单词 | generosity |
释义 |
复数:generosities 例句释义: 慷慨,宽宏大量,大方,慷慨大方,宽大,慷慨的行为 1. Two months is an awfully long time for your son and his wife to lounge around doing nothing and taking advantage of your generosity. 两个月对于你儿子和他妻子闲逛不干事并利用你们的慷慨,实在是太长了一点。 bbs.putclub.com 2. When i say "generosity" , i mean a generosity of spirit: a lack of pettiness and jealousy, and a meeting (or close to it) of the minds. 当说到慷慨,我指的是一种慷慨的精神:不吝啬不嫉妒,并且还要有一种这样的思想。 www.bing.com 3. Anita Mui is always like this: with an aroma of generosity and style of a man, she performs a female with a lonely and broken heart. 梅艳芳总是这样,用男人一样的大气与豪情,演绎着女人的寂寞与心碎。 anitamui.muimusic.com 4. Thus Madoff posed as a man beleaguered by his own generosity, who took on new clients as a favor to friends. 然后,麦道夫摆出一副因自己慷慨大方之举而困扰不已的样子,他把吸收新客户加入当成对朋友们的帮助。 www.bing.com 5. He said the generosity of these commitments is very encouraging, given the economic climate. 他说,鉴于目前的经济形势,成员国慷慨解囊的承诺是非常令人鼓舞的。 www.voanews.cn 6. He says Africans should not be left guessing whether or not the generosity of the American people will continue. 布什说,非洲人民不应靠猜测美国人是否会继续慷慨而生活。 www.voanews.cn 7. Had it been here the reader could have seen with what consummate generosity Bankim Babu had taken the sting out of that unfortunate episode. 假如这封信还在的话,那么读者就可以发现,班吉姆先生在拔掉这段不幸插曲的刺时显得多么宽宏大量。 www.bing.com 8. She was so touched by his generosity that for a moment she was at a loss for words. 他的慷慨感动了她,以致于片刻间她不知道该说什么好。 des.cmu.edu.cn 9. His father's generosity to him had created a strong and sincere affection for him in Charles's heart, an affection without any reservations. 父亲对他的的慷慨使查尔斯真心地爱他父亲,爱得毫无保留。 www.jukuu.com 10. You should not take advantage of his kindness and generosity by demanding too much of him. 你不该利用他的友好和大方向他要求太多。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 1. None of these affected his unassuming modesty or diminished the warmth and generosity of his heart. 这些事情丝毫没有影响到他毫不矫饰的谦逊态度,也没有减退他内心的热情和慷慨。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Generosity is not in giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do. 慷慨并非把我比你更需要的东西给我,而是将你比我更需要的东西给我。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Meanwhile German public opinion will not countenance a generosity of lending to its partners that would put these problems to bed. 此外,德国公众舆论不会同意为其它成员国慷慨解囊,来解决这些问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Only one country seems to have the necessary mixture of wealth, generosity, internationalism, optimism and modesty required to pull it off. 似乎只有挪威一个国家拥有能够推动上述构想的一系列必要条件——财富,慷慨,国际化,乐观主义和谦逊。 www.ecocn.org 5. I was touched by Old Liu's generosity, and would sit and chat with him in my spare time. 老刘的慷慨感动了我,闲暇时间,我会坐下来同他聊聊天。 www.bing.com 6. Presently, someone from a neighbouring table offered me a can of beer, an act of spontaneous generosity with which Osaka spills over. 不久,邻桌的一个人递过一听啤酒,请我喝。在大阪,这种很自然的大方举动简直随处可见。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "Tiny" is not the word for your extraordinary generosity. 你的无比慷慨恐怕不能用“一点”这个词来形容的。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. So I said, "Well, you know, you're all in this yourself. You teach: it's generosity, " was all I could think of. 我说,“你知道,你自己就是这样言传身教的:慷慨。”这是我所能想到的。 www.ted.com 9. Their study claims that individuals with a reputation for generosity and altruism turn out to be the most valued members of their group. 他们说那些拥有慷慨大方、乐于助人名声的人是所在团体中最被看重的人。 www.putclub.com 10. Her friends take advantage of her generosity, and stay in her house for months on end without paying her anything. 她的朋友们利用了她的慷慨,在她家里一连呆了好几个月,却一个钱也没有付。 www.hstc.edu.cn 1. While it was not easy to maintain such a large family, Zhang never compromised his generosity. 要养育这样一大家子人绝非易事,而章却从没因此而放弃乐善好施。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It sounded too good to be true, but I replied, thanking him for his exceptional generosity, that we had no plans to go back. 那听起来太好了以至于希望渺茫,但我回信说,感谢他的如此意想之外的慷慨,我们还没有做好回去的打算。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Generosity to guest, and unite people, how much heart, how much days, and stops, how wide road. 大度能容人、团结人,心有多大,天有多大,心有多宽,路有多宽。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As a witness of her generosity, her blog lists and links to a number of fellow translators and language-related blogs. 她的博客开列并连接了大量译界同仁以及与语言相关的博客,这足以见证她的慷慨大度。 www.bing.com 5. I never seem to be able to strike the right balance between discipline and generosity. 我似乎总也掌握不好纪律和宽宏大量之间的平衡。 6. It's one of those things that catches up to you quickly as life reciprocates your emotional generosity. 这是一样能迅速赶上你就像生活回报你在感情上的宽容。 fly82061688.blog.163.com 7. All of these traits extended from his amazing generosity of spirit, which I attribute to his love of truth above all else. 所有这些显著的特质都来源于他那惊人的慷慨大度精神。我认为,这样的精神源自他对真理的热爱胜过一切。 www.bing.com 8. These have no reasons to be repaid in favor of generosity, which tailors my life in suit of warmth and happiness. 这些不要报答的慷慨的施舍,使我的生活有了温暖,有了幸福。