单词 | decryption |
释义 | 例句释义: 解释编码的数据,解密,译码,解密模块 1. Note that decryption uses the corresponding private key of the public key used for encrypting the XML. 请注意,解密过程使用的是加密XML时使用的公钥所对应的私钥。 www.ibm.com 2. The CSP generates the public and private key pair used for the encryption and decryption of messages. CSP生成用于信息加密和解密的公钥和私钥对。 www.fan6.net 3. On decryption, each event is written to disk, unencrypted, and the plain text read back in to be displayed to the user. 在解密阶段,每个事件都被写到磁盘上,然后进行解密,最后读回纯文本并显示给用户。 www.ibm.com 4. The system can effectively prevent important data from leaking out through the network without manual encryption and decryption operations. 该系统能有效的防止网络内部的重要数据通过网络泄露出去,无需用户进行手动的加密解密操作。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn 5. The recipient's unique information is then used in a decryption operation performed against the encrypted message . 然后,使用收件人的唯一信息对加密邮件执行解密操作。 www.bing.com 6. This book reveals the Windows platform for a comprehensive encryption and decryption technology! 本书全面揭示Windows平台的加密与解密技术! www.pudn.com 7. Public key encryption is a technique that uses a pair of asymmetric keys for encryption and decryption. 公钥加密湜使苚弌对非对称菂密钥加密或解密菂技术。 jiaocheng.gdjob168.com 8. The public-key system uses a pair of mathematically related sequences, one each for encryption and decryption [1]. 公钥系统采用一对数学上相关的序列,一个用于加密,另一个用于解密。 www.ltesting.net 9. If the private key is encrypted with a password in the database, the decryption password must be specified. 如果在数据库中使用密码对私钥进行加密,则必须指定解密密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The result of simulation shows that the algorithm can give satisfactory result of encryption and decryption. 仿真结果表明,该算法具有很好的加密、解密结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD clause can be omitted if the password in the file is protected with a null password. 如果文件中的密码受空密码保护,则可省略DECRYPTIONBYPASSWORD子句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It was mainly introduced the design solution by the digital watermark technology solving keys security of dynamic encryption and decryption. 介绍一种结合数字水印技术解决动态加解密密钥安全性的设计方案。 www.dictall.com 3. Symmetric algorithms are very efficient and work with a single key for both encryption and decryption calculations. 对称算法非常有效,并且可以与用于加密和解密计算的单一密钥一起使用。 www.ibm.com 4. In public-key or two-key encryption, a key pair is used for encryption and decryption. 公钥加密是使用一对非对称的密钥加密或解密的技术。 www.dictall.com 5. It is capable of message digests, encryption and decryption of files, digital certificates, digital signatures, and random numbers. 它可以实现消息摘要、文件的加密和解密、数字证书、数字签名和随机数字。 www.ibm.com 6. Instead, the other key in the pair must be used for the decryption. 相反,这对密匙值的另外一个密匙必须用于解密。 www.ibm.com 7. A protector is a program that controls the encryption and decryption of rights-managed files of a specific file format. 保护程序是一种可以控制对特定文件格式的权限管理文件进行加密和解密的程序。 office.microsoft.com 8. Sets the key being used for Passport encryption and decryption. 设置用于Passport加密和解密的密钥。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This process of changing information into a code is encryption and the process of changing code back is decryption . 将信息更改为代码的这一过程称为加密,而将代码重新更改为信息的过程则称为解密。 www.bing.com 10. In the third section, I'll show how you can generate a cryptographic key used for encryption and decryption in Kerberos messaging. 在第三节中,我将展示如何生成一个用于在Kerveros通信中进行加密和解密的密钥。 www.ibm.com 1. The process of encryption or decryption is generally known as cryptography, and relies on mathematical algorithms. 加密过程或解密过程一般被称作密码术,且依赖于数学算法。 www.ibm.com 2. Keys are used for digitally signing documents and verifying signatures , and they help with the encryption and decryption processes . 密钥用于数字签署文档和验证签名,也用于加密和解密过程。 www.bing.com 3. The string manipulation functions in Listing 13 replace the lost formatting before the decryption command is called. 在调用解密命令之前,清单13中的字符串操作函数将替换丢失的格式。 