单词 | followed-up | ||||||||
释义 | followed-up
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 把…探究到底,回答,跟进,赶上了,继续做 1. but in fact it is usually followed up with another bit of argument intended to establish that they always perceive sense-data. 但事实上它后面通常添上一点儿附加的论证,意在确立人们所感知的始终是感觉与料。 www.15da.com 2. The general followed up the success by attacking the enemy on all fronts. 将军乘胜追击,向敌人展开了全线进攻。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Just then, the witch followed up the little girls and began to run, and then went to the riverside and ride the big crocodile's back. 这时,巫婆紧追在小女孩后面跑了过来,然后走到河边跨上大鳄鱼的背。 www.netfm.com.cn 4. Histopathological examination confirmed metanephric adenoma. She was followed up for one year and there was no recurrence or metastasis. 目前病患接受术后定期追踪已逾一年,没有发现局部复发或转移。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. He praised the board for its immediate action but it never followed up "and there was no real check on my wife or me" . 他称赞委员会行动迅速但它绝不会寻根究底,也没有对我妻子或我进行真正的检查。 www.haolawyer.com 6. All the patients were followed up for 36 to 51 months, and there was one case of recurrence. 全部随访36~51个月,1例术后3个月复发,腹腔镜下切除;其余病例未见复发。 www.xhnj.com 7. First, she swung a slap at her husband's attacker. She followed up by picking up the plate and trying to strike him with it. 她一开始就扇了攻击她先生的攻击者一个耳光,然后捡起盘子试图以牙还牙,接着走回到丈夫身边。 dongxi.net 8. The European Union followed up in July 2005 with its savings tax directive designed to catch funds being held offshore by taxpayers. 此后,欧盟(EU)于2005年7月份颁布储蓄税指令,旨在追踪纳税人海外持有的资金。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I personally have not followed up to closely on this area, but I would identify that we need to make adoption easy. 我个人没有太密切关注过这个领域,但是我能确认我们需要将采用过程变得简单。 www.infoq.com 10. It was a little later that he followed up the attack with two short essays, "The Wonder-Dreamers" and "The Yardstick of the Ego. " 以后不久他又写了两篇短文:《奇迹梦想者》和《自我的尺度》,继续进行攻击。 www.ebigear.com 1. However, the subjects will need to be followed-up to assess the long term effect of the treatment. 但是,需要对受试者进行随访以评价治疗的长期效应。 news.dxy.cn 2. Moreover one of my friends _Sophia, followed up all my cooking and focoused on my dishes with her camera. 况且,我的一个朋友燕子还用相机跟踪记录我整个做菜的过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Five years later they followed up 1, 074 of the couples to see which had separated. 五年之后,研究人员又回访了其中的1074对,看哪些人已经分手。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Patients with clinically insignificant residual fragments should he regularly followed up to monitor the course of the disease. 对于治疗后出现的临床无症状性残留结石碎片应作必要的定期复查。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Five years later, they followed up 1, 000 of the couples to see which had lasted. 五年之后,他们对1,000对夫妻进行了追踪采访,看看哪些坚持到了最后。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Corruption prevention studies are systematically followed up to ensure that their recommendations are implemented and are effective. 该处会有系统地跟进所作的审查研究,确保有关建议能有效地实行。 www.hotdic.com 7. China's actions, if followed up with further tough targets, would be enough to meet these requirements. 中国的行动,若辅之以进一步的严格目标,将足以满足这些要求。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Congress followed up in 1938 by designating Armistice Day a legal holiday, dedicated to the cause of world peace. 1938年,国会将停战纪念日定为法定假日,献给世界和平事业。 www.america.gov 9. Researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands followed up the group of patients after an average of five and a half years. 来自荷兰提尔堡大学的研究人员对这组病人平均五年后的病情进行了随访。 www.bing.com 10. Lift legs up until the vertical in the air, raised his head and also followed up. 双腿向上抬起,直至垂直于空中,头部也跟着往上抬起。 99mrw.5d6d.com 1. Clinton followed up with a list of specific economic trouble spots that must be addressed, starting with corporate tax regulations. Clinton跟着详细而精确地列出必须解决的经济困难点,首先是法人税收规则。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. My buddy received a police department case number, followed up by a phone call the next day. 我的朋友收到了警察局的案件编号,第二天通过电话继续调查。 www.bing.com 3. A year later, the researchers followed up with the girls, testing them for depressive symptoms. 一年后,研究人员跟踪调查这些女孩,并对他们的抑郁症状进行测评。 www.bing.com 4. Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said. 从历史上看,美联储在减息之后的下一次利率会议中一般会跟进,进一步降低利率,阿什沃斯说。 www.bing.com 5. But by the day's end, the central bank had not followed up by raising lending rates. 但最终中国央行没有采取上调贷款利率的跟进措施。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The reporter followed up by asking if it would have been easier for Jackson to walk away if the Lakers had lost Game 7. 记者跟进着又问了,是否如果湖人去年湖人在第七场中输了会使得杰克逊更早的离开湖人队。 