单词 | host city | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | host city
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 主办城市,举办城市,东道主城市 1. Beijing was voted as the host city of the Olympics in 2008. What do you think of it as a senior official. 北京已被选定为2008年奥运会的举办城市。你一位的高级官员,请问你有何看法? www.ttxyy.com 2. The giant bears were transferred to the host city of the 2010 World Expo in January, and are set to remain there for a year-long display. 大熊猫们在今年一月的时候被送到这座2010年世界博览会的主办城市,将在这里做1年的展览。 gb.cri.cn 3. Therefore I would like to ask your opinion about deciding the Hsinchu City in Chinese Taipei to be a host city for this meeting. 有关决定将中华台北新竹市作为此次会议所在地一事,我想咨询您的意见。 bbs.hf365.com 4. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city. 这届奥运会后,历届奥运会开幕式上由上届举办城市转交此旗,由举办城市保存,比赛期间主运动场仅悬挂代用品。 club.show.sina.com.cn 5. But the flag raised at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is only a substitute. The host city treasures it after it receives the flag. 但在奥运会开幕式上升起的那面旗只是一面代用品,主办城市接旗后都把它珍藏起来了。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. The party will mark the moment when London becomes the next Summer Olympic Host City. 庆祝会将记录下伦敦成为下届夏季奥运会主办城市的一刻。 exam.tigtag.com 7. In today's soundbite-driven era, that would require it take the host city to a new level in terms of generating buzz. 在如今这个声感为尚的时代,这需要主办城市在控制噪音方面达到一个新水准。 www.bing.com 8. The host city, San Diego, has long been a favorite venue for the Symposium and Congress. 主办城市,圣地亚哥,长期以来一直是研讨会和国会最喜欢的场地。 www.med365.com.cn 9. Heat is still coming off the Athens Olympics, but already eyes are turning to Beijing , the host city of the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games. 雅典奥运会余热未消,但人们的目光已经投向了北京——即将来临的2008年奥运会的举办城市。 www.2r2y.com 10. The torch is lit by the sun in Greece and then passed from runner to runner in a relay to the host city. 奥运火炬在希腊由太阳光点燃,然后由火炬手分程传递到举办城市。 mysearch.100e.com 1. At the Closing Ceremonies, the mayor of the current Olympic host city presents the flag to the mayor of the next host city. 在闭幕典礼上,当次奥运主办城市的市长会把会旗呈现给下个主办城市的市长。 www.engworld.org 2. However, two small host city for the sky, is actually everyone pursuit of an ideal process. 然而,两位小主人翁追寻天空之城的历程,其实就是每个人追寻理想过程的写照。 sns.sparke.cn 3. For a host city, in the fourth stage of the work provided by the number of special significance. 对一个主办城市而言,在第四阶段所提供的工作数量具有特别的意义。 www.xx178.com 4. stands for the name of the host city and represents a particularly significant Chinese style. 象征主办城市北京和重要的中国特色。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Poor air quality and other environmental problems raised questions about Beijing's suitability as a host city from the time of selection. 从北京被选为2008年奥运会举办城市以来,空气质量差和其他环境问题引起了人们对北京是否适合举办奥运会的疑问。 www.america.gov 6. The mayor of the host city of the Games passes the Olympic flag to the mayor of the next city hosting of the Games. 奥林匹克会旗由奥运会主办城市的市长递交给下一届奥运会主办城市的市长。 en.eol.cn 7. The official flag of the Olympics has arrived in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the host city of the next Games. 奥运会官方旗帜已抵达巴西城市里约热内卢,下届奥运会的举办城市。 www.enread.com 8. In the last stage of termination, sport mega-event can improve the loyalty degree of the host city brand by the effect of word of mouth. 在赛事收尾阶段可以通过口碑效应提高城市品牌的忠诚度。 lib.cqvip.com 9. The National Games was celebrated in Jinan of Shandong Province, the main slogan of the host city is "One harmonious China. " 这一次全运会在山东济南举行,其主办城市的主题口号是“一个和谐的中国”。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. We've decided to run for the host city of the sports. 我们已经决定竞选运动会的主办城市。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 1. Host city efforts have been variable, with a general over-reliance on tree planting. 主办城市的努力一直在变动,而且过于依赖植树。 www.bing.com 2. Now, what an exciting to say that our capital Beijing has been named host city for the 2008 Olympic Games. 