like the rod of Moses, makes the eternal waters gush forth from the rock of hardened souls. 像摩西的手杖那样,能够排山倒海,开凿坚固的岩石,流出永恒的泉水。 group.yeeyan.org 6. And repair at the intensity can be assured of gum hardened glass strength can reach more than 90% of the original glass. 而且修补处的强度可以保证,硬化后的胶质玻璃强度可达到原玻璃的90%以上。 www.xiami360.com 7. The drying shrinkage strain develops slowly, since it is a function of the migration of the water through the hardened concrete. 干燥缩水应变发生较慢,因为它是一个水透过硬化混凝土的迁移作用。 gatefanyi.com 8. Years later on another trip, I stepped off the plane in West Africa, a more hardened traveler. 几年以后,在我的另外一次旅行中,我已经变成了一个更加坚毅的旅行者。我在西非下了飞机。 www.elanso.com 9. On this basis, the contrast test of die lifetime was done, the reasonable die material and face-hardened technology were determined. 在此基础上,进行了模具寿命对比试验,确定了合理的模具选材和表面强化工艺。 www.chemyq.com 10. But the hardened earth's inability to soak up the rainfall quickly resulted in flash floods, limiting our choice of walks. 但硬化的土壤无法迅速吸收雨水,导致山洪暴发,限制了我们徒步的选择。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The hardened panzer troops were shocked at the poor morale of the survivors. 坚强的装甲部队被这些幸存者的低落的士气所震惊。 ltlt198018.blog.163.com 2. Low duty ratio should be chosen to ensure the least effect of EDM quenching on wheel which then to get the hardened layer. 为保证砂轮基体受电火花淬火影响最小,形成硬质层最薄,电火花精修形时需选用较小的占空比。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The rolling contact components are, as a rule, through-hardened by swiftly quenching the heated components in oil baths or salt baths. 在滚动接触组成部分,作为一项规则,通过硬的快速淬火油或盐温泉浴的加热元件。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Vita-Mix's new, patented longer XP blade is made of hardened stainless steel, increases blending speed and reduces blending time. 简历混合的新的专利不再XP的刀片是硬化不锈钢,增加混合速度,并降低共混时间。 www.taozei.cn 5. This process is extremely useful, therefore, in tool making, since hardened steel and carbides can be machined with easy. 电火花加工是非常有用的。因此,在制造工具时,可以让淬火钢和硬质合金加工更容易。 wenku.baidu.com 6. America sounds increasingly determined to push its exports, and its attitude to China has hardened. 美国决心推动本国出口,对中国态度也趋向强硬。 www.bing.com 7. More pathetic and clueless than anyone else, however, were -- and still are -- the hardened coconuts themselves. 然而,与其他人相比,更为悲惨和无能的是这些顽固派本人,以前如此,现在亦然。 dongxi.net 8. Future space missions and satellites will have high-temperature and radiation hardened requirements, company officials say. 该公司的官员表示,未来的太空任务和卫星将能在高温和辐射严重的环境下工作。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. These seven samurais respectively stand for integrity, honesty, sincere, smart, battle-hardened, wisdom, friendship and loyalty. 这七位武士分别代表了正直,诚实,真诚,精明,善战,睿智,友谊和忠诚。 www.en2cn.net 10. Due to their low carbon content, these steels cannot be hardened except by case hardening. 由于它含有较少的碳,这些钢不能被硬化,只能进行表面硬化。 www.mapeng.net 1. During the monthly visits to the leprosarium , Liao helps cut and file the patients' hardened nails with utmost gentleness and care. 每个月到麻风病院的访视,廖迎发都小心翼翼,温柔的为老人家修剪又厚又硬的指甲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Optional features including internal hard drives, hardened cryptographic modules, and additional compact flash bays. 可选特性包括内置硬盘驱动器、硬加密模块,以及更多的闪存架(flashbay)。 www.ibm.com 3. She shakes her head wearily, like a battle-hardened wedding veteran. 她像一个身经百战的婚礼老手一样疲倦地摇摇头。 www.bing.com 4. With all this sea-hardened equipment she is blogging and podcasting from a row boat in the middle of the Pacific, which is pretty cool. 所有这一海域的硬化设备,她是博客和播客从一排船在中太平洋,这是蛮不错的。 