tvboxnow.com 7. A change in the parity rate toward a stronger yuan would be a clear signal that China's announcement is being followed up with real action. 反映出人民币走强的汇率中间价变化将是一个明确的信号,表明在中国的声明之后有了真正的行动。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Abraham incredulously followed up, "The odds are in your favor? You're sure of that? " 亚伯拉罕就怀疑地问:“你能保证这些概率就对你有利吗?” www.irich.com.cn 9. And you will put in place a framework for a far-reaching Secretariat and management reform, which must be followed up and implemented. 并且你们将制订一个对秘书处和管理部门实行深远改革的框架,而现在必须采取后续行动,贯彻执行。 kouyi.5d6d.com 10. And this is often followed up, seriously enough. 而这通常有跟进随访,这就足够了。 source.yeeyan.org 1. Tell me about a time when you followed up with a reluctant prospect and still failed to get the order. 你对一个较为勉强的潜在客户进行了追踪,但最终依然没有得到订单。 z.tougao98.com 2. Because of the small sample size and the short time of observation, the long term effect should be followed up. 因观察例数和随访时间有限,其远期效果还有待进一步评估。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 3. I hope that through this visit the consensus can be followed up, and new achievements can be made to promote reciprocal cooperation. 我希望通过这次访问落实好两国领导人已达成的共识,推动双方互利合作取得新的进展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Therefore, these drivers have to be followed up and examined during future studies. 因此,这些司机都必须跟进和研究在今后的研究。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Several have followed up with global bond issues, to help top up coffers rapidly depleted by aggressive land bank acquisition. 有数家开发商借助于全球债券发行,以此补充因大举囤地而迅速下降的资金储备。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They followed up the programme with another just as good. 他们接着表演另一个同样好的节目来充实演出。 www.bing.com 7. The researchers then followed up the women two years later to find out whether their children had eczema. 两年后研究人员对这些妈妈进行跟踪调查是否她们的孩子患过湿疹。 www.bing.com 8. Rumours of possible human cases in other parts of the country have been systematically followed up. 已系统地对关于该国其它地区可能的人间病例的传闻进行跟踪。 www.who.int 9. Screening can be followed-up with self-help materials, support groups and medication if deemed appropriate by the physician. 筛查可通过随访进行,如果医生处理得当,可为病人提供自助材料、医疗支持团队以及药品。 news.dxy.cn 10. The Task Force has also summarised the views collected and on this basis raised some issues which need to be followed up. 专责小组亦就所收集到的意见,作出了归纳,并在此基础上,提出一些跟进问题。 www.info.gov.hk 1. Followed up with the pin through the plug between the measured resistance of the solenoid valve so as to check the parameters. 随后的工作就是通过插头针脚间的阻值测量,对各电磁阀参数做定性检查。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Panels followed up the discussion with the Administration on measures to control the spread of dengue fever. 事务委员会跟进讨论政府当局控制登革热蔓延的措施。 www.legco.gov.hk 3. Hyundai followed up its Super Bowl gambit with an ad blitz in ABC's Academy Awards broadcast, its first national play with the Oscars. 现代公司的超级碗开局后,跟进行动是在ABC台播放的奥斯卡颁奖典礼广告闪电战,这也是现代公司首次携手奥斯卡的全美表演。 www.bing.com 4. Butler shall ensure whatever guest requests to be followed up various departments accordingly. 专职管家应确保客人提出的要求都将由相应的不同部门跟进。 bbs.meadin.com 5. Already well trained for the stage and screen, she followed up the Strasberg education with film studies at New York University. 在接受了李·斯特莱斯伯格学校的教育之后,对舞台与银幕已得到很好训练的她进入了纽约大学学习电影专业。 www.xianzai.cn 6. Patients were followed up for a median (midpoint) of 24 months for disease recurrence or death. 随访患者到疾病复发或者死亡的中位时间24个月。 bbs.humengdao.com 7. Methods A case of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy was followed up for 16 years. 方法追踪观察1例肺性肥大性骨关节病病人16年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Of course, this is followed up by Rourke jerking a seltzer bottle until it explodes all over her face, chest and between her thighs. 接着,洛克使劲摇晃苏打水,直到它喷射出来,溅满了金的脸、胸和大腿间。 www.elanso.com 9. Check and make sure every case happened on your shift were followed up in proper way and record on the logbook. 检查并确保每一件发生在当班时的事情需要跟进时要在交班记录本上记录。 www.m448.com 10. To handle and coordinate customer complaints and ensure corrective and preventive actions are followed up and records are maintained. 处理并协调客户投诉,确保纠正预防措施得到跟踪,记录得到维护。 www.jobui.com 1. The authors followed up participants' medical records for up to 20 years, focusing on cancer. 研究人员审议了参与者长达20年的病历,聚焦于癌症。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Are the no-shows formally and statistically followed up and categorised under the headings of "occurred" , "invoiced" and "paid" ? 对预订未到的客人是否正式统计及跟进,并按照“已发生”,“收取费用”和“已付款”来分类? wenku.baidu.com 3. In subsequent years Amex followed up with a series of cards aimed at niche borrowers, from newlyweds to young Chicago professionals. 后来,公司又连续发行了一系列针对特定人群的信用卡,范围从新婚夫妇到芝加哥的年轻专家不等。 