单词 | geared towards |
释义 | geared towards例句释义: 全部 1. Everything afterwards was just a great increase in energy and confidence geared towards obtaining more of the drug. 以后所要做的事情就是不断花费精力、加大胆量去获得更多的毒品。 www.elanso.com 2. Most articles are geared towards intermediate to advanced developers who put a strong emphasize on standards-compliant designs. 这个网站从1999年就开始发表关于CSS的文章,其中大部分文章都是面向那些更注重符合标准设计的中级到高级设计师。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It used to be that summer schools were academically-orientated institutions while summer camps were more geared towards recreation. 过去通常是认为暑期学校更加倾向于学术的学习而夏令营更加倾向于课外的娱乐活动。 www.hm163.com 4. Just like their poesy, the physical presence of each piece is always geared towards human experience. 就像他们的诗歌,每件行李的身体,始终着眼于人类的经验。 blog.artintern.net 5. Chances are, if the competition has done their research, the content they are writing is geared towards the same target audience as you. 如果竞争对手已经做了研究,他们所写的内容就是适合像你这样的目标读者。 www.bing.com 6. Resolutions are usually about improving yourself as an individual. They're not often geared towards improving your relationship. 下决心通常是人们用来勉励自己的,一般不用于改善个人的情感关系。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Or they are geared towards meeting the supposed skill set needs of a vocal set of large business leaders. 或者他们致力于培养那些符合一系列标准的商界领导人。 www.bing.com 8. This means they are more used to getting a big part of their sales and growth from abroad, as well as being geared towards exports. 这意味着,它们更习惯于一大块销售和增长来自海外,并以出口为导向。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Lab sessions are geared towards demonstrating proper data collection and analysis as well as writing clear and concise lab reports. 并说明正确的数据收集与分析以及写出清楚简洁的实验报告。 www2.myoops.org 10. Since the very beginning, EAPO's activities had been geared towards assisting the development of national patent offices in the region. 从一开始,EAPO为支持该地区各专利局的发展开展了活动。 www.wipo.int 1. Spring Integration is an API from the creators of the Spring Framework that's geared towards Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). SpringIntegration是Spring框架创建的又一个API,面向企业应用集成(EAI)。 www.infoq.com 2. Courses and projects are specifically geared towards enriching and expanding our students' experience as digital media practitioners. 课程与研究项目的设置,均以丰富和拓展学生作为数字媒体专业人才的经历为目的。 www.gter.net 3. China's economy, geared towards producing goods for foreign consumers, creates massive international imbalances. 目前中国经济的格局偏重于为外国消费者生产商品,由此造成了巨大的国际失衡。 www.ftchinese.com 4. ACSM's Health and Fitness Summit Meeting is geared towards presenting applicable cutting edge research to Health and Fitness professionals. ACSM健康和健身的首脑会议是面向健康和健身的专业人士介绍适用的尖端研究。 www.med365.com.cn 5. Most companies I work with have processes in place that are somewhat geared towards monolithic application development. 我所合作过的大部分公司或多或少都具有针对独立应用程序开发的流程。 www.ibm.com 6. This article is geared towards the novice user, but can be used by IT architects and specialists already familiar with this architecture. 本文适合初学者用户,但是对于已经熟悉这种架构的IT架构师和专家也有一定的用处。 www.ibm.com 7. The NPR outlines a new approach that will ensure that our defences and diplomacy are geared towards meeting these challenges effectively. 《报告》描绘了一套新办法以确保我们的防御和外交调整到能够有效面对这些挑战。 www.bing.com 8. All of my early questions are geared towards gaining your level of knowledge in all of these areas. 我一开始问的所有问题都是想摸清你对所有这些领域知识的掌握程度。 www.nowamagic.net 9. Grape Web Statistics is a simple, open-source application geared towards web developers. GrapeWebStatistics是一个简单,开源的面向开发人员的网站分析应用。 www.bing.com 10. This text is geared towards practitioners who care for hospitalized children, providing an update on medical care in the inpatient setting. 这正文面向谁照顾把送入医院的孩子的开业医生,提供在医疗护理在确定的住院病患内上的一更新。 www.tzhealth.com 1. We are looking for a creative mind to design a business magazine geared towards young managers and executives. 我们正在寻找一个创意思维,设计一个商业杂志对年轻的经理和管理人员为目标。 www.bing.com 2. Having a definite goal in mind complete with the littlest details will surely aid our efforts geared towards the right direction. 心中拥有明确和最简洁的目标必将帮助我们向正确的方向努力。 www.elanso.com 3. Microsoft has shown off a phone geared towards social networking that it hopes will attract younger users. 微软强力推出了一种适合社交网络使用的电话并且希望以此吸引年轻族群。 times.hinet.net 4. This site is geared towards artists and other creative professionals looking for a snazzy online resume. 