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Exemplifies the precise observation, psychological complexity, and generosity of spirit to which narrative nonfiction should aspire. 书中的精细观察、复杂的心理描写、以及人物的宽宏大量是非小说叙事文体应该追求的范例。 kk.dongxi.net 10. The entry criteria are strict - it was thanks to the generosity of the British Olympic Association that we were allowed in. 进入奥运村的规定非常严格,多亏了英国奥林匹克协会的帮助,我们最终进入了园区。 vipwilson.blog.sohu.com 1. Those who give you a serpent when you ask for a fish, may have nothing but serpents to give. It is then generosity on their part. 那些你向他们索要鱼而给了你毒蛇的人,也许除了毒蛇之外无物可施。这对于他们而言,可谓之慷慨了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. His generosity consisted of giving away the things that had come to him in droves . 他慷慨大方地把别人送给他的大堆大堆的东西转赠别人。 www.bing.com 3. He lost his fortune and his home and lived out his life on the generosity of his sister-in-law and Yale. 他失去了财产、家园,全靠他大姨子和耶鲁大学的慷慨帮助才度过生活的难关。 www.bing.com 4. I thank You again for Your regular generosity, and hope to be able to count on Your support in the future. 再次感谢您们多年来一再的慷慨捐款,希望今后还能继续受到您们的支持。 sm2000.org 5. Japan's generosity has historically been driven at least in part by a desire to make amends for its invasion of China in the 1930s. 日本的慷慨捐助是出于历史原因,一方面是希望修补侵华战争对日中关系造成的伤害。 www.bing.com 6. One of my friends learned the connection between generosity and community when one of his neighbors came by to borrow a ladder. 我的一个朋友学会了慷慨和团契相交的关联,是因为有一次一个邻居来向他借梯子。 www.bing.com 7. Generosity: Being generous to others seems to be a trait in all lucky people. 慷慨大方:对待他人慷慨大方似乎成为所有幸运的人的特性。 www.elanso.com 8. As long as you do not compete with them directly, people would surprisingly the generosity is nowise stingy to cherish time. 只要你不与他们直接竞争,人们都会出奇地慷慨毫不吝惜时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Did that really mean that there was no faithfulness, no generosity , no sacred quality? 他的失败是否就真的证明了世间没有忠信,没有慷慨,没有高尚的品质? dict.wenguo.com 10. Everybody felt surprised, but your generosity allowed you to ignore everything, treating him with courtesy. 大家都觉纳罕,但你却落落大方,彬彬有礼,只作视而不见。 www.putclub.com 1. The German side wasted all that generosity we showed them a fortnight ago. 德国人完全浪费了在我们在上轮比赛中曾经的慷慨。 dict.bioon.com 2. Reflecting on a little girl's generosity, Ashley says she hopes she'll one day be able to do something similar for someone else in need. 作为对一个小女孩慷慨之心的回馈,艾希丽希望自己有一天也能为需要帮助的人做同样的事。 www.bing.com 3. Reaching out in an act of generosity makes you feel better and moves you away from your stress and toward your productivity. 出于慷慨提供帮助会让你感觉更好,让你移去压力,发挥自己的生产力。 dongxi.net 4. Giving people gifts is one of the most wonderful traditions, as it shows generosity and caring. Until it becomes commercialized. 礼尚往来是很好的传统,它可以显示人们的慷慨和关心,直至这种习俗被商业化。 www.bing.com 5. In a cynical and me-first world, Mr. A has stunned me with his selflessness and generosity of spirit. 在这尖酸刻薄,唯我独尊的世界里,A先生的无私和奉献精神令我震惊。 www.tai-sing.com 6. The researchers noted that generosity tends to increase as people mature and develop stronger notions of morality and fairness. 研究人员指出,当人变得成熟,形成更强的道德和公平意识后,慷慨程度往往会随之提升。 chinese.wsj.com 7. As he was the first to injure, make him the first to implore pardon; and then--why then, Ellen, I might show you some generosity. 既然是他先伤害我的,就叫他先求饶;然后——到那时候呀,艾伦,我也许可以向你表现出一点宽宏大量来。 putclub.com 8. People do not like one who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return. 总是利用别人的慷慨大方而从不做任何有益回报的人是不受别人欢迎的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. While the first lady was noted for her generosity and warmth as the nation's premier hostess, she longed for her private life in Virginia. 虽然第一夫人因为好客与热情的态度而被认为是全美国最好的女主人,她却渴望能够回到弗吉尼亚享受自己的私人生活。 www.24en.com 10. but no flight of generosity run mad, opposing all that could be probable or reasonable, entered her brain. 但是,她没有慷慨到头脑发热的地步,完全置可能性和合理性于不顾。 novel.tingroom.com 1. The rare kindness and generosity with which my grandmother have been blessed make her respected by those who know her. 我祖母少有的善良和慷慨使所有认识她的人都敬爱她。 www.bing.com 2. He took advantage of my generosity. 他利用我的慷慨占了便宜。 3. Did that really mean that there was no faithfulness, no generosity, no sacred quality in the world? 那是否就真的证明了世间没有忠信,没有慷慨,没有高尚的品质? 4. Its big and powerful depends on its generosity , it flow unceasingly , are adjusted to any environment. 它的强大在于它的慷慨,它不断地流淌,适应任何环境。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. I truly believe that the Academy of XXX will open its door to talented students like An Hu with great generosity. 以XXX学院开阔的胸襟必能对如同胡安同学这样才华出众的青年才俊敞开胸怀。 gatefanyi.com 6. Some of his stripper friends took advantage of his generosity, stealing his credit card numbers and buying things for themselves. 他的一些舞女朋友利用了他的慷慨,偷走他的信用卡为她们自己买东西。 www.bing.com 7. Thank you for your generosity and leadership! The fund is only for building fund. 感谢您率先慷慨捐款!您或您公司的捐赠款项将作为购买中心大楼的款项专款专用。 www.chineseciviccenter.org 8. It really gets to me that he stole my money after I had shown him so much generosity. 这个事情我非常生气,他偷了我的钱,因为我对他非常慷慨。 