www.bing.com 4. Another Communist Party-owned newspaper, Global Times, followed up with an unsigned editorial Sept. 22 attacking Locke's unassuming style. 另外一份党媒,环球时报,接下来用一篇没有署名的社论攻击了骆大使低调的风格。 www.bing.com 5. Ensure that QA Dept Department procedures are being followed up including IQA and customer quality follow up and coordination. 确保所有的流程被很好地执行,包括来料加工检验,客户质量跟进及协调。 www.haoqiantu.cn 6. I followed up with a Rich-O-Meter 2. 0 for wealth, showing the total net worth required to be in the top 20%, 10% and so on. 随后我推出了“财富测定器2.0版”,显示跻身最富有的20%、10%等群体所需要的资产净值。 www.bing.com 7. All cases were followed up for 12 months with a shoulder score evaluation. 所有患者得到12个月随访并进行肩关节评分。 www.fabiao.net 8. Melanoma persisted (regrow) in only 1. 5% of patients who were followed up in his study. 该研究中,仅有1.5%的患者发生黑色素瘤持续(再生)。 news.dxy.cn 9. Methods 102 cases were followed-up for operative type and post - operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 方法对102例腮腺癌患者的手术方式和术后放疗化疗进行跟踪随访。 www.chemyq.com 10. The Panel followed up the discussion on the review of income and asset limits for public housing applicants. 事务委员会跟进和检讨公共房屋申请人入息及资产限额有关的讨论。 www.legco.gov.hk 1. Ma followed up later in an interview by praising Son's talents as an investor. 马云后来接受采访时赞扬了孙正义的投资天赋。 chinese.wsj.com 2. In 1998, he followed up those wins with the US and Canadian National titles as well as the Ohio Buckeye Champion Stallion title. 1998年,他跟随那些与美国和加拿大全国冠军以及俄亥俄七叶树冠军种马称号胜。 www.hc263.net 3. Those women who received a negative test result were followed up and asked their WTP for such a result. 这些妇女谁收到了负面测试结果进行随访,并询问他们的污水处理厂的这种结果。 www.syyxw.com 4. Toyota followed up yesterday by reorganizing its procurement functions, merging three purchasing divisions into two. 丰田昨天采取了进一步措施,宣布重组集团采购职能,将原先的三个采购部门合并为两个。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Besides, such patients should be long-term followed up carefully and regularly for the potential development of invasive carcinoma. 此外,为了预防侵犯性癌症的产生,对此类病人则须长期与小心地追踪检查。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Using my instincts, I followed up on a request from a regular customer who ended up purchasing more neckties when my sister tended to him. 通过我的直觉,我满足了一位只有在我姐姐来售卖时他才会多买领带的顾客的需求。通过我的直觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. NAT-positive samples were followed up further to confirm the serological conversion, or confirmed by imported nucleic acid test reagents. 进一步对NAT阳性标本跟踪采样检测以确认血清学转化,或用进口核酸试剂复核检测确认核酸阳性。 www.bing.com 8. Singhal and colleagues followed up children who were involved in two studies from the 1990s when they were newborn babies. Singhal和他们同事自20世纪90年代就跟踪研究涉及两项报告的儿童,当时他们还是新生儿。 www.bing.com 9. Then he followed up a feint, right and left, was fiercely countered, and felt his cheek laid open to the bone. 然后他左右开弓时一个假动作紧逼过去,却挨了狠狠一拳反击,感到面颊被扯破了,破到了骨头。 www.mykh.net 10. The operation time, postoperative pain, patient's ability recovery complications and recurrence rate were followed up. 观察手术时间、伤口疼痛、术后自主能力的恢复、并发症及复发率。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. All patients that were followed up for 6~36 months showed no traumatic knee osteoarthritis, inversion or eversion of the knee. 随访6~36个月,未观察到创伤性膝关节炎和膝关节内翻、外翻畸形。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. All cases were followed up by MRI to understand the complications such as aneurysm rupture, internal leakage and stent migration. 术后行磁共振检查随访支架情况,有无瘤体破裂、内漏及支架移位等并发症。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 3. The doctor followed up Billy's operation with Xrays and special exercises to make his foot stronger. 医生对比利手术后又继续以爱克斯光以及特别的物理治疗使他的脚能够好转。 www.bing.com 4. Handover from the previous shift on any outstanding matters to be followed up. 将所有先前的特殊事项移交给接班员工。 www.17u.net 5. Although cake isn't necessarily the healthiest test food, researchers followed up after 6 six months with a new egg option. 虽然蛋糕不一定是最健康的检测食品但是在六个月的鸡蛋选择后研究人员还是随访了这一项研究。 www.elanso.com 6. Mr Dorsey followed up the tweet , saying that he was " thrilled " . 多尔西先生回复了科斯托洛的微博,表示他也“兴奋不已”。 www.bing.com 7. Methods: The main compositions of volatile oil contained by every herb in prescription were followed up by GC MS. 方法:采用GCMS对组方中每味药材所含挥发油的主要成分进行追踪。 www.chemyq.com 8. Methods. Idiopathic scoliosis patients (n=81) who were treated with surgery and followed up for more than 2 years were evaluated. 方法:手术后并随访2年以上的特发性脊柱侧弯的病人(81例)被用来评价。 www.med66.com 9. Senator Clinton followed up by saying that if a candidate bases his campaign on words, they should be his own. 参议员克林顿随后说如果候选人要利用语言来竞选,那就应该是自己的言辞。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The doctor followed up Bill's operation with X- rays and special exercises to make his foot stronger. 