

单词 careless
释义 careless /ˈkeəlɪs/ adj.
1.+ person, driver不小心的;粗心的;疏忽的;+ use, talk, handling粗率的;粗枝大叶的;+ mistake粗心造成的

I had been careless and let him wander off on his own.我不小心让他自己走失了。

She was bending over the bowl, careless of her hair.她俯身在碗上, 没顾及自己的头发。

If these are chipped by careless handling, rust soon develops.这些东西如果处理不小心被磕破, 很快就会生锈的。

to be careless with sth对某事马虎

Some mothers were a bit careless with money.有些做妈妈的花钱有点大手大脚。

2.(heedless, indifferent)不关心的;不注意的;漠然的

She's very careless about her clothes.她非常不注意自己的衣着。

to be careless of sth不在意某事

He had shown himself to be careless of personal safety where the life of his colleagues might be at risk.在同事的生命可能受到威胁时, 他将个人安危置之度外。

4.(unstudied, artless)自然的;不做作的
an impression of careless elegance自然优雅的印象
5.(relaxed, casual)+ movement随意的;不经意的;漫不经心的

With a careless flip of his wrists, he sent the ball quickly on its way.他手腕随意一抖, 球就快速飞了出去。





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