www.ibm.com 4. This security policy performs digital signing and verification, encryption and decryption using asymmetric cryptography. 此安全策略使用非对称加密执行数字签名与验证、加密和解密。 www.ibm.com 5. Its encryption and decryption operations are in the system drive layer and the whole process is completely transparent. 加解密操作均在系统的驱动层实现,整个过程对用户完全透明的特点。 www.lunwenchina.net.cn 6. Such asymmetric transformations are very costly compared to encryption and decryption using a symmetric key . 此类非对称转换较比使用对称密钥进行加密和解密的方法,其开销更大。 www.bing.com 7. Encryption and decryption of a cookie are performed by the same Client Access server. Cookie的加密和解密由同一台客户端访问服务器执行。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Security -- authorization of the request, encryption and decryption as required, validation, etc. 安全性——请求的授权、加密和解密(在需要时)、确认等等 www.ibm.com 9. The performance of RSA decryption has direct relationship with the efficiency of modular exponentiation implementation. RSA算法的解密性能与大数模幂运算的实现效率有着直接的关系。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. Decryption: The decryption ability reveals all enemy movements within a sector. Orders are represented by red arrows. 解密:解密才干可揭露指定分区中友好部队的意向,并以红色箭头表示。 www.shwzx.com 1. You must specify the validation key, decryption key, and the type of encryption used for validation of data. 必须指定验证密钥、解密密钥以及用于数据验证的加密类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. GOST encryption standards the former Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union, a Chinese encryption and decryption of the source code. gost前苏联加密标准,前苏联的一中加密解密的源代码。 word.hcbus.com 3. Symmetric encryption and decryption is relatively fast, and is suitable for working with large amounts of data. 对称加密和解密速度相对较快,适于处理大量数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Concentration of this 3-year domestic encryption and decryption technology, a very worthy collection! 浓缩了这3年来国内加密与解密技术的发展,非常值得收藏! www.pudn.com 5. Step 5: The final step in the decryption process is to call either the decryptInPlace or decrypt method on the Decryptor object. 步骤5:解密过程的最后一个步骤是在Decryptor对象中调用decryptInPlace或者decrypt方法。 www.ibm.com 6. a nonlinear flow encryption algorithms, symmetric encryption, the encryption and decryption are with the same key completion. 一种非线性流式加密算法,对称加密,它的加密和解密都是用同一把密钥完成。 lwtbb.com 7. In order to perform the decryption, the receiver must be in possession of a special piece of data called the key. 为了进行解密,接收者必须有称为密钥的特殊数据。 net.sxtcm.com 8. At decryption time, the same authenticator must be passed to DecryptByKey. 解密时,必须将同一验证器传递给。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This paper introduces a number of encryption and decryption technologies on commonly used software. 介绍常用软件加密和软件破解的一些方法。 www.dictall.com 10. Access code availability is further controlled by selectively providing for updates of decryption access codes. 接着存取码可用性由选择地提供用于更新解密存取码控制。 www.gongye168.com 1. Then, improve the procedures of being secret, change and decryption, supplements and deletes of current legal procedures. 然后,完善国家秘密设定、变更和解除的程序,对现行法定程序予以补充和删减。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Gave three properties of decryption key in RSA system: infinite property, constructive property, same odd type property. 给出了RSA系统中脱密密钥的三个性质:无穷性,构造性,同奇。 www.dictall.com 3. Lists the functions that support encryption, decryption, digital signing, and the validation of digital signatures. 列出了支持加密、解密、数字签名和数字签名验证的函数。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The algorithm has good scrambling and diffusion effects, high encryption and decryption speed, and good anti-noise ability. 该算法具有良好的置乱和扩散效果,加密解密速度快,有良好的抗噪声能力。 www.joca.cn 5. Make sure the contents stay secure after decryption because encrypted messages normally tend to contain sensitive data. 请确保解密后内容的安全,因为在通常情况下,加密消息中会包含一些敏感数据。 www-128.ibm.com 6. NTRU speed of encryption and decryption was faster than RSA. It was fit for wireless sensor networks. 