医生在比尔的手术以后继续给他做放射治疗和特别体疗,以增强他的脚力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. All patients were followed up with an average of 30 months. No cerebrospinal fluid cyst or wound infection were found. 所有病例均获随访,平均时间30个月,未发现脑脊液囊肿,感染等并发症。 www.zggszz.com 2. Results: Among all the cases, 59 were followed up in outpatient department for 24 to 70 months(33 months on average). 结果:59例出院后通过门诊获得随访,时间24~70个月,平均33个月。 www.zggszz.com 3. Throughout his career he has followed up virtually every contact with a cordial response . 在他整个职业生涯中,每次与人们接触之后,他几乎都随后写回信 wenku.baidu.com 4. Methods: 3 cases performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy were followed up and checked regularly. 方法:术后对行腹腔镜手术的胆囊原位癌3例定期随访复查。 www.chemyq.com 5. No recurrence happened after followed-up. Conclusion: MEBO has good efficacy in treating pointed condyloma. 结论:MEBO对尖锐湿疣有良好地的治疗作用。 www.ilib.cn 6. The Italian followed up his strike in 1982 by going off on a memorable run, screaming his own name like you would in the playground. 这个意大利人在1982紧随队友攻入一球后,来了个长途奔袭,就像你会一样在比赛场地高喊着自己的名字。 www.bing.com 7. Khan and Tanweer were on the lower-priority list of 40 "desirable" suspects who should be followed up when resources permitted. 可汗和坦威尔在较低优先级的四十名“令人想要的”嫌疑人名单中,在资源允许的情况下,这些人会被跟踪。 blog.163.com 8. The TICSA exam is followed up with a check on your actual experience. TICSA考试贯彻对您实际经验的检查。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Methods The clinical records of 4 hospitalized children diagnosed with hepatoblastoma were retrospectively analyzed and followed-up. 方法对诊治的4例小儿肝母细胞瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析和随访。 www.js120.net 10. By 2 years followed up, the patients' deformity of spine were corrected satisfactorily. 年后随访患者临床症状好转,脊柱畸形矫正情况满意。 www.link-e.net 1. OK, with the rain gone, I say we start with a Disintegrate from V, followed up by Roy and me flanking her. 好,雨已经停了,我建议我们先让V施展一道解离术,然后我和Roy夹击她。 www.ellesime.net 2. The design criteria were followed up by more detailed studies at NGI , including laboratory tests and field and FE studies . 设计准则完成后,挪威岩土所作了更加详细的研究工作,包括实验室测试、现场研究和FE研究。 www.bing.com 3. Elinor's fieldwork, followed up by her experimental work, pointed us in exactly the right direction. 埃丽诺的实地考察,还有随后进行的实验性工作,给我们指出了正确的方向。 www.bing.com 4. This summer, the PLA Air Force followed up with 60th-year celebrations of its own. 今年夏季,中国空军也举行了自己的60周年庆祝活动。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The post-operative course was smooth, and the patient is currently being followed up regularly in the outpatient department. 手术后的疗程是顺利的。目前病人是在门诊接受定期追踪。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. All patients were followed up for 6 months to 5 years, and no one showed recurrence or died. 术后随访半年至5年,无一例癌肿复发或死亡。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 7. Results 12 cases had been followed up for 2-60 months with no recurrence or canceration. 结果术后12例获得2-60个月随诊,未见息肉复发与恶变。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. These participants will be followed up for three years. 这些妇女参加者会被跟进三年。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 9. The 911 attack on the US was followed up by the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan aimed at stealing oil and obtaining illegal drug money. 在911恐怖袭击案之后,美国又进攻伊拉克和阿富汗,企图窃取石油和获得非法毒品交易。 bbs.aliwon.net 10. Methods A cohort of 32 gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma patients proven by biopsy were followed up by retrospective study. 方法采用回顾性方法对32例经组织学确诊的胃黏膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤进行随访。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. We have an ongoing need for affirmation, and initial compliments need to be followed up with reminders. 我们有一个需要不断的肯定,并初步致意需要提醒应遵循的行动。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Followed up their recommendations with concrete proposals. 运用具体的建议把计划执行到底 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Methods: Among 136 children with medulloblastoma, 102 cases were followed up , and clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. 方法:回顾性分析102例儿童髓母细胞瘤的临床资料,并结合文献进行讨论。 secwww.lzmc.edu.cn 4. Results All flaps survived, and all cases were followed up for 3-12 months. The figure and feeling of all the flaps were good. 结果15例皮瓣移植后均成活,术后随访3~12个月,所有皮瓣外形和感觉均恢复良好。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Results: All patients had access to effective decompression of the spinal cord, 25 patients were followed up for 12 to 24 months. 结果:所有患者脊髓均获得有效减压,25例均获随访,随访时间12~24个月。 www.bing.com 6. Methods 35 cases with cyst of jaw were selected and followed up for 3 years after marsupialization was performed. 临床中选取35例颌骨囊肿病人,行囊肿开窗减压术后随访3年。 