现在,我们会多么激动地说我们的首都北京已经赢得了2008奥运会的主办权。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Today, true to Olympic tradition, the host city is dealing with a nasty financial hangover. 而如今,和历届奥运会一样,主办城市正陷入恼人的秋后算账之中。 www.ecocn.org 4. Maybe you have known the good news, but I still want to tell you that Beijing has been the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games. 也许你已经知道了,但是我还是要告诉你北京已经成为2008年的奥运会主办城市了。 www.englishtang.com 5. host city of the Religious Affairs Bureau, other tasks assigned by the district government. 承办市宗教事务局,区政府交办的其他工作。 www.xiami360.com 6. In selecting a host city, the IOC, acting like a papal conclave, takes a series of votes until a candidate receives a majority. 类似选举教皇的秘密会议,国际奥委会会进行一系列的投票直到一方获得绝对多数以选出举办城市。 www.bing.com 7. However, as the host city of Canton Fair, Guangzhou meetings and exhibition industry still hasn't got its own way. 然而,作为广交会的举办地,广州会展业却还没有走出一条较好的发展之道。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The host city will take this opportunity, in the tertiary industry, municipal building to a new level. 举办城市将以此为契机,在第三产业、市政建设方面再上一个新台阶。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. London is hardly the first host city to struggle with its Olympic legacy. 伦敦并不是第一个为奥运遗产作思想斗争的主办城市。 www.bing.com 10. Guangzhou, host city of the upcoming Asian Games, opened China's first driverless subway line Monday. 国内首条全自动无人驾驶地铁8日在亚运举办城市广州开始运营。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Beijing Capital International Airport, which serves the host city, on Wednesday announced a drop in first half profits. 服务于主办城市的北京首都国际机场(BeijingCapitalInternationalAirport)周三宣布,今年上半年利润有所下降。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The above comments are my heartfelt thoughts as a resident of the host city. 以上是我作为世博会举办城市一个市民的心声。 www.3us.com 3. The Games also constitute a major opportunity for the host city and country to promote and showcase themselves to the world. 奥运会也构成了主办城市和国家的重大契机,推动和展示自己的世界。 webs.nbptweb.net 4. The members of the International Olympic Committee decided that the host city for the 2016 summer games will be Rio de Janeiro. 因为,国际奥委会成员已经决定,2016年夏季奥运会的主办城市将是里约热内卢。 www.bing.com 5. As the host city of the international climate talks, Copenhagen set up an eco-friendly Christmas tree, which is powered by bicycle-pedaling. 作为联合国气候变化大会的主办城市,哥本哈根市中心放置了一棵需要蹬自行车踏板才能点亮的环保圣诞树。 6. London is the host city for the next Olympic Games. 伦敦是下一届奥运会的主办城市。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Beijing passed the Olympic host baton to London, host city of the 2012 Olympic Games, on Sunday night at the closing ceremony. 24日晚,在北京奥运会闭幕式上,北京和2012年夏季奥运会主办城市伦敦进行了会旗交接。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Therefore, the author investigates junior middle school teachers in Chongqing host city. 为此,作者对重庆市主城区初中教师进行了调查。研究共分为两个部分。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 9. According to experience, the Olympic Games host city have been identified as the world's attention immediately after the hot spots. 根据经验,奥运会举办城市被确定后立即成为全世界关注的热点。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. To avoid any problems, the host city will be asked about who will be in charge of organizing the Games. 为了避免有任何问题,主办城市将被询问的人将要负责筹办运动会。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. 而上海作为主办城市,将有更多的机遇敏捷发展。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is also a representative symbol of the host city Guangzhou, which is called the "City of Goats" or "City of the Five Rams" . 同时它也是主办城市广州的标志,称之为“羊城”或者“五羊城”。 wenwen.soso.com 3. When Beijing was chosen as the host city to hold Olympic Games in 2008, all the Chinese people were very happy, excited and proud. 当北京被宣布是2008年奥运会的东道主时,全国上下所有的人都很高兴和激动,感到无比的骄傲和自豪。 www.zhiyebook.com 4. Being the host of the Olympic Games will have good and bad efforts on the host city. 成为奥林匹克运动会的东道主,对主办城市既有好的影响也有坏的影响。 