与RSA公钥算法相比,NTRU加解密速度更快,适合于无线传感器网络。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Support encryption, decryption, digital signing, and the validation of digital signatures. 支持加密、解密、数字签名和数字签名验证。 technet.microsoft.com 8. When ASP. NET encounters encrypted configuration data, it performs decryption transparently using the configured provider. 当ASP.NET遇到加密的配置数据时,会使用配置的提供程序透明地执行解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Decryption operation is performed on the encrypted message using the recipient's unique information to produce an unencrypted message. 使用收件人的唯一信息对加密邮件执行解密操作,以产生未加密的邮件。 technet.microsoft.com 10. This algorithm is for hashing only and does not provide any encryption or decryption. 此算法仅用于哈希算法,并且不提供任何加密或解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Before the message is forwarded to the receiver, Facade performs decryption, authorization and authentication on it. 在将消息转发给接收方之前,Facade在其上执行解密、授权和身份验证。 www.ibm.com 2. The two fundamental operations of cryptography are encryption and decryption. 加密的两个基本操作是加密和解密。 office.microsoft.com 3. When she wants to download some documents, Alice uses the TG to generate a token and a decryption key. 当她需要下载一些文档的时候,Alice会使用TG来生成一个令牌和一个解密的密钥。 www.infoq.com 4. and decryption algorithm is the inverse transformation of encryption algorithm. 解密算法是加密算法的逆变换。 ip.com 5. Object, this method looks for the decryption key that can be used to retrieve the plain text data. 对象,则此方法将查找可用于检索明文数据的解密密钥。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The following functions support encryption, decryption, digital signing, and the validation of digital signatures. 以下函数支持加密、解密、数字签名以及数字签名验证。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A protocol that supplies secure data communication through data encryption and decryption. 通过数据加密和解密来保证数据通信安全的一种协议。 technet.microsoft.com 8. I also discussed decryption, super encryption, and the application of XML encryption concepts in SOAP-based Web services. 我还讨论了解密、超级加密以及XML加密概念在基于SOAP的Web服务中的应用。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The offline policy controls backup and restore commands, and the encryption and decryption of database backup images. 离线策略控制备份和恢复命令,以及数据库备份映像的加密和解密。 www.ibm.com 10. Without the proper decryption, the content of the message would just be digital gibberish. 没有正确的解密系统,邮件内容不过是些乱码罢了。 www.bing.com 1. Encryption and decryption can either be performed on a string supplied to the function or on a file. 对提供给函数的字符串或文件,都可以执行加密和解密。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The decryption of the CRL's (Certificate Revocation List) signature failed. CRL(证书吊销列表)签名解密失败。 translations.launchpad.net 3. User billing is based on the purchase of the decryption access codes as indicated by the access code attributes encoded on the media. 用户计费是基于由介质上编码的存取码属性指示的解密存取码的购买。 www.gongye168.com 4. To resolve this condition, install the required decryption provider and key or manually decrypt the file. 若要解决此问题,请安装所需的解密提供程序和密钥或者手动解密文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Thus, the goal of efficient encryption and decryption are achieved simultaneously. 因此,我们可达到同时有效加密与解密的目标。 www.cetd.com.tw 6. Decryption Key [request] For decrypting incoming request message. DecryptionKey[request]用于解密传入的请求消息。 www.ibm.com 7. Element along with several other sub elements that you can use later during decryption. 元素和几个其他子元素,以便以后在解密过程中使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When the Report Server Web service requires encryption or decryption, it calls the Report Server Windows service to perform the operation. 如果报表服务器Web服务需要加密或解密,它将调用报表服务器Windows服务来执行该操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The process of video files includes video compression, encryption, decryption and decompression. 对视频文件的处理包括视频压缩、加密、解密和解压缩等。 