lwku.com 7. This experiment was quickly followed up by others using different forms of the drug. 这项试验很快由其他人使用这种药物的其他形式来继续完成。 edong1.skycn.com 8. Methods 43 patients with tibial shaft fractures treated with self-locking inflation intramedullary nail were followed up . 方法采用可膨胀式自锁髓内钉治疗43例胫骨干骨折。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Results 26 patients had been followed up for 1 - 5 years, and no case recurred. 结果26例病人均得到1~5年的随访,无1例病人出现肿瘤复发。 www.chemyq.com 10. Results There were neither recurrent adhesions nor nasally unwell symptoms in any of the patients who were followed up 3-12 three months. 结果全部病例随访3个月~1年,都未发生再粘连,同时鼻部不适症状消失。 www.21mishu.com 1. Results: All the patients were followed up for 6 to 26 months with an average period of 15 months, postoperatively. 结果术后随访6~26个月,平均15个月,所有患者术后疼痛缓解,关节绞锁症状消失。 terms.shengwuquan.com 2. Among all the effective cases, 10 cases were followed up for half a years 6 of 10 remained increased intracranial pressure. 其中10例好转患者随访半年,6例仍有不同程度的颅内高压症状。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. Result Followed up for 11 months in average, 72 cases with displaced fragments were achieved bony union. 结果其中有移位的72例获得平均11个月的随该一部获得骨性愈合。 word.hcbus.com 4. Online financial rumor peddlers followed up, some adding their own dubious speculation. 紧接着,网上各种传言粉墨登场,一些人还添油加醋地补充了各自的揣测。 c.wsj.com 5. After months of silence, Mr Cuomo launched his gubernatorial run on May 22nd, followed up with a 252-page manifesto. 在沉默了数月之后,库莫于5月22日手持长达252页的竞选宣言开始了他的州长竞选运动。 www.ecocn.org 6. In our view, today's intervention must be followed up with another round to prove credible. 我们的看法是,今天的干预后面必须再跟一波干预以表决心。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Home equipment over more than a, the remote control also followed up, use natural trouble. 家里的设备一多,遥控器也跟着多起来,使用方面自然变得麻烦。 regina.sazua.com 8. We believed that estrogen replacement therapy is safe for women with FBD, if they are followed-up by mammography or ultrasonography. 认为只要定期监测,有补充激素指征的乳腺纤维囊性增生病妇女使用雌激素是安全的。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Most of the very few enterprises'training followed up after training. 多数企业培训后很少进行跟踪训练。 www.bing.com 10. Last month. . . Followed up with them but the answer is still a 'NO'. 上个月……进一步向他们询问,可是答复仍然是“不行”。 blog.163.com 1. Result: 16 cases were followed up in 3 months, 11 cases have been controlled, 2 cases turned better, 3 failed. 结果:随访3个月16例中11例角膜溃疡愈合,好转2例,无效3例均为病情重者。 www.chemyq.com 2. Results No traumatic arthritis, incision infection or articular fistula was found. All cases were followed up for 1~14 years, 7 on average. 结果术后无创伤性关节炎、切口感染、关节瘘等并发症,全部获随访1~14年,平均7年,无复发及关节强直。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. This will be followed up by CR2 release in the beginning of August. 紧接着会在8月初发布CR2。 www.infoq.com 4. All DND rooms should be followed up immediately after received the list. 所有房间DND立刻应遵循收到您的名单。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The New York Times has followed up by debuting another online news reading product. 纽约时报紧接着又推出了另一款新的新闻在线阅读产品。 www.bing.com 6. Observe to the clinical effect, analyse functional mechanism. [Result] All cases were followed up for over 3m, 16. 5 w in average. 观察临床效果,分析作用机制.[结果]本组病例均获3月以上随访,平均16.5周。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Results: Followed-up for 6 months to 10 years, 4 patients had no further anal bleeding and 2 patients had minor intermittent anal bleeding. 结果术后随访6月至10年,4例患者无便血,2例患者有少量的间歇性大便带血。 www.chemyq.com 8. We followed up by spending some time thinking about concrete projects that they could undertake with their students or green groups. 接下来我们还用一些时间考虑他们与自己的学生或绿色组织能够承担的具体项目。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. No thought of police soon followed up and arrested him, an elephant is put in prison, he is very regretful. 没有想到很快警察就追了上来,逮捕了他,大象被关进了监狱,他非常后悔。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But, when the researchers followed up the same people 3 years later, these effects had disappeared (Kraut et al. , 2002). 但当研究者3年后回访时,症状消失了。 www.bing.com 1. Infected patients were followed up for 30 months following diagnosis and 54 potential contacts for 6 months post-exposure. 对感染的病人进行诊断后追踪随访30个月,并观察暴露后6个月内54种潜在可能的接触。 icchina.org.cn 2. A total of 87, 143 postmenopausal women (ages 30 to 55 years) were followed up for up to 26 years to analyze weight change since age 18. 总共有87,143例绝经后妇女(年龄从30岁到55岁)被随访,最长达26年,来分析了从18岁以后的体重变化。 www.dxy.cn 3. Results After being followed up for 6 to 12 months, the implants of all cases were lucency and smooth and the concrescence was good. 结果随访6~12个月,10例患者角膜移植片均透明光滑,愈合良好,无一例复发。 www.chemyq.com 4. The participants in both groups were followed up at three and six months and assessed for symptoms of depression and anxiety. 