单词 | jcp | ||||
释义 | jcp
例句释义: 全部 1. I hate to say this, but the JCP is close to dysfunctional when it comes to solving issues that span multiple expert groups. 我不得不说,当JCP在解决跨多个专家组的问题时就会失控。 www.infoq.com 2. The JCP process and structure can be a little confusing, so some background may be helpful. JCP进程与结构总是让人感到很困惑,因此这里有必要介绍一下JCP的背景知识。 www.infoq.com 3. An upcoming vote will determine whether the new proposed OpenJDK roadmap is accepted by the JCP executive committee. 即将到来的投票将决定新提议的OpenJDK路线图是否能被JCP执行委员会接受。 www.ibm.com 4. JCP (Java Community Process) is an open body to deliver specifications and reference implementations on various Java APIs. JCP(JavaCommunityProcess)是一个开放标准体,它为各种JavaAPI提供规范和参考实现。 www.ibm.com 5. Several of our retailers, including JCP, KSS, TGT, and COST have recently highlighted stronger sales trends in California. 我们的一些零售商,包括JCP,KSS,TGT,及COST最近在加州呈现较为强大更为突出的销售趋势。 www.elanso.com 6. Several panelists expressed concern about the JCP and the hope that it would continue, or perhaps become more robust, under Oracle. 一些与会者表达了对JCP的顾虑,并希望它能继续,或者在Oracle下能变为更加可靠。 www.ibm.com 7. Time will tell how the executive committee, and the community at large, respond to proposed JCP enhancements. 时间将会证明执行委员会,以及更广泛的社区,将会对JCP的改进建议反响如何。 www.ibm.com 8. Questions around how SCA-J services run could be, and maybe should be done as part of a JCP process. 围绕SCA-J服务是怎样运行的问题可能应该作为JCP过程的一部分完成。 www.infoq.com 9. Eclipse adds open source projects expertise which will help the JCP broaden its push towards greater collaboration and openness. Eclipse为JCP带来了开放源代码项目的专业经验,这将有利于推动JCP更加扩大其合作和公开。 www.infoq.com 10. We believe that the JCP is and remains a good organization for ushering the Java standards forward. 我们相信JCP是个优秀的组织,它可以引导Java标准向前不断发展。 www.infoq.com 1. This was, in fact, the very first JSR created under the Java Community Process when it was started in 1998. 事实上,在起始于1998年的JCP中,它是一个非常早期的JSR。 www.infoq.com 2. One thing the failure of JSR-69 taught us is that the market can be more important than what comes out of the JCP. JSR-69的失败有一个教训,就是市场要比JCP的结果更为重要。 www.infoq.com 3. After a year or so of using that specification, the JCP folks wanted to build a better version: JAX-RPC 2. 0. 该规范使用大约一年之后,JCP人员希望构建一个更好的版本:JAX-RPC2.0。 www.ibm.com 4. The JCP Project Management Office (PMO) will now need to choose a new candidate to replace concurrency expert Doug Lea. JCP项目管理办公室(PMO)现在需要新的候选者来替代并发领域专家DougLea。 www.infoq.com 5. But the JCP will pick up protest votes, and maybe more, if young Japanese follow Suzuki's example. 但日本共产党将获取抗议票,如果年轻的日本人都遵循铃木为榜样,那么得票也许更多,。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. There are still many steps ahead: SouJava needs to run the election and receive the approval of JCP members. 未来还有很多事情要做:SouJava需要进行选举并获得JCP成员的批准。 www.infoq.com 7. We agree with the need of continually improving the JCP, and will work on that together with the EC. 我们认为有必要不断改进JCP,同时也会与EC齐心协力共同协作。 www.infoq.com 8. It has been badly written, as most other JCP documents. 写的非常糟糕,就像大多数JCP文档一样。 www.infoq.com 9. This in turn has resulted in some bad feeling amongst JCP members as recent ballot comments demonstrate. 这一回合已经在JCP成员中间导致了一些不好的情绪,从最近的投票评论中可以看到这一点。 www.infoq.com 10. The JCP should keep these facts in mind for future iterations. JCP应该在以后的修改中注意这些事实。 www.ibm.com 1. This year's JCP election was hosted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the voting process took place from October 30 to November 12. 今年的JCP选举是由PricewaterhouseCoopers主持,投票过程从10月30日持续到11月12日。 www.infoq.com 2. Any existing member of the JCP can run in the open vote. 任何现有的JCP成员都可以进行开放投票。 www.infoq.com 3. This among them key is, JCP is controlled by who. 这其中的关键就是,JCP被谁所控制。 www.nwpu.net 4. As server vendors see the benefits of olap4j, then hopefully they will support us in proposing olap4j within the JCP. 服务器厂商看到olap4j的好处之后,希望他们会支持我们在JCP里提议olap4j。 www.infoq.com 5. But as a member of the JCP, I have a wider perspective on my future. I know we have possibility. 但是身为日本共产党员,我以一个更广的层面看待自己的未来。我知道我们有可能。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The JCP expert group has produced an early draft for version 2. 0. JCP专家组已经制定了2.0版的初步草案。 www.ibm.com 7. This is the first time an open source tooling vendor won a seat in the JCP executive committee. 这是首次开源工具开发商在JCP执行委员会中赢得席位。 www.infoq.com 8. The JSF 2. 0 expert group have released Draft 2 for JSF 2. 0 which is available for download from the JCP site. JSF2.0专家组已经发布了JSF2.0的第二个草案,该草案可从JCP站点上下载。 www.infoq.com 9. After some years chairing the JCP it also is good to step aside and let fresh viewpoints take the community forward 在主持JCP一些年以后,能够离开并让新鲜的观点引导社区继续往前是很好的事情。 www.infoq.com 10. But the goal is more interesting for another reason; it's being done outside of the JCP 然而这个目标却因另一个原因而变得更加有趣:它将在JCP外实现。 www.infoq.com 1. The Unique Financial Activity of the JCP 日本共产党独具特色的财政活动 service.ilib.cn |
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