www.fabiao.net 10. Only the intended recipient has the information to perform the decryption operation. 只有预期的收件人具有执行解密操作所需的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 1. While in decryption, scrambled data is turned back into the original text by using a cryptographic key. 解密时,通过使用加密密钥将经过编码的数据转换为原始文本。 office.microsoft.com 2. When the recipient opens an encrypted message, a decryption operation is performed on the encrypted message. 当收件人打开加密邮件时,会对加密邮件执行解密操作。 technet.microsoft.com 3. In fact, there are several ways to encrypt your data, and you could give the decryption key to people you trust. 事实上,这里有几个加强你信息保密性的方法,你可以把解密钥交给你信任的人。 www.elanso.com 4. And analysis and decryption technology, and accordingly made a series of anti-bound measures. 而且分析加解密技术,并据此提出了一系列反破解措施。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The process of encryption and decryption of messages provides for the confidentiality of e-mail messages. 邮件加密和解密过程提供了电子邮件的保密性。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Symmetric encryption requires the same key for Both encryption and decryption. 传统的对称加密要求加密与解密使用同样的密钥。 tr.bab.la 7. You do not have to specify a decryption password when the private key is encrypted by using the database master key. 如果使用数据库主密钥加密私钥,则不必指定解密密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The target server receives the request and passes the deserialized token to the application server for decryption. 目标服务器接收请求,并将反序列化后的令牌传递给应用服务器进行解密。 www.ibm.com 9. The simulation results show that it is 20 times faster than traditional BSS decryption, and its average SNR improves 3dB. 仿真结果表明,该方法比盲分离解密法速度快将近20倍,同时信噪比平均提高3dB。 www.13191.com 10. A mismatch in either the encryption key or key version number causes the decryption process to fail. 加密密匙或密匙版本号的不匹配会导致解密过程失败。 www.ibm.com 1. Select this check box if you will be using a separate server to handle Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption and decryption. 如果要使用单独服务器来处理安全套接字层(SSL)加密和解密,则请选中此复选框。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Rc4 in the process of encryption key will change. So using the same example of a type not rc4 to a string while encryption and decryption. rc4在加密过程中会改变key,因此用同一个rc4类实例不能对一个字符串同时加密和解密。 nulung.com 3. Decryption is the inverse of the encryption process. 解密是加密过程的逆过程。 www.ltesting.net 4. Is the pass phrase that will be used to generate the key for decryption . 将用于生成解密密钥的通行短语。 www.bing.com 5. Encryption and decryption is executed in a single method call. 加密和解密在单个方法调用中完成; www.infoq.com 6. Use the FORCE option only if the master key is irretrievable or if decryption fails. 请仅在主密钥无法恢复或解密失败时,才使用FORCE选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The same key is used for both encryption and decryption. 加密和解密使用相同的密钥。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Decryption is the reverse of this process. 解密是这一过程的逆过程。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Specifies that ASP. NET determines which decryption algorithm to use, based on configuration settings. 指定ASP.NET基于配置的默认设置来确定使用哪个解密算法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The private key system is also called the single key system, in which the encryption key is the same as the decryption key. 私钥体制又称单钥体制,其加密密钥和解密密钥相同; www.fabiao.net 1. Cannot find the certificate and private key to use for decryption. 找不到可用于解密的证书和私钥。 www.fan6.net 2. Cannot find the certificate and private key for decryption. 找不到解密的证书和私钥。 www.fan6.net 3. The efsmgr command is dedicated to the files encryption and decryption management inside EFS. efsmgr命令专门用于EFS内部的文件加密和解密管理。 www.ibm.com 4. Specifies that decryption should occur at the level of the included path. 指定应该在包含路径的级别进行解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. That will perform the encryption and decryption. 