跟踪观察两个组的所有参与者,观察在第3个月和6个月时的情况,评定抑郁和焦虑的症状。 www.bing.com 5. The patients' clinical symptoms were followed up after 3month treatment and treadmill test was re examined. 随访治疗3个月后的临床情况,并复查平板运动试验。 all.zcom.com 6. All contacts are being traced and will be followed up by the health authorities. 卫生部门正对所有接触者进行追踪调查。 www.cqn.com.cn 7. Results All cases were followed up and the symptoms were improved. 结果全部病例随访观察,神经症状均获得改善。 www.chemyq.com 8. Methods: 73 cases with gastrointestinal tract anomalies were prenatally diagnosed with ultrasound, and were followed up closely. 方法:应用超声产前诊断消化道异常73例,并追踪观察。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Are problems being followed up promptly & correctly? 问题能又快又准确地得到注视吗* wenku.baidu.com 10. He followed up the river and found its source. 他溯河而上,寻找源头。 yaleygj99.vip.sina.com 1. NCDs are poorly managed and poorly followed up, even in specialist centres. 即便在专科治疗中心,NCDs的治疗和随访情况也很差。 www.scidev.net 2. Ensure that all of the guest wishes are followed up upon if the guest is a return guest. 如果客人是回头客,确保对所有客人的要求进行追踪。 wenku.baidu.com 3. We should be providing feedback on the developed countries too, with the results published, taken seriously, and followed up. 我们也应对发达国家提供反馈,公布评估结果,认真对待,采取跟进措施。 web.worldbank.org 4. Then, Wednesday afternoon, police followed up with their own announcement that the letters are fake. 随后,警方在周三下午发表声明称这些书信是伪造的。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Results: All the patients followed up for 1 to 26 months(average 16. 6 months) got bone union and no severe complication. 结果:全部病例经1~26个月随访,平均16.6个月,均获得骨性愈合,并无严重并发症发生。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. Methods: 154 posterior cracked teeth of 148 cases were treated and followed up, the longest observation period was 3 years. 方法:对148例病人共154颗后牙隐裂牙进行综合治疗,并复查,最长观察时间3年。 boyalunwen.com 7. To the pations having been diagnosed of melanosis coli, it is necessary to followed-up periodically examine by endoscopy. 对于已经确诊为黑变病的患者,定期的肠镜随访是非常必要的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. METHODS: We analyzed our database of all patients with MS followed up at the Marshfield Multiple Sclerosis Center. 方法:我们分析了马什菲尔德多发性硬化中心随访的所有多发性硬化症患者数据。 www.medlive.cn 9. Methods 38 patients with gastric cancers treated by total gastrectomy were analyzed and followed-up for 1~5 years. 方法回顾性分析了38例胃癌经腹全胃切除术,术后随访时间1~5年。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 10. Followed up for 6 months to 2 years, low back or leg pain and the therapeutic results were analyzed. 随访时间6个月~2年,对术后腰(腿)痛及疗效进行分析。 www.ilib.cn 1. Consecutively followed up 12 months, the health conditions and quality of live were analyzed. 连续随访12个月,统计并记录病人的健康和生活情况。 www.chemyq.com 2. All cases were followed up for 12~18 months, there were no cage migration, subsidence and interbody infection. 随访12~18个月,未出现融合器移位、下沉、椎间隙感染等并发症。 www.bing.com 3. Methods: 36 cases of aged intertrochanteric femoral fracture treated by PFN and followed up. 方法:应用股骨近端髓内钉治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折36例并进行随访。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. A WISE training course held in Cebu in the Philippines was followed up so as to examine its sustainability. 在菲律宾宿雾举行的WISE培训跟进计划,已验证其坚持程度。 www.oshc.org.hk 5. Methods Followed up 21 cases of jaw bone outmoded fracture which were treated with titanium mini-plate. 方法对21例陈旧性颌骨骨折患者采用小型钛板内固定并随访观察。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. The results were followed up for 6 ~ 18 months (mean, 10 months), fracture all healed without infection. 结果:随访6~18个月(平均10个月),骨折全部愈合且无感染。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. METHODS: A total of 79 cases with concomitant exotropia underwent surgery and were followed up. 方法:共同性外斜视手术患者79例进行随访观察,并对其术后眼位进行回顾性分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The usual pre-match meeting with the coach followed up, before they leave from the Giants stadium at 1pm. 在下午1点他们前往巨人体育场之前,主教练通常会召开赛前分析会。 www.bing.com 9. Is corrective action documented and followed-up? 纠正措施有记录并有跟进吗? www.chinasprockets.com 10. The letter said the agency hasn't followed up with the Chinese government on issues involving several companies in China. 信中说,FDA未就涉及中国几家公司的问题继续与中国政府交涉。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Results This group 48 patients were followed up for 6~50 months, no death, no wound infection, no recurrence. 结果对本组48例患者进行6~50个月随访,无死亡、无切口感染、无复发。 www.cmed.org.cn 2. Methods: 38 patients were followed up by special clinic reexamination, letters or telephones to evaluate 5-year survival rate. 方法:通过门诊复查,信访及电话联系获得随访,从而统计出五年生存率。 www.chemyq.com 3. The chairman followed up with another question. 