hi.baidu.com 9. you can counter once, and then after that simply thank the person paying for the generosity and offer to pick up the tab the next time. 你可以坚持一次,然后谢谢对方的慷慨大方,并且承诺下次你来买单。 www.hjenglish.com 10. full only when a for your long-term interests of the individual, tolerance, generosity a little wrong! 全权只当是为你个人的长远利益着想,宽容大度一点儿没错! enwaimao.cn 1. That can be useful for parents since even children too young to talk seem able to absorb and imitate acts of empathy and generosity. 这一点对家长很有用处,因为就连还不会说话的小孩子似乎也有能力理解和模仿关心他人和慷慨大方的举动。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Warm generosity allows you to help many others and this gratifies your need for happiness . 和蔼,慷慨宽大使你愿意帮助别人,这也是满足你幸福的需要。 www.bing.com 3. It's a famous restaurant. Let me see. Do you wish to show your hospitality and generosity? I'd have ordered Louis XIII if I'd known earlier. 俏佳人是一个著名酒楼,让我想想,你是想显示你的殷勤和慷慨吧?早知道我该点路易十三了。 book.sina.com.cn 4. Let me very sincerely thank you for your generosity and interest in our organization. 诚挚感谢您的慷慨捐赠以及对我们组织的关心。 sm2000.org 5. Although you are anxious to please others and you are known for your generosity, you do have a tendency not to hear what people are saying. 虽然你努力去讨好别人,你的大方也是众所周知的,但是你就是有不听别人怎么说的倾向。 www.bing.com 6. My sincere thanks for your generosity and hospitality - it is always appreciated! 再次真诚感谢你的慷慨和好客——我们总是心怀感激的! www.zhongzhao.com 7. Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with generosity, IE Rich people are not always generous. 财富与慷慨未必同义(富人不见得都慷慨)。 dict.ebigear.com 8. You overwhelm me with your generosity. 你对我太宽厚了。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. I would like to say thank you for his trust and generosity for handing over this precious, rare material. 我希望对于他的信任和宽厚并移交给我这些珍贵,罕见的材料说声感谢您。 www.bing.com 10. Tales abound of his generosity in crediting the achievements of others as well as his own. 他对别人的成就像对自己一样不吝赞美之词,这样的事例数不胜数。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You really have a knack in selecting such a beautiful figurine for Christmas. Mary thanks for your generosity and good wishes. 你真有本事,能挑选一个这麽漂亮的小塑像,做为圣诞礼物。非常感谢你的大方和祝福。 www.tai-sing.com 2. Christ exempts none of his disciples from the practice of generosity. And from those to whom much has been given, much is expected. 基督要祂所有的门徒实践慷慨,而那些多得的,神亦会向他们多要。 www.chinesetodays.org 3. For generosity--the ability to make real gifts with modesty and love, expecting nothing back--is one of the things which most make us human. 慷慨----即出于谦恭和爱心赠送真正意义的礼物而不期望任何回报的能力----是最使我们人之所以为人的一个方面。 www.ebigear.com 4. Generosity and determination let you think big. Thinking big, you can achieve great things. 有大胸襟,方有大格局有大格局,方能成大事。 www.lianhua33.com 5. How does your lethal generosity strategy ladder up to your organization's missions and values? 如何让你的具有竞争优势的企业善举的策略与企业的使命和价值观相符呢? www.bing.com 6. On large occasions like the present, Mrs. Wilson's innate generosity came out. 遇到象现在这种重要关头,威尔逊太太内心里宽洪的气度便完全显示了出来。 7. It was the tax deduction involved, rather than unselfishness, that prompted his generosity to the charity drive. 促使他对慈善事业大施援手的动力不是无私之心而是为了减税。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Although it was his second Asian assignment, Gibbons says he was again overwhelmed with the friendliness and generosity of the Asian people. 虽然它是他的秒亚洲的任务,但是长臂猿说他再一次被用亚洲的人们友谊和慷慨淹没。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Do not be bitter, not sweet not greasy, less passionate, less fanatical, more leisurely taste of love and generosity. 不干不苦,不甜不腻,少了激情,少了狂热,多了从容和宽大博爱的味道。 www.bing.com 10. Those people who provide you with goods and services are not acting out of generosity or concern for your welfare. 那些提供你货物和服务的人并不是因为他们慷慨或者为你的福利着想。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. To create a happy marriage, first be the kind of person who generates love, generosity, dependability and trust. 要缔造幸福的婚姻,自己首先就要做一个有爱心、慷慨、可靠而又诚实的人。 www.ebigear.com 2. Let us return the kindness and generosity we have seen throughout the year by helping our fellow citizens weather the storms of our day. 让我们帮助我们的同胞渡过当前的难关,以反哺之心感谢我们一年来受到的仁慈与慷慨。 www.america.gov 3. The fact that Tom is in prison for debt gives the lie to your story about his kindness and generosity. 汤姆因负债入狱的事实,证明你所说的它既仁慈仁慈又大方是有误的。 www.hotdic.com 4. Only this kind of places would be able to show the master's " generosity" and "politeness" . 唯有这种大把大把挥金的地方,方能显出主人的“大气”与“客气”。 www.bing.com 5. And does the depth of her generosity extend to a gift in return? Perhaps the charts we discussed? 而且她对回返的一个礼物有提供深厚的慷慨的吗?或许我们谈论地图? www.jukuu.com 6. Now just my wheelchair alone cost $5600, and without everyone's generosity, I might be paddling myself around cross-legged on a skateboard. 仅仅一个轮椅就得花掉5600美元,没有大家的慷慨解囊,我也许得把自己盘腿坐在滑板上了。 www.bing.com 7. His warmth and generosity were treasures, and when they appeared, animosity magically dissipated into a melting pot of goodwill. 热情和慷慨是他性格中的闪光点,当这些品质表现出来时,剑拔弩张的气氛就会神奇地烟消云散,变得其乐融融。 www.ecocn.org 8. Feld decides to repair the shoes at a reduced price although he does not tell Max of his generosity. 