www.tech-domain.com 5. Pungent, because this was for removing ground-in dirt and oil from beneath hardened fingernails and from calloused hands. 刺鼻的,由于用这来清除掉那些附着在父亲那坚硬手上和指甲里的污垢油垢。 www.chinabaike.com 6. Delicate componentry that was clearly visible in the standard battle droid design is now protected by a hardened armored body-case. 在标准战斗机器人设计中暴露在外的脆弱部件现在被坚硬的躯体装甲保护起来。 www.starwarschina.com 7. Satellite cases are being hardened to prevent circuitry from being fried by microwaves or other electronic weaponry. 而卫星外壳正被硬化,以保护电路免受微波或其他电子武器的灼伤。 ecocn.org 8. Mr Brown presents himself as a battle-hardened veteran who has earned his spurs battling financial crisis and recession. 但布朗先生自称是身经百战的老兵,在对抗金融危机和经济衰退中颇受鼓舞。 www.ecocn.org 9. is the formation of a hardened layer, which transfers the crack initiation site from surface to subsurface of M2 steel mandrel roller. 是形成一个硬化层,其中转让裂纹萌生位置,从地表向地下的M2钢轴辊。 dzh.mop.com 10. CONCRETE. DETERMINATION OF THE DIMENSIONAL VARIATIONS BETWEEN TWO OPPOSITE FACES OF HARDENED CONCRETE TEST SPECIMENS. 混凝土.水硬性混凝土试样两个相对面之间尺寸变化的测定 www.mapeng.net 1. Door window should be made out of hardened glass in order to protect worker in case of leakage and broken valve. 观察门上需安装有钢化玻璃,保护操作者,防止被测地泄漏和破裂。 www.bf35.com 2. Do you know what caused his heart to be so hardened? 你知道是什么使他的心如此刚硬吗? www.2r2y.com 3. At 22, his eyes are hardened by the wisdom and wariness of one who has endured pain beyond his years. 22岁,目光坚毅,透出智慧和谨慎,这得来源于多年来不断忍受疼痛的折磨。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A river of molten lava flows through a channel in hardened lava after an eruption at Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. 板块构造图片美术馆。炽热的熔岩流穿越一个通道在硬化熔岩喷发之后在西西里岛埃特纳火山中,意大利。 xiuxianqu.com 5. Reaching the youth who have committed a crime before they become hardened criminal is an essential step in reserving the crime trend. 在犯罪的年轻人变成老练的罪犯以前接触他们是防止遏制趋势的关键一步。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. Good weldability, surface will not be hardened after welding which simplifies the following procedures. 焊接性佳,表层不会硬化,可使其后的过程简化。 www.jieju001.cn 7. "It hasn't been hardened into a rock yet, so it's easily eroded, especially by swift running water. " “浮岩还没有固化到岩石中去,所以易于被侵蚀,尤其易于受流水侵蚀。” www.bing.com 8. The results showed that the hardened layer by laser melting was composed of melted zone, phase transformation zone and heat affected zone. 结果表明:激光熔凝处理的硬化层由熔化区、相变硬化区和热影响区组成,组织为马氏体; www.tcsae.org 9. The cleric is clearly following the Hezbollah model, creating a populist political movement backed by a battle-hardened militia. 牧师很明显在遵循真主党的模式,并发起了以实战民兵为后盾的平民主义政治运动。 www.bing.com 10. Regret is an open wound, tender to the touch, while denial is like hardened, twisted scar tissue around a tender spot. 悔恨的伤创是开放性的,一碰就痛;否认的伤创则好比是某个痛点周围的痂疥,硬化扭曲。 www.360doc.com 1. LotusLive Engage is deployed in a hardened data center, which provides physical protection to systems and data. LotusLiveEngage部署在固定数据中心,可为系统和数据提供物理保护。 www.ibm.com 2. The profiles are manufactured by a special extrusion process then surface hardened and given a finishing treatment. 概况生产由一个特别然后挤压工艺和表面硬化整理给予治疗。 www.nskfbj.com 3. The raceways are induction or flame hardened as well as the highly loaded integrated teeth. 滚道是感应或硬化,以及高度集成的牙齿加载火焰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Hardened steel contains high carbon content which reacts with the diamond and thus causes serious wear of the diamond tool. 因为淬硬钢材含有高碳成分,从而与金刚石产生化学反应,这样便导致金刚石刀具的严重磨损。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Metallographic change is also researched. The hardened surface band depths as well as hardened surface band widths were obtained. 