

单词 take up
释义 take up
🄰 vt. sep.
1.(engage in)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ interest, activity开始从事

I thought I'd take up fishing.我想我会以捕鱼为生。

2.(raise)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ matter, question, subject开始着手处理;讨论如何处理
to take sth up with sborto take up sth with sb与某人讨论某事;向某人交涉某事

He took up the fault with the manufacturers.他就缺陷问题向制造商提出交涉。

3.(begin work in)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ job, post开始从事;开始担任

My assistant left to take up another post.我的助理离开我这儿去干别的工作了。

4.(accept)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ offer, challenge接受

Only half of the eligible employees took up the offer.只有一半符合条件的员工接受了开出的条件。

5.(occupy)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ time, space占据;占用

I won't take up any more of your time.我不会占用你更多的时间。

The books she'd written took up an entire shelf.她写的书放满了一整个书架。

6.(continue after interruption)to take sth up or to take up sth继续;接着进行

Gerry's wife Jo takes up the story.格里的妻子乔接着把故事讲下去。

7.(shorten)to take sth up or to take up sth
+ dress, trousers, curtains将…改短

You'll need to take up these trousers.你得把这条裤子改短一点儿。

🄱 vi.

David was taking up where he had left off.大卫从原先停顿的地方继续下去。

🄲 vt. fus.
1.(physically)to take up a position占据(某位置)

He had taken up a position in the centre of the room.他占据了房间中央的位置。

UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border.预计联合国维和部队将沿边境就位。

2.(absorb)to take up sth
+ liquid吸收
3.<新西兰,澳>to take up sth
+ uncultivated land闯入并占据




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