选项可标识将执行加密和解密的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. We know that procedures have encryption module, decryption modules for key generating modules, which constitute three modules DES algorithm. 我们可以知道,程序要有加密模块、解密模块、子密钥生成模块,这三个模块构成DES算法。 www.joys99.com 7. Resets the internal state of RijndaelManagedTransform so it can be used again to do a different encryption or decryption. 重置RijndaelManagedTransform的内部状态,这样就可将它再次用来进行其他加密或解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The size of the decryption key to retrieve. 要检索的解密密钥的大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Encryption and decryption is the inverse process. 解密过程是加密的逆过程。 nulung.com 10. It is the process of converting data into a form that is unintelligible without the secret decryption key. 它是把数据转换成一种不用秘密的解密钥匙就不能读出的形式的过程。 www.hotdic.com 1. If the message has been altered in transit, the decryption operation will fail. 如果邮件在传送过程中发生过改变,解密操作将失败。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Decryption, defusing bombs, car chase . . . it can avoid a disaster, all this is in your hands. 解密、排爆炸弹、汽车追逐…是否能够避免一场灾难,这一切掌握在你的手上。 www.fishjava.com 3. Object that contains an asymmetric key to use for decryption. 对象,包含用于解密的不对称密钥。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The feedback size determines the amount of data that is fed back to successive encryption or decryption operations. 反馈大小确定反馈到连续加密或解密操作的数据量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The data is then decoded at the receiving end(decryption). 数据然后在接收端解码(解密)。 www.ecally.com 6. In the paper, cipher algorithm is not only used to implement encryption and decryption but also used to source authentication. 密码算法在本文中不仅被用作实现加密解密,而且被用于实现身份的认证。 www.fabiao.net 7. A Cipher class object is created and initiated in the decryption mode. 这样就用解密方式创建并初始化了Cipher类对象。 www.ibm.com 8. Retrieves the decryption key from the specified. 对象中检索解密密钥。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Note that there are several ways in which the decryption can "fail" 注意解密“失败”的几种情形 bbs.edu999.com 10. Object that contains the decryption key to retrieve. 包含要检索的解密密钥的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Decryption is simply the reverse of encryption. 解密只是与加密相反。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Method now generates a decryption key from the key and the algorithm names. 方法现在根据密钥和算法名称生成解密密钥。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Decryption support for many protocols. 支持多种协议的解密 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The study and application of asymmetric encryption systems, which use one key for encryption and another for decryption. 使用一个加密密钥和一个解密密钥的不对称加密系统的研究和应用。 kajaa.bbs.us 5. It is based on double queues which allow the encryption and decryption of AES_CBC cipher to work on the same high speed. 在解密中采用了双队列技术,实现了报文解密和子密钥展开协调工作,提高了解密速度。 www.fabiao.net 6. You can also use AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT functions for encryption and decryption of column data. 还可以使用AES_ENCRYPT和AES_DECRYPT函数对列数据进行加密和解密。 www.ibm.com 7. Step 4: Create the Decryptor object with decryption key and the location of the encrypted data that is to be decrypted. 步骤4:用解密密钥和需要解密的加密数据所在的位置创建Decryptor对象。 www.ibm.com 8. The file decryption attempt failed. 文件解密失败。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 9. We will then give you more detailed decryption of what we need done AFTER introduction, and if need be you can re-adjust your bid. 然后,我们将给予你更详细的东西,我们需要引进后进行解密,如果需要的话,你可以重新调整您的出价。 www.bing.com 10. Decryptor is the main object in the decryption process. Decryptor是解密过程中的主要对象。 www.ibm.com 1. Public key cryptography represents a major innovation because it fundamentally alters the process of encryption and decryption. 公钥加密是重大的创新,因为它从根本上改变了加密和解密的过程。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Public key cryptography, on the other hand, uses a pair of keys: one for encryption and one for decryption. 