费尔德决定在修复降价的鞋子,尽管他并没有告诉他的慷慨最大。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Tom Renowned for his generosity with friends who are willing to share his things, is always helpful. 汤姆为人慷慨,愿意与朋友们分享他的东西,总是乐于助人。 wenwen.soso.com 10. " Really feel shy. " Ling Fan for her generosity and more of a good. “真的不好意思。”凌凡对她的大度又多了一份好感。 www.bing.com 1. 'I'm from Yorkshire, and the definition of a Yorkshireman is a Scotsman with all the generosity squeezed out, ' he announced. 他说道:“我可是从约克郡来的,所谓约克郡人,就是吝啬到极点的苏格兰人。” blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Buddha used the word cage to refer to the inner virtue of generosity that ensures that dana is connected to the Path. 佛陀用这个字组是特指布施的内在美德,是这种内在之德才能使布施相应于解脱圣道。 www.mahasati.org.tw 3. Wondrous strength and generosity of a woman's heart! She will not speak! 一个女人的心胸是多么坚强和宽阔啊!她不肯说! www.dictall.com 4. Thus another form of generosity is sharing the Word of God. 因此,另一种慷慨大方的形式就是分享神的道。 www.bing.com 5. During the first few years of life, generosity and sharing are concepts without meaning or value. 在最初几年的生活,慷慨及分享这样的概念对于小孩来说是没有意义、也没有价值的。 qq.iyaya.com 6. And it will take living with the spirit of generosity and accountability, with a sense of integrity and perseverance. 从而让我们生活在慷慨和负责以及正直和坚毅的精神下吧。 www.ted.com 7. Earning lots of money is A Good Thing because - unlike the way we French see things - the search for profit does not rule out generosity. 赚大把大把的钱是一桩美事,因为——不像我们法国人看待事物那样——追求利润并不排除慷慨的付出。 www.bing.com 8. Gaddafi retains loyal support in most African countries, a product of his generosity over the decades. 多年来的慷慨使得卡扎菲在大部分非洲国家拥有忠实的支持。 www.bing.com 9. Her generosity is one of her most pleasing traits. 她为人慷慨,这是她最讨人喜欢的品性之一。 english4u.blogchina.com 10. If I sow generosity, it's going to come back to me, and I'm going to reap generosity. 如果我种下慷慨,他将向我返回,我会收获慷慨。 www.bing.com 1. Please accept our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for your generosity and kindness towards our less fortunate countrymen. 我们代表不幸的同胞们对您的慷慨和仁慈表示诚心的感谢。 sm2000.org 2. Anne's generosity is one of her most pleasing traits. 安妮的为人慷慨是她最受人喜爱的特性之一。 dispub.njtu.edu.cn 3. That benefit users and Choi's generosity in Dianshang Qin Lin's remarks, Qin Do not know the insidious and greed? 那手执和氏璧在秦王殿上慷慨陈词的蔺相如,难道不知秦王的阴险与贪婪? wenwen.soso.com 4. Notice as I said previously, the sincerity of one's love is test byone's practice of generosity. 我们在前面说到,一个人的爱的真诚可以由他是否慷慨大方看出来。 www.bing.com 5. I am also thankful for Dr. Zhou's generosity for allowing me to co-host GYN pathology along with him. 也谢谢周教授慷慨地允许我和他共同主持妇产科病理专栏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Pressure is mounting for the rules to be revised to limit their generosity or focus the relief more narrowly on small, growing businesses. 目前,英国财政部面临的压力越来越大。人们要求其修改该规定,以限制税收优惠幅度,或将税收减免重点集中在正在增长的小企业上。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He provided relief for many sufferers of arthritis, fevers and muscle strain and was well-known for his kindness and generosity. 他提供救济,为许多患者的关节炎,发热,肌肉拉伤和更是众所周知的,为他的善良和慷慨。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. One anti-sharing law was just overturned in Orlando, but the war on illicit generosity continues. 在奥兰多,一项反分享法刚刚被推翻,但是对非法施舍的战争仍在继续。 www.bing.com 9. You are expected to have decorum and it will be nice if you are able to appreciate the forum owners' generosity in allowing your presence. 估计你会很端庄,如果你能体会到论坛版主允许你在这里出现的慷慨,这将是很好的。 www.tianyayidu.com 10. Karma Kitchen, a US volunteer-run experiment, is cooking up kindness and generosity by calling for diners to pay for a stranger's bill. 美国志愿者日前发起一项名为“命运厨房”的实验,通过鼓励就餐者为陌生人买单来弘扬友善和慷慨。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father. 若太在意你的债务,就是怀疑那以坦诚大地为母,以神为父的人的慷慨了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. but quite as frequently it awards more than justice when the appeal is made, as despots love to have it made, entirely to its generosity. 但是一旦完全投其所好、吁请暴虐的人们慷慨大度时,倒常常会得到超出公道的奖赏。 www.hjenglish.com 3. And I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace that I have witnessed these past eight years. 我感谢你们在过去八年让我目睹了无数体现勇气、慷慨与仁慈的行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Then they played a computer game that, like the earlier simulation, tested their generosity. 然后所有被试都要完成一个电脑游戏来测试他们的慷慨程度。 www.bing.com 5. Myanmar People are known for their generosity, simple hospitality and with a blend of serenity And friendliness. 缅甸人以慷慨、好客、平静和友好著称。 www.ebigear.com 6. Moreover, what stands out about the evening is not so much the extravagance as the generosity. 此外,晚宴上不仅奢侈铺张,而且还慷慨大方。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It includes the generosity of philanthropies and of governments in countries where malaria vanished ages ago. 它包含了慈善机构和早已消灭了疟疾的那些国家政府的慷慨相助。 www.who.int 8. Previous research has shown that our propensity towards generosity is only partly explained by our genes. 之前的研究已经表明,我们倾向慷慨的习惯也仅仅只是部分能够用我们的基因来解释。 