主席接着又提了一个问题。 www.hxen.com 4. The chairman followed up with yet another question. 主席接着又提出一个问题。 www.bing.com 5. Your suggestions are being followed up by our committee. 您的建议将在我们委员。 julyway.mhedu.sh.cn 6. They followed up on Packer's tip and conducted a formal study in PIADC's secure Biosafety Level 3 facility. 他们按照帕克尔的建议,展开了深入调查,并在普拉姆岛动物疾病中心安全的生物安全三级基地进行正式研究。 www.bing.com 7. I followed up my letter with a visit. 我写信之后又亲自去拜访。 ggkb.ustsd.edu.cn 8. In the control group, 62 testes underwent scrotal dartos orchiopexy and were followed up. 对照组采用肉膜囊睾丸固定术并得到随访62侧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Methods 26 cases (26 eyes)of recurrent pterygium were performed limbal stem cell transplantation and were followed up for 8 to 12 months. 方法26例(26眼)复发性翼状胬肉患者接受角膜缘干细胞移植并随访观察8~12月。 www.chemyq.com 10. Results All cases were followed up for 6-24 months and all got bony healing of the fracas, ire after 8-12 weeks since treated. 结果58例均得到随访,时间6—24个月,所有病例骨折均于术后8—12周临床愈合,无感染、骨不连、内固定松动、再骨折等发生。 www.chemyq.com 1. All of the guest's special requirements are followed up upon. 跟踪所有顾客的特殊要求 wenku.baidu.com 2. Methods: Total of 31cases with eyebrow anaplasty was followed up recently. 方法:对近期行切眉手术的31例患者进行随访。 www.chemyq.com 3. NASA followed up two weeks later with piece No 2 carried up by a space shuttle. 两周后,美国宇航局将空间站的第二个组件由航天飞机送入轨道。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Because of its inaccuracy, most elevated serum PSA results are followed up. 因为它的不准确性,大多数升高的血清PSA结果都被要求随访了。 news.dxy.cn 5. Methods It was found that 31 of 147 cases followed-up for 5 to 10 years appeared femoral head necrosis. 方法对147例股骨颈骨折术后的病例进行了5~10年随访,发生31例股骨头坏死。 word.hcbus.com 6. Method: 79 patients with nasal sinuses were operated and followed up. 方法:对79例鼻窦炎患者进行内窥镜手术及随访观察。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. The all patients were followed up from 1 to 3 months and had a good recovery. 随访1~3个月,全组病人均恢复排尿通畅,疗效满意。 www.chemyq.com 8. The weak will only Hunhunee to accept fate, there is no assertive followed up, do a puppet show. 弱者只会浑浑噩噩地接受命运的摆布,毫无主见地跟从,做一只木偶。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Methods 44 cases underwent cervical adenocarcinoma from Jan, 1986 to Sep, 1995 were followed up and analysed. 方法:对1986~1995年44例宫颈腺癌患者的临床资料进行回顾分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Methods: 183 children with benign epilepsy were followed-up for 2 - 10 years. 方法:对183例儿童良性癫癎进行了2~10年的随访观察。 epub.cnki.net 1. And it's being followed up with encouraging changes in foreign policy. 而且随后还有外交政策上鼓舞人心的变化。 www.stnn.cc 2. The RNZN purchased two REMUS 100 systems in 2006 and followed up with a third in 2007. 皇家海军于2006年购买了2个REMUS100系统,并于2007年购买了第三个。 www.etiri.com.cn 3. The patients were followed-up every 3 months for 1 year to assess and re-evaluate the clinical symptoms. 在1年内每隔3个月一次对所有病人进行随访,对病人的临床症状评估和再评估。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Result: 49 patients have been followed-up 1~4 years, vertebral height and intervertebral space have increased, and then make osteo-union. 结果:术后随访1~4年,全部骨折的椎体的高度和椎间隙距离增高,椎体间骨性融合。 www.showxiu.com 5. After followed-up for 2 to 8 years, no metastasis was seen in 9 cases. 3 cases died of cardio-cerebral disease. 经2年~8年随访,9例患者未见手术局部复发和病灶转移,3例因心脑血管病死亡。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The patients were followed up for 1 to 12 months. 术后随访1~12个月,效果满意并发症少。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 7. This led them to wonder whether FTO really influenced obesity instead, and they followed up their theory in a further 37, 000 people. 不过这一现象在针对肥胖问题时并不明显,随后研究者进一步对另外37000人进行了研究。 www.readfree.net 8. Results 12 cases of the flaps survived except patients were followed up 6-18 months, flap not appear ulcer, 10 cases get protective feeling. 结果12例皮瓣全部成活,术后随访6~18个月,皮瓣没有出现溃疡,10例获得保护性感觉。 www.bing.com 9. Results 45 cases were followed up for 3~5 years and their symptom and screenage were normal. 结果本组病例有45例,经3~5年随访,临床症状、影像学检查均正常。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The polyps are resected in time and followed up can reduce the chance of colorectal cancer. 对腺瘤性息肉及时切除并随访,可以减少大肠癌的发生。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Results 57 cases of 63 femoral neck fracture were followed up. 2 cases of femoral head avascular necrosis occurred. 结果63例股骨颈骨折57例得到随防,骨折均愈合,有2例出现股骨头坏死。 www.studa.net 2. More than 100 contacts are being followed up. 正在对100多名接触者采取后续行动。 www.who.int 3. After six weeks, I followed up. 在六个星期后,我对该流程做了跟进。 club.esnai.com 4. All followed up by Cash Office. 全部由店内的现金办跟进。 www.linkshop.com.cn 5. The reporter followed up on the story. 那位记者继续报导这个消息。 