获得了金相组织的变化,获取了试验后的硬化层深度和宽度。 www.fabiao.net 6. In order to minimize these shrinkage cracks, concrete must be hardened by keeping it moist for at least 5 days. 为了尽量减少这些收缩裂缝,混凝土必须保持至少5天潮湿变硬。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Any defect on a piece of product which was caused during the green machining operation or prior to the time the product is hardened. 是指由于初加工造成或在产品热处理之前,产品存在的任何一种缺陷。 www.aotongchangsheng.com 8. But two months and thousands of air strikes later, war's messy reality has merely hardened views on both sides. 但是,经过两个月和数千次空中打击之后,混乱的战争现状只不过让双方的观点强硬起来。 www.ecocn.org 9. The game has you playing as a "hardened career criminal" looking for his next big score. 在这款游戏中,玩家将扮演“身经百战的职业罪犯”,并准备再干一票。 forum.tgbus.com 10. The fineness and content of coal gangue have also influence on the pore distribution and SEM figure of the hardened cement pastes . 热活化煤矸石的细度和掺量对水泥硬化浆体的孔结构分布和形貌也有较明显的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart ? 难道虽然我的“壳”没有变化,但里面的东西确是因为呆板的灵魂和坚硬的心而变得苦涩而强硬? zhidao.baidu.com 2. The specific gravity, absorption capacity and substitution amount of RCA do affect the property of hardened properties. 再生粗粒料比重、吸水率及取代量均会影响到硬固性质的发展; 3. The following table lists the recommended baseline startup settings for cluster nodes running in a hardened environment. 下表列出推荐的基线启动设置可供在强化后的环境中运行的群集节点使用。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Most nonferrous metals can be annealed, but never tempered, normalized, or case-hardened. 而大多数有色金属可以进行退火,但不能进行正火或者表面硬化。 www.bing.com 5. As the war progressed, attitudes on both sides hardened. 随着战争的进展,双方的态度都变得强硬了。 www.englishdata.cn 6. Guide Shafts: Hardened Steel, (stainless available), large diameters for increased load capability. 指南轴:淬火钢,(不锈钢可用),增加负载能力大的直径。 www.gyzdhw.com 7. Precipitation hardened alloy with good thermal conductivity and high hardness. Not suitable for case hardening or nitrating . 沉淀硬化合金具有良好的导热性和高硬度。不适合的情况硬化或硝化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In the next place, how did the hardened wretches that were there before me triumph over me. 再说,比我先进去的那些狠心的可怜虫看到我会多么得意呀! 9. Libyan armed ruling authorities Gaddafi in Sirte an abandoned house was found under a hardened underground fortress. 利比亚执政当局武装在苏尔特一处被卡扎菲遗弃的住宅下发现了一座经过强化的地下堡垒。 www.englishtang.com 10. Many analysts say the Mon soldiers are not sufficiently battle-hardened as they have not fought since the cease-fire 15 years ago. 许多分析人士说,孟邦战士作战经验不够丰富,因为他们自15年前停火以来一直未打过仗。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Some high chromium steels can be hardened by heat treatment and are used where resistance to wear, abrasion, and corrosion are required. 一些高铬钢能通过热处理硬化,可用于抗磨坏,抗磨损,抗腐蚀需求的地方。 www.mapeng.net 2. HEADSTOCK: All gears are made with chromium molydenum steel and are hardened & ground to its accuracy. 主轴箱:所有齿轮都用铬钢制造,并已加硬保证其准确性。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 3. This was a piece of German-hardened steel. 这是一片德国人加硬了的钢。 www.bing.com 4. With the working current increasing, the width and depth of remelt-solidified layer and hardened layer increase, hardness goes down. 工作电流增大,熔凝层和硬化层的深度、宽度增加,硬度值降低; rjggy.net 5. Bargain-hunting remained standard operating procedure for recession-hardened shoppers. 对于受到衰退磨练的购物者来说,在低价时购买仍是他们的标准做法。 c.wsj.com 6. Locking up the pickpocket only sets him up to learn worse tricks from hardened thugs. 把扒手关押起来只会使他从冷酷无情的恶棍学到更坏的窍门。 www.bing.com 7. and finally, connecting the hardened thermal insulation mortar with the hollow block to obtain the insulation block. 最后,该保温砂浆硬化后与空心砌块连成一体,制得保温砌块。 