eduabc.com 5. Being the host of the Olympic Games will have good and bad effects on the host city. 作为奥运会的东道主对这个城市有好的也有坏的影响。 www.e-zc.com 6. The International Olympic Committee is meeting in Copenhagen this week to select a host city for the 2016 Summer Games. 这周在哥本哈根举行的国际奥委会将选出2016年夏季奥运会的举办城市。 bbs.cnnas.com 7. Russian people celebrating after Sochi was chosen as the 2014 Winter Olympics host city. 俄国人民在索切入选2014年冬奥会举办城市后正在庆祝 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Shanghai is the Host City. Where are the theme pavilions? 上海是主办城市。各国的主题馆在哪儿呢? www.8875.org 9. Being the host of the Olympic Games will have good and bad effect on the host city. 成为奥运会的东道主会对那个举办城市产生正面和负面影响。 www.teachercn.com 10. Khoza responded that each host city would have one fan park for each match venue. 科扎回复道,每个主办国在每个比赛场都将有一个球迷公园。 www.bing.com 1. Generally, the host city has to be decided at lease six years in advance. 一般情况下,最迟在六年前选定。 www.veryabc.cn 2. The torch is carried by relay from Olympia to the host city of the Games. 火炬会以接力的方式,从奥林匹亚传递到主办城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Olympic host city Beijing was shrouded in haze on Monday, Reuters reported. 路透社报道,周一,奥运主办城市北京被烟雾笼罩。 www.chinadialogue.net 4. Building in the host city may push up wages and prices and crowd out investment elsewhere. 主办城市大兴土木可能抬高工资和物价,并且排挤了在其它地方的投资。 www.ecocn.org 5. Bs a host city, Shanghai will have more chances to develop quickly. 作为主世博会直播办都会,上海将有更多的时机快速成长。 hpqg.com.cn 6. Vancouver, the Canadian host city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, was awarded the most livable city in the world. 2010年冬奥会的举办城市加拿大温哥华日前被选为全球最适宜居住的城市。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. ow many years does the International Olympic Committee vote to select a host city before the Olympic Games are held? 国际奥委会在奥运会举办多少年选出主办城市? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Match the year and host city of the following Summer Games. 把下列夏季奥运会的主办城市和年代搭配起来。 eduabc.com 9. They believe that Beijing will be the perfect host city. 他们相信北京将是最佳主办城市。 www.tingclass.net 10. World Expo is getting closer, civilization and harmonious call is ringing in our ears. Shanghai is the host city of the World Expo, 2010. 2010年世博会越来越近,文化,和谐的吸鸣犹在耳。上海是世博会,2010年的主办城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Beijing is chosen as the host city for the 2008 Olympic games. 北京被选为2008年奥运会的主办城市。 www.newchannel.org 2. R: Beijing was voted as the host city of the Olympics in 2008. 北京已被选定为2008年奥运会的举办城市。 www.bing.com 3. Last week I made an inspection tour of London, the host city for the 2012 Olympics . 我上周视察了2012年奥运会的主办城市伦敦。 www.bing.com 4. Not so in the voting for the Olympic host city. 在奥运举办城市的投票选举中却不是这样。 www.bing.com 5. We are all excited about the Olympic Games, which is held every four years, especially this year the host city is Beijing, China. 我们都为著四年一度的奥林匹克运动会感到兴奋,特别今年的主办城市是中国北京。 cchc.org 6. The choice of Shanghai as host city for World Expo 2010 is eminently appropriate. 上海作为2010年世博会的主办城市,是再合适不过了。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 7. Today is the election day of the host city. 今天是主办城市的选出日。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. People chose Beijing as host city for the 2008 Olympic Games. 人们选北京为2008年奥运会的主办城市。 www.pallasa.com 9. So my question is : if Beijing is a host city again, will you cheer for it? why? 因此我的问题是,如果北京有机会再成为一次东道主,你还会以如此大的热情欢迎这一盛事吗?为什么? feedproxy.google.com 10. Because of the growing importance of television worldwide, the IOC in recent years has also taken into account the host city's time zone. 由于电视在世界范围内变得日趋重要,国际奥委会近年也将主办城市所在的时区作为考虑因素。 www.lwkoo.cn 1. China's first chance to host the Olympic Games will arrive in 2008 when Beijing will be the host city for the XXIX Olympiad. 2008年北京将举办第二十九届奥运会,这是中国第一次承办奥运盛会。 www.globalfbc.com 2. Beijing is the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games. 