公开密钥加密使用一对密钥:一个用于加密,一个用于解密。 www.ibm.com 3. In symmetric cryptography systems, a single key that is used for both encryption and decryption. 在对称密码术系统中同时用于加密和解密的单个密钥。 www-128.ibm.com 4. This is the trail that needs to be followed for decryption. 这是解密所需遵循的轨迹。 www.ibm.com 5. The underlying provider will take care of all necessary password hashing or decryption. 底层的提供者会处理好必要的密码散列或解密。 www.cnblogs.com 6. The study and application of Ciphers that use a single secret key for both encryption and decryption operations. 使用单个密钥执行加密和解密操作的密码算法研究和应用。 kajaa.bbs.us 7. The document is decrypted using the decryption key. 解密密钥会被用来对文档进行解密。 www.infoq.com 8. The secret key is used both for encryption and for decryption. 机密密钥既用于加密,也用于解密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The following steps explain the process of decryption. 下面的步骤解释了解密的过程。 www.ibm.com 10. Handlers can manage encryption and decryption, logging and auditing, and so on. 处理程序可以处理加密和解密、日志记录和审计等。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Decryptor understands XPath expressions in order to identify the XML element for decryption. 为了识别需要解密的XML元素,Decryptor要能理解XPath表达式。 www.ibm.com 2. Decryption is a privileged operation because it uses the private key. 解密是一项特权操作,因为它使用私钥。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. pclion -Binary mode based on division 2 of the easy encryption and decryption algorithm flow. 基于二进制模2除法的简单流加解密算法。 www.pudn.com 4. Meanwhile, in order to improve the computation speed of the server, the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) is used in RSA decryption algorithm. 同时为进一步提高服务器的运算速度,在服务器端利用中国剩余定理(CRT)对RSA解密算法中的模指数进行降幂处理。 www.fabiao.net 5. The EnvelopedCms message contains the recipients'identifying information that is necessary for the decryption. EnvelopedCms邮件包含解密所需的收件人标识信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. A single key that is used with symmetric encryption algorithms for both encryption and decryption. 在对称加密算法中用于加密及解密的单个密钥。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Sets the decryption password that is used when you load a package with password encryption. 设置加载使用密码加密的包时所用的解密密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Housing decryption Shu room: a place to grow it, projecting a sense of security inside the building painting: a higher IQ; 解密房树人房:人们成长的场所,投射内心的安全感画楼房:智商较高; wenwen.soso.com 9. Design and Implementation of a Simple Algorithm of Chinese Character Encryption and Decryption 一种简易汉字加密与解密算法的设计与实现 service.ilib.cn 10. Research on Applications of Large Integer Decomposition Encryption-decryption Algorithm in Computer Network Communications 计算机网络数据通信大整数分解加密算法应用研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Discussion about the Word Document's Encryption and Decryption 浅谈Word文档的加密与解密 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Research on Large Integer Decomposition Encryption-decryption Algorithm in Computer Network Communications 面向连接的计算机网络安全通信及加密算法研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Application of Encryption and Decryption Technology to Data Transmission for New Generation Meteorological Satellite of China 加解密技术在我国新一代气象卫星数据传输中的应用 www.ilib.com.cn 4. Identity-Based Threshold Decryption Schemes Secure against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks in the Standard Model 标准模型下的抗选择密文攻击基于身份门限解密方案 service.ilib.cn 5. Evidence of the decryption can be obtained by the following commands 解密的证据包含在下面的命令 wiki.equn.com 6. The Best Way to Decryption Is to Understand 解密的最好办法就是了解 www.ilib.cn 7. Message encryption and decryption operations on an e-mail message 对电子邮件执行邮件加密和解密操作 technet.microsoft.com 8. Study on implementation of integrating the decryption and fingerprinting embedding for DRM 一种用于DRM的指纹嵌入和解密集成的实现方法研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The arithmetic of encryption and decryption within the