ip.com 8. Furion Stormrage: If you endless vigil has hardened you, my love, it must be part of your goddess' plan. 玛法里奥。怒风:如果无尽的不眠不休让你变得坚毅,亲爱的,那一定是女神的安排。 www.fachun.net 9. In February, two events in Vietnam further hardened opposition to the war. 到2月,越南发生了两起事件,进一步壮大了反战势力。 www.bing.com 10. It has wide application rage from common material treatment to process hardened steel. 可有一般为处理材料一直加工到淬火钢,适用范围广。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Opinions can be cultivated, sharpened and hardened, and most actions are based on this principle of like and dislike. 观点可以被培养、变得尖锐或者坚定,而多数行动基于这种喜欢和不喜欢的原则而产生。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 2. The blind box is generally of heavy construction and is hardened to reduce damage when jarring is required. 它通常为重结构,并经表面硬化处理以便在要求震击时减小损坏。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. 这种酸性物资将导致我们所摄取食品中所含的蛋白质变硬,因此会比拟难消化。 dict.kekenet.com 4. All committed transactions are guaranteed to be hardened to disk on the mirror. 保证所有已提交的事务均在镜像服务器的磁盘上受到保护。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Looking deeply into the animal-derived food on our plates, we see enormous suffering, abusive hands, and hardened hearts. 好好看看我们餐盘中的动物食品吧,我们看到的是巨大的痛苦、施虐的黑手以及铁石的心肠。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The residual compression stress and wear resistance of the hardened layer after wet grinding are improved. 湿磨硬化层表面的残余压应力及耐磨性有不同程度的提高,而硬化层及完全硬化区深度有所减小。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. But it is striking that even hardened warriors in the war against sleaze are so gloomy. 格外引人注目的是,就算是那些反腐战场上最坚强的战士也显得十分阴郁。 www.ecocn.org 8. But criminals will eventually return to society. Better they return well-adjusted rather than hardened and still addicted. 但是,罪犯最终将回归社会,他们最好能调整到位开始新生活,而非变得更加不可救药和仍旧沉迷毒品。 www.ecocn.org 9. Pivot Pins: Hardened alloy steel, reduced friction, low wear, increased service life, supported by polymer bushings. 枢轴销:硬化合金钢,减少摩擦,低磨损,提高使用寿命,由高分子衬套的支持。 www.testmart.cn 10. And the Lord hardened Pharao's heart, and he hearkened not unto them, as the Lord had spoken to Moses. 上主使法郎心硬,法郎仍不肯听梅瑟和亚郎的话,正如上主向梅瑟说过的。 www.ccreadbible.org 1. He returned to the dwindling New Republic territories, haggard, thin and hardened. 他回到了不断缩小的新共和国领土上,他形容憔悴但却无比坚毅。 www.starwarschina.com 2. Sepals conspicuously hardened at base, sometimes whole receptacle and calyx proximally becoming woody in fruit. 萼片显著使在基部,整个花托和花萼下部变得木质在果期的有时变硬。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Material selection generally hardened steel worm, worm commonly used wear-resistant copper alloy material. 一般蜗杆材料选用淬火钢,蜗轮材料一般采用耐磨铜合金。 www.cnapm.net 4. In frustration, she crafted a false computer identity and entered contests of strategy against battle-hardened veterans. 失意的她伪造了一个虚假的计算机身份,参加了只有身经百战的老兵才能参加的战略比赛。 www.starwarschina.com 5. The steel castings shall be supplied either normalized or hardened and tempered, de-pending on the type of cast. 依据铸钢类型,交货的铸钢必须规格化,硬化以及经过调质处理。 www.qiyeku.com 6. The once-ragtag rebels forces, hardened by war and flush with victory, are now far better equipped than their dwindling adversaries. 曾一度窘迫的反对派军队,在战斗中变强并为胜利所激励,现在拥有比他们败退中的对手好得多的武器装备。 www.ecocn.org 7. Over time, the stalemates hardened into "frozen conflicts. " 久而久之,双方的僵持状态硬化成「冻结冲突」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The metal was hammer - hardened having been heated to a definite temperature in the furnace. 这个金属在炉子里加热到一定的温度后就被锤炼。 www.fane.cn 9. CASE : The hardened, high carbon, outer surface of a piece of metal or steel. 表面高碳层:钢铁或金属的坚硬高碳表层。 