北京是2008年奥运会的主办城市。 www.hxen.com 3. That is three times more than the entire population of host city Duisburg which is located near the larger city of Duesseldorf. 这个数字超出了主办城市杜伊斯堡人口的三倍。杜伊斯堡离德国西部大城市杜塞尔多夫不远。 www.meiguoliyu.com 4. The group has been training in the host city for the past two months. 这个团队过去两个月一直都在深圳这个主办城市训练。 www.hxen.com 5. In addition, the 2014 Winter Olympics host city of Sochi, also located in the Caucasus, the attack outside the security concerns raised. 另外,2014年冬季奥林匹克运动会举办城市索契同样位于高加索地区,袭击事件引发外界的安全担忧。 www.englishtang.com 6. All Olympics are important to the host city. 每一届奥运会对主办城市都很重要。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It seems that few things we can do as middle school students far away from host city. 作为一个远离主办城市的中学生来说,似乎真的是没什么事情可以做的。 hi.baidu.com 8. London will be the host city of 2012 Olympic Games. 伦敦将是2012年奥林匹克运动会的主办国。 free.15546.zxxk.com 9. Rio de Janeiro 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympic Games host city. 里约热内卢是2014年世界杯足球赛和2016年夏季奥林匹克运动会主办地。 www.englishtang.com 10. You have known Beijing will be the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, haven' t you? 你已经知道北京即将举办2008年的奥运会的消息了,是吗? www.englishtang.com 1. The draw will be made in Athens, host city for this year's Final and potential semi-final opponents will be drawn at the same time. 抽签会于今年决赛的主办城市–雅典进行,而同一时间我们亦会知道潜在的准决赛对手是谁。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. How many years does the International Olympic Commi- ttee vote to select a host city before the Olympic Games are held? 在奥运会举办前国际奥委会用多长时间投票选出主办城市? brand.hjenglish.com 3. In Salt Lake City, the host city for the 2002 winter Olympics, the average home sale price has dropped by 11. 92 percent since last year. 在盐湖城,2002年冬奥会举办地,平均房价已经比去年跌了11. www.bing.com 4. Hong Kong, which is staging the equestrian events for the Games, is the only co-host city outside the mainland. 本次奥运会的马术项目将在香港举行,从而使香港成为唯一一个大陆之外的奥运协办城市。 www.tvsou.com 5. Analysis on the Promotion Effect of Holding Comprehensive Competitive Sports Meetings to the Host City's Sports Career Competitiveness 浅析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis of the Promotion of Sports Competitiveness on the Host City Holding Comprehensive Sports Events 析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用 www.ilib.cn 7. Construction, Operation and Management of the Sports Facilities in the Host City of the Olympics 奥运举办城市体育场馆的建设、运营与管理 ilib.cn 8. Negative Economic Impact of Olympic Games to Host City and Countermeasure Research 奥运会对举办城市经济的负面影响及对策研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Olympics and Paralympics Host City Selection Schedule 奥运会及残奥会主办城市选拔计划 www.metro.tokyo.jp 10. Effects of the Olympics on Host City Judged by Sydney Olympic Games 从悉尼奥运会看奥运会对举办城市的影响 ilib.cn 1. Economic Environment of Olympic Host City and It's Enlightment for the Beijing Olympic Games 奥运会主办城市的经济特征及其对北京奥运会的启示 www.ilib.cn 2. Shanghai is famous as a host city of World Expo 上海作为2010年世博会的主办城市而闻名。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Synthetic Effects of Olympic Tourism on the Host City 奥运旅游对举办城市的综合效应 service.ilib.cn 4. The host city will be decided at the IOC General Assembly 在国际奥林匹克委员会大会上决定主办城市 www.metro.tokyo.jp 5. The Impact of Olympic Games on Economics of Host City 奥运会对举办城市的经济影响 www.ilib.cn 6. 4 Host city for the next conference 2007 4下届会议主办都市2007年 www.metro.tokyo.jp 7. "SHENZHEN2011" represents the host city shenzhen and held time 2011; “SHENZHEN2011”代表着举办城市深圳和举办时间2011年; xkyn.net 8. The first world expo host city after the world war II (the capital of Belgium) 二战后首次世博会的举办地(比利时首都) zhidao.baidu.com 9. Beijing: been the first host city 北京:主办城市占尽先机 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 10. Host City: Beijing, People's Republic of China 举办城市:中华人民共和国,北京 wenwen.soso.com |
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