www.bing.com 9. Rather Christians practice generosity from the heart. 基督徒的慷慨大方出自于内心。 www.bing.com 10. She contributes to Spring Buds Program and some girls writes her for her generosity. 她捐款给了春蕾工程,一些女孩写信来感谢她的慷慨。 ask.22vv.com 1. This puts 70% dependent on the generosity of people like you and me to save them. 其余约70%的病人就要依赖你慷慨的捐赠,才能延续生命。 yingrid.wordpress.com 2. Please consider making a Lenten donation. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity! 恳请大家慷慨作出这个封斋期奉献。愿主赐予鸿福。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Because of his generosity, the museum named a gallery after him in 2009. 由于他的慷慨捐赠,博物馆在2009年以他的姓氏将一个画廊命名为麦克米兰。 www.forbeschina.com 4. Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today. 尽管圣诞老人不复存在,但是今天慷慨大方的精神依然长存。 stu.bdchina.com 5. If eradication fails because of a lack of generosity on the part of donor countries it would be tragic. 如果由于缺乏资助而导致根除小儿麻痹症失败,那将是一个悲剧。 www.bing.com 6. Forbearance to turn hostility into friendship, and tolerance can show your generosity. 忍能化干戈为玉帛,忍可显示你的大度。 www.bing.com 7. I admire the generosity of spirit and the strength of character shown by the Chinese people as you confront this natural disaster. 我钦佩中国人民在面临这场自然灾难之时所体现的崇高精神和人格力量。 bbs.eduu.com 8. No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. 至今为止没有人认识到,深藏于每个孩子灵魂中的同情心、仁慈和旷达是多么伟大的财富。 q.sohu.com 9. I do not speak only of material generosity here, but generosity with your time, with your energy. 这里我不只说物质的大方,包含你的时间、能量的大方。 www.mingxing.com 10. To shoulder social responsibilities with benevolence and to practice entrepreneurism with generosity are the special charisma of Mr. Bollen. 以仁慈之心践行社会责任的担当,以助人为乐彰显企业家的情怀,是陆博伦先生独特的个人魅力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Eg. He was a plantation owner who looked on his slaves with benevolence but could hardly be accused of treating them with generosity. 他是一个以仁慈之心看待他的奴隶而谈不上慷慨厚待他们的庄园主。 www.yc2000.net 2. He did not want to be behindhand in generosity. 他不愿在慷慨大方方面落于人后。 www.kekenet.com 3. We're grateful for your generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of the expo, the American role here. 我们感激你们的慷慨赞助,你们对世博重要性和美国在世博发挥作用的坚定信心。 www.rr365.com 4. However, one can ask if whether Simon's hospitality to Jesus was truly an act out of generosity or purely for personal gain? 然而,一个假设性的问题:他对耶稣的慇勤招待是出于真心的慷慨行动或是纯粹为自己的私利? www.ourladyofchina.net 5. To be sure, we all have within us the capacity for cruelty. But so too do we all have nobler instincts, like generosity and empathy. 的确,我们每个人本身就有容纳残忍的能力,但我们有更高尚的天性,如慷慨与同情。 www.elanso.com 6. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation. . . as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. 我感谢布什总统对祖国的奉献……也感谢他在整个换届交接中所给予的大度合作。 www.globaltimesschool.com 7. Generosity seems to run in the family. 宽大慷慨似乎是这家庭中的特色。 files.edutt.com 8. Mix together patience, love, kindness, generosity, faith, understanding and laughter as a recipe for happiness. 幸福的诀窍就是把容忍、爱心、仁慈、慷慨、信心、谅解和欢笑拌和在一起。 www.enun.cn 9. His generosity is one of his good traits. 慷慨大方是他的特点之一。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Open-minded is an accomplishment, but requires generosity as a foreshadowing. 豁达是一种修养,却需要大度作为铺垫。 enwaimao.cn 1. It nourishes unselfish Behavior, generosity, and love in the framework of a well-organized family system. 在有着健全组织的家庭体系框架中培养出无私的行为、宽容和爱。 www.jukuu.com 2. In this context, generosity has come to mean that you hurl money around like a drunken sailor. 在这种情况下,慷慨已变了味,无异于你像一个喝得烂醉的水手,向周围的人大把大把地扔钱。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. But for the Laotian government, such generosity would not come cheaply. 但对老挝政府而言,中国的此类慷慨之举可不是免费午餐。 www.ftchinese.com 4. At a time when the world has disaster fatigue, I miss the generosity of her star power and what it could accomplish. 当整个世界因饱受灾难而疲惫不堪时,我就会十分怀念她的慷慨因她的明星效应所实现的一切。 dongxi.net 5. They include such traits as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity which arise from the hard choices we have to make in life. 它们包括了正直、诚实、勇气、公平、慷慨等特点,来自于我们在生活中必须做出的艰难抉择。 www.ebigear.com 6. Christo, my namesake and late Great Uncle, had a generosity of spirit and passionate interest in other people that knew no bounds. 克里斯多,与我同名,是我已故的“大叔”,为人慷慨豁达,对别人的关心是无微不至的。 www.hicoo.net 7. They were surprised at his generosity and asked, "What can we do for you? " 这些割草工对行人这种慷慨举动很惊讶,就问道:“我们可以帮你做些什么?” george.shi.blog.163.com 8. Some Western European countries advocate generosity, but some newer members from Eastern Europe are much less willing to pay. 一些西欧国家支持提供资金援助,但是来自东欧的一些新成员的意愿则要低得多。 c.wsj.com 9. Generosity stems from the heart that has experienced God's grace. 经历上帝的恩典,自然会慷慨施予。 home.ebigear.com 10. Your generosity and passion for your countries is infectious and it has made our stay so memorable. 您的慷慨和热情为你们的国家是传染病,它使我们留下如此难忘。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Dividends or buybacks tend to come as a business matures -- witness Microsoft's belated generosity in recent years. 派息和回购往往是业务趋于成熟后才会采取的措施,看看微软近些年才姗姗来迟的慷慨吧。 www.bing.com 2. Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today. 圣诞老人已不在人世,但他慷慨大方的精神依然存在。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Organizers believe that the presence of Putin's prestige to attract the international performing star generosity. 组织者相信普京的名望可以吸引在场的国际演艺明星慷慨解囊。 www.englishtang.com 4. And there's an evolutionary explanation for your generosity towards kin. 我们可以用进化论解释,人为什么会对亲属慷慨。 www.bing.com 5. We thank the United States National Archives for their generosity in lending it today, and for their care in preserving it. 我们感谢美国国家档案馆今天再次把它带到联合国,也感谢他们对这份原件长期以来的精心保护。 www.putclub.com 6. She says most of the host families are very poor. Their generosity is putting an additional burden on their limited resources. 她说,大部分的寄宿家庭非常贫困,他们的慷慨是在有限的资源上增加额外的负担。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. On the flip side, state media have gone out of their way to publicize morality tales showing the heroism and generosity of ordinary Chinese. 在另一方面,国家媒体已经在宣传普通中国人英雄主义和宽宏大量的道德故事方面做了大量的工作。 www.bing.com 8. Everyone knows, "the figure said, '" you are a person of no generosity and a very mean spirit. 人人都知道,“影子说,”你这个人毫无慷慨之心,而且心胸狭窄。 resource.eastedu.org 9. Really, David is not a bit like his brother AS far AS generosity is concerned. 的确,就慷慨大方这一点来说,大卫确实一点也不象他哥哥。 dict.ebigear.com 10. They were also gauged for their general cooperativeness and generosity through such exercises as the aforementioned dictator game. 通过上述独裁者游戏的练习他们也被估测出了大体上的合作和慷慨程度。 dongxi.net 1. an act of generosity in line with the concept of compassion for all beings. 这种行为和他们怜悯一切生灵的观念是一致 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Kindness (generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, "niceness" ): Doing favors and good deeds for others. 善良(慷慨,关怀,关照,同情,无私的爱,“美好的事物”):为他人帮忙、做好事。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It was a specimen of his generosity. 这是他慷慨大度的一个实例。 dict.netat.net 4. They often displayed a great deal of generosity for me. 他们对于我常常显露了大量的慷慨。 ask.suiniyi.com 5. Generosity is one of the best ways to show love and friendship. 慷慨是表达爱和友谊最好的方法。 www.myld.cn 6. But justice and generosity in a nation, as in individual, count most when shown not by the weak but the strong. 不论是国家或个人,公正和宽厚都强者而不是弱者的表现。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. However, an analysis of the results showed that generosity increased as participants' assessment of their own social status fell. 然而,分析结果表明:参与者对自己社会地位评价越低,他们的慷慨度就越高。 www.ecocn.org 8. You're giving me a brand-new Jaguar, and you don't want anything? -Call it generosity between two strangers. 给我一个全新——美洲虎,你不想要的东西吗?这两个陌生人之间-叫做慷慨。 www.yappr.cn 9. An act of generosity entails giving more than is required, customary, or expected relative to one's resources and circumstances. 布施是要一个人超越一般要求、惯例或期望而尽最大力量施舍自己的资财。 www.mahasati.org.tw 10. Chivalry includes bravery, loyalty, honor, courtesy, respect for woman, protection of the weak, and generosity. 骑士精神包括勇敢、忠诚、名誉、谦恭有礼、尊重妇女、保护弱小以及慷慨大度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Draw the boundaries of your generosity at the limit where your own joy begins to wane. 当你自己感到的快乐开始退却,那么就在慷慨上划清界限。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Hence, too, her generosity to AIDS sufferers long before most others cared to help them. 同样,早在他人关心帮助他们的之前,她就已经慷慨的为艾滋病患者捐款。 www.ecocn.org 3. Europe's response to the Arab spring is governed by narrow national agricultural and immigration interests, not generosity, and imagination. 欧洲对“阿拉伯之春”的反应受到了狭隘的国家农业和移民利益的驱动,未体现出宽宏大量,也毫无想象力可言。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He glossed over His selfishness with a display of generosity. 他以慷慨大方的假象掩饰他的自私。 dict.ebigear.com 5. With plenty of political and financial trouble back home, America's generosity is not guaranteed. 而美国自己还有着大量的政治和金融问题,谁又敢保证他们能慷慨多久。 www.ecocn.org 6. Moon understands most the generosity of the sun. 月儿最理解阳光的慷慨。 www.miteo.net 7. His legend started with a kind bishop named St. Nicholas who lived around 300 A. D. and was known for his generosity . 他的传说始自纪元前三百年左右,一个叫做圣尼古拉斯的仁慈的主教,他以慷慨仁慈而出名。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. We were amazed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我们惊讶。 wenku.baidu.com 9. The expected result of generosity is thanksgiving to God. 对慷慨大方所期望的结果就是对神的感激。 www.bing.com 10. Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosity and frankness, are virtues neglected by the modern society. 拜伦在唐璜身上开发出勇敢,慷慨,诚恳直白等优点。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Concerns about gossip could influence behavior, including generosity, researchers said. Worried about what people are saying about you? 研究人员日前称,在意别人的流言蜚语会影响你的行为,包括你的慷慨程度。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. The Master had visited his house a number of times and unstintingly praised the devotion and generosity of this beloved disciple. 师父拜访了他数次之多,不断地赞扬这位爱徒的热情和慷慨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Japanese will remember your generosity if you send him a present even a small souvenir. 