这个站点面向艺术家和其他创意专业人士来寻找时髦的在线简历。 www.bing.com 5. Second, monetary policy should be geared towards price stability first and foremost. 其次,货币政策应以稳定价格为首要目标。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Significant reduction in the PCT fees important programs and initiatives geared towards further. 而开展的各项重要计划和倡议,可能会受到妨碍。 www.wipo.int 7. There is a new lifecycle that needs to be created for governance, geared towards the consumer . . . 需要为治理创建一个新的、针对消费者的生命周期,…… www.infoq.com 8. The store strategy is geared towards revenue as well as brand communication. 零售店的经营策略也发生了转变,在关注收入的同时,也注重品牌交流。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Second, monetary policy should be geared towards price stability. 其次,货币政策目标应为保持物价稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Bluefish Editor is a robust, open source text editor geared towards programmers and web designers. BluefishEditor是一个面向程序员和网页设计师、强大开源的文本编辑器。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is geared towards students who are looking for a thorough and challenging introduction to electricity and magnetism. 它对电磁学的介绍是全面而富有挑战性的,适应了学生的需要。 dict.bioon.com 2. Agile projects geared towards driving new revenue are well-suited to an ROI assessment. 致力于推进新的收益的敏捷项目非常适合ROI的评价。 www.ibm.com 3. The training material is naturally geared towards the solutions on the Microsoft stack. 培训材料自然是针对微软解决方案的。 www.infoq.com 4. JetBrains' RubyMine has a decent editor, but it's geared towards programmers. JetBrains公司的RubyMine有合适的编辑器,但是它主要面向程序员。 www.infoq.com 5. Activities and games geared towards younger children. 面向少儿的活动和游戏 wenwen.soso.com 6. I think security and comfort are both geared towards one final aim, to ensure lasting and genuine happiness. 我认为,安全感和舒适感都是为了一个最终目的——确保永久和真正的幸福。 www.bing.com 7. These do relatively simple jobs and are geared towards use by local companies. 这些机器的性能相对简单,面向当地企业销售。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As such this application is geared towards support personnel. 因此支持人员将是这个程序的目标客户。 www.infoq.com 9. Mr Geithner's speech was geared towards both US and Chinese audiences. 盖特纳的演讲面向中美两国听众。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Others are geared towards prevention. 其它一些公司则注重于防范。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This series of articles is geared towards helping Domino developers understand and utilize Web services in IBM Lotus Domino V7. 0. 此系列文章适合于协助Domino开发人员理解并使用IBMLotusDominoV7.0中的Web服务。 www.ibm.com 2. Developing nations' health systems are generally not yet geared towards managing chronic diseases. 发展中国家的卫生系统通常没有为管理慢性病做好准备。 www.scidev.net 3. Policy will from now on be geared towards making the Chinese economy more self-reliant and much less dependent on exports. 从现在开始,中国的政策将侧重于让本国经济更为独立自主,减轻对出口的依赖。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Sector loan A loan geared towards a particular sector. 部门贷款对某一特定部门的贷款。 www.zftrans.com 5. So the advice is geared towards creating the habit. 因此提的建议是直接关于如何养成这个习惯的。 blog.163.com 6. and Reddit are useful to developers and users because they are so entirely geared towards flexibility and customization. 和Reddit对开发人员和用户而言都非常有用,因为它们针对的都是灵活性和个性化。 www.ibm.com 7. In fact, almost every waking moment for the past 6 weeks before the concert was geared towards that evening. 事实上,在过去的六个星期中,醒着的每一分钟都是为了演唱会的那一晚在做准备; blog.sina.com.cn 8. In China, BAIC plans to build Opel models specifically geared towards its home market. 在中国,北汽控股计划制造专门针对国内市场的欧宝车型。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Last year Graziadio launched a morning MBA programme geared towards young mothers returning to the workplace. 去年,Graziadio商学院针对重返职场的年轻母亲们推出早间MBA项目。 www.ftchinese.com 10. the lasalle college canadian experience is geared towards providing foreign students with a friendly atmosphere that encourages learning 在加拿大,拉萨尔学院致力于为外国学生提供一个促进学习的愉悦的环境。 www.ichacha.net 1. Logical evolution of components geared towards the architecture, design, implementation, and deployment of e-business solutions 同时也是电子商务解决方案中,面向体系结构、设计、实现与部署而采用的组件化的合理发展 blog.csdn.net 2. Although there is still much processing trade geared towards meeting import demand outside of the region, 虽然这当中不少加工贸易仍是为了满足亚洲以外的进口需求, www.info.gov.hk 3. Curriculum Reforms in Distance Education Geared Towards the 21st Century 论21世纪远程教育课程改革 www.ilib.cn |
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