

单词 dip
释义 dip¹ /dɪp/(dips,dipping,dipped)
🄰 vt.
1.(plunge quickly)浸;蘸

Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.把底部在冷水中快速地浸一下后拿出来。

+ bread, biscuit把···浸在···里

They dip their bread into the sauce.他们拿面包蘸酱料。

He dipped a biscuit into his tea.他把饼干浸在茶里。

+ spoon, finger, hand把…伸进

She dipped her spoon into her tea.她把匙子放进茶里。

He dipped his finger into the jar of syrup.他把手指伸进糖浆罐里。

2.<英>+ headlights把…从远光调为近光

He dipped his headlights as they came into town.他们进入市区时, 他把汽车前灯调成了近光。

3.(immerse in liquid chemical)+ poultry, sheep给…洗药浴;用药液浸洗

Their father was helping to dip the sheep.他们的父亲在帮着给羊洗药浴。

4.(immerse in preservative liquid)+ grain, vegetables, wood给…作浸渍防腐处理;把…浸泡在防腐液中

We had a set of solid oak kitchen chairs dipped.我们把一套纯橡木厨房椅子作了浸渍防腐处理。

5.(stain, dye)+ fabric浸染

Dip the fabric into a second dye.把织物放进第二种染料。

6.(baptize)+ person给…施浸礼
7.(galvanize)+ metal给…浸涂;给…浸胶;给…浸浆
to dip sth out将···舀出

They dipped the rainwater out by the spoonful to fill the canteens.他们一勺一勺地把雨水舀到水壶里。

9.(lower)(短时间或小幅度地)降低, 放低

She dipped her knee in a curtsy.她行了屈膝礼。

10.(make)+ candle(浸烛芯于熔蜡中)制造, 浸制

She enjoys dipping her own candles.她喜欢自己浸制蜡烛。

11.<俚>(pick)+ pocket扒窃…里的钱财

A ten-year-old boy tried to dip his pocket.有个10岁的男孩企图掏他的口袋。

🄱 vi.
1.(go down)rate, level +(尤指短时间)小幅下降, 略微降低

The president's popularity has dipped again.总统的民众支持率再度小幅下跌。

+ level降至

Unemployment dipped to 6.9 per cent.失业率降至6.9%。


The road climbs and dips between thick forests.这条路在密林之间上上下下。

to dip below sth降至…之下

The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。

to dip down向下延伸

a path which suddenly dips down into a tunnel一条陡然下降进入隧道的小路

3.(tip)(似乎)陡然下降, 突然下倾

Blake jumped in and the boat dipped slightly.布莱克跳进来, 小船略微沉了一下。


He dipped in his pocket for money.他从口袋里掏钱。

5.(of an aircraft)短暂骤降后上升

The plane suddenly dipped.飞机骤降后上升。

6.(of a rock stratum or mineral vein)(岩层、矿脉等)倾斜
7.<俚>(in children's games)念儿歌选头儿(边念儿歌边随着韵律依次指人, 念最后一个音节时指到的人即被选出)
Phrasal Verbsdip into,dip out on
dip² /dɪp/ n.

One dip into the bottle should do an entire nail.往瓶子里蘸一下就应该够涂满整个指甲了。

I noticed little things, a dip of the head, a twitch in the shoulder.我注意到了一些细节:头微微的下沉, 肩膀突然的颤动。

to go for a diporto take a dip游一会儿泳

She took occasional dips in the pool.她偶尔在泳池里游一会儿泳。

Shall we go for a dip?我们去游会儿泳好吗?

3.(chemical)(牲畜用的)药浴液, 消毒水
sheep dip羊用的药浴液
4.(preservative)(尤指用于木材的)防腐液, 防腐剂
a dip used for wooden furniture木制家具防腐液
5.(for fabrics)(织物的)浸染制剂, 染色剂
6.(sunken place)凹陷;凹地;凹陷处

Where the road makes a dip, turn right.在下坡处向右转。

She stared down the dip in the road.她目不转睛地看着路面上的凹陷。

8.(reduction)(短暂的)下降, 减少
the current dip in farm spending目前农场开支的暂时减少

the recent dip in unemployment近期失业率的下降

9.(angle of slope)(岩层、断层平面等相对水平面的)倾斜(度)
10.(angle)(地球磁场方向与地平面之间的)倾角, 磁倾角
11.(creamy mixture; to eat with crisps, celery sticks etc)蘸酱;调味汁;调味酱

Maybe we could just buy some dips.也许我们可以就买些蘸酱。

prawns with avocado dip对虾配鳄梨酱

12.【测绘】(angular distance)视倾斜(角)

The angle which it makes with a horizontal line is called the dip.与地平线形成的角度称为视倾斜角。

14.(momentary loss of altitude)(飞机的)骤降
15.(chinning exercise; in gymnastics)(体操运动中双杠上的)支撑臂屈伸推起, 双臂屈伸




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