

单词 mad
释义 🔑 madBrE /mæd/NAmE /mæd/ adjective (mad·der, mad·dest) 🔑 (especially BrE) having a mind that does not work normally; mentally ill 疯的;神经错乱的;有精神病的They realized that he had gone mad. 他们意识到他疯了。Inventors are not mad scientists. 发明家不是精神不正常的科学家。I'll go mad if I have to wait much longer. 如果还要等更久的话,我会发疯的。She seemed to have gone stark raving mad. 她好像是完全疯了。   see also barking mad madcrazynutsbattyout of your mind(not) in your right mind

These are all informal words that describe sb who has a mind that does not work normally. 以上各词均为非正式用语,指人神经错乱、精神失常。

  • mad (informal, especially BrE) having a mind that does not work normally 指疯的、神经错乱的、有精神病的I thought I'd go mad if I stayed any longer. 我觉得再待久一点我就会发疯。 NOTE Mad is an informal word used to suggest that sb's behaviour is very strange, often because of extreme emotional pressure. It is offensive if used to describe sb suffering from a real mental illness; use mentally ill instead. Mad is not usually used in this meaning in North American English; use crazy instead. * mad 为非正式用语,暗指由于极度的精神压力而行为怪异,用于真正的精神病患者意含冒犯,故用 mentally ill 代之。在美式英语中,通常不用 mad 表示此义,而用 crazy。
  • crazy (informal) having a mind that does not work normally 指疯的、神经错乱的、有精神病的A crazy old woman rented the upstairs room. 一个疯老太婆租了楼上那个房间。 NOTE Like mad, crazy is offensive if used to describe sb suffering from a real mental illness. 与 mad 一样,crazy 用于真正的精神病患者具冒犯意。
  • nuts [not before noun] (informal) mad 指发疯、神经错乱That noise is driving me nuts! 那噪音吵得我要疯了!You guys are nuts! 你们这些家伙全疯了!
  • batty (informal, especially BrE) slightly mad, in a harmless way 指疯疯癫癫的、古怪的Her mum's completely batty. 她妈妈完全是疯疯癫癫的。
  • out of your mind (informal) unable to think or behave normally, especially because of extreme shock or anxiety 尤指因极度震惊或焦虑而心智失常、发疯She was out of her mind with grief. 她悲痛得精神失常了。
  • (not) in your right mind (informal) (not) mentally normal 指精神(不)正常 No one in their right mind would choose to work there. 任何一个精神正常的人都不会选择去那里工作。


  • to be mad/crazy/nuts/out of your mind/not in your right mind to do sth
  • to go mad/crazy/nuts/batty
  • to drive sb mad/crazy/nuts/batty/out of their mind
  • completely mad/crazy/nuts/batty/out of your mind
🔑 (informal, especially BrE) very stupid; not at all sensible 极愚蠢的;很不明智的You must be mad to risk it. 你去冒这种风险,简直是疯了。It was a mad idea. 那是个愚蠢透顶的想法。'I'm going to buy some new clothes.' 'Well, don't go mad (= spend more than is sensible).' “我要去买几件新衣服。” “去吧,可别乱花钱。”🔑 [not before noun] ~ (at/with sb) | ~ (about sth) (informal, especially NAmE) very angry 很生气;气愤He got mad and walked out. 他大动肝火,愤然离去。She's mad at me for being late. 我迟到了,她非常气愤。(BrE) That noise is driving me mad. 那噪声真让我受不了。(BrE) He'll go mad when he sees the damage. 他看到这样的破坏准会气疯的。angrymadindignantcrossirate

