单词 | cut |
释义 | cut¹ 🄰 vt. 1.(with sharp tool)切;割;截 I'll cut some bread.我去切些面包。 to cut a hole in sth在…挖出个洞 to cut sb from sth切割某物救出某人 2.(trim)+ grass, lawn修剪;剪短 to cut your nails剪指甲 to cut your hair剪头发 to get your hair cut理发 3.+ part of the body割破;划破 I cut my finger.我割破了手指。 I cut my foot on a piece of glass.我的脚被玻璃割伤了。 to cut yourself割伤自己 Johnson cut himself shaving.约翰逊剃须的时候割伤了自己。 4.(to specific shape)+ key, hedge, crystal切割…使其成形;+ garment剪裁 5.(lower)+ price, taxes, interest rates降低;+ costs, spending减少;+ jobs, workforce削减 plans to cut 50 billion dollars from the federal deficit削减500亿美元联邦赤字的计划 The first priority is to cut costs.当务之急是降低成本。 The UN force is to be cut by 90%.联合国部队将裁减百分之九十。 6.(remove)+ scene, episode剪辑;删节 7.(stop supply)停止, 切断(供应) The blast cut supplies of oil to the main power station.爆炸切断了主电站的燃油供应。 8.to cut class<美,非正式>(not go to)旷课;逃课 to cut school <美,非正式>(not go to)逃学 9.(ignore)+ person冷落;不理睬 to cut sb dead<非正式>对某人丝毫不理睬 10.to cut a tooth infant +长出牙 11.<非正式>(stop)中断;停止 Cut the sob stories and let's get tough on crime.别再讲煽情故事了, 让我们行动起来对付犯罪。 12.(castrate)阉割(雄性动物) 13.(excavate)挖出 They cut a tunnel through the mountain.他们在山中挖出一条隧道。 14.【体】(hit with a slicing action)+ ball斜击 15.【板】(hit to the off side with a horizontal bat)削球 16.(emotionally)(感情上)伤害;使伤心 Her words cut him deeply.她的话深深刺痛了他。 17.(adulterate)+ heroin, cocaine稀释;冲淡 18.(edit)+ film, scene剪辑 The controversial scene was cut from the film.有争议的电影场景被剪掉了。 19.(switch off)+ light关掉 Cut the headlights, please!请关掉前灯! 20.+ record, CD灌制 21.【牌】(divide)+ pack切(牌) 🄱 vi. 1.(using a sharp-edged instrument)切;割;截 2.(indicating manner of cutting)scissors, knife +能切割;好切 Have you got a knife that cuts better than this one?你有没有比这把更好用的刀? If the cake is too moist it will not cut cleanly.蛋糕太潮湿的话不容易切整齐。 3.to cut across sthorto cut through sth (traverse)横穿… The path cuts through a field.这条小路横穿一片田地。 4.(veer)急转方向 to cut left/rightorto cut to the left/right突然左转/突然右转 5.【电影】(stop shooting)(常用于祈使句)停止拍摄 Cut! That scene was perfect.停!这场很完美。 6.【电影】(move to another scene)切换场景 We cut to a shot of a swimming pool.我们切换到了游泳池的场景。 7.(pick a card)签牌;抽牌 idiom ◆to cut and run<非正式>急忙逃走;撒腿就跑 ◆to cut both ways利弊兼有;产生正反两种效果 ◆to cut a caperorto cut capers<古>嬉戏跳跃 ◆to cut corners抄近路 ◆to cut a dash<英,过时>显得神气;有气派 ◆to cut a deal达成协议;做成交易 ◆to cut sb down to size把某人打回原形;使某人认清自己的真实水平 ◆to cut a fine figureorto cut a dashing figure<文>引人注目;大出风头 ◆to cut it<非正式>取得成功 ◆to cut it fine<英,非正式>刚好赶上 ◆to cut loose<非正式>摆脱影响;挣脱束缚 to cut loose from sb/sth与某人/某事物断绝联系 ◆to cut sb loose (from ropes, binding etc)(通过割断束缚物)使某人摆脱束缚 He managed to reach the knife and cut himself loose.他设法拿到刀子割断了捆绑自己的绳索。 ◆to cut your losses趁损失不大马上住手;趁早撒手 ◆to cut no ice<非正式>无作用;不令人信服 ◆to cut a poor figure (in appearance)露出可怜相;显得很不像样 (in behaviour)出丑;丢人 ◆to cut sth short + conversation, interview打断某事 She cut the interview short.她打断了采访。 + holiday, visit, stay, trip中断某事 She cut her trip short when her father died.他父亲去世时她中断了旅行。 ◆to cut your teeth on sth<非正式>从某事获得经验 ◆to have your work cut outorto have your work cut out for you面临艰巨任务 Phrasal Verbscut across,cut along,cut away,cut back,cut down,cut in,cut into,cut off,cut out,cut up cut² 1.(slit)切口 Make several deep cuts in the surface of the meat.在肉的表面划几道深切口。 2.(on skin)伤口 He's got a cut on his forehead.他的前额上有伤口。 She was later treated for cuts to her arm and back.后来她胳膊和后背上的伤口得到了处理。 3.(in supplies, resources)削减;减少 (in prices, interest rates, taxes, salary)降低 (in costs, spending)缩减 government proposals for big defence cuts大规模削减国防开支的政府提案 More than half the job cuts would come in the US.超过一半的职位缩减将发生在美国。 a tax cut减税 budget cuts预算削减 a cut in sth某方面的缩减 a cut in government spending政府支出的缩减 4.(piece)+of meat切片;切块;切段 5.(shape, design)+of clothes款式;+of gemstone切割加工 6.(haircut)剪头发;发型 7.(passage)通道 8.(to text, film)删节 9.<非正式>(portion)一部分 to take a cut of sth分走某事物的一份 10.【体】(spin on a sliced ball)斜击球的旋转 11.【板】(stroke through off side)削球 12.【电影】(transition)切换 13.(individual track)(唱片中的)一首乐曲 14.(hurtful words)刻薄的话;谩骂 an unkind cut无情的刻薄话 15.(snub)冷落;怠慢 idiom cut³ ◆a cut above sb/sth高…一等;优于;略胜…一筹 ◆the cut and thrust of sth某事物激动人心的一面 ◆to make the cut【高尔夫】(四场制比赛中)取得进入后两场比赛的资格 ◆to miss the cut【高尔夫】(四场制比赛中)未取得进入后两场比赛的资格 1.(shaped by cutting)+ gemstone切割加工了的;经过雕琢的 2.(divided)割开的 deeply cut leaves全裂叶 |
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