www.chuangjiyuan.com 10. IRON AND STEEL. CASE HARDENED ALLOY STEELS FOR SOLID HIGHLY-STRESSED MECHANICAL PARTS. GRADES. SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS AND BARS. 冶金产品.高负载重型机械结构用渗碳合金钢.牌号.半成品和棒材 www.mapeng.net 1. Lock washers are generally made of hardened steel. 锁垫圈通常利用变硬的钢做成。 tieba.baidu.com 2. They each had two faces - one harmlessly American, the other hardened by a Cold War devotion to the Kremlin. 他们每个人都有两张面孔——一面是善意的美国人,另一面是由冷战造成的对克里姆林宫忠诚的冷酷无情。 www.bing.com 3. You must be sensitive to paint such things, and you need to be hardened to others' comments, yet you can't because you're an artist. 你必须敏感地捕捉画的主题,但你需要对他人的评论麻木,然而因为你是艺术家你无法做到。 www.bing.com 4. It formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock. 它也是在一个火山穹丘硬化和逐步侵蚀中,剥离出洋葱状岩石层形成的。 www.bing.com 5. For hardened steel, alloy steel, high speed steel, high carbon steel, etc. Also for thread and gear grinding and thin walled workpieces. 适用于淬火钢、合金钢、高速钢、高碳钢的磨削,也可用于螺纹、齿轮及薄壁零件的加工。 www.dgbaolong.com 6. The weapon was designed to engage and destroy enemy tanks, armoured vehicles, hardened bunkers and fortifications. 武器设计去交战和摧毁敌人的坦克、装甲车辆、加固掩体和防御工事。 www.globalmil.com 7. I was entered a complete thief, hardened to a pitch above all the reflections of conscience or modesty. 我成了一个正式的小偷了,心肠残酷到不顾一切廉耻同良心的程度。 8. Armed with knowledge from hardened mountain men like Jedediah Smith, millions of Americans keep heading ever westward. 像杰迪迪亚.史密斯那样,从富有经验的山地人那里学到知识,成千上万的美国人向西部进军。 www.bing.com 9. When Pharaoh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he sinned again: He and his officials hardened their hearts. 法老见雨和雹与雷止住,就越发犯罪,他和他的臣仆都硬着心。 www.ebigear.com 10. The influence of electrode on accelerating chloride ion permeation through hardened cement paste was studied. 本文研究了加速氯离子渗透过水泥石试验中铜电极和不锈钢对试验结果的影响; www.chemyq.com 1. The tapered plug is precision ground from hardened high alloy material or an overlaid stainless to assure a tight seal and easy operation. 锥形阀塞经过精密研磨,采用硬化高合金材料或一种镀层不锈钢,确保紧密密封和操作容易。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The range, and hardened, gradually becomes lively, motorcycle, tractor, big trucks from the road. 路宽了、平了、硬了,逐渐变得热闹起来,摩托车、拖拉机、大卡车不时从路上走过。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. However, the friction coefficient of laser hardened specimens is lower than that of medium frequency induction hardened ones. 中频感应淬火试样的摩擦系数略大于激光淬火试样的摩擦系数。 www.opticsjournal.net 4. Elevator links are surface hardened by special heat treatment and are tested strictly by non-destructive evaluation(NDE). 电梯的联系是表面硬化的特殊热处理和严格测试的非破坏性评估(无损检测)。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail. 角质层位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤 dict.ebigear.com 6. She disliked to listen to the girl next to her, who was rather hardened by experience. 她不喜欢听旁边那女工说话,那人可以说是个老油子了。 www.bing.com 7. We have addressed as invalid the speculation that these floating projectiles of hardened lava might break off and cause a tsunami. 我们指出过人类关于这些变硬的岩浆抛射物可能会崩塌并导致海啸的理论不正确。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They found Shatsky Rise is made up of layers of hardened lava, with individual lava flows up to 75 feet thick (23 meters). 他们发现沙莰基隆起是由很多层硬化的熔岩所组成,其中个别熔岩流的厚度竟达75英尺(23米)。 www.bing.com 9. Whatever you do, stay away from trans fats, the hardened oils that are abundant in crackers and snack foods. 无论你做什么,远离逆态脂肪(transfat),它是饼干和零食里富含的一种硬化油。 www.bing.com 10. High-alloy air-hardened steels are never normalized, since to do so would cause them to harden and defeat the primary purpose. 在空气中淬硬的高合金钢从来不需要正火,因为这样将使它们变硬,而使最基本的作用毫无意义。 