给日本客人送一件礼物,即使是小小的纪念品,他都会铭记心中。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. you for your generosity and hospitality. 薄礼一份,感谢你的慷慨和热情款待。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. - Kahlil Gibran. 慷慨是给予比你能给予的多,自尊是接受比你需要的少。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Another emotion is generosity, as when you pay someone double what he paid for his stupid puppet. 还有一种情绪是慷慨,象你给那个愚蠢的为木偶付出的人双倍的价钱。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. "Aren't mercy and generosity virtues to be practised? " asked the King, looking puzzled. "Why would these lead to destruction? " 惠王并没有因卜皮的话而大动肝火,反之,继续问道:“慈与惠,不是美德吗?为甚么却会导致国家的灭亡?” www.bridgeschoolchina.com 8. was overwhelmed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我感激难言。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. They will take too much advantage of his kindness and generosity. 他们打算利用他的善良和大度 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Technology is capable of expressing and being imbued with a certain generosity, and we need to demand that, in fact. 科学技术有表达的能力,也能够慷慨地为人所用,实际上我们应该向技术要求这个。 www.ted.com 1. Uniform color animated smooth, cheerful generosity, and conveyed the idea of the Olympic Games and China elements. 制服色彩动感流畅、欢快大方,传达了奥运理念和中国元素。 news.rednet.cn 2. Thanks for your generosity. Friendship forever. 谢谢你的慷慨,友谊永存。 wenwen.soso.com 3. True generosity comes from his heart not from his purse. 真正的慷慨出自内心而非钱包。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. This gift of money speaks of your generosity. 你捐赠这笔钱说明你很慷慨。 www.bing.com 5. Maintaining their interest will be crucial if Nicaragua is to stay afloat when Venezuela's generosity runs out. 当委内瑞拉不在慷慨,假如尼加瓜拉仍旧保持不欠债,保持他们的利益将是十分重要的。 www.ecocn.org 6. At Bank of America, Lewis' apparent act of generosity towards Merrill Lynch was being punished by the market. 在美洲银行,刘易斯对美林表面上的慷慨已经得到市场的惩罚。 www.bing.com 7. Generosity is incompatible with morality, that rationalization of customs, that mechanization of life. 慷慨和道德是不能和谐相处的,这就是社会习俗的合理化,这就是生命的机械化。 www.bing.com 8. The trio also raise the possibility that cleverly designed rewards could actually draw out more generosity by exploiting image motivation. 三人实验小组也提出了这样的可能性,那就是精心设计的报酬通过利用偶像动机实际上能使人们变得更慷慨。 www.ecocn.org 9. In Twitterville, Shel describes how Molson Coors Canada uses generosity as a key part of its branding and social media strategy. 在Twitterville上Shel描述了MolsonCoorsCanada是如何将慷慨的捐赠作为其品牌与社会媒体策略的一个关键性组成部分。 www.bing.com 10. She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love. 她拿出卷发钳,点着煤气灯,开始修理为爱而造成的对头发损害。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He was struck all of a heAP when he heard of their generosity to him. 听到他们对他如此慷慨仁慈,他给搞糊涂了。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Let's face it; they're not there to provide their infinite wisdom out of pure generosity. 让我们来面对它,他们在那里并不是出于纯粹的慷慨来提供他们无穷的智慧。 www.elanso.com 3. His generosity, calm nature and constant good humor have made the longest days seem shorter, the largest obstacles surmountable. 他慷慨,平和的本性及一贯的幽默感让最长的一天似乎变短,最大的障碍也能克服。 www.oxford.com.cn 4. This refers to a British army commander of the 18th century who was known for his generosity. 格兰贝侯爵是一位18世纪的英军指挥官,以其慷慨而著名。 www.bing.com 5. Archbishop Hepworth declared himself "profoundly moved by the generosity" of Pope Benedict. 大主教Hepworth宣称自己被教皇本笃的慷慨“深深感动”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Chinese traditionally uphold the virtues of modesty, generosity, broad mindedness, and politeness. 中国自古推崇谦逊、宽宏、心胸开阔和以礼待人的美德。 www.englishtang.com 7. Could this Lost Boy even understand the difference between hugging and fondling, affection and assault, generosity and lechery ? 这个失落的男孩还能理解拥抱和抚摸、慈爱和猥亵、慷慨和淫荡之间的区别吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Don always taught that when a man was generous, he must show the generosity as personal. 教父一直告诉他当一个人要显示大方时,他一定要把这个慷慨显示成自己的特性。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Is charity, humility, generosity born out of discipline? 仁慈,谦卑,慷慨诞生于纪律吗? www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 10. There are exceptions: Britain and Australia promise to boost aid spending. But they seem like a last hurrah of Western generosity. 但是也有例外:英国和澳大利亚承诺加大援助力度,但是这似乎已经是西方慷慨大度的谢幕演出了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Open-hearted gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people. 没有隐瞒的真诚慷慨会让即便是最容易起疑心的人也放下了警惕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Usually, generosity rewards an ethical awareness that defies the common obsessions with stinginess and corrupt gifts. 通常.普通人追求吝啬和贿赂的礼物,慷慨使一种伦理意识抗拒这种追求。 dict.ebigear.com 3. The believers welcomed us with trust, openness, hospitality, and genuine love. Though they had little, their generosity was astounding. 当地的信徒用信任、大方、好客及由衷的爱欢迎我们,虽然他们拥有的不多,但他们的慷慨令人印象十分深刻。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. In addition, the bottle-shape simple generosity and become one of the classic perfume packaging. 