These words all describe people feeling and/or showing anger. 以上各词均形容人愤怒和/或发怒。

  • angry feeling or showing anger 指愤怒、发怒Please don't be angry with me. 请别生我的气。Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者。
  • mad [not before noun] (informal, especially NAmE) angry 指愤怒或发怒He got mad and walked out. 他大动肝火,愤然离去。She's mad at me for being late. 我迟到了,她非常生气。 NOTE Mad is the usual word for 'angry' in informal American English. In British English, the phrase 'go mad' means 'very angry'. 在非正式的美式英语中,mad 为表示愤怒或发怒 (angry) 的常用词。在英式英语中,短语 go mad 表示非常气愤Dad'll go mad when he sees what you've done. 父亲看到你的所作所为会非常气愤。'Go mad' can also mean 'go crazy' or 'get very excited'. * go mad 也可指发疯、发狂或激动起来。
  • indignant feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you or sb else has been treated unfairly 指因遭遇或见到不公平的事而愤慨、愤怒She was very indignant at the way she had been treated. 她对自己受到的待遇大为光火。
  • cross (especially BrE, rather informal) rather angry or annoyed 指十分愤怒、恼怒I was quite cross with him for being late. 我因他迟到而十分生气。 NOTE This word is often used by or to children. 该词常为儿童用语或对儿童的用语。
  • irate very angry 指极其愤怒的、暴怒的irate customers 愤怒的顾客an irate letter 言辞激愤的信 NOTE Irate is not usually followed by a preposition. * irate 后通常不跟介词She was irate with me/about it.


  • angry/mad/indignant/cross about/at sth
  • angry/cross with sb (for doing sth)
  • angry/mad/indignant/cross that
  • to get angry/mad/cross
  • to make sb angry/mad/cross
🔑 [not usually before noun] ~ (about/on sth/sb)(BrE, informal) liking sth/sb very much; very interested in sth 特别喜欢;痴迷;迷恋to be mad on tennis 对网球着迷He's always been mad about kids. 他一向特别喜欢孩子。football-mad boys 迷恋足球的男孩儿She's completely power-mad. 她权迷心窍。🔑 done without thought or control; wild and excited 不理智的;疯狂的;激动的The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. 人群疯狂地冲向出口处。Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. 他们一阵狂奔,总算准时到达会场。(BrE) The team won and the fans went mad. 球队获胜了,球迷欣喜若狂。~ with sth(BrE) to be mad with anger/excitement/grief/love 因气愤/兴奋/悲伤/爱而丧失理智   compare crazy adjective Consonant-doubling adjectives big, drab, fat, fit, flat, hot, mad, red, sad, wet
be mad for sb/sth(BrE, informal) to like or want sb/sth very much 非常喜欢;极为需要;对…想得发狂Scott's mad for peanuts. 斯科特疯狂地喜欢花生。like ˈcrazy/ˈmad(informal) very fast, hard, much, etc. 非常快(或拼命、厉害等)I had to run like mad to catch the bus. 为了赶上公共汽车,我不得不拼命跑。(as) mad as a ˈhatter/a March ˈhare(informal) (of a person ) mentally ill; very silly 发狂的;非常愚蠢的 ORIGIN Because of the chemicals used in hat-making, workers often suffered from mercury poisoning, which can cause loss of memory and damage to the nervous system. Lewis Carroll was probably thinking of this when he created the eccentric character of the Hatter in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. A March hare was called mad because of the strange behaviour of hares during the mating season. 在过去,做帽子用的化学药品经常使工人汞中毒,令他们丧失记忆,神经系统受损。刘易斯 · 卡罗尔在创作《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》中帽商 (Hatter) 这个怪人时,很可能想到了这些。三月的兔子 (March hare) 正处在交配期,行为怪异,因而被称为疯狂的兔子。 Similes in idioms (as) bald as a coot, (as) blind as a bat, (as) bright as a button, (as) bold as brass, as busy as a bee, as clean as a whistle, (as) dead as athe dodo, (as) deaf as a post, (as) dull as ditchwater, (as) fit as a fiddle, as flat as a pancake, (as) good as gold, (as) mad as a hattera March hare, (as) miserableugly as sin, as old as the hills, (as) pleased as Punch, as pretty as a picture, (as) regular as clockwork, (as) quick as a flash, (as) safe as houses, (as) sound as a bell, (as) steady as a rock, (as) thick as two short planks, (as) tough as old bootsmad ˈkeen (on sth/sb)(BrE, informal) liking sth/sb very much; very interested in sth (对…)痴迷,迷恋;特别喜欢He's mad keen on planes. 他对飞机十分着迷。ˌhopping ˈmad(informal) very angry 愤怒;暴跳如雷(stark) raving ˈmad/ˈbonkers(informal) completely crazy 十分疯狂;彻底疯狂




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