www.mapeng.net 1. After addition of citric acid, the large pore fraction in hardened gypsum paste was increased and the pore size distribution was coarsened. 柠檬酸使石膏硬化体大孔增加,孔径分布粗化。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. nodes level or raised at supra-nodal ridge or sheath base, basal nodes often with ring of aerial roots or rarely with hardened root thorns. 节水平或在超级节的脊或鞘基部提高,气生根或很少具的基部的节通常具戒指使根刺变硬。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Currently, only critical military equipment is hardened e. g. , strategic command and control systems. 不过,现在只对关键军事设备,即战略指挥和控制系统中的电子设备实施了强化。 www.51ar.net 4. Now Mr Juppe's open contempt for Mr Westerwelle raises eyebrows among the most hardened Brussels hands. 如今,朱佩公开蔑视威斯特威勒,让最老练的欧盟官员也感到惊讶。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Unlike their inexperienced counterparts in Benghazi - who are prone to easily prompted retreats, Misurata's rebels are hardened fighters. 和班加西缺少经验、常常被迫撤退的友军不同,米苏拉塔的反抗军个个是久经沙场的战士。 www.bing.com 6. I let the silver nitrate react with pieces of brain hardened in potassium dichromate. 我让已被重铬酸钾硬化的一些脑组织细胞与硝酸银反应。 www.bing.com 7. Its steep slopes are composed of many layers of hardened lava left from previous eruptions. 它陡峭的斜坡是由以前火山喷发时形成的硬化了熔岩组成。 www.bing.com 8. The Johnson case hardened Holt's opposition to the death penalty and strengthened her resolve to win a new trial for Edward Lee Elmore. 约翰逊案坚定了霍尔特反对死刑的信心,并且增强了对爱德华·李·埃尔莫案重新获审的信心。 www.bing.com 9. The Bush administration has hardened its stands for China on the Taiwan issue and makes no effort to hide its intention to interfere. 布什政府就台湾问题强硬的表示是代表中国的利益并且其隐瞒干预的意图不会造成任何影响。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. This sensitivity is blunted, hardened, by the constant struggle of opposing desires. 这种敏感度被持续对立的欲望争斗给削弱、僵化了。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 1. The correlation between hardened neck artery and brain infarction has been discussed using color supersonic diagnostic set. 探讨用彩超探查颈动脉粥样硬化及其与脑梗塞的相关性。 www.chemyq.com 2. The updates only become hardened once the transaction manager initiates the two-phase commit process. 只有在事务管理器启动两阶段提交进程时,更新才会变得确定。 www.ibm.com 3. a child to a husband's whim. . . my soul hardened from lack of touch and lack of love. 相夫教子,我的灵魂会因为这个无触无爱的方式而变得僵硬。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Objects are built additively as a series of very thin layers of resin, extruded plastic or powder that are hardened [see illustrations ]. 模型的制作方式是将树脂、挤压塑胶或粉末硬化后做成一片片横截面,由横截面薄片组成整个模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. now that the infrastructure has been hardened , we must examine things that applications need to do to be secure. 既然基础设施已经加强,我们必须检查要使应用程序安全需要做的事情。 www.ichacha.net 6. In the experiments the microstructure, hardness and hardened layer, and several other areas were compared. 在实验方面从金相组织、硬度分布及硬化层、等几个方面进行了对比分析。 www.fabiao.net 7. When reports emerged that America was plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime, everything hardened. 而当有消息传出,美国正谋划推翻伊斯兰政权,伊朗当局加强了社会控制。 www.ecocn.org 8. Progressive metal stamping mould forging weld-repair after quench hardened steel mold materials etc. 用途焊补冲压模锻造模工具钢等淬火硬化后模具材料的修补。 china.eb80.com 9. Stems without persistent, pale brown, hardened, withered leaves at base. Pedicel glabrous. 茎没有宿存,淡褐色的,使变硬,使叶在基部枯萎。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. cold - hardened steel by welding from using quality , high - strength , large loading capacity. 采用优质钢材经冷作硬化焊接而成,强度高,装卸能力大。 www.ichacha.net |
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