easy language 易语言编写的可逆加密算法 service.ilib.cn 10. With regards to performance loss due to the on-demand decryption, Dmitry stated 关于即需解密而导致的性能损失,Dmitry说到 www.infoq.com 1. Implementing Data Encryption and Decryption Methods for. Net Framework 下数据加解密方法的实现 service.ilib.cn 2. A Threshold ECC Based Decryption Scheme and its Application 一个基于门限ECC的解密方案及其应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of TEA En-decryption Algorithm in Embedded System Communication TEA加解密算法在嵌入式系统通信中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Realization of Digital TV Conditional Access System of Encryption and Decryption Algorithm 数字电视条件接收系统加解密算法的实现 www.ilib.cn 5. AES and Implementation of Encryption and Decryption Algorithm 高级加密标准及加解密算法实现研究 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Property is used for encryption and decryption, such as in Windows Forms authentication, and for view state when the 属性用于加密和解密,如在WindowsForms身份验证及 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Data Encryption and Decryption of Synergetic Cognitive Model 协同认知模型数据加密和解密方法 www.ilib.cn 8. DES Data Encryption and Decryption Technology in Computer Network 计算机网络中DES数据加密和解密技术 www.ilib.cn 9. Distributed Decryption of Word-Oriented Stream Ciphers 基于字的流密码的分布式解密 www.ilib.cn 10. Symmetric Decryption with Automatic Key Handling 含自动密钥处理的对称解密 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Public-key cryptosystem based on problems of number theory has highly confidential, but encryption, decryption more slowly; 基于数论难题的公钥密码系统保密性较强,但加、解密速度比较慢; www.boshuo.net 2. Realization of Dynamic Encryption-Decryption for Data Files 数据文件动态加解密的实现 ilib.com.cn 3. A New Chosen Ciphertext Secure ID-Based Threshold Decryption Scheme from Pairing 一种新的基于身份选择密文安全的门限解密方案 www.ilib.cn 4. New safe description about encryption and decryption 加密解密过程的一种新的安全描述 service.ilib.cn 5. Embedded RSA processor for encryption and decryption 嵌入式RSA加解密处理器 www.ilib.cn 6. Encryption and Decryption for Text Files Using Chaotic Systems 用混沌系统实现文本文件的加解密 www.ilib.cn 7. Software encryption and just-in-time decryption for software protection 基于加密和即时解密的软件保护 service.ilib.cn 8. New Color Image Encryption and Decryption Algorithm 一种新的彩色图像加密和解密算法 wenku.baidu.com 9. For all three encryption methods described, the method for decryption is 对于所述的所有三种方法,解密的方法都是 www-128.ibm.com 10. Generating Keys for Encryption and Decryption 生成加密和解密的密钥 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Choosing field-level granularity encryption because of relatively flexible for encryption and decryption; 加密粒度选择字段级,能够相对灵活的进行加解密; www.fabiao.net 2. Analysis of PLD Online Decryption Technology 在线式PLD器件解析技术研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Methods of Matrix Encryption and Decryption 矩阵加密与解密的一些方法 ilib.cn 4. A Combining Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Neural Networks Cross-and-Variation and FFT 基于神经网络-交叉变异-FFT的组合加解密方法 service.ilib.cn 5. Fast realization of encrypt ion and decryption based on two-dimensional heat flow cryptosystems 基于二维热流密码体制的图像加、解密快速实现 www.ilib.cn 6. Using VB to Realize Encryption and Decryption of Text Files 用VB实现文本文件加密解密的方法 service.ilib.cn 7. Encryption and Decryption of Data in Visual Foxpro 中数据的加密和解密 www.ilib.cn 8. Encryption and Decryption of File Header 对文件头的加密与解密 www.ilib.cn 9. An Image Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Chaos Sequence 基于混沌序列的图像加密解密算法 ilib.cn 10. A Method for the Development of Network Information Encryption and Decryption System 一种网络传输信息加密解密系统研制的方法 service.ilib.cn 1. Method for the Development of Network Information Encryption and Decryption System Based on Java 基于Java的网络传输信息加密解密系统的研制 service.ilib.cn 2. If automatic decryption by the service master key fails, SQL Server uses the 如果无法通过服务主密钥自动进行解密,则SQLServer将使用 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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