而且,其瓶体造型简洁大方,成为香水包装的经典之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Thank you, Steve, for your generosity, but I don't want to impose on you. 史蒂夫,谢谢你的好意。不过,我不想再麻烦你。 hi.baidu.com 6. His story about her illustrates her true generosity very clearly . 他写的那个有关她的故事非常清楚地展现了她真正的慷慨大度。 www.bing.com 7. The maxims of PP include Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim and Sympathy Maxim. 包括策略准则、慷慨准则、赞扬准则、谦虚准则、同意准则、同情准则。 www.fabiao.net 8. Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Henry. 谢谢您的慷慨,亨利先生。 blog.163.com 9. She agreed to help me after we fought. Her generosity makes me feel small. 在我们吵了一架以后,她仍然愿意帮助我。她的宽厚大量让我自惭形秽。 www.e-say.com.cn 10. From childhood parents should instill their children with the values of honesty, integrity and generosity. 父母应该从小开始,逐渐灌输孩子诚实,廉正和慷慨的价值观念。 hi.baidu.com 1. Madam Ching Hai, thank you again for your support and great generosity. 清海女士,再次感谢您的支持和慷慨解囊。 sm2000.org 2. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. 它是快乐,和平,有爱心,怀希望,平静,谦逊,善良,仁慈,感同身受,慷慨,真实,同情和忠实。 www.docin.com 3. I have been so moved by the generosity of donors, the passion of volunteers, and the perseverance, bravery and optimism of the survivors. 捐款者的慷慨、义工的热诚,生还者的坚毅、勇敢和乐观,都使我深深感动,他们也感动了世界。 www.oxfam.org.hk 4. What I shall never forget is your generosity . 我永远不会忘记您的慷慨。 chinafanyi.com 5. That generosity comes at tremendous cost, as very few of its videos carry advertising. 这种慷慨成本高昂,因为该网站提供的视频极少带有广告。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Wikipedia relies on its users' generosity to fill its coffers as well as its pages. 维基百科依靠用户卖力填充网页,也依赖其慷慨捐资。 www.ecocn.org 7. President Bush says Americans are already showing their generosity through contributions to aid groups. 布什总统说,美国人民通过向援助组织提供各种捐助而表现自己的慷慨精神。 www.24en.com 8. They fought back tears and were clearly overwhelmed by the generosity of the chat-show host. 这对夫妇在节目上几次潸然泪下,对于脱口秀主持人的慷慨解囊,他们更是感激涕零。 www.hao360.com 9. Sometimes a simple act of generosity can motivate employees, impress prospective clients, and lead to more loyal customers. 有时侯,简单的慷慨行为就能激励员工,让潜在客户印象深刻,并能提高客户的忠实度。 www.iesa.com.cn 10. am the beneficiary of her generosity. 我是她的慷慨的受益人。 bbs.gter.net 1. Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. 慷慨是给予你所能给予的更多,自尊是接受比你所需要的更少。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Bnd I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity and grace that I have witnessed these past eight years. 在过去的八年时间里,你们给了我无以计数的勇气、慷慨和仁爱,我对此表示深深的感谢。 qingziw.hn00.com 3. They either view this as a gesture of charity or generosity, not as a moral or political obligation. 他们把(技术转让)看作一种慷慨的姿态或是慈善行为,而不是做为一种道义和政治责任。 cn.reuters.com 4. The belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. 这个信念就是:人的权利并非来自国家的慷慨,而是来自上帝恩赐。 www.24en.com 5. Good friends don't take advantage of another's generosity by getting them to pay for everything. 好朋友是不会利用朋友的慷慨,让朋友什么都为自己买单。 www.bing.com 6. The national characters of generosity, tolerance, , amity and friendship are seldom seen abroad. 中华民族宽厚、包容、和睦、友善的精神,在国际上是少有的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The price I had to pay for the Grey Wardens' generosity in recruiting me out from under the templars' noses. 那个因为灰卫慷慨地在一群圣殿骑士的鼻子底下将我救出而使我不得不去为他效忠的王子。 bbs.3dmgame.com 8. The only great person who has known the value of generosity is the Buddha. 这个唯一伟大的人知道慷慨的价值的人就是佛陀。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. 较高的催产素与宽容也有关系。 www.bing.com 10. Values like ambition, virtue, generosity and patience are addressed in sayings from almost every culture. 价值观像雄心,美德,慷慨和耐心的词汇,几乎在所有文化里的谚语中都被提到过。 mysearch.100e.com 1. Even after the retirement of President Washington, Martha still continued her unbounded generosity. 即使在华盛顿总统离职后,玛萨仍保持着她那博大仁厚的美德… www.hotdic.com 2. The Royal British Legion, which assists former and current servicemen, is the beneficiary of Blair's generosity. 英国的皇家军队,协助过前任和现任军人,都是布莱尔慷慨的受益人。 www.bing.com 3. How can I ever repay you for your generosity? 我怎么才能报答你的慷慨呢? www.kekenet.com 4. as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. 同时也要感谢他在此次交接过程里展现出的风度与协作。 hi.baidu.com 5. Surely, while most intellectuals cannot bear the aggressiveness of Bill, they admire his generosity. 大多数的知识分子不能忍受盖茨的凶悍,但欣赏他的慷慨。 www.kekenet.com 6. Likewise those whoreceive other people's generosity with an attitude of entitlement donot receive it as generosity. 同样,那些接受别人的慷慨捐赠的人,如果以理所当然的态度接受,那么就没有按这是慷慨大方而接受。 www.bing.com 7. Thank you for your generosity. 感谢您的慷慨。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. "After all, I can never be really sure that the motive was anything other than simple generosity, " she says. 珊农没有生气,她说,“毕竟,我真的可以肯定,他们的动机只是普通慷慨,并无恶意。” treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. He exists just as love and generosity exist. 他就是爱和慷慨的象征。 www.yappr.cn 10. So we want to say -- let's give him a big, big hand for his great generosity. 因此我们愿说——为了他的慷慨,让我们向史蒂夫鼓掌。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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