www.chinazikao.com 6. Results 36 cases were followed up from 6 to 18 months. The anterior height of vertebral bodies were recovered. 结果术后6~18个月随访,脊柱生理弯曲,椎体前缘高度恢复理想,未见脊柱失稳。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. I dumped the spy who followed up me. 我把跟踪我的间谍甩了! www.bookou.com 8. A total of 149 patients was (were) followed up for from 1 to 4 years, the average follow-up period being 2. 6 years. 我们对总数达149名患者随访了1-4年,随访期平均为2.6年。 pro.yeeyan.org 9. All cases were followed-up 3~6 months and no complications such as retinal detachment, globe atrophy, endophthalmitis. 术后观察3~6个月,无视网膜脱离、眼球萎缩、眼内炎等并发症。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. Results: 23 cases were followed-up 6 months to 2 years after removing the self-made orthosis. 结果:23例患者拆除矫正器后,经过6个月~2年随访,乳头未见回缩,疗效满意。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. Results 18 cases were followed up for 6~23 months, and 1 case was lost. 结果18例获得随访(1例失访),时间6~23个月,骨折均骨性愈合。 www.bing.com 2. Methods 47 cases of Standard arch wire were followed up from 2~4 years in detection of model. 方法选取47例用标准弓形的弓丝矫治后患者的牙弓形态,对其模型作了2~4年的追踪测量观察。 www.showxiu.com 3. Methods Analysing the diagnosis and treatment effect on 9 cases with portal caver cavernoma aged 1~11, 7 cases were followed up. 方法对在我院确诊的9例1~11岁门脉海绵样变患儿的诊断和治疗效果进行分析,并追踪预后。 www.cjcp.org 4. Results: All cases were followed up. The follow-up time ranges from 8 to 18 months, and the average time is 12 months. 结果:全部病例获得随访,时间8~18个月,平均12个月,无骨折延迟愈合及不愈合。 www.chemyq.com 5. These are ideas that need to be researched, followed up, thought about, discussed more fully, and so on. 这些主意还需要被更加充分的研究,跟踪,思考和讨论等。 www.bing.com 6. When you go to the trouble of setting goals, keep them to a manageable number that can realistically be followed up on. 当你为设定目标而奔忙的时候,把目标设定在可以掌控的数量之内是比较现实的。 www.bing.com 7. Results 56 patients were followed up from 0. 5 to 2. 0 years, all fractures healed and no loosening of internal fixation. 结果56例全部获得随访,随访时间为0.5~2.0年,均骨折骨性愈合,无内固定物松动。 www.bing.com 8. Results 25 cases (32 eyes) corrected well, and then followed up 3-6 months. There were not cases recurrent. 结果退行性下睑内翻32眼均得到良好矫正,术后随访3~6个月未见复发病例。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Now I'm just going to state the next result, just because I want to get there and it'll be followed up more next time. 现在我说一下下一个结果,因为我的下课了,后面的内容我们下次课讲。 open.163.com 10. But then Gregory followed up by asking, "Are you saying you wouldn't entertain another run? " 但是当乔治接着问“您是说您不会多留任一届吗?” www.bing.com 1. What's more, in Japan Saint Valentine's Day is followed up a month later by "White Day, " on March 14. 此外,在日本圣·瓦沦丁节一个月之后的3月14日随之而来的是“白色情人节”。 www.bing.com 2. "And how old are you, " I followed up. “那你多大了,”我接着问。 www.bing.com 3. Discussion on Working Pattern of Tumor Patient Followed up in Community in Minhang District, Shanghai 上海闵行区社区肿瘤病人随访工作模式探讨 ilib.cn 4. Elderly persons aged 65 or above with chronic illness being followed up in public clinics, as well as those aged 65 or above receiving CSSA; 65岁或以上有长期病患而在公营门诊求诊的长者,以及65岁或以上领取综援的长者; www.chp.gov.hk 5. Long-term followed up to hearing, vision and intelligence in low birth weight infant 低出生体重儿远期听力、视力与智力随访 www.ilib.cn 6. Decide which projects to be followed up and quoted, apply for special price according to sales strategy and business situation; 决定需被跟踪和报价项目,根据销售策略和项目实际情况申请特殊价格; www.lietou.com 7. Hence its decision to launch a Hong Kong and Macau guide last year that is expected to be followed up with a mainland Chinese one . 因此,在去年该公司决定推出香港和澳门餐厅指南后,预计中国内地餐厅指南也将出炉。 www.bing.com 8. The measurement can be reviewed, followed up and assessed 目标的衡量标准可以观察、跟踪、并且评估; wenku.baidu.com 9. Correlative and followed-up study on brain evoked potentials of stress-related disorders 军人应激相关障碍患者多种诱发电位的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Results Were followed up for 3 to 12 months, the simple median nerve in patients with irreversible damage to the fine 100%; 结果术后随访3~12个月,单纯正中神经不可逆损伤患者的优良率达100%; lib.cqvip.com 1. Clinical pathology character and followed up results in 47 patients with thyroid gland cancers 甲状腺癌47例临床病理学特点及随访结果 www.ilib.cn 2. The Radiotherapy of Pulmonary Carcinoma by X-ray Knife and CT Followed up 肺癌的X刀放疗及CT随访观察 www.ilib.cn 3. CT Diagnosis and Followed up of Cerebral Paragonimiasis (An Analysis of 14 Cases) 脑肺吸虫病的CT检查及追踪观察(附14例分析) www.ilib.cn 4. 100% of debts over 90 days should be followed up at least 3 times; 确保对超过90天以上的所有帐款至少跟进3次以上; jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Some didn't GO far enough but have followed up with supplementary remarks today 有的表示得不够充分,今天作了补充。 dict.ebigear.com 6. He followed up his linguistic studies till he died 他毕生孜孜不倦地从事语言学的研究。 www.jukuu.com |
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